HUM 102 The Contemporary World

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 Is a phenomenon Section 3: THE GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM
 Is a condition (globality), and ideology (globalism)  Globalization imposed a forced choice upon nation-states
 The world as a GLOBAL VILLAGE was a product of globalization  Globalization established economic and political integrations
 Globalization established international laws and principles
Cultural Imperialism  Globalization gave rise to transnational activism
 The belief that there is a “better” culture  Globalization created new communication networks
Global Economic Imperialism Intergovernmental organizations
 When one country has great influence over other countries  Established to foster strong economic, political, cultural,
economically, the influencing country is practicing GLOBAL educational, and technical intergovernmental relationships.
ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM.  Association of Southeast Asian Nations was established in 1967
and now has 10 member states.
THE STRUCTURES OF GLOBALIZATION  The World Trade Organization with 164 members aims to ensure
Section 1: THE GLOBAL ECONOMY that trade runs as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
Economic Globalization
 Makes cross-border trade commodities and services, flow of Internationalism
international capital, and rapid spread of technology possible.  Is anchored on the idea that nationalism should be outrun because
the links that bind people of different nations are stronger than
International Monetary System those that disconnects them.
 Facilitates economic globalization by implementing internationally
agreed rules, conventions, and instituting facilities for international Globalism
trade, investments, and flow of capital among nations.  Is the attitude that seeks to understand the interconnections of the
 The role of nation-states to economic globalization is to reduce the modern world.
negative effects of globalization.  Global interstate system therefore seeks to form collaborations
among nation-state through intergovernmental organizations
Transnational Companies
 These are complex organizations that have investments in foreign
operations. Section 4: Contemporary Global Governance
 The United Nations is comprised of its inter-governmental organs,
Section 2: MARKET INTEGRATION the UN secretariat, and the non-state actors.
United Nations
 Generated ideas for forums and debates that will later become a
 To promote international cooperation and restore international
order after the Second World War.
The first idea is: HUMAN RIGHTS
The World Bank
 The UN was able to produce the Universal Declaration of Human
 Aims to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a
sustainable way.
 The idea came from Western liberalism, but these major powers
International Monetary Fund are still plagued with the presence of racial discrimination among
 Works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial others. Its governing body the Commission on Human Rights was
stability, and facilitates international trade then replaced by the Human Rights Council.

Contemporary Global Corporations The second idea is: GENDER and WOMEN’S RIGHT
International Companies  The UN was able to produce the Convention on the Elimination of
 Importers and exporters with no investment outside their home All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
countries.  The situation of women, however, did not improve in most parts of
the world.
Multinational Companies
 Have investments in other countries; no coordinated product The third idea is: DEVELOPMENT
offering in each country; focused on adapting products and  The UN worked on alleviating poverty across the globe. They
services to individual local market came up with a way to measure development through the HDI
(Human Development Index).
Global Companies  The UN came up with the goals to follow, the latest will be SDG
 Have investments and are present in many countries; typically (Sustainable Development Goals).
market their products and services to each local market  UN introduces the idea of CSRs (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Transnational Companies The fourth idea is: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY
 Complex organizations that have investments in foreign  The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was
operations; have central corporate facility but research and established and produced the Kyoto Protocol
development with marketing powers are given to individual foreign  The United Nations faced its own challenges. Some member
markets countries do not pay their contributions regularly. It can be delayed
by member nations deliberately for some reasons. The United
 Regulated by GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades)
Nations lack of resources could delay its works in solving pressing
 Global Corporations also regulated themselves through their CSR
world issues.
(Company Social Responsibility) programs
Section 1: The North and the South
 After the Second World War two superpowers emerged, the
United States and the Soviet Union. They engaged in having the
most influential in other weaker countries, this now become the
Cold War.
 Third world countries share a history of colonialism. It refers to the
underdeveloped countries of South America, Asia, and Africa
 In the 1980s the Brandt Line showed the split of the richer and
poorer nations. Rich countries are almost found on the northern
hemisphere while poor countries are almost found in the southern
hemisphere except for Australia and New Zealand

