Block 2
Block 2
Block 2
Unit 4 Project Scope Management
Unit 5 Project Network Analysis (PERT and CPM)
Unit 6 Project Scheduling
Unit 7 Project Crashing
Unit 8 Earned Value Analysis (EVA)
Project Initiation
Project Scope
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Defining Project Scope
4.2.1 Example of a Project Scope Statement
4.2.2 Priorities of a Project
A project is a unique activity in the sense that you can’t compare one project
with another as there is a change in time, cost and scope. Project managers
are the custodians / in-charge of a single small project and are responsible for
planning and scheduling the project. The scope is defined by the cost, time,
and quality of the deliverable in project terms.
The Key Steps for Defining any Project’s Scope are as Follows.
Resources: Web designer team (two people), 30 hours of work a week for 3
weeks. Software manager (one person), 10 hours of work a week for 2 weeks
and IT & Legal review as for the statutory compliances (two teams), 4 hours
of ad-hoc work for 1 week.
Budget: Rs. 200,000/- (you may also give the break-up for each activity).
Project Scope
Deliverables: User-friendly, attractive website. Management
Exercise 1:
You have been asked to lead an event for a marriage. The event is to organize
an orchestra–dance concert on the marriage eve. You have reserved a hall that
will accommodate 200 couples and have hired the orchestra troop. Develop a
scope statement for this project that contains all the elements (project
objectives, deliverables, milestones, schedule, technical requirements,
resources, budget, limits & exclusions, and audiences). Assume that the event
will occur in 3 weeks from now and provide your best guess estimate of the
dates for milestones.
Exercise 2:
Identify at least two real-life examples of a project that would fit in each of
the priority scenarios (I, II &III) described above.
WBS is used to estimate the time, cost and scope which are required for a
project. This is a top-down approach for making the work packages to an
extent of the smallest assignment where there is a very slim scope for
subjectivity. WBS is breaking down the project into possible levels where
there is much scope for objectivity to estimate the appropriate requirement of
time, cost and scope. The WBS levels depend on the size and complexity of
the project. Smaller projects will have a maximum of two levels, and a
complex project like the Mangalyaan mission may have multiple levels.
Project Scope
4.3.2 Work Breakdown Structure of Motorcycle (Sample) Management
Dis Norma
Leathe Syntheti
Figure 4.1
Source-D: Design, M: Material
• At the work package level, one can easily estimate how much work is
there / how much work needs to be done.
• What are the resources required for completing the work can be easily
• Easy to estimate the time taken to complete the work.
• It identifies the number of manpower required to complete the work
• It determines milestones in the work package completion.
66 Figure 4.2
Project Scope
4.3.5 Responsibility Matrix (RM) Management
Example: You are one of the four members (father, mother, son – 15 years
and daughter, 13 – years) planning a weekend tour to a hill station. Develop a
responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done before starting your
family trip to a hill station. The partial responsibility matrix is shown in table
R: Responsible, S: Supervision
Exercise 7: Develop a Responsibility Matrix for your son’s marriage (in the
family, you, your wife/husband, son – 25 years and daughter – 22 years).
Project Planning
Prior to the commencement of any project, it is necessary to define the scope,
priorities and breakdown structure. While defining the scope of the project,
the project managers primarily focus on the end product/items of the project.
It is essential to develop a priority list for every project to take meaningful
decisions. In project management, the structure provides two views of the
project—one on deliverables and one on organizational responsibility—
helping to ensure that all of the project's duties are defined. The WBS
prevents the project from being controlled by an organizational function or a
financial system. The organizational design demands consideration of
reasonable staffing, equipment, and financial needs.
Planning begins with defining your project precisely, which is the first and
most significant stage. Project failures are most frequently attributed to a lack
of a well-defined project plan. Using a WBS or a responsibility matrix will
mostly depend on the scope and scale of your project.
Project Planning
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Network Diagramming of Projects (AOA) Diagrams
5.3 Time-Analysis of Networks
5.4 Probabilistic Durations
5.5 Other Types of Diagrams
5.6 Project Scheduling
5.7 Let Us Sum Up!
5.8 Self-Assessment Exercises
5.9 Bibliography and Further Readings
Time is of great essence in all projects and one of the most important
objectives of all project managers is to ensure completion of a project in time.
In this unit we shall discuss the various tools and techniques as well as the
concepts which are vital in effective planning, scheduling and control of
As projects are unique, one-time endeavours, the normal planning and control
tools are not very effective in the planning and scheduling of projects.
Network diagrams provide a framework which can be used to develop project
schedules and also for updating and control of projects. We begin our
discussion by developing the concepts required to draw project networks and
go on to use the same for scheduling of projects.
Project Network
6 A 7
Figure 5.1: Head event (7) and tail event (6) of activity A
Completion of a Project
A project is completed only when all its activities have been completed.
However, as many activities may be going on simultaneously, it is difficult to
compute the project completion time even if the estimated duration of each
activity is known. Except in a very rare case, the project activities are not all
sequential in nature. Thus it becomes important for us to identify which
activity may be going on simultaneously, and which others have to be done
one after the other. The different types of events described in the next sub-
section helps in this regard.
A simple event is one which has only one preceding activity and only one
succeeding activity. Thus in Figure 5.2 below, event 2 is a simple event and
activity B can begin only after activity A has been completed.
A merge event is one which has more than one preceding activities and only
one succeeding activity. For example, in Figure 5.3 below, event 4 is a merge
event with C as the succeeding activity and A and B as two preceding
activities. This shows that activity C can begin only after both the activities A
and B have been completed.
Burst Event
A burst event is one which has only one preceding activity and more than one
succeeding activities. For example in Figure 5.4 below, activities B and C are
the succeeding activities for the burst event 4, whereas A is the only
preceding activity. This shows that activity B and activity C both of them can
start only after activity A has been completed.
