Tender Document - 10081054VCOffice
Tender Document - 10081054VCOffice
Tender Document - 10081054VCOffice
Date: 09.08.2023
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Date: 09.08.2023
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WAPCOS Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking), for and behalf of Central University of
Jharkhand (CUJ), Ranchi invites Online Electronic Tenders on Item Rate Mode from
experienced and competent bidders, meeting prescribed qualifying criteria as mentioned
in tender document.
1. Name of Work / Project : Interior Works and Allied Services for VC
Office/Chamber in Administrative Building at
Permanent Campus of Central University of
Jharkhand (CUJ) at Cheri Manatu, Ranchi,
2. Site / Location : Cheri-Manatu, Ranchi Jharkhand
3. Website for Viewing tender/ : www.wapcos.co.in and
Corrigendum/ Addendum https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
12. Last date & time for online : 22.08.2023; 16:00 Hrs
submission of Technical &
Financial Bid.
13. Online opening of Technical Bid : 23.08.2023; 16:00 Hrs
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If the office of WAPCOS Limited, Gurugram happens to be closed on the last date and
time mentioned for any of the event, the said event will take place on the next working day
at the same time and venue.
The tender document has to be downloaded from above specified websites. Bidders are
advised to visit above specified websites regularly for updates /Amendments/
Corrigendum, if any. The Updates/Corrigendum/Addendum shall be followed up to
submission of tender and it will be the part of tender. The full details about the work,
specifications, Drawings, terms and conditions shall be available in the Tender Document.
The purpose of this NIT is to provide interested parties with information to assist the
preparation of their bid. While WAPCOS Limited has taken due care in the preparation of
the information contained herein, and believe it to be complete and accurate, neither it nor
any of its authorities or agencies nor any of its respective officers, employees, agents or
advisors give any warranty or make any representations, expressed or implied as to the
completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any
information which may be provided in association with it.
Further, WAPCOS Limited does not claim that the information is exhaustive. Respondents
to this NIT are required to make their own inquiries/ surveys and will be required to
confirm, in writing, that they have done so and they did not rely solely on the information in
NIT. WAPCOS Limited is not responsible if no due diligence is performed by the bidders.
1.1 The bidder should be an Indian Registered Company under Companies Act 1956/
2013 Proprietorship Firm/ Partnership Firm.
1.2 All Bidders are hereby cautioned that Bids containing any deviation or reservation
as described in Clauses of “Instructions to Bidders” shall be considered as non-
responsive and shall be summarily rejected.
1.3 WAPCOS Ltd. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without
assigning any reasons. No Bidder shall have any cause of action or claim against
the WAPCOS Ltd. For rejection of his Bid and will not be bound to accept the
lowest or any other tender.
1.4 No reimbursement of cost of any type or on any account will be paid to persons or
entities submitting their Bid.
1.5 All information submitted in response to this NIT shall be the property of WAPCOS
Limited and it shall be free to use the concept of the same at its will.
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Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender/bid
documents, failing which the tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the
tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be summarily rejected. This
declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of the
same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on
behalf of the WAPCOS.
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The Special Instructions (for e-Tendering) supplement ‘Instruction to Bidders’, as
given in these Tender Documents. Submission of Online Bids is mandatory for this
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the
CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below
are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids
in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP
Portal. More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal
may be obtained at: https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app .
ii. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a
unique username and assign a password for their accounts.
iii. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers
as part of the registration process. These would be used for any
communication from the CPP Portal.
iv. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital
Signature Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by
any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra
etc.), with their profile.
v. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the
bidders are responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others
which may lead to misuse.
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vi. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user
ID / password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
i. There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate
bidders to search active tenders by several parameters. These parameters
could include Tender ID, Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc.
There is also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the
bidders may combine a number of search parameters such as Organization
Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to search for
a tender published on the CPP Portal.
ii. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may
download the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can
be moved to the respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP
Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e- mail in case there is any
corrigendum issued to the tender document.
iii. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each
tender, in case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the
Preparation of Bids
ii. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document
carefully to understand the documents required to be submitted as part of
the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have
to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and
content of each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations
from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
iii. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as
indicated in the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in
PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Bid documents may be scanned with
100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the
scanned document.
iv. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard
documents which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a
provision of uploading such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy,
annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders.
Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’ area
available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be
directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and
need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the
time required for bid submission process.
Note: My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the
uploading process. If Bidder has uploaded his Documents in My Documents
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space, this does not automatically ensure these Documents being part of
Technical Bid.
Submission of Bids
i. Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that
they can upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time.
Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other issues.
ii. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one
by one as indicated in the tender document.
iii. Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee /
EMD as applicable and enter details of the instrument.
iv. Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the
tender document. The original should be posted/couriered/given in person
to the concerned official, latest by the last date of bid submission or as
specified in the tender documents. The details of the DD/any other
accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with the details available
in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time.
Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected. – Not Applicable
v. Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their
financial bids in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the
price bid has been given as a standard BoQ format with the tender
document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the
bidders. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and
complete the white colored (unprotected) cells with their respective financial
quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should
be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save
it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found
to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
vi. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be
considered as the standard time for referencing the deadlines for
submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders
should follow this time during bid submission.
vii. All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using
PKI encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data
entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid
opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured
Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage encryption of
sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is
subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric
key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid
opener’s public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become
readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid openers. The
uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening
by the authorized bid openers.
viii. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. After Clicking
“Freeze Bid Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid
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submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and
the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
ix. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the
submission of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry
pass for any bid opening meetings.
Assistance to Bidders
i. Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions
contained therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a
tender or the relevant contact person indicated in the tender.
ii. Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries
relating to CPP Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal
For any technical related queries please call at 24 x 7 Help Desk Number:
0120-4001 002
0120-4001 005
0120-6277 787
International Bidders are requested to prefix +91 as country code
Email Support:
For any Issues or Clarifications relating to the published tenders, bidders are
requested to contact the respective Tender Inviting Authority
Technical - [email protected]
Policy Related - [email protected]
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Bid as well as costs associated for facilitating the evaluation. WAPCOS Ltd shall in
no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
The successful Bidder shall submit the following documents and also follow the
guidelines as per “Section of Annexures” mentioned in tender document.
WAPCOS Limited reserves the right to reject any or all the bids or to cancel the
Tender, without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever.
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Intending Bidder(s) are advised to inspect and examine the site at his own cost
and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to
the nature of the ground & sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form & nature of
the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require
and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid.
No extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
The bidder(s) shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all
materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other
services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in
the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a bidder(s) implies that he has read
this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope
and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores,
tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local conditions and
other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
Site visit is to understand the actual scope of work, site condition, details & levels of
already constructed structure & balance works to be done and no extra charge
consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The site visit may
be conducted by the bidder any time before the last date of submission of the bid.
Before site visit, the bidder may request at email ID mentioned in NIT for site visit
mentioning the date & time of visit. Accordingly, it is advised to bidders to visit the site
with proper authorization letter of bidder representative from Bidder Company/
agencies. Bidder representative will submit the authorization letter to WAPCOS
The intending bidders must read the terms & conditions of tender documents carefully.
He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of
all the documents required.
The Technical Bid shall be uploaded with coloured scanned copies of following
documents. All the documents must be serial wise as stated below along with
check list and clearly marked page no. and sign & stamp on each page of the
Technical Bid (MANDATORY).
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mentioned in NIT.
c) Scanned copy of Demand Draft for Tender
Fees of the amount as mentioned in NIT.
d) Letter of Transmittal for Technical Bid in
prescribed format on bidder’s original letter
Head (Form-1).
e) Yearly Sales Turnover and Audited Balance
Sheet for Last 5 (five) years ending on the
financial year 2021-22.
The contractor should not have incurred
any loss (profit after tax should be
positive) in more than two years during
last five years ending 2021-22 duly
audited and Attested by the
Independent Chartered Accountant.
Turnover: Average annual financial
turnover on Construction works should
be at least 50% of the estimated cost of
work during the immediate last 3
consecutive financial years ending 2021-
22. This should be duly audited by the
Chartered Accountant doing Statutory
Audit with UDIN No. Certificate. (Form-A)
Full Balance Sheet and Profit & loss
Statements of Bidder for Last 5 (five)
years ending on the financial year 2021-
f) Name, Address, details of the Organization,
Name(s) of the Owner/Partners/Promoters
and Directors of the firm / company. (Form-
g) Bidder should not be blacklisted/ debarred
by any government/ semi government
department/ PSU. Bidders shall give
undertaking for not being involved in any
form of corrupt and fraudulent practices.
h) Letter of understanding of the project site on
bidder’s Letter Head (Form-D).
i) ‘No Deviation Certificate’ in prescribed
format in Bidder’s Letter Head (Form-E).
j) Consent Letter to execute the Integrity Pact
k) Bidder shall submit Information on litigation
history, liquidated damages, disqualification
etc. in bidder Letter Head (Form-G).
l) The bidder shall submit the Resume of
Proposed Personnel along with Degree
Certificate to be deployed for the project as
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“Similar work” refers to a work for
Interior and Renovation/Finishing/
related allied services.
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of bills.
q) The bidder should be an Indian Registered
Company under Companies Act 1956/2013
Proprietorship Firm/ Partnership Firm/
Limited company private or public or
corporation. Joint Ventures are not
accepted. Copy of Certificate of
Incorporation/ Registration/ Partnership
Deed or any other relevant document, as
applicable, should be submitted along with a
copy of address proof.
NOTE: Proprietor firms shall submit
registration details or shall submit the copy of
relevant page of Pass book for the Current
Account in the name of Proprietor Firm.
r) Each page of the all Volume of Tender
document & Addendum/ Corrigendum shall
be digitally signed by the bidders submitting
the Tender in token of his/their having
acquainted himself/ themselves and
accepted the entire tender documents
including various conditions of contract. Any
Bid with any of the Documents not so signed
is liable to be rejected at the discretion of
WAPCOS Limited.
Contractors who fulfill the above requirements shall be eligible to apply. The
Joint Ventures are not accepted/allowed.
2. EMD & Tender submission fee in Original in separate sealed envelope clearly
labeled as “EMD & TENDER FEE” for the work (Write Name of Work/Project as
mentioned in NIT) along with Details of Bidders Address, Phone, and E-mail on
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NOTE: Above two envelopes shall be submitted in one single envelope clearly
labeled as “Documents for Offline Submission” for the Work (Write Name of
Work/Project as mentioned in NIT) along with Details of Bidders Address, Phone, and
E-mail on Envelope.
The offline submissions (duly stamped & signed) as mentioned above shall be
submitted on WAPCOS address as per date & time mentioned in NIT. In case of
non-submission of above offline documents, bids are liable to be rejected.
Note: The Company reserves the right to waive minor deviations/submissions if they do
not materially affect the capability of the Tenderer to perform the contract.
The estimated cost mentioned in NIT is based on the rates of item of works in DSR
2021 after deduction of 12% GST on account of GST as per the circular of CPWD dt.
15-03-2018 because as per circular 12% GST is included in the rates of DSR. The cost
index of Jharkhand has also been added on DSR Items in the estimated cost. Rates of
Non-DSR items have been taken on the latest market rates. The bidders are advised
visit the site to assess the site conditions & other items in order to quote the rates in
their financial bid.
The quoted cost filled in Summary of Cost, by bidders, should include all associated
costs with the project including any out of pocket / mobilization expenses/ Custom
duty (if any), Buildings and other construction workers welfare cess, TDS, taxes
(except GST) if any applicable as per Govt. terms, shall be paid by the Contractor. The
Goods and Services Tax (GST) shall be paid extra over quoted cost.
It is mandatory to bidders to deposit GST within time limit framed by Govt. of India, if
applicable. The Goods and Services Tax (GST), shall be reimbursed to the Agency
only after uploading of bills by Contractor on GST Portal “to avail Input benefit of GST”.
The company shall be performing all its duties of deduction of TDS and other
deduction on payment made to the contractor as per applicable legislation in force on
the date of submission of bid or to be newly / amended introduced during the
execution of the Contract.
The tenderer shall quote cost up to zero decimal and as well as in words. In case of
any discrepancy rate quoted in words shall prevail.
The payment will be made as per the schedule of stage wise payment.
The Summary of cost to be filled for this tender is attached in Microsoft Excel
format, bidder shall quote the amount only in soft format to avoid mistakes. The
bidder will upload same filled soft Microsoft Excel copy during uploading of
financial bid.
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After closing of Technical & Financial Bid process, WAPCOS Ltd. will award, the
contract to the bidder, whose tender has been determined to be substantially
responsive, complete and in accordance with the tender document, and whose total
evaluation price for the undertaking the project as detailed in the scope of work is the
lowest (L1). If the financial bids of lowest two bidders are equal, then the tender will be
treated as cancelled and shall be re-tendered as per the WAPCOS rules.
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12. All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. The amount for
each item should be worked out and requisite totals given.
Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well
as in words and the amount in figures only, in such a way that
interpolation is not possible. The total amount should be written
both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the word
‘Rs.’ should be written before the figure of rupees and word ‘P’
after the decimal figures, e.g. ‘Rs. 2.15 P’ and in case of words,
the word, ‘Rupees’ should precede and the word ‘Paise’ should
be written at the end. Unless the rate is in whole rupees and
followed by the word ‘only’ it should invariably be upto two
decimal places. While quoting the rate in schedule of quantities,
the word ‘only’ should be written closely following the amount
and it should not be written in the next line.
12A Deleted
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Definitions 1. The Contract means the documents forming the tender and
acceptance thereof and the formal agreement executed between
the WAPCOS and the Contractor, together with the documents
referred to therein including these conditions, the specifications,
designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to time by
the Engineer-In-Charge and all these documents taken together,
shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be
complementary to one another.
2. In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the
context otherwise requires, have the meanings, hereby
respectively assigned to them:-
i. “Client / Employer” shall mean “WAPCOS Limited”, A
Government of India undertaking- Ministry of Jal Shakti having
their Registered office at 5th floor, Kailash building, 26-
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001, India & include
their successors & permitted assigns as well as their
authorized officer / representatives, for execution of the Work /
Project as mentioned in NIT.
ii. The “Company / WAPCOS” shall mean WAPCOS Limited.
iii. The expression works or work shall, unless there be
something either in the subject or context repugnant to such
construction, be construed and taken to mean the works by or
by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether
temporary or permanent, and whether original, altered,
substituted or additional.
iv. The Site shall mean the land/or other places on, into or
through which work is to be executed under the contract or
any adjacent land, path or street through which work is to be
executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or
street which may be allotted or used for the purpose of
carrying out the contract.
v. The Bidder shall mean the individual, firm or company,
whether incorporated or not, undertaking the works and shall
include the legal personal representative of such individual or
the persons composing such firm or company, or the
successors of such firm or company and the permitted
assignees of such individual, firm or company who are
participating in Bidding process and will Execution the project
after award of the works as Contractor.
vi. The Engineer-in-Charge shall means the Engineer Officer
appointed by WAPCOS or his duly authorized representative
who shall direct, supervise and be in-charge of the work for
the purpose of this Contract
vii. Accepting Authority shall mean the authority mentioned in
Special Conditions of Contract.
viii. Tenderer / Bidder shall mean the firm/party who intends to
participate in this Notice Inviting Tender.
ix. Excepted Risk are risks due to riots (other than those on
account of contractor’s employees), war (whether declared or
not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war,
rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power,
any acts of Government, damages from aircraft, acts of God,
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b) Safety Codes.
c) Model Rules for the protection of health, sanitary
arrangements for workers employed WAPCOS or its
d) Contractor’s Labour Regulations.
e) List of Acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed.
f) No payment for the work done will be made unless contract
is signed by the contractor.
ii. The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid up to the stipulated date of
completion plus 1 year claim period beyond that. In case the time for
completion of work get enlarged, the contractor shall get the validity of Performance
Guarantee extended to cover such enlarged time for completion of work. After
recording of the completion certificate for the work by the competent authority, the
performance guarantee shall be returned to the contractor, without any interest.
However, in case of contracts involving maintenance of building and services/any
other work after construction of same building and services/other work, then 50% of
Performance Guarantee shall be retained as Security Deposit. The same shall be
returned year wise proportionately.
iii. The Engineer-in-Charge shall not make a claim under the performance guarantee
except for amounts to which the WAPCOS is entitled under the contract (not
withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract
agreement) in the event of:
(a) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the Performance Guarantee
as described herein above, in which event the Engineer-in-Charge may claim
the full amount of the Performance Guarantee.
(b) Failure by the contractor to pay WAPCOS any amount due, either as agreed by
the contractor or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the
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iv. In the event of the contract being determined or rescinded under provision of any of
the Clause/Condition of the agreement, the performance guarantee shall stand
forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of WAPCOS.
v. The Performance Guarantee shall be refunded to the Contractor soon after the
completion of works and issuance of the completion certificate.
In case of contracts involving maintenance of building and services/any other work after
construction of same building and services/other work, then 50% of Performance
Guarantee shall be retained as Security Deposit. The same shall be returned year wise
Note-1: Government papers tendered as security will be taken at 5% (five per cent) below
its market price or at its face value, whichever is less. The market price of Government
paper would be ascertained by the Divisional Officer at the time of collection of interest
and the amount of interest to the extent of deficiency in value of the Government paper
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Note-2: Government Securities will include all forms of Securities mentioned in Rule No.
274 of the G.F. Rules except fidelity bond. This will be subject to the observance of the
condition mentioned under the rule against each form of security.
Note-3: Note 1 & 2 above shall be applicable for both clause 1 and 1A
(i) Compensation for delay of work @ 0.50% of the total project cost per week basis.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this
condition shall not exceed 10 % of the Tendered Value of work or of the Tendered Value
of the Sectional part of work as mentioned In Schedule 'F' for which a separate period of
completion is originally given.
In case no compensation has been decided by the authority in Schedule 'F' during the
progress of work, this shall be no waiver of right to levy compensation by the said
authority if the work remains incomplete on final justified extended date of completion. If
the Engineer in Charge decides to give further extension of time allowing performance of
work beyond the justified extended date, the contractor shall be liable to pay
compensation for such extended period. If any variation in amount of contract takes place
during such extended period beyond justified extended date and the contractor becomes
entitled to additional time under clause 12, the net period for such variation shall be
accounted for while deciding the period for levy of compensation. However, during such
further extended period beyond the justified extended period, if any delay occurs by
events under sub clause 5.2, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation for such
Provided that compensation during the progress of work before the justified extended date
of completion for delay under this clause shall be for non-achievement of sectional
completion or part handing over of work on stipulated/justified extended date for such part
work or if delay affects any other works/services. This is without prejudice to right of action
by the Engineer in Charge under clause 3 for delay in performance and claim of
compensation under that clause
In case action under clause 2 has not been finalized and the work has been determined
under clause 3, the right of action under this clause shall remain post determination of
contract but levy of compensation shall be for days the progress is behind the schedule on
date of determination, as assessed by the authority in Schedule F, after due consideration
of justified extension. The compensation for delay, if not decided before the determination
of contract, shall be decided after of determination of contract.
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The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set-off against any sum payable to the
Contractor under this or any other contract with the Government. In case, the contractor
does not achieve a particular milestone mentioned in schedule F, or the re-scheduled
milestone(s) in terms of Clause 5.4, the amount shown against that milestone shall be
withheld, to be adjusted against the compensation levied as above With-holding of this
amount on failure to achieve a milestone, shall be automatic without any notice to the
contractor. However, if the contractor catches up with the progress of work on the
subsequent milestone(s), the withheld amount shall be released. In case the contractor
fails to make up for the delay in subsequent milestone(s), amount mentioned against each
milestone missed subsequently also shall be withheld. However, no interest, whatsoever,
shall be payable on such withheld amount
CLAUSE 2A: In case, the contractor completes the work ahead of stipulated date of
completion or justified extended date of completion as determined under clauses 5.3, 12 &
15, a bonus @ 1% (one per cent) of the tendered value per month computed on per day
basis, shall be payable to the contractor, subject to a maximum limit of 5% (five per cent)
of the tendered value. Provided that justified time for extra work shall be calculated on pro-
rata basis as cost of extra work X stipulated period /tendered value. The amount of bonus,
if payable, shall be paid along with final bill after completion of work. Provided always that
provision of the Clause 2A shall be applicable only when so provided in 'Schedule F'.
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forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other
contract for WAPCOS.
vi. If the contractor shall enter into a contract with WAPCOS in connection with which
commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to his knowledge, unless
the particulars of any such commission and the terms of payment thereof have
been previously disclosed in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge.
vii. If the contractor had secured the contract with WAPCOS as a result of wrong
tendering or other non-bonafide methods of competitive tendering or commits
breach of Integrity Agreement.
viii. If the contractor being an individual, or if a firm, any partner thereof shall at any
time be adjudged insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administration of
his estate made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or
composition (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or
reconstruction) under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any
conveyance or assignment of his effects or composition or arrangement for the
benefit of his creditors or purport so to do, or if any application be made under any
Insolvency Act for the time being in force for the sequestration of his estate or if a
trust deed be executed by him for benefit of his creditors.
ix. If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of
a creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court
or the creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitle the court to make
a winding up order.
x. If the contractor shall suffer an execution being levied on his goods and allow it to
be continued for a period of 21 days.
xi. If the contractor assigns (excluding part(s) of work assigned to other agency(s) by
the contractor as per terms of contract), transfers, sublet (engagement of labour on
a piece-work basis or of labour with materials not to be incorporated in the work,
shall not be deemed to be subletting) or otherwise parts with or attempts to assign,
transfer, sublet or otherwise parts with the entire works or any portion thereof
without the prior written approval of the Engineer -in-Charge. When the contractor
has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the Engineer
in-Charge on behalf of the WAPCOS shall have powers:
When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid,
the Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the WAPCOS shall have powers:
a) To determine the contract as aforesaid so far as performance of work by the
Contractor is concerned (of which determination notice in writing to the contractor
under the hand of the Engineer• in-Charge shall be conclusive evidence). Upon such
determination, the Earnest Money Deposit, Security Deposit already recovered and
Performance Guarantee under the contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be
absolutely at the disposal of the Government.
b) After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to
take such whole, or the balance or part thereof, as shall be un-executed out of his
hands and to give it to another contractor to complete the work. The contractor, whose
contract is determined as above, shall not be allowed to participate in the tendering
process for the balance work. In the event of above courses being adopted by the
Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss
sustained by him by reasons of his having purchased or procured any materials or
entered into any engagements or made any advances on account or with a view to the
execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case action is taken
under any of the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or
be paid any sum for any work thereof or actually performed under this contract unless
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and until the Engineer-in-Charge has certified in writing the performance of such work
and the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the
value so certified.
In the event of above courses being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor
shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reasons of his
having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made
any advances on account or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance
of the contract. And in case action is taken under any of the provision aforesaid, the
contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work thereof or
actually performed under this contract unless and until the Engineer-in-Charge has
certified in writing the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof
and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
In case, the work cannot be started due to reasons not within the control of the contractor
within 1/8th of the stipulated time for completion of work or one month whichever is higher,
either party may close the contract by giving notice to the other party stating the reasons.
