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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

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Unicenter AutoSys Job


User Guide for UNIX

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


Chapter 1: Introduction
Jobs .............. ................. ................ ................ ................ .......... 1–2
Defining Jobs ................ ................ ................ ................ ............. 1–2
Graphical User Interface ............... ................ ................ ................ 1–2
Job Information Language .............................................................. 1–2
System Components ................ ................ ................ ................ .......... 1–3
Event Server .............................................................................. 1–3
High-Availability Option: Dual-Event Servers .............. ................ ............. 1–4
Event Processor ........................................................................... 1–4
High-Availability Option: Shadow Event Processor ....................................... 1–5
Remote Agent ............... ................ ................ ................ ............. 1–5
Example Scenario on UNIX ................ ................ ................ ................ 1–6
Explanation ........................................................................... 1–7
Interface Components ................ ................ ................ ................ ..... 1–8
Machines ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ..... 1–8
Instance ...................................................................................... 1–8
Events ............... ................ ................ ................ ................. ....... 1–9
Alarms .............. ................ ................ ................ ................. ...... 1–10
Utilities ..................................................................................... 1–10
Basic Functionality ........................................................................... 1–11
Explanation .............. ................ ................ ................ ............... 1–12
Extending Functionality ...................................................................... 1–13
Contacting Technical Support ................................................................. 1–14

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Chapter 2: Security
Overview ..................................................................................... 2–1
Native Security .............. ................. ................ ................ ................ 2–2
Security on Events Sent by Users ............................................................ 2–2
Security on Events Sent by the Event Processor ............................................... 2–4
System-Level Security ................. ................ ................ ................ ........ 2–7
Database Field Verification ................. ................ ................ ................ 2–7
Job Definition Encryption ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 2–7
Remote Agent Authentication ................ ................ ................ .............. 2–8
User Authentication .................................................................... 2–8
Event Processor Authentication ................. ................ ................ ........ 2–9
User and Database Administrator Passwords ................ ................ ................ 2–9
Job-Level Security ........................................................................... 2–10
Job Ownership .............. ................ ................ ................ ............ 2–10
User Types .............................................................................. 2–11
Permission Types ........................................................................ 2–11
Granting Permissions ............... ................ ................ ................ . 2–12
Job Permissions and Windows ............................................................ 2–13
Security Control ......................................................................... 2–13
Superuser Privileges ......................................................................... 2–14
Edit Superuser .............. ................ ................ ................ ............ 2–14
Exec Superuser .......................................................................... 2–15
Restricting Access to Jobs ................ ................ ................ ................. ... 2–16
Remote Agent Security ................................................................... 2–17
eTrust Access Control ................. ................ ................ ................ ...... 2–17
Policy Manager .......................................................................... 2–19
Security Access .......................................................................... 2–20
Disable Security ............... ................ ................ ................ ...... 2–20
Controlling the Event Processor ........................................................... 2–21
Asset-Level Security ............... ................ ................ ................ ...... 2–21
eTrust Resource Classes ................ ................ ................ ..............
eTrust Access Modes ................................................................. 2–23
Security Enabled Applications ................ ................ ................ ............ 2–33
Security Call Logic ....................................................................... 2–35

