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PMD 18 1 70
PMD 18 1 70
Daniela Silva dos Santosa, Diane Aparecida Reisa, André Leme Fleurya
Universidade de São Paulo – USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Abstract: Intelligent manufacturing has produced a revolutionary change, mainly driven by the current competitive
world, reinforcing the importance of inserting Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) approach. PLM emerges with
the aim of efficiently managing product-related information throughout the product lifecycle with sustainability.
It also satisfies the interest in managing the services and products lifecycle, and in the case of products, their
management, from their insertion in production processes, to their lifecycle end, generating a closed management
cycle. This paper aims mainly to understand how the concept of PLM is being approached and defined by academics.
For this, a systematic literature review with bibliometrics, networks and contents analysis were applied. The goal
of this paper to evidencing the main PLM definitions, providing a comprehensive view of the current researches
and raising knowledge gaps for future research about it.
1. Introduction
Currently, new business challenges are constantly information management has received a considerable
emerging in a scenario of short product lifecycles, attention, mainly because organizations work in a complex
increase of outsourcing, mass customization demands, business environment characterized by information
geographical dispersal of teams and fast depreciation. overload, high levels of competitiveness and acceleration
This scenario enhances collaborative and integrated of technological change. These efforts led to the Product
engineering, caused by the management need of products Lifecycle Management (PLM) software, offering powerful
are increasing in diversity and complexity (Ming et al., tools and enabling high levels of manageable information
2008; Fortineau et al., 2013). This demands the reduction (Soto-Acosta et al., 2016; Jun et al., 2009; Sharma, 2005).
of the time-to-market and production costs, while PLM has been recognized for evidencing challenges and
improving quality (Fortineau et al., 2013), resulting opportunities, once modern technological advances have
in a highly competitive and fast change of the global resulted in innumerable complex systems, processes, and
marketplace, challenging for a modern collaborative products, and this increasing complexity offers considerable
business environment, requiring the industry to consider challenges in design, analyses, production and management,
design, control and optimization of the whole product for their whole lifecycle (Venkatasubramanian, 2005).
lifecycle, besides the capability to operate in a dynamic A new knowledge research field is thus provided which aims
global environment. It also demands the acquisition to assist in the current industry challenges (Fortineau et al.,
of new capabilities for competitive advantages in the 2013).
current Internet Economy (Jun et al., 2009; Young et al., Therefore, this study aims to understand and to evidence:
2007; Ming et al., 2008). This way, the management of How is the PLM concept being approached and defined
the lifecycle becomes critical to innovations, meeting by academics? The paper also investigated the evolution
the customer needs, without driving up costs, sacrificing of PLM, providing an overview of the researches already
quality or delaying deliveries (Jun et al., 2009; Young et al., conducted and the knowledge gaps for future researches.
2007). A systematic literature review was applied, assisted by
Academics and industrial researchers engage tremendous bibliometrics, networks and contents analysis.
efforts in research and develop industrial information This paper comprises five sections. The first section
technologies, pursuing more competitive business details the context and relevance of this study. Section two
advantages in product lifecycle, highlighting the increasing presents the method. Section three evidences the results.
interest in the benefits of the effective use of lifecycle Big Section four discusses the results, while section five
Data (Ming et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2017b). This way, provides the conclusions.
72 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
Figure 3. Co-authorship countries network.
The major clusters were Management, Development and represented 51% of the occurrences, Product Lifecycle
Systems, the pillars of currently concept of PLM. The main Management (20%), Lifecycle (15%), Product Development
connections are between Product Lifecycle Management (9%) and Product Design (7%).
and Lifecycle; Product Lifecycle Management and Product Out of 1,074 different authors, only 16 authors present a
Design; Lifecycle and Product Lifecycle Management; and minimum of five publications; forming five main clusters,
Lifecycle and Product Development. Only five keywords see Figure 5.
Only three authors represented 51% of the citations, the technical sophistication of products as well as stricter
detailing, Kiritsis (32%), Eynard (10%) and Vezzetti (9%). governmental regulations for lifecycle management
The main connections are between Demoly and Gomes; (Främling et al., 2006).
