1st Champion of Rajaat - Sacha of Arala "Curse of the Kobolds": Male, Cleansing Time: 268 years, was beheaded by Borys
immediately after Borys assumed full dragon form to keep Rajaat imprisoned. Sacha was beheaded as punishment because he, and Wyan,
turned traitor on the other Champions and sided with Rajaat, warning him of the Champions' impending attack. Sacha was later killed by
2nd Champion of Rajaat - Kalak "Ogre Doom": Male, Cleansing Time: 1228 years, Sorcerer King of Tyr, killed by Rikus, Neeva,
Sadira, Agis, and Tithian. (Sources disagree whether Kalak was a true champion of Rajaat. In the Revised Dark Sun boxed set Kalak is
described as a true champion, titled "Ogre Doom". In The Rise and Fall of a Dragon King, Kalak was not, and used Sacha and Wyan's
inherent Champion power to funnel clerical magic to his templars. In this story, Inenek (Lalali-Puy) is "Ogre Naught".)
3rd Champion of Rajaat - Dregoth "Ravager of Giants": Male, Cleansing unsuccessful, Sorcerer King of Guistenal, killed by several
Sorcerer Kings (led by Abalach-Re) because he was near to completing his dragon metamorphosis and ascending from a 29th level
dragon to a full 30th level dragon. The other Sorcerer Kings feared he would go through the same period of insanity that afflicted Borys
after his transformation, attacking all and laying waste to vast areas that might include their City States. Dregoth was raised into free-
willed undeath by his loyal high templar, after which he rebuilt his city, renaming it New Guistenal, under the remnants of the old city,
and exists there as Sorcerer King, a 29th level undead dragon lich.
4th Champion of Rajaat - Myron of Yorum "Troll Scorcher": Cleansing unsuccessful, killed by Rajaat and replaced by Manu of Deche
(later Hamanu of Urik). Rajaat killed off Myron because of his slowness in completion of the Cleansing War against the Trolls. Many
believe that Myron knew of Rajaat's impending betrayal but lacked the fortitude and charisma to unite the other Champions against
4th Champion of Rajaat - Manu of Deche (Hamanu)* "Troll Scorcher": Male, Cleansing Time: 1505 years, Sorcerer King of Urik.
5th Champion of Rajaat - Uyness of Waverly (Abalach-Re) "Orc Plague": Female, Cleansing time: 889 years, Sorcerer Queen of Raam,
killed by Sadira.
6th Champion of Rajaat - Gallard (Nibenay) "Bane of Gnomes": Male, Cleansing Time: 1229 years, Sorcerer King of Nibenay, Alive.
7th Champion of Rajaat - Sielba "Destroyer of Pterrans": Female, Cleansing unsuccessful, Sorcerer Queen of Yaramuke, Killed by
Hamanu. In the book The Rise and Fall of A Dragon King there is reference to Sielba as "Sprite Claw" instead of "Destroyer of Pterrans".
8th Champion of Rajaat - Albeorn of Brunswich (Andropinis) "Slayer of Elves": Male, Cleansing unsuccessful, Sorcerer King of Balic,
Banished to the Black by Rajaat.
9th Champion of Rajaat - Tectuktitlay "Wemic Annihilator": Male, Cleansing Time: 1409 years, Sorcerer King of Draj, killed by
10th Champion of Rajaat - Keltis (Oronis) "Lizard Man Executioner": Male, Cleansing Time: 1362 years (previously thought), Sorcerer
King of Kurn. Oronis was able to not only halt his dragon metamorphosis as Hamanu had done, but reverse it completely and begin the
transformation, unbeknownst to the remaining Champions (Sorcerer Kings), into an Avangion. He built a new city, aptly named New
Kurn, and only keeps the old one functioning as a facade to fool the remaining Sorcerer Kings. Unbeknownst to Oronis during the
Cleansing Wars, the Mind Lords protected a small number of the Lizard Men race, and they continue to exist in very limited numbers in a
remote part of Athas.
11th Champion of Rajaat - Inenek (Lalali-Puy) "Aarakocra Scourge": Female, Cleansing unsuccessful, Sorcerer Queen of Gulg, Alive.