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Chapter 3: Jobs
Job Types and Structure ............... ................ ................ ................. ....... 3–2
Basic Job Information ...................................................................... 3–3
Command Jobs ................. ................ ................ ................ .......... 3–3
Box Jobs .................................................................................. 3–4
Starting Conditions for Box Jobs ................ ................ ................. ....... 3–4
File Watcher Jobs ............... ................ ................ ................ .......... 3–5
Basic Job Attributes ................. ................ ................ ................ .......... 3–6
Command Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ................ .. 3–6
File Watcher Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ................ 3–6
Box Job Attributes ......................................................................... 3–7
Job States and Status ................ ................ ................ ................ .......... 3–8
Example State Diagram: Simple Jobs ....................................................... 3–10
Example State Diagram: Box Jobs .......................................................... 3–12
Starting Parameters ................. ................ ................ ................ ......... 3–14
Starting Parameters and Boxes ................ ................ ................ ............ 3–14
Date/Time Dependencies ................................................................. 3–15
TZ Environment Variable .............. ................ ................ ............... 3–15
Custom Calendars .................................................................... 3–16
Job Dependencies Related to Job Status ..................................................... 3–16
Cross-Instance Job Dependencies ............... ................ ................. ...... 3–18
Event Processors ......................................................................... 3–19
Event Servers ............................................................................ 3–20
Example Job Dependencies ............................................................ 3–20
Managing Job Status .................................................................. 3–22
Job Dependencies Based on Exit Codes ..................................................... 3–23
Using Exit Codes and Batch Files with Jobs Running on Windows ............... ......... 3–24
Job Dependencies Based on Global Variables ................ ................ ............... 3–25
Job Run Numbers and Names ................................................................. 3–26
Defining Jobs ................................................................................ 3–27
Graphical User Interface Components ......................................................

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Chapter 4: Job Attributes

Job Attributes and Job Definitions ............................................................... 4–1
Using JIL to Create a Job Definition .......................................................... 4–2
Using the GUI to Create a Job Definition ..................................................... 4–2
Chapter Organization ...................................................................... 4–2
Essential Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ 4–4
Attributes Common to All Job Types ................ ................ ................ ........ 4–4
Job Name ............... ................ ................ ................ .............. 4–4
Job Type ................ ................ ................ ................ .............. 4–4
Job Owner .............. ................ ................ ................ .............. 4–4
Command Jobs Attributes .................................................................. 4–5
Command .............. ................ ................ ................ .............. 4–5
Machine to Run On .............. ................ ................ ................. ..... 4–7
File Watcher Job Attributes ................................................................. 4–8
Machine to Run On .............. ................ ................ ................. ..... 4–8
File to Watch For ................ ................ ................ ................. ..... 4–8
Box Job Attributes ................. ................ ................ ................ ........ 4–8
Optional Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ 4–9
Common Job Starting Attributes .............. ................ ................ .............. 4–9
Start Date /Time Dependence ........................................................... 4–9
Days of the Week ................ ................ ................ ................. ..... 4–9
Days to Run Through a Custom Calendar .............................................. 4–10
Days to NOT Run Through a Custom Calendar ......................................... 4–10
Specific Times of Day to Run .......................................................... 4–10
Time of Day Not to Run ................ ................ ................ .............. 4–11
Specific Times Every Hour to Run ..................................................... 4–11
Job Dependencies (Starting Conditions) ................................................ 4–12
Common General Attributes .............................................................. 4–12
Description .......................................................................... 4–12
Box Name ........................................................................... 4–13
Minimum Runtime Alarm ............................................................
Maximum Runtime Alarm ............................................................ 4–14
Terminate Due to Runtime ............................................................ 4–14
Send Alarm if the Job Fails ............................................................ 4–15
Terminate the Box if the Job Fails ...................................................... 4–15

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Terminate the Job if the Box Fails ............... ................ ................. ...... 4–15
Number of Times to Restart a Job ............... ................ ................. ...... 4–16
Time Zone for Job ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 4–16
Delete Job After Completion ...........................................................

Autohold ............................................................................ 4–17
Permissions .......................................................................... 4–18
Command Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ................ . 4–19
Profile ............................................................................... 4–19
Redirection of the Standard Input File .................................................. 4–20
Redirection of the Standard Output File ............... ................ ................ . 4–20
Redirection of the Standard Error File .............. ................ ................ .... 4–21
Job Load ............................................................................. 4–21

Queue Priority 4–22

................ ................ ................ ................. ......