An event having more than one preceding activities as well as more than one
succeeding activities is a combined merge and burst event. For example, in
Figure 5.5 below, event 4 is a combined burst and merge event, having C and
D as succeeding activities and A and B as preceding activities. This shows
that activities C and D can begin only after both activities A and B have been
Project Network
Analysis (Pert &
If two or more activities have common tail and head events, then again
dummy activities may be needed to diagram the network elegantly – e.g. in
Figure 5.7 below, activities B and C have the same dependency relationships
and a dummy activity has been used to have an elegant representation of the
Figure 5.7: Need for dummy activity when activities B and C both have common
predecessors and successors
Project Planning From the information contained in Table 5.1, we can easily see that activities
A, C and E do not have any predecessors and so all of them are starting
activities. Activity B is the only one with activity A as its predecessor and so
it is a simple event connecting activities A and B. Activity D has two
predecessors - B and C and so it is a merge event connecting activities B and
C to activity D. Again, activities F, H and K all have activity E as their
predecessor and so the completion of activity E and the starting of activities
F, H and K is a burst event. Working step by step in this manner, we build up
the project network for this project. In this case it is possible to develop the
project network without using any dummy activity as shown in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.8 Network diagram for the New Product Launch Projects
Its name itself, in forward pass we begin with the starting activity or the
starting activities of the project and gradually move to their respective
succeeding activities - i.e., move forward in time. Assuming our activity
interdependencies and time estimates are correct, we ask two questions for
each activity:
Project Network
1) What is the earliest time at which we can start the activity? Analysis (Pert &
2) What is the earliest time at which we can finish the activity?
In other words, for each activity, we shall be working out its Early Start (ES)
time and its Early Finish (EF) time, relative to the zero date of the project.
For the new product launch project of Figure 5.8 we can easily see that ES
for activity A is 0 as A is a starting activity with no predecessor. EF for
activity A can then be computed as 2 weeks as it is not possible to finish A
before this time. When we move to activity B. which is the successor to
activity A, we find that ES for B is 2 weeks and its EF is 10 weeks, since
activity B requires 8 weeks for its completion after its start. Similarly ES and
EF for activity C can be easily seen to be 0 and 12 weeks respectively. Now,
activities B and C have a common successor - biz. activity
D. Since activity D can start only after both B and C have been completed,
ES for D will be 12 weeks and not 10 weeks because C cannot he finished
before 12 weeks (its EF is 12 weeks). In a similar manner, this process can be
continued till we have covered all the project activities.
As the EF for activity N is 26 weeks, we can say that the earliest completion
time for the new product launch project is 26 weeks. Table 5.2 lists the
results of the forward pass for this project.
Table 5.2: ES and EF for all activities of new product launch project.
Project Planning 5.3.1 Backward Pass
If the project has to be completed by a given date, then we can again ask two
questions for each activity:.
In other words, for each activity we can work out its Late Finish (LF) time
and its Late Start (LS) time, given that the completion of the project must be
achieved by a certain date.
After the LF and LS times for any activity have been worked out, the same
can be done for its immediate predecessors. The process thus begins with the
finishing activities of the project and continues through their predecessors till
we reach the start of the project. Since we are moving backwards in time, the
exercise is referred to as the backward pass.
For the new product launch project, we can conduct the backward pass
assuming that the project has to be finished in 26 weeks - its earliest
completion time. Thus, LF for N is 26 weeks and consequently its LS must
be 22 weeks since it takes 4 weeks for N to be completed. For both activities
J and M, LF is 22 weeks as N cannot start at 22 unless and until J and M are
completed. The LS for J can then be worked out as (22- 5) i.e. 17 weeks,
where 5 weeks is the duration of J. Moving one further step backwards, the
LF for D and I have to be 17 weeks. This process can be continued in a
similar manner till we have covered all the project activities.
Table 5.3: LF and LS for all activities of New Product Launch Project
Table 5.4: Activity Slacks for all activities of New Product Launch
Total Slack
Total slack for an activity is the difference between its LF and EF or that
between its LS and ES. If the total slack for activity K is 4 weeks, then there
can be a maximum. delay of 4 weeks in the completion of activity K from its
EF or a maximum delay of 4 weeks in its start from its ES, without affecting
the timely completion of the project in 26 weeks.
Free Slack
Consider activities B, C and Din the network diagram of new product launch
project shown in Figure 5.8 and its time analysis shown in Table 6.4. Activity
B has a total slack of 3 weeks, whereas both C and D have a total slack of 1
week each. In other words, out of a total slack of 3 weeks for activity C, only
1 week is shared with its successor and other 2 weeks of total slack are not
shared with its successor. We say that activity B has a free slack of 2 weeks,
which it does not share with its successor(s). Free slack can occur for only
those activities whose head events are merge events (or combined merge and
burst events) and this slack is available only to the activity concerned and not
to its successor. If the activity concerned cannot make use of the free slack, it
is no longer available to any of its succeeding activities:
The computation of free slack can be done as shown below: [Free Slack]i =
ESj - EFi,
Independent Slack
Some activities may have some slack which they do not share with any of
their predecessors or any of their successors. This slack is referred to as the
independent slack of the activity concerned.
Figure 5.9: Critical Path for the New Product Launch Project
The critical path is also the longest path from the start of the project to its
finish. However, a project may have more than one critical path. While a
project is under execution, critical activities need to be monitored very
closely as any delay in their completion is immediately reflected as a delay in
the project completion:
The time-scaled network diagram for the new product launch project is
shown in Figure 5.10 below.
Project Planning
Figure 5.10: Time-scaled Network for the New Products Launch Project
For easy reference, the event numbers used are exactly the same as used in
Figure 5.8 earlier. The time-scaled networks show not only the activity
interdependencies but also their durations and their slacks - dotted horizontal
lines show the activity slacks and it is quite clear that activities K. L and M.
each has a total slack of 4 weeks which they share among themselves. It is
also clear that if there is any delay in the completion of activity K, the total
slacks of activities L and M automatically get reduced to the same extent and
hence the appropriateness of the terns path slack. Free slack and independent
slack for different activities can also he seen in the time-scaled network. In
Figure 5.10, all the activities are shown at their respective earliest start and
finish and so the ES. EF times can be seen directly. The LF and the LS times
can also be interpreted from the figure.