Demoly and Kiritsis; Demoly and Eynard; and Kiritsis and PLM concept provides a definition of a complete
Eynard. Evidencing only few authors publishing about the product lifecycle, including all information and processes
theme. required to plan, develop, manufacture and support the
product from conception through the end of its lifecycle,
3.2. Qualitative results integrating: people, processes, business systems and
This section presents these research qualitative results, information (Lee et al., 2008a). Appearing to focus on
presenting the contents analysis, which can also be a design perspective with the best association with the
considered as the literature review of this study. manufacture components parts (Young et al., 2007). This
concept evidence the importance of a manufacturing model
3.2.1. PLM evolution and concept that not only provides a common information source to
support design decisions, but which focus in the business
The concept of Product Lifecycle Management
core competencies, providing a new understanding of the
(PLM) appeared in the 90s as an extension of Product
product manufacturer, with a model that can be updated for
Data Management (PDM) (Stark, 2011), providing more
future benefits (Young et al., 2007).
information related to large organizations (Kiritsis, As benefits, the PLM is a strategic business system that
2011). The PDM has been developed to improve the allows effective communication among different groups at
data management and documented knowledge for new dispersed locations, to share ideas and access information,
products design, allowing the focus on the product design to develop new products and execute innovative processes
and production phases (Kiritsis, 2011). In this view, PLM (Lee et al., 2008a). In summary, PLM not only provide
development depended upon the idea of an evolution and process management throughout the entire product lifecycle,
continual assimilation of computer-oriented product-based but also enables effective collaboration among networked
solutions, from early engineering design applications participants in product value chain, which distinguishes it
(e.g. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or Computer-Aided from other enterprise application systems, such as Enterprise
Manufacturing (CAM)) in the 70s and 80s, through to Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management
the integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supply (Ming et al., 2008). With the goal of reducing the product
Chain Management (SCM) solutions (Ameri & Dutta 2005). time to market improving the product functionality and
The importance of product information management increasing the ability to customize (Schuh et al., 2008).
during the whole product lifecycle has increased due to Under these circumstances, new PLM system development
74 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
technologies are being employed to develop attractive PLM Kiritsis, 2011; Cao et al., 2009). However, the information
systems that will provide more satisfaction to customers flow becomes vague or unrecognized after BOL, demanding
(Schuh et al., 2008). the feedbacks of product-related information such as product
In the literature review, several different PLM definitions usage data, and disposal conditions to have information
were found, summarized in the Table 1. supporting the MOL and EOL phases (Jun et al., 2007).
In a scenario where the lifecycle activities of MOL and
3.2.2. PLM in the products’ lifecycle EOL phases have limited visibility of the product-related
The product lifecycle consists of three main phases: information (Jun et al., 2007), emerging the PLM to allow
the management of product lifecycle data, offering the
• Beginning-Of-Life (BOL): including design and features present in Figure 6.
manufacture; Detailing the PLM system, they are generally computer-
• Middle-Of-Life (MOL): including use, service, based information systems which assist the organization’s
maintenance, and distribution (logistics); PLM strategy. The components in a full PLM system include
the items evidenced in Figure 7.
• End-Of-Life (EOL): where products are recollected,
The idea is that information of MOL could be used at the
disassembled, remanufactured, recycled, reused, or
EOL to support deciding the most appropriate EOL option
(specially to plan for re-manufacturing and reuse), providing
During BOL, information flow is quite complete and feedback for the BOL, improving a new generation of
supported by information systems such as Computer products (Demoly et al., 2012).
Aided Design (CAD)/Computer Aided Manufacture All these phases have as objective to minimize cost
(CAM), Product Data Management (PDM) and Knowledge and time by understanding problems before the product
Management systems (Jun et al., 2009; Cao & Folan, 2011; development and manufacturing processes, improving the
organization’s performance utilizing technology and support and supply chain processes with PLM support, including:
(Soto-Acosta et al., 2016). Around 40% of engineer’s time Product Data Management (PDM), Component Supplier
is spent to connect the information about the processes, Management (CSM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
with information search and sharing, and in this scenario, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Customer
the correct usage of PLM can save at least 50% of this time, Relationship Management (CRM), Supply and Planning
which could be used to develop more value-adding tasks
Management (SPM), and others (Rachuri et al., 2008).
