Uas Creative Writing Evi
Uas Creative Writing Evi
Uas Creative Writing Evi
I. Introduction
The Rohingya conflict includes genocide crimes that have displaced many people. The
arrival of a large number of Rohingya refugees to Aceh has been in the spotlight for the
Indonesian people. It is known, around 170 Rohingya refugees arrived in Aceh, to be precise
on December 2, 2023. The arrival of a large number of Rohingya refugees to Aceh has been
in the spotlight for the Indonesian people. It is known, around 170 Rohingya refugees arrived
in Aceh, to be precise on December 2, 2023. The arrival of Rohingya refugees to Indonesia is
none other than to seek security from the conflict they are facing. In addition to attracting the
attention of the Indonesian people, this news certainly causes a feeling of concern. Where a
number of people still do not get the right to a decent life. Starting from the right to a safe
residence, the right to eat, to the right to education for children. This conflict of the Rohingya
community has long occurred and has not yet met a bright spot. However, maybe some of
you are still unfamiliar and wonder what the Rohingya are and how the origin of the conflict
is. In addition, it is also necessary to know some things that are the reasons for the
RohingyaThe history of the Rohingya ethnic originates from the arrival of Muslims from the
Bengal region in the 7th century. They settled in what is now known as Rakhine State in
Myanmar. Historically, they are recognized as one of the 135 ethnic groups in the country.
However, in recent decades, the Rohingya have faced a serious humanitarian crisis in
Myanmar. They have faced discrimination, violence, and persecution from the government
and majority of Rakhine Buddhism. The humanitarian crisis of the Rohingya population
occurred very big when it was about 2017. When Myanmar security forces launched an
attack on the Rohingya population. Which requires the Rohingya to move to another state of
Bangladesh.. Until now, the Rohingya ethnic crisis is still continuing, with many Rohingya
refugees living in refugee camps in Bangladesh and conditions that are still very difficult in
Myanmar. The treatment of the Rohingya has drawn international condemnation of the
Myanmar government and raised concerns about widespread human rights abuses.Since the
colonial era, the Rohingya have experienced discrimination and oppression from the British
colonial government and the Buddhist-majority Myanmar government. In 1982, the Myanmar
government officially refused to recognize the Rohingya as one of the country's legitimate
ethnic groups, causing them to lose citizenship rights and become unwanted people in their
own country.Inter-ethnic conflicts in Myanmar, especially with the majority of Rakhine
Buddhists, further exacerbate the existence of the Rohingya. In 2017, increasing military
violence against the Rohingya resulted in the mass search and burning of their villages, as
well as the evacuation of thousands of Rohingya to neighboring Bangladesh.
This long history of Rohingya ethnic struggle shows that they continue to struggle to be
recognized as equal citizens in Myanmar, but until now they still face great challenges in
obtaining their basic rights.Security in Bangladesh has significantly affected the condition of
the Rohingya refugees. Rohingya refugees are often victims of kidnappings, attacks and other
crimes in the country. According to Amnesty International, as many as 99% of the Rohingya
refugees who had been asked for their opinion in 2018 stated that they had been victims of
crime or violence. The Bangladesh government has sought to address these security issues by
increasing patrols and security around the refugee camps. They have also been working with
the international community to address this issue. Organizations such as the United Nations
have also intervened to increase security and protection for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Despite efforts, security challenges continue to exist and the number of crime cases and
attacks against refugees is still high. This indicates the need for greater efforts to deal with
the issue effectively and thoroughly. The lack of food resources is a serious problem for
Rohingya refugees in Rakhine. Data from the World Food Program shows that food rations
for the Rohingya have been cut by 15% in June 2021. Before this cut, the food ration
received by the Rohingya was only enough to meet 60% of the daily nutritional
needs.Rohingya refugees arrived in Indonesia by boat. They fled refugee placehn in
overcrowded Bangladesh and conditions were getting worse. More and more Rohingya
refugees are leaving refugee camps in Bangladesh. Then they went across the ocean for 1,800
kilometers to Indonesia using a riety boat.
II. Lead (5W+1H)
What is the government’s solution to deal with the case of Rohingya refugees?
What is the impact of the arrival of Rohingya refugees in Indonesia and their
Data collected from one of the national mass media reported that in early December, it was
recorded that 1300 Rohingya refugees arrived in Aceh. They landed in Pidie, Bireun, East
Aceh, even Sabang Island. This is certainly a dilemma for the Regional Government and the
people of Aceh, as well as the Central Government.. The problems that will arise include law,
politics, social and culture. In addition, it is also a violation of Indonesian sovereignty,
because the refugees enter Indonesia's territorial territory in an unauthorized way and
authentic travel documents. In fact, Indonesia does not have laws on refugees, does not have
a special agency that handles refugees, nor does it have a special budget for the handling of
refugees both at the central and regional levels. How many solutions are offered to deal with
the Rohingya refugee crisis in Indonesia.
