Bloodbath Bunnies (OSR)
Bloodbath Bunnies (OSR)
Bloodbath Bunnies (OSR)
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Bloodbath Bunnies
Bloodbath Bunnies
Cover Art By
Drunk-Ass Medieval Monks
Interior Illustrations By
More Drunk-Ass Medieval Monks
With Special Guest Stars
Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, Henrique Alvim
Correa, Albrecht Durer, Paul Jamin,
Theodore Kittelsen, William McAusland,
Run away! Run away!
Brett Neufeld
Et Alii
No! Come ye hither. Avaunt not, you
ninny. Behold ye the drunken, juvenile
Some Artwork Copyright scroll-doodles writ centuries ago by real-
William McAusland world medieval scribes … see here glorious
art depicting the original Murder Hobos
Used with Permission (tm), the mighty DEATH RABBITS. Behold
them hopping about preciously here and
there and back again whilst merrily
Wonderland Imprints © 2018 shearing the heads from atop unwary
Only the Finest Works of Fantasy knights, nasty halflingses, and pompous
elven magi. Death by bunny, aye, with
nasty big teeth. Ridiculous dark fantasy as
OSR envisioned by delirious magi back in the
1300s. You can’t get much more old school
than that!
Inspired by all those unsettling medieval
sketches and illuminations of murderous
rabbits cruelly slaughtering hapless foes,
Wonderland Imprints is proud (?) to bring
you the year’s most sorely needed and
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
(Suggested potential level titles Garden
Pest, Greatmouse Herder, Mole Slayer)
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
(Beast Subjugator, Garden Gnome
Experience points 2,000 to 3,999, hit dice
+1D6 (2D6 in total), number of melee __________________________________________
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each per round if
using 2 weapons). Beginning at experience
level 2 and thereafter, Bloodbath Bunnies EXPERIENCE LEVEL 4
gain advantaged hit points. This means (Lepus Outlander, Mansnail Rider,
that 1D6 is rolled twice, the lower roll is Terror o’ the Shire)
ignored, and the higher roll is accepted.
Constitution adjustments always apply. Experience points 7,500 to 14,999, hit dice
+1D6 (4D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each if using 2
(Burrow Warden, Halfling Slayer)
Experience points 4,000 to 7,499, hit dice
+1D6 (3D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 1 per round (or 1 each if using 2
weapons). __________________________________________
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Bloodbath Bunnies
(Gore Bunny, Monster Tamer) EXPERIENCE LEVEL 7
Experience points 30,000 to 59,999, hit (Doom Bunny, Lion Rider)
dice +1D6 (6D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round (or 3/2 each if using Experience points 60,000 to 119,999, hit
2 weapons). dice +1D6 (7D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.
Note that the ability to attack multiple
times per round in melee is gained slightly
sooner than for a standard advanced Note: Bunnies do not gain multiple
fighting man. attacks with missile or thrown weapons;
If the Bunny is wielding 1 melee weapon, their number of ranged attacks is
then the character attacks once every odd- determined by the weapon’s rate of fire.
numbered combat round, and twice every They do not gain faster missile attacks
even-numbered round. because they are melee berserkers, not
sniping death machines.
If the Bunny is wielding 2 melee weapons,
then the character attacks once with the This is a basic and intentional game
primary weapon and twice with the balance feature.
secondary weapon in every odd-numbered
round, and twice the primary weapon and
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
(Bunny Procession Lord, Death Bunny)
Experience points 210,000 to 299,999, hit
dice +1D6 (9D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.
(Hell-Hound Rider, Slaughter Bunny)
Experience points 120,000 to 209,999, hit
dice +1D6 (8D6 in total), number of melee EXPERIENCE LEVEL 10
attacks 3/2 per round as above. (Lord Death Bunny, Siege Lord)
Experience points 300,000 to 389,999, hit
dice +1D6 (10D6 in total), number of melee
attacks 3/2 per round as above.
Note that unlike fighters, Bunnies continue
to gain a full hit die at higher experience
levels. This design allows the class to
maintain survivability at higher levels
without imbalancing play (too much!) at
lower levels.
