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SESSION 2020-2024

Semester-wise scheme of studies

Semester 1


Course Specifications
Financial Accounting I

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Weekly Course Objectives
Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Addressthe Following Questions.

▪ Need and importance of accounting

▪ Accounting: A Business Language
▪ Book keeping
Chapter – 1:
▪ Book keeping versus accounting
1 ▪ Accounting versus accountancy
(Page 01 – 17)
TEXT BOOK ▪ Branches of accounting
▪ Objects of accounting
▪ Important accounting terms and concepts

▪ What is an event
Chapter – 2:
▪ Features
Transaction and
▪ Classification
2–3 ▪ Rules for deciding whether a transaction is cash or credit
▪ The effects of business transaction upon the accounting
(Page 19-33)
▪ Setting up a brand new business with practical examples.
▪ Analysis of Transaction
▪ Double entry system
▪ Advantages of double entry system
Chapter – 3:
▪ Single entry system
Analysis of Business
▪ Distinction between double entry system and single entry
Transactions and
4–5 system
Double entry system
▪ What is an account
(Page 35 – 57)
▪ Classification of accounts
▪ Rules for debiting and crediting
▪ Explanation of rules

▪ Journal: 1st Phase of Accounting Cycle.
▪ Definition, characteristics, narration, advantages of journal,
simple entry and compound entry.
Chapter – 4 & 5:
▪ What is ledger, features, forms of ledger, posting procedure,
Original Book of
balancing of an account, normal balances.
Entry & Ledger
▪ Posting procedure illustrated
(Page 59 to 106)
▪ Self-balancing form of ledger account
▪ Trial balance
▪ Methods of preparing trial balance

▪ Definition of Bill of Exchange

▪ How a bill of exchange works
Chapter – 6: ▪ How transactions related to bill of exchange are recorded?
Accounting for Bills ▪ Accounting treatment for bills receivable and bills payable
of Exchange ▪ Discounting treatment of bills receivable and bills payable
8– 9
(Page 107-159) ▪ Bill sent to the bank for collection
TEXT BOOK ▪ Dishonor of a bill of exchange
▪ Bills receivable and bills payable books
▪ Promissory note
▪ Subdivision of journal
▪ How the transactions are entered in special journal and
posted to the ledger
Chapter – 7:
▪ Documents for sales and purchases account
Special Journal
10– 11 ▪ Sales journal
(Page 106-181)
▪ Purchase returns or returns outward journal
▪ Distinction between purchase journal and purchase account
▪ Rules for posting the purchase returns journal.
▪ Sales Return journal
▪ Definition
▪ Is cash book a journal or a ledger
▪ Distinction between a cash book and cash account
▪ Types of cashbooks
Chapter –8:
▪ Opening an account with a bank, accounting treatment of
Cash book and bank
12– 13 reconciliation (Page
▪ Dishonor of cheques
183 – 252)
▪ Classification of cash book
▪ Bank reconciliation statement
▪ Distinction between cash book and pass book
▪ What is meant by reconciliation

▪ What are final accounts

▪ What do we mean by revenue?
Chapter – 9 ▪ Expenses
Final Accounts & ▪ Matching revenue and expenses
Preparation of Final ▪ Trading accounting
14 – 15 Accounts ▪ Why closing stock is shown in the trading account
(Page 275 – 315) ▪ Profit and loss account
TEXT BOOK ▪ Balance sheet: last stage in final accounts
▪ Classification of assets
▪ Grouping and marshalling of assets and liabilities in balance

Chapter – 11
▪ Work Sheet
Work Sheet ▪ Methods of preparing Work Sheet
16 – 17 (Page 387- 401)

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Muhammad arif & Sohail Afzal: Accounting I, 3rd edition,
(Title, Author, Edition, Munir Ahmad publisher.
Publisher) Robert F. Meigs and Walter B. Meigs: Accounting: The
Basis for Business Decisions, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill,
Reference Book: By Williams, Haka, Bettner: Financial & Managerial
(Title, Author, Edition, Accounting, Latest Edition.Publisher Prentice Hall

Lyallpur Business School

Course Specifications
Principles of Micro Economics
Weekly Work Plan:
To achieve the above these are the main course components:
1st – 2nd Week
Introduction about Economics Chapter -1: by Mankiw principles of micro Economics( page
#3-15) .Ten principle of economics.
Market forces of supply and Demand Chapter #4 by Mankiw principles of micro Economics
( page #62-85). Definition of Market, Demand determinants of individual demand, normal
good, inferior good. substitutes and complements shift in demand .
3rd – 4th Week
Market forces of supply and Demand Chapter -4: by Mankiw principles of micro
Economics. ( page #62-85). Supply , determinants of individual supply shift in supply curve
Equilibrium change in equilibrium, Supply demand together, three steps to analyzing changes in
Theory of consumer choice Chapter -21: by Mankiw principles of micro Economics. ( page

5th – 6th Week

Elasticity and its Applications Chapter -5 :by Mankiw principles of micro Economics ( page
Elasticity of demand ,computing the price elasticity of demand, The variety of demand curve.
total revenue and the price elasticity of demand. Elasticity of supply ,computing the price
elasticity of supply, The variety of supply curve.

7th – 8th Week

The cost of production Chapter – 13: by Mankiw principles of micro Economics ( page #264-
279).TC ,TR ,and profit, Opportunity cost. The production function, the cost function ,the
various measures of cost, cost in short and long run .

9th week Mid Semester Examination

10th – 11th Week

Firm in competitive markets Chapter – 14: by Mankiw principles of micro Economics ( page
#284-301) Competitive market, the revenue of a competitive firm, profit maximization and
competitive firm supply curve, the firm short run decision .market supply with entry and exit.

12th – 13th Week

Monopoly Chapter – 18: by A.Hamid Shahid Principles of Economics I ( page #421-434)
Causes of monopoly, Revenue curves under monopoly, short run equilibrium of the firm under
monopoly, Types of price discrimination. Dumping.

14th – 15th Week

Duopoly, Oligopoly & Monopolistic Competition Chapter – 19: by A.Hamid Shahid
Principles of Economics I ( page #439-447).
Non collusive models, collusive oligopoly, Market sharing cartel model,

16th – 17th Week

Theory of distribution Chapter – 20: by A.Hamid Sahid Principles of Economics I ( page #459-
477). Classical marginal productivity theory, Supply of Labor.

Final term examination

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

Week Module Intended Main Learning Objectives

• Knowledge about ten Principles ( Economics
Scarcity and tradeoffs, opportunity cost,
Introduction about thinking at the margin, markets etc).
Economics • Understand Competitive markets and price taking,
the determinants of an individual’s demand, the
demand schedule, the demand curve, ceteris
paribus, market demand.
• Understand Shifts in the demand curve vs.
Market forces of supply movement along the demand curve.
and Demand • Know how the determinants of individual supply,
the supply schedule, the supply curve, market
supply, shifts in the supply curves. movement
along the supply curve work.
• Understand Excess supply, excess demand, and
• Analyzing the Change in Equilibrium.
Market forces of supply
and Demand • Shifts verses movements along g curves.
• How prices allocate resources
• Understanding about ,What the consumer can
3 – 4 Theory of consumer choice afford
• What the consumer wants
• What the consumer chooses
• How changes in income affect the consumer choice
• How changes in price affect the consumer choice

• Understanding about elasticity of demand, price

elasticity and total revenue, income elasticity of
Elasticity and its demand ect.
Applications • Understanding about elasticity of supply.
5–6 • Knowledge about Varity of demand& supply
curves .

• Learning about What are the costs

• Knowledge about production and costs
The cost of production
• Knowledge about the various measures of
7–8 cost
• Understanding about short run and long run

Firm in competitive • What is competitive market?

markets • Understand about Profit maximization and the
competitive firms supply curve.
• Knowledge about the short run decision to shut
10 – 11
down a firms.
• Knowledge about monopoly
• Knowledge about the short run equilibrium of the
firms under monopoly
12 – 13
• Understand about price Discriminating
• Knowledge about what is Dumping?

• Understand about non collusive models

Duopoly, Oligopoly & • Understand about collusive oligopoly
14 – 15 Monopolistic Competition • Knowledge about market sharing
• Comparison about monopoly and monopolistic
Theory of distribution • Knowledge about the marginal productivity theory.
16 – 17 • Understands about the Factor pricing

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Text Book(Student Principles Micro Economics by
must buy this book) N.Gregory Mankiw (Harvard University). publishers
Title, Author, Edition, Publisher) Ted Bucholz Provol.
Principles of Economics I by A.Hamid Shahid . Ilmi
Kitab Khana Lahore.
Reference Book:
Economics by Samuelson &Nordhaus seventh edition
printer by Von Hoffmann press,Inc
Perloff, Jeffrey M. Microeconomics. 5th ed. Addison
Wesley, 2008. ISBN: 9780321558497.

Computer Application in Business

Course Code: CSI-321 Credit Hours: 3(2-1)
➢ To develop awareness of computers’ hardware and peripherals; concepts regarding
software types, basic operations, basic OS concepts.
➢ To develop advanced user level skills in various Application Packages: MS Word, MS
Excel, MS PowerPoint.
➢ To set up a computer for World Wide Web connection; Use e-mail to send / receive
messages and file attachments Concepts of on-line discussion groups.

o Computer, its characteristics, history, generations of computers
o Computer Hardware and its peripherals. New hardware and peripheral‘s
o Basic Architecture of Computer System
o Software – its types, basic operations.
o Concepts on Computer Virus, Worms, Hacking, Spam
o Basic concepts regarding System Software and OS
o Using Windows Environment.
o Windows Features
o Start Menu, Task Bar, System Tray
o Control Panel, its basic items
o Managing Files and Folders
o Windows Explorer
o Windows application, operations and uses
o Customizing the Tool Bars
o Types of documents created with a word processing program(MS Word)
o An overview of the menus in MS Word
o Principal features of a word processing program
o In depth knowledge and competence on various operations of MS Word
o Spreadsheet basics, its vocabulary, principles
o Usage of functions, macros, sorting, formatting, generating charts, pivot tables.
o Financial Management related Formula‘s Implementation.
o Statistics related Formula‘s Implementation.
o Cell Formatting, print previewing / printing of selected data
o Insert and name worksheets
o Import spreadsheet reports and charts into word processing documents
o Set up and analyze itemized lists of numbers e-g- various types of budgets
/financial statements
o Examine purpose, examples of a presentation; explain components of a
o Outline a presentation and apply good design principles
o Apply and modify a design template
o Add clip art, charts, sound to a presentation
o Formatting a slide show; Applying slide background, color, style, transitions –
visual, text
o Running a slide show
o Use of Networks; Its Common Types
o Data Communication Modes; Using Telephone Lines, Modems
o Wireless Networks
o Network Security
o Introduction to the Internet, the terminology, its advantages / disadvantages
o Internet Terminology
o Security on the Internet – Tools & Tips
o IT Issues
o Privacy
o Ethics

Recommended Text:
1. Kinkoph, Shery (2003) How to use Microsoft Office XP. SamsPublishing
2. Grauer, Robert T. & Barber, Maryam (2000) Exploring Office XP, Volume 1. Prentice
Hall Publishers
3. Capron, H.L. (2004) Computers, Tools For An Information Age, Prentice Hall
Publishers, 8th Ed
4. Gralla, Preston (2003) How The Internet Works, Que Publishers, 2nd Ed.
5. Crumlish, Christian (1997) The ABCs of the Internet, Sybex Inc, 2nd Ed.
6. Sinha , P. K. (1992) Introduction To Computers BPB Publications.
7. Liong & Long, Introduction to Computers

PSY-321: Human Psychology

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Human Psychology
a. Nature and Application of Psychology with special reference to
b. Importance of human psychology in other fields.
c. Fields of psychology and Schools of Psychology.
2. Methods of psychology
a. Observation
b. Case History Method
c. Experimental Method
d. Correlational Research
3. Sensation, Perception and Attention
a. Sensation
a. Characteristics and Major Functions of Different Sensations
b. Vision: Structure and function of the Eye.
c. Audition: Structure and function of the Ear.
b. Perception
a. Nature of Perception
b. Factors of Perception: Subjective, Objective, and Social.
c. Kinds of Perception.
d. Spatial Perception (Perception of Depth and Distance)
e. Temporal Perception; Auditory Perception.
c. Attention
a. Factors, Subjective and Objective
b. Span of Attention.
4. Learning
a. Definition of learning
b. Types of learning: Classical and operant conditioning
c. Punishment and its effects Latent and observational learning
5. Memory
a. Definition and types of memory
b. Processes and techniques of improving memory
c. Forgetting: Nature and causes
6. Intelligence
a. Concept of intelligence
b. Assessment of intelligence
7. Motivation
a. Introduction to motivation
b. Factors affecting motivation
8. Emotion
a. Definition of emotion
b. Components and Characteristics of emotions
c. Emotional expression
Books Recommended

1. Atkinson R. C. & Smith E. E. (2000). Introduction to psychology (13 th

Ed.). USA:
Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
2. Fernald, L.D, & Fernald, P. S. (2005). Introduction to psychology. USA: WMC
Brown Publishers.
3. Myers, D.G (2013). Introduction t to psychology. Open University Press.
4. Hayes, N (2010). Foundation of psychology (8 Ed.). Thomson Learning.

Government College University Faisalabad.