Job Overrides ............... ................ ................ ................ ......... 4–22

Maximum Exit Code for Success ....................................................... 4–23
Average Runtimes .................................................................... 4–24
Heartbeat-Interval .................................................................... 4–24
Resource Check: File Space ............................................................ 4–25
File Watcher Job Attributes ................ ................ ................ ............... 4–26
Watch File Minimum Size ............................................................. 4–26
Watch Interval ................ ................ ................ ................. ...... 4–26

Resource Check: File Space 4–27


Box Job Attributes ........................................................................ 4–27

Box Successful Completion ............................................................ 4–27
Box Failure ................. ................ ................ ................ ......... 4–28
Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes ................................................... 4–29
The Time Change ............... ................ ................ ................ ......... 4–29
Behavior During Time Change ................ ................ ................ ............ 4–30
Spring Time Change .................................................................. 4–31
Fall Time Change ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 4–32

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Chapter 5: Box Job Logic

Basic Box Concepts ............................................................................ 5–1
Default Box Job Behavior ................................................................... 5–1
When You Should Not Use a Box ................ ................ ................ ........... 5–2
What Happens When a Box Runs ................ ................ ................ ........... 5–3
Simple Box Job ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ 5–4
Box Job Attributes and Terminators ............................................................. 5–5
Attributes in a Box Job Definition ................ ................ ................ ........... 5–5
Example of a Non-Default Success Condition ............................................. 5–5
Attributes in a Job Definition ............... ................ ................ ................ 5–5
Time Conditions in a Box ................................................................... 5–6
Force Starting Jobs in a Box ................................................................. 5–7
How Job Status Changes Affect Box Status ................................................... 5–8
Examples ..................................................................................... 5–9
Advanced Conditions in Box Jobs ................ ................ ................ ........... 5–9
Default Box Success and Box Failure ....................................................... 5–11
Explicit Box Success and Box Failure ................ ................ ................ ...... 5–12
Using the Box Terminator Attribute ................. ................ ................ ...... 5–13
Using the Job Terminator Attribute ........................................................ 5–14
Advanced Job Streams ............... ................ ................ ................. ... 5–15
Scenario on the First of the Month ..................................................... 5–15
Scenario on the Second of Month ...................................................... 5–16
Scenario I on First of the Month ................. ................ ................ ...... 5–17
Scenario II on First of the Month ................ ................ ................ ...... 5–18
Scenario III on First of the Month ...................................................... 5–19

Chapter 6: Defining Jobs Using the GUI

Starting the GUI ............................................................................... 6–1
GUI Control Panel ......................................................................... 6–2
Job Definition Dialogs ................. ................ ................ ................ ........
The Job Definition Dialog ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 6–3
Date/Time Options Dialog ................. ................ ................ ................ 6–5
Job Definition Advanced Features Dialog .............. ................ ................. ..... 6–6
Creating a Simple Command Job ............... ................ ................ ................ 6–7

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Creating a File Watcher Job ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 6–9
Creating a Dependent Command Job ................. ................ ................ ......... 6–13
Creating a Box Job ............... ................ ................ ................ ............ 6–15
Changing a Job ............... ................ ................ ................ ...............

Setting Time Dependencies ............... ................ ................ ................ .... 6–19
Additional Time Setting Features .......................................................... 6–20
Deleting a Job ................ ................ ................ ................ ............... 6–21
Deleting a Box Job ........................................................................ 6–22
Specifying One-Time Job Overrides ............................................................ 6–22
Setting Job Overrides ..................................................................... 6–24
Customizing the Job Definition GUI ............... ................ ................ ............ 6–25
Database Connection Time-Out Interval .................................................... 6–25

Job Definition Title Bar Text and Icon Text 6–26


Chapter 7: Defining Jobs Using JIL

Job Information Language (JIL) ................ ................ ................ ................ 7–1
JIL Syntax Rules ................ ................ ................ ................ .......... 7–1
Rule 1 ................................................................................ 7–1
Rule 2 ................................................................................ 7–2
Rule 3 ................................................................................ 7–2

Rule 4 7–2
Rule 5 ................................................................................ 7–2
Rule 6 ................................................................................ 7–2
Rule 7 ................................................................................ 7–3
JIL Subcommands ......................................................................... 7–3
Submitting Job Definitions ................................................................. 7–4
Running JIL .............. ................ ................ ................ ................ 7–4
Creating a Simple Command Job ............................................................... 7–5
Creating a File Watcher Job ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 7–6
................. ................ ................ ..........