First, of course, you have to solve the problem upstream in Myanmar. This is
definitely not easy because it involves a political process and international pressure. It
takes the political will of the Myanmar regime itself to recognize the people they
Second, handling at the Bangladesh shelter. The conditions in the Bangladesh shelter
are indeed dense, inappropriate, and scattered with human smugglers. However, if the
authorities in the shelter are firm, the escape of the refugees by sea should be
Third, handling when arriving in Indonesia, there are usually only three options. First,
repatriation to the country of origin. Second, find a third country that wants to
accommodate those who are not easy and often take a long time. Third, reintegration
by accepting refugees living in Indonesia openly
The fourth is to provide separate shelters such as Galang Island. A special island for
temporary shelters for Rohingya refugees could be an alternative. Follow-up of their
status (refugee status determination) by international bodies to find a way out can be
done separately from the area where the local community lives at the shelter location
so far.
What is the impact of the arrival of Rohingya refugees in Indonesia and their
Acehnese students have voiced their aspirations more than once, demanding
a concrete response from the government in dealing with the issue of
Rohingya refugees. Previously, on Friday (12/22/2023), Acehn students had
held a demonstration initiated by BEM Syiah Kuala University (USK). In the
action, they emphasized the demand that the Aceh Government take real
action and not just give empty promises.
"We lift the Rohingya to the car, we deliver the Rohingya to the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights of Aceh," said Field Coordinator (Korlap) Aksi T
Wariza Ismandar, in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara, on Wednesday
Considered Not Behaved Well
Launching from the UNHCR website, for the past few decades, Rohingya people have
suffered extreme suffering in Myanmar. They are not given access to citizenship and
registration, are not allowed access to health services, education, and employment
opportunities, are restricted in camps and villages, and are subjected to extreme violence.
This caused about one million Rohingya people to gradually flee to camps in neighboring
Bangladesh. However, security conditions in overcrowded Bangladesh camps have
deteriorated over the past few years. This is what encourages them to take refuge in search of
safety and stability. Because there is no citizenship, there is no legal path that allows
Rohingya refugees to move between territories and countries easily. As a result, they chose to
use sea travel by boat offered by the perpetrators of human smuggling. In order to seek
safety, the Rohingnya refugees continue to look for a safe place to take refuge. They fled due
to despair caused by the increase in murders, kidnappings, and dangerous situations where
they previously lived. Launching from Deutsche Welle (DW) Indonesia, Rohingnya
researcher based in Cox's Bazar Rezaur Rahman Lenin said that the absence of proper
livelihoods was main cause of the genocide survivors fleeing from refugee camps. They
finally escaped to a Muslim country. According to Lenin, there are quite large organizations
in Indonesia and Malaysia. In addition, the Rohingya believe that they can obtain protection
and income in the country.
Why are the Rohingya rejected? Because they consider them a treat.
Worrying about being a burden on the state,having bad behavior,triggering
crime,creating your own country in Indonesia,and triggering social inequality.
a. Help their departure to a third country. After all that is the biggest
dream of Rohingya refugees,. That way ,they can get citizenship.
b. Efforts to bring Rohingya refugees to the destination country can be
done by envouraging UNHRCR to provide certainty about their .
c. Urged the Myanmar government to resolve the bloody conflict that
forced the ethnic minority to leave the country.there must be a
guarantee of a sense of security fo Muslims who are a minority group.
Thus,at least stop the increasing number of ethnic Rohingya who fled
to other countries.
Local people accuse Rohingya refugeese often making problems when they
arrive on the mainland, such as escaping from shelters and complaining when
they are given food. Maimun Fikri,a resident of Bireun Regency who now
lives in Banda Aceh,also told that the rejection of Rohingya refugeese started
from the attitude of refugees who no longer appreciate the gifts of residents.
‘’ in the past,in Bireun,the community entertained the Rohingya by
making(banquet),giving decent clothes,and sympathizing. But they fled to
Malaysia when they were healthy,’’said the 53-year-old man to
Hidayatullaah’s reporter who reported for BBC News Indonesia.
Maimun openly rejects the existence of Rohingya refugees in Aceh,especially
if the local government gives them special land.
‘’ This is already organized ,like there is an agent who deliberately brought
them over. Now it’s the government’s job to break this link.’’
Vira Ramadhani is also the same. She rejected Rohingya refugees for a long
time in Aceh. But for a while.she saw that refugees could stay for
humanitarian reasons.’’ If you stay,you don’t agree, but if given a few days
it’s okay,it’s a pity to a see them stay. ‘’ At most a week (can stay). If the
government allows the Rohingya to settle in Aceh,we will hold a
demonstration. So we give time to the Rohingya when it’s past the time to be
IV. Conclusion
The problem of the Rohingya refugee case in Aceh, Indonesia. Not a trivial
problem, this is a serious problem because it harms the people of Aceh, Indonesia.
In addition to harming the Indonesian people, this case also reduced the finances
of the Indonesian government, because it had to help Rohingya refugees. And
again, Rohingya refugees should know thank you, be aware of the people of Aceh,
Indonesia because they have been given food, where to live for medicine. Then
when they are healthy, they run away, damage the people's health, make
problems, harm the community. And again for the Indonesian government, I think
they are not firm, just because of their sense of humanity, they can't bear to
repatriate Rohingya refugees to their country. It is different, if the Rohingya
refugees act well, and do not harm, it may be reconsidered by the people of Aceh.
And again, Indonesia does not have an agreement in ASEAN to accommodate
refugees from other countries. Indonesia, to overcome the finances of its own
people, is not yet able,there are still many people who die of hunger.