In such eventuality, the Performance Guarantee of the contractor shall be refunded within
following time limits:
Neither party shall claim any compensation for such eventuality. This clause is not
applicable for any breach of the contract by either party
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5.1 As soon as possible but within twenty one days of award of work and in consideration
a) Schedule of handing over of site as specified in the Schedule 'F'
b] Schedule of issue of designs as specified in the Schedule 'F'
(i) The Contractor shall submit a Time and Progress Chart for each mile stone. The
Engineer-in-Charge may within 30 days thereafter, if required modify, and
communicate the program approved to the contractor failing which the program
submitted by the contractor shall be deemed to be approved by the Engineer-in
Charge. The work programme shall include all details of balance drawings and
decisions required to complete the contract with specific dates by which these
details are required by contractor without causing any delay in execution of the
work. The Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the
Contract documents for completion of items of the works. It shall indicate the
forecast of the dates of commencement and completion of various trades of
sections of the work and may be amended as necessary by agreement between
the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor within the limitations of time imposed in
the Contract documents, and further to ensure good progress during the execution
of the work, the contractor shall in all cases in which the time allowed for any work,
exceeds one month (save for special jobs for which a separate programme has
been agreed upon) complete the work as per mile stones given in Schedule 'F'.
(i) The Contractor shall prepare an integrated programme chart in MS
Project/Primavera software for the execution of work, showing clearly all activities
from the start of work to completion, with details of manpower, equipment and
machinery required for the fulfillment of the programme within the stipulated period
or earlier and submit the same for approval to the Engineer-in- Charge within ten
days of award of the contract. A recovery of Rs. 2500/- (for works costing upto Rs.
20 Crores) / Rs. 5000/- (for works costing more than Rs. 20 Crores) shall be made
on per day basis in case of delay in submission of the above programme.
(ii) In case of non-submission of construction programme by the contractor the
program approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be deemed to be final.
(iii) The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such programme shall not relieve the
contractor of any of the obligations under the contract.
(iv) The contractor shall submit the Time and Progress Chart and progress report using
the mutually agreed software or in other format decided by Engineer-in-Charge for
the work done during previous month to the Engineer-in• charge on or before 5th
day of each month failing which a recovery Rs. 2500/ - (for works costing upto Rs.
20 Crores) I Rs. 5000/- (for works costing more than Rs. 20 Crores) shall be made
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on per week or part basis in case of delay in submission of the monthly progress
5.3 In case the work is hindered by any reasons, in the opinion of the contractor, by the
Department or for someone for whose action the Department is responsible, the
contractor may immediately give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge
in the same manner as prescribed under sub Clause 5.2 seeking extension of time
or rescheduling of milestone/s. The authority as indicated in Schedule 'F' shall, if
justified, give a fair and reasonable extension of time and reschedule the mile
stones for completion of work after due consideration of the same within 30 days of
receipt of such request. In event of non-application by the contractor for extension
of time E-in-C after affording opportunity to the contractor may give, supported with
a programme, a fair and reasonable extension within a reasonable period of
occurrence of the event.
Such extension of time or rescheduling of milestone/s shall be without prejudice to
any other right or remedy of the parties in contract or in law; provided further that
for concurrent delays under this sub clause and sub clause 5.2 to the extent the
delay is covered under sub clause 5.2 the contractor shall be entitled to only
extension of time and no damages
5.4 Request for rescheduling of Mile stones or extension of time, to be eligible for
consideration, shall be made by the Contractor in writing within fourteen days of the
happening of the event causing delay on the prescribed forms i.e. Form of
application by the contractor for seeking rescheduling of milestones (Appendix-XVI)
or Form of application by the contractor for seeking extension of time (Appendix -
XVII) respectively to the authority as indicated in Schedule 'F'. The Contractor shall
indicate in such a request the period by which rescheduling of milestone/s or
extension of time is desired.
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With every request for rescheduling of milestones, or if at any time the actual
progress of work falls behind the approved programme by more than 10% of the
stipulated period of completion of contract, the contractor shall produce a revised
programme which shall include all details of pending drawings and decisions
required to complete the contract and also the target dates by which these details
should be available without causing any delay in execution of the work. A recovery
as specified in Schedule 'F' shall be made on per day basis in case of delay in
submission of the revised programme.
5.4.1 In any such case the authority as indicated in Schedule 'F' may give a fair and
reasonable extension of time for completion of work or reschedule the mile stones.
Such extension or rescheduling of the milestones shall be communicated to the
Contractor by the authority as indicated in Schedule 'F' in writing, within 30 days of
the date of receipt of such request from the Contractor in prescribed form. In event
of non-application by the contractor for extension of time E-in-C after affording
opportunity to the contractor, may give, supported with a programme (as specified
under 5.4 above), a fair and reasonable extension within a reasonable period of
occurrence of the event.
5.5 In case the work is delayed by any reasons, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-
Charge, by the contractor for reasons beyond the events mentioned in clause 5.2
or clause 5.3 or clause 5.4 and beyond the justified extended date; without
prejudice to right to take action under Clause 3, the Engineer-in-Charge may grant
extension of time required for completion of work without rescheduling of
milestones. The contractor shall be liable for levy of compensation for delay for
such extension of time.
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Except where any general or detailed description of the work expressly shows to the
contrary, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the procedure set forth in the
specifications notwithstanding any provision in the relevant Standard Method of
measurement or any general or local custom. In the case of items which are not covered
by specifications, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the relevant standard
method of measurement issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards and if for any item no
such standard is available, then a mutually agreed method shall be followed.
The contractor shall give, not less than seven days’ notice to the Engineer-in-Charge or
his authorized representative in charge of the work, before covering up or otherwise
placing beyond the reach of measurement any work in order that the same may be
measured and correct dimensions thereof be taken before the same is covered up or
placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up and place beyond reach
of measurement any work without consent in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative in charge of the work who shall within the aforesaid period of
seven days inspect the work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the
reach of measurements without such notice having been given or the Engineer-in-
Charge’s consent being obtained in writing, the same shall be uncovered at the
Contractor’s expense, or in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be made for
such work or the materials with which the same was executed.
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative may cause either themselves or
through another officer of the WAPCOS to check the measurements recorded jointly or
otherwise as aforesaid and all provisions stipulated herein above shall be applicable to
such checking of measurements or levels.
It is also a term of this contract that recording of measurements of any item of work in the
measurement book and/or its payment in the interim, on account or final bill shall not be
considered as conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any work or material to which it
relates nor shall it relieve the contractor from liabilities from any over measurement or
defects noticed till completion of the defects liability period.
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Charge and/or his authorized representative would thereafter check this MB, and record
the necessary certificates for their checks/test checks.
The final, fair, computerized measurement book given by the contractor, duly bound, with
its pages machine numbered, should be 100% correct, and no cutting or over-writing in
the measurements would thereafter be allowed. If at all any error is noticed, the contractor
shall have to submit a fresh computerized MB with its pages duly machine numbered and
bound. The contractor shall submit two spare copies of such computerized MB’s for the
purpose of reference and records.
The contractor shall also submit to the WAPCOS separately his computerized Abstract of
Cost and the bill based on these measurements, duly bound, and its pages machine
numbered along with two spare copies of the bill. Thereafter, this bill will be processed by
the Engineer-In-Charge
The contractor shall, without extra charge, provide all assistance with every appliance,
labour and other things necessary for checking of measurements/levels by the Engineer-
in- Charge or his representative.
Except where any general or detailed description of the work expressly shows to the
contrary, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the procedure set forth in the
specifications notwithstanding any provision in the relevant Standard Method of
measurement or any general or local custom. In the case of items which are not covered
by specifications, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the relevant standard
method of measurement issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards and if for any item no
such standard is available then a mutually agreed method shall be followed.
The contractor shall give not less than seven days’ notice to the Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative in charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing
beyond the reach of checking and/or test checking the measurement of any work in order
that the same may be checked and/or test checked and correct dimensions thereof be
taken before the same is covered up or placed beyond the reach of checking and/or test
checking measurement and shall not cover up and place beyond reach of measurement
any work without consent in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representative in charge of the work who shall within the aforesaid period of seven days
inspect the work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of
checking and/or test checking measurements without such notice having been given or
the Engineer-in-Charge’s consent being obtained in writing the same shall be uncovered
at the Contractor’s expense, or in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be made
for such work or the materials with which the same was executed.
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative may cause either themselves or
through another officer of the WAPCOS to check the measurements recorded by
contractor and all provisions stipulated herein above shall be applicable to such checking
of measurements or levels.
It is also a term of this contract that checking and/or test checking the measurements of
any item of work in the measurement book and/or its payment in the interim, on account of
final bill shall not be considered as conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any work
or material to which it relates nor shall it relieve the contractor from liabilities from any over
measurement or defects noticed till completion of the defects liability period.
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by the contractor for the work executed on the basis of such recorded measurements on
the format of the Department in triplicate on or before the date of every month fixed for the
same by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall not be entitled to be paid any such
interim payment if the gross work done together with net payment/ adjustment of
advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment is less than the
amount specified in Schedule 'F', in which case the interim bill shall be prepared on the
appointed date of the month after the requisite progress is achieved. Engineer-in-Charge
shall arrange to have the bill verified by taking or causing to be taken, where necessary,
the requisite measurements of the work, In the event of the failure of the contractor to
submit the bills, no claims whatsoever due to delays on payment including that of interest
shall be payable to the contractor. Payment on account of amount admissible shall be
made by the Engineer-in Charge certifying the sum to which the contractor is considered
entitled by way of interim payment at such rates as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The amount admissible shall be paid by 10th working day after the day of presentation of
the bill by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge or his Asstt. Engineer together with
the account of the material issued by the department, or dismantled materials, if any. In
the case of works outside the headquarters of the Engineer- in-Charge, the period of ten
working days will be extended to fifteen working days. In case of delay in payment of
intermediate bills after 45 days of submission of bill by the contractor provided the bill
submitted by the contractor found to be in order, a simple interest @ 10% per annum shall
be paid to the contractor from the date of expiry of prescribed time limit which will be
compounded on yearly basis.
All such interim payments shall be regarded as payment by way of advances against final
payment only and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or
unskilled work to be rejected, removed, taken away and reconstructed or re-erected. Any
certificate given by the Engineer-in-Charge relating to the work done or materials
delivered forming part of such payment, may be modified or corrected by any subsequent
such certificate(s) or by the final certificate and shall not by itself be conclusive evidence
that any work or materials to which it relates is/are in accordance with the contract and
specifications. Any such interim payment, or any part thereof shall not in any respect
conclude, determine or affect in any way powers of the Engineer-in-Charge under the
contract or any of such payments be treated as final settlement and adjustment of
accounts or in any way vary or affect the contract.
Pending consideration of extension of date of completion, interim payments shall continue
to be made as herein provided without prejudice to the right of the WAPCOS to take
action under the terms of this contract for delay in the completion of work, if the extension
of date of completion is not granted by the competent authority.
The Engineer-in-Charge in his sole discretion on the basis of a certificate from the Asstt.
Engineer to the effect that the work has been completed up to the level in question make
interim advance payments without detailed measurements for work done (other than
foundations, items to be covered under finishing items) up to lintel level (including
sunshade etc.) and slab level, for each floor working out at 75% of the assessed value.
The advance payments so allowed shall be adjusted in the subsequent interim bill to be
submitted by the contractor within 10 days of the interim payment. In case of delay in
submission of bill by the contractor a simple interest @ 10% per annum shall be paid to
the Government from the date of expiry of prescribed time limit which will be compounded
on yearly basis.
In case of composite tenders, running payment for the major component shall be made by
Engineer-In-Charge of major discipline to the main contractor. Running payment for minor
component shall be made by the Engineer-in-Charge of the discipline of minor component
directly to the main contractor.
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In case main contractor fails to make the payment to the contractor associated by him
within 15 days of receipt of each running account payment, then on the written complaint
of contractor associated for such minor component, Engineer in charge of minor
component shall serve the show cause to the main contractor and if reply of main
contractor either not received or found unsatisfactory, he may make the payment directly
to the contractor associated for minor component as per the terms and conditions of the
agreement drawn between main contractor and associate contractor fixed by him. Such
payment made to the associate contractor shall be recovered by Engineer-in-charge of
major or minor component from the next R/A/ final bill due to main contractor as the case
may be.
In case, the contractor fails to submit the completion plan as aforesaid, he shall be liable
to pay a sum of 0.1 % of Tendered Value or limit prescribed in Schedule F whichever is
more as may be fixed by the Superintending Engineer concerned and in this respect the
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decision of the Superintending Engineer shall be final and binding on the contractor.
The contractor shall submit completion plans for Internal and External Civil, Electrical and
Mechanical Services within thirty days of the completion of the work, provided that the
service plans having been issued for execution by the Engineer-in-Charge, unless the
contractor, by virtue of any other provision in the contract, is required to prepare such
As soon as the work is awarded, the contractor shall finalize the programme for the
completion of work as per clause 5 of this contract and shall give his estimates of
materials required on the basis of drawings/or schedule of quantities of the work. The
Contractor shall give in writing his requirement to the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be
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issued to him keeping in view the progress of work as assessed by the Engineer-in-
Charge, in accordance with the agreed phased programme of work indicating monthly
requirements of various materials. The contractor shall place his indent in writing for issue
of such materials at least 7 days in advance of his requirement.
Such materials shall be supplied for the purpose of the contract only and the value of the
materials so supplied at the rates specified in the aforesaid schedule shall be set off or
deducted, as and when materials are consumed in items of work (including normal
wastage) for which payment is being made to the contractor, from any sum then due or
which may therefore become due to the contractor under the contract or otherwise or from
the security deposit. At the time of submission of bills, the contractor shall certify that
balance of materials supplied is available at site in original good condition.
The contractor shall submit along with every running bill (on account or interim bill)
material wise reconciliation statements supported by complete calculations reconciling
total issue, total consumption and certified balance (diameter/section-wise in the case of
steel) and resulting variations and reasons therefore. Engineer-in-Charge shall (whose
decision shall be final and binding on the contractor) be within his rights to follow the
procedure of recovery in clause 42 at any stage of the work if reconciliation is not found to
be satisfactory.
The contractor shall bear the cost of getting the material issued, loading, transporting to
site, unloading, storing under cover as required, cutting assembling and joining the several
parts together as necessary. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any
other clause of the contract and (or the CPWA Code) all stores/materials so supplied to
the contractor or procured with the assistance of the WAPCOS shall remain the absolute
property of WAPCOS and the contractor shall be the trustee of the stores/materials, and
the said stores/materials shall not be removed/disposed off from the site of the work on
any account and shall be at all times open to inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized agent. Any such stores/materials remaining unused shall be returned to the
Engineer-in- Charge in as good a condition in which they were originally supplied at a
place directed by him, at a place of issue or any other place specified by him as he shall
require, but in case it is decided not to take back the stores/materials the contractor shall
have no claim for compensation on any account of such stores/materials so supplied to
him as aforesaid and not used by him or for any wastage in or damage to in such
On being required to return the stores/materials, the contractor shall hand over the stores/
materials on being paid or credited such price as the Engineer-in-Charge shall determine,
having due regard to the condition of the stores/materials. The price allowed for credit to
the contractor, however, shall be at the prevailing market rate not exceeding the amount
charged to him, excluding the storage charge, if any. The decision of the Engineer-in-
Charge shall be final and conclusive. In the event of breach of the aforesaid condition, the
contractor shall in addition to throwing himself open to account for contravention of the
terms of the licenses or permit and/or for criminal breach of trust, be liable to WAPCOS for
all advantages or profits resulting or which in the usual course would have resulted to him
by reason of such breach. Provided that the contractor shall in no case be entitled to any
compensation or damages on account of any delay in supply or non-supply thereof all or
any such materials and stores provided further that the contractor shall be bound to
execute the entire work if the materials are supplied by the WAPCOS within the original
scheduled time for completion of the work plus 50% thereof or schedule time plus 6
months whichever is more if the time of completion of work exceeds 12 months, but if a
part of the materials only has been supplied within the aforesaid period, then the
contractor shall be bound to do so much of the work as may be possible with the materials
and stores supplied in the aforesaid period. For the completion of the rest of the work, the
contractor shall be entitled to such extension of time as may be determined by the
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Engineer-in-Charge whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the
The contractor shall see that only the required quantities of materials are got issued. Any
such material remaining unused and in perfectly good/original condition at the time of
completion or determination of the contract shall be returned to the Engineer-in-Charge at
the stores from which it was issued or at a place directed by him by a notice in writing. The
contractor shall not be entitled for loading, transporting, unloading and stacking of such
unused material except for the extra lead, if any involved, beyond the original place of
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The contractor shall at his own expense, provide a material testing lab at the site for
conducting routine field tests. The lab shall be equipped at least with the testing
equipment as specified in Special Conditions of Contract.
Minimum 01 year warranty for Mechanical & Electrical equipment and other bought out
items, at the discretion of WAPCOS Limited, if supplied directly by the contractor. The
standard warranty period offered by the Manufacturer shall be retained, in case the
original warranty period is more than one year.
The contractor, on signing an indenture in the form in Annexure XVIII by the
Engineer-in-Charge, shall be entitled to be paid during the progress of the
execution of the work up to 75% of the assessed value of any materials which are
in the opinion of the Engineer-in- Charge non-perishable, non-fragile and non-
combustible and are in accordance with the contract and which have been brought
on the site in connection therewith and are adequately stored and/or protected
against damage by weather or other causes but which have not at the time of
advance been incorporated in the works. When materials on account of which an
advance has been made under this sub-clause are incorporated in the work, the
amount of such advance shall be recovered/deducted from the next payment made
under any of the clause or clauses of this contract.
Such secured advance shall also be payable on other items of perishable nature,
fragile and combustible with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge provided the
contractor provides a comprehensive insurance cover for the full cost of such
materials. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the
contractor in this matter. No secured advance, shall however, be paid on high-risk
materials such as ordinary glass, sand, petrol, diesel etc.
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This advance shall further be subject to the condition that such plant and
equipment (a) are considered by the Engineer-in-Charge to be necessary for the
works; (b) and are in working order and are maintained in working order; (c)
hypothecated to the WAPCOS as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge before the
payment of advance is released. The contractor shall not be permitted to remove
from the site such hypothecated plant and equipment without the prior written
permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall be responsible for
maintaining such plant and equipment in good working order during the entire
period of hypothecation failing which such advance shall be entirely recovered in
lump sum. For this purpose, steel scaffolding and form work shall be treated as
plant and equipment.
The contractor shall insure the Plant and Machinery for which mobilization advance
is sought and given, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at site. Any
amounts not recovered from the insurer will be borne by the contractor.
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If after submission of the tender, if the price of any material incorporated in the works
(excluding the materials covered under Clause lOCA and not being a material supplied
from the Engineer-in-Charge's stores in accordance with Clause 10 thereof) and/or wages
of labour increases as a direct result of the coming into force of any fresh law, or statutory
rule or order (but not due to any variation of rates in GST applicable on such material(s)
being considered under this clause) beyond the prices/wages prevailing at the time of the
last stipulated date of receipt of tenders including extensions, if any, for the work during
contract period including the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of
the contract without any action under clause 2, then the amount of the contract shall
accordingly be varied.
If after submission of the tender, the price of any material incorporated in the works
(excluding the materials covered under Clause 10CA and not being a material supplied
from the Engineer-in- Charge’s stores in accordance with Clause 10 thereof) and/or
wages of labour as prevailing at the time of last stipulated date of receipt of tender
including extensions, if any, is decreased as a direct result of the coming into force of any
fresh law or statutory rules or order (but not due to any changes of rate in sales tax/VAT,
Central/State Excise/Custom Duty), WAPCOS shall in respect of materials incorporated in
the works (excluding the materials covered under Clause 10CA and not being material
supplied from the Engineer-in-Charge’s stores in accordance with Clause 10 hereof)
and/or labour engaged on the execution of the work after the date of coming into force of
such law statutory rule or order be entitled to deduct from the dues of the contractor, such
amount as shall be equivalent to the difference between the prices of the materials and/or
wages as prevailed at the time of the last stipulated date for receipt of tenders including
extensions if any for the work and the prices of materials and/or wages of labour on the
coming into force of such law, statutory rule or order. This will be applicable for the
contract period including the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of
the contract without any action under clause 2.
Engineer-in-Charge may call books of account and other relevant documents from the
contractor to satisfy himself about reasonability of increase in prices of materials and
wages. The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of any
alteration in the price of any such materials and/or wages of labour, give notice thereof to
the Engineer-in-Charge stating that the same is given pursuant to this condition together
with all information relating thereto which he may be in position to supply.
For this purpose, the labour component of 85% of the value of the work executed during
period under consideration shall not exceed the percentage as specified in Schedule F,
and the increase/decrease in labour shall be considered on the minimum daily wages in
rupees of any unskilled mazdoor, fixed under any law, statutory rule or order.
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The increase/decrease in prices of cement, steel reinforcement, structural steel and POL
shall be determined by the Price indices Economic Advisor to Government of India,
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. For other items provided in the Special Conditions of
Contract, this shall be determined by the All India Wholesale Price Indices of materials as
published by Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. Base price for cement, steel reinforcement, structural steel and POL shall be as
issued by the state / Central Govt. from time to time. In case, price index of a particular
material is not issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, then the price index of
nearest similar material as indicated in Special Conditions of Contract shall be followed.
The amount of the contract shall accordingly be varied for all such materials and will be
worked out as per the formula given Clause 10CA, Conditions of Contract of CPWD.
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The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the contract and with the care and
diligence execute and maintain the works and provide all labour and materials, tools and
plants including for measurements and supervision of all works, structural plans and other
things of temporary or permanent nature required for such execution and maintenance in
so far as the necessity for providing these, is specified or is reasonably inferred from the
contract. The Contractor shall take full responsibility for adequacy, suitability and safety of
all the works and methods of construction.
At least to 10% of prescribed Tests as per Central Public Works Department Manual/IS
Codes/MORTH of construction materials shall be carried out from the outside
approved/NABL recognized Laboratory as may be approved by WAPCOS without any
extra expenditure to WAPCOS.
The Contractor shall establish a field test laboratory on the site with latest equipment’s for
carrying out field tests of construction materials and will maintain proper records of all the
test results.
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In the case of Extra Item(s) being the schedule items (Delhi Schedule of Rates items),
these shall be paid as per the schedule rate plus cost index (at the time of tender)
plus/minus percentage above/ below quoted contract amount.
Payment of Extra items in case of non-schedule items (Non-DSR items) shall be made as
per the prevailing market rate.
(a) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is more than the market rate
of the agreement item (to be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for the
substituted item shall be the rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) so
increased to the extent of the difference between the market rates of substituted item
and the agreement item (to be substituted).
(b) (b) If the market rate for the substituted item so determined is less than the market
rate of the agreement item (to be substituted), the rate payable to the contractor for
the substituted item shall be the rate for the agreement item (to be substituted) so
decreased to the extent of the difference between the market rates of substituted
item and the agreement item (to be substituted).