The book The Rise and Fall of A Dragon King makes reference to Inenek (Lalali-Puy) as "Ogre-Naught" instead of "Aarakocra Scourge"
if this is correct then she was successful in the Cleansing Wars, Cleansing Time: 1228 years.
12th Champion of Rajaat - Wyan of Bodach "Pixie Blight": Male, Cleansing Time: 877 years, Beheaded by Borys immediately after
Borys assumed full dragon form to keep Rajaat imprisoned because Wyan, and Sacha, turned traitor on the other Champions and sided
with Rajaat, warning him of the Champions impending attack. Wyan was later killed by Sadira.
13th Champion of Rajaat - Borys of Ebe "Butcher of Dwarves" (Dragon of Tyr): Male, Cleansing unsuccessful. Sorcerer King of Ur
Draxa. Became the first Dragon of Athas. Led the Champions in revolt against Rajaat and was later tasked with keeping him imprisoned
for eternity. Demanded a yearly 1000 slave sacrifice from each of the region's city states so that he could harness the energy he collected
from the slaves to keep Rajaat imprisoned. Borys was killed by Rikus using Borys' ancient sword the Scourge that was crafted for him by
Rajaat. Rikus accomplished this with great assistance from Sadira, Neeva, and Rkard. In the book The Rise and Fall of A Dragon King
there is a reference to Borys succeeding a previous "Butcher of Dwarves".
14th Champion of Rajaat - Daskinor "Goblin Death": Male, Cleansing Time : 822 years, Sorcerer King of Eldaarich, Alive. Descended
into insanity and paranoia.
15th Champion of Rajaat - Kalid-Ma "Tari Killer": Male, Cleansing unsuccessful, Sorcerer King of Kalidnay, believed to be killed by
Borys, Kalak, and Hamanu, but is presently trapped in Ravenloft in a comatose state by his high templar Thakok-An, though psionic
artifacts of Athas states that the orbs of Kalid Ma can be united and the sorcerer monarch will be reborn. Originally there was some
confusion over Kalid-ma's gender, with early sources like the Ravenloft Forbidden Lore box set and Merchant House of Amketch refer to
Kalid-Ma as female, but the later Domains of Dread and Psionic Artifacts of Athas corrected the mistake and refers to Kalid-Ma as Male.
Pennarin (Mentioned in literature: the book The Rise and Fall of A Dragon King, the only Champion Rajaat killed in the rebellion
against him. Pennarin is the most likely possibility as the Champion known as "Centaur Crusher". This is the most logical likelihood, as
the three Champions known for their physical prowess were to attack Rajaat with weapons during their rebellion against him. Those three
Champions were Dregoth "Ravager of Giants", Hamanu "Troll Scorcher", and Pennarin. If Pennarin were "Centaur Crusher" it stands to
reason that he would be one of the three Champions known for his physical prowess, since Centaurs are a large and powerful race.)
Irikos (Mentioned in the Book of Artifacts) Irikos is mentioned as a Champion of Rajaat only in the Book of Artifacts: "It was Irikos's
ancient duty to destroy the race of orcs, and when the last orc was no more, he turned to the conquest of all who did not stand with
Rajaat's captains" (Obviously this conflicts with multiple references as Uyness of Waverly (Abalache Re) as being the Champion tasked
with the orc race's destruction). Irikos was known as "The Left Hand of Rajaat" and was dispatched to destroy the city of Bodach during
The Cleansing Wars because, "...the city of Bodach was a great neutral power. Its armies and magicians jealously guarded the lands of
the city-state while the rulers refused all offers of alliance with the warring defilers and preservers". Also, "Irikos possessed a powerful
weapon named the Silencer. Using the weapon, he and his host systematically destroyed the armies of Bodach and sacked the city. Still,
the last and most powerful sorcerers of Bodach managed to cast a mighty spell of destruction against the defiler warlord, which blasted
Irikos to ashes even as his hordes threw down Bodach with fire and sword. Only the Silencer survived." This is the only reference to
Irikos in any Dark Sun literature. This reference in the Book of Artifacts directly conflicts with all other Dark Sun literature. The Rise and
Fall of a Dragon King states that all the Champions were involved in one form or another with the revolt against Rajaat, and Uyness of
Waverly is "Orc Plague" in the boxed set literature. Therefore it is commonly believed that this information on Irikos is erroneous at best.
