New Syllabus
New Syllabus
New Syllabus
Professional Programme
...Model of efficiency
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Content Content
Introduc on 2
Financial Accoun ng 7
Strategic and Opera ons Management 10
Management Accoun ng 14
Corporate Law 19
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
The Ins tute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN) is a professional
body dedicated to excellence in Corporate Governance and Public Administra on. It is an
offshoot of the Interna onal Professional Body with its headquarters in London and divisions and
associa ons in the Commonwealth Countries. The interna onal body was founded in 1891 and
received Royal Charter in 1902. The Ins tute in Nigeria was established in 1944 as an Associate
of the interna onal body. It was later incorporated under the Companies Act of 1968. It was
granted a Charter by Act No. 19 of 1991 (formerly Decree No. 19 of 1991).
The Ins tute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN) is the leading
recognised professional body in Nigeria dedicated to enhancing the status and prac ce of
Corporate Governance and Public Administra on. The ICSAN educa onal and professional
structure is dedicated to the task of broadening the professional horizons of tomorrow's
managers by providing programmes on a wide range of subjects that lead to a qualifica on which
is na onally and interna onally recognised. The Ins tute is a member of the Corporate
Secretaries Interna onal Associa on [CSIA], a Geneva registered global organiza on dedicated
to developing and growing the study and prac ce of Secretaryship to improve professional
standard, the quality of governance prac ce and to improve organiza onal performance. It is a
“professional qualifica on that results from professional educa on”.
Graduates and members of the Ins tute are found in every sector of the economy and
administra on as Company Secretaries, General Managers, Finance Managers, Chief
Accountants, Heads of Finance, Directors of Administra on, Chairmen and Chief Execu ves of
Public and Private Companies, and in the Civil Service, Parastatals and the Armed Forces.
· To develop and promote the professional ideals, standards, ethics and code of conduct and
the interests of the Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.
· Create opportuni es for social interac on, communica on, and solidarity among the
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
To develop and promote the professional ideals, standards, ethics and code of conduct
and the interests of the Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.
2. To become a full Member of ICSAN and a Chartered Secretary you also need to
demonstrate a certain level of professional experience. Many students' study while they
work and are able to gain their professional experience at the same me as studying.
Student Registra on
To register as a student and sit for the professional examina ons of the Ins tute, interested
persons must possess a Higher Na onal Diploma (HND), Degree, Cer ficate or a recognised
professional qualifica on. Exemp ons are granted according to entry qualifica on(s).
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
By way of Benchmark, the rigor of ICSAN examina on scheme is structured as follows:
Founda on - equivalent to second year of a three-year
degree programme
Pre – Professional - equivalent to a first degree
Professional Part 1 & 2 - equivalent to a Master's Degree.
The Federal Ministry of Educa on has held that holders of the ICSAN Professional
examina ons with first degree or HND as entry qualifica on would be rated/placed on two (2)
advanced grade levels above the one being run by the first-degree holders in the labour
The rigor of the examina on scheme at the Professional Programme level is that of a
postgraduate award.
The 16 subjects of professional examina on scheme are as follows:
Strategic and Opera ons Management Corporate Administra on and Risk Management
Corporate Law Corporate Secretaryship and Board Dynamics
Financial Accoun ng Financial Management and Strategy
Management Accoun ng Governance: Public, Private and Not for Profit
SSCE, GCE O'levels, OND, NCE, Degrees of any University or H.N.D of any Polytechnic recognised
by the Council. MSc, MBA, ACA, ACCA, ACMA or any other professional qualifica ons recognised
by the Council.
Graduates with related degrees i.e., B.Sc. Accoun ng, B.Sc. Business Administra on and B.Sc.
Banking & Finance, LLB are exempted from all the courses in Founda on, Pre – professional and
Professional Part 1 programmes.