Department of English
English Courses for Other BS Hons Programs
(Implemented from 2015 onwards)

Government College University, Faisalabad

Department of English

1. Functional English 1st semester (ENG-321)

Part 1: Grammar in context
• Basics of Grammar
• Parts of speech and use of articles
• Sentence structure, active and passive voice
• Practice in unified sentence(synthesis)
• Analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure
• Transformation, Inversion of sentences

• Analysis of Complex sentences

• Subject, Predicate, Complements, direct & indirect objects
• Direct and Indirect speech
Part 2: Functional English in use
1. Making introductions
• Making effective self and peer introductions
• Taking useful introductory notes
2. Expressing requests and enquiries
• Forming appropriate requests and enquiries
• Responding to enquiries
• Requests versus commands
3. Greetings
• Greeting friends and family on different occasions and for different reasons
• Responding to a positive event
• Using formal greeting expressions appropriately
4. Gratitude
• Using formal and informal expressions of gratitude appropriately
5. Invitations
• Demonstrating the use of formal and informal expressions of invitation
• Developing verbal and written skills for invitations
• Responding to invitation requests by accepting or declining
6. Regrets
• Expressing regrets orally and in writing appropriately
• Saying sorry and accepting apologies
7. Following and giving directions
• Following directions from a map
• Giving directions to a location in oral and narrative and imaginative texts by composing stories
and sharing them in writtenand oral form.
8. Sharing narratives
• Reading short stories
• Reading excerpts, comic strips, interviews, and other common texts
9. Sharing unique experiences
• Summarizing and narrating true stories
• Solving word puzzles to develop language awareness
• Reading short stories and completing exercises to test comprehension
• Converting an event into a short story
• Using pictures as stimuli for narrative creation
Key Books:
➢ Eastwood, J. (2005). Oxford Practice Grammar. UK: Oxford.
➢ Wren & Martin. (2007). High School, English Grammar & Composition. New Delhi: S
Chand & Company Limited.
➢ Thomson &Martinent. (1992). A practical English Grammar. UK: Oxford.
➢ Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage. UK: Oxford University Press.
➢ Shah, S. (2006). Exploring the world of English. Lahore: IlmiKitabKhana.
➢ Hewings, M. (2008). Advanced Grammar in Use. New Delhi: CUP. (For classroom
teaching and practice)
➢ Ur.P. (2008). Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Cambridge:
CUP. (Topics for Assignments may be chosen from this Practice book)
➢ Quirk, al. (1983). Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London:
➢ Leech, G., and Jan, S. (1998). A Communicative Grammar of English. London:
➢ Allama Iqbal Open University, Compulsory English 1 (Code 1423) (Islamabad: AIOU
➢ BBC. (2013) Learning English.
➢ British Council. Learn English.
➢ British Council and BBC. Learn English.
➢ Grammar software free download: 3D Grammar English. download-free-software-3d-grammar-

PAKISTAN STUDIES Couse Code: PST-321 Credit Hourse: 3(3-0)

Course Outline
1. Regeneration of Muslim Society in sub-continent and causes of decline of Muslim Rule
2. War of independence 1857and its impacts upon the policies of South-Asia.
3. Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh Movement.
• Educational Services
• Political Services
• Rational interpretation of Islam.
4. All India Muslim League:
• Multiple Approaches and causes of muslim league
• Objectives of the party
• Comaprison of the policies of all india national congress and all india muslim league
• Poloitics of Muslim League after the creation of pakistan
5. Lucknow pact 1916, high water mark of Hindue Muslim-Unity.
6. Khilafat Movement:
• Khilafat as an istitution
• Hindu Muslim Unity
• Rule of Gandhi
• Emergence of Muslim Ulma in Indian politics.
• Causes of the failure and impacts of the movement.
7. Iqbal s address at Allahabad 1930and political thoughts of Ch. Rehmat Ali.
8. Congress ministries.
9. Pakistan resolution 1940.
10. Muhammad Ali Jinnah:
• Jinnah s role in Indian Politics.
• As a Governor General.
11. Initial problems and constitutional development in Pakistan.
12. The study of constitutions of Pakistan (1956-1962-1973)
13. Political culture of Pakistan.
14. Foreign policy of Pakistan:
• Major determinants and objectives.
• Overview.

Reference Book: Manzoor Ahmed

Semester 2

Course Specifications
Principles of Management

Class Format & Weekly Work Plan:
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

1st – 2nd Week

Chapter – 1: Managers and You in the Workplace. Management History Module. What are
management and a manager? Four functions of a manager? Ten roles of a manager by Henry
Mintzberg. Layers of management. Skills required by managers. Importance of innovation,
diversity, and customers for a manager. Early History of management. Early theories and
approaches to management; the classical approach, behavioral approach, quantitative approach,
contingency approach and contemporary approaches (Page 3 – 75) (Management by Stephan P.
Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

3rd – 4th Week

Chapter – 2: Decision Making. The manager’s role as a decision maker. The 8-step process of
decision making, Explain the four ways managers make decisions, Evidence based and intuitive
decision making, Classify decisions and decision-making conditions. Describe how biases affect
decision making. Know how to recognize when you’re using decision-making errors and biases
and what to do about it. (Page 82-100) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter,
14th Edition).
Chapter – 3: Global Management, Contrast ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric attitudes
toward global business. Discuss the importance of regional trading alliances and global trade
mechanisms. Describe the structures and techniques organizations use as they go international.
Explain the relevance of the political/legal, economic, and cultural environments to global
business. (Page 114-139) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).
5th – 6th Week
Chapter – 4 Valuing a Diverse Workforce. Define workplace diversity and explain why
managing it is so important. Describe the changing workplaces in the United States and around
the world. Explain the different types of diversity found in workplaces. Discuss the challenges
managers face in managing diversity. Describe various workplace diversity management
initiatives. (Page 144-173) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).
Chapter 5 Socially-Conscious Management
Discuss what it means to be socially responsible and what factors influence that decision.
Explain green management and how organizations can go green. Discuss the factors that lead to
ethical and unethical behavior. Describe management’s role in encouraging ethical behavior.
Discuss current social responsibility and ethics issues. (Page 178-204) (Management by Stephan
P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

7th - 8th Week

Chapter – 6: Managing Change
Describe making the case for change. Compare and contrast views on the change process.
Classify areas of organizational change. Explain how to manage change. Discuss contemporary
issues in managing change. Describe techniques for stimulating innovation. Explain why
managing disruptive innovation is important. (Page 212-237) (Management by Stephan P.
Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

Mid Semester Examination

10th Week – 11th Week

Chapter – 7: Constraints on Managers. Contrast the actions of managers according to the
omnipotent and symbolic views. Describe the constraints and challenges facing managers in
today’s external environment. Discuss the characteristics and importance of organizational
culture. Describe current issues in organizational culture. (Page 252-272) (Management by
Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

12th Week – 13th Week

Chapter 8: Planning and Goal Setting. Define the nature and purposes of planning. Classify
the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they use. Compare and contrast
approaches to goal-setting and planning. Discuss contemporary issues in planning. (Page 288-
300) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).
Chapter 9: Strategic Planning. Define strategic management and explain why it’s important.
Explain what managers do during the six steps of the strategic management process. Describe
the three types of corporate strategies. Describe competitive advantage and the competitive
strategies organizations use to get it. Discuss current strategic management issues. (Page 312-
324) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

14th Week – 15th Week

Chapter 10: Fostering Entrepreneurship. Define entrepreneurship and explain why it’s
important. Explain what entrepreneurs do in the planning process for new ventures.
Describe the six legal forms of organization and the choice of appropriate organizational
structure. Describe how entrepreneurs lead organizations. Explain how managers control
organizations for growth, downturns, and exiting the venture. (Page 343-368) (Management by
Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

16th Week – 17th Week

Chapter – 11: Organization Design. Describe six key elements in organizational design.
Contrast mechanistic and organic structures. Discuss the contingency factors that favor either
the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design. Describe traditional
organizational design options. Discuss organizing for flexibility in the twenty-first century.
(Page 382-402) (Management by Stephan P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 14th Edition).

Final Project Presentations

Final project is about a comprehensive written report as well as presentation on Management

Practices in any organization.

Final Semester Examination

Weekly Course Objectives:

Week Module Intended Learning Objectives

• To understand management History Module. What are

management and a manager?
• To explain four functions of a manager?
• To explain ten roles of a manager by Henry Mintzberg.
• To understand layers of management. Skills required by
Managers and You in managers.
1-2 • To understand importance of innovation, diversity, and
the Workplace.
customers for a manager.
• To understand early History of management.
• To understand early theories and approaches to
management; the classical approach, behavioral approach,
quantitative approach, contingency approach and
contemporary approaches

• To explain the manager’s role as a decision maker.

• To explain the 8-step process of decision making, Explain
the four ways managers make decisions, Evidence based
Decision Making, and intuitive decision making,
3-4 • To classify decisions and decision-making conditions.
Global Management
• To describe how biases affect decision making and Know
how to recognize when you’re using decision-making
errors and biases and what to do about it.
• To define workplace diversity and explain why managing it
is so important.
• To describe the changing workplaces in the United States
and around the world.
Valuing a Diverse • To explain the different types of diversity found in
Workforce workplaces.
• To discuss the challenges managers face in managing
• To describe various workplace diversity management
• To describe making the case for change. Compare and
contrast views on the change process.
• To classify areas of organizational change.
• To explain how to manage change.
7-8 Managing Change • To discuss contemporary issues in managing change.
Describe techniques for stimulating innovation.
• To explain why managing disruptive innovation is

• To explain constraints on Managers.

• To contrast the actions of managers according to the
omnipotent and symbolic views.
• To describe the constraints and challenges facing managers
Constraints in today’s external environment.
10 - 11 on Managers • To discuss the characteristics and importance of
organizational culture.
• To describe current issues in organizational culture.
• To define strategic management and explain why it’s
• To explain what managers do during the six steps of the
strategic management process?
12 - 13 Strategic Planning • To describe the three types of corporate strategies.
• To describe competitive advantage and the competitive
strategies organizations use to get it.
• To discuss current strategic management issues.
• To define entrepreneurship and explain why it’s
• To explain what entrepreneurs do in the planning process
for new ventures.
Fostering • To describe the six legal forms of organization and the
14 - 15
Entrepreneurship choice of appropriate organizational structure.
• To describe how entrepreneurs lead organizations.
• To explain how managers control organizations for
growth, downturns, and exiting the venture.

• To describe six key elements in organizational design.

• To contrast mechanistic and organic structures.
• Discuss the contingency factors that favor either the
mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational
16 - 17 Organization Design • To describe traditional organizational design options.
• To discuss organizing for flexibility in the twenty-first
• To develop your skill at acquiring and using power and
Know how to stay connected and “in the loop” when
working remotely

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, Management, 14th
(Title, Author, Edition, Edition
Reference Book(s):
(Title, Author, Edition,


Course Specifications
Financial Accounting-II

COM - 302

http://www. gcuf. edu. pk/



Weekly Course Objec<ves

Week Chapter Topic

1 • What are Accounting and Finance
• Objectives and Functions of Accounting
• Branches of Accounting
Introduction to • Basic Accounting Concepts
Accounting and • Accounting Convention
Finance • Accounting Process
• Users of Accounting Information
• Key characteristics of Accounting Information
• Accounting as an Information System
2nd • Purpose of Accounting
• Types of Accounting Information used in Business
Accounting: The • Difference between Financial Accounting and
Language of
Management Accounting
• Financial Reporting Process
• Financial Statements: The Starting Point in the Study
of Accounting
3rd • Balance Sheet: Assets, Liabilities & Owner’s Equity
• The Accounting Equation
• Forms of Business Organizations
• Use of Financial Statements by Outsiders
4th • Need for Recognized Accounting Standard
• Accounting Entity Concept
Accounting • Going-Concern Assumption
Concepts, • Objectivity Principle
Professional • Cost Principle
Judgment and • Realization Principle
Ethical Conduct • Matching Principle
• Consistency Principle
• Disclosure Principle
• Materiality Concept
5th Accounting for • Income Statement of Merchandising Companies
Merchandising • Accounting Information Needed by Merchandising
Activities; Companies
Classified Financial • General Ledger Account
Statements • Subsidiary Ledger
6th • Two Approaches used in Accounting for
Merchandising Transactions
• Perpetual Inventory System
• Periodic Inventory System
7th • Specialized Types of Merchandising Transactions
• Classified Balance Sheet
• Classified Income Statements
• Single and Multiple Step Income Statement
• Exercise and Problems
8th Fixed Assets and • Depreciation
Depreciation • Methods of Charging Depreciation
• Exercise
• Determining Company’s Information Need
Accounting • Cost of Producing Accounting Information
10th Systems, Internal • Basic Function of Accounting System
Control and Audits • Design of Accounting Systems
• Classifying and Storing Data in Accounting System
• Difference between Manual and Computer-Based
Accounting Systems
11th • Relationship between Accounting System and Internal
Control Structure
• Accounting Controls and Administrative Controls
• Uncollectible Accounts
Account Receivable • Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
12th and Notes
• Management of Accounts Receivable
• Factoring Accounts Receivable
13th • Nature of Interest
• Accounting for Notes Receivable
• Evaluating the Quality of Notes and Account
• Exercise and Problems
14th • Inventory Defined
• Flow of Inventory Costs
• Cost Flow Assumptions
Inventories and Cost
• Average-Cost Method
of Goods Sold
• Evaluation of Methods
15th • Principle of Consistency
• Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Systems
• Periodic Inventory Systems
• Importance of Accurate Valuation of Inventory
16th • Techniques for Estimating Cost of Goods Sold and
Ending Inventory
• Gross Profit Method
• Retail Method
• Inventory Management
• Evaluating Liquidity of Inventory
• Affect of Accounting Methods on Financial Statement
Subtotals and Analytical Ratios

Make-up Class, if needed / Revision Session


Required Learning Resources
Meigs R. F. and Meigs W. B., “Accounting: The Basis for
TextBook(s): Business Decisions” 13th Edition or Latest, McGraw-Hill,
1. Eric G. Flamholtz, Diana Troik Flamholtz, Michael
Reference Book(s): A.Diamond: Principle of Accounting, Macmillan
Publishing Co. New York
2. Frankwood, Business Accounting-I and Business
3. Simon and Karren Brock: Intermediate Accounting

Facili<es Required for Teaching and Learning

White Board / Multimedia (In case of Physical Classes)
Zoom Online Meetings (In case of Online classes)


Lyallpur Business School

Course Specifications

Principles of Macro Economics

Weekly Work Plan:
To achieve the above these are the main course components:
1st – 2nd Week
Introduction to concept of macro economics chapter #1 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 9-23)
Classical ,J.M.Keynes and hicksian economics. Scope of macro economics, problems of macro.
3rd – 4th Week
National income Chapter # 2 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 1-8)
Definition of N.I, Measurement of GNP or GDP. Circular flow of NI.
Classical theory of income and employment Chapter # 3 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 25-40)
Introduction to classical theory of income and employment. Assumption of classical model
,Say’s law of markets. Goods markets in classical model .The labor market in classical model.
AD&AS for labor .
5th – 6th Week
Keynesian theory of income and employment Chapter # 4 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 41-58)
Salient features of Keynes theory of income and employment. Determination of equilibrium
level of income and employment in a two sector economy and three sector economy. Criticism
of Keynesian theory of income and employment. Keynes equilibrium in monetary sector.
7th – 8th Week
Keynes propensity to consume or consumption function. Chapter # 5 by A.Hamid Shahid (page
# 59-92).Consumption function, Saving function, Keynes psychological law of consumption,
Theories of Consumption.

