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Author’s Guide to AIP Substyles for REVTEX 4.

AIP Journal Program1, a)
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1, 2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, New York 11747-4502, USA
(Dated: March 2010; Revised August 2010)

CONTENTS within the APS REVTEX 4.1 distribution. Updated ver-

sions of these are maintained at the REVTEX 4.1 home-
I. Introduction 1 page located at,
A. Prerequisite Documentation 1 are also available at the Comprehensive TEX Archive
B. Software Requirements 1 Network (CTAN, see, and form
C. Submitting to AIP Journals 2 part of the TEXLive distribution of TEX.
D. Contact Information 2 • Author’s Guide to REVTEX 4.1
II. Sample LATEX 2ε Document 2 • REVTEX 4.1 Command and Options Summary

III. REVTEX Class Options Specific to AIP 2 • What’s New in REVTEX 4.1
A. Journal Substyle 2
The present guide builds upon these documents, with
B. Options for Citations and Bibliography 2
which you should already be familiar.
C. Formatting Options 3
The AIP substyles distribution for REVTEX 4.1 in-
cludes a sample document (aipsamp.tex), a good start-
IV. Useful LATEX 2ε Markup 3
ing point for the manuscript you are preparing for sub-
A. Title and Front Matter 3
mission to an AIP journal.
B. Lead Paragraph 3 By using REVTEX’s Author’s Guide to REVTEX 4.1,
you can develop your document until it contains all of the
V. Body 3
content you desire. This guide informs you on document
A. Footnotes 3 class options, commands, and markup guidelines specific
to AIP journals.
VI. Citations and References 4
A. Using BibTEX 4
B. Multiple References per Citation 4 B. Software Requirements

This guide assumes a working REVTEX 4.1 installation

including the AIP substyles. Please see the installation
guide included with the distribution.1
This is the author’s guide to the AIP substyles for Please note that the AIP substyles work only with
REVTEX 4.1, providing a useful formatting tool for REVTEX 4.1: the original REVTEX 4.0 release does not
LATEX users submitting papers to journals published by make the AIP substyle available, nor is it compatible with
the American Institute of Physics. This guide is intended them.
as an adjunct to the documentation for REVTEX itself For your computer to run REVTEX 4.1 with the AIP
(published by the American Physical Society), so infor- substyles, the following are required:
mation contained therein is not repeated here, except as
it bears on the specific features of the AIP substyles. • a working installation of LATEX

• REVTEX 4.1 and all packages it requires,

A. Prerequisite Documentation • the AIP substyles for REVTEX 4.1, and

The following documentation should be considered • any further LATEX packages used in your document.
your first source of information on how to prepare your
The easiest way to obtain all of the needed software is
document for use with this format; they are to be found
to install an up-to-date distribution of TEX, like TEXLive,
available on CTAN.
To obtain the most up-to-date version of this
software, please see
a) Electronic mail: [email protected] compuscript.html.

C. Submitting to AIP Journals

TABLE I. AIP journal substyles

Authors preparing a manuscript for submission to AIP Journal class option

journals should consult the Information for Contribu- Appl. Phys. Lett. apl
tors for the applicable journal, available through links Biomicrofluidics bmf
at These requirements are Chaos cha
not covered systematically in this author’s guide; you J. Appl. Phys. jap
are responsible for understanding the requirements of the
J. Chem. Phys. jcpa
particular journal to which you will submit your article.
J. Math. Phys. jmp
For further information about journal requirements,
contact the Editorial Office of the appropriate journal. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy rse
(Follow links at Phys. Fluids pof
Phys. Plasmas pop
Rev. Sci. Instrum. rsi
D. Contact Information a Default journal substyle.