Non-related degrees are exempted from Founda on and Pre – professional, Management
Accoun ng and Strategic and Opera ons Management in Professional Programme Part I.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Examina ons for the Programme are held in June and December of every year
To enter for the examina ons, students must register through their portals on or before the
closing dates.
The closing date for the First diet is: 30th April and 31st October for the second diet
The exam paper is split into two sec ons: Sec on A is compulsory, and candidates choose 3
ques ons to complete from a choice of 5 in Sec on B. The marks allocated for all ques ons that
the candidate is required to complete totals 100. The pass mark is 50%.
The marks awarded for each ques on are shown at the end of each ques on. If a ques on is
divided into parts; the marks awarded for each part are usually shown. In this way, you should be
able to discern how much me to allocate to each part of a ques on.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Ibadan Abuja
ICSAN, Ibadan Office ICSAN, Abuja Office
Suite One, Genesis Building Suite 10, Jinifa Plaza,
Opposite YMCA, 21 Joyce B Road Plot 1014, Samuel Ademulegun Street,
Off Ring Road (By Mobil Junc on) Central Area, Abuja.
Ibadan, Oyo State Phone: 08130201177
Phone: 08028958562
Umuahia Kaduna
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
The Professional examina ons are made up of two interrelated and professional programmes.
These are:
A competency in Financial Accoun ng in a number of contexts is essen al to a Chartered
Secretary. Exper se in the subject area is required to contribute to the analysis and
interpreta on of corporate financial performance and results. The Financial Accoun ng course
aims to develop the skills and knowledge required for Chartered Secretaries to carry out their
professional responsibili es.
In professional prac ce, the Chartered Secretary has to be competent in Financial Accoun ng to a
high standard, and in a number of different contexts. Exper se is demanded in the boardroom
se ng to contribute to the analysis and interpreta on of corporate financial performance and
results. Corporate repor ng in compliance with legal and stakeholder requirements, including
financial statements, is a core responsibility of the Chartered Secretary. In public prac ce, and in
many organisa ons, the Chartered Secretary is also some mes called upon to fulfill the role of
Corporate Accountant. The aim of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for
the Chartered Secretary to carry out these professional responsibili es.
This course is a component of the ICSAN Professional Programme Part I. It is designed to enable
aspiring Chartered Secretaries to:
a) Demonstrate required standards of competence for professional prac ce in a key
discipline, and
b) Acquire essen al knowledge and skills to support the relevant components of the
Professional Programme.
The course specifica on is based on the assump on of some relevant prior knowledge, and
candidates will find it helpful to have familiarised themselves par cularly with:
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
This course is a component of the ICSAN Professional Programme Part I. It is designed to enable
aspiring Chartered Secretaries to:
The course specifica on is based on the assump on of some relevant prior learning in
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
The Nature of Change
Change Agents and Major Forces influencing Change
Strategies for Managing Organisa onal Change
Resistance to Change
Contemporary Change Issues
What is Communica on?
Func ons of Communica on
Formal and informal Communica on
The Communica on Process
Direc ons of Organisa onal Communica on
Barriers to Effec ve Communica on
Contemporary Issues in Communica on
Opera ons Planning:
Product and process design
Capacity Planning Strategies
Aggregate Planning Models
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
What is Quality?
Objec ves of quality control programmes
Strategies for controlling quality'
Inspec on
Sta s cal Quality Control
Process Control
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Performance Management
Methods of Managing Employees' performance
Issues with Performance Evalua on
Organiza onal Performance and Effec veness
The Chartered Secretary prac ces within the se ng of both strategic (boardroom) and
opera ons management. A command of the concepts and prac ces of management
accoun ng is crucial to fulfilling these responsibili es.
