Exercice Amar Jlassi
Exercice Amar Jlassi
Exercice Amar Jlassi
Exercise 1
The radial flow equation in SI units is :
q = 2πkh∆p/BμLn(re/rw)
q is the production rate (m3/s),
k the permeability (m2),
h the reservoir thicknesst (m),
∆p the pressure (Pa),
B the Oil Formation Volume Factor (adimensional : reservoir vol/surface vol),
μ the oil viscosity (Pa.s),
re/rw (ratio of reservoir drainage area radius & well radius, adimensional).
unit homogeneity (1st & 2nd terms). Convert it into the American Practical System.
Exercise 2
Calculate OOIP & GOIP (solution gas) in Sm3 & in American Practical Units for the following
reservoir :
Reservoir rock volume : Vr : 350 106 m3
Porosity : Ø : 20%
Initial Water Saturation Swi : 35%
Oil FVF : B : 1.72 m3/m3
Solution Gas Oil Ratio Rs : 200 m3/m3
Exercise 1
A rock core sample is cleanly cut and carefully measured in a laboratory. The cylindrical core has a length of 3 inches
and a diameter of 0.75 inch. The dried core weighs 50.00 grams. The water saturated core weighs 52.85 grams.
Determine the porosity of the core and its lithology. Neglect the weight of the air in the dried core and assume the
density of water is 1 g/cc.
Exercise 2
Calculate porosity in the case of simple cubic, body-centered cubic & face-centered cubic structures.
Exercise 3
1- Consider a cylindrical core plug that has a radius of 0.5 in. and a length of 2 in. Suppose the core
is flooded with an oil that has viscosity = 0.5 cp, formation volume factor = 1.0 RB/STB, and a
measured flow rate = 0.1 BOPD
If the pressure drop from the inlet to the outlet is 20 psia, what is the permeability of the plug?.
Hint: Express area A in sq. ft. and length L in ft. Solve Darcy’s Law for permeability.
Q= C.k.A.ΔP/(LμB) where the coefficient C =0,001127 with k in md, μ in cp, A in sq.ft, P in psi, Lin ft,
Bottom h Porosity k
(ft) (ft) (%) (md)
2881 1 28,9 1271
2882 1 28,5 1239
2883 1 28,1 1184
2884 1 28,8 1891
2885 1 27,9 1500
2886 1 29,2 1271
2887 1 29 1565
2888 1 29,7 1325
2889 1 27,4 967
2890 1 27,8 717
2891 1 28 728
2892 1 22,2 554
2893 1 20,3 130
2894 1 21,5 218
2895 1 25,5 466
2896 1 24,9 684
2897 1 27,2 600
2898 1 23,7 336
2899 1 21,9 150
2900 1 22 277
2901 1 19,4 78
2902 1 17,4 101
2903 1 18,4 82
2904 1 16,7 82
2905 1 16,9 49
2906 1 17,1 36
2907 1 15,9 23
2908 1 16,5 20
2909 1 13 0,1
2910 1 16,8 56
2911 1 17,3 49
2912 1 17,8 26
2913 1 17,8 33
2914 1 15,6 26
2915 1 17,4 36
2916 1 17,3 42
2917 1 16,8 33
2918 1 16,6 39
2919 1 17,2 52
2920 1 16,9 56
2921 1 15,2 33
2922 1 16,1 46
2923 1 17,4 36
2924 1 14,8 29
2925 1 15,7 33
2926 1 15,7 23
2927 1 15,6 33
Exercise 5
Assuming a log-normal distribution of permeability, calculate the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient of
variation defined as: VDP = exp(-(ln(kA/kH))1/2) for the following distributions (kA: arithmetic
average, kH harmonic average)
1 35
2 48
3 148
4 202
5 90
6 418
7 775
8 60
9 682
10 472
11 125
12 300
13 138
14 191
15 350
Exercise 6
An incompressible fluid flows in a linear porous medium with the following properties
L= 2000ft, h= 20 ft, width = 300ft, φ = 15%, k = 50md, μ = 2 cp, ΔP = 100 psi, B = 1rb/sb.
1-Calculate flowrate in bbl/d, apparent fluid velocity & its real velocity in ft/d.
2- Assume that this medium is tilted with a dip angle of 5°. The incompressible fluid has a density of
42 lb/ft3. Calculate the same as in 1, with fluid flowing either updip or downdip.
Exercise 7
A sample of rock has an average grain size of 20 microns, with 20% porosity and 100 md
What would be the permeability of
1- another sample with the same rock type & porosity and an average grain size of 10 micron?