Also, the Silencer is one of three swords crafted by Rajaat the Warbringer: the Silencer, the Scourge, and the Scorcher are all extremely
powerful and cursed swords. In the supplement Psionic Artifacts of Athas, the Scorcher and the Scourge are described in great detail. In
that book's description of the Scourge, as well as in many other references in other books, it is mentioned that Rajaat warred with the
preservers before he instigated the Cleansing Wars, in a conflict called the Preserver Jihad. Therefore, Irikos could have been initially
slated by Rajaat to become a Champion, perhaps even the "Orc Plague", when his early death in Bodach during the Jihad changed
Rajaat's plans.
Nomes masculinos
Aakhal, Aaron, Adran, Afreen, Ahmok, Ahuzzar, Akaa, Akeem, Aksil, Aikas, Aikos, Aikuu, Aikuul, Aios, Airaz, Aios, Aïs, Aïshan,
Ajiis, Akanu, Akhal, Akir, Akuna, Alisander, Altan, Amaal, Amaar, Ambar, Amir, Amola, Andriak, Ansa, Ansar, Anshira, Anshuul,
Ansuun, Anvar, Arat, Arban, Arigh, Arin, Areel, Areem, Arian, Arrid, Arroun, Arthos, Asael, Ansaya, Asaek, Asik, Askar, Askh, Asra,
Astlion, Astor, Asuul, Ataan, Atlacatl, Atlar, Atris, Atrex, Avanjuu, Avedis, Ayyouk, Ayud, Azdeen, Azrak
Bagyara, Baichuu, Bakoul, Bantharis, Balak, Baled, Bal-orean, Banthar, Banthaasa, Banuu (elf.), Banyouk, Baraij, Baskhai, Behker,
Belian, Benaar, Beril, Bhokul, Biaron, Bid-onos, Boak, Boaz, Bodarik, Bokeem, Boraa (elf.), Bozra (dwarf), Borchuu (elf.), Branar,
Branok, Braxhal, Breel, Bruuta, Bukhaani, Bukhal, Burkar, Bynthius,
Caylub, Celiak, Celik, Cerik, Charo, Charon, Chakkuu (elf.), Cheylan, Chiraz, Chuah, Chuluu, Coen, Coranuu, Coyaa, Crilon, Cyrdik,
Daahn, Daaresh, Daijuu, Daikor, Danjuk, Dareel, Dargan, Darmion, Daro, Darok, Darul, Dedris, Dhaïs, Dilgar, Djaaron, Dorian, Dorkan,
Drikis, Dulai,
Edril, Effran, Ehran, Ekvaar, Elak, Elkhar, Elik, Erkii (elf.), Esaar, Esklar, Esra, Evilis, Ezkah,
Gal, Galon, Garak, Garan, Garesh, Garul, Garven, Ghamal, Gharon, Gayarek, Gayaris, Ghazal, Gijus, Goran, Gouron, Grannik, Griul,
Halka, Hanar, Harroun, Hasek, Hasir, Helios, Helon, Heon, Hirosh, Hiyali, Hoalut, Horos, Hualkar, Huka'a, Hukaar, Humaar, Huul (half-
Iakon, Iakosh, Iban, Ibron, Iko, Ikuu (elf.), Ilias, Imaar, Iman, Iniko, Ion, Iraxa, Iskam, Isuk, Iszka, Itosh,
Jabeel, Jakus, Jamal, Jamil, Jamir, Janaavi, Jarid, Jaron, Jehanel, Jemir, Jhihal, Jibar, Jikuu (elf.), Jiujuu, Jiunu, Joran, Jutuu, Jutul.