The aim of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the Chartered
Secretary to employ the principles and prac ces of management accoun ng in strategic
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Problems with Tradi onal Cos ng Systems
Ac vity-Based Cos ng
The Charging and A ribu on of Common Costs
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Aims of Budge ng
Budge ng Principles
The Mechanics of Preparing Budgets
Fixed Budgets
Flexible Budgets
Ac vity-Based Budge ng
Rolling/Con nuous Budgets
Zero Based Budge ng
Principles of Cash Budge ng
The mechanics of Cash Budge ng
The format of a Cash Budget
Deprecia on, No onal Costs, Opportunity Costs and Cash Flow Budgets
Tax and Cash Budge ng
Non-Trading Cash Inflows and Ou lows
The Features of a Budgetary Control System
Budget styles
The Behavioural Implica ons of Accoun ng Control Systems
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
The need for Investment Appraisal Measures
Project Life Cycle Costs and Terotechnology
Payback Calcula ons
Accoun ng Rate of Return
Discounted Cash Flow
Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
The Impact of Corporate Taxa on on Investment Appraisal
Project Monitoring and Post-Project Audit
Sensi vity Analysis
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
The Chartered Secretary is, within the organisa on, the first point of authority and
reference on the requirements of corporate law. A pivotal role is also played in corporate
compliance, and the body of law is the basis and framework for corporate secretarial
prac ce.
The aim of the course is therefore to provide a thorough grounding in, and knowledge and
understanding of the sources and principal provisions of corporate law in the structure,
management and performance of the business en ty.
Understand and advise on the provisions and applica on of corporate law appropriate to
the cons tu on, forma on and performance of the business en ty.
Perform the role of principal compliance officer.
Understand and advise on the impact of law on the role of Directors, the Secretary, and the
audit func on.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
This course is a component of the ICSAN Professional Programme Part I. It is designed to enable
aspiring Chartered Secretaries to (a) demonstrate required standards of competence for
professional prac ce in a key discipline, and (b) acquire essen al knowledge and skills to
underpin the relevant components of the Professional Programme.
The course specifica on is based on the assump on of some relevant prior cer ficated
knowledge, and candidates will find it helpful to have familiarised themselves par cularly with:
Sources of Nigerian Company Law
Defini on of a Company
The essen al characteris cs of A company.
Corporate personality and the veil of incorpora on.
Civil and criminal liability of company
Public and private
Company limited by shares and by guarantee; Incorporated Trustees
Holding and subsidiary companies
Comparison with sole proprietorships and partnerships
Voluntary and charitable bodies
Representa ve and Foreign Companies
Capacity to incorporate a company
Registra on procedures
Commencement of business and regulatory environment – CIS, CSCS
Promo on of a company
The company promoter
Du es owed by a promoter and remedies for breach
Pre-incorpora on Contracts.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Memorandum of Associa on – purpose, content and altera on
Ar cles of Associa on – purpose, outline and content
Effect of Memorandum and Ar cles of Associa on
Altera on and limits to Altera on of Ar cles
Types of Shares
Class Rights and Varia on of Rights
Issuing and Payment for Shares
Altera on of Share Capital
The Capital Maintenance Rule; purpose and excep ons to the Rule
Redemp on and purchase of own shares
Loss of Capital
Distribu on of Profits
The Concept of Membership
ü Transfer and transmission of shares
ü Disclosure and register of members
Public Offer of Shares
Types of public offer
The regula on of public offers and remedies for misleading prospectus
Role of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Securi es & Exchange Commission and
Investment & Securi es Tribunal.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Types of debentures
Trustees and Trust deed
Power to borrow
Secured and unsecured borrowing
Remedies of debenture holders
Defini on
Becoming a director and tenure
Types of directors
Appointment and removal of directors
Disqualifica on, vaca on of office and remunera on
Du es of directors- Common law, fiduciary and statutory du es
