Hooshmand2015 Article SeismicRetrofitInBuildingStruc
Hooshmand2015 Article SeismicRetrofitInBuildingStruc
Hooshmand2015 Article SeismicRetrofitInBuildingStruc
The shape memory alloys have limited applications in structural engineering. The high expensive value of building construction
with these alloys is the main obstacle in using this material for building. In this paper, the performance of bracing with the combined
shape memory alloys and steel have been studied. The seismic response of the five braced frames with bracing containing 20, 40, 60,
80 and 100% of shape memory alloy are determined and compared to the braced frame with steel brace. Nonlinear dynamic analysis
of the frames is made with help of ANSYS V11 software under Elcentro earthquake record with maximum scaled acceleration 0.6 g
and 0.9 g. The optimum value of alloy for the seismic performance improvement of braced frames has been calculated. So, the
improved seismic behavior of braced frame was obtained with low cost by using method.
Keywords: shape memory alloys, damper, nonlinear dynamic analysis, El Centro earthquake, ANSYS V11
1. Introduction Moradi, 2011; Auricchio et al., 2006; Liao and Mo, 2006;
McCormick et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2012; Walter Yang et
Shape memory alloys (SMA) have found various applications al., 2010), and for retrofitting masonry and historical
in structural engineering such as active, semi active and passive structures (Shrestha et al., 2011). SMAs have also been
control due to its characteristics such as high damping capacity, studied to be used as reinforcing bars in concrete structures
durability, resistance to fatigue and corrosion and its unique (Youssef and Elfeki, 2012; Muntasir Billah and Shahria,
characteristics such as shape memory and superelasticity 2012; Shahria Alam et al., 2012), in structural joints
(Mansouri, 2008), One of the most important and effective (Abolmaali et al., 2009; Speicher et al., 2011; Shahin et al.,
applications of SMA in civil engineering is using these materials as 2005), in smart structure (Tzou et al., 2004; Amezquita-
braces, because of the superelastic and shape memory properties of Sanchez et al., 2014), and in dams (Sun, 2011).
SMA. They have the ability to re-center the original state and
provide high energy dissipation. Although studies on the 2. Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs)
application of SMAs in civil engineering have been recently
increased, it has still a limited usage in structural systems. One Shape memory alloys have special properties which make
of the reasons is the high cost of these alloys. In the present them distinctive from other alloys and metals, properties like
study we used a hybrid brace of steel and SMA to show shape memory and super-elastic properties. Each of these
economically justifiable and also an acceptable behavior properties will be described in the following sections.
regarding seismic performance. The unique behavior of SMA
has been used for comparison of seismic behavior of bracing. 2.1 Shape Memory Properties
The remaining displacement of the structure and energy
absorption of the structure is the criterion of the comparison. 2.1.1 One Way Shape Memory Effect
In recent years, several studies have been conducted on Normally, the SMAs are in twinned martensite phase. Applying
the applications of SMAs in civil engineering; for example, stress turns twinned martensite to detwinned martensite. In this
in seismic isolation systems (Ozbulut and Hurlebaus, 2010; way the alloy does not turn to its primary form and residual strain
Ozbulut and Hurlebaus, 2011), in energy dissipation systems (Ma remains in the sample. Heating of the alloy to a temperature
and Yam, 2011; Motahari et al., 2007), in dampers for bridges (Ben above Af, the alloy phase changes into austenite phase, residual
Mekki and Auricchio, 2011; Padgett et al., 2009; Sharabash strain disappears and the alloy returns to its primary state. This
and Andrawes, 2009), in structural braces (Asgarian and mode is shown in “Fig. 1”.