Kaaku, Ka'an, Kaanu, Kaïs, Kaitan, Kaivas, Kalas, Kameel, Kanuu, Kargas, Kargash, Karov, Kartaan, Karuun, Kasak, Kassander,
Katchao (halfling), Kauron, Kayaon, Kaynaal, Kayon, Kaypo, Kedah, Kedzio, Keelor, Kehman, Kel, Keldar, Kelis, Kemu, Kenaris,
Kendriul, Kenhul, Kenu, Kerebanuu (elf.), Kerim, Kether, Keynio, Keyvas, Kezo (halfling), Khai, Khairos, Kharas, Khardan, Kharim,
Kharius, Khiroc, Khoran, Kiassan, Kiran, Kirgan, Kol, Kolgar, Komir, Konaar, Korla, Korun, Kosha, Kovani, Kryak, Kryon, K'Teh,
Humo, Kuros, Kurya, Kuzhuk (dwarf), Kyrrin,
Laakon, Larok, Larus, Leeran, Lee-yahn, Len, Leranis, Liriil, Lhamas, Lorak, Loranis, Lorik, Lotrek, Loussak, Luakon, Lyniak, Lytas,
Malaar, Maluk, Marat, Marduk, Maruk, Marushid, Marvis, Masadok, Masuk, Mathol, Ma'tol, Melanis, Merkanis, Mersin, Mevok,
Midras, Mikal, Miklos, Minnetar, Minos, Miraz, Mirgh, Mirit, Mirtis, Mohab, Muno, Murik, Myaar,
N'adim, Nadir, Nakoma, Natanbaj, Nautak, Nazar, N'doro, Nias, Nibo, Nikheer, Nikteah, Nis, Nis-ojuin, Numir, Nuno, Nurik, Nuuko,
Obin, Obuur, Odil, Odon, Oidin, Okano, Oleak, Onak, Onga, Onis, Oranis, Orijan, Oril, Orlas, Orno, Orys, Otar, Ovek, Oyuun
Rajak, Rakai, Ramaan, Ranaris, Raskil, Rasul, Ravi, Ravid, Rayid, Reyhan, Rhagus, Rhayad, Rhiad, Riak, Rias, Ridad, Rilis, Ronan,
Roshak, Rukhar, Runahi, Ryas,
Sadiir, Sadur, Sadzhan, Saheen, Sahr-tosh, Sahtos, Saniok, Sanyuk, Sarosh, Sarouk, Sayid, Sedor, Ser-osach, Shirad, Shiraz, Shirk,
Shirrak, Shulud, Silak, Siokhan, Skamon, Sorakis, Stel, Stilgar, Suron,
Taaro, Thadonis, Taijuu, Taklas, Talavo, Tarabus, Tarak, Tarik, Tarjedis, Tarkan, Tasmal, Tayo, Tegus, Telek, Teleza, Telgen, Temugos,
Tenyas, TEzcal, Thalos, Thamask, Thar-othosh (Tosh), Ther-onos, Thesos, Thias, Thiel, T'iakahar, Tiarys, Tibor, Timor, Tioran, Tivan,
Tjoris, Toak, Toas, Tomak, Torgar, Tosh, Tosh-otuil, Tovah, Tovar, Tral, Tsouri, Tufar, Tufir, Turek, Turin, Turvar, Tuvok, Tyaak,
Tygis, Tyrak,
Uaari (elf.), Ubar, Ugor, Uiskh, Umak, Uran, Uranuu, Urdu, Urgat, Uriel, Uris, Urli, Urnus, Usuul,
Vadim, Vakakis, Valeran, Valon, Vamon, Varras, Varro, Varrul, Velon, Vik, Vohr, Vrek, Vurul.
Wakaj, Wakakee, Walunga, Wir-ovios, W'kala, Woak, Wok, Woki (halfling), Wo-tan, Wotar, Wrek, Wrok, Wsuun.
