Geo ch2

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Date : 4 23

Page No. 27.

Clas- wk
Bolwaten, Natual Vegetatin
Qmd wildile Resounck
Aima amd Oojectiies sT
"JoJo ndnedamd the dallherit ws of lamd
the Ehe wnwen
ditubution of populatiem

mis wderteod Weda

.dand ude - Jhe ynyy i whicha paticd an

sctiom o lamd beinq wwct i calld lomd

2. Rivae Lamd A paxt lamd Qued by a

paticala indiuidual bae gea indiiduals i
calld péiatadand.
Bommumd omd- Apant o land not ouned by
Am a secuty called
Communiy land
4. Pou Rack - he ouiginala ock um ck
calle d
Date :
Page No. 28
5.malching thetuttbae Mulchung the phetes
aunic maten gten plasta
Shelter bel Roue o us that ane planted in
aeas to check wimd mevememt
ae calld sheteobels.
7. Jundna- Jhe type o uegelatiom ound in vey
old egievd ke the 'Actic callad
Tum doa vegelakiem
ÔN. Wthidh aue th tus main climatic acsna
om atiern?
JempenataL amd oinall are the tuo man

easnd dor and degradation today
ahe deshabtationeNgazing and sueusE
chemie al fotilisena pestuds.
Q3.wy ia lad cenaideed. am inpotamt reo
Lamd conidad am lmpetant esace
Date :

Page No. 29.

bccase ut i ued fon dioant pupsAes dch

ahauueagitultia, foeby, miing Andutusa
Q4. Mame amy t o stops that the gouennment has
takm d Cen eUe plans and aminals

Ams he twO
tuwo aps that tthe govenment has takn.
and amima coe

1.national porde, uildda Aanatuais bisaphene

Pusees ane made toprotect oun matucal
vegetation and.
2.Awronanc28 pegnamemea ee sacial oasty and
Namamhatasaa should be tmeoraged at the

Jhous maim Jo conere uwatir avei

a. Shcaeoaing Jorest Coven amd ethen egetatien to

Replemishim ndgsund uwaler thngh
raiwote hanestng
Date :
Page No. 30.
Degcibe amy lie methode hich ate used to

Ans- ive methods which ae wwed to cansawe ssd

I Malching- Jhe bare gtound betuwewn planli

ulth a ayeh g matter.

Conoun banoices- tones, qrass, ioil ane wsed

do build baibiehd oleng contous. Jenches
are made in nt othe baihs to
Colect water
3. Rock Dam- Rocka ane piled upto slee down
the s uater Ihis pheenls gullis

ltenato nowe amd are soun

Ximes to potect the.kil om rain wah
5.AhteR belts - 9n the coaslal and doy cagiens
osasOne planted to chedk the'wins
Date :
Page No. 31

& do ou mmiam by UTE S?

ACTES Cthe Cemwentom on Sudeunotiena suade
dpecie o wild gaune
botusxem qovmme.
tich acdors datenamima the land we ?
Ans- lhe we o Jand j deteminecl by phyaical
minrals and aolablty s wate Human
nc ch a pop ulatien ard technslogy
ate adan impstant diterminanti s
Mingtien tochnigu o lamdlides
Aema braad mitighim Jechniauas o lamdalids.
Hazand to lecatt areas preme to landid
budding mapmgten
h area
be aioLded to
Oncneae in the vegetatien Ceuer o aet
h menent o" landalide aleng with sain
Page No 32,


hnsWaten is Sne d the matua ussunce which

e found adaute amaunt.
the ecistemce Grr the
plamat tantih. t is uidey sed'
punpaes Auch as doin ingwahing bathing
ceaming Coeteimg uand Pother indiatrial and
demastic es

1Jo Jain cl cut the natune o dimuelera amd

thuin diutu'buton
2.o dawelsp cencm absut the meed to protect
the bio divensiy f
Date :
Page No. 3.

Mind Map
lmatunal Rosoutce

Lamd lae
Aval abiluty
of Water
"Rod " Mountaim
Loterula aline ushsate
Black Rescucsi
" Rivers
Prysical Humam.
Facte wate

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