MSME Chapter 3 E-Notes
MSME Chapter 3 E-Notes
MSME Chapter 3 E-Notes
The range of development work in MSMES involves several
Departments/ Ministries and different organisations of Central/ State
To facilitate coordination and inter-institutional linkages and in
pursuance of the MSME Development Act, 2006, a National Board for
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, consisting of a total of 47
Members, has been constituted with 20 non-official members. It is an
apex advisory body constituted to render advice to the Government on
all issues pertaining to the MSME sector.
The Minister In charge of MSME of the Government of India is the
Chairman and the Board comprises among others, State Industry
Ministers, some Members of Parliament, Secretaries of various
Departments of Government of India, financial institutions, public
sector undertakings, industry associations and eminent experts in the
The board meets periodically to take stock of the issues pertaining to
policy matters.
Directorate of Industries
For promotion and development of village and small industries sector,
the executive agency in each State is the Directorate of Industries. It
acts under the overall guidance of SIDO which functions as both
regulatory and development agency. It has a network of District
Industries Centres at District level, Industrial Officer at sub-division level
and extension officers at Block level.
There are a few other agencies established by the
Government/Public/Private sectors indirectly to promote the growth
and development of the MSME sector.
Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO)
Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) is a public
sector company fully owned by Government of India for financing of
housing and urban infrastructure activities in India.
HUDCO was incorporated on April 25, 1970 under the Companies Act,
1956. HUDCO, as a premier techno financing institution of the country,
continuously strives to improve and take innovative initiatives.
The cardinal objective of HUDCO is to undertake housing and urban
infrastructure development programmes in the country, provide long-
term finance for construction of houses for residential purposes in
urban & rural areas and finance or undertake, the setting up of the new
or satellite towns and industrial enterprise for building material,
subscribe to the debentures and bonds to be issued by the State
Housing (and/or Urban Development) Boards, Improvement Trust,
Development Authorities, etc. for financing housing and urban
development programmes, to promote, establish, assist collaborate
and provide consultancy services for the projects of designing and
planning of works relating to Housing and Development programmes in
India and abroad, Administration of the moneys received from time to
time from GOI and other sources as grants or otherwise for the purpose
of financing or undertaking housing and urban development
programmes in the country, etc.
Institute for the Design of Electrical Measuring
This institute was set up in 1969 with the assistance of UNDP and
UNIDO mainly to render services to the Instrument Industries. Its
services include -
Training & Consultancy in the areas of:
(1) Instrumentation;
(2) Design & Development of new electrical instruments
(3) Testing and calibration of instruments
(4) Tool designing and tool making
This institution is engaged in import substitution, export of electrical,
electronic instruments and appliances manufactured by Small Scale
Co-operative Banks
The PACS (Primary Agriculture Cooperative Society) and Primary Coop.
Banks (PCBs) provide finance to Agriculture and related industries, and
cottage and tiny industries respectively.
National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development
NABARD is set up as an apex Development Bank with a mandate for
facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture,
small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and
other rural crafts.
It also has the mandate to support all other allied economic activities in
rural areas, promote integrated and sustainable rural development and
secure prosperity of rural areas.
In discharging its role as a facilitator for rural prosperity NABARD is
entrusted with:-
1. Providing refinance to lending institutions in rural areas
2. Bringing about or promoting institutional development and
3. Evaluating, monitoring and inspecting the client banks
Besides this pivotal role, NABARD also:
• Acts as a coordinator in the operations of rural credit institutions
• Extends assistance to the government, the RBI, and other
organizations in matters relating to rural development
• Offers training and research facilities for banks, cooperatives and
organizations working in the field of rural development
• Helps the state governments in reaching their targets of providing
assistance to eligible institutions in agriculture and rural development
• Acts as regulator for cooperative banks and RRBS
Export Import (EXIM) Bank
The EXIM Bank of India set up by an Act of Parliament for the purpose
of financing, facilitating and promoting India's foreign trade also
extends support to MSMES in a big way.
EXIM Bank has various facilities under its schemes for pre-shipment,
post-shipment, investment abroad, advisory services, import finance,
export product development, export promotion and export marketing.
Direct Finance
Although it started functioning as a refinancing institution, SIDBI now
provides assistance to MSME units directly. Its assistance is by way of:
Term Loan
Term loans are provided for
(i) setting up new projects and for modernization, diversification,
expansion, etc. of existing MSMES,
(ii) Service sector entitles like hotels, entertainment parks,
hospitals/nursing homes, retail chains, logistic support services,
IT and IT enabled services etc. and
(iii) Infrastructure development and up gradation.
It also provides working capital term loans, bill discounting facilities
in various forms as also equity support to potentially growth
oriented MSME units.
Direct assistance is available in rupee as well as foreign currency.
Resource Support
The Bank provides resource support to institutions/Non-Banking
Finance Companies to facilitate channelizing assistance to a large
number of MSMES and infrastructure projects having linkages to
SIDBI as the Nodal/Implementing Agency
SIDBI extends Nodal Agency services to the Government of India for
Schemes sponsored by its various Ministries for encouraging
implementation of modernization and technology upgradation by
manufacturing units in the MSMES sector such as Credit Linked Capital
Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS)
for textile industry and Integrated Development of Leather Sector
Scheme (IDLSS).
Micro Finance
To meet the micro credit demand, SIDBI constituted a specialized
department called SIDBI Foundation for Micro Credit to create a
national network of strong, viable and sustainable Micro Finance
Institutions (MFIS) from the formal and informal sectors to provide
micro finance services to the poor, especially women.
SFMC provides a complete range of financial and non-financial services,
such as, loan funds, grant support, equity and institution building
support to the retailing MFIS so as to facilitate their development into
financially sustainable entities, besides developing a network of service
providers for the sector.
The Bank has also set up a SIDBI Growth Fund for MFIS for providing
pure equity and quasi-equity support to eligible MFIS.
Indirect Finance
The indirect assistance of the Bank consists of refinance and resource
support in the form of short term loans/ line of credit to Primary
Lending Institutions (PLIS), comprising State Level Financial Institutions
and banks. It also provides rediscounting of bills facilities to banks.