The prescribed time limits for finalizing rates for Extra Item(s), Substitute Item(s) and
Deviated Quantities of contract items are as under:
(i) If the Tendered value of work is up to Rs. 45 lac : 30 days.
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(ii) If the Tendered value of work is more than Rs 45 lac and up to Rs. 2.5 Crore : 45 days.
(iii) If the Tendered value of work exceeds Rs. 2.5 Crore : 60 days.
12.4 The contractor shall send to the Engineer-in-Charge once every three months, an
up to date account giving complete details of all claims for additional payments to
which the contractor may consider himself entitled and of all additional work
ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge which he has executed during the preceding
quarter failing which the contractor shall be deemed to have waived his right.
12.5 For the purpose of operation of Special Conditions of Contract, the following works
shall be treated as works relating to foundation unless & otherwise defined in the
(i) For Buildings: All works up to 1.2 meters above ground level or up to floor 1
level whichever is lower.
(ii) For abutments, piers and well staining: All works up to 1.2 m above the bed
(iii) For retaining walls, wing walls, compound walls, chimneys, overhead
reservoirs/ tanks and other elevated structures: All works up to 1.2 meters
above the ground level.
(iv) For reservoirs/tanks (other than overhead reservoirs/tanks): All works up to
1.2 metres above the ground level.
(v) For basement: All works up to 1.2 m above ground level or up to floor 1 level
whichever is lower.
(vi) For Roads, all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub base.
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The contractor shall be paid at contract rates, full amount for works executed at site and,
in addition, a reasonable amount as certified by the Engineer-in-Charge for the items
hereunder mentioned which could not be utilized on the work to the full extent in view of
the foreclosure;
(i) Any expenditure incurred on preliminary site work, e.g. temporary access roads,
temporary labour huts, staff quarters and site office; storage accommodation and
water storage tanks.
(ii) WAPCOS shall have the option to take over contractor’s materials or any part
thereof either brought to site or of which the contractor is legally bound to accept
delivery from suppliers (for incorporation in or incidental to the work). For materials
taken over or to be taken over by WAPCOS, cost of such materials as detailed by
Engineer-in- Charge shall be paid. The cost shall, however, take into account
purchase price, cost of transportation and deterioration or damage which may have
been caused to materials whilst in the custody of the contractor.
(iii) If any materials supplied by WAPCOS are rendered surplus, the same except
normal wastage shall be returned by the contractor to WAPCOS at rates not
exceeding those at which these were originally issued, less allowance for any
deterioration or damage which may have been caused whilst the materials were in
the custody of the contractor. In addition, cost of transporting such materials from
site to WAPCOS stores, if so required by WAPCOS, shall be paid.
(iv) Reasonable compensation for transfer of T & P from site to contractor’s permanent
stores or to his other works, whichever is less. If T & P are not transported to either
of the said places, no cost of transportation shall be payable.
The contractor shall, if required by the Engineer- in-Charge, furnish to him, books of
account, wage books, time sheet and other relevant documents and evidence as may be
necessary to enable him to certify the reasonable amount payable under this condition.
The reasonable amount of items on (i), (iv) and (v) above shall not be in excess of 2% of
the cost of the work remaining incomplete on the date of closure, i.e. total stipulated cost
of the work as per accepted tender less the cost of work actually executed under the
contract and less the cost of contractor’s materials at site taken over by the WAPCOS as
per item (ii) above. Provided always that against any payments due to the contractor on
this account or otherwise, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be entitled to recover or be
credited with any outstanding balances due from the contractor for advance paid in
respect of any tool, plants and materials and any other sums which at the date of
termination were recoverable by the WAPCOS from the contractor under the terms of the
In the event of action being taken under Clause 13 to reduce the scope of work, the
contractor may furnish fresh Performance Guarantee on the same conditions, in the same
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manner and at the same rate for the balance tendered amount and initially valid up to the
extended date of completion or stipulated date of completion if no extension has been
granted plus 60 days beyond that. Wherever such a fresh Performance Guarantee is
furnished by the contractor the Engineer-in-Charge may return the previous Performance
If contractor:
(i) At any time makes default during currency of work or does not execute any part of
the work with due diligence and continues to do so even after a notice in writing of
7 days in this respect from the Engineer-in-Charge; or
(ii) Commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract
and does not remedy it or takes effective steps to remedy it within 7 days even after
a notice in writing is given in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge; or
Fails to complete the work(s) or items of work with individual dates of completion, on or
before the date(s) so determined, and does not complete them within the period specified
in the notice given in writing in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer- in-
Charge without invoking action under clause 3 may, without prejudice to any other right or
remedy against the contractor which have either accrued or accrue thereafter to
WAPCOS, by a notice in writing to take the part work / part incomplete work of any item(s)
out of his hands and shall have powers to:
(a) Take possession of the site and any materials, constructional plant, implements,
stores, etc., thereon; and/or
(b) Carry out the part work / part incomplete work of any item(s) by any means at the
risk and cost of the contractor.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall determine the amount, if any, is recoverable from the
contractor for completion of the part work/ part incomplete work of any item(s) taken out of
his hands and execute at the risk and cost of the contractor, the liability of contractor on
account of loss or damage suffered by WAPCOS because of action under this clause shall
not exceed 10% of the tendered value of the work.
In determining the amount, credit shall be given to the contractor with the value of work
done in all respect in the same manner and at the same rate as if it had been carried out
by the original contractor under the terms of his contract, the value of contractor's
materials taken over and incorporated in the work and use of plant and machinery
belonging to the contractor. The certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the value of
work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor provided always that action
under this clause shall only be taken after giving notice in writing to the contractor.
Provided also that if the expenses incurred by the WAPCOS are less than the amount
payable to the contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be payable to the
Any excess expenditure incurred or to be incurred by WAPCOS in completing the part
work/ part incomplete work of any item(s) or the excess loss of damages suffered or may
be suffered by WAPCOS as aforesaid after allowing such credit shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy available to WAPCOS in law or per as agreement be recovered
from any money due to the contractor on any account, and if such money is insufficient,
the contractor shall be called upon in writing and shall be liable to pay the same within 30
If the contractor fails to pay the required sum within the aforesaid period of 30 days, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to sell any or all of the contractors' unused
materials, constructional plant, implements, temporary building at site etc. and adjust the
proceeds of sale thereof towards the dues recoverable from the contractor under the
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contract and if thereafter there remains any balance outstanding, it shall be recovered in
accordance with the provisions of the contract.
In the event of above course being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor
shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having
purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any
advance on any account or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of
the contract.
(ii) If the suspension is ordered for reasons (b) and (c) in sub-para (i) above:
(a) the contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time equal to the period of
every such suspension PLUS 25%, for completion of the item or group of items
of work for which a separate period of completion is specified in the contract
and of which the suspended work forms a part, and;
(b) If the total period of all such suspensions in respect of an item or group of items
or work for which a separate period of completion is specified in the contract
exceeds thirty days, the contractor shall, in addition, be entitled to such
compensation as the Engineer-in- Charge may consider reasonable in respect
of salaries and/or wages paid by the contractor to his employees and labour at
site, remaining idle during the period of suspension, adding thereto 2% to cover
indirect expenses of the contractor provided the contractor submits his claim
supported by details to the Engineer-in-Charge within fifteen days of the expiry
of the period of 30 days.
(iii) If the works or part thereof is suspended on the orders of the Engineer-in-Charge
for more than three months at a time, except when suspension is ordered for
reason (a) in sub-Para (i) above, the contractor may after receipt of such order
serve a written notice on the Engineer-in-Charge requiring permission within fifteen
days from receipt by the Engineer-in-Charge of the said notice, to proceed with the
work or part thereof in regard to which progress has been suspended and if such
permission is not granted within that time, the contractor, if he intends to treat the
suspension, where it affects only a part of the works as an omission of such part by
WAPCOS or where it affects whole of the works, as an abandonment of the works
by WAPCOS, shall within ten days of expiry of such period of 15 days give notice in
writing of his intention to the Engineer-in-Charge. In the event of the contractor
treating the suspension as an abandonment of the contract by WAPCOS, he shall
have no claim to payment of any compensation on account of any profit or
advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but
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No labour below the age of fourteen years shall be employed on the work.
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(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Central Rules, 1971, wherever applicable.
(ii) The contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary,
cause to be paid fair wage to labour indirectly engaged on the work, including any
labour engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the
labour had been immediately employed by him.
(iii) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for performance
of the contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall comply with or cause to
be complied with the Contractor’s Labour Regulations made by WAPCOS from
time to time in regard to payment of wages, wage period, deductions from wages
recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorized made, maintenance of
wage books or wage slips, publication of scale of wages and other terms of
employment, inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other matters
of the like nature or as per the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970, and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central
Rules, 1971, wherever applicable.
(iv) (a) The Engineer-in-Charge concerned shall have the right to deduct from the
moneys due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-
fulfillment of the conditions of the contract for the benefit of the workers, non-
payment of wages or of deductions made from his or their wages which are not
justified by their terms of the contract or non-observance of the Regulations.
(b) Under the provision of Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950, the contractor is
bound to allow to the labours directly or indirectly employed in the works one
day rest for 6 days continuous work and pay wages at the same rate as for duty.
In the event of default, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to deduct the
sum or sums not paid on account of wages for weekly holidays to any labours
and pay the same to the persons entitled thereto from any money due to the
contractor by the Engineer-in-Charge concerned.
In the case of Union Territory of Delhi, however, as the all-inclusive minimum
daily wages fixed under Notification of the Delhi Administration
No.F.12(162)MWO/DAB/ 43884-91, dated 31-12-1979 as amended from time to
time are inclusive of wages for the weekly day of rest, the question of extra
payment for weekly holiday would not arise.
(v) The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act,
1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employees Liability Act, 1938, Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Maternity Benefits Act,
1961, and the Contractor’s Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, or the
modifications thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rules made
thereunder from time to time.
(vi) The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified WAPCOS against payments
to be made under and for the observance of the laws aforesaid and the C.P.W.D.
Contractor’s Labour Regulations without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity
from his sub-contractors.
(vii) The laws aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach
thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of this contract.
(viii) Whatever is the minimum wage for the time being, or if the wage payable is higher
than such wage, such wage shall be paid by the contractor to the workmen directly
without the intervention of Jamadar and that Jamadar shall not be entitled to deduct
or recover any amount from the minimum wage payable to the workmen as and by
way of commission or otherwise.
(ix) The contractor shall ensure that no amount by way of commission or otherwise is
deducted or recovered by the Jamadar from the wage of workmen.
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In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the work for the performance of
the contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall at his own expense arrange for
the safety provisions as per C.P.W.D. Safety Code framed from time to time and shall at
his own expense provide for all facilities in connection therewith. In case the contractor
fails to make arrangement and provide necessary facilities as aforesaid, he shall be liable
to pay a penalty of Rs.200/- for each default and in addition, the Engineer-in- Charge shall
be at liberty to make arrangement and provide facilities as aforesaid and recover the costs
incurred in that behalf from the contractor.
The contractor shall submit by the 4th and 19th of every month, to the Engineer-in-
Charge, a true statement showing in respect of the second half of the preceding month
and the first half of the current month respectively:-
(1) The number of labourers employed by him on the work,
(2) Their working yours,
(3) The wages paid to them,
(4) The accidents that occurred during the said fortnight showing the circumstances
under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused by them,
(5) The number of female workers who have been allowed maternity benefit according
to Clause 19F and the amount paid to them.
Failing which the contractor shall be liable to pay to WAPCOS, a sum not exceeding
Rs.200/- for each default or materially incorrect statement. The decision of the Engineer-
In-Charge shall be final in deducting from any bill due to the contractor; the amount levied
as fine and be binding on the contractor.
In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the performance of
the contractor’s part of this contract, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be
complied with all the rules framed by Government from time to time for the protection of
health and sanitary arrangements for workers employed by the WAPCOS and its
Leave and pay during leave shall be regulated as follows:-
1. Leave :
(i) in the case of delivery - maternity leave not exceeding 8 weeks, 4 weeks up to
and including the day of delivery and 4 weeks following that day,
(ii) In the case of miscarriage - upto 3 weeks from the date of miscarriage.
2. Pay :
(i) in the case of delivery - leave pay during maternity leave will be at the rate of
the women’s average daily earnings, calculated on total wages earned on the
days when full time work was done during a period of three months immediately
preceding the date on which she gives notice that she expects to be confined or
at the rate of Rupee one only a day whichever is greater.
(ii) In the case of miscarriage - leave pay at the rate of average daily earning
calculated on the total wages earned on the days when full time work was done
during a period of three months immediately preceding the date of such
3. Conditions for the grant of Maternity Leave:
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No maternity leave benefit shall be admissible to a woman unless she has been
employed for a total period of not less than six months immediately preceding the
date on which she proceeds on leave.
4. The contractor shall maintain a register of Maternity (Benefit) in the Prescribed
Form as shown in appendix -I and II, and the same shall be kept at the place of
In the event of the contractor(s) committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of
the WAPCOS, Contractor’s Labour Regulations and Model Rules for the protection of
health and sanitary arrangements for the workers as amended from time to time or
furnishing any information or submitting or filing any statement under the provisions of the
above Regulations and’ Rules which is materially incorrect, he/they shall, without
prejudice to any other liability, pay to the Government a sum not exceeding Rs.200/- for
every default, breach or furnishing, making, submitting, filing such materially incorrect
statements and in the event of the contractor(s) defaulting continuously in this respect, the
penalty may be enhanced to Rs.200/- per day for each day of default subject to a
maximum of 5 per cent of the estimated cost of the work put to tender. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the parties.
Should it appear to the Engineer-in-Charge that the contractor(s) is/are not properly
observing and complying with the provisions of the C.P.W.D. Contractor’s Labour
Regulations and Model Rules and the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act 1970, and the Contract Labour (R& A) Central Rules 1971, for the protection
of health and sanitary arrangements for work-people employed by the contractor(s)
(hereinafter referred as “the said Rules”) the Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to give
notice in writing to the contractor(s) requiring that the said Rules be complied with and the
amenities prescribed therein be provided to the work-people within a reasonable time to
be specified in the notice. If the contractor(s) shall fail within the period specified in the
notice to comply with and/observe the said Rules and to provide the amenities to the
work-people as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the power to provide the
amenities hereinbefore mentioned at the cost of the contractor(s). The contractor(s) shall
erect, make and maintain at his/their own expense and to approved standards all
necessary huts and sanitary arrangements required for his/their work-people on the site in
connection with the execution of the works, and if the same shall not have been erected or
constructed, according to approved standards, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have power
to give notice in writing to the contractor(s) requiring that the Fd huts and sanitary
arrangements be remodelled and/or reconstructed according to approved standards, and
if the contractor(s) shall fail to remodel or reconstruct such huts and sanitary
arrangements according to approved standards within the period specified in the notice,
the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the power to remodel or reconstruct such huts and
sanitary arrangements according to approved standards at the cost of the contractor(s).
The contractor(s) shall at his/their own cost provide his/their labour with a sufficient
number of huts (hereinafter referred to as the camp) of the following specifications on a
suitable plot of land to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) (a) The minimum height of each hut at the eaves level shall be 2.10m (7 ft.) and the
floor area to be provided will be at the rate of 2.7 sq.m. (30 sq.ft.) for each member
of the worker’s family staying with the labourer.
(b) The contractor(s) shall in addition construct suitable cooking places having a
minimum area of 1.80m x 1.50m (6’x5') adjacent to the hut for each family.
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(c) The contractor(s) shall also construct temporary latrines and urinals for the use
of the labourers each on the scale of not less than four per each one hundred of
the total strength, separate latrines and urinals being provided for women.
(d) The contractor(s) shall construct sufficient number of bathing and washing
places, one unit for every 25 persons residing in the camp. These bathing and
washing places shall be suitably screened.
(ii) (a) All the huts shall have walls of sun-dried or burnt-bricks laid in mud mortar or
other suitable local materials as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. In
case of sun-dried bricks, the walls should be plastered with mud gobri on both
sides. The floor may be kutcha but plastered with mud gobri and shall be at least
15 cm (6") above the surrounding ground. The roofs shall be laid with thatch or any
other materials as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor
shall ensure that throughout the period of their occupation, the roofs remain water-
(b) The contractor(s) shall provide each hut with proper ventilation.
(c) All doors, windows, and ventilators shall be provided with suitable leaves for
security purposes.
(d) There shall be kept an open space of at least 7.2m (8 yards) between the rows
of huts which may be reduced to 6m (20 ft.) according to the availability of site
with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Back to back construction will be
(iii) Water Supply - The contractor(s) shall provide adequate supply of water for the
use of labourers. The provisions shall not be less than two gallons of pure and
wholesome water per head per day for drinking purposes and three gallons of clean
water per head per day for bathing and washing purposes. Where piped water
supply is available, supply shall be at stand posts and where the supply is from
wells or river, tanks which may be of metal or masonry, shall be provided. The
contractor(s) shall also at his/ their own cost make arrangements for laying pipe
lines for water supply to his/ their labour camp from the existing mains wherever
available, and shall pay all fees and charges therefore.
(iv) The site selected for the camp shall be high ground, removed from jungle.
(v) Disposal of Excreta - The contractor(s) shall make necessary arrangements for
the disposal of excreta from the latrines by trenching or incineration which shall be
according to the requirements laid down by the Local Health Authorities. If
trenching or incineration is not allowed, the contractor(s) shall make arrangements
for the removal of the excreta through the Municipal Committee/authority and
inform it about the number of labourers employed so that arrangements may be
made by such Committee/authority for the removal of the excreta. All charges on
this account shall be borne by the contractor and paid direct by him to the
Municipality/authority. The contractor shall provide one sweeper for every eight
seats in case of dry system.
(vi) Drainage - The contractor(s) shall provide efficient arrangements for draining away
sullage water so as to keep the camp neat and tidy.
(vii) The contractor(s) shall make necessary arrangements for keeping the camp area
sufficiently lighted to avoid accidents to the workers.
(viii) Sanitation - The contractor(s) shall make arrangements for conservancy and
sanitation in the labour camps according to the rules of the Local Public Health and
Medical Authorities.
The Engineer-in-Charge may require the contractor to dismiss or remove from the site of
the work any person or persons in the contractors’ employ upon the work who may be
incompetent or misconduct himself and the contractor shall forthwith comply with such
requirements. In respect of maintenance/repair or renovation works etc. where the labour
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have an easy access to the individual houses, the contractor shall issue identity cards to
the labourers, whether temporary or permanent and he shall be responsible for any
untoward action on the part of such labour. AE/JE will display a list of contractors working
in the colony/Blocks on the notice board in the colony and also at the service centre, to
apprise the residents about the same.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to see that the building under construction is
not occupied by anybody unauthorized during construction, and is handed over to the
Engineer-in-Charge with vacant possession of complete building. If such building though
completed is occupied illegally, then the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the option to
refuse to accept the said building/buildings in that position. Any delay in acceptance on
this account will be treated as the delay in completion and for such delay, a levy upto 5%
of tendered value of work may be imposed by the WAPCOS whose decision shall be final
both with regard to the justification and quantum and be binding on the contractor.
However, WAPCOS, through a notice, may require the contractor to remove the illegal
occupation any time on or before construction and delivery.
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with his creditors or attempt to do so, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward
or advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly, be given, promised
or offered by the contractor, or any of his servants or agent to any public officer or person
in the employ of WAPCOS in any way relating to his office or employment, or if any such
officer or person shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract,
the Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the WAPCOS shall have power to adopt the course
specified in Clause 3 hereof in the interest of WAPCOS and in the event of such course
being adopted, the consequences specified in the said Clause 3 shall ensue.
All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be
considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of WAPCOS without
reference to the actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall
have been sustained.
All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and
subject to the approval in all respects of the Engineer-in-Charge who shall be entitled to
direct at what point or points and in what manner they are to be commenced, and from
time to time carried on.
Arbitration Procedure
Save where expressly stated to the contrary in the Contract, any Dispute shall be finally
settled by binding arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 by sole
arbitrator appointed by CMD, WAPCOS.
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Place of Arbitration
The place of arbitration shall be New Delhi.
English Language
The request for arbitration, the answer to the request, the terms of reference, any written
submissions, any orders and awards shall be in English and, if oral hearings take place,
English shall be the language to be used in the hearings.
Enforcement of Award
The Parties agree that the decision or award resulting from arbitration shall be final and
binding upon the Parties and shall be enforceable in accordance with the provisions of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act.
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sums in whole or in part from the security, if any deposited by the contractor and for
the purpose aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge or the WAPCOS shall be entitled to
withhold the security deposit, if any, furnished as the case may be and also have a
lien over the same pending finalisation or adjudication of any such claim. In the
event of the security being insufficient to cover the claimed amount or amounts or if
no security has been taken from the contractor, the Engineer-in-Charge or the
WAPCOS shall be entitled to withhold and have a lien to retain to the extent of such
claimed amount or amounts referred to above, from any sum or sums found
payable or which may at any time thereafter become payable to the contractor
under the same contract or any other contract with the Engineer-in-Charge of the
WAPCOS or any contracting person through the Engineer-in-Charge pending
finalization of adjudication of any such claim.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money or moneys so withheld or
retained under the lien referred to above by the Engineer-in-Charge or WAPCOS
will be kept withheld or retained as such by the Engineer-in-Charge or WAPCOS till
the claim arising out of or under the contract is determined by the arbitrator(if the
contract is governed by the arbitration clause) by the competent court, as the case
may be and that the contractor will have no claim for interest or damages
whatsoever on any account in respect of such withholding or retention under the
lien referred to above and duly notified as such to the contractor. For the purpose
of this clause, where the contractor is a partnership firm or a limited company, the
Engineer-in-Charge or the WAPCOS shall be entitled to withhold and also have a
lien to retain towards such claimed amount or amounts in whole or in part from any
sum found payable to any partner/limited company as the case may be, whether in
his individual capacity or otherwise.
b) WAPCOS shall have the right to cause an audit and technical examination of the
works and the final bills of the contractor including all supporting vouchers,
abstract, etc., to be made after payment of the final bill and if as a result of such
audit and technical examination any sum is found to have been overpaid in respect
of any work done by the contractor under the contract or any work claimed to have
been done by him under the contract and found not to have been executed, the
contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over-payment and it shall be
lawful for WAPCOS to recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in sub-
clause (i) of this clause or in any other manner legally permissible; and if it is found
that the contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contract in
respect of any work executed by him under it, the amount of such under payment
shall be duly paid by WAPCOS to the contractor, without any interest thereon
Provided that the Government shall not be entitled to recover any sum overpaid,
nor the contractor shall be entitled to payment of any sum paid short where such
payment has been agreed upon between the WAPCOS on the one hand and the
contractor on the other under any term of the contract permitting payment for work
after assessment by WAPCOS.
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It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained under
this clause by the Engineer-in-Charge or the WAPCOS will be kept withheld or retained as
such by the Engineer-in-Charge or the WAPCOS or till his claim arising out of the same
contract or any other contract is either mutually settled or determined by the arbitration
clause or by the competent court, as the case may be and that the contractor shall have
no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on this account or on any other ground in
respect of any sum of money withheld or retained under this clause and duly notified as
such to the contractor.
