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SECTION (A): PLANE A-7. An object is at a distance of 0.5 min front of a
Aclock hung on a wall has marks instead of plane mirror. Distance between the object and
numbers on its dial. On the opposite wall [CPMT 2002]
image is
there isamirror, and the image of the clock in (1) 0.5 m (2) 1m
the mirror if read, indicates the time as 8: 20 (3) 0.25 m (4)1.5 m
What is the time in the clock
(1) 3: 40 (2) 4: 40 A-8. The light reflected by a plane mirror may form
(3) 5: 20 (4) 4: 20 a real image
(1) If the ray incident on the mirror are
A-2. A ray of light incident on a plane miror at an
angle of incidence of 30°. The deviation diverging
(2) If the rays incident on the mirror are
produced by the mirror is
(1) 300 (2) 60° converging
(4) 120° (3) If the object is placed very close to the
(3) 90° mirror
Two mirors are inclined at an angle as (4) Under no circumstances
shown in the figure. Light ray is incident A-9. TWo plane mirrors are inclined to each other
parallel to one of the mirrors. Light will start
at an angle 600. If aray of light incident on the
retracing its path after third reflection if: first mirror is parallel to the second mirror,
it is reflected from the second miOr
(1) Perpendicular to the first mirror
(2) Parallel to the first mirror
(3) Parallel to the second mirror
(4) Perpendicular to the second mirror

(1) = 45° (2) =30° A-10. It is desired to photograph the image of an

(3) = 60° (4) allthree object placed at a distance of 3 m from
at a
plane mirror. The camera, which is
A4. A man 180 cm high stands in front of a plane distance of 4.5 m from the mirror
should be
mirror. His eyes are at a height of 170 focused for a distance of
from the floor. Then the minimum length of (1) 3 m (2)4.5 m
plane mirror for him to see his full (3) 6 m (4) 7.5 m
image is time
(2) 180 cm A-11. An unnumbered wall clock shows
(1)90 cm represents hours,
(3) 45 cm (4) 360 cm 04: 25: 37, where 1st term
the last term
2nd represents minutes and image
A-5. Two vertical plane mirrors are
inclined at an represents seconds. What time will its
ray of light
angle of 60° with each other. A in a plane mirror show. (2) 07: 35: 23
first from
travelling horizontally is reflectedother. (1) 08: 35: 23
the The (4) none of these
one mirror and then from (3) 07: 34: 23
resultant deviation is to each other
(2) 100° A-12. Two plane mirrors are parallel
(1) 60° object is kept in
(4) 240° and spaced 20 cm apart. An
(3) 180° Out of the
between them at 15 cm from A.
is/are not
A-6. VWhen a plane mirror is
placed horizontally on following at which point(s) image(s) from
distance of 6Om from the formed in mirror A (distance
alevel ground at a
the tower and its mirror A):
foot of atower the top of (2)25 cm
an angle of 90 at (1)15 cm
Image in the mirror subtend (4)55 cm
tower will be (3) 45 cm
the eye. The height of the
(1) 30 m (2) 60 m
(3) 90 m
(4) 120 m -324005
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concave mirror is 20 cm.
Geometrical Optics B-7. The focal length of a must be placed to
at 60° to each other, Determine where an object
A-13. If two mirrors are kept magnifiedtwo
times wheA
formed by them is form an image
then the number of images [AIEEE-2002, 4/300]
image isreal
{2)6 mirror
(1) 5 (1) 30cm from the
(4) 8 mirror
(3) 7 (2) 10cm from the
A man is 6 feet tall. In
order to see his entire (3) 20cm from the
A-14. the mirror
image, he requires a plane mirror of minimum (4) 15 cm from
JAIPMT-2000] forms an
of focal length f
length equal to
(2) 12 ft B-8. A convex mirror the object. The
(1) 6 ft
(4) 3 ft image which is 1/n times mirror is
(3) 2 ft distance of the object fronm
length f. A real (1)(n-1)f
B-1. Aconvex mirror has a
f in front of it
object is placed at a distance
image at
from the pole, then it produces an (3)
(4) (n + 1)f
(1) Infinity (2) f
(3) f/2 (4) 2f produce a
B-9. Which of the following could not
convex mirror of focal
B-2. The image formed by virtual image
the size of the (2)Convex mirror
length 30 cm is a quarter of (1) Plane mirror
object from
object. Then the distance of the (3) Concave mirror
the mirTOr, is
(2) 90 cm (4) Allthe above can produce a vritual
(1)30 cm
(3) 120 cm (4) 60 cm B-10. The field of view is maximum for
(1) Plane mirror (2) Concave mirror
of a real
B-3. The largest distance of the image (3) Convex mirror (4) Cylindrical mirror
focal length
object from a convex mirror of
f and
10 cm can be B-11. The focal length of aconcave mirror is
(1) 20cm the distance from the object to the principle
(2) Infinite focus is x. The ratio of the size of the image
(3) 10 cm the size of the object is
(4) Depends on the position of the object f+X
(1) (2)
minimum X
B4. In case of concave mirror, the f
distance between a real object and its real (4)
image is (3) x
(1)f (2) 2f
(3) 4f (4) Zero B-12. Image formed by aconvex mirror is, if object
[MP PET 1993]
is real
B-5. A luminous point object is moving along the (1) Virtual (2) Real
principal axis of a concave mirror of focal (3) Enlarged (4) Inverted
length 12 cm towards it. When its distance
from the mirror is 20 cm its velocity is 4 cm/s. B-13. A square ABCD of side 1mm is kept at
The velocity of the image in cm/s at that distance 15 cm infront of the concave mirror
instant is as shown in the figure. The focal length of the
(1) 6, towards the mirror mirror is 10 cm. The length of the perimeter of
(2) 6, away from the mirror its image will be(nearly):
(3) 9, away from the mirror
(4) 9, towards the mirror.
B-6. Which of the following can form erect, virtual,
diminished image? 15cm
(1) plane mirror (2) concave mirror (1) 8 mm (2)2 mm
(3) convex mirror (4) none of these (3) 12 mm (4) 6 mm
Geometrical Optics,
A particle is moving towards a fixed spherical
mirror. The image: C-5. A bubble in glass slab [u = 1.5] when viewed
1) must move away from the mirror from one side appears at 5 cm and 2 cm from
(2) must move towards the mirror other side then thickness of slab is
(3) may move towards the mirror (1) 3.75 cm (2) 23 cm
(3) 10.5 cm (4) 1.5 cm
iA) will move towards the mirror, only if the
mirror is convex. C-6. Alight wave travels from glass to water. The
refractive index for glass and water are 3/2
B-15. The distance of an object from the focus of a and 4/3 respectively. The value of the critical
convex mirror of radius of curvature 'a' is b' angle will be:
Then the distance of the image from the focus js: (1) sin-1 (1/2) (2) sin-1 (9/8)
(1) b24a (2)a/b2 (3) sin-1(8/9) (4) sin-1(5/7)
(3)a/4b (4) 4b/a2 C-7. The wavelength of light in vacuum is 6000 A
B-16. An object is placed at a distance ufrom a and in amedium it is 4000 À. The refractive
concave mirror and its real image is received index of the medium is:
on ascreen placed at a distance ofv from the (1) 2.4 (2) 1.5
mirror. If f is the focal length of the mirror. (3) 1.2 (4) 0.67
then the graph between 1/v versus 1/u is C-8. A beam of light is converging towards apoint.
1/v 1/v
A plane parallel plate of glass of thickness t
(1) (2) refractive indeX u is itroduced in the path of
the beam. The convergent point is shifted by
1/u (assume near normal incidence):
1/v 1/v
(3) (4)