Absolving directors from breach of duty
Insider dealing, market abuse and disclosure of interest
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Appointment, qualifica on, du es, removal and authority of the company secretary
The Posi on of a Minority Shareholder within a Company
ü Division of Corporate Powers
ü The Rule in Foss v. Harbo le and the Common Law Excep ons
ü Personal, Deriva ve and Representa ve ac ons
Shareholder Remedies
ü Just and Equitable Winding Up and Locus Standi
ü Statutory Remedy of Prejudicial Conduct, Locus Standi, The Meaning of
Unfairly Prejudicial Conduct, Limits and Remedies Available
ü Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
ü CAC Inves ga ons
Reconstruc ons, Schemes of Arrangement, Mergers and Takeovers
Compulsory Acquisi on of Shares on a Takeover
Insolvency and Winding Up
ü Swelling the Assets Available by Se ng Aside Transac ons and Seeking
ü Contribu ons towards the assets of the Company
ü Methods of Winding up
ü Grounds for Winding Up for
The Liquidator
Du es
Powers suo moto
Powers with leave of Court
Order of Applica on of Assets of Insolvent Companies
Consequences of Winding Up, Striking off and Restora on of Companies to the
Alterna ves to Winding-up-Receivership
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
At the conclusion of this course, the candidate will be able to:
Research and apply the growing global informa on sources on corporate governance;
Promote awareness of, and be responsible for con nuing self and personnel
development on corporate governance themes;
Promulgate corporate governance principles and best prac ce in the employing or
client organisa on;
Apply professional knowledge and skills to the resolu on of prac cal issues and problems
in the proper governance of the employing or client organisa on;
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Apply professional knowledge and skills to the resolu on of prac cal issues and problems
in the proper governance of the employing or client organisa on;
Understand and apply the concepts of probity and ethical standards in governance;
Understand and advise on the impact of corporate governance principles on the role
of Directors, the Secretary, and the audit func on.
Evaluate the theories that inform debates about the Management of public Services
Demonstrate the ability to analyze organiza ons from a public management
perspec ve and develop recommenda ons for change, informed by relevant theories
and concepts.
Demonstrate knowledge of Community Governance.
Iden fy the core mechanisms of public administra on, including the organisa on
and management of human and financial resources.
Cri cally engage various disciplinary perspec ves and theore cal approaches to
the study of public administra on and governance.
Exposure to Public Service Rules, Financial Regula ons and Government Accoun ng.
Apply the growing global informa on to promote the highest standards of
Corporate governance for Not-For- Profit organiza ons.
Apply professional knowledge and skills to promote sound systems of internal
control and informa on systems to safeguard stakeholders' investment and assets of
public en es.
Apply professional knowledge and skills to the resolu on of prac cal issues that
promotes sound financial repor ng and accountability based on true and fair
financial statements duly audited by competent and independent auditors
Understand and advise on the impact of corporate governance principles on the
role of Directors, Commi ees, secretary and Stakeholder's rela onship.
Evidence of assessed pre-requisite knowledge and understanding in the following disciplines must be
demonstrated through the Ins tute's examina ons, or those of equivalent qualifica ons which have
been approved as mee ng the Ins tute's required curriculum and standards:
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Concept of Morality
Principle of Solidarity
Principle of Ra onality
Principle of Fairness or Impar ally
Principle of Efficiency
Principle of Accountability/Transparency
Principle of Responsibility
Principle of Honesty/Integrity
Introduc on
Importance of ethics in a corpora on
Ethics and the law
Factors affec ng ethics in a corpora on
Ethical issues in corpora ons:
i. Confiden ality
ii. Conflict of interest
iii. Whistle-blowing - Na onal Policy on Whistle blowing
iv. Acceptance of gi s
v. Insider dealing
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Board Ma ers
Accounts and Audit
Rela ons with Stakeholders
Transparency and Disclosures.
Statutory provisions regarding Not-for-Profit governance.