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at his/ their own cost in the event of any temporary break down in the water main
so that the progress of his/their work is not held up for want of water. No claim of
damage or refund of water charges will be entertained on account of such break
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(iii) Plant and Machinery when supplied on hire charges shown in Schedule ‘C’ shall be
made over and taken back at the WAPCOS equipment yard/shed shown in
Schedule ‘C’ and the contractor shall bear the cost of carriage from the place of
issue to the site of work and back. The contractor shall be responsible to return the
plant and machinery with condition in which it was handed over to him, and he shall
be responsible for all damage caused to the said plant and machinery at the site of
work or elsewhere in operation and otherwise during transit including damage to or
loss of plant and for all losses due to his failure to return the same soon after the
completion of the work for which it was issued. The Engineer-In-Charge shall be
the sole judge to determine the liability of the contractor and its extent in this regard
and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.
(iv) The plant and machinery as stipulated above will be issued as and when available
and if required by the contractor. The contractor shall arrange his programme of
work according to the availability of the plant and machinery and no claim,
whatsoever, will be entertained from him for any delay in supply by the WAPCOS.
(v) The hire charges shall be recovered at the prescribed rates from and inclusive of
the date the plant and machinery made over upto and inclusive of the date of the
return in good order even though the same may not have been working for any
cause except major breakdown due to no fault of the contractor or faulty use
requiring more than three working days continuously (excluding intervening
holidays and Sundays) for bringing the plant in order. The contractor shall
immediately intimate in writing to the Engineer-in- Charge when any plant or
machinery get out of order requiring major repairs as aforesaid. The Engineer-in-
Charge shall record the date and time of receipt of such intimation in the log sheet
of the plant or machinery. Based on this if the breakdown before lunch period or
major breakdown will be computed considering half a day’s breakdown on the day
of complaint. If the breakdown occurs in the post lunch period of major breakdown
will be computed starting from the next working day. In case of any dispute under
this clause, the decision of the WAPCOS shall be final and binding on the
(vi) The hire charges shown above are for each day of 8 hours (inclusive of the one
hour lunch break) or part thereof.
(vii) Hire charges will include service of operating staff as required and also supply of
lubricating oil and stores for cleaning purposes. Power fuel of approved type,
firewood, kerosene oil etc. for running the plant and machinery and also the full
time chowkidar for guarding the plant and machinery against any loss or damage
shall be arranged by the contractor who shall be fully responsible for the safeguard
and security of plant and machinery. The contractor shall on or before the supply of
plant and machinery sign an agreement indemnifying the WAPCOS against any
loss or damage caused to the plant and machinery either during transit or at site of
(viii) Ordinarily, no plant and machinery shall work for more than 8 hours a day inclusive
of one hour lunch break. In case of an urgent work however, the Engineer-in-
Charge may, at his discretion, allow the plant and machinery to be worked for more
than normal period of 8 hours a day. In that case, the hourly hire charges for
overtime to be borne by the contractor shall be 50% more than the normal
proportionate hourly charges (1/8th of the daily charges) subject to a minimum of
half day’s normal charges on any particular day. For working out hire charges for
over time, a period of half an hour and above will be charged as one hour and a
period of less than half an hour will be ignored.
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(ix) The contractor shall release the plant and machinery every seventh day for
periodical servicing and/or wash out which may take about three to four hours or
more. Hire charges for full day shall be recovered from the contractor for the day of
servicing/ wash out irrespective of the period employed in servicing.
(x) The plant and machinery once issued to the contractor shall not be returned by him
on account of lack of arrangements of labour and materials, etc. on his part, the
same will be returned only when they are required for major repairs or when in the
opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, the work or a portion of work for which the same
was issued is completed.
(xi) Log Book for recording the hours of daily work for each of the plant and machinery
supplied to the contractor will be maintained by the WAPCOS and will be
countersigned by the contractor or his authorized agent daily. In case the contractor
contests the correctness of the entries and/or fails to sign the Log Book, the
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on him. Hire charges
will be calculated according to the entries in the Log Book and will be binding on
the contractor. Recovery on account of hire charges for road rollers shall be made
for the minimum number of days worked out on the assumption that a roller can
consolidate per day and maximum quantity of materials or area surfacing as noted
against each in the annexed statement (see attached annexure).
(xii) In the case of concrete mixers, the contractors shall arrange to get the hopper
cleaned and the drum washed at the close of the work each day or each occasion.
(a) In case rollers for consolidation are employed by the contractor himself, log
book for such rollers shall be maintained in the same manner as is done in case
of WAPCOS’s rollers, maximum quantity of any items to be consolidated for
each roller-day shall also be same as in Annexure to Clause 34(x). For less use
of rollers, recovery for the less roller days shall be made at the stipulated issue
(xiii) The contractor shall be responsible to return the plant and machinery in the
condition in which it was handed over to him and he shall be responsible for all
damage caused to the said plant and machinery at the site of work or elsewhere in
operation or otherwise or during transit including damage to or loss of parts, and for
all losses due to his failure to return the same soon after the completion of the work
for which it was issued. The Engineer-In-Charge shall be the sole judge to
determine the liability of the contractor and its extent in this regard and his decision
shall be final and binding on the contractor.
(xiv) The contractor will be exempted from levy of any hire charges for the number of
days he is called upon in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge to suspend execution of
the work, provided WAPCOS plant and machinery in question have, in fact,
remained idle with the contractor because of the suspension
(xv) In the event of the contractor not requiring any item of plant and machinery issued
by WAPCOS though not stipulated for issue in Schedule ‘C’ any time after taking
delivery at the place of issue, he may return it after two days written notice or at any
time without notice if he agrees to pay hire charges for two additional days without,
in any way, affecting the right of the Engineer-in-Charge to use the said plant and
machinery during the said period of two days as he likes including hiring out to a
third party.
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(ii) The contractor shall collect the total quantity of tar or bitumen required for the work
as per standard formula, before the process of painting is started and shall
hypothecate it to the Engineer-in-Charge. If any bitumen or tar remains unused on
completion of the work on account of lesser use of materials in actual execution for
reasons other than authorized changes of specifications and abandonment of
portion of work, a corresponding deduction equivalent to the cost of unused
materials as determined by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be made and the material
return to the contractors. Although the materials are hypothecated to WAPCOS, the
contractor undertakes the responsibility for their proper watch, safe custody and
protection against all risks. The materials shall not be removed from site of work
without the consent of the Engineer-in- Charge in writing.
(iii) The contractor shall be responsible for rectifying defects noticed within a year from
the date of completion of the work and the portion of the security deposit relating to
asphaltic work shall be refunded after the expiry of this period.
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If pursuant to or under any law, notification or order any royalty, cess or the like becomes
payable by the WAPCOS and does not any time become payable by the contractor to the
State Government, Local authorities in respect of any material used by the contractor in
the works, then in such a case, it shall be lawful to the WAPCOS and it will have the right
and be entitled to recover the amount paid in the circumstances as aforesaid from dues of
the contractor
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Statute, after the last stipulated date for the receipt of tender including extensions if
any and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such
taxes/levies/cess, the contractor shall be reimbursed the amount so paid, provided
such payments, if any, is not, in the opinion of the WAPCOS attributable to delay in
execution of work within the control of the contractor.
(ii) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for
the purpose of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the
same by a duly authorized representative of the WAPCOS and/or the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall also furnish such other information/document as the Engineer-in-
Charge may require from time to time.
(iii) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such further
tax or levy or cess, give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in-charge that the
same is given pursuant to this condition, together with all necessary information
relating thereto.
NOTE: By the term “near relatives” is meant wife, husband, parents and grandparents,
children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins and their
corresponding in-laws.
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based on analysis of rates tendered for in accordance with the provision of the contract.
The certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the quality and quantity of materials
and the purpose for which they were collected shall be final and binding on all parties to
this contract.
Provided always that no compensation shall be payable for any loss in consequence of
hostilities or warlike operations (a) unless the contractor had taken all such precautions
against air raid as are deemed necessary by the A.R.P. Officers or the Engineer-in-
Charge (b) for any material etc. not on the site of the work or for any tools, plant,
machinery, scaffolding, temporary building and other things not intended for the work.
In the event of the contractor having to carry out reconstruction as aforesaid, he shall be
allowed such extension of time for its completion as is considered reasonable by the
1. Requirements
Before commencing execution of works, unless stated otherwise in the special
conditions of contract, it shall be obligatory for the contractor to obtain at his own cost
stipulated insurance cover under the following requirements:
a) Contractor’s all risk and Third Party Cover.
b) Liability under the workmen’s compensation Act, 1923, Minimum Wages Act, 1948
and Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.
c) Accidents to staff, Engineers, Supervisors and others who are not governed by
workmen’s compensation Act.
d) Damage to material, machinery and works due to fire theft etc.
e) Any other risk to be covered by insurance as may be specified by the employer in
the special conditions of contract.
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3. Currency of Policy
The policies shall remain in force throughout the period of execution of the works and
till the expiry of the defect liability period. The contractor shall, whenever called upon,
produce to the engineer or his representative the various insurance policies obtained
by him as also the rates of premia and the premia paid by him to ensure that the
polices indeed continue to be in force. If the contractor fails to effect or keep in force or
provide adequate cover in the insurance policies mentioned in the sub clause 46(1) or
any other insurance he might be required to effect under the contract, then in such
cases, the employer may effect and keep in force any such insurance or further
insurance and the cost and expenses incurred by him in this regard shall be deductible
from payments due to the contractor or from the contractor’s performance security.
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contaminating material on site. Protect top soil from erosion by collection storage
and reapplication of top soil, constructing sediment basin, contour trenching,
mulching etc.
1.6 No excavated earth shall be removed from the campus unless suggested otherwise
by Engineer-in-charge. All subsoil shall be reused in backfilling/landscape, etc as
per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge
1.7 The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless
specifically instructed by the architects / landscape consultant. This shall cover all
natural features like water bodies, drainage gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions,
rocky outcrops, etc. Existing drainage patterns through or into any preservation
area shall not be modified unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
1.8 The contractor shall not carry out any work which results in the blockage of natural
1.9 The contractor shall ensure that existing grades of soil shall be maintained around
existing vegetation and lowering or raising the levels around the vegetation is not
allowed unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-charge
1.10 Contractor shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobiles
use during construction.
1.11 Overloading of trucks is unlawful and creates and erosion and sedimentation
problems, especially when loose materials like stone dust, excavated earth, sand
etc. are moved. Proper covering must take place. No overloading shall be
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Identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade
vehicular roads (if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface strength by
improving particle size, shape and mineral types that make up the surface &
base. Add surface gravel to reduce source of dust emission. Limit amount of
fine particles (smaller than 0.075mm) to 10 – 20%
Water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust under
control. Fine mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this
should be done with care so as not to waste water. Heavy watering can also
create mud, which when tracked onto paved public roadways, must be
promptly removed. Also, there must be an adequate supply of clean water
nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t get plugged. Water spraying can
be done on:
a) Any dusty materials before transferring, loading and unloading
b) Area where demolition work is being carried out
c) Any un-paved main haul road
d) Areas where excavation or earth moving activities are to be carried out
The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is
limited to 10 km/hr.
All material storages should be adequately covered and contained so that
they are not exposed to situations where winds on site could lead to dust /
particulate emissions.
Spills of dirt or dusty materials will be cleaned up promptly so the spilled
material does not become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent of
seepage of pollutant laden water into the ground aquifers. When cleaning up
the spill, ensure that the clean-up process does not generate additional dust.
Similarly, spilled concrete slurries or liquid wastes should be contained /
cleaned up immediately before they can infiltrate into the soil / ground or
runoff in nearby areas
Provide hoardings of not less than 3m high along the site boundary, next to
a road or other public area
Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting to scaffold along the perimeter of
the building Cover stockpiles of dusty material with impervious sheeting
Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave the
2.8 Contractor shall be required to provide an easily accessible area that serves the
entire building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of
materials for recycling including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard,
glass, plastics, and metals. He shall coordinate the size and functionality of the
recycling areas with the anticipated collections services for glass, plastic, office
paper, newspaper, cardboard, and organic wastes to maximize the effectiveness of
the dedicated areas. Consider employing cardboard balers, Aluminium can
crushers, recycling chutes, and collection bins at individual workstations to further
enhance the recycling program.
2.9 The contractor shall ensure that no construction leach ate (Ex: cement slurry), is
allowed to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to
safeguard against this including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection,
basic filtering and reuse. The contractor shall follow requisite measures for
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collecting drainage water run-off from construction areas and material storage sites
and diverting water flow away from such polluted areas. Temporary drainage
channels, perimeter dike/swale, etc. shall be constructed to carry the pollutant-
laden water directly to the treatment device or facility (municipal sewer line).
2.10 Staging (dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of
soil that will be exposed at any given time) should be done to separate undisturbed
land from land disturbed by construction activity and material storage.
2.11 The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7 _Constructional practices and safety,
2005, National Building code of India, Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all
pertinent regulations and notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be
prominently exhibited at the work site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work,
a person qualified in first-aid shall be available at work site to render and direct first-
aid to causalities. A telephone may be provided to first-aid assistant with telephone
numbers of the hospitals displayed. Complete reports of all accidents and action
taken thereon shall be forwarded to the competent authorities.
2.12 The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety,
among other measures:
- Guarding all parts of dangerous machinery.
- Precautionary signs for working on machinery
- Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other lifting
tackles in good condition.
- Durable and reusable formwork systems to replace timber formwork and ensure
that formwork where used is properly maintained.
- Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound construction
and are provided with safety rails or belts.
- Provide protective equipment; helmet etc.
- Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and bucket of sand to be
provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.
- Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during night time.
2.13 Adopt additional best practices, prescribed norms in construction industry.
2.14 The storage of material shall be as per standard good practices as specified in Part
7, Section 2 – Storage, Stacking and Handling practices, NBC 2005 and shall be to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge to ensure minimum wastage and to
prevent any misuse, damage, inconvenience or accident. Watch and ward of the
Contractor’s materials shall be his own responsibility. There should be a proper
planning of the layout for stacking and storage of different materials, components
and equipments with proper access and proper maneuverability of the vehicles
carrying the materials. While planning the layout, the requirements of various
materials, components and equipments at different stages of construction shall be
considered. The Owner shall not take any responsibility on any account.
2.15 The contractor shall provide for adequate number of garbage bins around the
construction site and the workers facilities and will be responsible for the proper
utilisation of these bins for any solid waste generated during the construction. The
contractor shall ensure that the site and the workers facilities are kept litter free.
Separate bins should be provided for plastic, glass, metal, biological and paper
waste and labeled in both Hindi and English.
2.16 The contractor shall prepare and submit ‘Spill prevention and control plans’ before
the start of construction, clearly stating measures to stop the source of the spill, to
contain the spill, to dispose the contaminated material and hazardous wastes, and
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2.22 Wherever required, Contractor shall meet and carry out documentation of all
activities on site, supplementation of information, and submittals in accordance with
GRIHA program standards and guidelines. Towards meeting the aforementioned
building environmental rating standard(s) expert assistance shall be provided to
him up on request.
2.23 Water Use during Construction
Contractor should spray curing water on concrete structure and shall not allow free
flow of water. After liberal curing on the first day, all the verticals surfaces of
concrete structures should be painted with curing chemical to save water nothing
extra shall be paid. Concrete structures should be kept covered with thick
cloth/gunny bags and water should be sprayed on them. Contractor shall do water
ponding on all sunken slabs using cement and sand mortar.
2.24 The Contractor shall remove from site all rubbish and debris generated by the
Works and keep Works clean and tidy throughout the Contract Period. All the
serviceable and non-serviceable (malba) material shall be segregated and stored
separately. The malba obtained during construction shall be collected in well-
formed heaps at properly selected places, keeping in a view safe condition for
workmen in the area. Materials which are likely to cause dust nuisance or undue
environmental pollution in any other way, shall be removed from the site at the
earliest and till then they shall be suitable covered. Glass & steel should be
dumped or buried separately to prevent injury. The work of removal of debris
should be carried out during day. In case of poor visibility artificial light may be
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fly ash is designated as fly ash brick/block. As per GRIHA credits, bricks / blocks
should contain more than 40% fly ash.
e) The contractor shall ensure that sand from approved source is used in place of
sand in an all concreting works unless specifically instructed otherwise by the
f) Timber and Aluminium use should be minimized in the project. If used, timber shall
constitute of reclaimed timber and Aluminium shall constitute recycled content. The
source of such reclaimed timber shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
g) The contractor shall ensure that nontoxic anti-termite and other pest control is
strictly used.
h) The contractor shall ensure that all paints, polishes, adhesives and sealants used
both internally and externally, on any surface, shall be Low VOC products. The
contractor shall get prior approval from the Engineer-in-charge before the
application of any such material.
i) All plumbing and sanitary fixtures installed shall be as per the requirement of the of
the GRIHA and shall adhere to the minimum LPM and LPF mentioned.
j) The contractor shall employ 100% zero ODP (ozone depletion potential) insulation;
HCFC hydro-chlorofluorocarbon)/ and CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) free HVAC and
refrigeration equipment’s and/halon-free fire suppression and fire extinguishing
k) The contractor shall ensure that all composite wood products/agro-fibre products
used for cabinet work, etc do not contain any added urea formaldehyde resin.
2.29 Documentation
a) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer-in-charge on a monthly basis:
i) Water consumption in liters
ii) Electricity consumption in ‘kwh’ units
iii) Diesel consumption in liters
iv) Quantum of waste generated at site and the segregated waste types divided
into inert, chemical and hazardous wastes.
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a) To ensure energy efficiency during and post construction all pumps, motors and
engines used during construction or installed, shall be subject to approval and as
per the specifications of the architects.
b) All lighting installed by the contractor around the site and at the labour quarters
during construction shall be CFL/LED bulbs of the appropriate illumination levels.
This condition is a must, unless specifically prescribed.
The contractor is expected to go through all other conditions of the GRIHA rating
stipulations, which can be provided to him by the architects.
Failure to adhere to any of the above mentioned items, without necessary
clearances from the architects and the Engineer-in-charge, shall be deemed as a
violation of contract and the contractor shall be held liable for penalty as
determined by the architects.
1. Payment Schedule
The Payment Schedule includes a schedule setting out each Milestone Event to be
achieved in a month for the Works.
Within each Request for Payment the Contractor shall show separately:
(i) the amounts which the Contractor claims to be payable as the cost of the
Works completed during that month; and
(ii) the cumulative amount of all prior payments made by WAPCOS Limited; and
(iii) Any amounts to which the Contractor considers are due and payable to it in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
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(ii) contain confirmation of the relevant Milestone Events which, in the opinion of
the Contractor have been achieved in that month which applies to each such
Milestone Event; and
(iii) be accompanied by:
(a) Copy of relevant records of measurement of works, jointly taken and
signed by both the parties;
(b) A status report describing in such detail as may reasonably request, the
percentage of any uncompleted Milestone Event for the month in
question and the work to be undertaken by the Contractor prior to the
next Request for Payment;
(c) Certification by WAPCOS Limited Representative confirming that the
Milestone Events referred to in the Request for Payment have been
(d) Confirmation by the Contractor of any amounts due and owing from the
Contractor to WAPCOS Limited pursuant to the Contract;
(e) The Contractor's certification that the quality of all completed Works
accords with the requirements of the Contract;
(f) The Contractor's certification that each obligation, item of cost or
expense mentioned in that Request for Payment has not been the basis
of any previous payment.
(g) The Contractor's certification that it has reviewed all financial and budget
data contained in the Request for Payment;
(h) The Contractor's certification that the quality of all completed Works
accords with the requirements of the Contract;
(i) The Contractor's certification that each obligation, item of cost or
expense mentioned in that Request for Payment has not been the basis
of any previous payment; and
(j) The Contractor's certification that each Subcontractor who performed
part of the Works which was included in the immediately preceding
Certificates of Payment was paid all amounts then due to it for such
(k) The Contractor providing evidence of the validity of the Contractor’s
3. Certificates of Payment
Within [14 (fourteen)] Business Days of receipt of the Contractor's Request for
Payment under Clause 48(2) [Contractor's Application for Payment], WAPCOS
Limited and WAPCOS Limited Representative shall review such request and, shall
issue to the Contractor, a Certificate of Payment certifying what amounts WAPCOS
Limited shall pay. Each Certificate of Payment shall be for an amount which in the
opinion of WAPCOS Limited, is the basis of the Request for Payment and pursuant
to the Contract, is properly due to the Contractor (the “Gross Certifiable Amount”)
less (i) the cumulative amounts of payments previously certified as due to the
Contractor, (ii) any deduction on account of recovery of Advance Payment, and (iii)
Retention Amount.
In the event that the Contractor fails to achieve any Milestone Event specified in the
Payment Schedule, the Contractor shall not be entitled to the payment value
attributable to that Milestone Event until the relevant Milestone Event has been
achieved. When the relevant Milestone Event is achieved, the Contractor may
include the payment value attributable to the Milestone Event in the next Request
for Payment.
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Any Provisional Sum Works shall only be executed in whole or part upon the
WAPCOS Limited Representative’s instruction. If the WAPCOS Limited
Representative issues no such instruction, the Provisional Sum Works shall not
form part of the Works and the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for it.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed the necessary time and resources
to enable design and Execution of the Provisional Sum Works in so far as the
scope and nature of the Provisional Sum Works was reasonably foreseeable.
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The Contractor shall be entitled only to such amount in respect of the Provisional
Sum Works as the WAPCOS Limited Representative determines in accordance
with this Clause 48(3). The WAPCOS Limited Representative shall notify the
Contractor of any such determination. The WAPCOS Limited Representative shall
have the authority to issue instructions to the Contractor for every Provisional Sum
Works for which the Contractor shall be entitled to a part of the Provisional Sum as
determined by the WAPCOS Limited Representative.
The Contractor shall produce to the WAPCOS Limited Representative all
quotations, vouchers, invoices, accounts or receipts in connection with the
expenditure in respect of the Provisional Sum Works, except where the Provisional
Sum Works is valued in accordance with the item wise rates quoted by the
Contractor in its bid submitted to the Employer.
In respect of every Provisional Sum the WAPCOS Limited Representative shall
have authority to issue instructions for the execution of work or for the supply of
goods, materials, Plant Sums or services by the Contractor, in which case the
Contractor shall be entitled to an amount equal to the value thereof determined in
accordance with Clause 48(3).