Creating a Dependent Command Job 7–7

Creating a Box ................................................................................ 7–8
Adding Machines ............................................................................. 7–9
Changing a Job ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... 7–10
Setting Time Dependencies ............... ................ ................ ................ .... 7–11

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Additional Time Setting Features ................ ................ ................ ......... 7–11

Deleting a Job ............................................................................... 7–13
Deleting a Box Job ................. ................ ................ ................ ...... 7–13
Specifying One-Time Job Overrides ............... ................ ................ ............

Setting Job Overrides ................ ................ ................ ................. ... 7–15
Example JIL Script ........................................................................... 7–16

Chapter 8: The Graphical Calendar Facility

Scheduling Jobs with Calendars ................ ................ ................ ................ 8–2
Starting the Calendar Facility ................................................................... 8–3
Calendar Facility Screens ....................................................................... 8–3

Calendar Definition Window 8–4


Menu Bar ................................................................................. 8–5

File Menu ............................................................................. 8–5
Edit Menu .............. ................ ................ ................ .............. 8–6
Tools Menu ................ ................ ................ ................ ........... 8–7
Options Menu ......................................................................... 8–8
Calendar Display .......................................................................... 8–9
Date States .............. ................ ................ ................ .............. 8–9
Navigation Controls ............... ................ ................ ................ ...... 8–10
............... ................ ................ ................. ...

Shift Months Area 8–10

Skip Button Area ................ ................ ................ ................. ... 8–11
Number of Conflicts Area ................ ................ ................ ............ 8–11
Color Key Area ...................................................................... 8–11
Creating a Simple Calendar ............................................................... 8–12
Dates Prior to Today’s Date ............................................................... 8–13
Calendar Selection Dialog .................................................................... 8–13
Term Calendar Rule Dialog .............. ................ ................ ................. ... 8–14
Rule Specification ................. ................ ................ ................ ...... 8–15
................ ................ ................ ................ .........

Action Area 8–16

Date Range Area ..................................................................... 8–16
Date Selection Rule Area ............... ................ ................ .............. 8–16
Examples of Date Selection Rules ................ ................ ................ ......... 8–18
Setting Dates ............... ................ ................ ................ ......... 8–18

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Blocking Dates ....................................................................... 8–18

Rescheduling Rule ................ ................ ................ ................. ...... 8–20
Move Direction ............... ................ ................ ................. ...... 8–20
To Day ............... ................ ................ ................ ...............

Example ............................................................................. 8–21
Control ............... ................. ................ ................ ................ . 8–21
Term Calendar Viewer ................ ................ ................ ................. ...... 8–22
Combining Calendars ........................................................................ 8–23
Printing Calendars ........................................................................... 8–24
Import/Export File Name Dialog .............................................................. 8–25
Importing Calendar Text Files ............................................................. 8–25
Exporting Calendars .............. ................ ................ ................. ...... 8–27

Customizing the Calendar Facility 8–28


Font Selection Resources .................................................................. 8–29

Object Color ............................................................................. 8–29
Date Range .............................................................................. 8–30
Window Size ................ ................ ................ ................ ............ 8–30
Print Command .......................................................................... 8–30
Calendar Title Bar Text and Icon Text ............... ................ ................. ...... 8–30

Chapter 9: Load Balancing and Queuing Jobs

Real Machines ................................................................................ 9–1
Virtual Machines ................ ................ ................ ................ ............. 9–2
Defining Machines ............................................................................ 9–2
Specifying Machine Load (max_load) ............... ................ ................. ....... 9–3
Job Attributes and Load Balancing and Queuing ............... ................ .......... 9–3
Specifying Relative Processing Power (factor) ................................................ 9–4
Using max_load and factor ................................................................. 9–4
Machine Definitions ....................................................................... 9–5

Defining a Real Machine 9–6

Deleting Real Machines .................................................................... 9–6
Defining a Virtual Machine ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 9–7
Deleting Virtual Machines ............... ................ ................ ................ .. 9–8
Load Balancing ............................................................................... 9–9

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Force Starting Jobs ....................................................................... 9–11

Load Balancing Using ServerVision ............... ................ ................ ............ 9–12
Examining the ServerVision Profile File .................................................... 9–13
Testing the Algorithms ...................................................................

