Bloodbath Bunnies (OSR)

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

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Bloodbath Bunnies

Bloodbath Bunnies

An Old School Supplement

For Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Written and Edited By

Kent David Kelly

Cover Art By
Drunk-Ass Medieval Monks

Interior Illustrations By
More Drunk-Ass Medieval Monks
With Special Guest Stars
Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, Henrique Alvim
Correa, Albrecht Durer, Paul Jamin,
Theodore Kittelsen, William McAusland,
Run away! Run away!
Brett Neufeld
Et Alii
No! Come ye hither. Avaunt not, you
ninny. Behold ye the drunken, juvenile
Some Artwork Copyright scroll-doodles writ centuries ago by real-
William McAusland world medieval scribes … see here glorious
art depicting the original Murder Hobos
Used with Permission (tm), the mighty DEATH RABBITS. Behold
them hopping about preciously here and
there and back again whilst merrily
Wonderland Imprints © 2018 shearing the heads from atop unwary
Only the Finest Works of Fantasy knights, nasty halflingses, and pompous
elven magi. Death by bunny, aye, with
nasty big teeth. Ridiculous dark fantasy as
OSR envisioned by delirious magi back in the
1300s. You can’t get much more old school
than that!
Inspired by all those unsettling medieval
sketches and illuminations of murderous
rabbits cruelly slaughtering hapless foes,
Wonderland Imprints is proud (?) to bring
you the year’s most sorely needed and

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

thankfully 100% unexpected gaming

supplement: Bloodbath Bunnies. Too long
have we Gaxian grognards toiled neath
chains of grimdark Elric tragimourn … it’s
time at last once again to hearken back to
the RPG cartoons of c. 1979, take a break
from Lovecraftian horror, and have some
This ribald and Pythonesque race-as-class
supplement is for anyone and everyone,
either as a campaign enema (individual
effects, particularly on the elf-born, may
vary) or as a one-shot “night off from all the
serious” variant to be enjoyed with your
easily-amused friends.
In this booklet you will find rules for
Bloodbath Bunny (Letholepus) abilities, Introduction
weapons, armors, shields, dual wielding,
skills, various nasty combat techniques,
level advancement, and the infamous lepus Why so serious?
name generator … arguably one of the more
The Bloodbath Bunny (Letholepus) is both
questionable random systems ever devised
a race, and a specialized sub-class of
since the 1979 harlot encounter table.
fighter. Other races and classes cannot
Sample output names derived from the
even dream of reveling in the awesome
lepus name generator include Trapspringer
repertoire of Bloodbath Bunny special
Hackenscullion, A Hero Reborn; Bigwig
abilities. The descriptions in this
Mumble-Daisy the Decapitator; Goodwife
supplement are provided for Bloodbath
Pumpkin-Bounder the Flibbertigibbet;
Bunnies exclusively, and the Game Master
Leaplord Thumprump o’ the Pellet; and
must approve of the race and class (with
Smellfungus Prunetumble Bombasticus.
any needed modifications) before they can
Yes, it’s a real playable game addition, and be played in an ongoing campaign.
it’s here: a complete class supplement for However, these creatures are ideal for
both old school B/X and advanced RPGs, hack-and-slash one-shot scenarios,
profusely illustrated throughout with real- introductory learning-by-playing sessions,
world snippets of gory art culled from the and casual game nights with friends.
finest medieval manuscripts of yore.
It is believed by sages that some mad
Being yet another oft-unrequested release wizard — likely, the same befuddled elderly
from Kent David Kelly and Wonderland chap who spawned badgerbears, spilled
Imprints, Only the Finest Works of Fantasy. ochre jelly potions, and who excavated a
(Hey, I didn’t create these beasties; they’ve subterranean labyrinth filled with
been around for hundreds of years and I deathtraps and lonely orcs trapped in 10’ x
just gave them stats. Have a laugh, get 10’ cubicles — created these horrors some
some chips and drinks, order a pizza and decades ago, and accidentally unleashed
enjoy.) them upon the unsuspecting world.
Using their surprising cunning and
insinuative charm to great advantage,
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Bloodbath Bunnies

Bloodbath Bunnies have mastered the

Common tongue, limited armor and
The Rule of the Missing
weapon use, acrobatic feats of adorable Rule
prowess, and the grandiose arts of extra-
blood-spattery death dealing. Having been
needlessly slaughtered one too many times, If you’re seeking a class-oriented rule and
they have risen from the nether in the name it is not addressed here in this supplement
of Chaos to wreak a most terrible revenge. (e.g., starting gold, secondary skills, age,
any proficiency system you might enjoy,
chance for psionic powers, use of specific
magic items, whatever), treat the Bloodbath
Bunny as belonging to the fighter class.
And in most instances, Bunnies have the
same rules as human characters do (for
unlimited level limits, chance of disease or
effect resistance, social standing, the
effects of vampirism or lycanthropy, or
whatever other pedantic technicalities
you’re currently interested in pursuing).

Basic Class Precepts

These ribald beasties breed like … highly
enthusiastic goblins, and their population
has in the past several years exploded from The following quick summaries explain the
<50 specimens to tens of thousands. general abilities of Bloodbath Bunnies by
Collectively they have sworn themselves to experience level.
the cause of murdering Lawful Oppressive
humans and demi-humans. Further, they
enthusiastically slay monsters of any
alignment and steal satchels full of silver
and gold to glorify and enrich themselves.
They can suppress their bloodthirsty urges
and engage in charming parley whenever
such delayed gratification is required by
either society or a highly annoyed Game
Master. But be wary … their arts of
deception can lead any adventurers who
dare to adore them down to a miserable and
grisly end.