9th week Mid Semester Examination

10th – 11th Week

Inflation Chapter # 9 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 149-158).
ASC,ADC demand pull inflation ,cost push inflation, effects of inflation, Phillips curve.
Inflationary and deflationary Gaps Chapter # 6 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 93-105).
Concept of investment ,MEC and MEI
12th – 13th Week
Fiscal policy and its objective Chapter # 8 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 119-126).
Definition objective of fiscal policy, fiscal policy in trade cycles, role of fiscal policy in NI
determination. Role of taxes
.14th – 15th Week
Monetary policy and its objective Chapter # 8 by A.Hamid Shahid (page # 127-132).
Definition, instrument or tool of monetary policy, role of monetary policy in national income
16th – 17th Week
International trade and national income determination. Chapter # 10 by A.Hamid Shahid (page #
Classical theories of international trade , criticism of theories ,BOP,I.M.F.
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

Week Module Intended Main Learning Objectives

Introduction to concept of • Learning about macroeconomics identifies the
macro economics components of aggregate demand which are
1–2 consumption investment and government
Classical ,J.M.Keynes and expenditures.
hicksian macro macro

• Understanding about the concept of national
National income
income .
3 – 4 Classical theory of income
• Learn how classical theory of income and
and employment
employment work.
Keynesian theory of • Understanding about salient features of Keynes
income and employment theory of income and employment.

• Learning about Keynes law of consumption and

Keyesian economics I
7–8 theories of consumption.

• Learning how price level effect the economy.

Inflation • After reading this students understand about
Inflationary and national income equilibrium take place, and
deflationary Gaps different situation of equilibrium level take
10 – 11 place.

• Knowledge about govt revenue and govt

Fiscal policy and its • What are the main source of govt revenue .
12 – 13
• Role of fiscal policy in national income
• Learning how central bank of an economy control
Monetary policy money supply
14 – 15
and its objective • What measure are adopt to control the money
supply (in case of inflation &deflation)
International trade and • Learn abot theories of international trade.
national income
16 – 17

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Principles of Marco Economics by A.Hamid Shahid . Ilmi
Kitab Khana Lahore.

Reference Book: Economics by Samuelson &Nordhaus seventh edition

printer by Von Hoffmann press,Inc

Macro Economics by Rudigerdornbusch,

Stanley fischer,Richard startz (senenth edition)

Course Specifications
Business Mathematics

Weekly Course Objectives

Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Address the Following Questions.

By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you

will be able to:
• Use shortcuts and simplifications to perform the
fundamental process of addition rapidly and accurately.
Fundamental • Use shortcuts and simplifications to perform subtraction
1 Processes rapidly and accurately.
• Use simplifications to perform the fundamental process
of multiplication
• Use shortcuts and simplifications to perform division
rapidly and accurately.
• Estimate answers before performing operations

By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you

will be able to:
Learning Objective
• Change improper fractions and mixed numbers.
Learning Objective
• Change fractions to lower and higher terms.
• Learning Objective
• Add fractions and mixed numbers.
• Learning Objective
2 Fractions
• Subtract fractions and mixed numbers.
• Learning Objective
• Multiply fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers.
• Learning Objective
• Divide fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers.

By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you

will be able to:
Learning Objective
• Read decimal numbers.
• Learning Objective
• Round decimal numbers.
• Learning Objective
• Add two or more decimal numbers.
• Learning Objective
3 Decimals
• Subtract one decimal number from another.
• Learning Objective
• Multiply two decimal numbers.
• Learning Objective
• Divide one decimal number by another decimal number.
• Learning Objective
• Multiply and divide by decimal numbers that end with
• Approximate products and quotients.
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
4 will be able to:
• Use mental computations in simple addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
• Use a systematic approach to solve word problems.
Word Problems • Apply formulas to solve rate, time, and distance
and Equations
• Solve simple numerical equations.
• Recognize numerical relationships in a series.
• Do quick mental calculations through a process of
rounding numbers
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
▪ Change percent to decimals.
Percent ▪ Change fractions and decimals to percent.
▪ Find Base, Rate, and Percentage.
▪ Use percent to measure increase and decrease.
▪ Use percent to allocate overhead expenses.
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
6 Commissions ▪ Compute sales commissions and gross pay.
▪ Compute graduated sales commissions.
▪ Compute sales and purchases for principals.
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
• Compute trade discounts.
• Compute a series of trade discounts.
• Compute the equivalent single discount rate for a series
7-8 Discounts
of trade discounts.
• Compute cash discounts and remittance amounts for fully
paid invoices.
• Compute cash discounts and remittance amounts for
partially paid invoices.
Mid Term Exam
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
• Compute the variables in the basic markup formula.
• Compute the markup variables when the markup percent
9 Markup is based on cost.
• Compute markup percent based on cost.
• Compute the markup variables when the markup percent
is based on selling price.
• Compute markup percent based on selling price.
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
• Compute simple interest with time in years or months.
• Compute ordinary simple interest, using a 360-day year.
Interest Application
• Compute exact simple interest, using a 365-day year.
Simple Interest • Compare ordinary simple interest and exact simple
• Estimate exact simple interest computations.
• Compute the Principal, Rate, and Time from the basic
interest formula.
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you
will be able to:
• Convert between annual and monthly interest rates.
• Compute simple interest on a monthly basis.
• Compute finance charges for credit account purchases.
11 Installment
Purchases • Compute costs of installment purchases.
• Compute effective rates.
• Amortize a loan.
• Compute the monthly payment on a home mortgage.

By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you

will be able to:
Compound 1. Compute future values and compound interest.
12-13 Interest and 2. Compute present values.
Present Value 3. Use present value tables and/or formulas.

Learning Objectives
• Account for inventory by inventory sheets and reports
from a perpetual inventory system.
• Compute inventory value by the average cost, LIFO, and
Inventory FIFO methods.
and Turnover • Compute inventory by using the lower of cost or market
• Estimate inventory by using cost of goods sold.
• Compute inventory turnover. 7
By studying this chapter and completing all assignments you 9
will be able to:
• Compute the future value of an annuity.
• Compute the regular payments of an annuity from the
future value.
15-16 Annuities • Compute the present value of an annuity.
• Compute the regular payments of an annuity from the
present value.
• Compute the loan payment required to amortize a loan.
• Create a loan amortization schedule.
Final Term Exam

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Contemporary Business Mathematics by Dietz & Southam
(Title, Author, Edition,
Reference Book: 1. Applied Mathematics (for Business, Economics and
(Title, Author, Edition, the Social Sciences) by Frank S. Budnick
Publisher) 2. Essentials of college mathematics (for
business, economics, life and social sciences)
by Raymond A.Barnet

Government College University, Faisalabad

Department of English
II. English Comprehension and Composition2 Semester (ENG-322)
A. Reading Comprehension Skills
• identifying main idea/topic sentences
• find specific information quickly
• distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information according to purpose for
• recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices
• distinguishing between fact and opinion
B. Reading techniques- applying Skimming, Scanning, SQ3R, SPRE
C. Vocabulary Building Skills
• guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues
• using word formation rules for enhancing vocabulary
• using the dictionary for finding out meanings and use of unfamiliar words
D. Pre-writing Techniques- Brain Storming, making a list, Mind mapping.
E. Writing Techniques:
• Plan writing: identify audience, purpose and message
• Collect information in various forms such as mind maps, tables, charts, lists
• Order information such as:
o Chronology for a narrative
o Stages of a process
o From general to specific and vice versa
o From most important to least important
o Advantages and disadvantages
o Comparison and contrast
o Problem solution pattern
• Write argumentative and descriptive forms of writing using different methods of
developing ideas like listing, comparison, and contrast, cause and effect, for and against
F. Paragraph Writing:
• Structure & Development of Paragraph.
• Write and Identify good topic and supporting sentences and effective conclusions.
• Use appropriate cohesive devices such as reference words and signal markers
G. Types of Writing
• Narrative
• Descriptive: describing a place, character
• Expository
• Argumentative
H. Essay writing techniques:
• Structure and outline of an essay.
• Writing Introductions and conclusions of an essay.
• Unity and coherence in an essay

I. Paraphrasing: What is Paraphrase? Paraphrasing Techniques and how to apply

J. Précis writing
• What is Précis?
• Uses of précis writing
• Essentials of a good précis
• Method of procedure
• How to find the title
• Précis of a phrase or clause
• Précis of a Sentence
• Précis of a Paragraph
• Summarizing an article
• Writing an assignment summary
K. Expansion: Expansion of a sentence into paragraph
Method of Expansion

Suggested Books:
➢ Exploring the World of English by Saadat Ali Shah
➢ College Writing: From paragraph to Essay: Zemach &Rumisek
➢ Reading. Upper Intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis.
➢ Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992.
➢ Glencoe Writer’s Choice: Grammar and Composition. McGraw Hill Glencoe
➢ College writing skills by John Langan. McGraw Hill Publishers, 2004
➢ Reading upper intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford supplementary
skills. Third impression 1992


Course Outline
1. Introduction
a. Definition, Scope, and Subject Matter
b. Sociology as a Science
c. Historical back ground of Sociology
2. Basic Concepts
a. Group, Community, Society
b. Associations
i. Non-Voluntary
ii. Voluntary
c. Organization
i. Informal
ii. Formal
d. Social Interaction
i. Levels of Social Interaction
ii. Process of Social Interaction
a) Cooperation
b) Competition
c) Conflict
d) Accommodation
e) Acculturation and diffusion
f) Assimilation
g) Amalgamation
3. Social Groups
a. Definition & Functions
b. Types of social groups
i. In and out groups
ii. Primary and Secondary group
iii. Reference groups
iv. Informal and Formal groups
v. Pressure groups
4. Culture
a. Definition, aspects and characteristics of Culture
i. Material and non material culture
ii. Ideal and real culture
b. Elements of culture
i. Beliefs
ii. Values
iii. Norms and social sanctions
c. Organizations of culture
i. Traits
ii. Complexes
iii. Patterns
iv. Ethos
v. Theme
d. Other related concepts
i. Cultural Relativism
ii. Sub Cultures
iii. Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism
iv. Cultural lag
5. Socialization & Personality
a. Personality, Factors in Personality Formation
b. Socialization, Agencies of Socialization
c. Role & Status
6. Deviance and Social Control
a. Deviance and its types
b. Social control and its need
c. Forms of Social control
d. Methods & Agencies of Social control
7. Collective Behavior
a. Collective behavior, its types
b. Crowd behavior
c. Public opinion
d. Propaganda
e. Social movements
f. Leadership

Recommended Books:
1. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. 2001. Sociology the Essentials.
Australia: Wadsworth.
2. Brown, Ken 2004. Sociology. UK: Polity Press
3. Gidden, Anthony 2002. Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.
4. Macionis, John J. 2006. 10th Edition Sociology New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
5. Tischler, Henry L. 2002. Introduction to Sociology 7th ed. New York: The
Harcourt Press.
6. Frank N Magill. 2003. International Encyclopedia of Sociology. U.S.A: Fitzroy
Dearborn Publishers
7. Macionis, John J. 2005. Sociology 10th ed. South Asia: Pearson Education
8. Kerbo, Harold R. 1989. Sociology: Social Structure and Social Conflict. New
York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
9. Koening Samuel. 1957. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Society.
New York: Barnes and Nobel..
10. Lee, Alfred Mclung and Lee, Elizabeth Briant 1961. Marriage and The family.
New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc.
11. Leslie, Gerald et al. 1973. Order and Change: Introductory Sociology
Toronto: Oxford University Press.
12. Lenski, Gevbard and Lenski, Jeam. 1982. Human Societies. 4th edition New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
13. James M. Henslin. 2004. Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Toronto:
Allen and Bacon.

Semester 3




Course Specifications

Principles of Marketing
Weekly Work Plan:
To achieve the above these are the main course components:

▪ Online Lectures/Class Discussions Chat Rooms/Individual Class Participation

▪ The lectures are devoted to discussion of the topics shown in the course outline. You will
be expected to come to class having completed the reading scheduled and prepared to
participate in class discussion as every positive intervention counts towards your
learning and award of score.

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Week Module Intended Main Learning Objectives
▪ Know what marketing is and why you should learn
about it.
▪ Understand the difference between marketing and
Chapter – 1: macro-marketing.
▪ Understand what a market driven economy is and
(Page 03 –33 of TEXT
how it adjusts the macro-marketing system.
1-2 ▪ Know what the marketing concept is –and how it
Marketing: Creating should guide a firm or non-profit major
Customer Value and organization.
▪ Understand what customer value is and why it is
important to customer satisfaction.
▪ Understand the contemporary terms in marketing.