(Soto-Acosta et al., 2016).
Occurring the PLM optimization achievement only when the
PLM offers a range of tools to support the business,
including the ability to manage workflows, but the heart knowledge sharing happens in the whole product lifecycle,
of an effective PLM system is the database structuration, with the PLM development being the result of integrating
ensuring that all users have access to effective information many lifecycle data (Zhang et al., 2017a).
support (Young et al., 2007). Companies need to connect Still on PLM in the product’s life cycle, some relevant
the product design and analysis processes to the production improvement opportunities emerge, evidenced in Figure 8.
76 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
Figure 8. Improvement opportunities
Opportunities which can be seeen as gaps/needs that can be areas that have less than 1% of representativeness on the
filled in with the improvement of PLM. PLM topic which can be seen by the author in Appendix 1.
Besides that, the articles were separated by subject, see
3.2.3. PLM applications Figure 10, evidencing the most published articles on the
A big challenge is to understand the implications of topic are related to systems from which it can be connected
developing and interoperating across different types of and used in conjunction with PLM.
knowledge environments and product lifecycle systems The more representative keywords can be visualized
(Chungoora et al., 2013). Thereby, there is a tendency in Figure 11, and the detailing with the authors are in
in converting existing models into ontologies and the Appendix 2.
creation of new models, and because of this in the PLM
field, there are several recent works dealing with ontologies
3.2.4. PLM implementation
(Matsokis & Kiritsis, 2010). Besides that, the past years have When a company adopts PLM for the first time, the
presenting growing investments in the field of PLM, by the implementation process itself becomes a process of change
automotive sector and the manufacturing industry, that is (Soto-Acosta et al., 2016). This is because these changes
facing tremendous pressure on environmental regulations, should occur not only at the IT level but also at strategic and
such as the reduction of pollutants, e.g., carbon dioxide process level, more specifically, at the level of the individual
(Tang & Qian, 2008). skills and capabilities of employees (Soto-Acosta et al.,
In this scenario, the researchers classified the application 2016). With the PLM being currently a technological
fields according to the number of published papers, 68% solution for a system with a high number and variety
of the publications are from the application areas shown in of information systems that need to communicate over
Figure 9 and the other 32% of the articles are from application organizational limits and overtime (Främling et al., 2013).
78 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
Companies aiming to implement PLM can refer to tools. Another discovery was that the three most advanced
the provided conceptual framework to establish their areas are Ontology, Automotive, and Manufacturing. Areas
own framework, linking the company elements in a such as Oil and Gas, Healthcare and Food Industry have a
comprehensive PLM environment (Schuh et al., 2008). high potential for the development of application of PLM.
Therefore, the following ten steps are necessary: define the The co-occurrence keywords evidenced the keyword
goal of PLM implementation; analyze the existent PLM Product Lifecycle Management in all clusters, but being
foundation; rank processes; identify company maturity evidenced as the abbreviation PLM only in one cluster, more
level (as-is process); select an appropriate reference model; related to product development and information technology
customize reference model; specify requirements for system with mathematical models. The bibliographical research
selection; select software solution; define the evolution evidence that the published articles are centralized in some
path; implement software solution; and teach employees journals and in a few countries.
(Schuh et al., 2008). Besides the fact that the implementation In a highly competitive and fast-changing global
of PLM strategy is a very long-period investment and the marketplace, PLM is a new strategic approach to efficient
benefits are not measurable in a short period. management, its concept is composed of the following
PLM implementation failures in cases of incompatibly steps: beginning-of-life, middle-of-life and end-of-life,
between the selected software and the company philosophy which includes the design and the manufacture until the
(Soto-Acosta et al., 2016). In order to avoid this type of recycle, reuse and disposing of the product. Therefore, the
issue, the choice of the PLM solution must be preceded by PLM enables to gather and analyze the product lifecycle
an extensive analysis of business processes and procedures information, which means that it is a key approach for
(Soto-Acosta et al., 2016), and ever-stricter environmental industries who are searching to improve product quality,
legislation over the past decade has led to the search for time-to-market and costs.