Any bugs, problems, or inconsistencies concerning the

AIP journal substyles should be reported to AIP support and finish with a statement specifying your BibTEX
at [email protected]. Reports should include information on database:
the error and a small sample document that manifests \bibliography{aipsamp}
the problem, if possible. (Please don’t send large files!) \end{document}
Feedback concerning REVTEX 4.1 itself should be sent,
as usual, to the American Physical Society at The books in the bibliography of this guide provide ex-
[email protected]. tensive coverage of all topics pertaining to preparing doc-
To determine if the problem you are experiencing be- uments under LATEX 2ε they are highly recommended.
longs to REVTEX or is specific to the AIP substyles,
simply remove aip from your document class options and
rerun your document. If the problem goes away, you may III. REVTEX CLASS OPTIONS SPECIFIC TO AIP
assume that it is due to the AIP substyles; if not, it be-
longs to REVTEX. A. Journal Substyle

To access particular features of the AIP substyle, you

II. SAMPLE LATEX 2ε DOCUMENT will specify an additional document class option: the
journal substyle, e.g.,
As the REVTEX documentation makes clear, your doc- \documentclass[aip,jcp]{revtex4-1}
ument employs a LATEX 2ε document class (specifically
in this case, J. Chem. Phys., the default. A complete list
revtex4-1.cls), so you should use the LATEX 2ε com-
of AIP journals with the corresponding journal substyle
mands and environments familiar to you with, say, the
appears in Table I.
standard article class revtex4-1.cls, and you will be
able to employ many of the packages you are used to
using with LATEX 2ε . B. Options for Citations and Bibliography
Using aipsamp.tex as an example, your document will
start with the usual REVTEX \documentclass state-
The citation style for AIP journals is:
ment, but with a particular document class option aip
that specifies the AIP substyle: • numerical (default style),
\documentclass[aip]{revtex4-1} • author-year, and
You will then invoke the LAT
EX 2ε compatible packages • numerical author-year,
your document requires, say:
the latter two styles being only allowed for Chaos or J.
\usepackage{graphicx}% Math. Phys.
\usepackage{dcolumn}% The familiar numerical citations and numbered bibli-
\usepackage{bm}% ography are the default for most journals: citations are
follow up with your document content: superscript numbers, and the (numbered) bibliographic
entries appear in the order cited.
\begin{document} Author-year citations are only allowed for Chaos or
... J. Math. Phys., with citations given in author-and-year

format. Bibliographic entries are sorted by alphabetical

TABLE II. Other class options
order of first author’s surname, then by year.
Numerical author-year citations (only allowed for Function class option
Chaos or J. Math. Phys.) are superscript numbers, just Citation and References
like numerical citations, but the bibliographic entries are superscript numbered numericala,b
sorted like the author-year entries and are numbered.
author-year author-yearc
This means that the first citation will not necessarily
be 1. numbered author-year author-numericalc
To obtain the numerical style, simply accept the de- Format
fault, or supply a class option of numerical: journal submission preprinta
journal emulation reprint
a Default option.
For author-year citations for Chaos or J. Math. Phys., b Standard
you may specify the author-year option: c Only allowed for Chaos or J. Math. Phys.
Each of the above two options are part of standard A. Title and Front Matter
To obtain numerical author-year citations for Chaos or The REVTEX User’s Guide has complete information
J. Math. Phys., give the author-numerical option: on using REVTEX’s special markup for your article’s
\documentclass[aip,author-numerical]{revtex4-1} title, author list, abstract, and other front matter ele-
ments. Note that class option superscriptaddress is
Note that the author-numerical option is not part of the default for the AIP substyles, as required by all AIP
standard REVTEX so use of it outside of the AIP sub- journals.
styles may not have any effect.