2- a sample with the same rock type, an average grain size of 20 microns and 10% porosity based
on Kozeny relationship.
3- a sample with the same rock type, an average grain size of 10 micron and 10% porosity.
Exercice 8
A 3000 ft diameter unit in a reservoir with k = 320 md was damaged down to 130 md in a zone of 5 ft
diameter around a 9” diameter well while during drilling. The zone was acidized and its permeability
was increased to 560 md. Calculate average permeability of the well’s drainage area in both cases
and calculate the improvement in the well’s potential due to the stimulation job.
Exercise 9
Coarsen the following 12-layer model into a 4-layer model with equal thicknesses and a 7 homogeneous layers. Com
the permeability averages and standard deviations for the 3 models (in the 3rd model, weigh the layers by their thickn
1 20 5
2 20 100
3 20 20
4 20 20
5 20 20
6 20 100
7 20 20
8 20 20
9 20 100
10 20 20
11 20 20
12 20 20
Exercise 10
On an exploration well pressure in water is 245 barg at a depth of 2000 m. At 2050 m gas is found at
a pressure of 255.4 barg, with a density of 280 kg/m3 at reservoir conditions.
1- What does pressure measured in water indicate?
2- Assuming pressure in water in the gas reservoir is consistent with that pressure and a density of
connate water at reservoir conditions of 950 kg/m3, determine the WGC (g=10m/s2).
3- Determine the minimum mud density to avoid blow-up in ppg.
Exercise 11
For the displacement of oil with water in a reservoir, calculate oil mobility, water mobility, total
mobility, water fractional flow fw, assuming μo = 0.64 cp and μw = 0.5 cp
Sw Kr
Krw. o
0,30 0 1
0,35 0,005 0,590
0,40 0,010 0,320
0,45 0,017 0,180
0,50 0,023 0,080
0,55 0,034 0,030
0,60 0,045 0,010
0,65 0,064 0,001
0,70 0,083 0,000
0,80 0,120 0,000
Use the plot of fw vs Sw and the Welge tangent method to determine Sw at the front, the average
Sw behind the front, and the producing water cut at breakthrough at reservoir conditions..
Exercise 12
3 lb of n-C4 are placed in a vessel at 120 degF and 60 psia. Calculate the volume of the gas
assuming an ideal gas behaviour. Calculate its density. R= 10.73 psia.ft3/lb-mol-degR
Exercise 13
Component mol% MW
CO2 5 44,01
C1 90 16,04
C2 3 30,07
C3 2 44,11
2) Specific gravity
Exercise 14
The initial pressure of a crude oil is 3600 psia, and its bubble point is 2500 psia at reservoir
temperature 150F.The solution gas has an average SG of 0.65. It has the following PVT
P (psia) Rs(scf/STB) FVF(bbl/STB)
3600 1,310
3200 1,317
2800 1,325
2500 567 1,333
2400 554 1,310
1800 436 1,263
1200 337 1,210
600 228 1,140
200 143 1,070
Calculate the 2-phase oil FVF at 1800 psia, oil compressibility at 3200 psia.
Exercise 15
For the following petroleum fluid types, calculate the apparent molar weight and the composition in wt
Component MW Gas GasCondensate Volatile Oil Black oil
N2 28 0,30 0,71 1,67 0,67
CO2 44,01 1,10 8,65 2,18 2,11
C1 16,043 90,00 70,86 60,51 34,93
C2 30,07 4,90 8,53 7,52 7,00
C3 44,097 1,90 4,95 4,74 7,82
iC4+nC4 58,123 1,10 2,00 4,12 5,48
iC5+nC5 72,15 0,40 0,81 2,97 3,80
iC6+nC6 86,177 0,30 0,46 1,99 3,04
C7 100,204 0,61 2,45 4,39
C8 114,231 0,71 2,41 4,71
C9 128,258 0,39 1,69 3,21
C10 142,285 0,28 1,42 1,79
C11 156,312 0,20 1,02 1,72
C12 170,339 0,15 5,31 1,74
C13 184,366 0,11 1,74
C14 198,393 0,10 1,35
C15 212,42 0,07 1,34
C16 226,447 0,05 1,06
C17 240,474 0,37 12,10
Total 100,00 100,01 100,00 100,00
MC6+ 91,44
MC12+ 206,85
MC17+ 292,37 320.5
Exercice 16
1- Use the real gas law PV = ZnRT to find a general expression for gas formation volume factor Bg.
Use subscripts "s" and "r" to denote surface conditions and reservoir conditions, respectively.