*Young Researchers And Elite Club, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz 51749-67454, Iran (Corresponding Auther, E-mai: [email protected])
**Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, 51335-11996, Iran (E-mail: [email protected])
***Associate Professor, Dept. of Materials Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, 51335-11996, Iran (E-mail: [email protected])
− 935 −
Mohammad Hooshmand, Behzad Rafezy, and Jafar Khalil-Allafi
3. Methodology
Table 2. Parameters used in the Behavioral Model of the SMA Fig. 7. The Time History of the Horizontal Displacement of the
(Ghassemiyeh, 2008) Third Floor Level in the SMA Bracing System Obtained by
Yield stress Value Ghassemiyeh and Kari (Ghassemiyeh, 2008)
Martensite-to-Austenite start stress 420 MPa
Martensite-to-Austenite finish stress 500 MPa
Austenite-to-Martensite start reverse stress 300 MPa
Austenite-to-Martensite finish reverse stress 200 MPa
phase transformation strain 6.5%
Martensite-to-Austenite modulus of elasticity 40000 MPa
Fig. 10. The Stress-strain Diagram of Steel and the SMA used in
Fig. 12. The Modeling of the Connection between the Brace and
Table 4. Parameters used in the Behavioral Model of the SMA the Beam-column
(Kazemi-Choobi et al., 2012)
Parameter Definition Value
σ AS Stress related to the beginning of the
240 MPa Because of using solid elements, it was not possible to generate a
direct transformation phase perfect hinge at the connection between the brace and the beam-
Stress related to the end of the direct
σfAS 300 MPa column. This caused an additional force at the corners of
transformation phase
Stress related to the beginning of the
bracings. In “Figs. 11 and 12”, the models generated and meshed
σsSA 60 MPa in ANSYS are shown.
reverse transformation phase
Stress related to the end of the reverse
σfSA 30 MPa
transformation phase 4. Results and Discussion
Maximum strain caused by phase
εL 6%
There are two major differences between the behavior of steel
Ymrt Modulus of martensite 80000 MPa
and the SMA. One of these differences is that the SMA is able to
return to its initial state after bearing large strains and to
last one was only composed of the SMA. minimize the horizontal displacement of structure; and the other
The percentage of the amount of steel and the SMA used in one is that it increases the energy absorption of the structure.
braced frames and their schematics are shown in “Table 3” and This section attempts to provide the optimum design for the brace
“Fig. 9”, respectively. through comparing the time histories of horizontal displacement and
Behavioral model of steel and the SMA used in the studied the diagrams of structural energy absorption in all models, in
hybrid braces is illustrated in “Fig. 10” and “Table 4”. As it can terms of both the SMA consumption and the seismic performance.
be observed in “Fig. 10”, a hypothetical behavioral model was
used for steel in order to avoid the dependence of obtained 4.1 Comparison of the Residual Horizontal Displacement
results on the type of the stressstrain diagram of alloys (steel and and Energy Absorption in the Structure
SMA). The time histories of the horizontal displacement at the level of
Solid185 elements were used for the modeling of the frame. the third floor under the maximum acceleration of 0.6 g are
Fig. 13. The Time History of the Horizontal Displacement at the Fig. 15. The Time History of the Horizontal Displacement at the
Level of the Third Floor in a Bracing System with a Combi- Level of the Third Floor in a Bracing System with a Com-
nation of SMA 0% and Steel 100% under the Maximum bination of SMA 80% and Steel 20% under the Maximum
Acceleration of 0.6 g Acceleration of 0.6 g
and results are presented in “Fig. 18”. DOD and DOE mentioned
shown in “Figs. 13-16”. in “Figs. 17 and 18” are calculated according to Eqs. (1) and (2).
For a better comparison, the value of the residual displacement
of structure under the maximum acceleration of 0.6 g is
illustrated in “Fig. 17”. The energy absorption was also studied where DM is the residual displacement in bracing system with the
Fig. 17. The Comparison of the SMA Consumption with the DOD under the Maximum Acceleration of 0.6 g
Fig. 18. The Comparison of the SMA Consumption with the DOE under the Maximum Acceleration of 0.6 g
considered composition, DST is the residual displacement in maximum accelerations of 0.6 g and 0.9 g. The results of models
bracing system with the composition of 0% SMA and 100% under the maximum acceleration of 0.9 g are presented in
steel, and DSMA is the residual displacement in bracing system “Tables 5 and 6” and “Figs. 21-23”.
with the composition of 100% SMA and 0% steel.