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Bloodbath Bunnies
EXPERIENCE LEVEL 15 Beyond experience level 17, the Bunny
requires an additional 180,000 experience
(Death Bunny Tyrant III: The
points for each level.
For example, the experience range for level
Experience points 840,000 to 989,999, hit
18 is 1,320,000 to 1,499,999. The Bunny
dice +3 hit points (12D6+9 in total),
continues to gain +3 hit points per level,
number of melee attacks 2 per round as
but the melee attack rate does not exceed
(Death Bunny Tyrant V: The Search for
More Mutilation Devices)
Experience points 1,140,000 to 1,319,999,
hit dice +3 hit points (12D6+15 in total),
number of melee attacks 5/2 per round as
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Bloodbath Bunnies
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
Chaotic Neutral. Their first alignment Bow, Short (used 2-handed; Long
change would be to either Chaotic Neutral, Bows are too large for Bunnies to
or True Neutral; and thereafter, their wield effectively)
second alignment change could be to any
alignment desired by the player.
Allowable Weapons
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Bloodbath Bunnies
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
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Bloodbath Bunnies
This ability can trigger any number of times The percentage ratings for these skills are
in one game day. Non-Bunny allies, even if based on the Bunny’s experience level and
they are warned, cannot benefit from this ability scores:
Dexterity Modifier: +2% to Escape
Snare for each point of DEX above
Escape Snare: This is the ability to free
Intelligence Modifier: +3% to Find
one’s self from gripping traps, cages,
/ Remove Fruits and Vegetables for
binding ropes, and even manacles. The GM
each point of INT above 7.
decides what types of traps and situations
constitute a snare. For example, being Wisdom Modifier: +3% to Sense
stuck in a narrow hole is probably a snare; Trap for each point of WIS above 5.
but being grasped by a magical fist (caused
by a wizard’s spell) is probably not.
An escape attempt can be made once per
round, but a failed attempt will inflict an
automatic 1D2 points of damage. The base percentage ratings that the DEX,
INT, and/or WIS modifiers should be added
to are as follows:
Find / Remove Fruits and Vegetables: Sense Trap Rating: Base chance
Bunnies have an uncanny ability to find 15% at experience level 1, +5% per
unprotected fruits and vegetables. Any level, to a maximum of 80%.
time they are in a dirt-floored area (or the Escape Snare Rating: Base chance
wilderness, excepting desert and wasteland 10% at experience level 1, +5% per
environments), the Bunny’s player can roll level, to a maximum of 75%.
once a day to find food. Even cavern and
Find / Remove Fruits and
netherworld areas will provide digging Vegetables Rating: Base chance
bunnies with tubers, fungi, roots, etc. in 50% at experience level 1, +2% per
only 1D4 rounds’ time. level, to a maximum of 90%.
The GM might need to justify successful
such scavenging rolls by declaring
discovery of buried plants, a broken chest
filled with old rations, or whatever. When
Known Languages
a roll is successful, 1D6 days’ worth of food
will be scavenged.
Bloodbath Bunnies know Common, the
If the Bunny who finds the food appropriate alignment tongue (typically
immediately eats one day’s portion, the Chaotic), and the curious silent language of
Bunny will heal 1D4+2 hit points. No other burrowing animals, as gnomes do.
characters (not even other Bunnies who did
not find the food) can gain this benefit of Those of INT 12 can learn 1 additional
selfish nom-nom satisfaction. language, and those of INT 13 can learn 2
additional languages. However, due to lack
of worldly experience, this young upstart
__________________________________________ race cannot know of these additional
languages at the beginning of the game.