(Suggested potential level titles Garden
Pest, Greatmouse Herder, Mole Slayer)

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

Experience points 0 to 1,999, hit dice 1D6,

number of melee attacks 1 per round (or 1
each per round if using 2 weapons). Player
Character Bloodbath Bunnies begin play
with the maximum 6 hit points, modified by
Constitution. For NPC Bloodbath Bunnies,
level 1 hit points should be rolled

(Beast Subjugator, Garden Gnome
Experience points 2,000 to 3,999, hit dice
+1D6 (2D6 in total), number of melee __________________________________________
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each per round if
using 2 weapons). Beginning at experience
level 2 and thereafter, Bloodbath Bunnies EXPERIENCE LEVEL 4
gain advantaged hit points. This means (Lepus Outlander, Mansnail Rider,
that 1D6 is rolled twice, the lower roll is Terror o’ the Shire)
ignored, and the higher roll is accepted.
Constitution adjustments always apply. Experience points 7,500 to 14,999, hit dice
+1D6 (4D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each if using 2


(Burrow Warden, Halfling Slayer)
Experience points 4,000 to 7,499, hit dice
+1D6 (3D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each if using 2
weapons). __________________________________________

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Bloodbath Bunnies

EXPERIENCE LEVEL 5 once with the secondary weapon in every

even-numbered round.
(Blood Bunny, Warhound Rider)
Experience points 15,000 to 29,999, hit
dice +1D6 (5D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each if using 2


(Gore Bunny, Monster Tamer) EXPERIENCE LEVEL 7
Experience points 30,000 to 59,999, hit (Doom Bunny, Lion Rider)
dice +1D6 (6D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round (or 3/2 each if using Experience points 60,000 to 119,999, hit
2 weapons). dice +1D6 (7D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.
Note that the ability to attack multiple
times per round in melee is gained slightly
sooner than for a standard advanced Note: Bunnies do not gain multiple
fighting man. attacks with missile or thrown weapons;
If the Bunny is wielding 1 melee weapon, their number of ranged attacks is
then the character attacks once every odd- determined by the weapon’s rate of fire.
numbered combat round, and twice every They do not gain faster missile attacks
even-numbered round. because they are melee berserkers, not
sniping death machines.
If the Bunny is wielding 2 melee weapons,
then the character attacks once with the This is a basic and intentional game
primary weapon and twice with the balance feature.
secondary weapon in every odd-numbered
round, and twice the primary weapon and

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(Bunny Procession Lord, Death Bunny)
Experience points 210,000 to 299,999, hit
dice +1D6 (9D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.


(Hell-Hound Rider, Slaughter Bunny)
Experience points 120,000 to 209,999, hit
dice +1D6 (8D6 in total), number of melee EXPERIENCE LEVEL 10
attacks 3/2 per round as above. (Lord Death Bunny, Siege Lord)
Experience points 300,000 to 389,999, hit
dice +1D6 (10D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.
Note that unlike fighters, Bunnies continue
to gain a full hit die at higher experience
levels. This design allows the class to
maintain survivability at higher levels
without imbalancing play (too much!) at
lower levels.


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Bloodbath Bunnies


__________________________________________ EXPERIENCE LEVEL 12

(Death Bunny Overlord)
Mild Game Balance Warning Which Experience points 480,000 to 599,999, hit
Should Be Ignored: Please note that at dice +1D6 (12D6 in total), number of melee
higher experience levels, the melee prowess attacks 2 per round as above.
of Bloodbath Bunnies can — extremely __________________________________________
intentionally — get wildly out of hand.
If your campaign can handle cavaliers,
monks, and weapon specialization, it can EXPERIENCE LEVEL 13
easily handle the relatively disruption of (Death Bunny Tyrant)
risk-vs.-reward-centered Bloodbath Bunny
Experience points 600,000 to 719,999, hit
dice +3 hit points (12D6+3 in total),
number of melee attacks 2 per round as

(Bunny Demon Slayer, Death Bunny __________________________________________

Experience points 390,000 to 479,999, hit EXPERIENCE LEVEL 14
dice +1D6 (11D6 in total), number of melee
(Death Bunny Tyrant II: 2Furred
attacks 2 per round. If the Bunny is
wielding one melee weapon, he attacks
twice per round with it; if the Bunny is Experience points 720,000 to 839,999, hit
wielding two melee weapons, he attacks dice +3 hit points (12D6+6 in total),
twice with each. number of melee attacks 2 per round as
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EXPERIENCE LEVEL 15 Beyond experience level 17, the Bunny
requires an additional 180,000 experience
(Death Bunny Tyrant III: The
points for each level.
For example, the experience range for level
Experience points 840,000 to 989,999, hit
18 is 1,320,000 to 1,499,999. The Bunny
dice +3 hit points (12D6+9 in total),
continues to gain +3 hit points per level,
number of melee attacks 2 per round as
but the melee attack rate does not exceed

EXPERIENCE LEVEL 16 Combat and Saving

(Death Bunny Tyrant IV: The Dark Throws
Lepus Rises)
Experience points 990,000 to 1,139,999,
hit dice +3 hit points (12D6+12 in total), Combat and Saving Throws: Bloodbath
number of melee attacks 5/2 per round. Bunnies have the same to hit rolls and
saving throws as fighters of equivalent
If the Bunny is wielding 1 melee weapon,
experience level. Keep in mind however
then the character attacks twice every odd-
that Bunnies gain special bonuses to hit
numbered combat round, and three times
rolls and damage and saving throws under
every even-numbered round.
various circumstances, as you will find
If the Bunny is wielding 2 melee weapons, detailed throughout this supplement.
then the character attacks twice with the
primary weapon and three times with the
secondary weapon in every odd-numbered
round, and three times with the primary
weapon and twice with the secondary
weapon in every even-numbered round.

Note: For higher-level game balance

purposes, Bloodbath Bunnies never exceed
a 5/2 melee attack rate.