The Chartered Secretary is regularly employed in a posi on of strategic responsibility for
administra ve opera ons within and across the organisa on. The aim of the course is to ins ll
knowledge and key skills in handling the responsibili es of corporate administra on in both the
strategic and func onal contexts, to develop competence in advising the Board and leading
teams in administra ve best prac ce, and in ensuring compliance with external regula on and
internal procedures.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
At the conclusion of this course, the candidate will be able to:
• Understand the scope of strategic and func onal administra on and apply it within
the employing or client organisa on;
• Access informa on sources and deliver knowledge and informa on internally to the
op mum benefit of the organisa on and its needs;
• Evaluate the requirements of the legal and regulatory environment in corporate
administra on, advise the Board accordingly, and ensure compliance;
• Take responsibility for the administra on of corporate knowledge and informa on,
the human resource, pension schemes, insurance and risk, and physical corporate
• Understand the impact of corporate taxa on on administra on and ensure taxa on
compliance within systems.
• Introduc on
• Evolu on of Internet and E-Commerce
• Domain Names and Its Dispute Resolu on Mechanisms
• Internet Service Providers (ISP) And Its Relevance
• Nigerian Data Protec on Regula on 2019-Historical Development
• NDPR Compliance Guidelines
• Rights of a Data Subject under the NDPR
• Key Elements of Data Protec on policy.
• Interna onal Conven ons on Data Protec on Act
• Role and responsibili es of Data Protec on Officer/Data Privacy Champions
• Other data Protec on Privacy Regula ons in Nigeria- Freedom of Informa on Act 2011,
Credit Repor ng Act 201, HIV/AIDS (An -Discrimina on Act 2014, Child Rights Act 2003.
• Cybercrime Crime Legisla on in Nigeria
• Cybercrime Act, 2015- What are Cyber-Crimes and its categories - Hacking, Spamming,
Spoofing, Fraud and Iden ty The , Cyber Terrorism Etc.
• Internet or Online Transac ons
• Types of Online Transac ons
• Challenges And Prospects
• An -Bribery Agencies-EFCC, ICPC, NPF, NDLEA Act, DSS, Code of Conduct Bureau CCT: Code
of Conduct Tribunal and any Other An -Corrup on Strategies
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
• Introduc on
• Contract of Service and Contract for Service
• Essen al Ingredients of a valid Contract of Employment
• Types of employment contract
• Du es of Employer and Employee
• Forma on of Contract -Express and Implied Terms,
• Par es to a Contract of Employment
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Ø Du es of an Employer:
• Duty to Pay Agreed Wages
• Duty to Provide Work
• Duty to Take Care of Employee's Safety
• To Indemnify Employee
• Duty to Insure
• Duty to conduct Medical Examina on
• Duty to provide Wri en Le er of Employment
• Duty to Provide Tools and Equipment
• Duty to Provide Means of Transporta on
• Duty to Provide Paid Leave
Ø Rights of an Employer
• Right to Hire and Fire employee
Ø Du es of an Employee:
• Duty to Obey Lawful Order
• Duty of Disclosure
• Duty of Fidelity
• Duty of Confiden ality
• Duty to exercise Care and Skill
Ø Right of an Employee
• Right to be treated with Dignity
• Right to be given Necessary Equipment for Work
• Right to be Insured etc
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
• Introduc on
• Ra onale for Training and Development of Employee
• Evolving a Training Plan – Bonding
• Recouping investment from Training Programme
• Methods of Training/ Training Techniques
• Types of Training
• Mentoring
• Coaching
• Performance Appraisal
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
• Introduc on
• Principles of Insurance
• The Essen als of a Valid Insurance Contract
• Classes and Types of Insurance
• Loss adjusters and Loss Assessors
• Benefits of Insurance
• Introduc on and Historical Development
• Tax and Taxa on
• Types of Taxes
• Principles of Taxes in Nigeria
• Tax Legislators in Nigeria- Personal Income Tax. Value Added Tax, Company Income Tax,
Educa on Tax, Petroleum Profit Tax, Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Tax Collec on)
1998 as Amended and Finance Act, 2020
• Breach of Tax Legislators & Regula ons
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Pre-Requisite Learning
Detailed syllabus
A Financial environment, role of financial manager and money market Ins tu ons
1. Financial environment and role of financial manager
(a) Evaluate financial objec ves within the strategic planning process of an organisa on.