An INT 12 or 13 Bunny can learn one new
language when attaining experience level 2,
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Bloodbath Bunnies
and an INT 13 Bunny can learn a second If the encounter after the initial parley
new language when attaining experience turns violent — through willful deception
level 3. from either group, misunderstanding,
circumstance, whatever — and the
monsters had initially responded to the PCs
Ere the Wrath of the either neutrally or favorably (as determined
by reaction roll), the Bunny then gets a
Holy Hand Grenade, Lo, special bonus to hit and to damage during
the first attack round.
the Death Parley Monsters that initially respond with
hostility or distrust, or which do not
communicate effectively with the party, do
Bloodbath Bunnies are masters at mentally not suffer the effects of the Death Parley.
disarming their opponents. Even while
wielding bloodied weapons they exude a The one-round bonus depends on the
powerful aura of cuteness, humor, Bunny’s Charisma score, as follows:
camaraderie, and charm. CHA 12: +1 to hit, normal damage
In game terms, this means that any time a CHA 13: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
Bunny is involved in a parley with normal damage; 10% chance of +1 to
potentially hostile monsters or NPCs, the hit, +1 damage. The 10% “special”
Bunny gains a Charisma bonus to a future rating is typically accompanied by
possible attack, whether or not the Bunny the Bunny’s eyes growing large and
is the primary communicator. sweetly dark, likely accompanied by
batted eyelashes.
CHA 14: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 10% chance of +1 to
hit, +2 damage
CHA 15: 90% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 10% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
CHA 16: 80% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 20% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
CHA 17: 70% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 30% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
CHA 18: 60% chance of +1 to hit,
normal damage; 40% chance of +2 to
hit, +2 damage
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
Note that the bonuses apply to attacks standing jump 10’ ability can jump 10’
made in the first combat round, not just the forward while attacking with a 3’-long
first strike; e.g., if a Bunny was able to sword, giving an effective melee range of
throw three darts during that one round, 13’. Whether GMs want to use miniatures
each dart would benefit from the to hit and while getting this tactical and technical is a
damage bonuses. matter of personal taste. Bunnies can leap
once per round, and attack after (but not
before) leaping in the same round.
Lepus Leaping
Martial Celerity
Bloodbath Bunnies have the ability to
perform superior vertical high jumps,
horizontal standing jumps, and running Bloodbath Bunnies who wear padded,
broad jumps. The base figures are as leather, or studded leather armor — or no
follows: armor — gain a double Dexterity bonus to
Level 1: High Jump 3’, Standing Armor Class due to their leaping and
Jump 5’, Broad Jump 9’ evasion skills. Under the basic rules, this
Each even experience level (2, 4, 6, means that they gain +2 AC (e.g., improving
etc.): High Jump +1’, Standing from AC 8 to 6) for DEX 13 to 15, +4 AC for
Jump +2’, Broad Jump +1’ DEX 16 or 17, and +6 AC for DEX 18.
Each odd experience level after 1 This bonus does not apply when metal
(3, 5, 7, etc.): Broad Jump +2’ armor is worn, even if the metal armor is
Maximum leaping ability: High magical.
Jump 12’, Standing Jump 20’, Broad
The use of a shield, however, does not
Jump 35’ prevent these Armor Class bonuses from
being obtained.
For each point of Strength above 13, the Bloodbath Bunnies highly covet magical
Bunny gains a +1’ bonus for high jumps, items such as rings of protection, cloaks of
+2’ for standing jumps, and +3’ for broad protection, bracers of defense, etc. for
jumps. Similarly, for each point of obvious reasons.
Dexterity above 16, the Bunny gains an
additional +1’ bonus for high jumps, +2’ for
standing jumps, and +3’ for broad jumps. Critical Hits for the
These STR and DEX bonuses are
cumulative. Please note however that the Chaos God
maximum leaping ability thresholds cannot
be surpassed under any circumstances;
exceptional Bunnies just reach these Whenever a Bloodbath Bunny successfully
physical limits before average Bunnies do. hits a foe (either in melee or with a missile
Leaping attacks can certainly be made, but weapon) by a natural D20 roll of 20, the
they confer no additional to hit or damage Bunny performs a bloody critical hit. The
bonuses; they simply change the range damage bonus of the hit depends on the
from which a Bunny can make a melee Bunny’s experience level, as follows:
attack. For example, a Bunny with Level 1: +1 damage
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Bloodbath Bunnies
Level 2 to 4: +2 damage
Level 5 to 7: +3 damage
Battle Rage and Joy
Level 8 to 10: +3 damage, and a
further 1% chance of causing an
Whenever a Bloodbath Bunny strikes a
instant fatality (reducing the target to
killing blow against a living foe, Chaos
-10 hit points)
seethes to a boil and cackles in its black
Level 11 to 13: +4 damage, and a
little heart, and therefore the Bunny
1% chance of causing an instant
instantly heals 2 hit points of damage.
