Aipguide4 1
Aipguide4 1
Aipguide4 1
AIP Journal Program1, a)
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1, 2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville, New York 11747-4502, USA
(Dated: March 2010; Revised August 2010)
III. REVTEX Class Options Specific to AIP 2 • What’s New in REVTEX 4.1
A. Journal Substyle 2
The present guide builds upon these documents, with
B. Options for Citations and Bibliography 2
which you should already be familiar.
C. Formatting Options 3
The AIP substyles distribution for REVTEX 4.1 in-
cludes a sample document (aipsamp.tex), a good start-
IV. Useful LATEX 2ε Markup 3
ing point for the manuscript you are preparing for sub-
A. Title and Front Matter 3
mission to an AIP journal.
B. Lead Paragraph 3 By using REVTEX’s Author’s Guide to REVTEX 4.1,
you can develop your document until it contains all of the
V. Body 3
content you desire. This guide informs you on document
A. Footnotes 3 class options, commands, and markup guidelines specific
to AIP journals.
VI. Citations and References 4
A. Using BibTEX 4
B. Multiple References per Citation 4 B. Software Requirements
The following documentation should be considered • any further LATEX packages used in your document.
your first source of information on how to prepare your
The easiest way to obtain all of the needed software is
document for use with this format; they are to be found
to install an up-to-date distribution of TEX, like TEXLive,
available on CTAN.
To obtain the most up-to-date version of this
software, please see
a) Electronic mail: [email protected] compuscript.html.
B. Lead Paragraph
C. Formatting Options
entries. This automated feature is only effective if you runs of latex are then required: the first to update the
use BibTEX to prepare your bibliography. aipsamp.aux file reflecting the new values of your cita-
Author-year style bibliography does not lend itself to tions and the second to employ those citations correctly.
such a treatment, so by default footnotes appear in text Be sure to check the end of the aipsamp.log file for any
as is usual. However, be advised that, if your article is message advising you to rerun latex.
accepted for publication, footnotes may be incorporated
into text during the production process.
B. Multiple References per Citation