Chapter – 2: ▪ Company-Wide Strategic Planning: Defining

(Page 37–64 of TEXT Marketing’s Role
BOOK) ▪ Defining a Market-Oriented Mission, Objectives
and Goals
Company and ▪ Marketing: Creating Customer Value and
Marketing Strategy: engagement,
Partnering to Build ▪ Designing the Business Portfolio, Marketing Mix
Customer ▪ Analyzing the Current Business Portfolio
Engagement, Value, ▪ The Boston Consulting Group Approach
and Relationship ▪ Developing Strategies for What Is Marketing?
▪ Know the variables that shape the environment of
marketing strategy planning.
▪ Understand why company objectives are important
Chapter – 3: in guiding marketing strategy planning.
(Page 65 –94 of TEXT ▪ Understand how the economic and technological
BOOK) environments can affect strategy planning.
▪ Know how elements of the political and legal
Analyzing the Marketing environment affect marketing strategy planning.
Environment ▪ Understand the cultural and social environment and
how demographic trends affect strategy planning.
▪ Understand how to screen and evaluate marketing
strategy opportunities.
▪ Model of Consumer Behavior
Chapter – 5:
▪ Buying Decision Behavior and Decision Process
(Page 129 –160 of
▪ They Buyer Decision Process for New Products
▪ Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
▪ Cultural Factors
Consumer Markets
▪ Social Factors
and Buyer Behavior
▪ Personal Factors
▪ Psychological Factors
▪ Describe who the business and organization buyers
Chapter – 6: ▪ See why business and organizational purchase
(Page 161 –184 of decisions often involve multiple influences.
TEXT BOOK) ▪ Understand the different types of buyer seller
relationships and their benefits and limitations.
9 Business and ▪ Know about the number and distribution of
Organizational manufacturers and why they are important
Customers and Their customer group.
Buying Behavior ▪ Know how buying by service firms, retailers,
wholesalers and governments similar to-and
different from-buying by manufacturers.

Chapter – 7: ▪ Know about defining generic markets and product
(Page 185 –217 of markets.
TEXT BOOK) ▪ Know what market segmentation is and how to
segment product markets in to submarkets.
10 Customer Value-Focusing ▪ Recognize how some computer aided methods are
Marketing Strategy with used in segmenting.
Segmentation and ▪ Know dimensions that may be useful for
Positioning segmenting markets.
▪ Know what positioning is and why it is useful.
▪ Understand what “product” really means.
Chapter – 8: ▪ Know the key difference between goods and
(Page 196 –223 of services.
TEXT BOOK) ▪ Understand the importance of packaging in strategy
▪ Understand the role of warranties in strategy
Elements of Product planning.
11 Planning for Goods and ▪ Know the differences among various consumer and
Services business product classes.
▪ Understand how product classes can help a
marketing manager plan marketing strategy.

▪ Understand what product classes suggest about

place objectives.
Chapter – 10: ▪ Understand why some firms use direct channel
(Page 253 – 277 of systems while others work with intermediaries
TEXT BOOK) and indirect systems.
▪ Know how to channel members in vertical
12 - 13
Place and Development of marketing systems shift and share functions to
Channel Systems meet customer needs.
▪ Know how multichannel distribution and reverse
channels operate.
▪ Know the main approaches firms use to reach
customers in international markets.
▪ Know the advantages and disadvantages of the
promotion methods a marketing manager can use
in strategy planning.
▪ Understand the importance of promotion
Chapter – 13:
▪ Know how the traditional communication process
(Page 328 – 355 of
affects promotion planning.
▪ Understand how customer initiated interactive
communication is different.
Promotion - Introduction
▪ Understand how promotion blends typically vary
to Integrated Marketing
over the adoption curve and product life cycle.
▪ Understand how to determine how much to spend
14 - 15
on promotion efforts.
Chapter – 16:
▪ Understand how pricing objectives should guide
(Page 418 – 445 of
strategy planning for pricing decisions.
▪ Know what a marketing manager should consider
Pricing Objectives and
when setting the price level for a product in the
early stages of product life cycle.
▪ Understand the many possible variations of a price
structure, including discounts, allowances, and
who pays transportation costs.
▪ Understand the value pricing concept and its role in
obtaining a competitive advantage and offering
target customers superior value.

Local Case Study &

16 Discussion Week
Required Learning Resources
Text Book(s): ‘‘Principles of Marketing” By Philip Kotler, Gary
(Title, Author, Edition, Armstrong, Agnihotri, Ehsan ul Haque, (17th Edition): A
Publisher) south Asian Perspective, Pearson Publisher.
Reference Book(s): “Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning
(Title, Author, Edition, Approach” By William D. Perreault, Jr., Joseph P. Cannon,
Publisher) E. Jerome McCarthy, (19th Edition) McGraw-Hill Irwin


Course Specifications
Managerial Accounting

Weekly Work Plan:

This course builds upon the concepts and techniques to control cost driven activities. Therefore,
the main focus of our classes will be on the understanding of various concepts and practice of
different numerical exercise and problems.
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
1st – 2nd Week

Chapter – 1: Meaning of Accounting, Three Classifications of Accounting, Financial

Accounting and Its Limitations, Cost Accounting and Its Objectives, Managerial Accounting Its
Evolution, and Objectives, Nature and Scope of Managerial Accounting, Difference Between
Financial Accounting, Cost and Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th
Pakistan Edition)

3rd – 4th Week

Chapter – 2: Role of Managerial Accounting in Decision Making, Tools and Techniques of

Managerial Accounting, Meaning of ‘Cost’ and ‘Expense’, Process Cost Centre, Product Cost
Centre, Service Cost Centre, Impersonal and Personal Cost Centre, Operation Cost Centre, Cost
Unit, Single Cost Unit V/S Composite Cost Unit (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan
5th – 6th Week

Chapter – 3: Various Classifications of Cost, Elements of Cost such as Material, Labour and
Expenses, Cost Ascertainment V/S Cost Estimation, Methods and Techniques of Costing (Cost
Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)
7th - 8th Week

Chapter – 4: Introduction of Financial Statements, Prime Cost, Conversion Cost, Total Factory
Cost, Cost of Goods Manufactured, Cost of Goods Sold at Normal and Actual, Cost of Goods
Sold Statement of a Trading Concern, Cost of Goods Sold Statement of a Manufacturing
Concern, Income Statements, Numerical Exercises and Problems (Cost Accounting by Matz
Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)
Mid Semester Examination

10th Week

Chapter – 9: Material Purchase Procedure, Store Records, Store Ledger Card, Inventory
Systems: Periodic and Perpetual, Methods of Costing of Material Issue, Inventory Planning and
Control, Measurement of Stock Levels (Order Level, Maximum Stock Level, Minimum Stock
Level, Danger Level), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Numerical Exercises and Problems
(Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)
11th Week

Chapter – 11: The term Labour and its Classifications, Importance and Nature of Productivity,
and Productivity’s Relationship to Labour Costs, Methods of Labour Remuneration, Labour
Incentive Plans, Numerical Exercises and Problems (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th
Pakistan Edition)
12th Week

Chapter – 12 & 13: Factory Overhead Predetermine and Use, Selection of Different Bases for
Factory Overhead Rates, Factory Overhead Control Account, Factory Overhead Variance
Analysis, Departmentization of Factory Overhead Cost, Allocation and Apportionment of FOH
Cost, Numerical Exercises and Problems (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan
13th Week

Chapter – 18 & 19: Methods of setting standard costing, Criticism of standard costing, Variance
Analysis, Direct material and Direct Labor Variance Analysis, Numerical Problems of standard
Costing and variance Analysis, Numerical Exercises and Problems (Cost Accounting by Matz
Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)
14th Week

Chapter – 6: Production Report, Process Costing, Normal and Abnormal Loss, Cost of
Production Report with Numerical Exercises and Problems (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry,
14th Pakistan Edition)
15th Week

Chapter – 20: Contribution Margin Approach, Equation Approach, CVP Analysis, Income
statement of Contribution Approach, Income statement of Traditional Approach, Break even
points in units and dollars, Numerical Exercises and Problems of CVP (Cost Accounting by
Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)
16th Week

Chapter – 15 & 16: Capital budgeting, Techniques of capital budgeting, Decision making on the
basis of techniques foe manager in selection of project, Numerical problems for the selection of
different projects, (Cost Accounting by Matz Usry, 14th Pakistan Edition)

Weekly Course Objectives

Week Module Intended Learning Objectives
1-2 Nature and scope of Cost and ➢ To Understand the Meaning of Accounting
Managerial Accounting and Its Classifications
➢ To Understand Financial Accounting and Its
➢ To Understand the Cost Accounting and Its
➢ To Understand the Managerial Accounting Its
Evolution, and Objectives
➢ To Know the Nature and Scope of Managerial
➢ To Explain the Difference among Financial
Accounting, Cost Accounting and
Managerial Accounting
3-4 Managerial Accounting and ➢ To Understand the Role of Managerial
Cost Concepts Accounting in Decision Making
➢ To Understand Tools and Techniques of
Managerial Accounting
➢ To Understand the Difference Between Cost
and Expense
➢ To Understand Different Classifications of
Cost Centres and Cost Unit
5-6 Managerial Accounting and ➢ To Understand Various Classifications of Cost
Cost Classifications ➢ To Understand the Different Elements of Cost
➢ To Understand the Comparison Between Cost
Ascertainment and Cost Estimation
➢ To Comprehend Different Methods and
Techniques of Costing

7-8 Cost Systems and Cost ➢ To Understand meaning and computation of

Accumulation Prime Cost, Conversion Cost, Total Factory
Cost and Cost of Goods Manufactured
➢ To Determine the Cost of Goods Sold at
Normal and Actual
➢ To Prepare the Cost of Goods Sold Statement
of a Trading Concern
➢ To Prepare the Cost of Goods Sold Statement
of a Manufacturing Concern
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant
10 Materials: Costing, Planning ➢ To understand the Material Purchase
and Controlling Procedure
➢ To understand and prepare the Store Records
and Store Ledger Cards
➢ To Comprehend Different Inventory Systems:
Periodic and Perpetual
➢ To Understand Various Methods of Costing of
Material Issue
➢ To Understand the Inventory Planning and
➢ To Understand the Measurement of Stock
Levels (Order Level, Maximum Stock Level,
Minimum Stock Level, Danger Level)
➢ To Understand the term of Economic Order
Quantity (EOQ)
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant
11 Labour: Costing, Planning and ➢ To Understand the Term Labour and Its
Controlling Classifications
➢ To Comprehend the Importance as well as
Nature of Productivity, and Productivity’s
Relationship to Labour Costs
➢ To Understand Different Methods of Labour
➢ To Understand Different Labour Incentive
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant
12 Factory Overhead: Costing, ➢ To Understand Factory Overhead,
Planning and Controlling Predetermine and Use
➢ To Understand the Selection of Different
Bases for Factory Overhead Rates
➢ To Understand the Factory Overhead Control
➢ To Understand and conduct Factory Overhead
Variance Analysis
➢ To Understand the Departmentization of
Different Factory Overhead Costs
➢ To Understand the Allocation and
Apportionment of Factory Overhead Costs
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant
13 Standard Costing, Operational ➢ To Understand the Different Methods of
Measures and Variance Setting Standard Costing
Analysis ➢ To Examine the Criticism on Standard
➢ To Understand and Conduct Variance
➢ To Understand and Conduct the Direct
Material and Direct Labor Variance Analysis
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of Standard Costing and
Variance Analysis
14 Process Costing and Production ➢ To Understand Process Costing
Report ➢ To Understand and Deal with Normal and
Abnormal Loss
➢ To Understand and Prepare the Cost of
Production Report with the Practice of
Numerical Problems
15 Cost Volume Profit Analysis ➢ To Understand the Contribution Margin
Approach and Equation Approach
➢ To Understand and Conduct the Cost Volume
Profit Analysis
➢ To Understand and Prepare the Income
Statement of Contribution Approach
➢ To Understand and Prepare the Income
Statement of Traditional Approach
➢ To Conduct the Break Even Points in Units
and Dollars
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant
16 Budgeting and Selection of ➢ To Understand the Meaning of Budgeting
Business Alternatives Term
➢ To Understand and Application of the
Different Techniques of Master Budgeting
➢ To Practice the Numerical Exercises and
Solve the Problems of the Above Relevant

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): • Cost Accounting by Matz Usry (14th Pakistan Edition)
(Title, Author, Edition, South-Western Publishing Co.
Reference Book(s): • Management Accounting by Ray H. Garrison, Eric W.
(Title, Author, Edition, Noreen and Peter C. Brewer (15th Edition) McGraw-
Publisher) Hill
• Managerial Accounting (Creating value in dynamic
Business Environment) by Ronald Hilton and David
Platt (11th Edition) McGraw-Hill
• Cost and Management Accounting by Arshad Awan and
Khalid Latif, Kitab Markaz, Faisalabad.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is aimed at: 1. To provide Basic information about
Islamic Studies 2. To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization 3. To
improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships 4. To enhance the skill of the
students for understanding of issues related to faith and religious life.

COURSE CONTENTS: Basic Concepts of Quran, History of Quran, Uloom-ul-Quran, Verses

of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No-284-286), Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to
Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18), Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of
faithful (Verse No-1-11), Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77),
Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam (Verse No-152-154), Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab
Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.), Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20)
Related to thinking, Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No-1,14), Life of
Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood), Life of Holy Prophet (SAW) in Makkah,
Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah, Life of Holy Prophet
(SAW) in Madina, Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina, Important Lessons Derived
from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina, Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of
Hadith, Uloom-ul-Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah, Selected Study from Text
of Hadith, Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture &
Civilization, Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Characteristics of
Islamic Culture & Civilization, Islamic Culture & Civilization, Basic Concepts of Islam &
Science, Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science, Basic Concepts of Islamic
Economic System, Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics, Islamic Concept of
Riba, Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce, Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System, Basic
Institutions of Govt. in Islam, Period of Khlaft-e- Rashida, Basic Concepts Of Social System Of

SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI,

Islamabad. 2. Hameed ullah Muhammad, „Introduction to Islam. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of
Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad
(1993). 4. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad (2001).

Course Specifications
Business Finance

Weekly Course Objectives

Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Address the
Following Questions.

• A strategic financial decision framework

• Functions of Financial Management

The Role of Financial

Management • Strategies at different Hierarchy level
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne,
Fundamentals of Financial • Financial Planning

• Agency Problem

• Income Statement Ratios

Financial Statement Analysis
(Activity/Profitability/Profitability in
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne,
2 relation to Investment/
Fundamentals of Financial
• Liquidity and leverage Ratios.

• Trend Analysis. Common Size and Index

Financial Statement Analysis
Analysis (Financial Statement Items as
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne,
3-4 Percentage of Totals/Financial Statement
Fundamentals of Financial
items as indexes to relative to base year.