Activity 1
What are the benefits to manager for determining the critical path of a
Optimistic Time
If all conditions are favourable, then the minimum time in which an activity
can be finished is called the optimistic time of the activity concerned. Of
course the probability of all the conditions being favourable is very low and
so the probability that the activity will actually be finished in its optimistic
time is very low. In fact, we can say that it is impossible to finish an activity
in less than its optimistic time. a
Pessimistic Time
This is the reverse of optimistic time. If all conditions are unfavourable, then
the maximum time in which an activity will be finished is called its
pessimistic time. Using the same logic as earlier. we can say that the
probability that an activity will require as much time as its pessimistic time
for finishing is very low and that it is impossible for an activity to take longer
than its pessimistic time for finishing.
where, a = optimistic lime of the activity m = most likely time of the activity 83
Project Planning and h = pessimistic time of the activity
Thus, it can he seen from the above expressions as well as from the Figure
6.11 above that if m is equidistant from both a and h, then the probability
density function becomes a symmetrical curve with te = m. Also that the
interval (b - a) governs the variability of the activity duration as measured by
its standard deviation or its variance which is nothing hut the square of the
standard deviation.
Earlier, we had defined the longest path in a project network diagram as the
critical path. However, if the individual activity durations are uncertain, the
longest path in the network may also not be known with certainty. If we now
define the path with the longest expected duration as the critical path, we can
rind the expected time of completion of a project as well as its variance. Also,
we can find the probability that the critical path will he completed within a
given duration and this may he taken as the probability that the project itself
will he completed within the specified duration. We now propose to show
how all this can be done by taking the new product launch project as our
Project Network
Table 5.5 Three time estimates of Activity durations for New Product Analysis (Pert &
Launch Project CPM)
Table 5.5 above shows the three time estimates for cacti activity of the new
product launch project. As can be seen from the table. some activities like G
and M have no uncertainty (e.g. for activity G, optimistic, most likely and
pessimistic times are all estimated as 6 weeks), whereas some other lire
activity C have a relatively high degree of uncertainty in their activity
durations (this can he seen from the low optimistic time of 9 weeks and the
high pessimistic time of 19 weeks for activity Q. We can also see that some
activities like B have, a longer left tail, whereas some others like E have a
longer right tail and many other activities like A, D. F etc. have both their
tails of equal length. The last two columns in Table 5.5 above show the
computed values of the expected duration and the standard deviation of each
activity. Figure 5.12 below shows the network diagram of the new product
haunch project where the expected value and the standard deviation of each
activity duration is shown by the side of the respective activity code. The
path with the longest expected duration is also identified as the critical path
on this network diagram. As the expected duration of each activity has
remained unchanged as compared to the earlier estimated single time
estimate for each activity, the critical path is also unchanged.
Project Planning
Figure 5.12 Critical Path for the New Product Launch Project with Expected Value and
Standard Deviation of each Activity Duration
Let t be the length of the critical path EFGIJN for this project. So, we know
that t has a normal distribution with mean µ = 26 weeks and variance σ2 =
1.472 weeks.
This is shown in Figure 5.13 below as the shaded area under the standard
normal curve. We can therefore say that the probability of completing the
project in 28 weeks is 95.05%.
Project Network
Analysis (Pert &
Figure 5.13: Area under the Standard Normal Curve for 2 < 1.65
In such cases the Project Manager may get false assurance of a relatively
Project Planning higher probability of completion of a project than is actually the case. In fact,
one way of getting a valid probability distribution of project completion time
is to perform a computer simulation of the project. In such a simulation, the
project is run many times - say 100 times or 1000 times on the computer and
by studying the project completion times in these runs, a probability
distribution can he constricted. For each run, the computer first picks up one
value randomly for each activity - representing the duration of the activity.
These values are picked up such that for each activity, these values follow the
probability distribution of the activity duration as known from its optimistic,
most likely and pessimistic times. For each set of such values, (i.e. each run),
the project is analysed to find the project completion time as well as the
critical activities.
Activity 2
Figure 5.14: Activity B can start only after activity A has been completed
Figure 5.16: AON Diagram of the New Product Launch Project with the data given in Table 5.1
For example, the situation described earlier in Figure 5.6 to justify the use of
dummy activities in AOA diagrams (and shown again as Figure 5.15a) can be
easily represented by its AON diagram shown as Figure 5.15b above:
Project Planning It should also be noted that there is no concept of an event in an AON
diagram. However, if required, special events or milestones can also be
represented as additional nodes in AON diagrams. However, they are not
used as extensively as the AOA diagrams. This is largely due to historical
reasons as PERT was based on an event-oriented approach. AON diagrams
are now getting popular as some popular Project Management software use
this form of diagramming as also because the Precedence Network (PN)
diagrams, which are more versatile and which we describe in the next
section, are based on AON diagrams.
The AON diagrams for the new product launch project, based on the data
given in Table 5.1, is shown in Figure 5.16 above. As is generally done in
AON diagrams, we have also added two fictitious nodes called Start and
Finish in our diagram to identify the starting and the finishing activities
Figure 5.18 Precedence Network (PN) Diagram for the New Product Launch Project
FS Relationship
SS Relationship
FF Relationship
SF Relationship
The fourth and the least common precedence relationship between two
activities is the start-to-finish relationships. SAFB= 7 would mean that activity
B can finish only 7 weeks after the start of activity A and not before that.
Figure 5.18 above shows the precedence network diagram (PN diagram) of
the new product. launch project based on the information contained in Table
5.6. Since the symbolic representations are associated with the arrows, no
subscripts are used to identify the activities associated with a preceding
relationship. Also, lead-lag factors of zero are not mentioned separately and
are implicit.
Activity 3
By and large, we launch the project based on Earliest Start Time (EST)
schedule for all activities. Is there any justification?
Time analysis by itself may not produce a feasible schedule because resource
availability constraints have not been considered. If we review the process of
project planning discussed so far we find that we started with breaking up the
project into its constituent activities, listed the activity interdependencies
based on technological constraints, management policy constraints and legal
constraints and finally estimated the activity durations based on an implicit
assumption about some "normal" amount of resources available. With the
data so generated we proceeded to carry out time analysis. Stated differently;
we have not yet ensured that the resources required for an activity are
actually available in the period when the activity is scheduled. For example,
if activities A and B both require a crew of a mechanic and a helper and we
have only one such crew assigned to the project, then A and B cannot be
done simultaneously, even though the ES or the LS schedule calls for their
parallel execution. This is because resource availability constraints have not
yet been considered. If, however, the schedule is changed and the parallel
activities A and B are made sequential - i.e. one after the other- then it
becomes a feasible schedule although the project duration may get extended
due to this change. This is the heart of resource scheduling.