+1/u +1/u
C-1. Total internal reflection oCcurs in waves,
when wave enters
(1) Glass from air (2) Air from vaccum nearer
(3) Water from air (4) Air from water
C-2. C-9. When a beam of light goes from denser
An object is placed at 24 cm distance above
the surface of a lake. If water has refractive medium (ua) to rarer medium (ur), then it is
index of 4/3, then at what distance from Lake generally observed that magnitude of angle of
incidence is half that of angle of refraction.
Surface, a fish will sight the object Then magnitude of incident angle will be
(1) 32 cm above the surface of water
(2) 18 cm over the surface of water (here u = uaur)
(3) 6 cm over the surface of water (1) 2 sin' (u/2) (2) 2 cos'u
(4) 6 cm below the surface of water (3) cos'(u/2) (4) 2 cos'(W2)
C-3. C-10. To an observer on the earth the stars appears
Time taken by light ray to cross a 4 mm to twinkle. This can be ascribed to
window glass of refractive index 1.5 will be
(1) 2 x 10-8 sec [CPMT 1972, 74; AFMC 19551
(2) 2 x 10 sec (1) The fact that stars do not emit light
(3) 2 x 10-11 sec (4) 2 x 1011 sec continuosly
C4. (2) Frequent absorption of star light by their
The total internal reflection of a beam of light
Occurs when beam of light enters own atmosphere
lle = critical angle, i =angle of incidence] (3) Frequent absorption of star light by the
() Rarer medium from a denser one and i< lc earth's atmosphere
(2) Rarer mediumfrom a denseri> ic (4) The refractive index fluctuations in the
(0) Denser medium from ararer i<ic earth's atmosphere
(4) Denser medium from a rarer i> lc

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Geometrical Optics
G-11. The refractive index of a certain glass is C-18. The wavelength of light in two liquids 'x and 'y
1.5 for light whose wavelength in vacuum is is 3500 Åand 7000 A, then the critical angle of
6000 A. The wavelenghth of this light when it Xrelative to y will be
passes through glass is [MP PMT 1986; AMU 2001; BVP 20031
[NCERT 1979;. CBSE PMT 1993] (1)60° (2) 45°
(1)4000 À (2) 6000¢ (3) 30° (4) 15°
(3) 9000Á (4) 15000 À
C-19. The dimond shines because [CPMT-96]
C-12. When light travels from one medium to the
(1) It absorbs maximum light form Sun
other of which the refractive index is different,
(2) Of the nature of diamond
then which of the following willchange (3) Of total internal reflection
(1)Frequency, wavelength and velocity
(2) Frequency and wavelength (4) Of refraction
(3) Frequency and velocity C-20. Adiver at a depth of 12 m in water (u = 4/3)
(4)Wavelength and velcity sees the sky in a cone of semi-vertical angle
C-13. A
monochromatic beam of light passes from a [KCET 1999; Pb. PMT 2002; MP PMT 1995, 2003]
denser medium into a rarer medium. As a (2) tan-1(4/3)
result (3) sin(3/4) (4)90°
(1) Its velocity increases
(2) Its velocity decreases C-21. The critical angle for dianond (refractive
(3) lts frequency decreases index = 2) is [MP PET 2003]
(4) lIts wavelength decreases (1) About 20° (2) 60°
(3) 45° (4) 30°
C-14. Arectangular tank of depth 8 meter is full of
water (u = 4/3), the bottom is seen at the C-22. The reason for shining of air bubble in water
depth MP PET 1997; KCET 1999]
(1) 6m (2) 8/3 m (1) Diffraction of light
(3) 8 cm (4) 10 cm (2) Dispersion of light
C-15. If iu represents refractive index when a light (3) Scattering of light
ray goes from medium ito medium i, then the (4) Total internal reflection of light
product 2u1 X3u2 X4u3 iS equal to C-23. 'Mirage' is aphenomenon due to
[CBSE PMT 1990] [AIIMS 1998; MP PET 2002; AFMC 2005]
(1) 3u1 (2) su2 (1) Reflection of light
1 (2) Refraction of light
(3) (4) 4u2 (3) Total internal reflection of light
(4) Diffraction of light
C-16. The wavelength of light diminishes u times C-24. Given that velocity of light in quartz
(u = 1.33 for water) in a medium. A diver from = 1.5 x 108 m/s and velocity of light in
inside water looks at an object whose natural glycerine = (9/4)x 10 m/s. Now a slab made
colour is green. He sees the object as
(CPMT 1990; MNR 1998] of quartz is placed in glycerine as shown. The
(2) Blue shift of the object produced by slab is
(1) Green
(3) Yellow (4) Red Glycerine Glycarine

A diver in a swimming p0ol wants to signal his

distress to a person lying on the edge of the 20cm

pool by flashing his water proof flash light

[NCERT 1972] Quartz
(1) He must direct the beam vertically upwards (1) 6 cm (2)3.55 cm
(2) He has to direct the beam horizontally (3) 9 cm (4) 2 cm
(3) He has todirect the beam at an angle to the
vertical which is slightly less than the critical C-25. A ray of light passes from vacuum into a
medium of refractive index n. If the angle of
angle of incidence for total internal reflection
(4) He has to direct the beam at an angle to incidence is twice the angle of refraction, then
the vertical which is slightly more than the the angle of incidence is:
critical angle of incidence for the total internal (1) cos- (n/2) (2) sin-'(n/2)
reflection (3) 2 cos- (n/2) (4) 2 sin (n/2)
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Geometrical Optics
The critical angle of light going from medium
C-26. C-32. For the given incident ray as shown in figure,
Ato medium B Is . The speed of light in
the condition of total internal reflection of the
medium A is v. The speed of light in medium
ray will be satisfied if the refractive index of
B0s: block will be (AIPMT-2002]

