Ws Journalism

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Journalism Merit Badge Worksheet

Requirement 1
Using the spaces below write stories covering satisfactorily the following assignments, demonstrating that you
know the principles of good news writing including the elements of a good lead paragraph:

A News Incident

A Routine Club or Society Meeting

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

A Lecture, Sermon, or Political Address

Requirement 2
Using the spaces below, write:

An Editorial

© Merit Badge Center, Philippines Journalism Merit Badge – Page 2 of 8

Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

A Feature or Human Interest Story

Review of a Play, a Motion Picture, a Concert, or a Book

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 3
Explain how the articles in Requirement Numbers 1 and 2 differ:

 Secure the publication of at least one of these articles in a Scouting, school, or local paper.

Name of the Publication: ________________________________

Date of Publication: ________________________________

 Attach a cut out of the published article.

Requirement 4
Prepare a simple set of headline styles which will serve all needs of a small newspaper, indicating type size and approximate count for
each. Attach your headlines below:

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 5
Present photographic or cartoon copy or the suggestion for such copy, as an illustration for a news story, and write the caption of it.
Attach your photo or draw your cartoon below:

Requirement 6
Read and correct proof, using the conventional proofreader's marks on manuscript of at least two typewritten pages furnished by your

 Attach the typewritten pages you have correct proof.

Requirement 7
Show that you know what is meant by the following terms:

point _____________________________________________________________________________________________

pica _____________________________________________________________________________________________

face _____________________________________________________________________________________________

case linotype _____________________________________________________________________________________________

hand set _____________________________________________________________________________________________

gallery proof _____________________________________________________________________________________________

halftone _____________________________________________________________________________________________

electrotype _____________________________________________________________________________________________

screen _____________________________________________________________________________________________

stereotype _____________________________________________________________________________________________

mat _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 8
Do the following:

Explain the steps necessary to copyright a book, magazine, or newspaper; tell what rights are granted by a copy, for what period.

Explain what is meant by freedom of the press and why we have libel laws. Tell what plagiarism is.

Requirement 9
Prepare a dummy for the printer of an 8-page newspaper or magazine, including the placing of different size advertisements to cover
the equivalent of two pages.

Name of Printer: ______________________________________________

Name of Person at Printer: ______________________________________________

Signature of Printer that Dummy was done to their satisfaction

Signature of Counselor

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 10
Explain the process of preparing a modern newspaper for publication, demonstrating a satisfactory knowledge of the various
departments and executives and their functions.

Explain the importance of the deadline.

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Scout Name ______________________________________________________________ Unit # ____________ Date ____________

Requirement 11

Have contributed as a reporter, or as editor or member of the editorial or business staff (either voluntary or paid) on a newspaper or a
local Council, Troop, school, trade, farm, or club publication for at least four issues.

1. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

2. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

3. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

4. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________


5. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

6. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

7. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

8. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

9. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

10. Date of publication: ___________________________ Name of publication: ______________________________________

Requirement 12
 Present a scrapbook including unpublished copy as well as clippings of published material filed under date and place of publication.

Show your scrapbook to your counselor and have him sign here:

Counselor’s Signature and Date

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