Microscopic Intro

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7 Ac-2 Microscopes and slides

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1 What is a microscope used for? Tick one box.

 to make things appear smaller  to look at things attached to a computer

 to make things appear larger  to look at things that are far away

2 Draw lines to match each part of the microscope with its name and what it is used for. One has
been done for you.

I can…
● state the use of a microscope
● identify the parts of a microscope and their uses.

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7 Ac-4 Microscope card sort

Cut out the boxes and arrange them so that they show the instructions for using a microscope.

I can…
● use a microscope to examine slides
● organise information in a list in a suitable way.

Place a slide under the clips Never point the mirror

on the stage. The slide directly at the Sun.
contains what you want to This can permanently
look at (your specimen). damage your

Use the fine focusing wheel to get your image to focus

again. Do not use the coarse focusing wheel. You can break
your slide and damage the microscope if you do. If you can’t
see anything, go back to a lower magnification.

Place the smallest objective

lens (the lowest
Look into the eyepiece lens.
magnification) over the hole
in the stage.

Turn the coarse focusing Adjust the light source so

wheel slowly until what you that light goes up through
see is clear (in focus). the hole in the stage.

Turn the coarse focusing

To see a bigger image,
wheel to make the gap
place the next largest
between the stage and
objective lens over
the objective lens as small
your specimen.
as possible.

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7 Ac-6 Using microscopes

Name Class Date

1 Read the instructions for using a microscope below. Number the steps in the order that you
should do them.

______ Look into the eyepiece lens. ______ Place the slide on the stage.

______ Place the smallest objective lens over ______ Turn the coarse focusing wheel until
the hole in the stage. what you see is clear.

______ Turn the coarse focusing wheel until the ______ Adjust the light source.
objective lens and the stage are as
close as possible.

2 a The drawings show a slide being made. Number the steps in the correct order.

 

 
b On the drawings, label one of each item in the box below.

coverslip pipette slide specimen

3 Why do we use coverslips? Tick two reasons.

to squash thick specimens to hold the specimen in place

to stain the specimen to stop the specimen drying out
to magnify the specimen to heat up the specimen
I can…
● describe how to use a microscope
● describe how to make a slide
● organise information in a list in a suitable way.

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7 Ac-8 Microscope problems

Name Class Date

1 Look carefully at the pictures showing Jackie using a microscope and preparing slides.
Explain what she is doing wrong in each case.

2 Fill in the correct microscope magnification in 3 What does a stain do? Tick the best
the table. answer.

Magnification of Magnification of Total

makes parts of a specimen stand
eyepiece lens objective lens magnification
holds the specimen in place
5 10
makes the specimen a pretty
5 40 colour
10 150 stops the specimen drying out
I can…
● describe how to use a microscope
● explain the use of different parts of a slide
● calculate microscope magnifications.

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7 Ac-3 Looking at tissues

Name Class Date

Look at your slide using a microscope. Examine your slide at three magnifications.

Low power Medium power High power

Name of tissue: Name of tissue: Name of tissue:

The microscope magnification: The microscope magnification: The microscope magnification:

Drawing of what you see: Drawing of what you see: Drawing of what you see:

Description: Description: Description:

I can…
● record observations using words and drawings
● calculate the magnification of a microscope.

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