(1) (2) v sin Inçident ray

(3) vcot 0 (4) v tan 9

C-27. Aray of light paSses through four transparent

media with refractive indices 1, l2, u3 & 4 as V3+1 V3+1
shown in the figure. The surfaces of all media (1) n> (2) n <
2 2
are parallel. If the emergent ray CD is parallel 3
to the incident ray AB, we must have: (3) n > (4) n<
(UT-JEE- 2001] V2
C-33. A small coin is resting on the bottom of a
beaker filled with aliquíd. A ray of light from
the coin travels upto the Surface of the liquid
and moves along its surface (see figure)
A (AIPMT-2007]
X X X X x
(1) u1 = 2 (2) u2 = 3
(3) us = 4 (4) 4 = u1
C-28. If the critical angle for total internal reflection
from a medium to vacuum is 30°, then the
speed of light in the medium is [RPMT-2003]
(1) 6 x 108 m/s (2) 3 x 108 m/s How fast is the light travelling in the liquid?
(3) 2 x 10 m/s (4) 1.5 x 108 m/s (1) 1.8 x 108 m/s (2)2.4 x 108 m/s
(3) 3.0 x 10 m/s (4) 1.2 x 108 m/s
C-29. If aglass rod is immmersed in a liquid of
same refractive index, then it will appear
C-34. Which of the following is used in optical
fibers? [AIEEE-2002, 4/300]
(1) total internal reflection
(1) bent (2) longer
(3) shorter (4)invisible (2) scattering
(3) diffraction
C-30. A metal coin is at the bottom of a beaker filled (4) refraction
with aliquid of refractive index 4/3 to height of
6cm. To an observer looking from above the C-35. Transmission of light in optical fibre is due to
surface of the liquid, coin will appear at a (1)Scattering [AIPMT-2001]
[RPMT-2005) (2) Diffraction
depth of: (3) Polarisation
(1) 7.5 cm (2) 6.75 cm
(4) Multiple total internal reflections
(3) 4.5 cm (4) 1.5 cm
C-36. Which of the following will remain constant in
G-31. Atransparent cube of 15 cm edge contains a the phenomenon of refraction of light ?
Small air bubble. Its apparent depth when (1)Wavelength (2) Velocity
Viewed througth one face is 6 cm and when (3) Frequency (4) None
Viewed through the opposite face is 4 cm.
Then the refractive index of the material of the C-37. The phenomena of total internal reflection is
cube is (RPMT-2006) seen when angle of incidence is: [RPMT-2001]
(1)2.0 (2) 2.5 (1) 90°
(3) 1.6 (4) 1.5 (2) greater than critical angle
(3) equal to critical angle
(4) 0°
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eometrical Optics
C-42. The correct thickness of a glass having
38. A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a
rarer medium of an angle of incidence i. the a<lg = 1.5, which permits equal number of
reflected and refracted rays make an angle of wavelengths as that of 18 cm long column of
water is- [alw = 4/3] [CPMT-94]
90° with each other. The angle of reflection (1) 12 cm (2) 16 cm
and refraction are rand r'. The critical angle (4) 24 cm
(3) 18 cm
0S [CBSE-96]
C-43. Dimension of -is (where symbols have
usual meaning) : [RPMT-20101
(1) [LT-] (2) [L-T]
(3) [L-*T] (4) [L2T-1
C-44. When a ray of light is reflected from a denser
medium interface, then the following changes
(2) sin" [cot i] (1)Wavelength (2) Phase
(1) sin- [tan r] (4) Speed
(3) sin [tan r] (4) sin [sin r] (3) Frequency
C-45. If refractive index of a medium is 1.5, then
-39. Aray of ligth travels from on optically denser velocity of light in that medium will be
to ararer medium. The critical angle for the (RPMT-2000]
two media is C. The maximum possible (1) 10 x 108 (2) 2 x 108
deviation of the ray will be [CET 2002] (3) 3 x 108 (4) 4 x 108
(1) 2c (2) / 2 c C-46. Light enters into glass from air then its:
(3) 7c (4)7-2c (1) frequency increases (RPMT-2000]
(2) frequency decreases
C-40. A ray of light traveling in water is incident on (3)wavelength increases
its surface open to air. The angle of incidence (4) wavelength decreases
is 0, which is less than the critical angle. Then
C-47. The value of refractive index for any medium
there will be: [JEE - 2007' 3/81]
(1) only a reflected ray and no refracted ray
(2) only arefracted ray and no reflected ray (1) 1/ J4,e, (2) H,E,
(3) areflected ray and a refracted ray and the
angle between them Would be less than
(3) A,/a, (4) e, /,
180°- 20 C-48. A thick plane mirror shows a number of
(4) a reflected ray and a refracted ray and the images of the filament of an electric bulb. Of
angle between them would be greater than these, the brightest image is the
(1) First (2) Second
(3) Last (4)Fourth
C-41. A light beam is traveling from Region I to
Region IV (Refer Figure). The refractive index C-49. A microscope is focussed on a mark on a
in Regions I, II, III and IV are no, no2, no/6, piece of paper and then a slab of glass of
and no/8 respectively. The angle of incidence thicknesSs 3 cm and refractive index 1.5 is
0 for which the beam just misses entering placed over the mark. How should the
Region IV is. (JEE 2008, 3/163]
microscope be moved to get the mark in
focus again? [AIPMT-2006]
Figure (2) 4.5 cm downward
Region I Region II Region III Region IV (1) 1 cm upward
(3) 1 cm downward (4) 2cm upward
D-1. A ray of light is incident normally on one of
the faces of a prism apex angle 30° and
0.2 m 0.6 m
refractive index W2.The angle of deviation of
(1) sin(3/4) (2) sin-(1/8) the ray is:
(3) sin-(1/4) (4) sin (1/3) (1) 150 (2) 22.50
(3) 0º (4) 12.50
Geometrical Optics
The refractive index of the
p-2. material of prism of D-8.
60° angle is /2 At what The critical
light be incident on it SO that the ray of
prism and air is 45°between
an equilateral
minimum the incident ray is
deviation takes place? perpendicular to the refracting surface, then
(1) 450 (2) 600 [MP PMT 1986]
(3) 300 (4) 750 (1) After deviation it will
Arav of light is
second refaracting sufrace emerge from the
incident at (2) It is totally reflected on the
face of a prism which hasangle
p-3. of 60° on one
and emerges out second surface
an apex angle of perpendicularly from third
30 The ray merging out of Surface in air
the prism makes
an angle of 30o with the (3) It is totally reflected from the
refractive index of the materialincident ray. The
of the prism is third refracting surfaces and second and
out from the first finally emerges
(1) V2 (2) /3 surface
(3) 1.5 (4) It is totally reflected from all the
(4) 1.6 sides of prism and never three
D-4. If the critical angle for the D-9.
emerges out
medium of prism is When light rays are incident on a
Cand the angle of prism is A, then there will angle of prism at an
be noemergent ray when - 45°, the minimum deviation is
(1)A < 2C obtained. If refractive index of the material of
(2) A= 2C prism is
(3) A> 2C 2, then the angle of prism will
(4) A> 2C be
[MP PMT 1986]
D-5. Aray of (1)30°
monochromatic light is incident on
one refracting face of a prism of angle (3) 50°
(2) 40°
(4) 60°
75°. D-10. The refractive
indedx of a prism for a
passes through the prism and is incident on
the other face at the critical monochromatic wave is 2 and its refracting
angle. If
refractive index of the material of the prismtheis angle is 60°. For minimum deviation, the
N2, the angle of incidence on the first angle of incidence will be
face of [MNR 1998; MP PMT 1989, 92, 2002; CPMT
the prism is 1993,
(1) 30° (2) 45° (1) 30°
(3) 60° (4) 0° (2) 45°
D-6. Aray of light is incident at angle i on a (3)60°
of a prism of small angle A surface (4) 75°
and emerges
normally from the opposite surface. If the D-11. A parallel beam of
refractive index of the material of the prism is monochromatic light is
incident at one surface of a equilateral prism.
4, the angle of incidence i is nearly Angle of incidence is 55° and angle of
equal to :
(1)A/u (2) A/(2 ) emergence is 46°. The angle of minimum
(3) uA (4) A2
deviation will be
[DPMT 1999)
(1) Less than 41o
D-7. A prism having an apex angle of 40 and (2) Equal to 41°
refractive index of 1.50 is located in front of a (3) More than 41°
Vertical plane mirror as shown. A horizontal (4) None of the above
Tay of light is incident on the prism. The total
D-12. The minimum refractive index of a material, of
angle through which the ray is deviated is:
a prism of apex angle 90°, for which light
cannot be transmitted for any value of i:
(1) V3
(2) 1.5
(3) V2
(4) None of these
(1) 4° clockwise (2) 178° clockwise
(3) 2° clockwise (4) 8° clockwise
Geometrical Optics
D-13. A horizontal light ray passes through a prism
D-18. An equilateral prism has = V3. Its angle of
(u =1.5) of angle 4°. Further, it is incident on
minimum deviation will be
a plane mirror M, that has been placed [RPMT-2006]
vertically. By what angle the mirror is rotated (1)30° (2)60°
so that the ray after reflection becomes (3) 120° (4) 45°
horizontal? D-19. Alight ray is incident perpendicularly to one
face to a 90° prism and is totally internally
reflected at the glass-air interface. If the angle
of reflection is 45°, we conclude that the
refractive index n is [AIEEE-2004, 4/300]


(1)1° (2) 2°
(3) 4° 45
(4) 8°

D-14. For aprism of refractive index /3, the angle (1) n< (2) n > V2
of the prism is equal to the angle of minimum
deviation. The value of the angle of the prism (3) n > (4) n< V2
0S V2
(1) 600 (2) 50° D-20. The ratio of angle of minimum deviation of a
(3) 450 (4) 30° prism when dipped in water and when in air
will be (alg= 3/2 and a w= 4/3) If prism angle
An equilaterial prism is kept on a horizontal is very small
surface. A typical ray of light PQRS is shown (1) 1/8 (2) 1/2
in the figure. For minimum deviation (3) 3/4
[JEE 2004 (Scr.), 3/84]
(4) 1/4
D-21. The maximum refractive index of a material,
of a prism of apex angle 90°, for which light
may be transmitted is:
P (1) /3 (2) 1.5
(1) the ray PQ must be horizontal (3) V2 (4) None of these
(2) the ray RS must be horizontal
(3)the ray QR must be horizontal SECTION (E): REFRACTIONBY SPHERICAL
(4) any one of them can be horizontal SURFACE
E-1. An object is placed at a distance of 20 cm, in
D-16. A prism has a refracting angle of 60°. If it rarer medium, from the pole of a convex
produces a minimum deviation of 30° in an
spherical refracting surface of radius of
incident ray, the angle of incidence is: curvature 10 cm. If the refrective index of the
[RPMT-2003] rarer medium is 1and of the refracting medium
(1)15° (2) 30
(3) 45° is 2, then the position of the image is at
(4) 60°
(1) (40/3) cm from the pole & inside the
D-17. A prism has a refracting angle 60°. A ray of denser medium
given monochromatic light suffers minimum (2) 40 cm from the pole & inside the denser
deviation of 38° in passing through prism medium.
refractive index of the material of the prism is: (3) (40/3) cm from the pole & outside the
(RPMT-2005] denser medium
(1) 1.5094 (2) 1.3056 (4) 40 cm from the pole & outside the denser
(3) 0.7849 (4) 2.425 medium.