5.6.3 An Example
We shall try to understand this process by taking a small project whose
details are shown in Figure 5.19. Here we make a simplifying assumption
that the resource requirement is uniform and for the complete' 4uration of the
Fig. 5.19 A small project with eight activities, their interdependencies estimated
duration and resource requirements.
We can easily carrying out a time analysis of this project and identify AEG as
the critical path having a length of 13 days. If each activity is scheduled at its
earliest, we can get the ES schedule which is shown in the form of a time-
scaled network in Figure 5.20(a). By summing up the number of men
required to perform each activity, the resource requirement for the whole
Project Planning project can be easily computed. Figure 5.20(b) shows the resource
requirement for the ES schedule of this project. For example, on day 1 -
activities A, B and C are scheduled and this would require (6+2+2=) 10 men.
We find that the peak resource requirement is of 11 men required on days 6,
7 and 8. However-, if only 8 men 'are available on this project, then this
schedule is not feasible - for feasibility, the resource requirement on any day
cannot exceed 8 men.
Step 1 On the project schedule, locate the first period with a resource conflict
as one move forward in time from the start of the project to its finish. If there
is no such period, stop as the schedule is resource feasible - else go to step 2.
Step 2 Among all the activities scheduled to start at this period, pick up the
one with the largest total slack (where Total Slack = Late Start - Planned
Start for the activity) and delay its start. This activity cannot be performed
alongwith the other conflicting activities - i.e. the remaining activities
scheduled to start at this period and the ones continuing from a previous
period. Schedule the start of this activity immediately after the first of the
other conflicting activities is finished.
Let us apply this heuristic to the small project of Figure 5.19. We begin with
the ES schedule and the corresponding resource profile of Figure 5.20. At
step 1, we find that day 1 is the first period with a resource conflict since the
schedule requires 10 persons on that day whereas we have only 8. At step 2,
we find from Figure 5.20(a) that three activities viz. A, B and C are
scheduled to start on that day. Their total slacks are 0, 3 and 5 days
respectively and so we pick up activity C and delay its start. The other
conflicting activities are A and B and the first of these to get finished is B.
So, we schedule the start of C immediately after the start of B. This schedule
is shown in Figure 5.21. As there is no resource conflict on day 1 we go to
step 1. The first period with a resource conflict is now day 6 and D and E are
two activities scheduled to start on this day. As D has a total slack of 1 day
whereas E does not have any slack, we pick up D at step 2 and delay its start.
The other conflicting activities are E - the other activity scheduled to start at
this period - and C - continuing from a pervious period. Of these C is the one
scheduled to finish first and so we schedule the start of D immediately after
the finish of C. This schedule is shown in Figure 5.22. As there is no resource
conflict on day 6, we go to step 1.
Project Network
Analysis (Pert &
(a) ES schedule for the project Figure 5.19 (a) Schedule with delayed start of C by 2 days
(b) Corresponding Resource Profile Figure 5.20 (b) Corresponding Resource Profile Figure 5.21
Day 7 is now the first period with a resource conflict and between D and F
which are scheduled to start on this day, we delay the start of F as it has a
total slack of 3 days whereas D has zero slack. As both the other conflicting
activities D and E are scheduled to finish on day 9. We schedule the start of
activity F immediately after this- i.e. on day 10. This schedule is shown in
Figure 5.23. As there is no resource conflict on day 7, we go back to step 1
and as there is no resource conflict in any period, we stop as we have reached
a resource feasible schedule. The heuristic seems to have worked very well
since we could get a resource feasible schedule without any delay in the
project completion from its earliest completion of 13 days.
Figure 5.25: Resource feasible schedule with 6 men and project duration of 20 days
Activity 4
If resources for meeting the Earliest Start Time (EST) Schedule are available,
is there any valid justification for undertaking resources planning?
From Table 5.7 we can easily see that the cost of the project will be Rs
46,98,000 if all the activities are executed as per their "normal" durations. We
know from the earlier time analysis that the earliest project completion in
such a case is in 26 weeks. However, if the project has to be finished sooner
then we have to crash some activities. Let us now determine an efficient
method of crashing the project duration.
Table 5.7: Normal and Crash Durations and Costs for New Product
Launch Project
If the project duration has to be reduced, then the length of the critical path
has got to be reduced. Obviously, there is no advantage in crashing a non-
critical activity as that would not reduce the length of the critical path. On the
other hand, if any of the critical activities is crashed, it would immediately
result in a reduction in the length of the critical path and consequently the
project duration.
The question then is, which critical activity should be crashed? The answer to
this should be simple - the one which is the cheapest to crash i.e. where the
increase in cost is the minimum.
Project Network
Analysis (Pert &
The cost slope for each activity is also shown in Table 5.7 and it captures the
increase in activity cost per week of crashing. However, no activity can be
crashed beyond its crash duration which is an absolute minimum.
We know from Figure 5.9 that E, F, G, I, J and N are six critical. activities.
Of these G, I and N cannot be crashed and E, F and J can each be crashed by
one week only at a cost of Rs. 8,000, Rs. 21,000 and Rs. 27,000 respectively.
Hence the cheapest way of reducing the project duration from 26 to 25 weeks
is by crashing activity E to its crash duration of 3 weeks. The project cost
would rise to (Rs. 4698,000 + Rs. 8.000 i.e.) Rs. 4706,000.
If we want to reduce the project duration by one more week. we have to wash
some critical activity again. However, now there are two critical paths viz.
EFGJN and CDJN and the project duration will reduce only if both the
critical path lengths can be reduced. Of these critical activities only F can be
crashed by 1 week at a cost of Rs. 21,000, J by 1 week at a cost of Rs.
27,000, C by 3 weeks at a cost of Rs. 60,000 per week and D by 1 week at a
cost of Rs. 15,000. One way of reducing the project duration to 24 weeks is
by crashing both D and F by 1 week each costing (Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 21,000
i.e.) Rs. 36,000. The other way is by crashing J by 1 week costing only.Rs.