(Death Bunny Tyrant V: The Search for
More Mutilation Devices)
Experience points 1,140,000 to 1,319,999,
hit dice +3 hit points (12D6+15 in total),
number of melee attacks 5/2 per round as

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Bloodbath Bunnies

Hit Dice Important Note Concerning Bloodbath

Bunny Hit Points: The figures above are
for a B/X game, in which normal fighters
gain 1D8 hit points per experience level.
Due to their small size (and despite their
vicious temperaments), you will note that In an advanced game (wherever fighters
Bloodbath Bunnies only gain 1D6 hit gain 1D10 hit points per level instead of
points per experience level. However, they 1D8), Bunnies should receive 1D8 hit
gain full normal Constitution-derived hit points per level instead of 1D6.
point modifiers, and they can stand Therefore, a level 1 advanced PC Bloodbath
bloodily and keep fighting all the way down Bunny would have 8 points (modified by
to negative hit point levels (see below). CON), a level 2 would have 8+1D8, a level 3
Please note too that the class is balanced would have 8+2D8, and so forth. The +3
by relatively low hit point totals for a skill- hit point bonus at higher experience levels
based non-spell-using class, but they have remains the same, regardless of rules
additional survival abilities. system.

Bloodbath Bunny Hit Physical Size

The average Bloodbath Bunny is 3’ to 4’
Average Bloodbath Bunny Hit Points: tall, weighing as much as a similarly-sized
These figures are provided for those GMs human child (30 to 60 pounds). Bunny
who wish to make statistical comparisons height and weight are dependent upon
to other classes at various levels of their Strength score, as follows:
progression.  STR 9: 3’ tall, 30 lbs.
Bunnies are balanced to become the game  STR 10: 3’ 2” tall, 35 lbs.
as “strong yet vulnerable,” and they  STR 11: 3’ 4” tall, 40 lbs.
advance more quickly than fighters while  STR 12: 3’ 6” tall, 45 lbs.
gaining skills, but they are not as powerful  STR 13: 3’ 8” tall, 50 lbs.
(in the author’s opinion) at high levels  STR 14: 3’ 10” tall, 55 lbs.
compared to cavaliers, magic-users,  STR 15: 4’ tall, 60 lbs.
monks, paladins, and so forth.
As might well be imagined, Bunny height
CON 9 to 12 HP Averages: HP 6 At Level and weight can be very limiting in
1, 9.5 At Level 2, 13 At Level 3, 16.5 At Level consideration of effective equipment usage,
4, 20 At Level 5, 23.5 At Level 6, 27 At Level blending into a crowd, surviving being
7, 30.5 At Level 8, 34 At Level 9, 37.5 At hurled by a giant, etc.; but they can also fit
Level 10, 41 At Level 11, 44.5 At Level 12, into very small spaces that even a halfling
47.5 At Level 13, 50.5 At Level 14, 53.5 At cannot enter.
Level 15, 56.5 At Level 16, etc.

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

Princess, [76-77] Pumpin’, [78-80] Sir /

Lady, [81-82] Slappin’, [83-85] Smell-Feast,
[86-87] Smellfungus, [88-90] Smitefather /
Smackmother, [91-92] Sweet Petunia, [93-
95] Trapspringer, [96-97] Trompabout, [98-
00] Viscount / Viscountess

Name Prefix: [01-02] Black-, [03-05]

Blood-, [06-07] Bobble-, [08-10] Breed-,
[11-12] Buggs-, [13-15] Bum-, [16-18]
Bunn-, [19-20] Carrot-, [21-23] Clover-,
[24-25] Death-, [26-28] Droll-, [29-30]
Random Bloodbath Flopsy-, [31-32] Fluff-, [33-35] Fur-, [36-37]
Bunny Names Gob-, [38-40] Grim-, [41-42] Hacken-, [43-
45] Hopalong-, [46-47] Hoppa-, [48-50]
Jackrab-, [51-52] Killa-, [53-55] Luna-, [56-
Bloodbath Bunnies enjoy giving themselves 57] Mumble-, [58-60] Murda-, [61-62] Obi-
grandiose titles, although they are never bunn-, [63-65] Oops-, [66-67] Pounce-, [68-
members of the nobility. They also earn 70] Prattle-, [71-72] Prune-, [73-75]
various epithets based on their behavior Pumpkin-, [76-77] Rabb-, [78-80] Romp-,
while growing to maturity. Players who [81-82] Roust-, [83-85] Scobber-, [88-90]
enjoy random generation can use the Slashen-, [91-92] Slaughta-, [93-95] Snow-
following table to determine a Bunny’s title, , [96-97] Stick-, [98-99] Thump-, [00]
name (in two random pieces), and epithet, Toodle-
as follows: __________________________________________

(Roll D100 successively) Name Suffix: [01-02] -adaisy, [03-05] -

aleapy, [06-07] -alot, [08-10] -aplopper,
[11-12] -ball, [13-15] -berry, [16-18] -
Title: [01-02] Baron / Baroness, [03-05] bounder, [19-20] -bramble, [21-23] -brash,
Big, [06-07] Bigwig, [08-10] Brother / [24-25] -breedies, [26-28] -bumbles, [29-
Sister, [11-12] Buckthorn, [13-15] Bunbun, 30] -crust, [31-32] -cuddles, [33-35] -
[16-18] Burrowmeister, [19-20] Buttery, cumberbun, [36-37] -deniro, [38-40] -drool,
[21-23] Captain, [24-25] Count / Countess, [41-42] -dumpling, [43-45] -ears, [46-47] -
[26-28] Cousin, [29-30] Creamface, [31-32] footsies, [48-50] -gnasher, [51-52] -hare,
Dandelion, [33-35] Duke / Duchess, [36- [53-55] -hazel, [56-57] -hobo, [58-60] -
37] Goodman / Goodwife, [38-40] jumpy, [61-62] -lepus, [63-65] -loucher,
Goodsage, [41-42] Goodsnout, [43-45] [66-67] -lubber, [68-70] -mallow, [71-72] -
Great, [46-47] Haystack, [48-50] King / muffin, [73-75] -nibbles, [76-77] -rump,
Queen, [51-52] Leaplord / Leaplady, [53- [78-80] -scullion, [81-82] -some, [83-85] -
55] Lil’, [56-57] Marquis / Marchioness, spank, [86-87] -spit, [88-90] -ster, [91-92] -
[58-60] Master / Mistress, [61-62] stiltskin, [93-95] -tail, [96-97] -toe, [98-00]
Merrybrindle, [63-65] Overlord / Dame -tumble
Overlord, [66-67] Padawan, [68-70] Papa /
Mama, [71-72] Pimpernel, [73-75] Prince / __________________________________________
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Bloodbath Bunnies