B. Lead Paragraph
C. Formatting Options

One AIP journal, Chaos, requires a paragraph of text

There are two commonly used formats for an article
to precede the first \section of the article; this is known
you may write. One will comply with the manuscript
as a lead paragraph and is formatted boldface. To give
submission formatting requirements of the editorial of-
your article a lead paragraph, include a quotation envi-
fice of the journal you are submitting to. The other will
ronment ahead of the first \section command:
emulate the format of your article in the published jour-
nal itself. \documentclass[aip]{revtex4-1}
For journal submission, accept the default, or you may \begin{document}
specify the preprint option: \begin{quotation}
Here is my lead paragraph!
To emulate the formatting of the journal, specify the \section{Introduction}
reprint option: ...
\documentclass[aip,reprint]{revtex4-1} The quotation environment functions normally after
the first \section command in the document.
Note that emulation is not by any means complete: the
fonts used will differ, and therefore the length of the arti-
cle will not represent an accurate estimate. Other details
may also differ.
A summary of class options of interest to AIP authors
appears in Table II. For general information on commands used in the body
of the document, see the REVTEX User’s Guide. Herein
are some features specific to the AIP author.

LATEX 2ε markup is the preferred way to structure your A. Footnotes

file. In general, the use of low-level commands like TEX
primitives or Plain TEX macros is less preferable. Please If you are using numbered citations (numerical or num-
see the REVTEX User’s Guide,2 the LATEX manual,3 and bered author-year), footnotes are by default incorporated
the LATEX 2ε book4 for further details. into the reference section along with your bibliographic

entries. This automated feature is only effective if you runs of latex are then required: the first to update the
use BibTEX to prepare your bibliography. aipsamp.aux file reflecting the new values of your cita-
Author-year style bibliography does not lend itself to tions and the second to employ those citations correctly.
such a treatment, so by default footnotes appear in text Be sure to check the end of the aipsamp.log file for any
as is usual. However, be advised that, if your article is message advising you to rerun latex.
accepted for publication, footnotes may be incorporated
into text during the production process.
B. Multiple References per Citation


In an article using numerical citations, it is not un-
common to encounter the need for a citation that refers
The preparation of your bibliography “by hand” is pos- to more than one article or other reference. To accom-
sible; however, if you do so, you will be entirely responsi- modate such a case, REVTEX 4.1 implements markup
ble for compliance with submission requirements for your similar to that of the mcite package for LATEX 2ε .
bibliographic entries, for incorporating any text footnotes Let’s say that two citation keys able and baker need
into the references, and for checking bibliographic en- to be combined into a single reference. The syntax for
tries. (In this connection, you may find useful the file the \cite command is:
reftest.tex, distributed with REVTEX.) word\cite{able,*baker} further text
There are numerous reasons to use BibTEX, not least
because it automates the first and second of the above When you run BibTEX the resulting bibliography will
checks. contain the two entries, but run together as a single num-
bered reference. In the \cite command argument, any
cite key that starts with the * character signifies that
A. Using BibTEX its bibliographic entry is to be joined together with the
one preceding it; the * may join together any number of
Refer to the REVTEX User’s Guide, the LATEX manual, entries into a single reference.
and the BibTEX manual for full information about using 1 For help regarding the installation of this software and its use,
please send email to [email protected].
When using BibTEX keep in mind that changing your 2 Available with the REVT X distribution, see http://authors.
bibliography style or citation style (via the document
3 L. Lamport, L
class options described above) will require you to rerun AT X a Document Preparation System (Addison-
BibTEX. The standard litany (using aipsamp.tex as an Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996).
4 M. Goosens, F. Mittelbach, and A. Samarin, The L AT X Compan-
example) for this is: E
ion (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994).
5 D. E. Knuth, The T Xbook (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,
> latex aipsamp E
> bibtex aipsamp 6 H. Kopka and P. Daly, A Guide to L AT X 2ε (Addison-Wesley,
> latex aipsamp Reading, MA, 1995).
> latex aipsamp 7 M. Goossens, S. Rahtz, and F. Mittelbach, The L AT X Graphics
Companion (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1997).
Here, the first invocation of latex has the effect of 8 S. Rahtz, M. Goossens et al., The L AT X Web Companion
rewriting the aipsamp.aux file, and the invocation of (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999).
bibtex creates a new aipsamp.bbl file. The next two

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