Yaalon, Yaban, Yadduk Yalad, Yamon, Yanar, Yarak, Yared, Yarik, Yarin, Yasaar, Yasir, Yasul, Yatori, Ydris, Yelgar, Yelgun,
Yereven, Yerik, Yeto, Yiddil, Yindi, Yirgan, Ykhar, Yolnar, Yoran, Yoshr, Yoris, Yotuu, Yulad, Yutul,
Zaethus, Zahir, Zakhis, Zakris, Zamir, Zanskheer, Zehab, ZEphir, Zerin, Zerkan, Zohar, Zorad,
Nomes Femininos
Aaliya, Abisha, Ada (dwarf), Adjana, Aenea, Ahuma, Aïda, Aïsis, Ajani, Akaala, Akelia, Akheera, Akii (elf.), Akinyii, Aksana, Akshaa,
Akura, Alastra, Aleesha, Alinja, Almahtra, Almitra, Althea, Alva (dwarf), Amaal, Amala, Amdraï, Ana, Anandi, Andiama, Andria,
Anouk, Anshani, Antalya, Anthora, Anthula, Antlaxa, Anuij, Aoshi, Arba, Areela, Arii, Arissa, Arikee, Arinya, Asaki (elf.), Ashaa,
Ashanti, Asidra, Askani, Askhara, Asraa, Assilia, Assira, Aseera, Askana, Askani, Askara, Astilia, Ataliija, Atami, Athina, Attila,
A'tuursa, Avaasa, Axana, Ayah, Ayala, Ayana, Aydita, Ayeesha, Ayida, Ayori, Ayra/Aiira, Azana, Azida/Azide, Azira,
Badira, Bal-abech, Balari, Bareeka, Barika, Behala, Behizane, Ben-amus, Benira, Benisha, Benoa, Bensa, Berana, Besidra, Besra, Brana,
Breema, Burka,
Caala, Cagaya, Calipha, Caneela, Cantala, Carissa, Carvena, Chadra, Chaï (pronounce: Tshaa-eeh), Chaïra, Chala, Chamada, Chamukaa,
Chanya, Chay, Chayana, Chedira, Chiki, Chira, Chiraya, Chikra, Chrya, Chrenyakir, Chuya, Cielba, Cirdil, Cla'tasaa, Clavia, Creela,
Da'ana, Daiisia, Damala, dara, Dar-abech, Dar-adern, Darani, Dareema, Darga, Daria, Darshitaa, Daucas, Davitaa, Daya, Devira, Devra,
Dhala, Dhana, Dhasha, Dherana, Dhurvala, Diadraa, Dido, Ditra, Diwana, Djara, Djari, Djenna, Dorcas, Dorja, Drora, Duadri, Duria,
Eeskla, Ehana, Ekii (elf.), Enasi, Ennah, Enya, Eraea, Erana, Ereion, Ereiah, Erih, Erion, Esbel, Eskaya, Estella,
Haala (dwarf), Hadara, Hadora, Hadra, Hakiruu, Halana, Hali, Halia, Halima, Hannah, Harifa, Harika, Hasatri, Hayala, Hiramaaï,
Iahara, Iakana, Iamatri, Ila, Ilahi, Ilanah, Ilis, Iluuka (elf.), Imaiya, Imori, Inaiya, Inaka, Iona, Iorana, Iranuu (elf.), Irla (half-giant), Isidra,
Iska, Ittee, Iuanya, Iuria, Iurika, Iutri.
Jadra, Jahora, Jakaea, Jakala, Jaladra, Jaliah, Jamala, Jamila, Jazira, Jebea, Jedda, Jedra, Jelana, Jemira, Jennah, Jhadzia, Jharina, Jiana,
Jihana, Jizera, Jora, Korana, Joria, Jorian, Jorima, Jorma, Jumaya, Jutura, Juutua, Jyja.