Table 5. The Comparison of Residual Structural Displacement in
DOE = (EMEST) / (ESMAEST) (2) the Studied Bracing Systems under the Maximum Accel-
eration of 0.9 g
where EM is the value of structural energy absorbtion in bracing
system with the considered composition, EST is the value of DOD
Considered Model (by
structural energy absorbtion in bracing system with the displacement
composition of 0% SMA and 100% steel, and ESMA is the value (mm)
of structural energy absorbtion in bracing system with the Bracing System SMA 0% and Steel 100% 17 0%
Bracing System SMA 20%and Steel 80% 1.98 94%
composition of 100% SMA and 0% steel.
Bracing System SMA 40% and Steel 60% 1.70 95.7%
Considering “Figs. 17 and 18”, it is observed that the increase
Bracing System SMA 60%and Steel 40% 1.33 98%
of the consumption percentage of the SMA leads to a better seismic
Bracing System SMA 80% and Steel 20% 1.08 99.6%
performance of the bracing system. However, the amount of
Bracing System SMA 100% and Steel 0% 1.01 100%
improvement is very small and there is little difference between
the results of studied models (especially in “Fig. 18”). It means
that under the earthquake acceleration of 0.6 g, steel and the SMA Table 6. The Comparison of the Value of Structural Energy Absorp-
tion in the Studied Bracing Systems under the Maximum
have almost identical seismic performances. Comparison of the
Acceleration of 0.9 g
hysteresis diagrams of steel and the SMA braces characterizes
Value of energy DOE
this functional similarity (“Figs. 19 and 20”). Model Type absorption (by per-
The use of SMA, resistant to earthquakes, which has a (N.mm) centage)
maximum acceleration of 0.6 g, has not a significant difference Bracing System SMA 0% and Steel 100% 573905926.3 0%
with steel and utilizing them is not economically justifiable since Bracing System SMA 20%and Steel 80% 764929914.5 55.7%
the entire capacity of the SMA is not properly used. To have a Bracing System SMA 40% and Steel 60% 783269861 61%
better understanding, hysteresis graph of steel and SMA bracing Bracing System SMA 60%and Steel 40% 833446794 75.7%
under maximum acceleration of 0.6 g is shown in “Figs. 19 and Bracing System SMA 80% and Steel 20% 888797923 92%
20” respectively. Bracing System SMA 100% and Steel 0% 916802374 100%
As mentioned earlier, models were investigated under the
Fig. 21. DOD Versus the SMA Consumption Percentage under the
Maximum Acceleration of 0.9 g
Fig. 19. Hysteresis Graph of Steel Bracing (1st Model) under the
Maximum Acceleration of 0.6 g
5. Conclusions
Fig. 23. DOE versus the SMA Consumption Percentage under The performances of bracing containing 20, 40, 60, 80 and
the Maximum Acceleration of 0.9 g
100% of shape memory alloy and steel bracing have been studied.
The seismic response of the braced frames are determined and
“Table 5” shows the results of residual structural displacement compared to the braced frame with steel brace. The results
under the maximum acceleration of 0.9g and “Fig. 21” shows the indicate that the most suitable location for putting shape memory
SMA consumption versus the value of residual structural alloy is the ends of bracing. Also, the secondary moment which
displacement in the considered models under the maximum produced in bracing at the connection with gusset plate has
acceleration of 0.9 g. “Fig 22” and “Table 6” compare the transmitted better by shape memory alloy than steel. The total
structural energy absorption in the studied bracing systems under capacity of these alloys is not used in records with maximum
the maximum acceleration of 0.9 g. “Fig. 23” compares the acceleration of 0.6 g and there is no difference between the
percentage of the SMA consumption with the DOE under the behavior of steel brace and alloyed brace. Therefore, it is not
maximum acceleration of 0.9 g. necessary to use alloyed braced in low intensity of earthquake
“Fig. 22” compares the graphs of structural energy absorption due to economic considerations. It is observed that using 20%
in the used bracing systems under maximum acceleration of SMA in the alloyed brace improve 54% in seismic performance
0.9 g. “Table 6” compares the value of structural energy absorption while by using 100% SMA has 94%. It is concluded that the
in the used bracing systems under maximum acceleration of 0.9 g. application of bracing contain 20% SMA, led to improvement in
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