Example Name Generator Output:

 Trapspringer Hackenscullion, A
Hero Reborn
 Bigwig Mumble-Daisy the
 Goodwife Pumpkin-Bounder the
 Leaplord Thumprump o’ the Pellet
 Smellfungus Prunetumble

Ability Score Minimums

and Maximums

Ability scores are rolled normally, per each

Game Master’s individual preference. The
Epithet: [01-02] A Hero Reborn, [03-05] most common ability score generation
Bombasticus, [06-07] Dark Angel, [08-10] systems in old school FRPGs are (1) Roll
Flattener of Gnomes, [11-12] Halfling 3D6 in order, (2) Roll 3D6 six times and
Slayer Extraordinaire, [13-15] le Boops, arrange as desired, or (3) Roll 4D6 per
[16-18] le Plopball, [19-20] le Poop, [21-23] ability, drop the low die, and arrange as
o’ Bunbun, [24-25] o’ Cadbury, [26-28] o’ desired. Check with your GM for more
Strawberry, [29-30] o’ the Incisor, [31-32] o’ specific instructions.
the Pellet, [33-35] Rottentail, [36-37]
As a highly lethal yet diminutive race,
Savager of Lettuce, [38-40] The Banana
Bloodbath Bunnies have uniquely-required
Feaster, [41-42] The Barbarian, [43-45] The
ability score minimums, and ability score
Bed-Swerver, [46-47] The Braggart, [48-50]
maximums. Any ability score that is rolled
The Deadplayer, [51-52] The Decapitator,
below the minimum must be raised to the
[53-55] The Destructor, [56-57] The
minimum, and any ability score that is
Dwarfboxer, [58-60] The Elf-Rubber, [61-
rolled above the maximum must be
62] The Flatulent, [63-65] The
reduced to the maximum. The ability
Flibbertigibbet, [66-67] The Goremonger,
ranges are:
[68-70] The Goreshredder, [71-72] The Hell
Screamer, [73-75] The Lollygagging, [76-77]  Strength: Minimum 9, Maximum
The Rapscallion, [78-80] The Ripper, [81- 15
82] The Rough-and-Tumble, [83-85] The  Dexterity: Minimum 13, Maximum
Roustabout, [86-87] The Scabrous, [88-90] 18
The Snail Tamer, [91-92] The Stinksprayer,  Constitution: Minimum 6,
[93-95] The Triumphator, [96-97] The Maximum 17
Whompabout, [98-00] The Whoreson /  Intelligence: Minimum 7,
Whoresdaughter Maximum 13

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

 Wisdom: Minimum 4, Maximum 10 Lepus Cornutus race suffers a -2 penalty to

 Charisma: Minimum 12, Maximum rolled Charisma, with an associated
18 minimum Charisma score of 12 and a
maximum Charisma score of 15.
Players must decide whether to use the
Prime Requisites Lepus Cornutus sub-race before any dice
are rolled to determine ability scores.

The twin prime requisites of the Bloodbath

Bunny class are Strength and Dexterity.
Hare-Raising Alignment
If a Bunny has either STR 13+ or DEX 15+,
they gain a +5% bonus to all earned Concerns
experience. If both of these thresholds are
met, the bonus is +10%.
Bloodbath Bunnies have not acclimated
well to the civilized world as of yet; they are
having far too much fun reaping humanity
with crimson glory and slaughtering every
foe who dares cross their path.
As such, they must begin play with Chaotic
alignment. Over time, they may gravitate
toward Neutral (no sooner than experience
level 2) or even Lawful alignment (no sooner
than experience level 4), depending on the
player’s changing preference. At least 90%
of NPC Bloodbath Bunnies will remain
Chaotic through their rather regrettably
short lives.
Player Character Bloodbath Bunnies can
change their alignment up to two times, by
the sole determination of the player,
without suffering any ill effects (such as
GM-imperative experience level loss, the
The Enigmatic Lepus need for penance, or any experience point
penalties). However, they must turn to the
Cornutus Sub-Race Neutral alignment before they can turn
Lawful, and each such change would count
as one of the two allowed non-penalized
When creating a new Bloodbath Bunny alignment changes (first from Chaotic to
Player Character, the player can opt to use Neutral, and then secondly from Neutral to
the special Lepus Cornutus sub-race. Lawful). At least one experience level must
These bunnies have bony antlers on their pass before the second non-penalized
heads. alignment change can be enabled.
Every time a Lepus Cornutus successfully Under the advanced “nine-point” alignment
hits with a melee attack, it inflicts +1 bonus rules, Bloodbath Bunnies must begin play
damage (due to striking with antlers in as being Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good, or
addition to the weapon). However, the
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Bloodbath Bunnies

Chaotic Neutral. Their first alignment  Bow, Short (used 2-handed; Long
change would be to either Chaotic Neutral, Bows are too large for Bunnies to
or True Neutral; and thereafter, their wield effectively)
second alignment change could be to any
alignment desired by the player.

Allowable Weapons

Concerning the Sacred Blood Oath of

the Letholepus

Uniquely, Bloodbath Bunnies are only

allowed to wield weapons which they have
been illustrated using in real-world
medieval manuscripts. Referenced
drawings of bunnies wielding weapons
must be at least 400 years old to qualify for
inclusion in these (highly dogmatic) rules.