greater efficiencies everywhere, including the whole product The article also has the PLM implementation perspective.
lifecycle (Cao et al., 2009). It becomes as a process of change, that presents opportunities
Although the potential of closed-loop PLM is widely for improvement at architectures, and requires a high
recognized and have started to address its challenge, there company maturity level to the software implementation.
are still fundamental questions and issues that need to be However, it is possible to admit that the concept of PLM is
addressed. (Främling et al., 2014). There are limitations evolving and has already brought benefits, but still demand
of commercial PLM software which means that adopting more specific case studies to better evidence the theoretical
commercial PLM software implies assuming certain studies about the relevance of the system, the stages of the
limitations since the beginning. For instance, the integration cycle, the results of system implementation and the best
of the PLM with other systems (Soto-Acosta et al., practices for the ones who participate of the implementation
2016). It’s necessary to manage a set of relations to and for those who receive this change in their process.
provide consistency of data spread across different media
and formats, sometimes referred to as “associativity” 5. Conclusion
(Alemanni et al., 2010) and, there is also opportunity for This paper has provided an overview of PLM state of
improvement at architectures which tend to be inflexible the art. The PLM was described through PLM justification;
at data interface (Främling et al. 2014; Young et al., 2007), goals; concept; applications and implementation showing
meaning more points of potential failure (Alemanni et al., the benefits and the gaps for all steps. Thereby, the study
2010). Also, it’s necessary to improve the traceability and brings into view of the main authors and their approaches
data synchronization (Kubler et al., 2015a), and the ability to the theme with different and complementary views of
to share information across competitive software tools the concept. Besides that, it can also show the difficulties
(Young et al., 2007). found by them during their studies.
Thus, for future researchers, it is important to understand
4. Discussion these difficulties and to explore these points and other
The main objective of the article is to understand how the elements such as PLM applications with real cases studies.
concept of PLM was approached in the academy. The article Mainly with application in the strategical decision making;
presents the main approaches on the subject aiming to give more management indicators that involve PLM; to
a comprehensive view of the researches already done and include semantic, heuristics and mathematical models; to
gaps in studies that can be focused in future researches. explore the data synchronization mechanisms; reinforce
With this study, it is possible to show that among the the connection and the challenges between the PLM, the
articles studied there are more studies approaching only big data, and the IoT. Exploring also the communication,
the applications of the system in few areas or studies that the intelligent products and the integration between them
are focused in PLM applications in conjunction with other with the objective of reducing environmental impacts and
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88 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
Appendix 2. Author x Keywords.
Authors Keywords
Iosif et al. (2018) 2D/3D design software
Brière-Côté et al. (2010) Adaptive Generic Product Structure (AGPS)
Chen et al. (2008) Analytic network process (ANP)
Trappey & Hsiao (2008) Advanced product quality planning (APQP) &
Gomes et al. (2009b) Atelier Cooperatif de Suivi de Projet in French (ACSP)
El Souri et al. (2017) BAE Systems
Liao & Zhang (2005) Based Access Control Model (RBAC)
Zhang et al. (2017a), Li et al. (2015), Wan et al. (2017), Big Data
Marchetta et al. (2011) Business Process Model (BPM)
Lundin et al. (2017), Waurzyniak (2015a, 2015b, 2017), Zscheile (2017),
Farish (2008, 2012), Ding et al. (2011), Gomes et al. (2009a), Neil
(2009), Walker & Cox (2008), Shelley (2007), Sudarsan et al. (2005), Computer-aided design (CAD)
Lundin et al. (2017), Zscheile (2017), Lee et al. (2008a), Denkena et al.