4. Payment
WAPCOS Limited shall pay the amount certified in a Certificate of Payment less the
amount paid earlier in accordance with Clause 48(3) [Certificate of Payment], no
later than [15 (fifteen)] Business Days from the date of such Certificate of Payment.
a) Firstly, the aggrieved party shall write a letter to the other party detailing its
grievances and calling upon the other party to amicably resolve the dispute by
convening a joint meeting. Accordingly, the parties as per their convenience shall
jointly convince the said meeting(s), wherein minutes of the said meeting(s) shall
be prepared and countersigned by all the parties. It is mandatory to prepare
minutes of meeting(s) and to be countersigned by all the parties, irrespective of the
outcome of the said meeting(s)
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b) In the event the parties are unable to reach o any settlement in the said meeting(s),
then the aggrieved party shall mandatory resort to pre-litigation mediation
mechanism with Delhi High Court Mediation Cell, New Delhi.
c) It is only upon failure of the pre-litigation mediation mechanism with Delhi High
Court Mediation Cell, then the aggrieved party shall resort to resolution of disputes
through arbitration of a Sole Arbitrator. The appointing authority of Sole Arbitrator is
CMD, WAPCOS Limited, to which either of the parties have any objection nor they
shall ever object.
f) The place/seat of arbitration shall be Delhi and any award whether interim or final,
shall be made, and shall be deemed for all purpose between the parties to be
made, in Delhi. The arbitral procedure shall be conducted in English language and
any award or awards shall be rendered in English. The procedural law of the
arbitration shall be Indian Law. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and
conclusive and binding upon the Parties.
g) The contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its
subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the law of India and the Parties
submit to sole & exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Delhi”
Self-certification that the item offered meets the minimum local content of 50% giving
details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made in case the bidder
wishes to avail the benefits under the make in India policy, if applicable.
In cases of procurement for a value in excess of ₹10crores, the local supplier shall be
required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the company
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(in the case of companies) or from a practicing cost account or practicing chartered
accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of local
content to avail the benefits under the make in India policy, if applicable.
In procurement of all goods, services or works in respect of which the Nodal Ministry/
Department has communicated that there is sufficient local capacity and local
competition, only 'Class-I local supplier', as defined under the Order, shall be eligible
to bid irrespective of purchase value.
The margin of purchase preference shall be 20%. ‘margin of purchase preference’ means
the maximum extent to which the price quoted by a local supplier may be above the L1 for
the purpose of purchase preference. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is
the Nodal Ministry for implementation of the Electronic Product Notifications issued in
furtherance of PPPMII Order 2017.
Classes of Local Suppliers based on local content as per the revised PPP-MII Order dated
04.06.2020 issued by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
are as under:
Class-I Local supplier - a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or
works offered for procurement, has local content equal to or more than 50%.
Class-II Local supplier - a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or
Offered for procurement, has local content more than 20% but less than 50%.
Non-Local supplier - a supplier or service provider, whose goods, services or works
offered for procurement, has local content less than or equal to 20%.
Only 'Class-I local supplier' and 'Class-II local supplier' shall be eligible to bid in
procurement of all goods, services or works, and with estimated value of purchases
less than Rs. 200 crore.
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2 (vi) Engineer-In-Charge
Will be intimated to the successful Bidder at the time of issue of Notice to
Proceed the works.
2 (vii) Accepting Authority
2 (x) Market Rate
Percentage on cost of materials and 15%
labour to cover all overheads and (Provided that no extra overheads
profits and profits shall be payable on the
part(s) of work assigned to other
agency(s) by the contractor as per
terms of contract.)
2(xi) Standard Schedule of Rates
Schedule of Rates (Civil) DSR 2021
Schedule of Rates (Electrical) DSR (E&M) 2021
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Clause 12.5
Deviation limit beyond which clause 30%
12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for foundation
work (except earth work)
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1. The Contractor shall be responsible for consequential effects arising out during the
inspection done by the Chief Technical Examiner Cell, Central Vigilance
Commission or by the Building Works Committee or third party authorized by
WAPCOS or any statuary committee or by any duly authorized representative of
WAPCOS, during the progress or any time after the construction and development
of project up to the defect liability period, and will take appropriate action for
rectification of defective work and modification as suggested by the above teams/
group/ individual. Rectification of defective works or replacement of sub-standard
materials or articles, as pointed out by the Chief Technical Cell, Central Vigilance
Commission, Building Works Committee or authorized representative of WAPCOS
or third party authorized by WAPCOS or any statuary committee, will be carried out
or replaced by the Contractor at his own risk and cost. WAPCOS will not pay any
extra amount for such rectification or replacement or modification.
2. The Construction/Execution Work may be subject to deletion from scope of work as
per the desire/requirement from Client “Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi”. In
such cases before/during the construction, the contractor is not liable for any
financial claim or damage charges or any claim whatsoever. The time extension will
be granted to the contractor in such circumstances.
3. The construction work will only be commenced by the Contractor only after the
approval/vetting of drawings from the concerned local authorities/ concerned
Engineer In-charge (CUJ) or any other department as per statuary requirement.
4. The contractor shall deploy the resources at site to start/resume the construction
activities as per the availability of the clear & after the clearance from the Owner of
the project, land/land clear from hindrance and subsequent written approval from
WAPCOS. No claim shall be entertained for idle labour, idle machinery, idle
technical / non-technical staff, idle T&P if any, due to delay in start of the works.
5. Handing Over of the Project: Contractor will hand over the project to Owner
/Client after successful completion of each component of the project in all respect
and complete satisfaction of Engineer-In-charge. The partial handing over of
works components shall not be considered. Contractor shall also provide
necessary Completion Certificates/NOCs from all local Government/ Statuary
Authorities including Fire, Forest, Electrical, Environment, Lift, DG Set, required
before handing over the project to the client. The defect liability period will be one
year after such handing over.
6. If any dispute/ hindrance may arise during construction due to any reason
whatsoever, the contractor is not liable for any financial claim for damages due to
such circumstances.
7. The contractor shall provide fully equipped office for Engineer- in-charge & site
engineers/ client along with facility of 24 hours electric with Power Backup/Inverter,
drinking water supply, sanitary, internet facilities, one inspection vehicle suitable for
hilly area, office furniture – tables, chairs, almirah for storage of documents etc.,
desktop computers/laptop of latest version/configuration along with printers (for A4
& A3 both b/w & coloured printing) with internet connection and any other
miscellaneous requirement as directed by Engineer-in-charge for finalizing
immediate technical solutions/decisions on the site, so that the work progress may
not be hampered. An amount equal to 1% of the gross amount of running account
bills and final bill will be deducted, if above facilities are not provided at site.
8. The Contractor shall render all help and assistance in documenting the total
20. (a) The building work will be carried out in the manner complying in all respects
with the requirements of relevant bye laws of the local body under the
jurisdiction of which the work is to be executed or as directed by the Engineer in
charge and nothing extra will be paid on this account.
(b) The work of water supply, internal sanitary installation and drainage work etc.
shall be carried out as per local Municipal Corporation or such local body Bye-
laws. Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes and fittings
etc. should conform to bye laws and specification as applicable. The contractor
should engage plumbing and sanitary agency approved by WAPCOS, which
should have requisite T&P, skilled workers and experience for which necessary
certificates & document proof shall be submitted within one month of the start of
work. The contractor shall get the materials (fixtures / fittings) tested agencies
approved by WAPCOS as required at his own cost.
(c) The contractor shall comply with proper and legal orders and directions of the
local or public authority or municipality and abide by their rule and regulations
and pay all fees and charges which he may be liable.
21. The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) as per
standing specification before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra
whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor for the test.
22. Any cement slurry added over base surface (or) for continuation of concreting for
better bond is deemed to have been in-built in the items and nothing extra shall be
payable nor extra cement shall be considered in consumption on this account.
23. Samples of various materials required for testing shall be provided free of
charges by the contractor. Testing charges, if any, unless otherwise provided
shall be borne by the Contractor. All other expenditure required to be
incurred for taking the samples, conveyance, packing etc. shall be borne by
the contractor himself. The testing of various construction materials shall be
carried our as per the testing frequency mentioned in the CPWD
Specifications/Manual/IS Code. An amount equal to 0.5% of the gross amount
of running account bills and final bill will be deducted, if the tests are not
conducted as per the testing frequency. The testing carried out from outside
laboratory, shall be done though NABL Accredited laboratories only.
24. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the Architectural drawings and
structural drawings, to be issued from time to time, by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Before commencement of any item of work the contractor shall correlate all the
relevant architectural and structural drawings, nomenclature of items and
specifications etc. issued for the work and satisfy himself that the information
available there from is complete and unambiguous. The figure and written
dimension of the drawings shall be superseding the measurement by scale. The
discrepancy, if any, shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge before
execution of the work. The contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or
damage occurring by the commencement of work on the basis of any erroneous
and/ or incomplete information and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on
this account.
25. The contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe
custody of materials issued by WAPCOS.
26. In the case of items of which abbreviated nomenclature is not available in the
above cited publication and also in case of extra and substituted items of works for
which abbreviated nomenclature is not provided in the agreement, the full
nomenclature of items shall be reproduced in the measurements books and bill
forms for running account bill. The full nomenclature of the items shall be adopted
in preparing abstract of final bill in the measurement book and also in the bill form
for final bill.
27. The contractor shall have to make approaches road to the site, if so required and
keep them in good condition for transportation of labour and materials as well as
inspection of works by the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this
28. No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, snowfall, flood or any
other natural calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work. The contractor
shall be fully responsible for any damage to the govt. property and work for which
the payment has been advanced to him under the contract and he shall make good
the same at his risk and cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for safety
and security of his material, T&P, Machinery brought to the site by him.
29. All mass Reinforced Cement Concrete work shall be design mix concrete of
specified grade. Initial Design Mix shall be carried out from the Govt. approved
Laboratory/NABL Accredited Lab/NIT/IIT, The contractor shall install on site
automatic batching plant of sufficient capacity for production of design mix concrete
which shall be used in the work.
30. Various factory made materials shall be procured from reputed and approved
manufacturers or their authorized dealers. List of such approved manufacturers is
provided in the tender document.
31. Contractor shall have to execute a Guarantee Bond in respect of Water Proofing
works as per Performa attached in this Tender Document. He shall also have to
execute guarantee bonds for water supply and sanitary installations work as per
Performa attached in this Tender Document.
32. The terms machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated concrete used
elsewhere in agreement shall mean the concrete produced in concrete batching
and mixing plant and if necessary transported by transit concrete mixers, placed in
position by the concrete pumps, tower crane and vibrated by surface vibrator
/needle vibrator / plate vibrator, as the case may be to achieve required strength
and durability.
33. Wherever work is specified to be done or material procured through specialized
agencies, their names shall be got approved well in advance from Engineer in
charge. Failure to do so shall not justify delay in execution of work. It is suggested
that immediately after award of work, contractor should negotiate with concerned
specialist agencies and send their names for approval to Engineer in charge. Any
material procured without prior approval of Engineer in charge in writing is liable to
be rejected. Engineer in charge reserves right to get the materials tested in
laboratories of his choice before final acceptance. Non-standard materials shall not
be accepted.
34. Doors and frames shall be procured from specialist firms and name of such
agencies shall be got approved from the Engineer in charge well in advance.
35. The construction joints shall be provided in predetermined locations only as
decided by Engineer in charge. The cost of shuttering for these construction joints
shall be included in item of Concrete work / RCC work and nothing extra shall be
payable on this account to the contractor.
36. The gradation of fine sand to be used in plaster work shall be strictly as per Table
3.1 (clause 3.1.3) of CPWD Specification 2009 Vol.-I conforming to IS 1542-1977.
The plastered surface shall be fairly smooth without any undulation of any kind for
applying paint/white wash.
contractor to the site for use shall conform to the samples approved, which shall be
preserved till the completion of the work. However, such articles which bear ISI
mark but stand banned by CPWD will not be used. Notwithstanding the case of
materials of "Preferred Make" as given provisions of Clause 10A of the General
Conditions of Contract for Central PWD works shall be applicable on the materials
of "Preferred Make" also.
47. It must be ensure that all materials to be used in work bear BIS certification mark.
In cases where BIS certification system is available for a particular material/product
but not even a single producer has so far approached BIS for certification the
material can be used subject to the condition that it should confirm to CPWD
specification and relevant BIS codes. In such case written approval of the
Engineer-In-Charge may be obtained before use of such material in the work.
48. The final approval of the brand to be used shall be as per the direction of Engineer-
in-Charge. The brand used shall be one of the brands in case specified in the list of
preferred make / materials.
49. In case of non-availability of material of the brands specified in the list of approved
materials, an equivalent brand may be used after getting written approval of
WAPCOS giving details to indicate that the brand proposed to be used is
equivalent to the brands mentioned in the agreement.
50. Special conditions for Cement
The contractor shall procure 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (conforming to IS
: 8112), Portland Pozzolona Cement (confirming to IS : 1489 : Part –I) as required
in the work, from reputed manufacturers of cement as per the list of approved
makes mentioned in the tender document or from any other reputed cement
manufacturer, having a production capacity not less than one million tons per
annum as approved by WAPCOS. The tenderers may also submit a list of names
of cement manufacturers which they propose to use in the work. The tender
accepting authority reserves right to accept or reject name(s) of cement
manufacture(s) which the tenderer proposes to use in the work. No change in the
tendered rates will be accepted if the tender accepting authority does not accept
the list of cement manufactures, given by the tenderer, fully or partially. The cement
brought to the site for execution of work shall be in bags bearing manufacturer's
name & ISI marking. Weight of cement in each bag shall be 50 kg. Samples of
cement arranged by the contactor shall be taken by the Engineer- in-Charge and
got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS codes. In case the test
results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor does not conform to the
relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and it shall be removed from the
site by the contractor at his own cost within 7 days of written order from the
Engineer-in-Charge to do so.
51. Special condition for steel reinforcement bars
The CPWD / Contractor shall / procure IS marked TMT bars of various grades from
(1) The steel Manufacturers such as SAIL, TATA Steel Ltd., RINL, Jindal Steel &
Power Ltd, JSW Steel Ltd., Shyam Steel or their authorized dealers having
valid BIS license for IS: 1786-2008 (Amendment-1 November 2012)
(2) (a) The steel manufactures or their authorized dealers (as per following selection
criteria) having valid BIS license for IS: 1786-2008 (Amendment-1 November
The procured steel should have following qualities:-
(I) The supply of reinforcement steel for all CPWD works should have following
selection criteria of steel manufacturers:-
Steel producers of any capacity using iron ore / processed iron ore as the
basic raw material adopting advanced refining technologies as given under,
The check list for incorporation of any quality steel producer is enclosed for
technical assessment is given in Annexure – 1.
Chief Engineer CSQ (Civil) unit, Directorate of CPWD shall approve the steel
(II) The contractor shall have to obtain the furnish test certificates to the
Engineer-in-charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of
(III) Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-charge as per
the provisions in this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate
that the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to the specifications, the
same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the site of work by the
contractor at his cost within a week time or written orders from the Engineer-in-
charge to do so.
(IV) The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored be brought to the site in bulk
supply of 10 tonnes or more, or as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
(V) The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work
in such a way as to prevent their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account. Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored
separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
(VI) For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-bend test etc.
specimens of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random, and
a frequency not less that specified below:
Under 10 mm dia bars One sample for each 25 One sample for each 40
tonnes or part thereof tonnes or part thereof
(VII) The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing
including its transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne
by the contractor.
(VIII) The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and
proper accounts maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The
theoretical consumptions of steel shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed
in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. In
case the consumption is less than theoretical consumption including permissible
variations recovery at the rate so prescribed shall be made. In case of excess
consumption no adjustment need to be made.
(IX) The steel brought to site and the steel remaining unused shall not be
removed from site without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
The following write-up provides the general concept of green, green building rating and
the expectations from each one of those involved in this project:
All materials and systems used in the project are intended to maximize energy efficiency
for operation of Project throughout service life (substantial completion to ultimate
disposition – reuse, recycling, or demolition) with an emphasis on top quality. Materials
and systems are to maximize environmentally-benign construction techniques, including
construction waste recycle, reusable delivery packaging, and reusability of selected
materials. All vendors / contractors must adhere to best practices related to Green
Buildings. Other than the general guidelines outlined here, all vendors/contractors will be
furnished with a supplementary set of guidelines more specific to their nature of
Be conversant with the Site Waste Management Program Manual and actively
contribute to its compilation. Assist the author of the Manual by estimating the
nature and volume of waste generated by the process/installation in question.
Minimize pollution: Select materials that generate least amount of pollution during
mining, manufacturing, transport, installation, use, and disposal.
Avoid materials that emit greenhouse gases
Avoid materials that require energy intensive extraction, manufacturing, processing,
transport, installation, maintenance, or removal.
Avoid materials that contain ozone-depleting chemicals (e.g. CFCs or HCFCs).
Avoid materials that emit potentially harmful volatile organic chemicals (VOCs).
Employ construction practices that minimize dust production and combustible by-
Avoid materials that can leach harmful chemicals into ground water; do not allow
potentially harmful chemicals to enter sewers or storm drains.
Protect soil against erosion by wind or storm-water and topsoil depletion.
Minimize noise generation during construction; screen mechanical equipment to
block noise. Select materials that can be reused or recycled and materials with
significant percentage of recycled content; conform with or exceed specified Project
recycled content percentages for individual materials; avoid materials difficult to
Protect natural habitats; restore natural habitats where feasible within scope of
The contractor has to comply with the provisions spell out in environmental clearance
issue during progress of work and obtain the Environmental Clearance for the relevant
Annexure – I
The agreement made this ___________________ day of __________ two thousand and
__________ between __________ S/o ___________________ (hereinafter called the
GUARANTOR of the one part) and the WAPCOS LIMITED (hereinafter called the
WAPCOS of the other part).
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
work will remain structurally stable and guarantee against faulty workmanship, finishing,
manufacturing defects of materials and leakages etc.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable, after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract for the
minimum life of ten years, to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance
period prescribed in the contract.
The decision of the Engineer-in-charge with regard to nature and cause of defects shall be
final. During the period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in charge calling upon him to rectify the defects, failing which
the work shall be got done by the WAPCOS by some other contractor at the guarantor’s
cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer in charge as to the cost payable by the
Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach thereunder then
the guarantor will indemnify the Principal and his successor against all loss, damage cost
expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement.
As to the amount of loss and / or damage and / or cost incurred by the WAPCOS the
decision of the Engineer-in-charge will be final and binding on the parties.
Annexure – II
The agreement made this ______________ day of __________ two thousand and
__________ between __________ S/o ___________________ (hereinafter called the
GUARANTOR of the one part) and the WAPCOS Limited (hereinafter called the WAPCOS
of the other part).
WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a contract. (Herein after called the
Contract) dated _________ and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE PART
AND the WAPCOS of the other part, whereby the contractor interalia, undertook to render
the structures in the said contract the work in the said contract recited completely water
and leak proof.
THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that the water proofing treatment given by him will
render the structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing
treatment shall be ten years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance
period prescribed in the contract.
Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structural defects.
The decision of the Engineer in charge with regard to cause of leakage shall be final.
During the period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of
any defects being found render the structure water proof to the satisfaction of the
Engineer in charge at his cost and shall commence the work for such rectification within
seven days from the date of issue of notice from the Engineer in charge calling upon him
to rectify the defects, failing which the work shall be got done by the WAPCOS through
some other contractor at the guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer in
charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to execute the water proofing, or commits breach thereunder
then the guarantor will indemnify the Principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost of expenses or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any of any
default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this
supplementary agreement . As to the amount of loss and / or cost incurred by the
WAPCOS on the decision of the Engineer-in-charge will be final and binding on the
IN WITHNES WHEREOF those presents have been executed by the obligator
__________________ and _______________________________ by for and on behalf of
the WAPCOS LIMITED on the day, month and year first above written.
Annexure – III
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector 18, Institutional Area
Gurgaon, Haryana-122015.
shall not be affected by a change in the constitution of the bank or of the employer.
The bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding
against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that the
Employer may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.
We The Said Bank do hereby declare that we have absolute and unconditional power to
issue this guarantee in your favour under the Memorandum and Articles of Association or
such other constitutional documents of the Bank and the undersigned have full power to
execute this guarantee under the Power of Attorney / Post Approval Authorization dated
_____________________ of the bank granted to him / us by the Bank. We the said bank
do hereby declare and undertake that your claim under the guarantee shall not be affected
by any deficiency or other defect in the powers of the bank or its officials and the
guarantee shall be deemed to have been issued as if the bank and its officials have all the
powers and authorization to give this guarantee on behalf of the bank.
We the said bank do hereby certify the genuineness and appropriateness of the Stamp
paper and stamp value used for issuing the guarantee. We the said bank do hereby
declare and undertake that your claim under the guarantee shall not be affected by any
deficiency or other defect in the stamp paper or its stamp value.
We the said bank do hereby declare that our payments hereunder shall be made to you ,
free and clear of and without and deduction, reduction on account of any reasons
including any and all present and future taxes, levies, charges of withholding whatsoever
imposed or collected with respect thereto.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove our liability under this guarantee is
restricted to Rs. _____________(Rupees ____________________ only) and it shall
remain in force upto and including _____________ and shall be extended from time to
time for such period as may be desired by M/s WAPCOS Limited to whom this bank
guarantee has been given.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein
i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed Rs. __________________
(Rupees_______________________________________ only);
ii) This bank guarantee shall be valid upto _____________; and
iii) our liability to make payment shall arise and we are liable to pay the guaranteed
amount or any part thereof under this guarantee, only and only if you serve upon us a
written claim or demand in terms of the guarantee on or before ____________
(indicate a date twelve month after validity of Guarantee)
Annexure – IV
I / We have submitted a bank guarantee for the work (Name of work) Agreement No.
________________Dated _________________from __________________ (Name of the
Bank with full address) to the WAPCOS Limited, New Delhi with a view to seek exemption
from payment of performance guarantee in cash. This Bank guarantee expires on
______________________________________________ I / We undertake to keep the
validity of the bank guarantee intact by getting it extended from time to time at my / our
own initiative upto a period of _______________________ months after the recorded date
of completion of the work or as directed by the WAPCOS.
I / We also indemnify the WAPCOS against any losses arising out of non-encasement of
the bank guarantee if any.
Signature of Contractor
Note: The affidavit is to be given by the Executants before a first class Magistrate.
Annexure – V
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector 18, Institutional Area
Gurgaon, Haryana-122015
In consideration of WAPCOS LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”) which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its
successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to _______________________
(Contractor’s name) with its Registered /Head Office at __________________(hereinafter
referred to as “the Contractor” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) a
contract, by issue of Employer’s Notification of Award No. ____________________ dt.
__________ and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor,
resulting into a contract valued at Rs.____________________
(Rupees_____________________________________________________only) for
_______________ (hereinafter called “the contract”) and the Employer having agreed to
make an advance payment to the Contractor for performance of the above Contract
amounting to Rs. _________________ (Rupees ______________only) as an advance
against bank guarantee to be furnished by the Contractor.
We, __________________ (name & address of bank) having its Head Office at
_____________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank” which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators,
executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Employer
immediately on demand any or, all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of Rs.
