Mnozina Imenica

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Množina imenica se gradi na više načina u zavisnosti od toga na koje slovo se završava imenica,

a postoje i imenice koje imaju nepravilnu množinu.

1. Većina imenica dobijaju nastavak -s za množinu.

Book – books
Lamp – lamps
Table – tables

2. Nastavak-es se dodaje za imenice koje se završavaju na –s, -ss, -sh, -(t)ch, -x, -z.

Bus – buses
Watch – watches
Box – boxes

3. Kod imenica koje se završavaju na –y, kome prethodi suglasnik, prelazi u –i, a zatim se dodaje
nastavak –es.

Story – stories

Study – studies

City – cities

4. Imenice koje se završavaju na –f ili –fe, menjaju se u –v I dobijaju –es u množini.

Knife – knives
Life – lives
Wife – wives
Leaf – leaves
Shelf – shelves
Thief – thieves
Wolf – wolves

5. Ostale imenice koje se završavaju na –f, dobijaju –s u množini.

Roof –roofs

Scarf - scarfs

6. Neke imenice imaju isti oblik i u jednini I u množini.

Sheep – sheep

Fish –fish
Species - species

Deer – deer

Series – series

7. Imenice koje imaju nepravilnu množinu

Man – men
Woman – women
Child – children
Foot – feet
Tooth – teeth
Goose – geese
Mouse – mice


1. Dodati nastavak –s ili –es


1.Could you give me the ___________ (orange)?

2. My __________ (book) are on those _____________ (shelf).

3. Hundreds of ____________ (roof) were destroyed.

4. The __________ (child) are playing in the park.

5. Can you help me carry these ____________ (box)?

6. Their ___________ (wife) grew up in the same town.

7. Those __________ (story) are not so interesting.

8. I need to brush my ____________ (tooth).

9. Over fifty _________ (woman) gathered to support her.

10. Those __________ (watch) are under that table in the corner.

11. They saw several __________ (cow) and __________ (sheep).

12. The __________ (man) are crossing the street.

13. She put the __________ (fork) and ___________ (knife) on the table next to the _________ (plate).

14. How many ____________ (glass) did you put on the table?

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