Kabira, Kadaya, Kadris, Kaïra, Kajaa, Kajani, Kamala, Kamura, Kanani, Kara, Karaëdra, Karami, Kareah, Karena, Karima, Kashi, Kasi,
Kassia, Kataya, Kateela, Kaya(h), Kayama, Kayardi, Kayra, Kedira, Kela, Kerdari, Kenira, Kenisha, Kensa, Kentala, Keri, Ketea,
Ketuiya, Kevira, Keyla, Khala, Khami, Khardana, Kharis, Khashani, Khasima, Khiasa, Khiasaya, Khirana, Khorana, Khorena, Kih,
Kiaki, Kimera, Kira, Kirii (elf.), Kisara, Kitana, Kitaya, Krima, Kythara,
Laëla, Lahr-oghesh, Lakri, Lali, Laora, Laradzania, Lardena, Laresha, Laryssa, Las-aren, Lavena, Lazra, Leema, Leesa, Leesha, Lemana,
Leta, Levona, Lina, Losaa, Losya, Luddah, Lus-agesh,
Madira, Madra, Mahda, Mahera, Mahra, Makayla, Makhana, Makhanadra, Maladra, Maalia, Maora, Mara, Mardima, Masitra, Massali,
Mataya, Maudra, Mayah, Mayrah, Mazkani, Me'ama, Meara, Mekala, Mera, Meridis, M'Kala, Mitra, Mora, Mukami, Murdila, Murna,
Mya, Mykera, Myra,
Naarah, Naari, Nadri, Naeva, Nahla, Naïdra, Naïra, Nandaa, Nandiala, Narda, Narakaya, Narayana, Narendra, Nariala, Naya, Neala,
Nehira, Nedari, Nehama, Nehana, Nerida, Nerva, Netaya, Niomi, Niriel, Nola, Nomi, Noura, Nuala, Nuami, Nuara, Nuhar, Nurhara,
Oana, Odina, Ohlaa, Okara, Okra, Oksara, Olea, Oleema, Olra, Onari, Ondra, Ophara, Oralia, Orana, Orien, Orija, Orla, Orna, Oruvia,
Osira, Oskira, Othana, Otuna, Oyuki (elf.), Oyukuu (elf.),
Raana, Rabana, Rabira, Raena, Rafia, Rahela, Rakhasha, Ralani, Rameera, Rameha, Ranaiya, Ranasi, Raneera, Rathara, Ravela, Reela,
Reshana, Rhagina, R'hana, Rhiya, Rhaya, Riahya, Rikhana, Riofa, Roala Roana, Romila, Rossaya, Rossya, Ruhola, Rukhari, Rybana,
Sahta, Sahtri, Salea, Saledra, Samaï, Sayida, Seïla, Selesta, Sephira, Serina, Shabana, Shae, Shala, Shani, Shantanuu, Shashani, Shaya,
Shazira, Sherkira, Shuala, Shula, Siaya, Sidora, Sidvala, Siena, Sinthara, Siola, Sirka, Sithaï, Sonika, Soraya, Suadra, Suana, Sukii, Suri,
Surnia, Suuna, Syalla,
Taala, Taama, Tadira, Taheera, Tiara, Tajedra, Tajira, Takala, Takeema, Takhara, Takmani, Taladra, Talida, Talya, Tamai'i (elf.),
Tamana, Tamila, Taori, Taquira, Tarea, Taridnay, Tarjeda, Tarki, Tarsaa, Tassira, Tavia, Tavira, Tayasi, Tayra, Tehmina, Tehmara,
Tekla, Telah, Teraïra, Tesaï, Thar-aghesh, Tharandra, Tharana, Thazandra, Thuuna, Thura, Tiana, Timoya, Tiora, Tolana, Torana,
Toraya, Torga, Torija, Torinja, Torva, Toshira, Treeja, Tsagora, Tsiva, Tuori, Tura, Turi, Turia, Tyra, Tyrvala,
Uana, Uaraa, Udra, Umari, Umjai'i (elf.), Unaa (elf.), Uraa, Urda, Urika, Uridnay, Uroa, Urora, Usi, Utrea, Uvari
Vadraa, Val, Vala, Val-ajiun, Vaara, Varagia, Varda, Veeda, Vella, Velya, Venya, Verhana, Vikraa, Visuri, Vologa, V'suura.
Xaïde, Xaïra, Xakala, Xalaxa, Xandra, Xandria, Xaria, Xenia, Xerlana, Xervesa, Xerxina, Xhiasa, Xhora, Xima, Xuuna,
Yaa'riva, Yabana, Yadira, Yahana, Yaïdra, Yaïna, Yaladra, Yalana, Yali, Yamala, Yandii, Yanna, Yanyil, Yaara, Yardaa, Yarna, Yasifa,
Yaskia, Yassia, Yayadri, Yayuka, Ydris, Yeira, Yelga, Yelgara, Yeli, Yientil, Yihn-agosh, Yinn-Attila, Yiraan, Ykhela, Yodana, Yola,
Yoorsha, Yoritha, Ymendra, Yulin, Yurika, Yumala, Yumara, Yurikaa,
Zakhara, Zahlea, Zali, Zara, Zaya, Zelah, Zephira, Zerida, Zeridal, Zeth, Zethir, Zhitoria, Zia, Zurah, Zuumi,