ServerVision Monitoring and Reporting ................. ................ ................ ...... 9–15
Queuing Jobs ................ ................. ................ ................ .............. 9–15
Queuing and Simple Load Limiting ................. ................ ................ ...... 9–15
Queuing with Priority .................................................................... 9–17
Subsets—Individual Queues .............................................................. 9–19
Load Units and Virtual Machines ...................................................... 9–20
Multiple Machine Queues ............... ................ ................ ................ . 9–20
User-Defined Load Balancing ............... ................ ................ ................ . 9–21

Chapter 10: The Operator Console

Alarm Manager ................ ................ ................ ................ ......... 10–1
Operator Console Screens .................................................................... 10–2
Starting the Operator Console ............... ................ ................ ................ . 10–2
Job Activity Console ......................................................................... 10–3
Menu Bar ............................................................................... 10–4
Job List ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ . 10–4
............... ................ ................ ................. ...

Currently Selected Job 10–6

Starting Conditions ...................................................................... 10–7
Reports ................................................................................. 10–8
Control Area ............................................................................ 10–9
Action Buttons ................ ................ ................ ................ ...... 10–9
Send Event Dialog ............... ................ ................ ................. .. 10–10
Canceling a Sent Event ................. ................ ................ ............. 10–12
Control Buttons ..................................................................... 10–13
Job Path (History) Dialog ............................................................ 10–15

Alarm Button 10–15

Exit Button ......................................................................... 10–16
Resizing Regions of the Job Activity Console .............................................. 10–16
Job Selection Dialog ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ 10–17
Specifying a Job by Name ............... ................ ................ ................ 10–18

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Specifying Jobs by Status ................ ................ ................ ................ 10–19

Specifying Jobs by Machine ................ ................ ................ .............. 10–19
Selecting Machines ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 10–20
Sorting the Specified Jobs ................ ................ ................ ................

Setting the Job Selection Criteria .......................................................... 10–21
Changing the Console Clock Perspective ...................................................... 10–22
Alarm Manager Dialog ...................................................................... 10–23
Alarm Manager Menu Bar ............... ................ ................ ................ 10–24
Alarm List .............................................................................. 10–25
Currently Selected Alarm ................................................................ 10–26
Control ............... ................. ................ ................ ................ 10–26
Freeze Frame Button ................................................................. 10–26

Select Job Button 10–27

.............. ................ ................ ................. .....

New Alarm Button ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 10–27

Registering Responses and Changing Alarm States ............... ................. ..... 10–28
Alarm Selection Dialog ...................................................................... 10–29
Select by Type ............... ................ ................ ................ ........... 10–30
Select by State ............... ................ ................ ................ ........... 10–30
Select by Time ............... ................ ................ ................ ........... 10–31
Customizing the Operator Console ................ ................ ................ ........... 10–32
Refresh Time Interval .................................................................... 10–33

Alarm Poll Time Interval 10–33

................ ................ ................ ................

Changing Fonts ......................................................................... 10–33

Freeze Frame at Start Up ................................................................. 10–34
Font Selection Resources ................................................................. 10–34
Label Font Resources .................................................................... 10–34
List Font Resources ...................................................................... 10–34
Object Color ............................................................................ 10–35
Currently Selected Job Name Field .................................................... 10–35
Background Color of Variable Fields ............... ................ ................ ... 10–35

Border Colors 10–35

Primary Interface Color .............................................................. 10–36
Toggle Button Color ................................................................. 10–36
Job List Column Widths ................. ................ ................ ................ 10–36
Atomic Condition Fields ............... ................ ................ .............. 10–36

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Operator Console Size ............... ................ ................ ................. .. 10–37

Default Report Type ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 10–37
Alarm List Column Width ............................................................... 10–37
Operator Console Title Bar Text and Icon Text .............................................