(2007), Alemanni et al. (2010), Ming et al. (2008)
Piancastelli et al.(2015). CADembedded FSI (Fluid System Interaction)
Waurzyniak (2015a, 2015b, 2017), Pullin (2013), Falkiewicz (2011),
Walker & Cox (2008), Teresko (2004), Sudarsan et al. (2005), Lee et al. Computer-aided engineering (CAE)
(2008a), Ming et al. (2008)
Waurzyniak (2015a, 2015b, 2017), Walker & Cox (2008), Shelley (2007),
Meloni (2007), Woods (2005), Teresko (2004), Sudarsan et al. (2005), Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
Lee et al. (2008a), Denkena et al. (2007), Ming et al. (2008)
Denkena et al. (2007), Ming et al. (2008) Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)
Nathan (2009), Palmer (2004) CATIA PLM
Chungoora et al. (2013) Computation Independent Model (CIM)
Kärkkäinen & Silventoinen (2016) Capability maturity modeling (CMM)
Sharma (2005) Collaborative Product Innovation (CPI)
Lundin et al. (2017), Vila et al. (2017), Shen & Zhou (2003). Computer-aided technologies (CAx)
Cole (2009) Concept2Market (C2M)
Borsato (2014) Core Product Model / Open Assembly Model (CPM/OAM)
Cui et al. (2008) Customer architecture hierarchy (CAH) method
Young (2012), Bartholomew (2004), Shen & Zhou (2003), Customer relationship management (CRM)
Fortineau et al. (2017) Data Linked Through Occurrences Network (DALTON)
Hincapié et al. (2014) Dassault Systemes (DELMIA)
Lee et al. (2008b) Delphi methods
Ducellier et al. (2014) Design Change Orders (DCO)
Wiens (2006) Design data management (DDM) system.
Anišić et al. (2013) Design for Excellence (DFX)
Marconnet et al. (2017) Design For Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
Vadoudi et al. (2017) Design for sustainability (DfS)
Dhuieb (2014) Digital Factory Assistant (DFA)
Sodhro et al. (2018) Duty-cycle optimization-based (JEHDO) algorithm
Case (2006) Electrical control unit (ECU)
Zhao et al. (2015) EnergyPlus’ program
Tang & Hu (2015), Holzer (2014), Simonova & Khisamutdinov
(2013), Young (2012), Falkiewicz (2011), Wong (2006), Gort (2015), Enterprise Resource planning (ERP)
Barthorpe et al. (2004), Shen & Zhou (2003)
Li & Wu (2005) Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Tait (2006) Fashion Lifecycle Management (FLM)
Shelley (2007) Finite element analysis (FEA) computation
Paavel et al. (2017), Kubler et al. (2014), Lee et al. (2008b) Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process [FAHP]
Granros (2009) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Portillo-Barco & Charnley (2015) High pressure nozzle guide vane (HPNGV)
Främling et al. (2014) Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
Chungoora et al. (2013) Knowledge Systems (IMKS)
Holzer (2014) Information Modeling (BIM)
90 Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art Santos et al.
Appendix 2. Continued...
Authors Keywords
Hachani et al. (2012), Baughey (2009), Meng et al. (2008), Srinivasan
Server-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Al-Ashaab et al. (2012) Siemens Teamcenter Software (TcSE)
SKeLeton geometry-based Assembly Context Definition
Demoly et al. (2011b)
Kiritsis (2011), Srinivasan (2011) Standard for the Exchange of Product data model (STEP)
Zhang et al. (2014) TechnoWare, InforWare, FunctionWare, and OrgaWare (TIFO)
Vezzetti et al. (2011) Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ)
Tran (2006) UGS’ Teamcenter Express
Vadoudi et al. (2017), Eynard et al. (2010), Li & Wu (2005),
Sudarsan et al. (2005), Matsokis & Kiritsis (2010), Srinivasan (2011),
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Zhao et al. (2015), Demoly et al. (2013), Young et al. (2007), Cao et al.
Kultyshev et al. (2013) Ural Turbine Works (UTW)
Lin et al. (2011) Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Polcar & Horejsi (2015), Stelzer et al. (2009) Virtual Reality (VR)
Zhu et al. (2012) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Yoo et al. (2014), Matsokis & Kiritsis (2010), Fortineau et al. (2013),
Web Ontology Language (OWL)
Zhu et al. (2012), Demoly et al. (2012)
Waste electrical and electronic equipment, Restriction of
Adami-Sampson (2007) hazardous substances, and end of life Vehicle
(WEEE, RoHS, and ELV).
Alemanni et al. (2008) Wide Alenia space Network Data (WAND)
Feng et al. (2009) Windchill FIexPLM
Liao & Zhang (2005) Workflow Management System (WfMS)