 Club (used 1- or 2-handed; cannot be

effectively thrown unless DEX 14+)

To date, the known allowable weapons in

the Bloodbath Bunny arsenal include:
 Axe, Battle (used 2-handed)
 Axe, Hand (used 1- or 2-handed,
sometimes thrown)
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 Crossbow, Light (used 2-handed;  Spear (used 2-handed, maximum

able to fire once per round if DEX 16 length 6’; cannot be effectively
or less, twice per round if DEX 17 or thrown unless STR 13+)
18; Heavy Crossbows are too
cumbersome for Bunnies to load
 Dagger (used 1-handed, sometimes

 Dart (used 1-handed, thrown)

 Lasso (used 1- or 2-handed,
primarily for strangulation)
 Mace, Footman’s (used 2-handed,  Sword, Broad (used 2-handed, or 1-
or 1-handed if STR 15) handed if STR 14+)
 Mace, Horseman’s (used 1- or 2-  Sword, Long (used 2-handed, or 1-
handed) handed if STR 15)
 Sling (fired 1-handed, loaded 2-
handed; either stones or lead sling
bullets can be used)

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Bloodbath Bunnies

Nasty Big Dual Wielding

 Sword, Short (used 1- or 2-handed)

Due to their Chaos-enhanced martial

Single- and Two-Handed prowess and berserker frenzy, Bloodbath
Bunnies can wield two weapons at once;
Death Dealing the only penalty is that the off-hand
weapon is always at -2 to hit. A Bunny that
can attack once per round (due to fighter
As a Castle Oldskull campaign house rule, experience level) can attack once per
weapons which can be used either single- weapon while dual wielding.
handedly or two-handedly inflict +1
The following weapons can effectively be
damage when they are wielded in two
used in either the main hand or the off
GMs are encouraged to adopt this house
Axe, Hand; Club; Dagger; Dart; Mace,
rule in their own games if it seems
Footman’s (only if STR 15); Mace,
reasonable, because it encourages some
Horseman’s; Sword, Short.
players to add more weapon selection
variety to their in-character tactical Bunnies can mix and match with this
decisions. arsenal (a hand axe and a dagger, a club
and a mace, two short swords, etc.), but
Players are further encouraged to seek out
other weapons cannot be dual-wielded
illustrations of other bunny arsenals
unless the GM decides otherwise. And yes,
throughout the world; GMs should allow
this specifically excludes broad swords and
any (non-modern) weaponry that is
long swords (for example) by intentional
illustrated and proven to have been
mastered by historical Bunny death lords.
(We are reporting on the bloody exploits of
real-world creatures, right?)

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

Allowable Armor and


Bloodbath Bunnies have not yet mastered

the use of metal armor; and they wouldn’t
use such cumbersome things even if they
could. Such burdensome things which
can’t be dropped for combat hinder a
Bunny’s leaping and dodging abilities.
They can use metal helms, though,
including (halfling-sized) great helms.

Medium (normal) and large shields are too

bulky to confer this +2 bonus, so most
Bunnies prefer bucklers and small shields
over the larger types … unless they happen
to find a quality magical shield that is on
the larger side!

Bunnies can use any shields that are

smaller than pavises or tower shields. Of
course, using a shield prevents dual
wielding or two-handed weapon use while
using the bulky shield.
Uniquely, Bunnies learn a form of skilled
shield blocking which is termed
“Boisterous Bloodbath Bunny Blur
Blocking.” This means that a Bunny enjoys
a +2 Armor Class bonus, instead of +1,
when using either a buckler or a small

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Bloodbath Bunnies

Penalties for Use of applies if the Bunny is alone, or exclusively

in the company of other Bunnies.
Forbidden Weapons and

There’s nothing physically stopping a

Bloodbath Bunny from picking up and
using a forbidden weapon, or even halfling-
sized metal armor, if that’s what the player
opts to do. However, the cackling berserker
gods of Chaos look dimly upon cowardly
and unworthy Bunnies who do not uphold
the precepts of their honorably instilled
Blood Fury incarnation.
In any play session where un-allowed
weapons and/or armor are used in combat,
the Bunny gains no experience for that
session; this includes the loss of any XP
that session which was gained prior to
using the forbidden gear.
Rabbiting Skills
Old school Bunnies, born to the ethos of
honorable slaughter, take their oaths of Similar to orthodox thieving skills, the
vengeance and Lapine hero emulation very highly resourceful and independent
seriously. Bloodbath Bunnies gain several innate
percentage-driven skills which increase in
effectiveness as additional experience levels
Superior Rabbit Senses are gained.
These skills include:

Bloodbath Bunnies can only be surprised

on a roll of 1 on 1D6, and in turn they Sense Trap: The ability to detect traps
surprise foes on a 1-3 on 1D6. Even silent before they activate. The use of this skill in
and stealthy creatures such as bugbears game does not need to be announced, it
can be surprised by a sneaky adventuring occurs innately when a trap involving the
Bunny. In fact, bugbears honestly fear Bunny as victim is triggered.
Bloodbath Bunnies above all of the other A successful Sense Trap roll indicates that
pantywaist “civilized” creatures. the Bunny completely avoids the trap; if the
If a Bloodbath Bunny is adventuring in a trap is declared unavoidable by the GM
party, all present allies enjoy the Bunny’s (example, a 100’ long stone bridge that
“surprised only on a 1” bonus as well due collapses into a chasm), the Bunny instead
to the very alert Bunny’s movements, either (a) takes only the absolute minimum
expressions, and gestures. However, the amount of possible damage, or (b)
ability to surprise foes 50% of the time only automatically makes a saving throw, as
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