27,000. As J is an activity lying on both the critical paths - crashing it by 1
week will reduce the project duration by 1 week. This is the cheapest way of
Project Planning completing the project in 24 weeks and the project cost would rise to (Rs.
4706,000 + Rs. 27,000 i.e.) Rs. 4733,000.
We still have only two critical paths - viz. EFGIJN and CDJN and the only
critical activities which can be crashed are - F which can be crashed by 1
week at a cost of Rs. 21,000, C which can he crashed by 3 weeks at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 per week and D which can be crashed by 1 week at a cost of Rs.
15,000. The only way in which the project duration can be reduced from 24
to 23 weeks is by crashing both F and D by 1 week each costing (Rs. 21,000 -
Rs. 15,000 i.e.) Rs. 36,000. The project cost will now increase to (Rs.
4733,000 + Rs. 36,000 i.e.) Rs. 4769,000.
At this stage no activity on the critical path EFGIJN can he crashed any
further and so it is no possible to reduce the project duration beyond 23
weeks. Although it is possible to crash the project duration from 26 to 23
weeks, it may not be economically justified. Suppose the economic benefit of
launching the new product earlier is Rs. 30,000 per week of early launch.
Then we will crash the project duration by only 2 weeks as the incremental
cost of crashing by one more week (i.e. the third week) is Rs. 36,000 whereas
the incremental benefit is only Rs. 30,000.
Some projects carry an incentive for early completion or a penalty for late
completion and these can also be treated in the same way for determining the
optimum project duration. The guiding principle in all crashing decisions is
the same - the cost of crashing by 1 week (or 1 month or any other period)
goes on increasing with each successive round of crashing and we should
crash only as far as it is economically beneficial and not beyond that.
Activity 5
Project delays can be very costly and can 'impact adversely on the fiscal
health of the company,. If we are engaged in crashing the overall project
duration because of its high profitability, are there any other cost factors that
must be taken into account?
The time analysis could give us Early Start and Early Finish times of
different activities during the forwarded pass and Late Finish and Late Start
times during the backward pass. We used these to define total slack, free
slack and independent slack of different activities. We interpreted those
activities having no total slack as critical activities as any delay in their
execution would be immediately reflected in project delay and the path (or
paths) formed by joining the critical activities together on the network
diagram as the critical path. Finally, we combined the project network
diagram and the time analysis results to draw the time-scaled network of
projects - which can visually deficit both the activity interdependencies and
their durations and slacks.
Precedence Network (PN) diagrams are then introduced and these network
diagrams allow us to represent dependency .relationships between a pair of
activities other than the Finish - to Start (FS) which is used in AOA and AON
networks. In PN networks, we discussed how to use Start-to-Start (SS),
Finish-to-Finish (FF) and also the less commonly used Start-to-Finish (SF)
relationships. Each of these precedence relationships can also have their
respective lag times.
Time analysis alone does not give us a feasible schedule as we have not get
ensured that resources required for different activities will actually be made
available. This is done in resource scheduling where we first identify
resource conflicts and then try to remove the same through the use of
heuristics. We showed the use of one simple heuristic which worked well
with a resource availability of 8 men but did not work well when the resource
availability was changed to 6 men. This is true of all heuristics including the
ones used in computer packages to remove conflicts.
We also analysed time/cost trade off in project scheduling. We found that the
estimated duration of some activities can be crashed (i.e. reduced) from their
normal durations. This can he achieved only by incurring a higher cost on the
activity e.g. on overtime, local purchase, changed methods or procedures, etc.
Project crashing can be used in situations where the incremental benefit for
crashing is more than the incremental cost of crashing. It is true that the
greater the crashing, the higher the incremental crashing per period and so
beyond a point it may not be economical to resort to crashing.
The various steps involved in project scheduling may have to be used more
than once in an iterative manner to get the project schedule which uses the
right amount of resources. is estimated to be completed at the right time and
at an optimised cost.
Such a schedule called the baseline schedule is used for monitoring and
control of the project.
Project Planning
a) Draw an AOA network. Carry out all the calculations, determine the
critical path and markit in the network. What is the total project duration.
b) What is the probability of achieving the project within the deadline of 30
Project Network
Moder J.J., Phillips C.R. and E.W. Davis, 1986. Project Management with Analysis (Pert &
CPM, PERT 34 and Precedence Diagramming, CBS Publishers : New Delhi CPM)
Project Planning
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Defining the Schedule
6.3 Resource Scheduling Problem
6.3.1 Classification of a Scheduling Problem
6.3.2 Resource Allocation Methods
Project scheduling is a process required to ensure the timely completion of a
project. Till now, we learned about activity on arrow (AOA) and activity on
node (AON) network representation, also calculated the cost and time
required for each activity. A real-life project involves hundreds of activities
for which it is important to evaluate early and late times at which the
activities start and finish. In addition, identifying the group of critical
activities so that they can be focused to reduce the cause for delay. All these
can be done by scheduling a project, which basically adds a time dimension
to the planning process. Project scheduling includes all the tools require to
ensure timely completion of the project. The project scheduling is sued for;
But before creating a project schedule, one should typically have a work
breakdown structure (WBS), the time estimate for each task, and a resource
list with availabilities for each resource. A Schedule is created using a
consensus-driven estimation method, the reason for this is that a schedule
itself is an estimate, each date in the schedule is estimated, and if those dates
do not have the buy-in of the people (resource) who are going to do the work,
the schedule will be inaccurate. Setting overall completion dates must be
done by the project team and key stakeholders. The project manager assists
by assimilating information about scope, budget, resources, and estimating
times for completion of project tasks. Once an overall schedule is set, the
project manager is responsible for monitoring the progress of the project and
revising the schedule if needed. This must be done in consultation with
project team members who are doing the work. There will be typically give-
and-take as a project proceeds among budget, scope and schedule. It is
essential for the project manager to keep all participants informed as to
current schedule status.
Any project scheduling system should tend to facilitate easy answers to these
As of now, the start and sequence of activities were solely based on technical
or logical considerations. For, example, a project network for constructing a
home might show 3 activities in sequence: 1) Pour foundation, 2) Build
frame 3) Cover roof. In other words, you cannot perform activity 2 without
completing activity 1 and so on. The project network assumes that the
resources are available to perform the required work. But this is not often the
case! The absence of abundant amount resources can drastically affect the
timeline of a project.