Level 14 to 16: +4 damage, and a Blows that render foes merely unconscious
2% chance of causing an instant give no such bonus; therefore a player
fatality might opt to keep attacking an
Level 17 or higher: +5 damage, and unconscious foe until it is thoroughly
a 2% chance of causing an instant pulverized.
fatality Non-living opponents (golems, undead,
etc.) give no such bloodthirsty satisfaction,
and no healing is then provided.
CON 12: Remain conscious and otherwise survive defeat at the Bunny’s
fighting at -6 or higher hit points; fall paws.
unconscious at -7 hit points, die once
For example, a Shrieking Hellpig normally
they reach -10
worth 600 XP would be worth 900 XP to the
CON 13: Remain conscious and Bunny; or, if the Hellpig was killed by the
fighting at -7 or higher hit points; fall Bunny’s party, then the 600 XP would be
unconscious at -8 hit points, die once split among all PCs and the Bunny (only)
they reach -11 would gain a further +300 XP bonus.
CON 14: Remain conscious and
fighting at -8 or higher hit points; fall
unconscious at -9 hit points, die once
they reach -12
CON 15: Remain conscious and
fighting at -9 or higher hit points; fall
unconscious at -10, die once they
reach -13
CON 16: Remain conscious and
fighting at -10 or higher hit points;
fall unconscious at -11, die once they
reach -14
CON 17: Remain conscious and
fighting at -11 or higher hit points;
fall unconscious at -12, die once they
This bonus reward can only be given to that
reach -15
Bunny for the first three conquests of each
day, and the three bonuses might be given
simultaneously (for example, if three or
more orcs are forced to flee from the
Bunny’s party of victorious allies).
Grim Whimsy:
Utter Humiliation
Killed monsters, and monsters who fight to lucky charms do not provide cumulative
unconsciousness, do not provide this XP bonuses.
bonus; their humiliation is not complete.
Importantly, the foot must be carried, and
The bonus can only be derived through
it will rot in 24 hours and lose all of its
inducing surrender or flight.
magical charm. Hacking a foot off a
surviving foe confers no bonus, as the
trophy is a symbol of victorious Bloodbath.
Lucky Foot Trophy Trophy feet cannot be given away, sold,
Takers traded, etc.; they only benefit the Bunny
who hacked who the foot off.
The rot of a trophy foot is a sad thing for a
Believing in an age-old and rather romantic Bloodbath Bunny, but he will typically
superstition, Bloodbath Bunnies love to cheer himself up by hacking a new foot off
hack the feet off of their foes and carry something else and going on his merry way.
them around their necks as bloody lucky
Any creature which the Bunny has The Incarnation of Hop-
personally killed, which has a recognizable
foot at least 2” long, can provide such a Hopdu’um, the Blood
trophy. Bunnies have been seen proudly
sporting dragon toes, houndman paws, Fury of Chaos
ogre feet, and even giant spider legs.
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Bloodbath Bunnies
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
At this time, Mr. Kelly and his entourage of This entire work is designated as Open
evil gnomes are rumored to dwell in the Game Content under the OGL, with the
exception of the trademarks “Castle
dread and deathly under-halls of the
Oldskull,” “Oldskull Sword & Sorcery,”
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even more nefarious levels deep down in of all artwork. These trademarks, artwork,
the mega-dungeon of the Web. and the Trade Dress of this work (font,
layout, style of artwork, etc.) are reserved
There he remains in vigil, his vampiric
as Product Identity.
sword yet shivering in his hand. When not
being sought outright for answers to
halfling riddles or other more sundry sage Open Game License
advice, he is to be avoided by sane
individuals at all costs.
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Bloodbath Bunnies
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Kent David Kelly ~ Wonderland Imprints
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Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
8. Identification: If you distribute Open
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Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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Bloodbath Bunnies, Copyright 2018, Kent
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its
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