This ability can trigger any number of times The percentage ratings for these skills are
in one game day. Non-Bunny allies, even if based on the Bunny’s experience level and
they are warned, cannot benefit from this ability scores:
 Dexterity Modifier: +2% to Escape
Snare for each point of DEX above
Escape Snare: This is the ability to free
 Intelligence Modifier: +3% to Find
one’s self from gripping traps, cages,
/ Remove Fruits and Vegetables for
binding ropes, and even manacles. The GM
each point of INT above 7.
decides what types of traps and situations
constitute a snare. For example, being  Wisdom Modifier: +3% to Sense
stuck in a narrow hole is probably a snare; Trap for each point of WIS above 5.
but being grasped by a magical fist (caused
by a wizard’s spell) is probably not.
An escape attempt can be made once per
round, but a failed attempt will inflict an
automatic 1D2 points of damage. The base percentage ratings that the DEX,
INT, and/or WIS modifiers should be added
to are as follows:
Find / Remove Fruits and Vegetables:  Sense Trap Rating: Base chance
Bunnies have an uncanny ability to find 15% at experience level 1, +5% per
unprotected fruits and vegetables. Any level, to a maximum of 80%.
time they are in a dirt-floored area (or the  Escape Snare Rating: Base chance
wilderness, excepting desert and wasteland 10% at experience level 1, +5% per
environments), the Bunny’s player can roll level, to a maximum of 75%.
once a day to find food. Even cavern and
 Find / Remove Fruits and
netherworld areas will provide digging Vegetables Rating: Base chance
bunnies with tubers, fungi, roots, etc. in 50% at experience level 1, +2% per
only 1D4 rounds’ time. level, to a maximum of 90%.
The GM might need to justify successful
such scavenging rolls by declaring
discovery of buried plants, a broken chest
filled with old rations, or whatever. When
Known Languages
a roll is successful, 1D6 days’ worth of food
will be scavenged.
Bloodbath Bunnies know Common, the
If the Bunny who finds the food appropriate alignment tongue (typically
immediately eats one day’s portion, the Chaotic), and the curious silent language of
Bunny will heal 1D4+2 hit points. No other burrowing animals, as gnomes do.
characters (not even other Bunnies who did
not find the food) can gain this benefit of Those of INT 12 can learn 1 additional
selfish nom-nom satisfaction. language, and those of INT 13 can learn 2
additional languages. However, due to lack
of worldly experience, this young upstart
__________________________________________ race cannot know of these additional
languages at the beginning of the game.
An INT 12 or 13 Bunny can learn one new
language when attaining experience level 2,
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Bloodbath Bunnies

and an INT 13 Bunny can learn a second If the encounter after the initial parley
new language when attaining experience turns violent — through willful deception
level 3. from either group, misunderstanding,
circumstance, whatever — and the
monsters had initially responded to the PCs
Ere the Wrath of the either neutrally or favorably (as determined
by reaction roll), the Bunny then gets a
Holy Hand Grenade, Lo, special bonus to hit and to damage during
the first attack round.
the Death Parley Monsters that initially respond with
hostility or distrust, or which do not
communicate effectively with the party, do
Bloodbath Bunnies are masters at mentally not suffer the effects of the Death Parley.
disarming their opponents. Even while
wielding bloodied weapons they exude a The one-round bonus depends on the
powerful aura of cuteness, humor, Bunny’s Charisma score, as follows:
camaraderie, and charm.  CHA 12: +1 to hit, normal damage
In game terms, this means that any time a  CHA 13: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
Bunny is involved in a parley with normal damage; 10% chance of +1 to
potentially hostile monsters or NPCs, the hit, +1 damage. The 10% “special”
Bunny gains a Charisma bonus to a future rating is typically accompanied by
possible attack, whether or not the Bunny the Bunny’s eyes growing large and
is the primary communicator. sweetly dark, likely accompanied by
batted eyelashes.
 CHA 14: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 10% chance of +1 to
hit, +2 damage
 CHA 15: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 10% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
 CHA 16: 80% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 20% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
 CHA 17: 70% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 30% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
 CHA 18: 60% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 40% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage

All intelligent monsters, demons, devils,

dragons, undead, etc. are susceptible to
this effect; no intelligent creature is fully
immune, even if Bloodbath Bunnies have
previously been encountered.

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

Note that the bonuses apply to attacks standing jump 10’ ability can jump 10’
made in the first combat round, not just the forward while attacking with a 3’-long
first strike; e.g., if a Bunny was able to sword, giving an effective melee range of
throw three darts during that one round, 13’. Whether GMs want to use miniatures
each dart would benefit from the to hit and while getting this tactical and technical is a
damage bonuses. matter of personal taste. Bunnies can leap
once per round, and attack after (but not
before) leaping in the same round.
Lepus Leaping
Martial Celerity
Bloodbath Bunnies have the ability to
perform superior vertical high jumps,
horizontal standing jumps, and running Bloodbath Bunnies who wear padded,
broad jumps. The base figures are as leather, or studded leather armor — or no
follows: armor — gain a double Dexterity bonus to
 Level 1: High Jump 3’, Standing Armor Class due to their leaping and
Jump 5’, Broad Jump 9’ evasion skills. Under the basic rules, this
 Each even experience level (2, 4, 6, means that they gain +2 AC (e.g., improving
etc.): High Jump +1’, Standing from AC 8 to 6) for DEX 13 to 15, +4 AC for
Jump +2’, Broad Jump +1’ DEX 16 or 17, and +6 AC for DEX 18.
 Each odd experience level after 1 This bonus does not apply when metal
(3, 5, 7, etc.): Broad Jump +2’ armor is worn, even if the metal armor is
 Maximum leaping ability: High magical.
Jump 12’, Standing Jump 20’, Broad
The use of a shield, however, does not
Jump 35’ prevent these Armor Class bonuses from
being obtained.
For each point of Strength above 13, the Bloodbath Bunnies highly covet magical
Bunny gains a +1’ bonus for high jumps, items such as rings of protection, cloaks of
+2’ for standing jumps, and +3’ for broad protection, bracers of defense, etc. for
jumps. Similarly, for each point of obvious reasons.
Dexterity above 16, the Bunny gains an
additional +1’ bonus for high jumps, +2’ for
standing jumps, and +3’ for broad jumps. Critical Hits for the
These STR and DEX bonuses are
cumulative. Please note however that the Chaos God
maximum leaping ability thresholds cannot
be surpassed under any circumstances;
exceptional Bunnies just reach these Whenever a Bloodbath Bunny successfully
physical limits before average Bunnies do. hits a foe (either in melee or with a missile
Leaping attacks can certainly be made, but weapon) by a natural D20 roll of 20, the
they confer no additional to hit or damage Bunny performs a bloody critical hit. The
bonuses; they simply change the range damage bonus of the hit depends on the
from which a Bunny can make a melee Bunny’s experience level, as follows:
attack. For example, a Bunny with  Level 1: +1 damage
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Bloodbath Bunnies