▪ Calculate the future value (FV) or present

value (PV) of a single sum of money;
▪ Calculate the interest rate or time period
for single-sum problems;
▪ Calculate the FV or PV of an annuity and
an annuity due;
▪ Calculate the payments, interest rate, or
Time Value of Money time period for annuity and annuity-due
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, problems.
Fundamentals of Financial ▪ Calculate the value, cash flow, or interest
Management) rate in a perpetuity problem;
▪ Calculate the FV or PV of a series of
uneven cash flows (i.e., compound or
discount the Cash flows);
▪ Adapt all FV and PV calculations to other-
than-annual compounding periods;
▪ Compute the solution for the various time
value of money problems.

▪ Calculate the future value (FV) or present

value (PV) of a single sum of money;
▪ Calculate the interest rate or time period
for single-sum problems;
▪ Calculate the FV or PV of an annuity and
an annuity due;
▪ Calculate the payments, interest rate, or
Time Value of Money time period for annuity and annuity-due
6 TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, problems.
Fundamentals of Financial ▪ Calculate the value, cash flow, or interest
Management) rate in a perpetuity problem;
▪ Calculate the FV or PV of a series of
uneven cash flows (i.e., compound or
discount the Cash flows);
▪ Adapt all FV and PV calculations to other-
than-annual compounding periods;
▪ Compute the solution for the various time
value of money problems.

“Bond and Their Valuation’’

The Valuation of Long-Term ▪ Who Issues Bonds, Key Characteristics
Securities (Bond Valuation) of Bonds
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, ▪ Bond Valuation, Bond Yields
Fundamentals of Financial ▪ Bonds with Semiannual Coupons
Management & CFA NOTES) ▪ Assessing the Riskiness of a Bond
▪ Default Risk, Bond Markets

“Techniques of Capital Budgeting”

Capital budgeting IRR
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, Payback period
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting rate of return
Management) Discounted payback period
Discounted NPV

“Risk and Return’’

▪ Stand Alone Risk
▪ The Trade Off between Risk and Return
Chapter – 5: ▪ The risk in a Portfolio Context
Risk and Return ▪ The Relationship between Risk and
11 TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, Rates of Return
Fundamentals of Financial ▪ Physical Assets versus Securities
Management) ▪ Some Concerns about Beta and the
▪ Volatility Versus Risk

“The Investment Setting’’

▪ Calculate the holding-period return;
▪ Calculate the holding-period yield;
▪ Calculate both the arithmetic mean return
and the geometric mean return;
▪ Calculate the expected return;
▪ Calculate the variance and standard
deviation of return;
Risk and Return
▪ Calculate the coefficient of variation for
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne,
12-13 an investment;
Fundamentals of Financial
▪ Calculate the expected rate of return for a
stock or a stock market series, using
Estimates of ending values and
dividend payments.
▪ Calculating all these measures in a
portfolio context
▪ Calculate covariance, correlation of
stocks in a portfolio setting

Introduction to Islamic Finance.

The concept of:
• Mudarba
Introduction to Islamic • Musharqa
14 • Murabah
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne,
Fundamentals of Financial • Ijarah
Management) Comparison with the conventional financial

Net present value and other Net present value and other investment
investment Criteria Criteria
TEXT BOOK (Van Horne, Net present value.
Fundamentals of Financial The payback rules.
15 & 16 Management & CFA NOTES) The average accounting returns.
The internal rate of return.
The profitability indexes.
The practice of capital budgeting.

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Fundamentals of Financial Management by James C. Van
(Title, Author, Edition, Horne, 13th Edition
Reference Book(s): Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman, 13th
(Title, Author, Edition, Edition
Publisher) Fundamentals of Financial Management by Eugene F.
Brigham and Joel F. Houston,10th Edition

Oral Communication 3rd semester (ENG-407)

Contents: 1. Introduction to Communication • Definition • The process of communication •
Types of Communication • Network of Communication • 7 C’s of Communication • Barriers of
Communication (noise and classification of noise) • How to overcome Barriers 2. Active
Listening • What is listening? • Types of Listening • Objectives • Traits of a good Listener •
Active Listening- an Effective Listening Skill • Note Taking Tips • Barriers for Good Listening •
Purpose of Listening • Outlines and Signposting 3. Oral communication/ Presentation skills •
Successful persuasive public speaking • Importance of oral communication • Effective
Presentation strategies • Defining the purpose of presentation and analyzing audience and locale
• Organizing contents and preparing outline • Visual aids • Nuances’ of delivery: Kinesics,
proxemics, Paralinguistic, Chronemics 4. Interviews • Preparing for interviews (scholarship, job,
placement for internship, etc.) • Types of Interviews • Tips for successful Interviews
Reading skills • Importance of Reading • Definition of Reading • Levels of Reading •
Requirements of Reading, improving reading rates and comprehension • Types of Reading
(intensive and extensive, and speed reading) • Study skills 6. Writing • Writing formal letters •
Memos writing, minutes of meetings, • Writing different kinds of applications (leave, job,
complaint, etc.) • Preparing a Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Resume • Writing reports
• Types of reports, structure of reports • Progress report writing • How to write a proposal for
research paper/term paper • How to write a research paper/term paper (emphasis on style,
content, language, form, clarity, consistency) • Technical Proposals writin

Recommended Readings: ➢ Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma: Technical

Communication. OUP ➢ Murphy, Effective Business Communication, 7th edition ➢ Ellen, K.
2002. Maximize Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak, Look and Act on Your Way to the Top
➢ Hargie, O. (ed.) Hand book of Communications Skills ➢ Mandel, S. 2000. Effective
Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide Better Speaking ➢ Mark, P. 1996. Presenting in English.
Language Teaching Publication
Course Code: STA-304 Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Chapter 1st 1. Introduction of statistics.
2. Application and use in
3. Variable and its types.
4. Data and source of data.
5. Measurement of scale.
Chapter 2nd 1. Classification and tabulation.
2. Construction of frequency.
3. Concept of ungroup and
group data.
4. Different statistical notation
and computation using
statistical soft-wear
5. Graphical representation
Chapter 3rd Measurement of central tendency
1. Introduction of average and
its types for ungroup and
group data in detail.
2. Quantiles (quartile, percentile
and deciles )
3. Relation b/w mean median
and mode
4. Different shapes of data
chapter 4th Measure if dispersion
1. Absolute and relative
measure both ungroup and
group data.
2. How to check consistency of
data in real life.
Chapter 5th Probability
1. Introduction
2. Event and sample space
3. Combination and
4. Binomial distribution
Chapter 6th Simple linear regression and
Chapter 7th Index number
Recommended Books:
1. Chaudhry, S.M. and S. Kamal, (2009), “Introduction to Statistical
Theory” Part I, II, 8th Ed, IImi Kitab Khana, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Mclave, J.T. Benson, P.G. and Snitch, T. (2005) “Statistics for
Business & Economics” 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Semester 4

Class BBA 4th

Course Code: STA-401
Course Title: Inferential Statistics
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Learning Objectives: To learn different statistical computation
Text Books: 1. Chaudhry, S.M. and S. Kamal, 2014. Introduction to statistical Theory Part one &
two 2. Introduction to statistics by Ronald E. Walpole 3. Statistics for Management 7th edition
by David S.Rubin Description of the System of Evaluation:
Week-1: What is difference b/w descriptive and Inferential statistics. Importance of Statistics in
Business management and marketing. Population and sample, Parameter and Statistic Week-2:
To calculate regression and correlation for bivariate data Week-3: To calculate Multiple
regression and multiple-correlation for Multivariate data Week-4: Probability and Non
probability sampling, SRS with and without replacement Week-5: Concept of point and interval
estimation Week-6: Confidence interval for single and two mean using t-distribution Week-7:
Confidence interval for single and two mean using z-distribution Week-8: Mid-Term exam
Week-9: Features of Testing of Hypothesis Week10: Testing of Hypothesis for single and two
mean using t-distribution Week-11: Testing of Hypothesis for single and two mean using z-
distribution Week-12: Chi-square Test Week-13: Analysis of variance concept and layout Week-
14: Practice One-way ANOVA Week-15: Practice Two-way ANOVA Week-16: Revision and


requisite Functional English Semester 4th

• To develop awareness about Business Communication Skills, Tools

and Methods
• To develop leaning about Business Correspondence
Objectives • To understand the Use and the Scope of Business Communication
and Correspondence Dimensions in Real World Scenario
• To comprehend Professional Style, Content and Tone of



Effective Business Communication, its Use and
Scope; The Process of Communication (formal and
informal): Communication Networks and Barriers; 7 Cs of Communication, and
their practical Implication
Elements of Communication; Concepts concerning Communication; Non- verbal
Communication and related Concepts; Process of preparing Effective Business Messages,
Planning Steps, Basic Organizational Plans, Beginnings and Endings, Composition of the
Identifying Audience, Establishing Purpose, Formulating Message, Selecting Style and
Tone, Functions of Job-related Writing, Writing Process, Communicating in the
Electronic Medium/Media; Business Norms: Writing for Effect, You – view point, and
Positive Language
Appearance, Attitude, Format, Parts, and Tone & Style
Direct Request Letter, Memorandum, Etiquette, and Process of writing


Organizational Plans, Indirect and Direct Plans, Analysis of Example; Communications,
Memos - Direct Plan, Practice (class work/ home work)
Good News & Neutral Messages - Direct Plan - Indirect Plan
Organizational plan, Analysis of Example Letters, Practice (class work/ home work)
Persuasive letters / Memo: Organizational Plan, AIDA, Analysis of example Letters,
Practice (class work/ home work)
Sales letters: Organizational plan, Analysis of Example Letters, Practice (class work/
home work)
Job application letters/Resumes: Organizational plan, Analysis of different types of job
application letters/resumes, Practice (class work/ home work)
Meaning and Classification of Business Reports, preparation before writing Reports,
Main Parts/Components of the Report, organization and outline of Report Body, Visual
Aids, Short Reports, Suggestions for short report, Informational Memorandum reports,
analytical memorandum reports with graphs, informational and analytical report, formal
report, working plans, prefatory parts: documentation and other notes, supplemental
parts, presentation of the formal report.
Oral presentations and successful listening, improving oral presentations, improving your
listening. Successful informative speaking, purpose of informative speaking. Analysis of
audience. Organization and outline of the informative speech. Support for informative
speeches, successful persuasive speaking. Purpose of persuasive speaking. Audience
analysis. Organization of the persuasive speeches. Successful business meetings.
Meetings in business leadership responsibilities. Participant responsibilities. Methods of
solving problems in meetings; Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting.
Recommended Books:
1. Business Communication by Herta Murphy Latest Edition
2. Excellence in Business Communication by John V. Thill and Courtland L. Bovee
Latest Edition
3. The Business Communication Hand book by Judith Dwyer Latest Edition
4. Basic Business Communication by Lesikar & Flatley – Latest Edition
5. Compulsory Readings:
i. i. Daily Business Recorder; Economic & Business Review (Daily DAWN);
ii. Pakistan Gulf & Economist (Magazine).
Reference Books:
1. Effective Business Communication and Report Writing by Sheikh Atta-ur-
Rehman Latest Edition
2. Communication for Business by Shirley Taylor. Pitman publishing London Latest
3. Guffey, Mary Ellen. "Business Communication Process and Product'. New York:
Thomson Latest Edition
4. Guffey, Mary Ellen. "Essentials of Business Communication". New York:
Thomson, Latest Edition
Gibaldi, Joseph, MLA Handbook Latest Edition



Course Specifications
Marketing management
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Weekly Course Objectives
Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Address the Following Questions.

Chapter – 1: ▪ Why is marketing important?

Defining Marketing ▪ What is the scope of marketing?
for the 21st ▪ What are some core marketing concepts?
Century ▪ How has marketing management changed in recent years?
(Page 02 – 31) ▪ What are the tasks necessary for successful marketing
TEXT BOOK management?

Chapter – 2: ▪ How does marketing affect customer value?

Developing ▪ How strategic planning is carried out at different levels of
Marketing Strategies the organization?
and Plans ▪ What does a marketing plan include?
(Page 32 – 65)
▪ What are the components of a modern marketing information
Chapter – 3: system?
Collecting ▪ What are useful internal records for such a system?
Information and ▪ What makes up a marketing intelligence system?
Forecasting Demand ▪ What are some influential macro environment
(Page 66 – 95) developments?
TEXT BOOK ▪ How can companies accurately measure and forecast
6 –7 ▪ What are customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty, and how
can companies deliver them?
Chapter – 5:
▪ What is the lifetime value of customers, and how can
Creating Long-term
marketers maximize it?
(Page 122 – 149)
▪ How can companies attract and retain the right customers
and cultivate strong customer relationships?
▪ What are the pros and cons of database marketing
▪ How do consumer characteristics influence buying behavior?
Chapter – 6:
▪ What major psychological processes influence consumer
responses to the marketing program?
Consumer Markets
▪ How do consumers make purchasing decisions?
(Page 150 – 181)
8 ▪ In what ways do consumers stray from a deliberative,
rational decision process?
Chapter – 9: ▪ What is a brand, and how does branding work?
Creating Brand ▪ What is brand equity?
10 - 11 Equity ▪ How is brand equity built, measured, and managed?
(Page 240 – 273) ▪ What are the important brand architecture decisions in
TEXT BOOK developing a branding strategy?
▪ What are the characteristics of products, and how do
marketers classify products?
▪ How can companies differentiate products?
Chapter – 12: ▪ Why is product design important and what factors affect a
Setting Product good design?
12 - 13 Strategy ▪ How can a company build and manage its product mix and
(Page 324 – 353) product lines?
TEXT BOOK ▪ How can companies combine products to create strong co-
brands or ingredient brands?
▪ How can companies use packaging, labeling, warranties, and
guarantees as marketing tools?
14 – 15 ▪ How do consumers process and evaluate prices?
▪ How should a company set prices initially for products or
Chapter – 14: services?
Developing Pricing ▪ How should a company adapt prices to meet varying
Strategies and circumstances and opportunities?
Programs ▪ When should a company initiate a price change?
(Page 382 – 413) ▪ How should a company respond to a competitor’s price
TEXT BOOK change?
▪ What is a marketing channel system and value network?
▪ What work do marketing channels perform?
Chapter – 15: ▪ How should channels be designed?
Designing and ▪ What decisions do companies face in managing their
Managing Integrated channels?
Marketing Channels ▪ How should companies integrate channels and manage
(Page 414 – 445) channel conflict?
16 TEXT BOOK ▪ What are the key issues with e-commerce and m-commerce?