______________ (Rupees ________________only) as aforesaid at any time upto
___________ without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without
any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the Employer on the bank
shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the Employer and
the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other
authority. We agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall
continue to be enforceable till the Employer discharges this guarantee. We further agree
that no change in the constitution of the Bank or of the Employer shall affect this
The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the
Bank under this guarantee, from time to time, to vary the advance or to extend the time for
performance of the Contract by the Contractor. The Employer shall have the fullest liberty
without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers
vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor and to
exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to
enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Employer and
the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the Employer. The
bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the
Employer of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason
of any other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission on the part of the
Employer or any other indulgence shown by the Employer or by any other matter or thing
whatsoever which under law would but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the
The bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding
against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that the
Employer may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.
We the Said Bank do hereby declare that we have absolute and unconditional power to
issue this guarantee in your favour under the Memorandum and Articles of Association or
such other constitutional documents of the Bank and the undersigned have full power to
execute this guarantee under the Power of Attorney/ Post Approval Authorization dated
____________ of the bank granted to him / us by the Bank. We the said bank do hereby
declare and undertake that your claim under the guarantee shall not be affected by any
deficiency or other defect in the powers of the bank or its officials and the guarantee shall
be deemed to have been issued as if the bank and its officials have all the powers and
authorization to give this guarantee on behalf of the bank.
We the said bank does hereby certify the genuineness and appropriateness of the Stamp
paper and stamp value used for issuing the guarantee. We the said bank does hereby
declare and undertake that your claim under the guarantee shall not be affected by any
deficiency or other defect in the stamp paper or its stamp value.
We the said bank do hereby declare that our payments hereunder shall be made to you ,
free and clear of and without and deduction, reduction on account of any reasons
including any and all present and future taxes, levies, charges of withholding whatsoever
imposed or collected with respect thereto.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove our liability under this guarantee is
limited to Rs.______________ (Rupees ________________ only) and it shall remain in
force upto and including _______________ and shall be extended from time to time for
such period (not exceeding one year), as may be desired by M/s _____________ on
whose behalf this bank guarantee has been given.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein
i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed Rs.__________(Rupees
ii) This bank guarantee shall be valid upto ________________ and
iii) our liability to make payment shall arise and we are liable to pay the guaranteed
amount or any part thereof under this guarantee, only and only if you serve upon us
a written claim or demand in terms of the guarantee on or before ___________
(indicate a date twelve months after the validity of the guarantee).
Addl. Chief Engineer
INFS-I Division
WAPCOS Limited
76-C, Institutional Area, Sector - 18
Gurugram-122015, Haryana
Email: [email protected]
Having examined the details given in tender document for the above work, I/we
hereby submit the relevant information.
1. I/we hereby certify that all the statement made and information supplied in the
enclosed Forms A to H and accompanying statement are true and correct.
2. I/we have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no
further pertinent information to supply.
3. I/we submit the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorize the WAPCOS
Ltd. to approach the Bank issuing the solvency certificate to confirm the
correctness thereof. I/we also authorize WAPCOS Ltd. to approach individuals,
employers, firms and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
4. I/we submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical
knowledge and capability for having successfully completed the following eligible
similar works:
It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is also
certified that I/we shall be liable to be debarred, disqualified / cancellation of enlistment in
case any information furnished by me/us found to be incorrect.
Seal of bidder
[To be submitted on Original Letter Head of Bidder OR Original Letter Head of CA]
Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work: It is hereby declared that ------
------------- (Name of firm with address) has enough financial resources to execute the
proposed work.
Solvency Certificate from Bankers of the bidder: It is hereby certified that attached
Solvency Certificate is in Original OR in copy (Originally attested from concern Bank after
date of Tender) as per the criteria mentioned in tender Document.
Signature of Bidder(s)
Yours faithfully,
Addl. Chief Engineer
INFS-I Division
WAPCOS Limited
76-C, Institutional Area, Sector - 18
Gurugram-122015, Haryana
Email: [email protected]
Subject: Undertaking of the Site Visit for --- (Name of the work / project)
I/we hereby certify that I/we have examined & inspected the site & its surrounding
satisfactorily, where the project is to be executed as per the scope of works. I/ We are well
aware about the following
I / We hereby submit our BID considering above all facts gathered during site visit
and each & every aspect have been considered in the Quoted cost of the project. I / We
hereby confirm that no extra/additional cost shall be claimed on above aspects
Yours faithfully,
Addl. Chief Engineer
INFS-I Division
WAPCOS Limited
76-C, Institutional Area, Sector - 18
Gurugram-122015, Haryana
Email: [email protected]
We hereby also confirm that we have not taken any deviation from Tender Clause
together with other reference as enumerated in the above referred Notice Inviting Tender
and we hereby convey our unconditional acceptance to all terms & conditions as
stipulated in the Tender Document.
In the event of observance of any deviation in any part of our offer at a later date whether
implicit or explicit, the deviations shall stand null and void.
Yours faithfully,
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector 18,
Institutional Area
Gurgaon-122015, Haryana
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that WAPCOS is committed to follow the principles thereof as
enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document at
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of
tender documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process.
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit
and further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and
distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally
accepted by WAPCOS. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity
Agreement, which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.
I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity
Agreement, while submitting the tender/bid, WAPCOS shall have unqualified, absolute
and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is
accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.
Yours faithfully,
[To be submitted on Bidder’s Original Letter Head or Stamp Paper]
WHEREAS the Principal / Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No. ................................)
(hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down
organizational procedure, contract
for............................................................................................... (Name of work) hereinafter
referred to as the “Contract”.
AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the
land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its
relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into
this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms
and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid
documents and Contract between the parties.
(2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees
which is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or
if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the
Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its
internal laid down policies and procedures.
(3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences
outlined above or be an accessory to such offences.
(4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm
indulge in fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts
or submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in
reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing
damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the procurement process
to the detriment of the WAPCOS interests.
(5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or
influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or
indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/her
reputation or property to influence their participation in the tendering process).
(2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from
the Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/
holiday listing of the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.
(3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage
caused by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the
Principal/Owner may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.
precedence over the Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered
under this Integrity Pact.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the
place and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:
(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)
(signature, name and address)
(signature, name and address)
Addl. Chief Engineer
INFS-I Division
WAPCOS Limited
76-C, Institutional Area, Sector - 18
Gurugram-122015, Haryana
Email: [email protected]
It is hereby declared that our firm (Name of firm with address--------) neither disqualified,
nor have any Litigation history and no Liquidated Damage imposed on the firm by any
Yours faithfully,
Fax E-mail
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the
assignment in case of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation
described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by
the Bank.
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector 18, Gurugram-122015
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information M/s
______________________ having marginally noted address, a customer of our bank
are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit of
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the
Note: Solvency Certificate should be in Original on letter head of the Bank, The date of Solvency
Certificate shall be after the publication of the tender.
Sl Name of Owner or Cost of Date of Stipulated Actual Date Litigation/ Name & address/ Remark /
No. The work sponsoring Work Commencement Date of of Arbitration cases which are telephone number of Reasons for
& location organization (in as per Contract Completion Completion over and Executive Engineer/ delay and
Crores) Litigation/Arbitration cases Project Manager or compensation
pending/ in progress with equivalent to whom charged if any
details reference shall be
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11
(Signature of Bidders)
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ………………… day of
……………month……… year.
(Signature of Witness) SEAL
Acceptable makes of materials to be used in the work are enclosed. In case of non-
availability of these makes, after the approval of WAPCOS, the Contractor can use the
alternative makes only BIS marked materials. Non BIS marked materials may be permitted
by the WAPCOS only when BIS marked materials are not manufactured.
If, the make of any material is not mentioned, then the contractor has to take prior
approval of the same from WAPCOS/Client. The contractor shall submit the sample
of the materials for approval also. No make is to be used for construction without
permission/approval from WAPCOS/Client
1. Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely
be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such short period work
as can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used, an extra mazdoor shall
be engaged for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as
well suitable footholds and hand-hold shall be provided on the ladder and the
ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than ¼ to 1(¼ horizontal and 1
2. Scaffolding of staging more than 3.6 m (12ft.) above the ground or floor, swung or
suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have
a guard rail properly attached or bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least 90
cm. (3ft.) high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging and
extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such
opening as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or
staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or
3. Working platforms, gangways and stairways should be so constructed that they
should not sag unduly or unequally, and if the height of the platform or the gangway
or the stairway is more than 3.6 m (12ft.) above ground level or floor level, they
should be closely boarded, should have adequate width and should be suitably
fastened as described in (2) above.
4. Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided
with suitable means to prevent the fall of person or materials by providing suitable
fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be 90 cm. (3ft.).
5. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working
places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over
9m. (30ft.) in length while the width between side rails in rung ladder shall in no
case be less than 29 cm. (11½") for ladder upto and including 3 m. (10 ft.) in length.
For longer ladders, this width should be increased at least ¼” for each additional 30
cm. (1 foot) of length. Uniform step spacing of not more than 30 cm shall be kept.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment.
No materials on any of the sites or work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause
danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The contractor shall provide
all necessary fencing and lights to protect the public from accident and shall be
bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other proceedings at
law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the
above precautions and to pay any damages and cost which may be awarded in any
such suit; action or proceedings to any such person or which may, with the consent
of the contractor, be paid to compensate any claim by any such person
6. (a) Excavation and Trenching - All trenches 1.2 m. (4ft.) or more in depth, shall at
all times be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 m. (100ft.) in length or
fraction thereof, Ladder shall extend from bottom of the trench to at least 90 cm.
(3ft.) above the surface of the ground. The side of the trenches which are 1.5 m.
(5ft.) or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope or securely
held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides collapsing. The
excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5 m. (5ft.) of the edges of the
trench or half of the depth of the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall be
done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances, undermining or undercutting
shall be done.
(b) Safety Measures for digging bore holes:-
i. If the bore well is successful, it should be safely capped to avoid caving and
collapse of the bore well. The failed and the abandoned ones should be
completely refilled to avoid caving and collapse;
ii. During drilling, Sign boards should be erected near the site with the address
of the drilling contractor and the Engineer in-charge of the work;
iii. Suitable fencing should be erected around the well during the drilling and
after the installation of the rig on the point of drilling, flags shall be put 50m
all round the point of drilling to avoid entry of people;
iv. After drilling the borewell, a cement platform (0.50m x 0.50m x 1.20m) 0.60m
above ground level and 0.60m below ground level should be constructed
around the well casing;
v. After the completion of the borewell, the contractor should cap the bore well
properly by welding steel plate, cover the bore well with the drilled wet soil
and fix thorny shrubs over the soil. This should be done even while reparing
the pump;
vi. After the borewell is drilled the entire site should be brought to the ground
7. Demolition - Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the
progress of the work,
(i) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or
suitably protected.
(ii) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger or a
cable or apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged.
(iii) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed
from risk of fire or explosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other part of the
building shall be so overloaded with debris or materials as to render it
(c) Before entry, presence of Toxic gases should be tested by inserting wet
lead acetate paper which changes colour in the presence of such gases
and gives indication of their presence.
(d) Presence of Oxygen should be verified by lowering a detector lamp into
the manhole. In case, no Oxygen is found inside the sewer line,
workers should be sent only with Oxygen kit.
(e) Safety belt with rope should be provided to the workers. While working
inside the manholes, such rope should be handled by two men standing
outside to enable him to be pulled out during emergency.
(f) The area should be barricaded or cordoned of by suitable means to
avoid mishaps of any kind. Proper warning signs should be displayed
for the safety of the public whenever cleaning works are undertaken
during night or day.
(g) No smoking or open flames shall be allowed near the blocked manhole
being cleaned.
(h) The malba obtained on account of cleaning of blocked manholes and
sewer lines should be immediately removed to avoid accidents on
account of slippery nature of the malba.
(i) Workers should not be allowed to work inside the manhole
continuously. He should be given rest intermittently. The Engineer-in-
Charge may decide the time up to which a worker may be allowed to
work continuously inside the manhole.
(j) Gas masks with Oxygen Cylinder should be kept at site for use in
(k) Air-blowers should be used for flow of fresh air through the manholes.
Whenever called for, portable air blowers are recommended for
ventilating the manholes. The Motors for these shall be vapour proof
and of totally enclosed type. Non sparking gas engines also could be
used but they should be placed at least 2 metres away from the
opening and on the leeward side protected from wind so that they will
not be a source of friction on any inflammable gas that might be
(l) The workers engaged for cleaning the manholes/sewers should be
properly trained before allowing to work in the manhole.
(m) The workers shall be provided with Gumboots or non sparking shoes
bump helmet and gloves non sparking tools safety lights and gas
masks and portable air blowers (when necessary). They must be
supplied with barrier cream for anointing the limbs before working
inside the sewer lines.
(n) Workmen descending a manhole shall try each ladder stop or rung
carefully before putting his full weight on it to guard against insecure
fastening due to corrosion of the rung fixed to manhole well.
(o) If a man has received a physical injury, he should be brought out of the
sewer immediately and adequate medical aid should be provided to
(p) The extent to which these precautions are to be taken depend on
individual situation but the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge
regarding the steps to be taken in this regard in an individual case will
be final.
(vi) The Contractor shall not employ men and women below the age of 18 years
on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Wherever
men above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the
following precaution should be taken:-
(a) No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the
form of paste or readymade paint.
(b) Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when
paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint is dry
rubbed and scrapped.
(c) Overalls shall be supplied by the contractors to the workmen and
adequate facilities shall be provided to enable the working painters to
wash during and on the cessation of work.
9. The Contractor shall not employ women and men below the age of 18 on the work
of painting with product containing lead in any form, wherever men above the age
of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following principles must be
observed for such use :
(i) White lead, sulphate of lead or product containing these pigment, shall not
be used in painting operation except in the form of pastes or paint ready for
(ii) Measures shall be taken, wherever required in order to prevent danger
arising from the application of a paint in the form of spray.
(iii) Measures shall be taken, wherever practicable, to prevent danger arising out
of from dust caused by dry rubbing down and scraping.
(iv) Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash
during and on cessation of work.
(v) Overall shall be worn by working painters during the whole of working
(vi) Suitable arrangement shall be made to prevent clothing put off during
working hours being spoiled by painting materials.
(vii) Cases of lead poisoning and suspected lead poisoning shall be notified and
shall be subsequently verified by medical man.
(viii) WAPCOS may require, when necessary medical examination of workers.
(ix) Instructions with regard to special hygienic precautions to be taken in the
painting trade shall be distributed to working painters.
10. When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all
necessary equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all
necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate
provision, should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be
obtained during the course of the work.
11. Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage and
supports shall conform to the following standards or conditions :-
(i) (a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound materials and
adequate strength and free from patent defects and shall be kept
repaired and in good working order.
(b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of
suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate strength, and free
from patent defects.
(ii) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator, shall be properly qualified
and no person under the age of 21 years should be in charge of any hoisting
machine including any scaffolding winch or give signals to operator.
(iii) In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle
swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension, the safe
working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting
machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with the safe
working load. In case of a hoisting machine having a variable safe working
load each safe working load and the condition under which it is applicable
shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to
above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except
for the purpose of testing.
(iv) In case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified by
the Electrical Engineer-in-Charge. As regards contractor’s machines the
contractors shall notify the safe working load of the machine to the Engineer-
in-Charge whenever he brings any machinery to site of work and get it
verified by the Electrical Engineer concerned.
12. Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting
appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting appliances should
be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental
descent of the load. Adequate precautions should be taken to reduce to the
minimum the risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced.
When workers are employed on electrical installations which are already energized,
insulating mats, wearing apparel, such as gloves, sleeves and boots as may be
necessary should be provided. The worker should not wear any rings, watches and
carry keys or other materials which are good conductors of electricity.
13. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall
be maintained in safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be
altered or removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be
provided at or near places of work.
14. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display
on a notice board at a prominent place at work spot. The person responsible for
compliance of the safety code shall be named therein by the contractor.
15. To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety
precautions the arrangements made by the contractor shall be open to inspection
by the Labour Officer or Engineer-in-Charge of the department or their
16. Notwithstanding the above clauses from (1) to (15), there is nothing in these to
exempt the contractor from the operations of any other Act or Rule in force in the
Republic of India.
These rules shall apply to all buildings and construction works in which twenty or
more workers are ordinarily employed or are proposed to be employed in any day
during the period during which the contract work is in progress.
Work place means a place where twenty or more workers are ordinarily employed
in connection with construction work on any day during the period during which the
contract work is in progress.
(i) At every work place, there shall be provided and maintained, so as to be
easily accessible during working hours, first-aid boxes at the rate of not less
than one box for 150 contract labour or part thereof ordinarily employed.
(ii) The first-aid box shall be distinctly marked with a red cross on white back
ground and shall contain the following equipment:-
(a) For work places in which the number of contract labour employed does
not exceed 50- Each first-aid box shall contain the following equipments
1) 6 small sterilized dressings.
2) 3 medium size sterilized dressings.
3) 3 large size sterilized dressings.
4) 3 large sterilized burn dressings.
5) 1 (30 ml.) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine.
6) 1 (30 ml.) bottle containing salvolatile having the dose and mode of
administration indicated on the label.
7) 1 snakebite lancet.
8) 1 (30 gms.) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals.
9) 1 pair scissors.
10) 1 copy of the first-aid leaflet issued by the Director General, Factory
Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Government of India.
11) 1 bottle containing 100 tablet (each of 5 gms.) of aspirin.
12) Ointment for burns.
13) A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution
(b) For work places in which the number of contract labour exceed 50. Each
first-aid box shall contain the following equipment.
1) 12 small sterilised dressings.
2) 6 medium size sterilised dressings.
3) 6 large size sterilised dressings.
4) 6 large size sterilised burn dressings.
5) 6 (15 gms.) packet sterilised cotton wool.
6) 6.1 (60 ml.) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution iodine.
7) 1 (60 ml.) bottle containing salvolatile having the dose and mode of
administration indicated on the label
8) 1 roll of adhesive plaster.
9) 1 snake bite lancet.
10) 1 (30 gms.) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals.
11) 1 pair scissors.
12) 1 copy of the first-aid leaflet issued by the Director General Factory
Advice Service and Labour Institutes / Government of India.
13) A bottle containing 100 tablet (each of 5 gms.) of aspirin.
14) Ointment for burns.
15) A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution.
(i) In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable
places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for
(ii) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply,
each work place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water
shall be stored.
(iii) Every water supply or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50 feet
from any latrine drain or other source of pollution. Where water has to be
drawn from an existing well which is within such proximity of latrine, drain or
any other source of pollution, the well shall be properly chlorinated before
water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be entirely closed in
and be provided with a trap door which shall be dust and waterproof.
(iv) A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well, the trap door shall be
kept locked and opened only for cleaning or inspection which shall be done
at least once a month.
(i) In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be
provided and maintained for the use of contract labour employed therein.
(ii) Separate and adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided for the use of
male and female workers.
(iii) Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean
and hygienic condition.
(i) At every work place, at which 20 or more women worker are ordinarily
employed, there shall be provided two rooms of reasonable dimensions for the
use of their children under the age of six years. One room shall be used as a
play room for the children and the other as their bedroom. The rooms shall be
constructed with specifications as per clause 19H (ii) a,b & c.
(ii) The rooms shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light and
ventilation. There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the places
(iii) The contractor shall supply adequate number of toys and games in the play
room and sufficient number of cots and beddings in the bed room.
(iv) The contractor shall provide one ayaa to look after the children in the creche
when the number of women workers does not exceed 50 and two when the
number of women workers exceeds 50.
(v) The use of the rooms earmarked as creches shall be restricted to children, their
attendants and mothers of the children.
(ii) In every work place where the work regarding the employment of contract
labour is likely to continue for six months and where in contract labour
numbering one hundred or more are ordinarily employed, an adequate
canteen shall be provided by the contractor for the use of such contract
(iii) The canteen shall be maintained by the contractor in an efficient manner.
(iv) The canteen shall consist of at least a dining hall, kitchen, storeroom, pantry
and washing places separately for workers and utensils.
(v) The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person has
access to it.
(vi) The floor shall be made of smooth and impervious materials and inside walls
shall be lime washed or colour washed at least once in each year.
Provided that the inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime-washed every four
(vii) The premises of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary
(viii) Waste water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall not
be allowed to accumulate so as to cause a nuisance.
(ix) Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection and disposal of
(x) The dining hall shall accommodate at a time 30 per cent of the contract
labour working at a time.
(xi) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service
counter and any furniture except tables and chairs shall not be less than one
square meter (10 sft) per diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-
Rule 9.
(xii) (a) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off
and reserved for women workers in proportion to their number.
(b) Washing places for women shall be separate and screened to secure
(xiii) Sufficient tables stools, chair or benches shall be available for the number of
diners to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-Rule 9.
(xiv) (a) 1. There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils crockery,
furniture and any other equipment necessary for the efficient running of the
2. The furniture utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a
clean and hygienic condition.
(b) 1. Suitable clean clothes for the employees serving in the canteen shall
be provided and maintained.
2. A service counter, if provided, shall have top of smooth and
impervious material.
3. Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water shall be
provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment.
(xv) The food stuffs and other items to be served in the canteen shall be in
conformity with the normal habits of the contract labour.
(xvi) The charges for food stuffs, beverages and any other items served in the
canteen shall be based on ‘No profit, No loss’ and shall be conspicuously
displayed in the canteen.
(xvii) In arriving at the price of foodstuffs, and other article served in the canteen,
the following items shall not be taken into consideration as expenditure
(a) The rent of land and building.
(b) The depreciation and maintenance charges for the building and
equipment provided for the canteen.
(c) The cost of purchase, repairs and replacement of equipment including
furniture, crockery, cutlery and utensils.
(d) The water charges and other charges incurred for lighting and
(e) The interest and amounts spent on the provision and maintenance of
equipment provided for the canteen.
(xviii) The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited once every 12
months by registered accountants and auditors.
11. The above rules shall be incorporated in the contracts and in notices inviting
tenders and shall form an integral part of the contracts.
Government may, from time to time, add to or amend these rules and issue
directions - it may consider necessary for the purpose of removing any difficulty
which may arise in the administration thereof.
Date: 09.08.2023
1.0 Site
The contractor is advised to make the site visit for understanding of work and
ground conditions before submission of bid. The Interior works, renovation works &
other allied works of the Vice Chancellor (VC) Office/Chamber is proposed in
Administrative Building at Permanent Campus of Central University of Jharkhand at
Cheri Manatu, Ranchi. However if the work is not feasible to start the work at any
portion, the contractor shall take-up the work for feasible portion first, where the
work can be start without any hindrance. Balance work can be taken-up
simultaneously when the working environment is feasible.
Notwithstanding the Employer has provided certain information, data etc., the
scope of work shall include obtaining necessary approvals including statutory
approvals for any part of work which are required for the necessary completion of
the project.” The bidder shall be responsible right through the entire duration of the
Project for execution of all works till commissioning and handing over of project
complete with all respects ready to move and shall remove all defects, if any,
developed during Defects Liability Period (DLP).
The data given by the WAPCOS LIMITED is only for information and guidance of
the bidder who shall verify these data and shall be responsible for the overall
execution of the project. WAPCOS shall not be responsible for the
technicality/accuracy of the attachments. WAPCOS Limited reserves the right to
modify the scope of work as per the requirement of user department at any stage if
necessary without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Bidder are advised visit
the site also to collect whatever information he may require.