 Level 2 to 4: +2 damage
 Level 5 to 7: +3 damage
Battle Rage and Joy
 Level 8 to 10: +3 damage, and a
further 1% chance of causing an
Whenever a Bloodbath Bunny strikes a
instant fatality (reducing the target to
killing blow against a living foe, Chaos
-10 hit points)
seethes to a boil and cackles in its black
 Level 11 to 13: +4 damage, and a
little heart, and therefore the Bunny
1% chance of causing an instant
instantly heals 2 hit points of damage.
 Level 14 to 16: +4 damage, and a Blows that render foes merely unconscious
2% chance of causing an instant give no such bonus; therefore a player
fatality might opt to keep attacking an
 Level 17 or higher: +5 damage, and unconscious foe until it is thoroughly
a 2% chance of causing an instant pulverized.
fatality Non-living opponents (golems, undead,
etc.) give no such bloodthirsty satisfaction,
and no healing is then provided.

Unholy Blood Fury

Bloodbath Bunnies can remain conscious,

pain-resistant, and fighting until they
reach a negative number of hit points. The
exact rules vary based on the Bunny’s
Constitution score, as follows:
 CON 6: Remain conscious and
Instant fatalities cannot be inflicted upon fighting at -1 or higher hit points; fall
Player Characters, or non-living monsters unconscious at -2 hit points, die once
(undead, golems, etc.). Anything else the they reach -10
Bunny crits on is fair game. However, no  CON 7: Remain conscious and
Bloodbath Bunny can ever score more than fighting at -2 or higher hit points; fall
one instant fatality during a single game unconscious at -3 hit points, die once
session. they reach -10
 CON 8: Remain conscious and
Chaos and headache-inducing mayhem are fighting at -3 or higher hit points; fall
invited by the fact that a Bunny might unconscious at -4 hit points, die once
instantly kill a kobold, a giant rat, a dragon, they reach -10
or a level 20 NPC archmage integral to the  CON 9: Remain conscious and
campaign; it’s entirely random by the whim fighting at -4 or higher hit points; fall
of the die, and any resultant wild game unconscious at -5 hit points, die once
disruption should consider gleefully apace. they reach -10
 CON 11: Remain conscious and
fighting at -5 or higher hit points; fall
unconscious at -6 hit points, die once
they reach -10
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

 CON 12: Remain conscious and otherwise survive defeat at the Bunny’s
fighting at -6 or higher hit points; fall paws.
unconscious at -7 hit points, die once
For example, a Shrieking Hellpig normally
they reach -10
worth 600 XP would be worth 900 XP to the
 CON 13: Remain conscious and Bunny; or, if the Hellpig was killed by the
fighting at -7 or higher hit points; fall Bunny’s party, then the 600 XP would be
unconscious at -8 hit points, die once split among all PCs and the Bunny (only)
they reach -11 would gain a further +300 XP bonus.
 CON 14: Remain conscious and
fighting at -8 or higher hit points; fall
unconscious at -9 hit points, die once
they reach -12
 CON 15: Remain conscious and
fighting at -9 or higher hit points; fall
unconscious at -10, die once they
reach -13
 CON 16: Remain conscious and
fighting at -10 or higher hit points;
fall unconscious at -11, die once they
reach -14
 CON 17: Remain conscious and
fighting at -11 or higher hit points;
fall unconscious at -12, die once they
This bonus reward can only be given to that
reach -15
Bunny for the first three conquests of each
day, and the three bonuses might be given
simultaneously (for example, if three or
more orcs are forced to flee from the
Bunny’s party of victorious allies).

Grim Whimsy:
Utter Humiliation

Bloodbath Bunnies gain a +50% experience

reward for vanquishing intelligent foes (INT
3+) who are forced to surrender, flee, or
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Bloodbath Bunnies

Killed monsters, and monsters who fight to lucky charms do not provide cumulative
unconsciousness, do not provide this XP bonuses.
bonus; their humiliation is not complete.
Importantly, the foot must be carried, and
The bonus can only be derived through
it will rot in 24 hours and lose all of its
inducing surrender or flight.
magical charm. Hacking a foot off a
surviving foe confers no bonus, as the
trophy is a symbol of victorious Bloodbath.
Lucky Foot Trophy Trophy feet cannot be given away, sold,
Takers traded, etc.; they only benefit the Bunny
who hacked who the foot off.
The rot of a trophy foot is a sad thing for a
Believing in an age-old and rather romantic Bloodbath Bunny, but he will typically
superstition, Bloodbath Bunnies love to cheer himself up by hacking a new foot off
hack the feet off of their foes and carry something else and going on his merry way.
them around their necks as bloody lucky
Any creature which the Bunny has The Incarnation of Hop-
personally killed, which has a recognizable
foot at least 2” long, can provide such a Hopdu’um, the Blood
trophy. Bunnies have been seen proudly
sporting dragon toes, houndman paws, Fury of Chaos
ogre feet, and even giant spider legs.