2- Calculate Bg using {Ps = 14.7 psia, Ts = 60oF, Zs = 1}and {Pr = 2175 psia, Tr = 140oF, Zr = 0.9}.
Express Bg as reservoir cubic feet per standard cubic feet (RCF/SCF).
3- Calculate Bg using {Ps = 1 atm, Ts = 20oC, Zs = 1} and{Pr = 15 MPa, Tr = 60oC, Zr = 0.9}.
Express Bg as reservoir cubic meters per normal cubic meter (Rm3/Nm3).
4- What is the difference between the calculation in Part 2 and the calculation in Part 3? (20C=68F)
Exercise 17
The sieve analysis results for a core give the following correlation between grain size and porosity:
gravel 25%, coarse sand 38%, fine sand 41%. What would be the minimum porosity of the sample?
What would be granulometry assuming average grain sizes of 1.8, 0.63 and 0.18 mm respectively ?
Hint: assume complete mixing
Exercise 18
A sandstone reservoir has an average thickness of 85 ft and a total volume of 7650 acre-feet. Density
log readings in through the fresh water portion of the reservoir indicate a density of 2.40 g/cc. The
lab analysis on a 140g rock sample 1.575” long with 1.960” in diameter gave the following results:
Pressure (psig) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Cum pore vol. change (cc) 0.122 0.162 0.196 0.224 0.250 0.273 0.298 0.315
Assuming the compressibility at 4500 psi is the average compressibility of the reservoir how much
subsidence would occur when the reservoir pressure declines from 5500 psi to 3500 psi?
Hint: determine reservoir porosity, sample pore volume, compressibility at 4500, ground subsidence.
Exercise 19
Calculate the equivalent permeability & skin factor for a well of rw 3” in a reservoir with a radius of
300 ft and permeability of 200 md, with a damaged zone of 2 ft radius and 10 md permeability.
Exercise 20
A rock with 0.01 md permeability contains on the average a fracture 0.005” wide & 1 ft extent in the
lateral extent per square foot. Assuming the fracture is in the direction of flow, determine average k.
Hint: use equation for parallel flow, and equation for kfracture = b2/12 or with “ & md 54 109 b2.
Exercise 21
Calculate the cementation factor & the formation resistivity factor equation from the following lab
data on core samples from the reservoir:
Φ (%) 15.2 16.8 18.4 19.9 21.3 22.4
F 40 32 26 22 19 17
Hint : Plot log-log
Exercise 22
Determine resistivity at reservoir temperature of 200 °F of interstitial water with the following salt
ion composition (kppm): Na+ & Cl-: 25, CO3--: 2, HCO3-: 10, Ca++: 5, Mg++: 4.
Hint: First check overall neutrality, then apply multipliers (from Schlumberger chart). Atomic weights:
Na: 23, Cl: 35.5, C: 12, O: 16, H: 1, Ca: 40, Mg: 24.3, S: 32. Determine Rw at 75°F and convert to 200 °F
Exercise 23
Consider the gas with the following composition:
Comp mol M Tc(°R) Pc(psia)
C1 0.850 16.04 343.3 666.4
C2 0.090 30.07 549.9 706.5
C3 0.040 44.10 666.1 616.0
nC4 0.020 58.12 765.6 550.6
Calculate the mass of this gas contained in 43560 cf at 9300 psia and 290 °F. R= 10.732 psia.cf/(lb
Hint : Determine its Tpc & Ppc, then Tpr & Ppr, and Z from Katz-Standing Chart. Write the equation of
state & determine n then the mass.
Exercise 24
1- Determine the VLE of the following mixture at 150 °F & 200 psi assuming an ideal solution :
Comp z Pv 150F
C3 0.610 350
nC4 0.280 105
nC5 0.110 37
2- Determine the bubble point and the dew point of the mixture at 150 °F, as well as the composition
of the first bubble of gas and the first drop of liquid to appear.
3- Assuming non ideal solution behaviour, it is found on the GPSA Charts for a convergence pressure
of 5000 psi at 150°F:
Comp z K200psi K250psi K220psi K140psi
C3 0.610 1.55 1.32 1.44 2.11
nC4 0.280 0.592 0.507 0.553 0.785
nC5 0.110 0.236 0.204 0.218 0.311
determine the VLE at 150°F &200 psi, Pb & Pd & composition of first bubble of gas & drop of liquid.
Exercise 24
Convert the concentrations of solids in the brine given below in mg/l
and meq/l
Constituent ppm Valence MW
Na 7365 1 23,0
Ca 1582 2 40,0
Mg 305 2 24,3
SO4 521 -2 96,1
Cl 14162 -1 35,5
CO3 705 -2 66,0
HCO3 0 -1 67,0
Determine its resistivity at 150 °F
Exercise 25
A clean and dry core sample weighing 425 g was 100% saturated with a 1.07 specific gravity (δ) brine.