▪ What is the role of marketing communications?

▪ How do marketing communications work?
Chapter – 17: ▪ What are the major steps in developing effective
Designing and communications?
Managing Integrated ▪ What is the communications mix, and how should it be set?
Marketing ▪ What is an integrated marketing communications program?
(Page 474 – 501)


Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Marketing Management by Philip Kotler , Kevin Lane
(Title, Author, Edition, Keller 14th Edition, PRENTICE HALL.
Reference Book(s): A preface to marketing I. Paul Peter ,
(Title, Author, Edition, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill.


Course Specifications
Human Resource Management
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:
Weekly Course Objectives
Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Address the Following Questions.

▪ Understanding what HRM really is

Chapter – 1: HRM in ▪ Factors affecting and getting affected by HRM
a Changing ▪ Understanding employees
Environment ▪ Continuous Improvement Programs
▪ Challenges faced by human resource managers
▪ Employee involvement

Chapter – 2: ▪ What makes HRM so important?

3 Introduction to HR ▪ Overview of the functions performed by HRM
Functions ▪ HR trends and opportunities
▪ Local and international laws affecting discriminatory
Chapter – 3: practices
3-4 Employment Laws ▪ Ways to prevent discrimination within organizations
▪ Case studies
▪ Current issues in employment laws worldwide
Chapter – 4:
▪ Employee rights legislations and the HRM implications
Employer and
▪ Current issues regarding employee rights
Employee Rights
5 ▪ Establishing and implementing disciplinary policies
▪ Assessment of current human resources of the organization
▪ Determining the demand and predicting the future supply of
Chapter – 5:
▪ Employment planning and the strategic planning process
6 Effective Job
▪ The job analysis process
▪ The purpose and the multifaceted nature of the job analysis
▪ In how many ways work schedules can be designed flexibly.
▪ Pros and cons of flexible work schedules
Chapter – 6: ▪ Factors affecting the recruitment process
7 Employee ▪ Sources through which recruitment can be done
Recruitment ▪ Recruitment alternatives
▪ The selection process
Chapter – 7:
8 ▪ Key elements of successful predictors
Selecting Employees
▪ Socialization and the assumptions related to it
▪ The socialization process and purpose
Chapter – 8: ▪ Determining employees’ training needs
Training and ▪ Training methods
Developing ▪ Ways through which employees can be developed
Employees ▪ Initiating change in the organization
▪ Learning organizations
▪ Evaluation of training and development effectiveness
▪ Value of career development for the organizations and the
Chapter – 9: ▪ Traditional career development stages
Career Development ▪ Making career choices and preferences
▪ Managing one’s career successfully
▪ Career development vs. employee development
▪ Why performance management is done and what difficulties
come in the way?
Chapter – 10
▪ The appraisal process
13-14 Performance
▪ Appraisal methods
▪ Factors that may distort appraisals
▪ Creation of more effective performance management system
▪ Structure of rewards
Chapter – 11: ▪ Compensation administration
15 ▪ Job evaluation and the pay structure
▪ Special cases of compensation
▪ Legally required benefits
▪ Voluntary benefits
▪ Retirement benefits
Chapter – 12:
16 ▪ Paid time off
Employee Benefits
▪ Survivor benefits
▪ Employee services and family-friendly benefits
▪ Flexible benefits
▪ The occupational safety and health act
▪ Contemporary health and safety issues
Chapter – 13:
17 ▪ Stress, its triggers, symptoms and outcomes
Health and Safety
▪ Employee burnout

Chapter – 14: ▪ Why employees join labor unions

Labor Relations and ▪ Unionizing empl0yees
Collective ▪ Union organizing process
Bargaining ▪ Collective bargaining processs
▪ Job Interviews
Career Skills
▪ Letters of application, Cover letters and CV writing

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by Stephen
(Title, Author, Edition, Publisher) P. Robbins, David A. DeCenzo and Susan L. Verhulst, 11th
Edition, Wiley.
Reference Book(s): Human Resource Management by Raymond Andrew Noe,
(Title, Author, Edition, Publisher) John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart and Patrick M. Wright,
10th Edition, McGraw-Hill.


Department of Environmental Sciences, GC University
Course Syllabus and related information
Class: BBA (4 Semester) Evening Section C

Schedule: Tuesday 12:00-1:00pm

Thursday 12:00-2:00pm
Office Hours: (Thursday1:00– 2:00pm) or by appointment.

Text: Following text books are referred for this course. A pdf
copy of these books will be provided to the students.

Recommended Books:
1. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, Botkin, D.B & Keller, E.A. 9th Ed.
John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
2. Environmental Science: working with the Earth.11th Ed. Miller, G., Tyler. Cengage
Learning, 2005.
3. Environmental Science. 4th Ed. by Dr. Suresh K. Dhameja. Published by S.K.
Kataria and Sons, New Delhi, 2012.
4. Environment and Ecology. 1 Ed. by Dr. J.P. Sharma. Published by

University Science Press, New Delhi, 2009.

5. Environment: Problems and Solutions. 1 Ed. by D.K. Asthanast

& Meera Asthana. Published by S. Chand and Company

Ltd .New Delhi, 2012.
Course Outline:
Tentative Schedule
Month Lecture No. Topics Contents
Lecture No. 1 Introduction to What is Environmental Science? Brief
February environmental overview of different disciplines of science.
Lecture No. 2 Description of multidisciplinary nature of
environmental science with examples. Its
relationship with other fields of science.
Lecture No. 3 Why to study environmental science? History
of environmental science
Lecture No. 4 Nature , scope and Various aspects (physical, chemical,
March importance of biological, socio-economic, ethical,
environmental philosophical, etc ) and components of
science environmental science
Lecture No. 5 Nature, scope and importance of
environmental science in human life
Lecture No. 6 Environmental careers
Lecture No. 7 Environmental Brief overview of local, regional and global
problems environmental issues
Lecture No. 8 Local environmental issues
Lecture No. 9 Global environmental issues
Lecture No. 10 Pollution and its What are pollutants? Types and sources of
types: Air, water pollutants, fate of pollutants.
and soil pollution
Lecture No. 11 Different types of air pollutants and sources
Lecture No. 12
Lecture No. 13 Smog, acid rain, Smog: types, causes and consequences
noise pollution
Lecture No. 14 Acid rain: causes, impacts and control
Lecture No. 15 Noise pollution: measurement of sound,
sources of sound pollution, effects and control
of noise pollution
April Oral / Written test

Lecture No. 16 Greenhouse effect, Greenhouse gases (GHGs), sources of GHG

Climate change, emissions, impacts and control
Global warming,
and Ozone
Lecture No. 17 Global warming and climate change
Lecture No. 18 Ozone depletion: causes and impacts
Mid Term Exams
Lecture No. 19 Soil and water What is soil? Types of soil pollutants, sources
pollution of soil pollutants, impacts and control
Lecture No. 20 Water pollution: causes and consequences
Lecture No. 21 Thermal and Marine pollution: sources and
control measures
Lecture No. 22 Development in Industrial and green revolution
May industry ,
agriculture &
Lecture No. 23 Development in industry and agriculture and
their impacts on the environment and human
Lecture No. 24 Impacts of urbanization on the environment
Lecture No. 25 Biodiversity loss What is Biodiversity? causes of biodiversity
Lecture No. 26 Importance of biodiversity
Lecture No. 27 Conservation of biodiversity
Lecture No. 28 Overpopulation Overpopulation and environment
Lecture No. 29 Causes of rapid population growth
Lecture No. 30 Consequences of rapid population growth
Assignments and Presentations
June Assignments and Presentations

Lecture No. 31 Poverty and What is a resource? Different types of

Resource Depletion resources with examples
Lecture No.32 Poverty, its causes and impacts on the
Lecture No. 33 Impacts of poverty on the depletion of
Lecture No. 34 Energy resources Renewable and non-renewable energy
Lecture No.35 Consequences of rapid consumption of
conventional energy resources
Lecture No. 36 Alternative emerging energy sources for the
Quiz Competition
July Lecture No. 37 Water resources Types of water resources and their uses

Lecture No. 38 Composition of natural waters, use and

overutilization of surface and groundwater
Lecture No. 39 Conservation of water
Final Exam
Term paper submission


Course Specifications
Financial Management

Spring – 2022

Weekly Course Objectives

Week Module In This Chapter, We Will Address the Following
Chapter – 1: ▪ A strategic financial decision framework
The Role of Financial
▪ Functions of Financial Management
TEXT BOOK (Van ▪ Strategies at different Hierarchy level
Horne, Fundamentals of
Financial Management) ▪ Financial Planning

▪ Agency Problem

“Share and Their Valuation’’

▪ Legal Rights and Privileges of Common Stockholders
▪ Types of Ordinary Stock
▪ The Market for Ordinary Stock
Chapter – 4: ▪ Ordinary Stock Valuation
Valuation of Long-Term ▪ Share Market Equilibrium
Securities ▪ Actual Share Prices and Returns
TEXT BOOK (Van ▪ Preferred Shares
Horne, Fundamentals of ▪ Dividend Discount Models Valuation
Financial Management) ▪ One and Multiple Year Holdings of share
▪ Gordon’s growth model
▪ Super normal growth and delayed dividend
▪ Price to earnings ratio valuation
▪ Application of DDM
• Income Statement Ratios
(Activity/Profitability/Profitability in relation to
• Liquidity and leverage Ratios.
Chapter 6 Financial • Duopont Analysis.
Statement Analysis • Trend Analysis. Common Size and Index Analysis
5&6 TEXT BOOK (Van (Financial Statement Items as Percentage of
Horne, Fundamentals of Totals/Financial Statement items as indexes to relative
Financial Management) to base year.
• Trend Analysis. Common Size and Index Analysis
(Financial Statement Items as Percentage of
Totals/Financial Statement items as indexes to relative
to base year.
Chapter 8 Working Capital Management
Working Capital
Management • The Cash Conversion cycle
• Managing Cash & Marketable
7 & 8 Horne, Fundamentals of
Financial Management &
• Receivable Management
• Inventory Management

“Capital Budgeting”
▪ Distinguish between cash flows and accounting profits;
▪ Define the following terms and discuss their relevance
to capital budgeting: incremental cash flow, sunk cost,
opportunity cost
▪ Define an expansion project and a replacement project;
▪ Define initial investment outlay, operating cash flow
Chapter – 12: over a project’s life, and terminal-year cash flow, and
Capital Budgeting and compute each measure for an expansion project and a
9-10 Estimating Cash Flows replacement project;
TEXT BOOK (Van ▪ Discuss the effects of inflation on capital budgeting
Horne, Fundamentals of analysis.
Financial Management) Techniques of Capital Budgeting”
Payback period
Accounting rate of return
Discounted payback period
Discounted NPV
“Capital Budgeting”
▪ Calculate four methods used to evaluate capital projects:
payback period, discounted payback period, net
present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR);
Chapter – 13: ▪ Explain the NPV profile;
Capital Budgeting ▪ Explain the relative advantages and disadvantages of the
11 & 12 Techniques NPV and IRR methods, particularly with respect to
TEXT BOOK (Van independent versus mutually exclusive projects;
Horne, Fundamentals of ▪ Describe and calculate the modified IRR (MIRR);
Financial Management) ▪ Explain the “multiple IRR problems” and the condition
that can cause the problem;
▪ Explain why NPV, IRR, and MIRR methods can
produce conflicting rankings for capital projects.

“The Cost of Capital”

▪ Explain why the cost of capital used in capital budgeting
should be a weighted average of the costs of various
Chapter – 15: types of capital the company uses and not the cost of
Required Returns and the specific financing used to fund a project;
the Cost of Capital ▪ Define and calculate (1) the component cost of debt, (2)
13-14 TEXT BOOK (Van the component cost of preferred stock, (3) the
Horne, Fundamentals of component cost of retained earnings (three different
Financial Management & methods), and (4) the component cost of newly issued
CFA NOTES) stock or external equity;
▪ Define the target (optimal) capital structure;
▪ Define and calculate a company’s weighted-average cost
of capital (WACC).
Capital structure • Capital structure & theories
Operating & Financial
Leverage • MM theory, Pecking order and Trade off theory
Horne, Fundamentals of • Leverage Theory and Analysis.
Financial Management &
15 & 16 CFA NOTES) • Operating leverage

• Financial leverage

• Total leverage

• Cash flow ability to service debt

Required Learning Resources
Text Book(s): Fundamentals of Financial Management by James C. Van
(Title, Author, Edition, Horne, 13th Edition
Reference Book(s): Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman,
(Title, Author, Edition, 13th Edition
Publisher) Fundamentals of Financial Management by Eugene F.
Brigham and Joel F. Houston,10th Edition

Semester 5

Course Specifications

Consumer Behavior

Fall 2021-22

Class Format & Weekly Work Plan:

Consumer behavior is a concept based and discussion-driven course, thus the vast majority of
our classes will be focused on concepts, articles & case discussions.

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

st nd
1 – 2 Week
Chapter – 1: Consumer Behavior & Technology (Page 3 – 39) (Consumer Behavior by Leon G.
Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)

rd th
3 – 4 Week
Chapter – 2: Market Segmentation & Real Time Bidding (Page 41 – 72) (Consumer Behavior by
Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)

th th
5 – 6 Week
Chapter – 3: Consumer Motivation and Personality (Page 73 – 111) (Consumer Behavior by
Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)
th th
7 - 8 Week
Chapter – 4: Consumer Perception & Positioning (Page 113 – 168) (Consumer Behavior by Leon
G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)

Mid Semester Examination

th th
10 Week – 11 Week
Chapter – 9: Reference Groups & Communities, Opinion Leaders and Word-of-Mouth (Page 313
– 350) (Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12

th th
12 Week – 13 Week
Chapter – 10: The Family and its Social Standing (Page 351 – 372) (Consumer Behavior by
Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)

th th
14 Week – 15 Week
Chapter – 11: Cultural Values & Consumer Behavior (Page 373 – 414) (Consumer Behavior by
Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)

th th
16 Week – 17 Week
Chapter – 13: Consumer Decision - Making and Diffusion of Innovations (Page 447 – 476)
(Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman, Joseph Wisenblit, S. Ramesh Kumar, 12 Edition)


Final Semester Examination

Lyallpur Business School

Course Specifications

Organizational behavior

Fall- 2022

Class Format& Weekly Work Plan:

To achieve the above these are the main course components:

▪ Lectures/Class Discussions/Individual Class Participation

▪ The lectures are devoted to discussion of the topics shown in the course outline. You will
be expected to come to class having completed the reading scheduled and prepared to
participate in class discussion.

