MSI Statistics Questions

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The five-number summary of the spread of marks (out of 100) of a Mathematics test is
(20; 45; 51; 66; 78). This information is shown in the box and whisker diagram below.

51 66 78
0 0
20 30 40 45 50 60 70 75 80
00 0 0

1.1 Determine the interquartile range. (2)

1.2 What percentage of marks is in excess of 66? (2)

1.3 Between which quartiles do the marks have the least variation? Explain. (2)


A group of learners from Mr Smith’s class wrote a Mathematics test which was scored out
of 75 marks. The results were represented in the table below.



5 < 𝑥 ≤ 15 3

15 < 𝑥 ≤ 25 6

25 < 𝑥 ≤ 35 m 21

35 < 𝑥 ≤ 45 4

45 < 𝑥 ≤ 55 7

55 < 𝑥 ≤ 65 9

65 < 𝑥 ≤ 75 n

Total 51

2.1 How many learners wrote the test? (1)

2.2 Determine the value of m and n. (2)

2.3 Complete the given table on the diagram sheet. (2)

2.4 Draw a cumulative frequency curve (Ogive) to represent above data on the

Diagram provided for this sub-question. (3)


The relationship between age and spending money on buying clothes per month
has been studied for years. Research has shown the following results:


21 1534
27 1260
35 986
42 810
55 450
63 250

3.1 Draw a scatter plot on DIAGRAM SHEET provided on this sub-question

to represent the data. (3)

3.2 Determine the equation of the regression line and draw it on the scatter plot. (3)

3.3 Describe the trend of the data in reference to the correlation coefficient. (2)

3.4 Estimate the expenditure of a 50 year old person from the scatter plot. (1)


The Maths Literacy teachers usually complain about their learners’ language and reading
skills. The data below shows the percentages which 8 candidates obtained for English and
Mathematical Literacy during the June Examination.

25 38 40 47 12 49 54 59
English 34 53 62 44 20 50 61 54

4.1 Calculate the:

4.1.1 mean percentage of the Maths Literacy. (2)
4.1.2 standard deviation of the Maths Literacy. (2)
4.2 Determine the number of learners whose percentages in Maths Literacy lie within ONE
standard deviation of the mean. (3)
4.3 Use the grid provided to draw a scatter plot to represent the above data. (3)
4.4 Calculate an equation for the least squares regression line (line of best fit) for the
data. (3)
4.5 Draw the regression line on the scatter plot. (2)
4.6 Describe the trend of the data by making use of the correlation coefficient. (3)
4.7 Estimate the Maths Literacy mark a learner would get, if his English mark is
58%. (2)


The following ogive (cumulative frequency graph) represents the percentage of income spent
on food by people.



Cumulative Frequency





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percentage of Income

5.1 Complete the cumulative frequency table for the data. (3)
5.2 Use the graph to estimate:

5.2.1 The number of people who spent more than 50% of their income
on food (2)

5.2.2 The median of the data (2)

5.3 Write down the modal class of the data. (1)


A factory manager recorded the number of items produced by the factory and the total cost of
their production over 6 months. The following table summarises the manager’s data.

No. of items (x)

18 36 45 22 69 72
in thousands

Production cost
37 54 63 42 84 91
(y) in thousands

6.1 Draw a scatter plot for the data. (2)

6.2 Write down an equation for the least squares regression line of the data. (2)

6.3 Draw a line of best fit for the data. (2)

6.4 Calculate the production cost if the number of items produced is 25 000. (2)

6.5 Calculate the correlation coefficient, correct to THREE decimal places. (2)

6.6 What conclusion can you reach about the strength of the relationship? (1)


The ordered data below lists the fees (in thousands of Rands) paid by 30 students for
their first year of study at university.

11 11,9 12 12,52 13,125 13,125 13,15 13,2 13,25 13,25

13,25 13,25 13,4 13,5 13,7 13,7 14 14,2 14,2 14,5

14,5 15 15,5 15,6 16,1 17,3 17,5 17,8 19 19,7

7.1 Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the given data. (4)
7.2 Complete the cumulative frequency column in the table provided. (3)

7.3 Draw an Ogive (cumulative frequency curve) of the given data on the grid

7.4 Draw the box and whisker diagram for the given data. (3)

7.5 Comment on the skewness of the data. (1)


A study was conducted to investigate the average number of hours per week an
exercise bicycle is used in comparison to the number of months the bicycle has been
owed. The data below was collected.

Number of 1 5 7 4 9 14 5 11 3 6
months owned
Average 8 4,5 3 6 2 1,5 7 4 6,5 4
number of hours
per week used
Average number of hours per week
8.1 Determine the equation of the least square regression line. (3)

8.2 Predict the number of hours the exercise bicycle will be used per week if it has
been owned for 8 months.

8.3 Comment on the trend of the data. (1)



Two schools, M-cee-nai High and Bee Vee high are in competition to see which school
performed better in mathematics in the June Examination.

The marks of the leaners at M-cee-nai High school are recorded below. The box whisker
diagram below illustrates the results of Bee Vee High School. Both schools have
25 learners. (Marks are given in %).