The responsibility of the Bidder shall include carrying out all the activities for the
completion of the Project, which generally shall include the following, and any
additional activities incidental to these:-
WAPCOS Limited may in their absolute discretion issue further drawings and/or
written instructions, details, directions and explanations, which are, hereafter
collectively referred to as “WAPCOS Limited’s instructions” in regard to:
i) The variation or modification of the quality or quantity of works or the addition or
omission or substitution of any work.
ii) Any discrepancy in the drawings or between the Schedule of Quantities and/or
drawings and/or specification.
iii) The removal from the site of any defective material brought thereon by the
Contractor and the substitution of any other material thereof.
iv) The demolition removal and/or re-execution of any work executed by the
v) The dismissal from the work of any persons employed there upon.
vi) The opening up for inspection of any work covered up.
vii) The rectification and making good of any defects under clauses herein after
mentioned and those arising during the maintenance period (retention period)
/defect liability period.
viii) Royalty at the prevalent rates and all other incidental expenditure including
Environmental & Pollution Clearance Charges etc. if any shall have to be paid
by the Contractor on all the materials like boulders, stone metals, earth, sand,
bajri etc. collected by him for the execution of the work directly to the concerned
revenue Authority of the State or Central Government. His rates are deemed to
include all such expenditure and nothing extra shall be paid.
The Contractor shall forthwith comply with and duly execute any work comprised in
such WAPCOS Limited’s instructions, provided always that verbal instructions,
directions and explanations given to the Contractor or his representative upon the
works by WAPCOS Limited shall if involving a variation be confirmed in writing to the
Contractor/s within seven days. No works, for which rates are not specifically
mentioned in the priced schedule or quantities, shall be taken up without written
permission of WAPCOS Limited. Rates of items not mentioned in the priced Schedule
of Quantities shall be fixed by WAPCOS Limited as provided in the corresponding
clauses of the tender document.
Regarding all factory made products for which ISI marked products are available, only
products bearing ISI marking shall be used in the work. Other products should be
supplied as per the brand name mentioned in the Technical Specifications and Special
Conditions of Contract.
Contractor is advised to visit the site to understand the Scope of Work clearly before
quoting the rates for the works.
The work shall be executed as per the details in Schedule of Quantities and direction of
Engineer-in Charge and shall be completed in all respect with full satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge as per the Government guidelines, Indian standard codes &
Manuals. The Bidder may assess the quantum of work before filling of tender.
Contractor will take necessary approvals/clearance from the Central University of
Jharkhand (CUJ), Fire Department, Forest Department, and Local Authorities and pay
the fees at his own cost before start of the work.
The payment of final bill will be made after successful completion, commissioning and
handing over of the works with complete satisfaction of Engineer In-Charge as well as
Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ).
The Contractor shall dispose off all the dismantled materials, debris, garbage, waste at
his own cost and provide clear and clean site at the time of handing over the works.
1. The Work will be executed strictly in accordance with the CPWD specification
corrected up to date at the time of tenders, unless specified to contrary and as per the
specifications mentioned in the NIT/BOQ.
4. Brick work shall be as per the specifications mentioned in the BOQ. The item
mentioned in the schedule of quantities for the work shall be for the completion of work
in all respects including of all lead and lifts for the construction material required and
for all labor, scaffolding and tools required to complete the work as per the direction of
engineer-in- charge.
5. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payments on account of work done till he
signs the agreement and the same is accepted by the competent authority.
8. The Engineer-In-Charge reserves the right to take away any item of work or any part
thereof at any time during the currency of work and re-allot to any other agency with
due notice to the contractor without liability of any kind or payment of any
9. The contractor will be responsible for any and all losses of material damages done to
unfinished works as result of floods and any other act of God. WAPCOS will not be
responsible for any compensation as a result of such damages or loss to the contractor
and the contractor shall be liable to set right such damages at his own cost the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
10. Nothing extra will be paid to the contractor for any lead or lift unless otherwise
specified for any material required directly or indirectly under the contract.
11. Nothing extra will be paid to the contractor for diverting water in the channels or
streams if it becomes necessary for the execution and completion of the work.
12. Amount of the work can be increased or decreased due to any item omitted and
substituted in accordance with the requirement of the Board. And no claim on this
account shall be entertained.
13. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing to the entire satisfaction of the
Project Manager at his own expenses for the following amenities for all the labour
employed by him:-
iii) Trench latrines, bathing enclosures, platforms separately for men and women and
their regular cleanliness.
In event of his failure, the cost thereof shall be recovered from the contractor. Any dispute
regarding above points shall be settled by the Engineer-In--Charge and his decision shall
be final.
14. For safe custody of materials and watch and ward thereof and proper double lock
arrangement, the contractor shall be bound to follow the instruction of the Engineer-In-
15. The size of reinforced cement concrete and other structural member shall be
measured and paid as per size provided in the structural drawings.
16. Error or omission, if any in the nomenclature rate or unit of the items or work shall be
corrected as per CPWD schedule of Rates 2014.
17. The materials shall be subject to inspection and approval of the Engineer-In-Charge.
The contractor shall be required to get necessary tests carried out of materials / work
from an approved laboratory approved by the Board.
18. Any construction material will get tested at the cost of the contractor. The contractor
will set up a site laboratory for testing of Coarse Aggregate, Fine Aggregate &
Compressive Strength of Concrete, etc.
19. The make of the materials should be per the make list mentioned in the tender
document. If the make of any material is not mentioned in the tender document, then
the approval of the make with all specifications has to be taken from WAPCOS before
procurement of the material & before execution of the relevant works.
Date: 09.08.2023
Sub: Financial Bid for the work ----- (Name of Work /Project)
Dear Sir,
With reference to your NIT document dated …......... I/we, having examined the Bidding
Documents and understood their contents, hereby submit my/our Bid for the aforesaid
Project. The Bid is unconditional and unqualified.
1. I / We acknowledge that the WAPCOS will be relying on the information provided in
the BID and the documents accompanying the BID for selection of the Contractor for
the aforesaid Project, and we certify that all information provided in the Bid are true
and correct; nothing has been omitted which renders such information misleading;
and all documents accompanying the BID are true copies of their respective
2. The BID Price has been quoted by me / us after taking into consideration all the
terms and conditions stated in the NIT, draft Agreement, our own estimates of costs
and after a careful assessment of the site and all own the conditions that may affect
the project cost and implementation of the project.
3. I/ We acknowledge the right of the Authority to reject our BID without assigning any
reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable
law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.
4. In the event of my/ our being declared as the Selected Bidder, I/we agree to enter
into an Agreement in accordance with the draft that has been provided to me/us
prior to the BID Due Date. We agree not to seek any changes in the aforesaid draft
and agree to abide by the same.
5. I / We shall keep this offer valid as period specified in the NIT.
6. I / We hereby submit our financial BID and offer BID Price excluding GST as filled in
excel format file of Summary Sheet of financial bid for undertaking the aforesaid
Work in accordance with the Bidding Documents and the Agreement.
Yours faithfully,
Summary of Cost
The quoted rate filled in Summary of Cost/Financial Bid (as per the
format of CPPP portal in excel), should include all associated costs
with the project including any out of pocket / mobilization expenses,
taxes (except GST) if any applicable as per Govt. terms, shall be paid
by the Contractor. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) shall be paid
extra over quoted cost.
The company shall be performing all its duties of deduction TDS and
other deduction on payment made to the contractor as per applicable
legislation in force on the date of submission of bid or to be newly /
amended introduced during the execution of the Contract.
SOQ for Interior Works and Allied Services for VC Office/Chamber in Administrative Building at Permanent Campus of Central
University of Jharkhand (CUJ) at Cheri Manatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of
1.1 15.7.4 serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres Sqm 100
lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood)
shutter including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. complete and
1.2 15.12.1 Nos 10
stacking within 50 metres lead:
15.12.1 Of area 3 sq. metres and below
Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including
1.3 15.23.1 stacking material within 50 metres lead. Sqm 21
15.23.1 For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm
Repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20 mm in patches of area
2.5 sq.meters and under, including cutting the patch in proper shape,
raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls
1.4 14.1.2 complete, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground, all Sqm 245
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement
2.1 11.3
slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete.
Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of
class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.
2.3 6.13.2 Sqm 71
Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6mm dia. M.S. bars
2.4 6.15 at every third course of half brick masonry. Sqm 60
2.5 13.5.1 P/L 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall Sqm 149
Providing, hoisting and fixing up to floor five level precast reinforced cement
concrete in small lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span up to floor five level,
including the cost of required centering, shuttering but , excluding the cost of
2.6 5.13 reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from Cum 2
natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from
natural sources).
Providing & laying RCC counter with 20mm thick Prepolished Granite stone
on top and 250 high facias laid in 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 and
jointed with cement slurry with pigment to match the shade of stone including
2.7 N.S making bull nosing and bevelling of edges, rubbing, mirror polishing, drip Rmt 5
course (Includes cost of necessary cutouts for fixing wash basin, mixers)
etc.complete as per working drawings and detail to be provided .
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and laying water proofing treatment to vertical andhorizontal
surfaces of depressed portions of W.C.like consisting of: 1.Ist course of
applying cement slurry @ 4.4 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS 2645 inrecommended proportions including rounding off
junction ofvertical and horizontal surface.2.IInd course of 20 mm cement
2.8 22.3 plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound in Sqm 65
recommended proportion including rounding off junction of vertical
andhorizontal surface.3.IIIrd course of applying blown or residual bitumen
applied hot at 1.7 kg. per sqm of area.4.IVth course of 400 micron thick PVC
sheet. (Overlaps at jointsof PVC sheet should be 100 mm wide and pasted to
each other with bitumen @ 1.7 kg/sqm).
3.1 N.S Overall Plumbing work Sqm 32
P/F vitreous china Wall hung White Water Closet with concealed cistern
(European type W.C. pan) with heavy duty polypropylene seat lid and cover
with PVC hinges and rubber buffers complete with C.P. bolts & nuts, including
3.2 N.S cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required and with Nos 4
Health Faucet (jet spray) including all accessories (Colour/Finish: Chrome) &
angle valve for health faucet.
Providing and fixing of Flush plate/Face plate for insta flush mechanical tank /
3.3 N.S Nos 4
Providing and fixing vitreous urinal basin with auto sensor, 15mm dia CP
spreader pipe, Urinel spreader, 32mm dia cp brass domical waste, 32mm cp
3.4 N.S brass water trap and wall flange, caste iron hanger for support complete in all Nos 3
respect including cutting and making good the walls where ever required.
Angle valve payable sepratory
3.5 N.S Providing and fixing of 12mm thick toughened glass Urnial Partition Nos 6
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
3.6 N.S Providing and fixing Overcounter wash basin Nos 4
P/F Vineered finish, corian top, Vanity counter as per approved design and
3.7 N.S make. Overall size : (900x600x600 mm) Nos 4
Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as
per IS:13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm,
including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good
the walls wherever required :
3.8 17.10.1 Kitchen sink with drain board No 1 510x1040 mm bowl depth 225 mm
3.14 N.S Providing and fixing Two way angle valve for Geyser/R.O. Nos 2
3.15 7187 C.I. grating 150 mm dia, weighing not less than 440 gm Nos 13
3.16 N.S Providing and fixing SS Toilet paper holder Nos 4
P/F of mat chrome plated twin Coat Hooks including sleeves,C. P. scrwes and
3.17 N.S cutting & making good the walls wherever required complete in all respect of Nos 3
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
make as approved make.
P/F Automatic paper dispenser including cutting and making good the walls
3.18 N.S wherever required complete in all respect. make as approved. Nos 3
P/F Automatic perfume dispenser including cutting and making good the
3.19 N.S walls wherever required complete in all respect. make as approved. Nos 3
P/F Automatic Hand dryer including cutting and making good the walls
3.20 N.S wherever required complete in all respect. make as approved. Nos 3
P/F Automatic soap dispenser including cutting and making good the walls
3.21 N.S wherever required complete in all respect. make as approved. Nos 3
Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape 215 mm long,
200 mm wide with minimum distances of 37 mm from wall face with
3.22 17.72 concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour, Nos 4
weighing not less than 88 gms.
P/F duly edge polished 6mm thick mirror of required size of approved quality
and specifications. Aluminium frame to hang mirror on wall. And inbuilt LED
3.23 N.S light all around, complete in all respects as per detailed drawings. Nos 4
Size : W_0.9m x H_1.2m
3.24 N.S Providing and fixing WC HPL cubicals with door set 2
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing of Shower Enclouser, Wall to wall shower enclosure
three part two fix, one door fixed on glass centre opening. Height_1.95mm with
3.25 N.S set 1
8mm thick glass panel and Door width 0.65m.
3.26 18.22 Providing and fixing of C.P. brass shower rose with 15 or 20 mm inlet :
18.22.2 150mm Diameter each 1.00
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing Vitrified Tile 1000mm X 1000mm tiles conforming to IS:
8.31 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make,
(Analysis (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than
over DSR-21, 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in all colours and
4.4 shades as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and Sqm 110
for Verified
tile 1000mm dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
X 1000mm) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.
Supplying and laying of a protective layer of 2mm thk PVC sheet, held
4.5 N.S together with Brown tape Sqm 392
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing partition upto ceiling height consisting of G.I. frame and
required board, including providing and fixing of frame work made of special
section power pressed/ roll form G.I. sheet with zinc coating of 120
gms/sqm(both side inclusive), consisting of floor and ceiling channel 50mm
wide having equal flanges of 32 mm and 0.50 mm thick, fixed to the floor and
ceiling at the spacing of 610 mm centre to centre with dash fastener of 12.5
mm dia meter 50 mm length or suitable anchor fastener or metal screws with
nylon plugs and the studs 48 mm wide having one flange of 34 mm and other
flange 36 mm and 0.50 mm thick fixed ertically within flanges of floor and
5.1 9.105.2 ceiling channel and placed at a spacing of 610 mm centre to centre by 6 mm Sqm 206
dia bolts and nuts, including fixing of studs along both ends of partition fixed
flush to wall with suitable anchor fastener or metal screws with nylon plugs at
spacing of 450 mm centre to centre, and fixing of boards to both side of frame
work by 25 mm long dry wall screws on studs, floor and ceiling channels at the
spacing of 300 mm centre to centre. 9.105.2 75mm overall thickness
partition with 12.5 mm thick double skin tapered edged plain Gypsum plaster
board conforming to IS: 2095: (part I): 2011 (Board with BIS certification
The boards are to be fixed to the frame work with joints staggered to avoid
through cracks, M.S. fixing channel of 99 mm width (0.9 mm thick having two
flanges of 9.5mm each) to be provided at the horizontal joints of two boards,
fixed to the studs using metal to metal flat head screws, including jointing and
finishing to a flush finish with recommended jointing compound, jointing tape,
5.2 NS angle beads at corners (25 mm x 25 mm x 0.5 mm), joint finisher and two coats
of primer suitable for board as per manufacture's specification and direction of
engineer in charge all complete. 9.105.2 75mm overall thickness partition with
12.5 mm thick double skin tapered edged plain Gypsum plaster board
conforming to IS: 2095: (part I): 2011 (Board with BIS certification marks)
Providing and fixing Insulation of 50mm thick 48 kg/m3 Density Glasswool in
5.3 N.S partitions duly fixed Sqm 206
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing & Fixing Glazed partiton with aluminium profiles of size 20mm x
100mm with 10mm toughened float glass, complete in all necessary hardware
5.4 N.S and accessories as per working drawings and detail to be provided . Sqm 47
Providing and fixing single layer of 12.5mm thick Gypsum board for Gypsum
5.5 N.S wall and panelling. Sqm 209
Providing, making and fixing View cutter partition made out of lazer cut metal
5.10 N.S sheet in powder coat finish, fixed on to wooden frame in polish finish, complete No 1
in all respect as per approved design and detail
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing, making and fixing Customised Laminated slats panelling made
out of 12mm thick ply/mdf + 25mm wooden slats cladded with 1mm thick
laminate of approved shade. As per design fixed to existing
5.11 N.S framework/exisiting brick wall,in line, level and plumb with provisions for cut- Sqm 11
outs for electrical sockets/switches and conduits etc. Complete in all respect,
as per working drawings and detail to be provided.
Providing, making and fixing Customised Showcase panelling made out of
12mm thick ply/mdf + 1mm thick laminate of approved shade with niche
provided for storage + Gypsum including attached Laminated shelves . As per
5.12 N.S design fixed to existing framework/exisiting brick wall,in line, level and plumb Sqm 13
with provisions for cut-outs for electrical sockets/switches and conduits etc.
Complete in all respect, as per working drawings and detail to be provided.
Providing, making and fixing Laminated panelling with 12mm thick ply/mdf +
1mm thick laminate of approved shade/colour with grooves pattern and with
Transition profile ( Rose gold T profile ) fixing provision. As per design fixed to
5.13 N.S existing framework/exisiting brick wall,in line, level and plumb with provisions Sqm 14
for cut-outs for electrical sockets/switches and conduits etc. Complete in all
respect, as per working drawings and detail.
Providing, making and fixing of Lacquered glass panelling, with 12mm thick
ply + 6mm thick, duly edge polished 6mm thick Lacquered glass of required
5.14 N.S size of approved quality and specifications, fixed over ply using silicon, Sqm 9
complete in all respect as per approved drawing and detail.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing, making and fixing Laminated panelling with 12mm thick ply/mdf +
1mm thick laminate of approved shade/colour with grooves pattern . As per
design fixed to existing framework/exisiting brick wall,in line, level and plumb
5.15 N.S with provisions for cut-outs for electrical sockets/switches and conduits etc. Sqm 13
Complete in all respect, as per working drawings and detail.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing, making and fixing of Laminated planter with Existing Column
Cladding, made out of G.I. section @ 600 mm c/c vertical and 1200 mm
distance horizontally fixed to floor & RCC roof and/or existing partitions with
screw i/c provisions for grooves and space/ cut-outs for electrical
5.19 N.S Set 1
sockets/switches and conduits etc. infill with 50 mm thick 48 kg/m3 density
glasswool and cladded with 12mm thick plyboard + 1mm thick laminate, colour
as per approved design , complete in all respect.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Provising, making and fixing of Customised Wooden panelling ( Green
shade ) with 12mm thick ply/mdf + 4/6mm mdf and providing smooth surface
5.23 N.S for Duco paint finish + 12mm thick wooden strips in duco paint finish, attached Sqm 74
to walls as per design, complete in all respect as per approved design and
Provising, making and fixing of Wooden panelling ( Green shade ) with 12mm
thick ply/mdf + 4/6mm mdf and providing smooth surface for Duco paint finish,
5.24 N.S Sqm 21
complete in all respect as per approved design and detail.
Providing, making and fixing of Planter Box, made out of 12mm thick ply/mdf +
5.25 N.S 1mm thick laminate finish, complete in all respect as per approved design. No 1
5.26 N.S Providing, making and fixing of Designer wall partition Sqm 8
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing, making and fixing of Customised Wooden Door with one side
laminate finish and other side Duco paint finish + glass vision panel, Including
6.3 N.S grooves as per design and with all hardware, complete in all respect as per No 3
working drawings and detail to be provided
( Size : 900 x 2700mm )
P/F double leaf fully Glazed door ( with Aluminium framing ) of 12mm thick
toughened Modi /Asahi float glass with single or double action heavy duty floor
6.4 N.S springs of Ozone with SS patchfittings hinges, lock, provision for electronic lock No 1
for access control, complete in all respect as per working drawings and detail
to be provided . (size : 1500 x 2700mm)
Providing and fixing in position 38mm thick solid core Flush door shutters
made out of 10mm thick Teak wood lipping all-round the shutters and details
6.5 N.S as shown including providing and fixing including hardware and all Nos 3
accessories complete as per working drawings and detail to be provided .(Size
: 800 x 2450mm). Final finish shall be laminate fixed on both sides.
Providing and fixing in position 38mm thick solid core Flush door shutters
made out of 10mm thick Teak wood lipping all-round the shutters and details
as shown including providing and fixing including hardware and all
6.6 N.S No 1
accessories complete as per working drawings and detail to be provided .(Size
: 800 x 2450mm). Final finish shall be one side laminate and other side Duco
paint finish.
Providing and fixing of Lockable sliding/fixed window with Aluminium
6.7 N.S No 2
Size : W_0.9m x H_1.2m.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Supply & install Aluminium Baffle Ceiling system consist of pre-painted GI of
0.4mm folded sections, centre to centre distance between baffle is 125mm &
baffle to baffle distance is 100mm.(which can be modified as per
architect/designers requirement). The baffles shall be fixed to each other using
mild steel framework of size 30mmx100mm made using 1mm thick MS sheet
which is folded and bend to desired profile finished with powder coating. These
7.1 N.S Sqm 23
mild steel framework/sections shall be inserted between two members and
fixed using self interlocking system. The mild steel framework in turn are fixed
on to he true ceiling above using a suitable suspension system consisting of
bolts, nuts, hangers, 6mm GI rod and anchor fasteners. Rate to includes
necessary supports as per manufacturer specification. Powder Coating
Colour:- as per approved design.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of
frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and
galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS :
277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with
flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to
the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts,
other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required
length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed
with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200
mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of
80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm
centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate
channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I.
wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm
7.2 12.45.1 thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of Sqm 234
ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with
25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum
board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws
of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush
finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing
compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers
covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable
for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also including the cost of
making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of
perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification
and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with :
12.45.1 12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum plain board conforming to IS:
2095- (Part I) :2011 (Board with BIS
certification marks)
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Supply and fixing of Suspended False Ceiling which includes 12.5mm thick
Gypsum board + Laminated strip - fixed to of G.I. frame work hanged from
RCC slab with L-patti fixed with rawl plugs, GI intermediate channels 0.9mm
thick @ 4' c/c, GI perimeter .55mm thick fixed to partitions,and clipping GI
7.3 N.S ceiling section .55mm thick perpendicular at 457mm c/c including cost of nut Sqm 32
bolts,cleats, making cutouts with GI perimeter .55mm thick for fixing lights,
grills, diffusers, trap doors, taping of joints with approved paper tape & levelling
with powder compound, complete in all respect as per working drawings and
detail to be provided .
Supply and fixing of Designer gypsum suspended False Ceiling which
includes 12.5mm thick Gypsum board including covelighting, and pelmet/
trough/centre design pelmet- fixed to of G.I. frame work hanged from RCC
slab with L-patti fixed with rawl plugs, GI intermediate channels 0.9mm thick @
4' c/c, GI perimeter .55mm thick fixed to partitions,and clipping GI ceiling
7.4 N.S Sqm 83
section .55mm thick perpendicular at 457mm c/c including cost of nut
bolts,cleats, making cutouts with GI perimeter .55mm thick for fixing lights,
grills, diffusers, trap doors, taping of joints with approved paper tape & levelling
with powder compound, complete in all respect as per working drawings and
detail to be provided .