The internal relationships and interactions among the time and resource
constraints are often complex for even smaller projects. Some efforts to
examine these interactions prior to starting the project frequently uncovers
surprising problems. Project managers who do nit look out for resource
availability in moderately complex projects usually learn when it’s too late
Time- Constrained: It means the project must be completed within the given
time period. It required, more resources can be added to make the process
faster and complete it on the given specific time zone. Although time is the
crucial factor, resources usage should be no more than is necessary and
1. Splitting activities is not allowed. i.e., if one activity is placed with the
schedule, it can’t be removed unfinished.
2. The level of resources used for an activity cannot be changed.
Table 6.1
Step 1: Draw the schedule network diagram and determine the critical path.
5 1 10 1
C, 5 E, 9
5 1 1 1
0 0 3 3 5 1 2 20
Start A, 3 B, 2 G, End
0 0 3 3 5 1 1 20 20
TF=8 TF=7
5 9 10 1
D, 4 F, 2
1 17 17 1
FF=1 FF=7
From the schedule network diagram, you can understand the critical path is
A-B-C-E-G and the total duration of the project is 20 days. The problem with
the critical path method is it does not consider the availability of resources.
So, now we need to check whether there are any resource conflicts in the
schedule created by the critical path method. It will be easier if we present the
schedule in the Gantt chart/ bar chart format to understand the resource usage
over time periods.
Project Scheduling
Chart. 6.1: Gant chart or bar chart
AC DU RE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
T R S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
A 3 6
B 2 1
C 5 5
E 4 4
G 9 6
D 2 2
F 1 1
ACT: Activity DUR: Duration (Days) RES: Resources (No. of Compressors Needed)
Fig. 6.2:
By drawing a line to show the resource limit, we can clearly see the days on
which the resource conflict occurs. You can see that the schedule requires
more compressors than available on six days; Day 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12.
Project Planning Now, let us see how the application of resource smoothing helps to remove
the resource conflicts on these six days. Resource smoothing looks at
removing as much resource conflicts as possible without delaying the total
project duration.
Let us again start to adjust the original CPM schedule to avoid resource
Chart. 6.2
AC DU RE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
T R S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
A 3 6
B 2 1
C 5 5
E 4 4
G 9 6
D 2 2
F 1 1
Available no. of
Fig. 6.3:
Activity D is shifted from day 6 to day 11. This removes the resource peaks
from day 6 to 9. However, there is still resource conflicts on day 15 and day
16. This conflict cannot be removed without delaying the total project
114 duration. So, resource smoothing will stop here. Out of the six days of
Project Scheduling
conflict, resource smoothing managed to remove 4 days of conflict.
However, if the organization wants to stick to the original schedule, they
should bring additional resources on day 15 & day 16.
• Minimum slack
• Smallest duration
• Lowest activity identification number
3 2 8
3 2P 3
5 5 10
6 5 8
2 1P 2
0 1 2 3 1 6 8 2 10
10 7 12
0 2P 0 0 2P 0
0 1P 0
0 3 2 2 3 6
10 2 12
6 6 10
0 1P 0
3 4 4 6 4 10
6 1P 6
8 2 10 ES ID EF
Project Planning Regardless of the scheduling heuristic used, the primary impact of resource
constrained scheduling is the loss of flexibility due to the reduction in slack.
Furthermore, the reduction in slack also increases the number of critical or
near-critical activities.
ID RES DUR ES LF SL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 2P 3 0 2 0 2 2 2
2 2P 5 3 10 3 2 2 2 2 2
3 2P 3 3 6 0 2 2 2
4 1P 2 3 10 6 1 1
5 1P 2 6 10 2 1 1
6 1P 4 6 10 0 1 1 1 1
7 1P 2 10 12 0 1 1
Period Action
0-1 Only activity 1 is eligible. It required 2 programmers.
1-2 No activities are eligible to be scheduled
2-3 No activities are eligible to be scheduled
3-4 Activities 2, 3, 4 are eligible to be scheduled. Activity 3 has least slack (0) –
apply rule 1.
Load Activity 3 into schedule.
Activity 2 is next with the slack of 2 but activity 2 requires 2 programmers and
only 1 is available.
Delay activity 2. Update: ES = 3, Slack = 2.
The next eligible activity is activity 4, since it only requires 1 programmer.
Load activity 4 into schedule.
Chart. 6.3:
id RES DUR ES LF SL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 2P 3 0 2 0 2 2 2
2 2P 5 3 10 3 x
3 2P 3 3 6 0 2 2 2
4 1P 2 3 10 6 1 1
5 1P 2 6 10 2
6 1P 4 6 10 0
7 1P 2 10 12 0
Total resource load 2P 2P 2P 3P 3P 2P
Resource available 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P 3P
Project Scheduling
Period Action
4-5 Activity 2 is eligible but exceeds limit of 3 programmers in the
Delay activity 2. Update: ES = 4, slack = 1.
5-6 Activity 2 is eligible but exceeds limit of 3 programmers in the
Delay activity 2. Update: ES = 5, slack = 0.
6-7 Activities 2, 5 and 6 are eligible with slack of 0, 2 and 0
Activity 2 and 6 have slack (0) – rule 1 becomes inactive.
But since, Activity 6 requires 1 programmer and activity 2 requires
2 programmers, both are loaded at the same time.
Delay activity 5. Update: ES = 6, slack = 1.
7-8 Activity 5 is eligible but exceeds limit of 3 programmers in the
Delay activity 5. Update: ES = 6, slack = 0.
8-9 Activity 5 is eligible but exceeds limit of 3 programmers in the
Delay activity 5. Update: ES = 6, slack = -1.
9-10 Activity 5 is eligible but exceeds limit of 3 programmers in the
Delay activity 5. Update: ES = 6, slack = -2.
10-11 Activities 5 and 7 are eligible with slack of -2 and 0 respectively.
Activity 5 with slack (-2) and activity 6 have slack (0) – rule 1
Load Activity 5 into schedule.
Delay activity 7. Update: ES = 10, slack = -1.