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

Week Module Intended Main Learning Objectives

Introduction about OB. • Knowledge about importance of interpersonal
Introduction skills, and Management functions and
management concepts management Roles.
• Definition of OB, Disciplines that contribute to the
OB field.
Chapter -1: by • Differentiate between intuition & Systematic study
Stephen P. Robbins • Discuss about the OB Model
• Discuss about the case incident 1.

• Concept of diversity.
• Discuss about the Discrimination.
Chapter -2 & 3: by
Stephen P. Robbins • What are the biographical characteristics?
• Discussion on other biographical characteristics.
Diversity in organizations • Define attitude & behavior.
& • Different major job attitudes.
Job & Attitudes. • Measuring the job satisfaction and also describe
the impact of satisfied & dissatisfied employees
on workplace.
• Perform activity
• Case incident 1.

• Understanding about emotions & moods and

Positive and negative affect.

• Functions & sources of emotions.

• Affective intensity of emotions.
• OB applications of emotions & moods.
Chapter -4 & 5: by • Describe about what is personality & measures of
Stephen P Robbins Personality.
Emotions & Moods & • Discus on MBIT indicators.
Personality and values. • Describe about Big five Personality Model.
• Other Personality traits relating to OB.

• Case incident 1
• Case incident 2
Chapter – 6 & 7: by
• Discuss about perceptions.
Stephen P. Robbins • Perform some activities of personality and
7 – 8 Perception & values and perceptions.
Motivations • Discus about the Motivation. And discuss
about some theories of Motivations.

• Discuss about foundations of group behavior

Chapter – 9 & 10: by • Narrate about Group properties and group decision
Stephen P. Robbins • Discuss about Groups and teams.
Foundations of Group
• Discuss about types of teams and how to create
behavior and understand
10 – 11 effective teams.
work teams.
• Functions of communications and direction of
• Knowledge about behavioral theories &
contingency theories
Chapter – 12 & 13: by
• Knowledge about Leading for the future.
Stephen P Robbins
12 – 13 • Understand about definition of Power.
Leadership & Politics
• Knowledge about contrasting leadership and

• Understand about definition of Organizational

Chapter – 15 & 16: by structure.
Stephen P. Robbins • Understand about why do structure differ?
Organization structure & • Knowledge about organizational culture?
14 – 15 organizational culture • Comparison about creating & sustaining the

Revisions of Stephen P • Presentations and activities.

Robbins • Revision and tests.
16 – 17

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Organizational behavior by
(Title, Author, Edition, Stephen Robbins (Harvard University). Publisher Pearson.
Publisher) Edition 17.
Reference Book(s): The culture code: The secrets of highly successful groups
(Title, Author, Edition, by
Publisher) Daniel Coyle
2018 edition.

Course Specifications

Operations Management

Fall 2022-23
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

1st – 2nd Week

Chapter 1: Introduction to Operations Management (pages 2-39) (Operations Management by
William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
3rd Week
Chapter 2: Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity (pages 40-73) (Operations Management
by William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

Kalyar, M. N., Shafique, I., & Abid, A. (2019). Role of lean manufacturing and
management practices in eliciting environmental and financial performance: the contingent
effect of institutional pressures. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(24),

4th – 5th Week

Chapter 3: Forecasting (pages 74-135) (Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, 14th
Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
6th Week
Chapter 4: Product and Service Design (pages 136-173) (Operations Management by William J.
Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

7th – 8th Week

Chapter 5: Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services (pages 188-219) (Operations
Management by William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

Kalyar, M. N., Aftab, M., & Shafique, I. (2020). Enhancing Firms’ Environmental
Performance and Financial Performance through Green Supply Chain Management
Practices and Institutional Pressures. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy
Journal, 11(2), 451-476.

Mid Semester Examination

10th Week
Chapter 6: Process Selection and Facility Layout (pages 243-295) (Operations Management by
William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

Shafique, I., Kalyar, M. N., & Rani, T. (2020). Examining the impact of ethical leadership on
safety and task performance: A safety-critical context. Leadership & Organization
Development Journal, 41(7), 909-926.

11th Week
Chapter 8: Location Planning and Analysis (pages 342-371) (Operations Management by
William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
12th – 13th Week
Chapter 11: Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling (pages 462-499) (Operations
Management by William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

14th Week
Chapter 12: MRP and ERP (pages 500-549) (Operations Management by William J. Stevenson,
14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
Chapter 14: JIT and Lean Operations (pages 610-645) (Operations Management by William J.
Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

15th Week
Chapter 16: Scheduling (pages 690-729) (Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, 14th
Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
16th – 17th Week
Chapter 18: Management of Waiting Lines (pages 782-821) (Operations Management by
William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)
Chapter 17: Project Management (pages 732-781) (Operations Management by William J.
Stevenson, 14th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.)

Kalyar, M. N., Sabir, H. M. & Shafique, I. (2013). Improving Cycle Time Performance: The
Role of Market Turbulence and Cultural Competitiveness. Production & Manufacturing
Research: An Open Access Journal, 1(1), 3-18.

Class Format:
Week Module Intended learning objectives
1 Introduction to operations management and supply chain.
2 Identifying similarities and differences between production and
service operations.
3 Explaining the importance of learning about operations management.
4 Identifying the three major functional areas of organizations and
describe how they interrelate.
Introduction to
5 Summarizing the two major aspects of process management.
1-2 Operations
6 Describing the operations function and the nature of the operations
manager’s job.
7 Explaining the key aspects of operations management decision
8 Describing current issues in business that impact operations
9 Explaining the need to manage the supply chain.
1 Listing several ways that business organizations compete.
2 Naming several reasons that business organizations fail.
3 Defining the terms mission and strategy and explain why they are
Competitiveness, 4 Discussing and compare organization strategy and operations strategy
3 Strategy, and and explain why it is important to link
Productivity the two.
5 Describing and give examples of time-based strategies.
6 Defining the term productivity and explain why it is important to
organizations and to countries.
7 Describing several factors that affect productivity.
1 Listing features common to all forecasts.
2 Explaining why forecasts are generally wrong.
3 Listing the elements of a good forecast.
4 Outlining the steps in the forecasting process.
5 Summarizing forecast errors and use summaries to make decisions.
6 Describing four qualitative forecasting techniques.
4-5 Forecasting 7 Using a naive method to make a forecast.
8 Preparing a moving average forecast.
9 Preparing a weighted-average forecast.
10 Preparing an exponential smoothing forecast.
11 Constructing control charts and use them to monitor forecast errors.
12 Describing the key factors and trade-offs to consider when choosing
a forecasting technique.
1 Explaining the strategic importance of product and service design.
2 Describing what product and service design does.
3 Naming the key questions of product and service design.
4 Identifying some reasons for design or redesign.
5 Listing some of the main sources of design ideas.
Product and
6 Service Design 6 Discussing the importance of legal, ethical, and sustainability
considerations in product and service design.
7 Explaining the purpose and goal of life cycle assessment.
8 Explaining the phrase “the 3 Rs.”
9 Briefly describing the phases in product design and development.
10 Discussing several key issues in product or service design.
1 Naming the three key questions in capacity planning.
2 Explaining the importance of capacity planning.
3 Describing ways of defining and measuring capacity.
Strategic 4 Naming several determinants of effective capacity.
Capacity 5 Discussing factors to consider when deciding whether to perform in-
7-8 Planning for house or outsource.
Products and 6 Discussing the major considerations related to developing capacity
Services alternatives.
7 Describing the steps that are used to resolve constraint issues.
8 Briefly describing approaches that are useful for evaluating capacity
1 Explaining the strategic importance of process selection and the
influence it has on the organization and its
supply chain.
2 Naming the two main factors that influence process selection.
3 Comparing the four basic processing types.
Process Selection 4 Explaining the need for management of technology.
10 and Facility 5 Listing some reasons for redesign of layouts.
Layout 6 Describing product layouts and their main advantages and
7 Describing process layouts and their main advantages and
8 Solving simple line-balancing problems.
9 Developing simple process layouts.
1 Identifying some of the main reasons organizations need to make
location decisions.
2 Explaining why location decisions are important.
Location 3 Discussing the options that are available for location decisions.
11 Planning and 4 Discussing key considerations related to global location decisions.
Analysis 5 Outlining the decision process for making location decisions.
6 Describing some of the key factors that guide service and retail
location decisions.
7 Using the techniques presented to evaluate location alternatives.
1 Explaining what aggregate planning is and how it is useful.
2 Identifying the variables decision makers have to work with in
aggregate planning.
3 Describing some of the strategies that can be used for meeting uneven
Planning and
12-13 4 Describing some of the graphical and quantitative techniques
planners use.
5 Preparing aggregate plans and compute their costs.
6 Discussing aggregate planning in services.
7 Disaggregating an aggregate plan.
8 Describing the master scheduling process and explain its importance.
1 Describing the conditions under which MRP is most appropriate.
2 Describing the inputs, outputs, and nature of MRP processing.
3 Explaining how requirements in a master production schedule are
translated into material requirements for
lower-level items.
4 Discussing the benefits and requirements of MRP.
5 Describing some of the difficulties users have encountered with MRP.
6 Describing MRP II and its benefits.
7 Explaining how an MRP system is useful in capacity requirements
8 Describing ERP, what it provides, and its hidden costs.
9 Explain the terms lean operations and JIT.
14 MRP and ERP
10 Describe the main characteristics of lean systems.
11 List the five principles of how lean systems function.
12 List some of the benefits and some of the risks of lean operation.
13 Describe the Toyota Production System (TPS).
14 List the three goals of a lean system and explain the importance of
15 List the eight wastes according to lean philosophy.
16 Identify and briefly discuss the four building blocks of a lean
production system.
17 Describe key lean improvement tools.
18 Describe some of the obstacles to lean success

1 Explaining what scheduling involves and the importance of good

2 Comparing product and service scheduling hierarchies.
3 Describing scheduling needs in high-volume systems.
4 Describing scheduling needs in intermediate-volume systems.
5 Describing scheduling needs in job shops.
15 Scheduling 6 Using and interpreting Gantt charts.
7 Using the assignment method for loading.
8 Giving examples of commonly used priority rules.
9 Discussing the theory of constraints and that approach to scheduling.
10 Summarizing some of the unique problems encountered in service
systems, and describe some of the approaches used for scheduling
service systems.
1 What imbalance does the existence of a waiting line reveal?
2 What causes waiting lines to form, and why is it impossible to
eliminate them completely?
3 What metrics are used to help managers analyze waiting lines?
4 What very important lesson does the constant service time model
provide for managers?
5 What are some psychological approaches to managing waiting lines,
and why might a manager want to
use them?
6 Describe the project life cycle.
Management of
7 Discuss the behavioral aspects of projects in terms of project
Waiting Lines
personnel and the project manager.
8 Name the six key decisions in project management.
9 Explain the nature and importance of a work breakdown structure in
project management.
10 Give a general description of PERT/CPM techniques and network
11 Analyze networks with deterministic times.
12 Analyze networks with probabilistic times.
13 Describe activity “crashing” and solve typical problems.
14 Discuss the advantages of using PERT and potential sources of
15 Discuss the key steps in risk management.

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, 14th Edition,
(Title, Author, Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill.
Reference Book(s): Operations Management: An Integrated Approach by R. Dan
Reid, Nada R. Sanders, 7th Edition, Published by Wiley.

Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply

Chain Management by Heizer, Render & Munson, 11th Edition,
Published by Pearson.

Course Specifications

Business Research Methods


Fall - 2022

Class Format & Weekly Work Plan:

Business research methods are a concept based and discussion-driven course, thus the vast
majority of our classes will be focused on concept discussion and research papers reading.
Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

1st – 2nd Week

Chapter – 1: Business and Management Research, Reflective Diaries and The Purpose Of
This Book
Introduction, The nature of research, The nature of business and management research, The
research processes, Review and discussion questions (Case: Isabelle’s research dilemma) (Page
02 – 25), (Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian
3rd Week
Chapter – 2: Formulating and Clarifying the Research Topic
Introduction, Attributes of a good research topic, Generating and refining research ideas,
turning research ideas into research projects, writing your research proposal, Review and
discussion questions, Progressing your research project: from research ideas to a research
proposal (Page 26 – 69) (Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip-
Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
4th – 5th Week
Chapter – 3: Critically Reviewing the Literature
Introduction, the critical review, Literature sources available, planning your literature
search strategy, conducting your literature search, Obtaining and evaluating the literature,
Recording the literature, Plagiarism, Papers References. (Page 70 – 121) (Research Methods for
Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)

Xiao, M., & Cooke, F. L. (2019). Why and when knowledge hiding in the workplace is
harmful: a review of the literature and directions for future research in the Chinese context.
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 57(4), 470-502.