Supply and fixing of Wooden Ceiling ( Green shade ) which includes 12 thick
ply/mdf + 4/6mm mdf with smooth surface for Duco paint finish, - fixed to of
G.I. frame work hanged from RCC slab with L-patti fixed with rawl plugs, GI
intermediate channels 0.9mm thick @ 4' c/c, GI perimeter .55mm thick fixed to
7.5 N.S partitions,and clipping GI ceiling section .55mm thick perpendicular at 457mm Sqm 9
c/c including cost of nut bolts,cleats, making cutouts with GI perimeter .55mm
thick for fixing lights, grills, diffusers, trap doors, taping of joints with approved
paper tape & levelling with powder compound, complete in all respect as per
working drawings and detail to be provided .
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing, making and fixing of Designer laminated wooden ceiling , Made
out of 12mm thick ply/mdf + 1mm thick laminate, fixed to of G.I. frame work
hanged from RCC slab with L-patti fixed with rawl plugs, GI intermediate
channels 0.9mm thick @ 4' c/c, GI perimeter .55mm thick fixed to
7.6 N.S partitions,and clipping GI ceiling section .55mm thick perpendicular at 457mm Sqm 20
c/c including cost of nut bolts,cleats, making cutouts with GI perimeter .55mm
thick for fixing lights, grills, diffusers, trap doors, taping of joints with approved
paper tape & levelling with powder compound, complete in all respect as per
working drawings and detail to be provided .
Providing and fixing painted U-shape Pelmet 250 mm high, 250mm wide
made of 18mm thick ply/mdf, wood margin, supported from RCC slab/beam
7.7 N.S soffits by MS flat/GI wire at 1.0mt c/c spacing as approved including finished Rmt 44
with enamel paint complete in all respect as per working drawings and detail to
be provided (for washroom, pantry and W.C.)
Providing and fixing trap doors in ceiling made of 12mm thick commercial
(Phenol bonded) plywood panels placed inside Aluminium channel or power
pressed G.I perimeter frame work which is fixed to ceiling framing on all sides
and hanged from RCC slabs with MS flat 25mm x 4mm which are fixed with
7.8 N.S Nos 7
expansion hold fasteners, panel to be cladded with 1.00mm thick white
approved laminate matching paint i/c painting inner side with synthetic enamel
paint, complete as per working drawings and detail to be provided . size :
600mm x 600mm.
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing & Applying Royal paint ( Dark shade ) on walls/ false ceiling/ three
or more coats with roller I/c applying cement primer, making smooth surface
8.2 N.S Sqm 62
with putty to the satisfaction of architect.
Providing and applying Textured paint on walls, two or more coats with roller
8.2 N.S I/c applying cement primer, making smooth surface with putty to the Sqm 14
satisfaction of architect
Providing and applying Plaster of Paris on walls in line,level and plumb to
8.3 N.S achieve true level, thickness from 12mm-20mm. Sqm 676
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing of Modular Low height cubical partition with lackered +
9.5 N.S fabric strip and paint finish. Ht. 1.2m Rmt 11
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
(b) N.S Conference chair Nos 9
(c) N.S VC chair No 1
Visitors chair ( NUCAS 6 , Visitor Chair, Wooden Frame, Cushion Arm,
(d) N.S Nos 10
Chrome Plated pipe stand )
(e) N.S Office chair Nos 11
(f) N.S Dining chair Nos 3
9.10 N.S Providing, making and fixing customised two seater sofa ( Durian Windsor ) Nos 12
9.11 N.S Providing, making and fixing customised single seater sofa Nos 4
9.12 N.S Providing, making and fixing customised seating sofa No 1
Supply and fixing of floor rug as per approved design, pattern etc. complete in
9.13 N.S Sqm 2
all respect.
9.14 N.S Providing and fixing of floor standing coat hanger No 1
Providing and fixing of Metal standing planter vase with green plants
9.15 N.S Nos 9
including metal base in powder paint finish
9.16 N.S Providing and fixing of Floor standing planter vase with green plants Nos 10
9.17 N.S Providing and fixing of Green plants ( small ) for planter box. Nos 40
9.18 N.S Providing, making and fixing of Single Bed with Mattress, Pillow and side table No 1
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing of Customised Veneered TV cabinet with openable
shutters made of 19mm thick commercial board boxing, partitions, shelves,
shutters with, exposed surfaces to be cladded with veneer and white laminate
10.2 N.S No 1
on inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all
respect as per working drawings .
Size : W_2.5m x D_0.45m x H_0.5m
Providing and fixing of Customised Veneered TV cabinet with openable
shutters made of 19mm thick commercial board boxing, partitions, shelves,
shutters with, exposed surfaces to be cladded with veneer and white laminate
10.3 N.S No 1
on inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all
respect as per working drawings .
Size : W_1.66m x D_0.45m x H_0.5m
Providing and fixing laminated under counter storage with openable shutters
made of 18mm thick mdfl board boxing, partitions, shelves, shutters with,
exposed surfaces to be cladded with 1mm thick laminate with teak/white Ash
10.5 N.S wood moulding and 12mm grooves with laminate and white laminate on No 1
inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all respect
as per working drawings and detail to be provided . Designer storage.
Size : W_5.0m x D_0.6m x H_0.9m
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing of Customised Laminated TV cabinet with openable
shutters made of 19mm thick commercial board boxing, partitions, shelves,
shutters with, exposed surfaces to be cladded with veneer and white laminate
10.6 N.S No 1
on inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all
respect as per working drawings .
Size : W_2.7m x D_0.45m x H_0.5m
Providing and fixing of Customised Laminated TV cabinet with openable
shutters made of 19mm thick commercial board boxing, partitions, shelves,
shutters with, exposed surfaces to be cladded with veneer and white laminate
10.7 N.S No 1
on inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all
respect as per working drawings .
Size : W_1.5m x D_0.45m x H_0.5m
Providing and fixing laminated Server cabinet with openable shutters made of
18mm thick mdfl board boxing, partitions, shelves, shutters with, exposed
surfaces to be cladded with 1mm thick laminate with teak/white Ash wood
10.8 N.S moulding and 12mm grooves with laminate and white laminate on No 1
inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all respect
as per working drawings and detail to be provided . Size : W_0.9m x D_0.6m x
Providing and fixing laminated Full height storage with openable shutters
made of 18mm thick mdfl board boxing, partitions, shelves, shutters with,
exposed surfaces to be cladded with 1mm thick laminate with teak/white Ash
10.9 N.S wood moulding and 12mm grooves with laminate and white laminate on No 1
inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all respect
as per working drawings and detail to be provided .
Size : W_3.5m x D_0.45m x H_2.4m
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
Providing and fixing laminated L-shape low height storage with openable
shutters made of 18mm thick mdfl board boxing, partitions, shelves, shutters
with, exposed surfaces to be cladded with 1mm thick laminate with teak/white
10.10 N.S Ash wood moulding and 12mm grooves with laminate and white laminate on Nos 2
inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all respect
as per working drawings and detail to be provided . Designer storage.
Overall size : W_4.0m x D_0.4m x H_1.2m
Providing and fixing laminated Low height storage with openable shutters
made of 18mm thick mdfl board boxing, partitions, shelves, shutters with,
exposed surfaces to be cladded with 1mm thick laminate with teak/white Ash
10.11 N.S wood moulding and 12mm grooves with laminate and white laminate on Nos 2
inside/hidden surfaces including all hardware, locks etc. complete in all respect
as per working drawings and detail to be provided . Designer storage.
Size : W_1.0m x D_0.4m x H_1.2m
11.1 N.S Providing and fixing of Wooden Venetian blind. Sqm 92
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
S.No. DSR Description of Items Unit Qty. Rate (in RS) Amount
2021/NSR/MR (in Rs)
11.2 N.S Providing and fixing Rose gold T channel. Rmt 440
11.3 N.S Providing and fixing of wooden Biding ( Teak ) with polish Rmt 92
11.4 N.S Providing and fixing frosted film on glass as per approved sample (3M) Sqmt 47
11.5 N.S Providing and fixing Signages for toilet, pantry etc. ( Max. 10 nos. ) L/s 1
11.6 N.S Providing and fixing of 3D acrylic cut logo Set 1
11.7 N.S Providing and fixing of 3D acrylic cut backlit logo Set 1
11.7 N.S Providing and fixing of Interior film on walls Sqm 89
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
following LT switch-gear panels suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz
power distribution system. The panel shall be, Indoor, free standing, floor
mounting, sheet metal clad, cubicle, dead front, dust and vermin proof type
compartmentalized design fabricated out of 14 SWG sheet steel, complete with
aluminium bus bars, separate earth bus bar to be provided through out the
length of the panel. The incoming and outgoing feeders shall be
accommodated in a modular multitier arrangement and shall be interlocked to
avoid paralleling, adequate size cable alley, painting, earthing, numbering,
danger plate etc as required as per specifications and drawings.
1.1.1 MDB-A
Incomer :
One (1) no. 125 A, 4P Auto Transfer switch suitable for auto as well as manual
mode operation, source priority and time delay setting.
One (1) No. 125 Amps, 36 KA 4P MCCBs with ON/OFF/TRIP indication lamps,
control MCBs complete as required
One (1) no. digital VAF meter (accuracy class 1.0) with 1 Set (3 No's) of
125/5A ratio, 15VA, CL 1.0, C.T's & control MCB.
One (1) set ( 3 nos.) phase indication lamps with control MCB.
Bus Bars :
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Electrolytic high conductivity Aluminium four pole bare busbars rated at 200
amps having a maximum current density of 1 amp per sq. mm with phase
identification colour marks. IP20 protection cover shall be provided between
bus bars and compartment door.
One (1) set of Class B+C/Class I+II (according to IEC 61643) Surge Protection
device Single MOV with built in thermal fuse type with response time < 25 nano
seconds each with 3 numbers for the connection between Phase and Neutral
and Spark Gap Encapsulated / Non-exhausting type with response time of <
100 nano seconds 1 number between Neutral and Earth, Lightning impulse
current 7 KA(10/350 µsec ) phase to neutral and 25 KA(10/350 µsec) neutral to
Four (4) Nos. 63A, 10 KA 4P MCBs "C" curve
NS Two (2) Nos.32A, 10 KA 4P MCBs "C" curve Set 1
Notes :
The panel shall be IP 52 protected.
All MCCBs above 200A rating shall be provided with microprocessor based
protection releases for short circuit, overload with 0.4 - 1 x In adjustable
overload protection release.
All MCCBs below and including 200A rating shall be provided with thermal
magnetic protection releases for short circuit, overload protection with 0.8 - 1 x
In adjustable overload protection release.
All MCCBs shall be provided with spreader terminals, phase barriers and rotary
handle operating mechanism.
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Incomer :
One (1) No. 63 Amps, 25 KA DP MCCBs with ON/OFF/TRIP indication lamps,
control MCBs complete as required
One (1) no. digital VAF meter (accuracy class 1.0) with 1 Set (3 No's) of 63/5A
ratio, 15VA, CL 1.0, C.T's & control MCB.
One (1) set ( 2 nos.) On/Off indication lamps with control MCB.
Bus Bars :
Electrolytic high conductivity Aluminium four pole bare busbars rated at 125
amps having a maximum current density of 1 amp per sq. mm with phase
identification colour marks. IP20 protection cover shall be provided between
bus bars and compartment door.
Four (4) Nos. 32A, 10 KA DP MCBs "C" curve
NS Five (5) Nos. 16A, 10 KA DP MCBs "C" curve Set 1
Notes :
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral,
sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with
tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections,
2.4.3 3
powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without
8 way (4 + 24), Double door
a) ACDB- C
- Incoming:
Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 V, isolator in the existing
MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as 1
required. 100 A
- Outgoing:
Supplying and fixing 5 A to 32 A rating, 240/415 V, 10 kA, "C" curve, miniature
circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB
2.10.1 DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required Set 12
Single pole
d) DB Type-2
- Incoming:
Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 V, isolator in the existing
2.13.2 MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as Set
required.63 A
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phase and neutral),
240 V, residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30
2.14.3 Set
mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as required.
Supplying and fixing 5 A to 32 A rating, 240/415 V, 10 kA, "C" curve, miniature
circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB
2.10.1 Set 24
DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as
required.Single pole
Supplying, assembling, installation, testing & commissioning of following type
of light fixtures including all accessories. The installation arrangement shall be
done using proper support etc. complete as required.
a) NS 36W LED 2X2 FIXTURE Nos. 16
b) NS 15 W LED WITH GLASS Nos. 56
c) NS LED COVE LIGHT (mtr) Rm 115
d) NS Mirror LED Light Nos. 2
f) NS LED 1200mm Batten light fixture Nos. 4
g) NS 12W LED recessed down lighter Nos. 4
h) NS Designer light in VC room
Nos. 3
i) NS 28 W lenear light Nos 8
j) NS Exhust fan Nos 2
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
3.1 1.1 KV Cabling
Supply installation, testing and commissioning of following sizes of PVC
sheathed PVC/XLPE insulated Aluminium conductor / copper conductor power
/ multicore control armoured cable of 1.1 KV grade on wall, or in existing cable
tray /masonry ducts/hume pipe with fixing hardware etc as required.
Aluminium cables:
Copper cables:
b) NS 4 C x 16 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable RM 45
c) NS 4 C x 10 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable RM 30
d) NS 3 C x 6 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable RM 40
3.2 Cable Termination
Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
9.1 aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.
Aluminium cables:
a) 9.1.22 3.5C x 50 Sq.mm XLPE Al. cable Nos. 2
Copper cables:
b) NS 4 C x 16 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable Nos. 2
c) NS 4 C x 10 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable Nos. 2
d) NS 3 C x 6 Sq.mm XLPE Cu. cable Nos. 2
3.3 Cable Trays
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Supplying and installing following size of perforated painted with powder
coating M.S. cable trays with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient
sections, joined with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with M.S.
suspenders including bolts & nuts, painting suspenders etc as required.
3.3.1 Perforated Type Cable tray
Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and
10.2 framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a
(CIVIL- priming coat of approved steel primer, fabrication and installation of cable Kg 30
2021) support structure and other works as per site requirement comprising of
ISMCS, ISA's, flats rods etc all complete
a) Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
5.6 arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and Nos. 2
salt as required.
b) Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
5.5 Nos. 4
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. (but without charcoal/
coke and salt ) as required.
4.2 Earthing Strip/Wires
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following sizes of GI/ Copper
strip/wire clamped to walls, cable trays, cables in recess or surface etc for
equipment/ System /Lightning protection earthing complete as required
including inter connection between length at joints, all fixing accessories
saddles, clamps etc and other fixing hardware material as required for proper
4.2.1 G.I. Earthing strip/wire
a) Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for
5.15 connections etc. as required. RM 50
b) NS 12 SWG wire
RM 100
4.2.2 Green colour FRLS PVC insulated Copper conductor flexible cable
a) 1106 Single core 16 sq. mm cu pvc insulated cable RM 60
b) 1104 6.0 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC insulated, single core copper conductor
cable RM 40
4.2.5 Supply and making cable termination including crimping tinned copper heavy
duty lugs/ferrules etc complete as required for following sizes of PVC insulated
unsheathed flexible cable with annealed copper conductor.
b) NS Single core 16 sq. mm cu pvc insulated cable Nos. 4
c) NS Single core 6 sq. mm cu pvc insulated cable Nos. 10
4.3 NS Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of TINNED Copper Earth Bus
Bar of size 300mm x 100mm x 6 mm thick on SMC/DMC insulators on wall /
Nos. 2
4.4 Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with
14.15.1 all accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc. conforming to IS 14930, Part II RM 20
complete with fitting and cutting, jointing etc. in the existing trench, complete as
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
5.1 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed
1.10.3 medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI 100
box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable etc. as required. GROUP-C
d) 1.31 One 6 Amps, 2/3 pin socket controlled by one 6 Amps switch. Nos. 5
5.4 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 A
1.32 Nos. 18
modular socket outlet and 15/16 A modular switch, connections etc. as
5.5 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
1.31 on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular Set 5
socket outlet and 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. as required.
5.6 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
1.31 on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular Set 8
socket outlet and 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. as required.
5.7 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
1.31 on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular Set 20
socket outlet and 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. as required.
5.8 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 A
1.32 modular socket outlet and 15/16 A modular switch, connections etc. as Set 18
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
5.9 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front
on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 A
1.32 Set 12
modular socket outlet and 15/16 A modular switch, connections etc. as
Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes
1.14 of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/
recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.
1.14.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire RM 50
1.14.3 32X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire RM 70
5.10 Conduiting
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with
1.21 accessories in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good the
same in case of recessed conduit as required.
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
5.12 Supplying and installation of following sizes of 1.6 mm thick GI raceways with
2.0 mm thick GI cover and fixing hardware in recess/ on surface including
chasing the wall/floor complete as required.
a) 150 x 40 RM 40
b) 75x40 RM 30
5.13 Supplying and fixing following size/ modules, GI box alongwith modular
base & cover plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required.
a) 1.27.5 125 x 125 x 50 mm Nos 12
b) 1.27.6 250 x 250 x 50 mm Nos 10
5.14 Industrial Socket Outlets
a) Supplying and fixing 20 A, 240 V, SPN Industrial type socket outlet, with 2 pole
and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20 A "C" curve, SP, MCB, in
2.18 sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the Nos 2
socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc.
as required.
a) Supplying and fixing 30 A, 415 V, TPN Industrial type socket outlet, with 4 pole
and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 30 A "C" curve, TPMCB, in sheet
2.20 steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the Nos. 6
socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc.
as required.
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with
1.21 accessories in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good the
same in case of recessed conduit as required.
a) 1.21.2 25 mm dia RM 150
6.2 Wiring
1.18 Supplying and drawing following pair 0.5 mm dia FRLS PVC insulated
annealed copper conductor, unarmored telephone cable in the existing
surface/ recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required.
a) 1.18.3 4 Pair RM 400
6.3 Telephone Socket Outlet
1.24 Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular
plate & switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as
a) 1.24.6 Telephone socket outlet Nos. 16
b) NS Double plug in type. Nos. 2
6.4 Telephone Tag Block
Supply and installation of telephone tag block of IDC (krone) type of following
sizes in sheet metal enclosure of suitable dimensions fabricated out of 16
SWG sheet steel with castle key lock, hinged type cover including termination
of riser cables, making connections, painting of box etc, complete as required.
a) 10 Pair Nos. 0
b) 30 Pair Nos. 1
6.5 Structured cabling
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
a) Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT 6 LAN Cable in the existing surface/
1.53.1 recessed Steel/ PVC conduit as required RM 720
b) Supplying and fixing in position GI box for data outlet suitable for fixing of RJ
NS Nos. 18
45 jack complete as required.
c) Supply & installation of Plug in type RJ45 computer data outlet in existing box
NS Nos. 28
& cover plate in wall/furniture/floor complete as required.
d) NS Supplying and laying VGA Cable with connector on both ends. RM 2
e) NS Supplying and laying HDMI Cable with connector on both ends. RM 2
f) Face Plates
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
manager etc. complete as required.
6.10 Supply and laying of RG 6 tinned copper conductor co-axial cable in existing
6.11 Supply and fixing in position GI box for T.V. outlet including modular cover
NS Nos. 6
plate and co-axial type T.V. socket outlet complete as required.
a) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of IP CCTV 2MP 2.8mm/3.6mm
wide angle fixed lens IR Dome Camera 1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS;
H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264/MJPEG; Colour: 0.01 lux @(F1.2, AGC ON), 0
NS Nos. 14
lux with IR; 25fps/30fps(2560×1440, 1920×1080); 3 VCA functions; 3 streams;
3D DNR; ICR; EXIR 2.0, up to 30m; DC12V&PoE; Built-in micro
b) Supply, installation testing and commissioning of Network Video recorder
Linux based to manage and control all the cameras from control room.
NS Software shall support maximum 32 channel with joystick controller. 256Mbps Nos. 1
Bit Rate Input Max(up to 32-ch IP video), 4 SATA Interfaces, alarm I/O: 16/4,
1.5U case,19" with 4x6TB i.e. 24TB HDD inside
c) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Video Management
software enabling security related personnel to easily and remotely gather
video evidence, monitor live situations, and configure and maintain a video
surveillance system over Ethernet consisting of digital video recorders (DVRs),
NS hybrid digital video recorders, network video recorders (NVRs), analogue video Nos. 1
cameras, and IP video cameras should support Detachable Viewers –users
have the ability to detach Viewer panels and move them to other (or the same)
monitor(s). A maximum of two (2) Viewers can be detached for a total of 75-up
video tiles [two (2) detached and one (1) core Viewer.
d) Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning of Corei5, 1TB HDD, 8GB RAM,
NS Windows 10 Professional, 21"LED monitor, PC workstation with Graphic Nos. 1
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
e) Supply & Fixing of UTP Jack Panel UL listed, loaded with 24 no's UTP ports for
PCB based IO Jacks (RJ45, TIA-568C Category-6), having integrated bonding
bar or other mechanism for grounding, loaded with individually replaceable 24
NS nos. Category-6 I/O Jacks complying with TIA-568.C.2. Shall be 6 port module Nos 1
construction for better cable dressing at the rear. The jacks shall have RJ-45
type connector with bend limiting and strain relief boot for securing IDC
contacts from external forces and for maintaining the bend radius of the cable.
h NS Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning of 32 inch Full HD LED monitor. Nos. 1
l) Supplying and fixing in position GI box for data outlet suitable for fixing of RJ
NS Nos. 6
45 jack complete as required.
j Supply & installation of Plug in type RJ45 computer data outlet in existing box
NS Nos. 6
& cover plate in wall/furniture/floor complete as required.
k NS Supply & Installation of Single Face Plate Nos. 6
k Supply, laying, installation, testing and commissioning of Cat-6 4Pair UTP
NS Cable 23 AWG for data in existing conduits/raceway/furniture including RM 180
termination & numbering on both ends.
l) Supply & installation of following sizes of PVC conduit in recess/on surface
including all accessories, PVC Junction/pull boxes, GI fish wire, fixing
NS hardware etc including chasing the wall/floor and plastering the chased portion
and making good the damage etc complete as required.
Rate Amount
(in Rs) (in Rs)
m NS 25 mm dia conduit RM 120
Note: Accessories like Connectors, Mounting hardware, tags, identifiers,
fixtures, clamps, screws, nut - bolts etc as required shall be included in above
items. These shall not be paid separately.
(In Rs) (in Rs)
(In Rs) (in Rs)
(In Rs) (in Rs)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of UPVC pipe cut to
required length and installed with all screwed joint for condensate drain.
Quote price shall be inclusive of supply and fixing in position the
necessary fittings like elbows, tees reducers etc, and supporting
arrangement in accordance with the approved drawing and specifications
Pipe shall be installed with 9mm thick closed cell elastomersic insulation
in tubing form.
Pipes shall be of following sizes :
40mm dia 40 RM
32mm dia 38 RM
25mm dia 60 RM
(In Rs) (in Rs)
(In Rs) (Rs.)