The new weight is 453 g. The core sample is 12 cm long and 4 cm in diameter. Calculate its porosity.
Exercise 26
Calculate the average thickness-weighted porosity, the average hφ-weighed saturation, and the
average thickness-weighted permeability from the following measurements :
In a line-drive injection pattern, no cross-flow, on which layer will water breakthrough occur first ?
Exercise 27
Exercise 28
Calculate the initial gas-in-place of a volumetric gas reservoir if:
A = 1,320 acres, h = 45 ft, Ø = 17.5%, Siw = 23%, Bgi = 0.004276 cuft/SCF
Exercise 29
A core 2.54 cm in length and 2.54 cm in diameter has a porosity of 22%. It is saturated with oil and
water. The oil volume is 1.5 cm3.
1- What is the pore volume of the core?
2- What is the water saturation of the core?
Exercise 30
A 10 cm long cylindrical core sample was subjected to a laboratory linear flow test under a pressure
differential of 3.4 atm using a fluid of viscosity 2.5 cp. The diameter of the core is 4 cm. A flow rate of
0.35 cm3/s was obtained.
Calculate the permeability of this core sample.
Exercise 31
Porosity & Permeability of Rock samples
Ø% k Md
18.5 391
16.2 115
17.0 76
17.3 66.6
15.4 51.5
16.6 48.4
15.4 29.3
14.7 13.9
14.4 0.67
15.0 0.019
1- Draw a crossplot between core porosity & permeability.
2- Try to draw the best line and estimate the correlation coefficient.
3- Try to subdivide the cloud into group and then draw a line for each group.
4-Comment on the relationship.
Exercise 32
Four different cases are considered for an oil deposit as defined below:
Case A B C D
Bo 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.9
Temperature & pressure of the reservoir are 90°C & 280 bar in all cases.
1- Four different values of the GOR (m3/m3) are given in random order 280, 40, 160, 100.
Assign them to the cases defined above
2- Three different values of the bubble point (bar) at Tres are considered : 280, 150, 60 bar.
Assign the to the cases defined above
Exercise 33
An oil well is producing : Qo= 2500 m3/d, Qg = 378450 Sm3/d. Reservoir pressure is 165.5 bar.
Oil PVT at Tres is given hereafter
P (bara) Bo (m3/3) Rs (m3/3) Bg (S3/m3)
275.9 1.2417 90.83 -
229.7 (PB) 1.2511 90.83 0.00489
165.5 1.1822 62.69 0.00668
Calculate the volume produced in reservoir conditions and the mobility ratio.
Exercise 34
Oil and gas production rates of a saturated oil reservoir are x (stb) & y (scf/d).
1- Calculate the underground withdrawal rate (res.b/d)
2- Apply the formula assuming Qo = 2500 stb/d, Qg = 2.125 scf/d, Pres = 2500 psi, with Bo =
1.1822 rb/stb, Rs = 352 scf/stb, Bg = 0.0012 rb/scf
Exercise 35
Determine the apparent molecular weight, specific gravity, pseudo-critical T & P, Bg at 5000 psi and
180 °F for the gaz with the following composition :
Component yi Mi Pci(psia) Tci(°R)
C1 0.775 16.04 673 344
C2 0.083 30.07 709 550
C3 0.021 44.10 618 666
i-C4 0.006 58.12 530 733
n-C4 0.002 58.12 551 766
i-C5 0.003 72.15 42 830
n-C5 0.008 72.15 485 847
C6 0.001 86.18 434 915
C7+ 0.001 114.23 361 1024
N2 0.050 28.02 227 492
CO2 0.030 44.01 1073 548
H2S 0.020 34.08 672 1306
Exercise 36
A well with a 2.5" radius is producing from its drainage area of 1200 ft radius under pseudo-steady
state conditions with no skin effect. By how much would its Productivity Index (PI0) be enhanced if its
radius were enlarged 25% to 3" under the same borehole condition?
Exercise 37
A 6"-diameter well is producing 1000 stb/d of oil from its drainage area (1200" radius) with porosity
10%, permeability 100 md. At its average Sw, kro = 0.4, krw = 0.3 At reservoir conditions:
µo = 0.45 cp µw = 0.48 cp
Bo = 1.224 rb/stb Bw = 1.020 rb/stb
Calculate water production rate and the WC (%).
Hint: express WOR at reservoir conditions, then at surface conditions.