(b) Iden fy key stakeholders of organisa ons and advise on their interests.
(c) Evaluate the impact of macroeconomic environment and the role of interna onal
financial ins tu ons in strategic financial management.
(d) Evaluate and apply the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its
rela onship with the objec ve of maximizing shareholders' wealth.
(e) Assess and advise on agency theory and its relevance to financial management.
(f) Report on the professional, regulatory and legal frameworks relevant to financial
management, including stock exchange requirements, an -money laundering
regula ons and directors' responsibili es.
(g) Evaluate and communicate the key ac vi es undertaken by treasury managers.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
(h) Analyse and evaluate centralised and decentralised treasury management and
the arguments for and against each.
(i) Iden fy and assess the impact of emerging issues in strategic financial
management. These include the changing landscape of financial markets regula on,
digi za on Ar ficial Intelligence (AI) & Blockchain, new asset classes such as crypto
currencies, newer financing methods such as sustainable finance/green bonds,
emerging risks beyond currency and interest rate risk.
(j) Discuss ethical issues in financial management and strategy.
C. Mathema cs of Finance
Iden fy, explain and apply the basic mathema cal tools used to solve finance problems:
(a) Simple and compound interests;
(b) Discoun ng;
(c) Annuity;
(d) Present value annui es;
i. Annuity factor;
ii. Sinking fund; and
iii. amor sa on
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
D. Investment appraisal
(a) Discounted cash flow techniques
(i) Evaluate poten al value added to an organisa on arising from a specified
capital investment project, using the net present value (NPV) model covering:
· Infla on and specific price varia on;
· Taxa on;
· Single period capital ra oning
· Probability and sensi vity analyses;
· simula on, certainty equivalent;
· Project dura on as a measure of risk; and
· Risk adjusted discount rates.
(ii) Establish the poten al economic return (using internal rate of return (IRR)
and modified internal rate of return).
(iii) Assess the rela ve merits of NPV and IRR.
(c) Impact of financing on investment decisions. Assess the worth of projects using
adjusted net present value (ANPV).
E. Financing Decisions
1. Sources of finance
(a) Assess the range of long-term sources of finance available to businesses,
including equity, debt and venture capital.
(b) Evaluate and discuss methods of raising equity finance, including:
(i) Rights issue;
(ii) Placement;
(iii) Public offer;
(iv) Stock exchange lis ng; and
(v) Financial market dealers quota ons over the counter
(c) Methods of raising short- and long-term Islamic finance including major
differences between Islamic finance and the other forms of business finance
(i) Evaluate the concept of riba (interest) and how returns are made by
Islamic financial securi es.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
2. Organic growth
Nature and Concept of Organic growth.
Differen ate between organic and Inorganic growth.
Evaluate and discuss organic growth.
J. Financial Strategy
1. Explana on of Concept & Essence of Financial Strategy
· Defini on
· H. Mintzberg' five P elements of Strategy:
ü P as plan or a type of conscious ac ons,
ü P as pa ern which means a kind of formalized and structuralized ac on,
ü P as ploy i. e. ac ons towards achievement of a specific goal,
ü P as posi on, which means searching for favourable posi on in order to
achieve permanent compe ve advantage,
ü P as perspec ve, i.e. percep on of posi on in the future
2. a) The financial and non-financial objec ves of different organisa ons (e.g., value for
money, maximizing shareholder wealth, providing a surplus).
b) The three key decisions of financial management (investment, financing and
dividend) and their links.
c) Benefits of matching characteris cs of investment and financing in the longer
term, (e.g. in cross-border investment) and in short-term hedging strategies.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
One of the core prac ce areas of a Chartered Secretary is Company Secretarial Prac ce
and Board Management. The aim of the course is to specify and assess the essen al
knowledge and skills involved in taking overall responsibility for the corporate secretarial
func on in small, medium and large-scale organisa ons. The prac ce of corporate
secretaryship in this course extends to both the strategic and func onal contexts, in
advising the Board, in leading teams in secretarial best prac ce, in ensuring compliance
with law and regula on, and in establishing efficient internal communica on of Board
decisions, external repor ng, undertaking Board capacity enhancement programmes and
general evalua on.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this qualifying course, trainees are expected to, amongst others
value impacted:
Understand the scope, role and func ons within the corporate secretaryship prac ce
and apply them in prac ce.
