Zuri Natul
Zuri Natul
Zuri Natul
- p/w RE progressive BOV 2 weeks after intravitreal anti VEGF injection (DEC 2021) a/w eye
redness and pain, floaters, treated as exogenous endoph in H. Mizan then referred for PPV
- (31/12/2021) RE Diagnostic Vitrectomy/IVT Vanco& Fortum
o Gram stain: pus cells+, C+S NOG
o KOH: neg, Fungal C+S: NOG
o TB PCR: neg
o Cytology: no evidence of malignant cells
o Immunophenotype: Inconclusive
Examination RE LE
VA HM 6/9 niph
Conjunctiva Generalized injection, no White
dilated/ torturous vessel
Cornea Clear, endothelium-Old KP’s Clear
AC Cells 3+, Deep Deep/Quiet
Pupil Round, pharmacodilated 5 3mm, round, RTL
mm, no PS
Lens NS + NS+
IOP 12 10
Anterior Vitreous Cells - -
Fundus Silicone oil filled 80% OD pink, CDR 0.3, multiple
OD covered by fibrosis DBH in all quadrant , No
Previous yellowish subretinal NVE/NVD
exudate more fluffy /dense Subretinal hypodense lesion,
no HE
Current medication: Gutt fortum 5% QID RE