First - Conditional - Form-Đã G P
First - Conditional - Form-Đã G P
First - Conditional - Form-Đã G P
1 ©
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
('ll = will, won't = will not)
2 ©
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
First Conditional
Name: Result: __/37 Date: __/__/20__
4. She is waiting for you to charm her, and if you _______ she ____________
closer to the earth. (play) (come)
15. If you ________ a hair of his head, it ____________ you your nose and
ears! (touch) (cost)
17. If they _______ him, they ___________ me, too. (hang) (hang)
18. If you ____________ this, I _______________ your whole nation.
(not/do) (destroy)
19. I __________ if I _______ all the things I used to know. (try) (know)
13. If you ______ it on your fourth finger, you ____________ your own shape.
(put) (take)
14. I'm sure she _______________ again if you _____. (run away) (do)
15. They _____________ this law, if you _______ it. (fight) (pass)
17. If you _____ your own way you ____________ into horrible suffering, and
I wish to see you happy. (go) (fall)
18. You ______________ me if my occupations ________________ me to
accompany you. (excuse) (not/permit)
will kill
1. He ____________ puts himself in a passion. (kill) (put)
you if he _______
4. If you _______ to marry her, you must first set her free, and this I
____________ you to do. (wish) (help)
13. Nature ____________ you nothing if you ______ yourself up for her
master. (show) (set)
15. If you _______ your neighbors they ____________ you. (love) (love)
16. But you ________________ if you _______ your eye. (get along) (mind)
20. If you _____, the glory __________ all your own. (do) (be)