As empowered creatures born of Chaos,

Bloodbath Bunnies gain a +1 bonus to a
random ability score with each experience
level they attain beyond level 3.
When any new level (beginning with
attainment of experience level 4, Lepus
Outlander) is gained, the player of the
Bunny rolls 1D6, with 1 indicating an
increase to STR, 2 DEX, 3 CON, 4 INT, 5
WIS, and 6 CHA. The affected ability score
gains a permanent +1 bonus.
However, Bunny maximum ability scores
cannot be exceeded in this manner. For
example, if a Bunny of INT 13 (the racial
Player Character Bunnies who begin play maximum) had a D6 roll of 4 indicating a
at experience level 1 do not begin play with +1 INT bonus, the D6 would be rerolled.
a foot trophy. The young garden hopper This truly impressive unholy power can
must earn his first kills and hack off those result in significant levels of lethality at
lil’ goblin toes for himself. higher experience levels. (For example, a
A carried trophy provides the Bunny with a level 12 Bloodbath Bunny could have
+1 bonus to all saving throws. Multiple ability scores that are fully 9 points higher
than those score originally rolled.) This
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

power is meant to balance well-played and

lucky Bunnies with the game’s other
To You, from Tim the
powerful classes, including all those nasty
barbarians, magic-users, monks, the
omnipresent and insufferable multi-
classed elves, etc. Ye Ever-Important End
Importantly, this ability is balanced by a Note
curse known as Blood-Thumper’s Bane:
Every time a Bunny dies and is later
resurrected, there is a permanent -1 point It’s all a joke. A very playable, friendly joke
loss to a random ability score. And which is meant to bring some levity to your
similarly to the “no +1 to a maxed ability gaming time with buddies. Have fun with
score” rule above, these curse penalties your Bloodbath Bunnies, and be sure to
cannot force a Bunny’s ability scores below post your favorite names on the web for
the racial minimums, so (for example) a -1 other gamers to marvel over.
to STR when STR is already at the
minimum would be rerolled.

These rules mean that Bunnies who never

die are wont to become unstoppable killing
Skilled Bunny players will possibly disrupt
game balance if they play the class for
several years, but most Bunnies will have
their power checked by frequent deaths in
melee. This is all as it should be. It’s all in
good fun.

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Bloodbath Bunnies

THE FAR MORE SERIOUS deeper underground and there began

WORLD OF CASTLE OLDSKULL playing Satanic role-playing games. This,
the legends tell us, occurred in the year
Hoary wizard-priests who inspired Mr.
Kelly in his netherworldly machinations
CONSULT THE BOOK OF ARMAMENTS! included the peerless Gygax, Carr,
Arneson, Cook, Hammack, Jaquays,
Bledsaw, Moldvay, Kuntz, Schick and
Ward. Sadly, a misguided made-for-the-
K basements movie entitled Mazes and
Monsters gave Mr. Kelly’s parents
conniptions in 1982. As a result of that
blasphemous Tom Hanks debacle (and
other more personal lapses in judgment),
Mr. Kelly was eventually forbidden from
playing his favorite game for a considerable
length of time.
Nonplussed but not defeated, he used this
enforced exile to escape to a friend’s
alehouse, and there indulged himself in
now-classic computer RPGs such as Zork,
Telengard, Temple of Apshai, Ultima,
Tunnels of Doom, The Bard’s Tale,
Phantasie, Pool of Radiance, Wizard’s
Crown and Wasteland. He then went on to
write computer versions of his own FRPGs,
which led to his obsession with coupling
creative design elements with random
dungeons and unpredictable adventure
About the Author generation.
Mr. Kelly wrote and submitted his first
adventure for Dungeon Magazine #1 in
Beginning play as a chaotic neutral normal 1986. Unfortunately, one Mr. Moore
human with one measly hit point to his decided that his submission was far too
name, KENT DAVID KELLY eventually “Lovecraftian, horrific and unfair” to ever
became apprenticed to a magic-user of ill serve that worthy periodical as a
repute ... a foul man who dwelt in the publishable adventure. Mr. Kelly, it must
steamy deeps of the Ivory Cloud Mountain. be said, took this rejection as a very good
After this mentor carelessly misplaced an sign of things to come.
intelligent soul-sucking sword and then
died under suspicious circumstances, his In the late 80s and 90s, Mr. Kelly wrote
former henchman Mr. Kelly escaped to the short stories, poems and essays ... some of

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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

which have been published under the

Wonderland Imprints banner. He wrote
several dark fantasy and horror novels as
well. Concurrently, he ran Dark Angel
Collectibles, selling classic FRPG materials Open Game Content
as Darkseraphim, and assisted the Acaeum Open Game Content may only be Used
with the creation of the Valuation Board under and in terms of the Open Game
and other minor research projects. License (OGL).

At this time, Mr. Kelly and his entourage of This entire work is designated as Open
evil gnomes are rumored to dwell in the Game Content under the OGL, with the
exception of the trademarks “Castle
dread and deathly under-halls of the
Oldskull,” “Oldskull Sword & Sorcery,”
Acaeum, Dragonsfoot, ENWorld, “Wonderland Imprints,” “Only the Finest
Grognardia, Knights & Knaves, ODD, and Works of Fantasy,” and with the exception
even more nefarious levels deep down in of all artwork. These trademarks, artwork,
the mega-dungeon of the Web. and the Trade Dress of this work (font,
layout, style of artwork, etc.) are reserved
There he remains in vigil, his vampiric
as Product Identity.
sword yet shivering in his hand. When not
being sought outright for answers to
halfling riddles or other more sundry sage Open Game License
advice, he is to be avoided by sane
individuals at all costs.
The following text is the property of Wizards
of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the
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Bloodbath Bunnies

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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open
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Page 29 | 30
Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints

Game Content shall retain all rights, title Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
and interest in and to that Product Identity. Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David
Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
8. Identification: If you distribute Open
John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James
Game Content You must clearly indicate
Wyatt, based on original material by E.
which portions of the work that you are
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
distributing are Open Game Content.
Bloodbath Bunnies, Copyright 2018, Kent
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its
designated Agents may publish updated David Kelly.
versions of this License. You may use any END OF LICENCE
authorized version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include
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13. Termination: This License will
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
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2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
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