Chart. 6.4:
i RE DU L 1 1 1 1 1
d S R ES F SL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1 2P 3 0 2 0 2 2 2
1 0
2 2P 5 3 6 0 3 x x x 2 2 2 2 2
3 2P 3 3 6 0 2 2 2
4 1P 2 3 0 6 1 1
1 2
5 1P 2 6 0 -2
-1 x x x x
6 1P 4 6 0 0 1 1 1 1
7 1P 2 10 2 0
2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Total resource load 2P P P P P P P P P P
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Resource available 3P P P P P P P P P P P P
Project Planning
Chart. 6.4:
RE DU E 1 1 1 1 1
ID S R S LF SL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1 2P 3 0 2 0 2 2 2
2 2P 5 3 6 10 3 0 x x x 2 2 2 2 2
3 2P 3 3 6 0 2 2 2
4 1P 2 3 10 6 -2 1 1 L
5 1P 2 6 10 2 x x x x 1 1
6 1P 4 6 10 0 1 1 1 1
7 1P 2 0 12 0 -1 x 1 1
2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Total resource load P P P P P P P P P P P P P
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Resource available P P P P P P P P P P P P
6 2 11
0 2P 0
5 5 11
10 5 12
0 1P 0
0 1 2 3 1 6 10 2 12
11 7 13
0 2P 0 0 2P 0
0 1P 0
0 3 2 2 3 6
11 2 13
6 6 10
0 1P 0
3 4 4 6 4 10
2 1P 2
4 2 6 ES ID EF
Project Scheduling
The use of resources and their availability are very difficult issues for project
managers to deal with. By paying attention to these things when making a
project schedule, resource bottlenecks can be found before the project even
starts. Project managers should know what will happen if they don't schedule
their resources.
When you schedule resources, the results are often very different from what
you'd get with the standard CPM method. With how quickly technology
changes and how important it is to get products to market quickly, catching
problems with resource use and availability before a project starts can save
the cost of crashing project activities later. Any resource changes that don't
conform to the plan and schedule can be quickly recorded, and their effects
can be noted as the project is being carried out. If there was no quick way to
receive updates, the true negative effects of a change might not be known
until they occurred.
The baseline (planned value, or PV) is the total of the cost accounts, and the
total of the work packages in each cost account is the total of that cost
account. Remember that if your budgeted costs aren't spread out over time,
you don't have a good way to measure how well things are going. The cost
baseline typically only includes the direct costs that the project manager can
control, such as labor, materials, and equipment, despite the fact that there are
many different types of project costs. Other indirect costs can be added to the
project costs separately.
4 C 8
2 2 2
6 4 10
0 A 4
1 1 1
1 4 5
5 D 10 10 F 12
0 1 0 0 2 0
5 5 10 10 2 12
0 B 5
0 2 0
0 5 5 ES ID EF
5 E 8
2 2 2 SL RES SL
7 3 10 LS DUR LF
Project Crashing
• How to reduce the project timelines when you’re forced to complete the
project before time?
• How to optimize the time and resources when there is time constraint?
• To find out the optimum time and resources required in case of reducing
the project timeline / crashing the project timelines.
7.1 Introduction
7.2 What is Project Crashing?
7.3 Time-Cost Relationship
7.4 Project Crashing Example
7.5 Let Us Sum Up
7.6 Self-Assessment Exercise
7.7 Further Readings
Time is a very precious resource when it comes to project management.
Schedules for each job or activity must be very carefully developed to ensure
on-time completion of a project. But under certain circumstances and
challenges, which may occur along a new project, it is necessary to adopt
certain methods to overcome these challenges. As a project manager, you
need to reassess and adjust a plan in response to arising needs. For this, there
are several methods such as critical thinking, risk analysis and project
crashing are used.
That said, the best, and most effective time to begin crashing a project is as
soon as the need for it is identified. But to be successful, project crashing
should be calibrated, decided upon, and applied at the very start of a project
for effective results.
Let’s consider this simple project crashing example. Your team is tasked with
launching a magazine to celebrate your company’s 50th anniversary, but
delays in approving the lead feature have caused the project to fall behind. In
order to ensure the magazine is in hand by the anniversary party, an element
of the project’s scope that can’t be changed, you choose to pay a rush fee for
the printer. This project crashing step helped you meet the immovable
deadline, but it also increased your project budget.
Project Planning A
1 2 3 4 5
20 40 30 50
Figure. 7.2:
Table 7.1:
Assume that the duration-cost relationship for each activity is a single linear,
continuous function between the crash duration and normal duration points.
Using the normal duration (ND), crash duration (CD), normal cost (NC), and
crash cost (CC), the crash cost slope for each activity can be determined as
SA =
15000 13000
SA = = $ 100/day
120 100
SB = $200/day
SC = $450/day
SD = $70/day
SE = $100/day
SF = $250/day
The normal cost for the project is the sum of a normal cost for each activity.
The normal cost for the project is $49000 and the normal duration is 320
days. The activity which should be crashed is the one on the critical path
which will add the least amount to the overall project cost. This will be the
Project Crashing
activity with the flattest or least-cost slope. The duration can be reduced as
long as the critical path is not changed, or a new critical path is created. In
addition, the activity duration cannot be less than the crash duration.
1 2 3 4 5
20 40 30 50
Overall duration is 130 days and there are multiple critical paths (B-F-E and
B-C-D-E). Total project cost at this duration is the normal cost of $49000
plus the cost of crashing the activity D by 10 days (70 * 10 = $700) for a total
of $49700.
The next activity to be crashed would be the activity E, since it has the least-
cost slope ($100 per day) of any of the activities on the critical path. Activity
E can be crashed by a total of 10 days. Crashing the activity E by 10 days
will cost an additional $100 per day or $1000.
1 2 3 4 5
20 40 30 50
20 40
Figure. 7.4
The project duration is now 120 days and the total project cost is $50700.
There are now three critical paths (A, B-C-D-E, and B-F-E). The next stage
of crashing requires a more thorough analysis since it is impossible to crash
one activity alone and achieve a reduction in the overall project duration.
Project Planning Activity A is paired with each of the other activities to determine which has
the least overall cost slope for those activities which have remaining days to
be crashed. Activity A ($100) + activity B ($200)
The least-cost slope will be activity A + activity B for a cost increase of $300
per day. Reducing the project duration by 5 days will add 5*300 = $1500
dollar crashing cost and the total project cost would be $52200. Activity B
cannot be crashed any more.