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Geometrical Optics
Thereis a small black dot at the centre C of a
solid glass sphere of refractive index u. When F-2. A biconvex lens
E2. with
seen from outside, the dot will appear to be has refractive index equal
radii of curvature
located: 10 cm. Its radius of and focal length
from Cfor all values of (1) 20 cm curvature will be:
(1) away values of u (2) 16 cm
(2)at C for all (3) 10 cm
(3) at Cfor u = 1.5, but away from Cfor H1.5 (4) 12 cm
F-3. A convex lens forms a
Sus1.5. real image 9cm
(4) at C only for (high) on a screen. Without altering long
for the converging beam after
The imagethrough the
position of the object and the screen, the the
E3. curved surface is is displaced and we get again a real
formed at: image
cm long (high) on the screen. Then the length4
n=1 of the object is
(1) 9 cm (2) 4 cm
(3) 6 cm (4) 36 cm
F-4. An object is placed at a distance of 5 cm from
a convex lens of focal length 10 cm, then the
(2) X = cm image is
(1) x = 40 cm (1) Real, diminished and at a distance of
40 40) 180
(3)x = cm (4) x = cm 10cm from the lens.
3 3 7
(2) Real, enlarged and at a distance of 10 cm
is placed from the lens.
E4. In the figure shown apoint object Oradius of (3) Virtual, enlarged and at a distance of
in air. A spherical boundary of
tWO media. AB is 10 cm from the lens.
Curvature 1.0 m separates
(4) Virtual, diminished and at a distance of
principal axis. The refractive index above AB 10/3 cm from the lens.
is 1.6 and below AB is 2.0. The separation
between the images formed due to refraction F-5. Inside water, an air bubble behave
(1) Always like a convex lens
at spherical surface is: (2) Always like a concave lens
1.6 (3) Always like a slab of equal thickness
A (4) Sometimes Concave and sometimes like a
ConveX lens
lens in air
F-6. A lens behaves as a converging refractive
(1) 12 m (2) 20 m and a diverging lens in water.
(refractive index of
(3) 14 m (4) 10m index of the material is
water = 1.33)
E-5. The ray diagram could be correct (1)equal to unity
(2) equal to 1.33 1.33
(3) between unity and
(4) greater than
below, there are two
F-7. In the figure given having focal length of f
Lens z convex lens L1and L2 distance between L1
(1) If n1 n2 = ng and f2 respectively.
and L2 will be
(2) If n1 = n2 and ni < ng
(3) If n1 n2 and n1 > ng
(4) Under no circumstances

SECTION (F): LENS liquid whose

F-1. Convex lens is dipped in arefractive index L
refractive indexis equal tothe (2) f2
will - (1) f (4) fi -f2
Orthe lens. Then its focal length (3) f + fe
(1) Become zero
(2) Become infinite
(3) Become small. but non-zero (Rai) -324006
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(4) Remain unchanged 52, lPIA,
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Geometrical Optics
F-8. A virtual erect image by a diverging lens is F-14. A biconvex lens forms a real image of an
represented by (u, v, f are coordinates) object placed perpendicular to its principal
v/f vt axis. Suppose the radii of curvature of the
lens tend to infinity. Then the image would
(1) Disappear [MP PET 1994]
(1) ut (2) u/f (2) Renmain as real image still
(3) Be virtual and of the same size as the
v/f v/f object
+1 (4) Suffer from aberrations
(3) (4) F-15. The radius of curvature of convex Surface of a
ulf u/f
thin plano-convex lens is 15 cm and refractive
index of its material is 1.6. The power of the
lens will be [MP PMT 1994]
F-9. What should be the value of distance d so (1) +1D (2) -2D
(3) +3D (4) +4D
that final image is formed on the object itself?
(Focal lengths of the lenses are written on the F-16. Alens is placed between a source of light and
lenses) a wall. It forms images of area A1 and Az on
10cm -20cm
the wal for its tWo different postions. The area
of the sSourece of light is [CBSE PMT 1995]

10cm (1)
A+4, (2)
2 |4 A,
(1) 10 cm (2) 20 cm
(3) 5 cm (4) none of these (3) J44, (4)
F-10. Athin linear object of size 1 mm is kept along
the principal axis of a convex lens of focal F-17. If the central portion of a convex lens is
length 10 cm. The object is at 15 cm from the wrapped in black paper as shown in the figure
lens. The length of the image is: [Manipal MEE 1995; KCET 2001]
(1)1 mm (2) 4 mm
(3) 2 mm (4) 8 mm
F-11. A glass lens is placed in amedium in which it
is found to behave like a glas plate. Refractive (1)No image will be formed by the remaining
index of the medium will be:[CPMT 1981, 84, 85]
portion of the lens
(1) Greater than the refractive index of glass (2) The full image will be formed but it will be
(2) Smaller than the refractive index of glass less bright
(3) Equal to refractive index of glass
(4) No case will be possible from above (3) The central portion of the image will be
F-12. A divergent lens for real object will produce (4) There will be two images each produced
(1)Always a virtual image [CPMT 1984] by one of the exposed portions of the lens
(2) Always real image F-18. A convex lens form a real image of a point
(3) Sometimes real and sSometimes virtual
(4) None of above object placed on its principal axis. If the upper
half of the lens is painted black, the image will
F-13. The minimum distance between an object and (1) Be shifted downwards [MP PET 1995]
its real image formed by a convex lens is (2) Be shifted upwards
(1)1.5 f (2) 2 f (3)Not be shifted
(3) 2.5 f (4) 4 f (4) Shift on the principal axis

