Y6 Ict Revision

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NAME: ______________________________ DATE: ____________________

Y6 ICT REVISION (Chapter 1 – 2)

1.1 What is a robot?

1. A robot is a _________________________.
2. A robot must be __________________________ by a human to do its job.
3. Unless it breaks down, a robot does its job _____________________________.
4. What are the 3 examples of how a robot look like?
i. ________________________________
ii. ________________________________
iii. ________________________________
5. What does humanoid mean?
6. A robot arm has _____________________ that bend and twist.
7. A robot arm has a _____________________ to grip things with.

1.2 What robots are used for

1. List the 3 types of jobs robots can do.

i. ___________________________________
ii. ___________________________________
iii. ___________________________________
2. Complete the table below by listing down the main differences between how robots and
humans do jobs.

3. In the car industry, robots collaborate to build a car that moves along an
1.3 How robots work

1. What are the things needed to make a robot work?

i. ________________________________
ii. ________________________________
iii. ________________________________
2. Explain how these components work.
i. Sensor
ii. Controller
iii. Actuator
3. Give 5 examples of sensors.
i. ____________________________________
ii. ____________________________________
iii. ____________________________________
iv. ____________________________________
v. ____________________________________

1.4 What is a control system?

1. A control loop is sometimes called a __________________________________.

2. What is a control system?
3. Give 4 examples of control system that can be found in a modern home.
i. _____________________________________
ii. _____________________________________
iii. _____________________________________
iv. _____________________________________
4. What is a house with control systems called?
5. Control systems make life _______________, more _______________ and reduce
_______________ use.
1.5 Living with robots

1. Give an example of how robots are used on farms.

2. Give an example of how robots are used in shopping.
3. Give 2 examples of jobs that are related to robots.
i. ________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________

1.6 Robots of the future

1. What does AI stand for?

2. What does AI allow robots to do?
i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________
iii. _____________________________________________________________________
3. What is a nanobot?
4. What may nanobots be able to do in the future of healthcare?

2.1 Be a respectful computer user

1. Give 2 examples of rules to follow when sharing computers and equipment.

i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________
2. Give 2 examples of responsible online behaviour.
i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________
2.2 The parts of a web page

1. What are the 6 components of a web page? Describe each component.


2. Draw and label a wireframe plan in the box below.

2.3 Create a web page

1. You use an application called a ________________________________ to create web pages.

2. What are the 3 sections of a web page?
i. _______________________________
ii. _______________________________
iii. _______________________________
3. How do you add text to your web page?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
4. Should you include personal details on your web page? Why?

2.4 Add images to your web page

1. What should you do before deciding to include images of friends or family to your web page?
2. How do you add images to your web page?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

2.5 Add a new web page

1. What is a website?
2. How do you add a new web page to your website?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
3. What is a home page?
4. How do you add a menu to your web page?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

2.6 Check your web pages

1. When reviewing your web pages, what are the things that you need to check?
i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________
iii. _____________________________________________________________________
iv. _____________________________________________________________________
v. _____________________________________________________________________

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