Understand the law and best prac ce rela ng to mee ngs, apply them in the
secretarial func on, and ensure corporate compliance;
Ensure effec ve communica on and dissemina on of informa on to and from the
Board, both internally and externally, for the op mum benefit of the organisa on and
its needs;
Be aware of the responsibili es of the Secretary as an independent prac oner within the
organisa on, and be responsible for con nuing personnel development within the
Be aware of, and take responsibility for con nuing self-development in corporate
secretaryship as a prac oner.
Pre-Requisite Learning
Evidence of assessed pre-requisite knowledge and understanding in the following
disciplines must be demonstrated through the Ins tute's examina ons, or those of
equivalent qualifica ons which have been approved as mee ng the Ins tute's required
curriculum and standards:
* Corporate Law
* Strategic and Opera ons Management
§ The requirements for the Appointment of a Company Secretary
§ The nature of the Roles, Func ons and Du es of a Company Secretary
§ Appointment and Qualifica on
§ Removal from Office
§ The Secretary and the Board
§ The Role of the Company/Board Secretary: Public and Private sectors
§ Handling Commi ee Mee ngs
§ Repor ng line of the Secretary
§ Rights and Liabili es
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
§ Types of Directors
§ Valida on of Acts of Directors
§ Delega on and Synergy of Board Commi ees
§ Directors and disclosure obliga ons
§ Re rement
§ Interest in Contracts
§ Loans to Directors
§ Interest in Shares
§ Vaca on of Office and Removal
§ Directors' Du es
§ Fiduciary du es
§ Statutory du es
§ Power and Liabili es
§ Substan al Property Transac ons
§ Disqualifica on
§ What is a Member?
§ Types of Shareholders
§ Corporate Shareholder
§ Ins tu onal Shareholder
§ Joint Shareholder
§ Members' Rights, Du es and Liabili es
§ Register of Members and its management.
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
§ Underwri ng
§ Role of Issuing Houses and other par es to a public issue of shares and Bonds.
§ Introduc on
§ Restric ons on dividend payment and distributable profit.
§ Dividend Mandates
§ Dividend Warrants
§ Waiver of Dividends
§ Declara on and Payment of Dividends
§ Types of Dividends -Scrip Dividends, Cash Dividends
§ Dividend Reinvestment Plans
§ Unclaimed Dividends
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
(I) Governance and culture
Ø Responsibili es of the board
Ø Limita ons of rules-based compliance
(ii) Defining board culture:
Ø What is culture?
v Schein's ten categories of culture and Iceberg model
v Cultural variety
(iii) Board cultural markers:
v Board conversa ons as a representa on of culture
v What can go wrong with board conversa ons?
v Current quality of board cultural dynamics
(iv) Board cultural dynamics:
Ø Bedrock of board culture model
Ø Power culture:
v Passive board
v Cer fying board
v Engaged board
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
v Intervening board
v Opera ng board
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
§ Introduc on to Insolvency Prac ce.
§ Methods of Winding Up
§ Voluntary liquida on
§ Compulsory liquida on
§ Administra on orders
§ Voluntary arrangements
§ Receivership
I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D S E C R E TA R I E S A N D A D M I N I S T R ATO R S O F N I G E R I A ( I C S A N )
§ Company Management
§ Striking-off by CAC
§ Restora on
§ Directors of insolvent companies
§ Issues for the company secretary