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Geometrical Optics,
F-19. In the
figure, an
10 cm (R1= R2 = air lens of radii of
10 curvature
alass (u = 1.5). Thecm) is cut in a cylinder of F-25. TWo symmetric
nature of the lens is [MPfocal length and B have double convex lenses A and
PET 1995; Pb. PET the same focal length, but the radi of
(1) 15 cm, concave 20001 curvature
nA =
differ so that RA = 0.9 RB. If
(2) 15 cm, convex 1.63. find n.
(3) 0, neither (1) 1.7
Concave nor Air Glass (3) 1.5 (2) 1.6
(4) 4/3
(4) 0, concave F-26. When a lens of
power P (in air)
E.20. A lens made of material of refractive made of
1.5 has afocal glass of refractive index index
liquid of refractive index u is
50 cm when length of 10 cm in air and lens is: u. Then the
power of
Then the refractive index immersed
in a liquid.
(1) -1
(1) 1.36 the liquid is P (2) op
(3) 1.30 (2) 1.33 u-1
(4) 1.38 (3) - P
F.21. The correct (4) none of these
from these figures is
that can be drawn -1
F-27. A thin
power Psymmetrical double
is cut into three convex lens of
the figure. Power of Ais: parts, as shown in
(1) u1<u but u< u2 (2) 41 > u but u < 2
(3) u1 = u but u< u2 (1) 2 P
(4) u1 = but u, <H (3) PI3 (2) PI2
(4) P
F-22. A magnifying glass is to be F-28. A convex
object distance of 1inch. if itused at the fixed
is to produce an
lens makes areal
long (height) on a image of 4 cm
erect image magnified 5 times, its screen.
shifted to a new position When the lens is
should be focal length without
the object or the screen, we disturbing
(1) 0.2 inch (2) 0.8 inch on the screen, which is get areal image
(3) 1.25 inch 16 cm long. The
(4) 5 inch length (height) of the object is
F-23. A convex lens of focal (1) 1/4 cm (2) 8 cm [RPMT-2005]
length f
virtual image n times the size of produces a (3) 20 cm (4) 2 cm
the object.
Then the distance of the object F-29. An object is placed at a
is from the lens distance of 10 cm
from a convex lens of power 5D. Find the
position of the image:
n (2) n+1,f (1) - 40 cm (2) 30 cm
n (3) 20 crm (4) -10 cm
(3) f
(4) F-30. The radius of the convex Surface of
n-1 plano-convex lens is 20 cm and the refractive
F-24. The focal length of a index of the material of the lens is 1.5 The
a material of
convex lens made from focal length is
refractive index 1.52 is 10 cm (1) 30 cm (RPMT-2006]
when placed in air. If it is immersed in carbon (2) 50 cm
(3) 20 cm (4) 40cm
disuiphide of refractive index 1.68, then its
focal length and nature will be F-31. Asymmetric double convex lens is cut in
(1) + 36.4 cm, convex lens. equal parts by a plane perpendicular to the
(2)-36.4 cm, concavelens. principal axis.If the power of the original lens
(3) + 54.6 cm, convex lens. is 4D, the power of a cut lens will be
(4) 54.6 cm, concave lens. (RPMT-2008]
(1)2D (2) 3D
(3) 4D (4) 5D
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Geometrical Optics
F-32. Apoint object is placed at the focus of a F-37. A student measures the focal length of a
double concave lens. The image is formed convex lens by putting an object pin at a
(1)at infinity (RPMT-2011] distance lul from the lens and measuring the
(2) between the focus and the lens distance v' of the image pin. The graph
(3) at focus between 'u' and 'v' plotted by the student
(4)between the focus and infinity should look like - [AIEEE-2008, 3/105]
A thin convex lens of refractive index 1.5 is v(cm)
F-33. v(cm) ||
placed in a liquid with refractive index 2.0. (1) (2)
Then pOwer of the lens in air is 10 D. Then in
the liquid its power willbe u(cm) u(cm)
(1) 20 D (2) 10 D v(cm) v(cm)
(3) -10D (4) -5 D
(3) (4)
F-34. A body is located on a wall. Its image of equal
size is to be obtained on a parallel wall with
u(cm) u(cm)
the help of aconvex lens. The lens is placed
at adistance d ahead of second wall, then the F-38. In order to obtain image on wall of a bulb at a
required focal length will be: [AIPMT-2002] distance d from the wall a convex lens is
(1) Only d4 placed between bulb and wall. Focal length of
(2) Only d/2 lens will be [CPMT-2002]
(3) More than d/4 but less than d/2
(1)d/2 (2) Between d/2 &d/4
(4) Less than d/4
(3) More then d/2 (4) Less than d/4
F-35. An equiconvex lens is cut into two halves
along (i) XOX and (ii) YOY as shown in the F-39. An object is placed 12 cm to the left of a
converging lens of focal length 8 cm. Another
figure. Let f, f;f " be the focal lengths of the Converging lens of 6 cm focal length is placed
complete lens, of each half in case (i), and of at a distance of 30 cm from object to the right
each half incase (ii), respectively.[AIPMT-2003] of the first lens. The second lens will
produce [CET 20021
(1) avirtual enlarged image
(2) no image
(3) a real inverted image
(4) a real enlarged image
F-40. A biconvex lens of focal length f forms a
circular image of radius rof sun in focal plane.
Choose the correct statement from the
Then which option is correct: [JEE 2006, 3/184]
following: (1) r²c f
(1) f'=f, f" =f (2) r f2
(2) f'= 2f, f " = 2f
(3) f'= f, f" = 2f (3) If lower half part is convered by black
sheet, then area of the image is equal to rI2
(4) f'= 2f,f" =f
(4) if f is doubled, intensity will increase
F-36. A convex lens is dipped in a liquid whose
refractive index is equal to the refractive index
F-41. A slide projector magnified a film of 100 cm?
on a screen. If Iinear magnification is 4, then
of the lens. Then its focal length will :
(1) Become small, but non-zero [AIPMT-2003] area of the magnified image will be:
(2) Remain unchanged (1) 1600 cm2 (2) 800 cm?
(3) Become zero (3) 400cm² (4) 200 cm²
(4) Become infinite
Geometrical Optics
F-42. A luminous object is placed at a distance of G-6. A plano convex lens (f = 20 cm) is silvered at
30 cm from. a convex lens of focal length
plane surface. Now f will be
20 cm. On the other side of the lens, at what
(BHU1995; DPMT 2001; MP PMT 2005]
distance from the lens must a convex mirror (1) 20 cm (2) 40 cm
of radius of curvature 10 cm be placed in (3) 30 cm (4) 10cm
order to have and erect image of the object
coincident with it ? G-7. The plane surface of aplano -convex lens of
(1) 12 cm (2) 30 cm focal lenght f is silvered. It will behave as:
(3) 50 cm (4) 60cm (1) plane mirror
(2) convex mirror of focal length 2f
SECTION (G) : COMBINATION OF THIN (3) concave mirror of focal lengthf/2
LENSILENS AND MIRRORS. (4) none of the above
G-1. Aconvex lens of focal length 25 cm and a G-8. A concave lens of focal length 20 cm placed
Concave lens of focal length 20 cm are in contact with a plane mirror acts as a
mounted coaxially separated by a distance d (1) Convex mirror of focal length 10cm
cm. If the power of the combination is zero, d (2) Concave mirror of focal length 40 cm
is equal to (3) Concave mirror of focal length 60 cm
(1)45 (2) 30 (4) Concave mirror of focal length 10cm
(3) 15 (4) 5
G-9. AplanO-convex lens of focal length 10 cm is
G-2. A convex lens of pOwer 4D and a concave
silvered at its plane face. The distance d at
lens of power 3D are placed in contact, the which an object must be placed in order to get
equivalent power of combination: its image on itself is:
(1) 1D (2) D n=3/2
(3) 7D (4) D
G-3. Two thin lenses of poOwer +5D and -2D are
placed in contact with each other. Focal (1)5 cm (2) 20cm
length of the combination will behave like a
(3) 10cm (4) 2.5 cm
(1)Convex lens of focal length 3m
(2) Concave lens of focal length 0.33m G-10. In the figure (i) athin lens of focal length
(3) Convex lens of focal length 0.33m 10cm is shown. The lens is cut into two equal
(4) None of the above parts, and the parts are arranged as shown in
the figure (i). An object AB of height 1 cm is
G-4. The focal length of a plano-concave lens is placed at distance of 7.5 cm from the
-10 cm, then its focal length when its plane arrangement. The height of the final image
will be:
surface is polished is (n = 3/2):
(1) 20 cm (2) - 5 cm
(3) 5 cm (4) none of these
G-5. A combination of two thin lenses with focal
lengths ft and f2 respectively forms an image (i) (iü)
of distant object at distance 60 cm when (1) 0.5 cm (2) 2 cm
lenses are in contact. The position of this (3) 1 cm (4) 4 cm
image shifts by 30 cm towards the G-11. A convex lens of focal length 40 cm is kept in
Sconbination when two lenses are separated contact with a concave lens of focal length
by 10cm. The corresponding values of fi and 25 cm. The power of the combination is
f2 are (RPMT-2003]
(1) 30 cm, 60 cm (1) 6.5 D (2) + 6.5 D
(2) 20 cm, -30cm
(3) 1.5 D (4) + 1.5 D
(3) 15cm, -20 cm (4) 12 cm, -15 cm
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Geometrical Optics
G-12. The plane faces of two identical plano-convex H-2. When light is passed through a prism, the
lenses, each havingfocal length of 40 cm, are colour which deviates least is:
(1)Red (2) violet
placed against each other to form acommon
convex lens. The distance from this lens at (3)Blue (4)Green
which an object must be placed to obtain a If refractive index of red, violet and yellow
real inverted image with magnification equal lights are 1.42, 1.62 and 1.50 respectively for
to unity is a medium, its dispersive power willbe -
(1) 80 cm (2) 40 cm (1) 0.4 (2) 0.3
(3) 20 cm (4) 160 cm (4) 0.1
G-13. A convex lens and a concave lens, each Two thin lenses, one convex of focal length
having same focal length of 25 cm, are put in 30 cm and the other concave of focal length
contact to form a combination of lenses. The 10cm are put into contact. If this combination
power in diopters of the combination is is equivalent to an achromatic lens then the
(1) 25 (2) 50 ratio of dispersive powers (on/o2) of above
(4) Zero two lenses is
(3) Infinite (2) -3
G-14. A plano convex lens of refractive index (3) 3 (4) -1/3
1.5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered
H-5. The colour are characterised by which of
at the curved surface. Now this lens has been
following character of light
used to from the image of an object. At what
distance from this lens an object be placed in (1) Frequency (2) Amplitude
order to have a real image of the size of the (3) Wavelength (4) Velocity
object. [AIEEE-2004, 4/300] The dispersion of light in a medium implies
(1)20 cm (2) 30 cm
(3) 60 cm (4) 80 cm (1) lights of different wavelengths travel with
G-15. Aplano-convex lens is made of a material of different speeds in the medium
refractive index u= 1.5. The radius of curvature (2) lights of different frequencies travel with
of curved surface of the lens is 20 cm. If its different speeds in the medium
plane surface is silvered, the focal length of (3) the refractive index of medium is different
the silvered lens will be [AIPMT-2000] for different wavelengths
(1)10 cm (2) 20 cm
(3)40 cm (4) all of the above.
(4)80 cm
G-16. Power of combination of two lens of focal H-7. Critical angle of light passing from glass to air
is mininmum for
lengths 20 cm and 25 cm respectively:
[RPMT-2001] (1)red (2) green
(1)+ 1 D (2) + 9 D (3) yellow (4)violet
(3) 1D (4) -9 D
H-8. A plane glass slab is placed over various
G-17. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are coloured letters. The letter which appears to
in contact and coaxial. The power of the
combination is : be raised the least is:
(1) violet (2) yellow
(2) (3) red (4)green
H-9. Amedium has ny = 1.56, n = 1,44. Then its
(3) (4) f; +f, dispersive power is:
f,f, ff, (1) 3/50 (2) 6/25
(3) 0.03 (4) none of these
H-1. Dispersive power of aprism depends on H-10. All the listed things below are made of flint
(1)Material (2) Prism angle glass. Which one of these have greatest
(3) Shape of prism dispersive power (o).
(4) Angle on incidence (1) prism (2) glass slab
(3) biconvex lens (4) all have same o
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Geometrical Optics
H11. Light of wavelength 4000 A is incident at
H-18. Focal length of a convex lens will be
small angle on a prism of apex angle 4°, The maximum for
prism has ny = 1.5 & nr = 1.48. The angle of [MP PMT 1994]