Reasons why nations group together:

✓ For military defense
✓ Countries may also group to pool their resources together.
 The organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries was
established to regulate the production and sake of oil
Global North
 Home of G8 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
United Kingdom, Russia, and the United States of America. It also
includes Australia and New Zealand.
 There might be similarities and differences between the terms
Third World and Global South, but one thing remains, our world is
still divided between dominant countries and subordinate
Section 2: Asian Regionalism
 Refers to the growth of integration within a region.
 Refers to the concentration of economic flows. It may also refer to
the intergovernmental collaborations between two or more states.
 After the Thai economy collapsed in 1996, the Association of
Southeast Asian Countries along with China, Japan, and South
Korea (ASEAN +3) established an emergency fund to stabilize the
 Asian Development Bank was established to help its members by
providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and investments.
 The Japanese International Cooperation Agency promotes
international cooperation by supporting economic stability of
developing regions.
 Collaboration and cooperation based on respect is Asia’s strength.
Asia is diverse in terms of development, politics, economics, and
religion. Despite this, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian
Nations) manages to pay full respect for the sovereignty of its
 The continent is now gaining the attention of Western countries
because of its growing economy and political growth. China is
emerging as a major exporter of products while India has a
growing population of middle class and elite.
 Two thirds of the world’s population belong to Asia. Asian
regionalism is a new concept. As the saying goes “there is a
strength in numbers”.
A WORLD OF IDEAS  Believe that it is necessary to use radical measures to achieve the
will of God.
 Developed in stages and eventually affected globalization. Fundamentalists
 Believe that men ought to return to the passage of the sacred
Stages of Media
Oral Communication
 It ushered markets, trades, and international trade routes. Nationalists
 Language became the most important tool in gaining knowledge  Believe that any threat to their religion is a threat to their identity,
about the world and its cultures power, privilege, and rights. The great religions however, existed
in the first place to guide us in our moral principles.
 The codification of practices allowed people to communicate for a  There are a lot of religious peacemakers that are not heard of.
longer duration. When talking about cultural globalization therefore, we should
always include religion.
 Knowledge was written and was transmitted to the other
generations, nations, and cultures.
 The invention of the printing press made mass production of
written materials possible.
Electronic Media
 It introduced telegraph, telephone, radio, film, and television.
 Enables people to have an access of information from
international events.
Digital Media
 Contents here can be stored digitally and transmitted through the
 Media therefore is a carrier of culture.
 Includes the ability to pass knowledge on to the next generation.
 Is telling those local cultures are not weak, static, or fixed.
Section 2: The Globalization of Religion
 Religion affects a person’s attitude, characters, and perspectives.
 Due to globalization, there is a greater interconnectedness of our
social lives. Globalization gave rise to religious nationalism.
 With the rise of religious nationalism, we tend to connect a certain
religion to a certain nation like Philippines is a land of the
Christians, Middle East is for the Muslims, India is for the Hindus,
and Chinese are following Buddhism.
 Globalization also turned religion into a public life.
 Religion is now not confined to sacred places; it now extends
outside sacred places.
Religious Extremism
 Believes that the supreme being grants acts of violence to glorify
one’s faith.
 Global migration cause deterritorialization. It is a feature of culture
that blurs the line between culture and place.
 Religion is now affected by global trends. Evangelization and
religious conversion are made easier due to social media.
 When religion and culture interact, it results to global-local religion,
a religion with a local mix.
 The blending of universal religions and local languages.
 The transformation of religion to suit the specific needs of an
ethnic group
 The link of the nation and the church results to nationalization of
 Religious traditions of real or imagined national homelands result
to transnationalization of religion.
 Religion has a role in global conflicts in terms of beliefs.

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