6th - 7th Week

Chapter – 4-5: Understanding research philosophy and approaches to theory development,
Formulating the Research Design
Introduction, the purpose of your research, the need for a clear research strategy, Multiple methods
choices – combining data collection techniques and analysis procedures, Time horizons, the credibility of
research findings, the ethics of research design, assessing your research project: deciding on your
research design (Page 122 – 219), (Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders,
Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
Research Seminar, Qualitative Research (Compulsory)
Mid Semester Examination

8th Week
Chapter – 6: Negotiating Access and Research Ethics
Introduction, Issues associated with gaining access, Strategies to gain access, Research
ethics and why you should act ethically, Ethical issues at specific stages of the research process,
Case Study (Page 220 – 271), (Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders,
Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
10th – 11th Week
Chapter –7-8: Selecting Samples, Using Secondary Data
Introduction, Probability sampling, Non-probability sampling, Types of secondary data
and uses in research, locating secondary data, Advantages and disadvantages of
secondary data, Evaluating secondary data sources (Page 272 – 353), (Research Methods for
Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
12th - 13th Week
Chapter – 9: Collecting Primary Data Through Observation
Introduction, Participant observation: an introduction, Participant observation: researcher roles,
Participant observation: data collection and analysis, Structured observation: an introduction, Structured
observation: data collection and analysis. (Page 354 – 388), (Research Methods for Business
Students by Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
Bari, M. W., Khan, Q., & Waqas, A. (2022). Person related workplace bullying and knowledge
hiding behaviors: relational psychological contract breach as an underlying mechanism.
Journal of Knowledge Management, (ahead-of-print).
14th – 15th Week
Chapter – 10-11: Collecting Primary Data Using Semi-Structured, In-Depth and Group
Interviews, “Collecting Primary Data Using” Questionnaires
Introduction, Types of interview and their link to the purposes of research and research strategy,
When to use non-standardized (qualitative) interviews, Data quality issues and preparing for the
interview, Interviewing competence, Managing logistical and resource issues, Group interviews
and focus groups, Telephone, Internet- and intranet-mediated interviews, overview of
questionnaire techniques, Deciding what data need to be collected, Designing the questionnaire,
Administering the questionnaire (Page 388–495), (Research Methods for Business Students by
Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill)
16th Week
Chapter – 12: Analyzing Quantitative Data
Introduction, Preparing, inputting and checking data, Exploring and presenting data Describing
data using statistics, examining relationships, differences and trends using statistics (Page 496–
566) (Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian

Meng, Y., & Bari, M. W. (2019). Design Perceptions for 3D Printed Accessories of Digital
Devices and Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2800.

Research Seminar, Quantitative Research (Compulsory)/ Knowledge Café

Final Semester Examination

Weekly Course Objectives:

Week Module Intended Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter you should:

• be able to outline the purpose and distinct focus of business and
management research;
Business and • be able to place your research project on a basic–applied
Management research continuum according to its purpose and context;
Research, • understand the utility and importance of keeping a reflective
Reflective Diaries and
The Purpose Of This
• understand the stages you will need to complete (and revisit) as
part of your research process;
• have an overview of this book’s purpose, structure, and features;
• be aware of some of the ways you can use this book.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

• identify the attributes of a good research topic;
• generate and refine research ideas to choose a suitable research
• turn your research idea into a research project that has a clear
Formulating and research question(s), aim and objectives;
3 Clarifying • understand the relationship between a research question(s), a
The Research Topic research aim and research objectives;
• recognize the role of theory in developing a research
a research aim and research objectives;
• draft a research proposal that outlines your proposed research
By the end of this chapter you should:
• understand the importance and purpose of the critical literature
review to your research project;
• be able to adopt a critical perspective in your reading;
• know what you need to include when writing your critical
Critically reviewing • be able to identify search terms and to undertake online
the literature literature searches;
• be able to evaluate the relevance, value, and sufficiency of the
literature found;
• be able to reference the literature found accurately;
• understand what is meant by plagiarism;
• be able to apply the knowledge, skills, and understanding gained
to your own research project.
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
• define ontology, epistemology, and axiology, and explain their
relevance to business research;
• reflect on your own epistemological, ontological and axiological
• understand the main research paradigms that are significant for
business research;
• explain the relevance for business research of philosophical
positions such as positivism, critical realism, interpretivism,
postmodernism, and pragmatism;
• reflect on and articulate your own philosophical position in
6 –7 “Understanding relation to your research;
Research Philosophy • distinguish between deductive, inductive, and abductive
And Approaches to approaches to theory development.
Theory Development” • understand the importance of your decisions when designing
research and the need to achieve methodological coherence
throughout your research design;
“Formulating the • explain the differences between quantitative, qualitative and
Research Design” mixed methods research designs and choose between these;
• explain the differences between exploratory, descriptive,
explanatory and evaluative research;
• identify the main research strategies and choose from among
these to achieve coherence throughout your research design;
• consider the implications of the time frames required for
different research designs;
• consider some of the main ethical issues implied by your
research design;
• understand criteria to evaluate research quality and consider
these when designing your research;
• consider the constraints of your role as a researcher when
designing your research.
By the end of this chapter you should be:
• aware of issues associated with gaining traditional and
Internet-mediated access;
• able to evaluate a range of strategies to help you to gain access
Negotiating access organizations and to individual participants;
8 and research ethics • aware of the importance of research ethics and the need to act
• able to anticipate ethical issues at each stage of your research
and in relation to particular techniques, and aware of approaches
to help you deal with these;
• aware of the principles of data protection and data management.

By the end of this chapter you should:

• understand the need for sampling in business and management
• be aware of a range of probability and non-probability sampling
techniques and the possible need to combine techniques within a
research project;
• be able to select appropriate sampling techniques for a variety of
research scenarios and be able to justify their selection;
• be able to use a range of sampling techniques;
“Selecting Samples” • be able to assess the representativeness of the sample selected;
• be able to assess the extent to which it is reasonable to
generalize from a sample;
10 - 11 “Using Secondary • be able to apply the knowledge, skills, and understanding gained
Data” to your own research project.
identify the full variety of secondary data that are available;
• appreciate ways in which secondary data can be utilized to help
to answer your research question(s) and to meet your objectives;
• understand the advantages and disadvantages of using
secondary data in research projects;
• use a range of techniques to search for secondary data;
• evaluate the suitability of secondary data for answering your
research question(s) and meeting your objectives in terms of
measurement validity, coverage, reliability, validity, measurement
bias, costs and benefits

By the end of this chapter you should:

• appreciate the role of observation as a data collection method;
• be able to differentiate between participant observation,
Collecting Primary structured observation, Internet-mediated observation and
Data Through observation using videography, and understand their differing
12 - 13
Observation applications;
• be aware of approaches to data collection for each type of
• be able to identify issues related to data quality from each type
of observation and appreciate how to reduce these.
By the end of this chapter you should be:
• able to classify research interviews in order to help you to
understand the purpose of each type;
• aware of research situations favoring the use of semi-structured
and in-depth interviews, and the logical and resource issues
Collecting Primary that affect their use;
Data Using Semi- • able to analyses potential data quality issues and evaluate how
to overcome these;
In-Depth and Group • able to consider the development of your competence to
14 –
15 Interviews, undertake semi-structured and in-depth interviews;
understand the advantages and disadvantages of
questionnaires as a data collection method;
“Collecting Primary
• be aware of a range of self-completed (Internet, postal, delivery
Data Using
Questionnaires and collection) and interviewer-completed (telephone, face-
to-face) questionnaires;
• be aware of the possible need to combine data collection
methods within a research project;
• be able to select and justify the use of appropriate
questionnaire methods for a variety of research scenarios;
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
• identify the main issues that you need to consider when
preparing quantitative data for analysis and when analyzing
these data by the computer;
• recognize different types of data and understand the
implications of data type for subsequent analyses;
16 Analyzing • create a data matrix and code data for analysis by the
quantitative data computer;
• select the most appropriate tables and graphs to explore and
illustrate different aspects of your data;
• select the most appropriate statistics to describe individual
variables and to examine relationships between variables and
trends in your data;
• interpret the tables, graphs, and statistics that you use correctly.

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): Text Book (Student Research Methods for Business Students
must buy this book) Mark Saunders, Philip- Lewis, Adrian Thornhill (Latest
(Title, Author, Edition, Publisher) addition)
Reference Book(s): Quinlan, C., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2020).
(Title, Author, Edition, Publisher) Business research methods. South-Western Cengage.
• Geuens, M. (2011). Where does business research go from here? Food-
for-thought on academic papers in business research. Journal of
Business Research, 64(10), 1104-1107.
Journals/Periodicals: • Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Andersson, U., Brannen, M. Y., Nielsen, B. B., &
(Title, Publisher) Reuber, A. R. (2020). From the Editors: Can I Trust Your Findings?
Ruling Out Alternative Explanations in International Business
Research. In Research Methods in International Business (pp. 121-
157). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Lyallpur Business School (LBS), New

Campus, GCUF
Dated: 24/10/2022 Course Title: Business Law
Course Code: Law: 513 Course Instructor: Sir Haroon
Rashid Advocate Class: BBA (5 Semester) Total Weeks
and Hours: 16 and 48 Session: 2020-2022

Weeks Outline
Week 1 Definition and classification of Laws, over view of general and commercial terms,
Entities such as sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock companies
Week 2 Definition of a contract, Essential elements of a valid contract, Legal provision
governing offers
,communication, acceptance or counter offer, consideration, agreement, lawful
purpose, parties to the contract and their intent to create contractual obligations
Week 3 Rights and Duties of parties, specific performance of the contract ,Discharge of the
Breach of the contract and remedies, illegal, voidable and void contracts
Week 4 Definition and Essential Elements of a partnership, partnership deeds, rights and duties
partners, partnership distinguished from sole proprietorship and the companies
Week 5 Individual and Joint liabilities of the partners for the firm debts, principles
governing ownership of the firm’s asset and distribution of profits, implied and
specific authority of the partners,
principle of holding out, Dissolution of the partnership
Week 6 Concept of limited liability and Juristic person Requirement and process of
incorporation, Effects of incorporation, types of 54 joint stock companies by nature
and formation, Ownership and
management of the companies
Week 7 Rights of the shareholders, Rights ,power and duties of the Board of Directors,
Statutory provisions governing the election of Directors, meeting of the shareholders
and the board of
Directors, disclosure requirements and the financial statements
Week 8 Listed vs. non listed companies, advantages and disadvantages of listing, listing
requirements of Stock Exchange. salient provision of Code of Corporate Governance,
Brief discussion of Securities
and Exchange Commission Of Pakistan as the corporate watch dog
Week 9 Mid –term exam
Week Definition, Nature of the contract of sale, conditions and warranties, Definition
10 ,Nature of the
contract of sale condition and warranties
Week Transfer of property ,performance of the contract of sale, Delivery of the goods,
11 Unpaid seller and auction sale, Consignment basis, Delivery against advance
payment ,supply against letter of
credit, types of letter of credit
Week Laws relating to indemnity, guarantees, bailment, hypothecation, pledge and
12 Mortgage, agency
Week Evolution of Banks, types of banks, major function of banks, Negotiable instruments
13 Act
,Definition ,characteristics of Negotiable instruments,
Week Bill of Exchange and promissory Notes, parties to instrument, negotiation and
14 endorsement,
liabilities of the parties, payment and discharge of liabilities
Week Revision
Week Final exam

Recommended Books

1. Dr. Khwaja Amjad Saeed, Mercantile and Industrial Laws in Pakistan Latest
Edition, Institute of Business Management. 2. Nazir Ahmad Shaheen, Practical
Approach to the Companies Ordinance, Latest Edition, PLD 3. Business Law by
Khalid Mehmood Cheema

Recommended Reference Books

1. Sajid A Qurashi, Business Law, Latest Edition. 2. Liaqat Ali Butt, The
Negotiable Instrument, Latest Edition, PLD.


Course Specifications
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Class Format & Weekly Work Plan:
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept based and discussion-driven
course with application, thus the vast majority of our classes will be focused on concept
discussion and practical implications.

Our weekly class Instructions and discussions will follow this format:

1st – 2nd Week

Introduction to Ethics, Business Ethics, Characteristics/Features of Business Ethics, Scope of
Business Ethics, Importance of Business Ethics, Approaches of Business Ethics.
Chapter – 1: Ethics and Business: The Nature of Business Ethics (Business Ethics: Concepts
and Cases by Manuel G. Velasquez, 8h Edition) (Page 3 - 14)

3rd-4th Week
Chapter – 1 (Continue): Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Applying
Ethical Concepts to Corporations, Objections to Business Ethics, Ethical Issues in Business
World, Moral Responsibility and learn how the businesses can become morally responsible,
Stages & Levels of Moral Development (Page 15 – 39) (Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases
by Manuel G. Velasquez, 8h Edition)
Reading: Goel, M. & Ramanathan, P. E. (2014) Business Ethics & Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) - Is there a dividing line? Procedia Economics and Finance (Elsevier). 11.

5th – 6th Week

What is Unethical Behavior, Causes of Unethical Behavior in the Workplace, Causes of
Unethical Behaviors / practices, Kinds of Unethical Behavior in Business, Work Ethics, Five
Characteristics of a Good Work Ethics, Ethics in Different Areas (Marketing, Finance,
Production), Public Good

7th - 8th Week

Conceptual framework of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Components, Ethical Decision
Making Process, Business Ethics versus Corporate Social Responsibility

Mid Semester Examination

10th Week
Concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility

11th & 12th Week

Elements and Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
Reading: Ehsan, S., Nazir, M. S., Nurmnabi, M., Khan, Q. R., Tahir, S. & Ahmed, I. (2018) A Multimethod
Approach to Assess and Measure Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Practices in a Developing
Economy. Sustainability. 10. 2955.

13th & 14th Week

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Company Value Driver, Corporate Social Responsibility in
Various Business Areas

15th Week – 16th Week

Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting

Final Semester Examination

Required Learning Resources

Text Book(s): • Velga Vevere & Anna Svirina. Business Ethics & Corporate
(Title, Author, Edition, Social Responsibility. EKA University of Applied Science,
Publisher) Europe.
• Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases by Manuel G.
Velasquez, 8h Edition (Latest Edition) PEARSON
Reference Book(s): Crane, A., Matten, D., Glozer, S., & Spence, L.
(Title, Author, Edition, (2019). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and
Publisher) sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University
• Goel, M. & Ramanathan, P. E. (2014) Business Ethics & Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) - Is there a dividing line? Procedia
Journals/Periodicals: Economics and Finance (Elsevier). 11. 49-59.
(Title, Publisher) • Ehsan, S., Nazir, M. S., Nurmnabi, M., Khan, Q. R., Tahir, S. & Ahmed,
I. (2018) A Multimethod Approach to Assess and Measure Corporate
Social Responsibility Disclosure and Practices in a Developing
Economy. Sustainability. 10. 2955.

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