dispersion produced by the prism in this light (1) Bluelight (2) Yellow light
(3) Green light (4) Red light
(1)0.20 (2) 0.08o H-19. Rainbows are formed by: (AIPMT-2000]
(3) 0.1920 (4) None of these (1) Reflection and diffraction
(2) Refraction and scattering
H-12. When white light passes through a glass
prism, one gets spectrumon the other side of (3) Dispersion and total internal reflection
(4) Interference only
the prism. In the emergent beam, the ray
which is deviating least is or Deviation by a H-20. The ratio of the refractive index of red light to
prism is lowest for [MP PMT 1997] blue light in air is [CPMT 1978]
(1) Violet ray (2) Green ray (1) Less than unity
(3) Red ray (4) Yellow ray (2) Equal to unity
(3) Greater than unity
H-13. Aspectrum is formed by a prism of dispersive
(4) Less as well as greater than unity
power 'a'. If the angle of deviation is 'S, then depending upon the experimental arrangement
the angular dispersion is MP PMT 1989)
(1) o/8 (2) S/o H-21. The refractive index of a piece of transparent
(3) 1/oð (4)oô quartz is the greatest for MP PET 1985, 94]
(1) Red light (2) Violet light
H-14. When white light passes through the (3) Green light (4)Yellow light
achromatic combination of prisms, then what
is observed: H-22. Refractive index for a material for infrared
[(MP PMT 1989]
(1) Only deviation light is [CPMT 1984]
(2) Only dispersion (1)Equal to that of ultraviolet light
(3) Deviation and dispersion (2) Less than that for ultraviolet light
(4)None of the above (3) Equal to that for red colour of light
(4) Greater than that for ultraviolet light
H-15. An achromatic combination of lenses is
formed by joining [BHU 1995; Pb. PMT 2000, 04] H-23. With respect to air critical angle in a medium
(1) 2 convex lenses for light of red colour [a1] is 0. Other facts
(2) 2 concave lenses remaining same, critical angle for light of
(3) 1convex lens and 1concave lens yellow colour [a2] will be [MP PMT 19991
(4) Convex lens and plane mirror (1) (2) More than 0
(3) Less than (4) None of these
H-16. An achromatic convergent doublet of tWo
lenses in contact has a power of +2D. The H-24. A beam of light composed of red and green
Convex lens has power +5D. What is the ratio rays is incident obliquely at a point on the
face of a rectangular glass slab. When
of the dispersive powers of the convergent coming out of the opposite parallel face, the
and divergent lenses ?
(1) 2:5 (2) 3:5 red and green rays emerge from : [AIPMT 2004)
(3) 5:2 (1) Two points propagating in two different
(4) 5:3 non-parallel directions
H-17. The respective angle of the flint and crown (2) Two points propagating in two different
parallel directions
glass prisms are A' and A. They are to be
used for dispersion without deviation, then the (3) One point propagating in two different
ratio of their angles A'A will tbe [MP PMT 1989]
(4) One point propagating in the same
(1) (H, -1)
(H, -1) direction
(H,'-1) (H,-1)
(3) (4,-1) (4) (4, -1)
Geometrical Optics
A thin prism P of angle 4° made of glass of |-4. Astigmatism (for a human eye) can be
refractive index 1.54 is combined to a thin removed by using
[CPMT 1972;MP PET/PMT 1998; CBSE PMT 19901
prism Q made of glass of refractive index 1.72
without deviation. The (1) Concave lens (2) Convex lens
to produce dispersion (4) Prismatic lens
angle of prism Q is : [RPMT-2004) (3) Cylindrical lens
(1) 4° (2) 3° |-5. Circular part in the centre of retina is called
(3) 2.6° (4) 5.3° [MP PET/PMT 1998]
(1) Blind spot (2)Yellow spot
H-26. The deviation is maximum for which colour ? (4) None
(RPMT-2007) (3)Red spot
(1) vilot (2)Red Aperson cannot see distinctly at the distance
(3) Blue (4) Green
less than one metre. Calculate the power of
The refractive indices of violet and red light the lens that he should use to read a book at
are 1.54 and 1.52 respectively. If the angle of a distance of 25 cm
[CPMT1977; MP PET 1985. 88, MP PMT 19901
the prism is 10°, the angular dispersion is
[RPMT-2009] (1)+3.0 D (2) +0.125D
(1) 0.02° (2) 0.2° (3) 3.0 D (4) + 4.0D
(3) 3.06° (4) 30.6°
-7. A person who can see things most clearly at a
H-28. The refractive index of glass is 1.520 for red distance of 10 cm, requires spectacles to
light and 1.525 for blue light. Let D1 and D2 be enable to see clearly thinges at adistance of
angles of minimum deviation for red and blue 30cm, what should be the focal length of the
light respectively in a prism of this glass. spectacles ? (RPMT-2006]
Then, [AIEEE-2006, 3/180] (1) 15 cm (concave) (2)15 cm (convex)
(1) D1 can be less than or greater than D2 (3) 10 cm (4) 0
depending uponthe angle of prism The power of lens used by a short-sighted
(2) D1 > D2 person is -2 D. Find the maximum distance of
(3) Di < D2
(4) D, = D2 an object, which he can see without
spectacles [RPMT-2009]
SECTION () :DEFECTS OF VISION (1) 25 cm (2) 50 cm
(3) 100 cm (4) 10 cm
I-1. A shortsighted person can read a book clearly
at a distance of 10 cm from the eyes. The I-9. Image formed on retina of eye is proportional
lenses required to read the book kept at 60cm to [RPMT-2001]
(1) size of object (2) area of object
(1) Convex lenses of focal length 30 cm s0zeof image
s0ze of object
(2) convex lenses of focal length 30 cm (3) (4)
(3) convex lenses of focal length 12 cm size of image sizeof object
(4) concave lenses of focal length 12 cm I-10. Aperson with a defective sight is using a lens
I-2. A person can't see the objects clearly placed having a power of +2D. The lens he is using is
at a distance more than 40 cm. He is advised (1) concave lens with f = 0.5 m
to use a lens of power - (2) convex lens with f = 2.0 m
(1) +2.5D (2) - 2.5D (3) concave lens with f = 0.2 m
(3) + 0.4D (4) - 0.4 D (4) convex lens with f= 0.5 m