1 2 3 4 5
20 40 30 50
15 20 40
Figure. 7.5
1 2 3 4 5
20 40 30 50
15 35 20 40
Figure. 7.6
Project Crashing
There are many things that can make it necessary to shorten the length of a
project, such as time-to-market concerns, incentive contracts, the need for
key resources, high overhead costs, or just delays that come up out of the
blue. These are called cost-time trade-off decisions, and they happen all the
time in real life.
This unit showed a formal, step-by-step way to figure out what will happen if
the project is finished earlier than planned. Rushing through a project makes
it more likely that it will run late. Depending on how sensitive the project
network is, the amount of time that needs to be cut from the normal time to
the best time varies. If a network has several critical or nearly-critical paths, it
is considered sensitive.
Project Planning Determine a crashing scheme for the above project so that the total project
time is reduced by 3 weeks.
Earned Value
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Define Earned Value Analysis
8.3 Earned value Analysis Terms
8.4 Earned value – Performance metrics
8.5 Let Us Sum Up
8.6 Key Words
8.7 Self-Assessment Exercise
8.8 Further Readings
In 1966, the United States Air Force mandated earned value management
(USAF EVMS) in addition to the other planning and controlling requirements
on Air Force programs, turning the idea of earned value management into a
basic approach to program management (EVM project management). The
Cost/Schedule Planning Control Specification (C/SPCS) was the name of the
demand. The idea and the necessary conditions have essentially not altered
over the years. Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria (C/SCSC), Earned
Value Management Systems Criteria (EVMSC), and the present 32
guidelines in the EIA-748 Standard for Earned Value Management Systems
have all undergone frequent modifications (EVMS).
To understand it better, let us consider you are a project manager working for
a client that contracted with your firm to produce 5 software. You developed
a plan to produce the five software during this year. In fact, the plan calls for
100 hours to be spent on each software. Finally, the ear ended, and five
software were produced. At year-end, you check with the finance department
to inquire about the total number of hours spent while developing the
software. The finance team informs you that 400 total hours were expended
to create the five software. At first, you are filled with a sense of
accomplishment, in fact, dazzling accomplishment as you finished the
planned five-hundred-hour production of software in 400 hundred hours,
saving the company 100 hours that may be applied to other projects in need.
Then, a sense of less-than-great feeling is recognized from deep within; why?
What’s wrong with this picture?
Maybe it is the fear of the unknown that gives Earned Value a less-than-
stellar review by many in the field. Information, which is power, can help
hold project fear at bay. Therefore, this unit sets out with the fundamental
expectation of providing the learner with basic information about Earned
Value Management.
Planned Value (PV): It is the planned cost that has been estimated for the
following project. PV explains how much the project work is supposed to be
at any given point in the project schedule and cost estimate. Cost and
Schedule baseline refers to the physical work scheduled and the approved
budget to accomplish the scheduled work. PV can be looked at in two ways:
cumulative and current. Cumulative PV is the sum of the approved budget for
activities scheduled to be performed to date. Current PV is the approved
budget for activities scheduled to be performed during a given period. This
period could represent days, weeks, months, etc. PV, also known as Budget
Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS).
Earned Value
About 30% of the
work done
70% to 80% of
the time gone
Example: Calculation show a SPI of 1.4, that means project recognizing Rs.
1.40 for every Rs.1.00 spent to date on project. Assuming SPI efficiency
remains throughout the reminder of work, project will finish ahead of
Index values
Progress SV
Update date
Example 1:
1. You are the project manager on a project that has Rs. 900,000 in the
product development effort. There are two teams of workers that will
work for six months for a total of 12,000 hours. According to the project
schedule, your team should be done with 34% of the work. As of today,
the project is 37% complete, while 48% budget has been used. Calculate
and share your conclusion.
Earned Value
Solution: Analysis
Budget at Completion (BAC) = Rs. 900,000 (given)
AC = Rs. 432,000 (48% budget used)
PV = BAC × Planned % Complete
= 900,000 × 0.34 = Rs. 306,000
EV = BAC × Actual % Complete
= 900,000 × 0.37 = Rs. 333,000
CV = EV – AC
= 333,000 – 432,000 = -99,000
= 333,000 / 432,000 = 0.77
SV = EV – PV
= 333,000 – 306,000 = 27,000
= 333,000 / 306,000 = 1.08
Since CPI is less than 1, the project is over budget
And since SPI is more than 1, the project is ahead of schedule.
For the following project, calculate SV, CV, SPI and CPI at the end of the
second month.
Month 1 2 3 4
Planned Rs. 11,10,000 Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 25,00,000 Rs. 8,00,000
Earned Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 7,50,000
Actual Cost Rs. 12,50,000 Rs. 5,00,000
Check Your Progress 2:
You are managing a software project which is into eight months of its
execution. You are now reviewing the project status, and you have
ascertained that the project is behind schedule. The actual cost of Activity A
is Rs. 4,00,000 and that of Activity B is Rs. 2,00,000. The planned value of
these activities is Rs. 2,80,000 and Rs. 80,000, respectively. The Activity A
is 100% complete. However, Activity B is only 82% complete. Calculate the
schedule performance index and cost performance index of the project on the
review date.
Project Planning …………………………………………………………………………………
Planned Value (PV): The budgeted cost for the planned work is the planned
value (BCWS). PV fluctuates depending on the size of the project under
consideration and where you are in the overall timetable.
Actual Cost (AC): The cost expended for carrying out work on a project is
known as the actual cost (AC), also known as actual expenditures.
Earned Value (EV): EV measures the “value” of the job completed so far.
In other words, EV explains the project’s accomplishments in concrete terms.
EV can be expressed in a Cumulative and Current manner, just as PV and
Cost Variance (CV): It is defined as the discrepancy between the actual cost
incurred while carrying out the scheduled activity and the anticipated cost of
work accomplished (earned value).
Cost Performance Index (CPI): CPI is the measure of how efficiently the
budgeted resources are being utilized on a project. It is mathematically
expressed as Earned Value divided by Actual Cost. Cost Performance
Index (CPI) = Earned Value (EV) / Actual Cost (AC).
Earned Value
Project Planning