Bar Chart 2
Bar Chart 2
Bar Chart 2
Overall, it is obvious that housing, food and transportation cost these nationalities was
highest than other expense in this year. While the opposite was true for health care and
clothing .
As can be seen from the chart, Japanese spent around 23% money on food, this rate was
bigger than that of US and Canada, which was nearly 10%. And UK resident’s spending
on food was one-fifth of their total expenditure. Housing was the largest average share of
money, it accounted for more than a quarter. All other countries had to spend between
20%-24% for housing.
Concerning transportation, Canadian’s total was cost 20%, twice times as much as that of
Japan. US and UK people expense 17% and 15% respectively. By contrast, there was no
remarkable disparity (khac biet) in health care and clothing share in four nationalitiess,
at only approximately 5% on average, except for healthcare constituted around 8% US
citizen’s budget.