1-3. Aperson can see clearly only upto a distance SECTION (J) :OPTICAL INSTRUMENT
of 25cm. He wants to read a book placed at a J-1. A simple microscope has a focal length of
distance of 50cm. What kind of lens does he 5cm. The magnification at the least distance
required for his spectacles and what must be of distinct vision is
its power ? (1) 1 (2) 5
(1) concave, - 1.0D (2) Convex, + 1. 5D (3) 4 (4) 6
(3) Concave, - 2.0 D (4)Convex, + 2.0 D

Reg. &Corp. Office :CG Tower, A-46 &52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
J-2. In a compound microscope, the intermediate J-10.
image is
The focal lengths of the objective and eye
(1) virtual, erect and magnified lens of a microscope are 1 cm and 5 cm
(2) real, erect and magnified respectively. If the magnifying power for the
(3) real, inverted and magnified relaxed eye is 45, then the length of the tube
is [CPMT 1979]
(4) virtual, erect and reduced
(1) 30 cm (2) 25 cm
J-3. The resolving power of a telescope is more (3) 15 cm (4) 12 cm
when its objective lens has J-11.
(1) greater focal length In acompound microscope magnification will
(2) smaller focal length be large, if the focal length of the eye piece is:
(3)greater diameter [CPMT 1984]
(1) Large
(4) smaller diameter
(2) Smaller
J4. AGalileo telescope has an objective of focal (3) Equal to that of objective
length 100 cm & magnifying power 50. The (4) Less than that of objective
distance between the two lenses in normal J-12. The focal length of the objective lens of a
adjustment will be
(1) 150 cm (2) 100 cm
compound microscope is
[CPMT 1985, MNR 1986; MPPET 1997
(3) 98 cm (4) 200 cm (1) Equal to the focal length of its eye piece
(2) Less than the focal length of eye piece
J-5. The convex lens is used in
(3) Greater than the focal length of eye piece
(1)Microscope (2) Telescope (4)Any of the above three
(3) Projector (4) Allof the above
J-13. Microscope is an optical instrument which:
J-6. The magnifying power of a simple microscope (1) Enlarges the object
can be increased an eyepiece of: (2) Increases the visual angle formed by the
(1) shorter focal length is used
(2) longer focal length is used
object at the eye
(3) Decreases the visual angle formed by the
(3) shorter diameter is used
(4) longer diameter is used
object at the eye
(4) Brings the object nearer
J-7. The focal length of the objective of a J-14. For which of the following
microscope is colour, the
(1) arbitrary magnifying power of a microscope will be
(2) less than the focal length of
(3) equal to the focal length of eyepiece (1)White colour (2) Red colour
(4) greater than the focal lengtheyepiece
(3) Violet colour (4) Yellow colour
of eyepiece
J-8. J-15. The length of the compound microscope is
Resolving power of a microscope depends 14 cm. The magnifying power for relaxed eye
is 25. If the focal length of eye lens is 5
(1) the focal length and aperture of cm,
the eye lens then the object distance for objective lens will
(2) the foca lengths of the objective and the be:
(3) the apertures of the objective and the eyeeye lens (Pb. PMT 2002]
lens (1) 1.8 cm (2) 1.5 cm
(4) the wavelength of light illuminating the object (3) 2.1 cm (4)2.4 cm
Anastronomical telescope has an J-16. If the focal
eyepiece or length of objective and eye lens
focal-length 5 cm. If the angular magnification are 1.2 cm and 3 cm
respectively and the
In normal adjustment is 10, when
IS at least distance of distinct
final image object is put 1.25 cm away from the objective
vision (25cm) lens and the final image is formed at
rom eye piece, then angular magnification The magnifyingpower of the infinity.
will be
(1) 150 microscope is:
(2) 200
(1) 10
(2) 12 (3) 250 (4)400
(3) 50
(4) 60

Ren & Corp. Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA,

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Geometrical Optics, -A
The focal length of the objective and eye
J-17. the focal length of objective and eye lens of a J-24.
stronomical telescope are respectively 2m piece of a telescope are respectively 100 cm
and 2cm. The moon substends an angle of
and 5 cm. Final image is formed at () least
distance of distinct vision (ii) infinity. The 0.5° at the eye. If it is looked through the
magnifying power in both cases will be: telescope, the angle subtended by the moon's
(2) -40, -48 image will be (RPMT-2009]
(1) -48, -40
(3) -40, 48 (4) -48, 40 (1)100° (2) 50°
(3) 25° (4) 10°
J-18. For observing acricket match, a binocular is Focal lengths of objective & eye piece of a
preferred to aterrestrial telescope because J-25.
(1) The binocular gives the proper three microscope are 4 cm & 8 cm respectively and
distance of object from objective lens is
dimensional view
(2) The binocular has shorter length 4.5 cm then magnifying power is: (RPMT-2010]
(1) 18 (2) 32
(3) The telescope does not give erect image
(3) 64 (4) 20
(4) Telescope have chromatic aberrations
J-19. An astronomical telescope has an angular J-26. When length of tube of microsocpe is
magnification of magnitude 5 for distant increased then magnifying power : (RPMT-2010]
(1) decreases (2) increases
objects. The seperation between the objective
and the eye piece is 36 cm and the final (3) remains unchanged
image is formed at infinity. The focal length fo (4) may decrease or increase
of the objective and the focal length fe of the J-27. Electron microscope is better than optical
eye piece are microscope, because of : (RPMT-2010]
(1)fo = 45 cm and fe = 9cm (1) more resolving power
(2) fo = 7.2 cm and fe = 5 cm (2)Comfortable use
(3) fo = 50 cm and fe = 10 cm (3) Low purchasing cost
(4)fo = 30 cm and fe = 6 cm (4) observation can be taken fastly

J-20. In Gallilean telescope, if the powers of an J-28. For a compound microscope, the focal
lengths of object lens and eye lens are fo and
objective and eye lens are respectively
+1.25 D and -20D, then for relaxed vision, fe respectively, then magnification will be
the length and magnification will be done by microscope when [RPMT-2001]
(1) 21.25 cm and 16 (2) 75 cm and 20 (1)fo = fe (2) fo > fe
(3) 75 cm and 16 (4) 8.5 cm and 21.25 (3) fo < fe (4)none of these