Marks of M-cee-nai High School The box and whisker diagram

learners for the Bee Vee High School

9.1 Write down the five-number summary for M-cee-nai High School. (4)

9.2 Draw the box and whisker diagram that represents M-cee-nai High School marks.
Clearly indicate ALL relevant values. (3)

9.3 Comment on the skewness of the data of M-cee-nai High School. (1)

9.4 Calculate the mean mark of M-cee-nai High School. (2)

9.5 Determine which school performed better in the June Examination and give reasons
for your conclusion. (3)

A survey was conducted indicating the number of bees that visited flowers over a period of
12 days.
The information is represented in the table and in the scatter plot below.

No. of Flowers 4 10 7 12 1 6 2 5 11 9 8 3
No. of bees 30 22 20 38 65 160 48 62 61 74 88 86





Number of bees






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Number of flowers

10.1 Write down the coordinates of the outlier. (2)

10.2 Determine the equation for the least squares regression line. (4)

10.3 Calculate the correlation co-efficient if the outlier is excluded. (2)


A company has 132 employees in their Polokwane branch. The distance (x) in kilometres
which they travel to work each day, is summarised in the following frequency table:

Distance (in kms) Frequency

5< 𝑥 ≤ 10 12
10< 𝑥 ≤ 15 29
15< 𝑥 ≤ 20 48
20< 𝑥 ≤ 25 27
25< 𝑥 ≤ 30 13
30 < 𝑥 ≤ 35 3

11.1 Determine the estimated mean distance covered by the employees. (3)

11.2 Determine the standard deviation for the data, to two decimal places. (2)

11.3 Draw an ogive for this data on a set of axes provided in the answer book. (3)

11.4 Determine the median distance travelled, showing on the graph where
your answer is read off. (2)

11.5 By referring to the relationship between the mean and median, discuss the
distribution of the data. (2)


A training manager investigates the correlation between hours spent on the training of an
employee (𝑥) and consequent productivity (𝑦 units delivered per day). The data collected
from the files of 10 employees was recorded in the following table:

Employee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hours training (𝑥) 16 36 20 38 40 30 35 22 40 24

Productivity (𝑦 units
45 70 44 56 60 48 75 60 63 38
delivered per day)

12.1 Calculate the equation of the least squares regression line. (3)

12.2 Calculate the correlation coefficient for the data. (2)

12.3 Describe the strength of the correlation. (2)

12.4 Use your regression line to determine the units produced by an employee
who received 28 hours of training. (2)

A Mathematics teacher wants to create a model by which she can predict a learner’s
final marks. She decided to use her 2015 results to create the model.

55 35 67 85 91 48 78 72 15 75 69 37
exam (x)
Final exam
57 50 74 80 92 50 80 81 23 80 75 42

13.1 Determine the equation of the least squares regression line in the form
y = a + bx. (3)

13.2 Use the equation of the regression line to predict the final exam mark for a
learner who attained 46% in the preparatory examination. (2)

13.3 Could you use this equation to estimate the preparatory exam mark for a
learner who attained 73% in the final exam? Give a reason for your answer. (2)

13.4 Show that the point ( x ; y ) lies on the regression line. (4)

13.5 Determine the correlation coefficient of the data. (1)

13.6 Describe the correlation between preparatory and final exam results. (2)


The table below shows the results from a survey of cellphone expenditure for 100 learners
from a secondary school in Rustenburg.

Expenditure (in rand) Frequency Cumulative frequency

50  x  100 24
100  x 150 52
150  x  200 14
200  x  250 a
250  x  300 4

14.1 Determine the value of a. (1)

14.2 Complete the cumulative frequency table in the ANSWER BOOK. (2)

14.3 Draw an ogive (cumulative frequency graph) for the data. (3)

14.4 What is the modal class for the data? (1)


Learners were asked the time (to the nearest minute) that they usually take to get from home
to school each morning. The results are shown in the table below:

Time in minutes Number of learners

5 < t  10 160
10 < t  15 150
15 < t  20 110
20 < t  25 60
25 < t  30 45
30 < t  35 15

15.1 Complete the cumulative frequency column in the ANSWER BOOK provided. (2)

15.2 Draw the ogive of this data on the grid provided in the ANSWER BOOK. (4)

15.3 Calculate the mean time that these learners take to get to school in the morning. (2)

15.4 Calculate the standard deviation of this data. (2)

15.5 Use the ogive to determine approximately how many learners would take more than
one standard deviation from the average time it takes learners to get to school. (3)


The table shows the number of athletes and total number of medals that some countries
obtained during the 2012 Summer Olympics.

(Information according to:

Number of Number of
athletes medals
USA 530 103
China 396 88
Great Britain 541 65
Russia 436 79
South Korea 245 28
Germany 392 44
France 330 34
Australia 410 35
South Africa 133 6
Canada 277 18
The Netherlands 175 20
New Zealand 184 13

16.1 Use the table to determine the equation of the least squares regression line for the
data. (3)

16.2 Calculate the correlation coefficient for the data. (1)

16.3 Predict how many medals (to the nearest integer) a country with 350 athletes should
obtain? (2)

16.4 Comment on the correlation between the number of participating athletes and the
number of medals obtained by a country. (1)


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