Choice of Colloidal Solutions in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
Choice of Colloidal Solutions in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
Choice of Colloidal Solutions in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
Background: DHF is characterized by plasma leakage and abnormal hemostasis. About 20% of DHF patients
do require colloidal solution in addition to conventional crystalloid solution for the treatment. There is only
one colloidal solution, 10% Dextran-40 in NSS that proved to be effective for this group of DHF patients.
Objective: To compare 10% dextran-40 in NSS with 10% Haes-steril in NSS in the management of DHF cases
with severe plasma leakage for their effectiveness and impact on renal function, hemostasis, disease severity,
and complications.
Material and Method: DHF patients admitted to Dengue Unit, QSNICH, who do not respond to conventional
crystalloid solution, are randomly assigned to receive either dextran or haes-steril. Clinical and laboratory
comparison are recorded and analyzed using SPSS for Window version 14.0.
Results: There are 104 DHF patients enrolled in the study; 57 are assigned in dextran and 47 in haes-steril
group. The mean ages are 8.6 + 3.9 years. About half of the patients in both groups require one dose of
colloidal solution and 25% require 2 and 3 doses (p = 0.138). The average amount of IV fluid infused in
dextran and haes-steril group are 119.4 and 129.3 ml (p = 0.227). The average drop in Hct after the bolus dose
of both colloid are 7.9 and 8.5% (p = 0.381). About 80% of the patients in each group have shock (p = 0.843).
The mean elevation of AST are 598 and 822 U (p = 0.548) while ALT elevation are 182 and 306 U (p = 0.265)
in dextran and haes-steril group, respectively. BUN and creatinine are within normal limits and are decreased
after the use of colloidal solutions. The amount of urine on day 1, 2 and 3 after the use of both colloidal
solutions are not different. Coagulogram studies (PT, PTT and TT) in both groups are not different. Patients
with significant bleeding and who require blood transfusions are 15.8 and 19.2% in dextran and haes-steril
group (p = 0.423).The incidence of fluid overload in dextran and haes-steril group are 35.1 and 40.4% (p =
0.360). Other complications are not different between dextran and haes-steril group as follows: hypocalcaemia,
hyponatremia, hypokalemia and acidosis. The overall severity and complications in both groups of patients
are much higher than in DHF patients who respond to conventional crystalloid solution. No allergic reaction
was found after the use of both colloidal solutions.
Conclusion: 10% Haes-steril is as effective as 10% dextran-40 in the treatment of DHF patients who have
severe plasma leakage. There are no differences in DHF disease severity and complications in both groups but
the disease severity and complications, especially fluid overload are observed to be more comparative with
admitted DHF patients. Both colloidal solutions are safe in DHF patients with no allergic reaction observed
and no interference in renal functions and hemostasis.
Dengue is the most prevalent mosquito-borne dengue fever (DF) and half a million cases of dengue
viral infection worldwide. Around 100 million cases of hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are estimated to occur
annually(1,2). DHF is the most serious manifestation of
Correspondence to: Kalayanarooj S, Queen Sirikit National
dengue infection with the 2 distinct disease hallmarks
Institute of Child Health, 420/8 Rajavithi Rd, Bangkok 10400, of plasma leakage and abnormal hemostasis which
Thailand. makes it different from DF. During febrile phase, DF
Statistical analysis
Table 2. Dose of colloid received
All analysis is using SPSS for window
version 14. Patients’ characteristic and treatment Dextran Haes-steril Total p-value
effects are compared using chi-square or Fisher’s exact (n = 57) (n = 47) (n = 104)
test for categorical variables and paired t-test or
ANOVA for continuous variables. 1 dose 30 23 53 0.138
2 doses 11 13 24
Results 3 doses 14 11 25
4 doses 2 0 2
There are 57 and 47 DHF patients enrolled in
Total 57 47 104
dextran and haes-steril group. There are 6 DHF grade I,
The severity of DHF as measured by platelet dextran and haes-steril cannot be used as the initial
count, percent hemoconcentration, level of serum fluid resuscitation in shock patients because of their
albumin, AST and ALT elevations and other complica- hyper-oncotic, hyper-viscosity nature. Most doctors
tions; hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia and misunderstand that colloidal solution is used only in
acidosis in both groups of patients are not different shock patients, but in fact the indications include those
and are shown in Table 6. DHF patients with signs of fluid overload or persistent
high Hct. In this study 79.8% of the patients have shock
Discussion while 20.2% have no shock.
Although most admitted DHF patients recover We found no renal impairment after the use of
very well with only crystalloid solution, about 10-20% both colloidal solutions. Both the average values of
have massive plasma leakage that need colloidal solu- BUN and creatinine are lower after the administration
tion(6,9,10). Previous experience revealed that iso-oncotic of both colloidal solutions. Even in 2 patients who
colloid, including plasma is not as effective as hyper- received 4 doses of dextran have normal values of
oncotic colloid(8). This is likely due to the expander BUN and creatinine. The total amount of urine on day
effect of hyper-oncotic colloid that can better hold the 1, 2 and 3 after the use of both colloidal solutions are
intravascular volume and lessen the degree of increased much more than normal amount, 38-43 ml/kg, no matter
vascular permeability in DHF, as evidence by bringing the patients have received furosemide or not.
the Hct down to about 6-10%. It’s noted that to bring The percentage of abnormal PT, PTT and TT
Hct down to this extent, both colloidal solutions have are not different between dextran and haes-steril
to be given in a bolus dose of 10 ml/kg/hr. Crystalloid group. The percentage of prolonged PT, PTT and TT
solution and iso-oncotic colloid including plasma in a are 15.8, 46.1 and 7.4% in the study group compared
bolus dose can bring Hct down to only 2-3%(8). Both with 5.2-13%, 64.1-73%and 7.6-13.3% in the previous
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