J-21. An astronomical telescope has two lenses of J-29. An astronomical telescope has a large
focal powers 0.5 D and 2OD. Then its aperture to [AIEEE-2002, 4/300]
magnifying power will be (RPMT-2005] (1) reduce spherical aberration
(1) 8 (2) 20 (2) have high resolution
(3) 30 (4) 40 (3) increase span of observation
(4) have low dispersion
J-22. The magnifying power of objective of a
compound microscope is 7. If the magnifying J-30. Wavelength of light used in an optical
power of microscope is 35, the magnifying instrument are A1 =4000 AÅ and d2 = 5000 A,
power of eye lens will be: (RPMT-2005] then ratio of their respective resolving powers
(1)5 (2) 30 (corresponding to à1 and à2) is
[AIEEE-2002, 4/300]
(3) 35 (4) 28 (1) 16:25 (2) 9:1
J-23. For atelescope, larger the diameter of the (3) 4:5 (4)5:4
objective lens (RPMT-2007] J-31. The image formed by an objective of a
(1)greater is the resolving pOwer compound microscope is [AIEEE-2003, 4/300]
(2) smaller is the resolving power (1)virtual and diminished
(3) greater is the magnifying power (2) real and diminished
(4) smaller is the magnifying pOwer (3) real and enlarged
(4)virtual and enlarged
Reg R Corp Office:CG Tower A.46 R, 52 IPJA Near Ciy Mall Ihalawar Road Kota (Rai)-324005
D-1. (1) D-2. (1) D-3. (2)
SECTION (A) D-4. (3) D-5. (2) D-6. (3)
A-2. (4) A-3. (2) D-7. D-9. (4)
A-1. (1)
A-5. (4) A-6. (2) (2) D-8. (2)
A4. (1) A-9.
D-10. (2) D-11. (1) D-12. (3)
A-8. (2) (2)
A-7. (2) A-12. (3)
D-13. (1) D-14. (1) D-15. (3)
A-10. (4) A-11. (3) D-16. (3) D-17. (1) D-18. (2)
A-13. (1) A-14. (4) D-19. (2) D-20. (4) D-21. (3)
B-2. (2) B-3. (3)
B-1. (3) E-1. (2) E-2. (2) E-3. (1)
B-5. (3) B-6. (3)
B-4. (4) E-4. (1) E-5. (3)
B-8. (1) B-9. (4)
B-7. (1) SECTION (F)
B-10. (3) B-11. (2) B-12. (1)
F-1. (2) F-2. (4) F-3. (3)
B-13. (3) B-14. (3) B-15. (3)
F-4. (3) F-5. (2) F-6. (3)
B-16. (2)
F-7. (3) F-8. (4) F-9. (1)
C-1. (4) C-2. (1) C-3. (3) F-10. (2) F-11. (3) F-12. (1)
C4. (2) C-5. (3) C-6. (3) F-13. (4) F-14. (3) F-15. (4)
C-7. (2) C-8. (1) C-9. (3) F-16. (3) F-17. (2) F-18. (3)
C-10. (4) C-11. (1) C-12. (4) F-19. (1) F-20. (1) F-21. (3)
C-13. (1) C-14. (1) C-15. (3) F-22. (3) F-23. (1) F-24. (4)
C-16. (1) C-17. (3) C-18. (3) F-25. (1) F-26. (3) F-27. (4)
C-19. (3) C-20. (3) C-21. (4) F-28. (2) F-29. (3) F-30. (4)
C-22. (4) C-23. (3) C-24. (1) F-31. (1) F-32. (2) F-33. (4)
C-25. (3) C-26. (1) C-27. (4) F-34. (2) F-35. (3) F-36. (4)
C-28. (4) C-29. (4) C-30. (3) F-37. (2) F-38. (4) F-39. (3)
C-31. (4) C-32. (3) C-33. (1) F40. (2) F-41. (1) F42. (4)
C-34. (1) C-35. (4) C-36. (3) SECTION (G)
C-37. (2) C-38. (1) C-39. (2) G-1. (4) G-2. (1) G-3. (3)
C-40. (3) C41. (2) C-42. (2) G-4. (3) G-5. (2) G-6. (4)
C43. (4) C44. (2) C-45. (2) G-7. (3) G-8. (1) G-9. (3)
C46. (4) C-47. (2) C-48. (2) G-10. (2) G-11. (3) G-12. (2)
C-49, (1) G-13. (4) G-14. (1) G-15. (2)
G-16. (2) G-17. (4)
Reg. & Corp. Office:CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) -324o05
Educating for better tomorrow
Website : www.resonance. | E-mail: [email protected]
Toll Free: 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029 NEETGO-102
Geometrical Optics EXERCISE-3
H-1. (1) H-2. (1) H-3. (1)
H-6. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3)
H4. (3) H-5. (1) 1. (1)
H-9. (2) 5. (3) 6. (2)
H-7. (4) H-8. (3) 4. (3)
H-12. (3) 8. (4) 9. (1)
H-10. (4) H-11. (4) 7. (2)
H-14. (1) H-15. (3) 11. (3) 12. (3)
H-13. (4) 10. (2)
H-18. (4) 14. (1) 15. (3)
H-16. (2) H-17. (1) 13. (2)
H-20. (1) H-21. (2) 17. (1) 18. (4)
H-19. (3) 16. (3)
H-23. (3) H-24. (2) 20. (1) 21. (3)
H-22. (2) 19. (2)
H-25. (2) H-26. (1) H-27. (2) 23. (4) 24. (4)
22. (4)
H-28. (3) 26. (3) 27. (4)
25. (1)
SECTION(1) 28. (3) 29. (2) 30. (2)
I-2. (2) I-3. (3) 31. (1) 32. (2) 33. (1)
I-1. (4)
I-5. (2) I-6. (1) 34. (4) 35. (4) 36. (3)
I4. (3)
I-7. (1) I-8. (2) I-9. (1) PART - ||
I-10. (4) 2. (3) 3. (2)
1. (3)
SECTION(J) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (3)
J-1. (4) J-2. (3) J-3. (3) 7. (4) 8. (2) 9 (2)
J4. (3) J-5. (4) J-6. (1) 11. (1) 12. (4)
10. (4)
J-7. (2) J-8. (4) J-9. (2) 14. (3) 15. (3)
13. (1)
J-10. (3) J-11. (2) (2) 18. (1)
16. (2) 17. (2)
J-13. (2) J-14. (3) J-15. (1) 20. (4) 21. (1)
19. (4)
J-16. (2) J-17. (1) (1) 24. 60
22. (2) 23. (2)
J-19. (4) J-20. (3) J-21. (4)
25. (4) 26. (2) 27. (3)
J-22. (1) J-23. (1) J-24. (3)
J-25. (2) J-26. (1) J-27. (1) 28. 90.00 29. = 2.5 30. 1

J-28. (3) J-29. (2) J-30. (4) 31. 6.25 32. 476.19 33. (3)
J-31. (3) 34. 50 35. 5 36. (2)
37. (3) 38. (2) 39. 15
EXERCISE-2 40. 41. 42. 150
(1) (4)
1. (4) 2. (3) 3. (2) 43. (3) 44. (3) 45. 12
4. (4) 5. (3) 6. (1) 46. 30 47. (2) 48. (1)
7 (1) 8. (3) 9 (1) 49. (4) 50. (4) 51. 25
10. (1) 11. (4) 12. (3) 52. (1) 53. 60 54. (3)
13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (2) 55. (4)
16. (4) 17. (3) 18. (1) 56. (3) 57. 600 58. (3)
19. (1) 20. (3) 21. (1) 59. (3) 60. 50 61. (2)
22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (3) 62. (4) 63. (4) 64. (1)
25. (1) 26. (3) 27. (3) 65. (1) 66. 5 67. (2)
28. (3) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (3) 32. (3) 33. (2)
34. (3) 35. (2) 36. (2)
37. (1)

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