Proofs of Baudhayana Theorem

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Modem Historical Research has revealed-and all the

modem historians of mathematics have placed on record the
historical fact tha l tl,e so-called "Pythogoraa' Theorem" was
known to the ancient Indians long long before the time or
Pythagoras and t.hat, just as although th e Arabs introduced the
Indian system of numeralA into the West.em world and distinct-
ly spoke of them as the "BJ.adu" numeralll, yet , the European
importers thereof undit1Cemingly dubbed them as the Arabic
numerals and they ore still described everywhere under that
designation, airuilo.rly exactly it hu happened ihat, although
Pythagoras introduced his theorem to the Western math~matical
nml ,,dcntifl.c world long long afterwards, yet that Theorem
continues to be known as Pythagoraa' Theorem!
This theorem is constant ly in requisition in a vast lot of
11ractfoal mathematical work and is acknowledged by all as
practically the real foundational pre-requisite for Higher Geo-
metry (including Solid Geometry), Trigonometry (both plane
arid Spherical), Analytical Conics, Calculus (Differential and
Integral) and various otherbranchcaof mathematics (Pure and
Applied). Yet, the proof of such a basically important arid
fundamental theorem (as presented, straight from the earliest
sources known to the scientific world, by Eudid etc., and as still
rxpounded by tl1t1 moet eminent moderu geometric-ians all
the world over) is ultrauotorioua for i1 s tedious length, its
clumsy cumbrousness etc., and for the 1ime aud toil entailed
on it I
There are several Vedic proofs, everyone of wbicb is much
simpler than Euclids' etc. A few of them arc ah.own below:
First Proof
Here, the square AB=the squ~re KG
the four congruent right-angled tra1ng)p,t all
around it.
Their areas are c•. n,-H) 1 1111rl 4Xl11h
respectively .
.·. c•-1.1 -2ah+l1'+'<l•b)=-•'+h'
Second Proof
CD-AB=m ; and DE=BC-n .. ·. ABC

and CDE are Congruent ; and ACE is right-
angled Isosceles. Now, the trapezium
ABDE=ABC+cnE+AC'I! .·. tmn+th'+
,·. fh 1-fm 1 +fn1 .·. A1==m•+•• Q.E.O.
(N.B. Here we have utilised. the proposition that the area cf
a trapezium=+ the altitudexthe sum of the parallel
l'llird Proof
• Here, AE=Bl"=CG=DH-m and EB=
'.l'C=GD=HA= 11.
Now, the squae AC-the square EG +
.. the 4 congruent right-angled triangles around
it .·. h'+'{lmn)=(m+n) 1-m 1+2m11+11•
... l'=-••+11•Q.E.O.
Founh Proof
(The proposition to be used here is that the areas or
similar triangles are proportional to the IQ\ol.NI on the homo-
logous sides). Here, BD is .l to AC
.·. The triangles ABC, ABO and BCD
are similar .
.·. As between (1) the fint two triancle1
and (2) ihe first and third ones,

AB' _ADD . and BC'=~

AO ~ - AC' A =
By addition, ~ ~ = A D ~ • ~ = l

.·. AB1 +BC'-AC1 Q.B.D,

Fiji/I Proof
(This proof is from Co-ordinate Geometry. And, as
modem Conics and O>-ordinate Geometry (and even Trigono-
metry) take their genesis from Pythagoras' Theorem, this
process would be objectionable to the modem mathematician.
But, as the Vedic Sfttru establish their Conics and Co-ordinate
Geometry (and even their Calculus), at a very early stage, on
thfl ha"lA of fint principles and not from Pythagoras' Theorem
(sir), no ,mch objection can hold good in this case.
The proposition is the one which
g1ve1 us the distance between two
point.a whose co-ordinates have been
given. Let the points be A and B
and let their co-ordinates be (a, 0)
and (0, b) respectively.
Then, RA v'(,.;•_c....,.O)~,-+-(o---b-)..-;;;-
v'aiW .·. BA 1 = ••+b 1 Q.E.D.
Note:-lh: :\polloniu•' Theorem, Ptolemy"• Theorem and a
vast lot of other Theorems are similarly eaay to solve
with the aid of the Vedic Sitru, We shall not
however, go into an elaborate description thereof
(except f:i the Apolloniue Theorem) just now but shall
reserve them for a higher stage in the student's studies.

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