User-Configurable Action Buttons ............... ................ ................ ........ 10–38
Console Clock Perspective ............................................................... 10–39

Chapter 11: Monitoring and Reporting Jobs

About Monitors and Browsers ................................................................ 11–1
Monitors ................................................................................ 11–2
Reports ................................................................................. 11–3

Defining Monitors and Reports 11–3

................. ................ ................ ..............

Using the GUI ........................................................................... 11–4

Using JIL ................ ................. ................ ................ .............. 11–4
Chapter Organization .................................................................... 11–4
Essential Monitor/Report Attributes .............. ................ ................ ............ 11–5
Common Essential Attributes—General ............... ................ ................. ... 11–5
Monitor/Report Name ................. ................ ................ .............. 11–5
Mode ............................................................................... 11–5
Common Essential Attributes—Events ................ ................ ................. ... 11–5

All Events 11–6

Alarms .............. ................. ................ ................ .............. 11–6
All Job Status Events ................ ................ ................ ................ . 11–7
Individual Job Status Events .............. ................ ................ ............ 11–7
Job Filter ............................................................................ 11–7
Essential Report Attributes ................. ................ ................ .............. 11–8
Current Run Only ............... ................ ................ ................. ... 11–8
Events After a Certain Date/Time ..................................................... 11–8
Optional Monitor/Report Attributes .............. ................ ................ ............ 11–9

Optional Monitor Attributes 11–9

Sound ............... ................. ................ ................ .............. 11–9
Verification Required for Alarms ..................................................... 11–10
Optional Report Attributes ................. ................ ................ ............. 11–10
Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI ................ ................ ................ 11–11

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The Monitor/Browser Dialog .............. ................ ................ .............. 11–11

Defining an Example Monitor and Report .............. ................ ................ ... 11–13
Defining a Monitor ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 11–13
Defining a Report ................ ................ ................ ................ ...

Defining Monitors and Reports using JIL ...................................................... 11–17
Defining Monitors ................ ................ ................ ................. ..... 11–18
Defining a Report ............... ................ ................ ................ ........ 11–19
Running a Monitor .......................................................................... 11–20
Customizing the Monitor/Browser ........................................................... 11–20
Database Connection Time-Out Interval ................................................... 11–21
Monitor/Browser Title Bar Text and Icon Text ............... ................ .............. 11–21

Chapter 12: Maintaining

Maintaining the Event Processor ............... ................ ................ ............... 12–1
Starting the Event Processor ............................................................... 12–1
eventor Command ............... ................ ................ ................ .... 12–2
Starting in Global Auto Hold Mode ................ ................ ................ .... 12–3
Monitoring the Event Processor ............... ................ ................ ............ 12–3
Event Processor Log File Size .......................................................... 12–4
Stopping the Event Processor .............. ................ ................ ............... 12–4
................ ................ ................ .........

Shadow Event Processor Rollover 12–6

Restoring the Primary Event Processor ................ ................ ................ . 12–7
Running in Test Mode ........................................................................ 12–8
$AUTOTESTMODE = 1 ................................................................... 12–9
$AUTOTESTMODE = 2 ................................................................... 12–9
Maintenance Commands .............. ................ ................ ................. ..... 12–10
chase ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ... 12–10
clean_files .............................................................................. 12–11
Backing Up Definitions ...................................................................... 12–12

Restoring Definitions 12–14

Database Overview ................. ................ ................ ................ ........ 12–15
Event Server Overview ............... ................ ................ ................ ... 12–15
Using Dual Event Server Mode ............... ................ ................ ........ 12–16
Database Storage Requirements ................ ................ ................. ..... 12–16

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Database Architecture ............... ................ ................ ................. .. 12–17

General Database Maintenance ................. ................ ................ ............. 12–18
Daily Database Maintenance ............................................................. 12–18
DBMaint Script .........................................................................

Modifying the DBMaint Script ............... ................ ................ ........ 12–20
Data Locking ........................................................................... 12–21
Event Server Rollover Recovery ................ ................ ................ ............. 12–22
Event Server Crash ................ ................ ................ ................ ..... 12–22
Synchronizing the Event Servers .............. ................ ................ ........... 12–23
Improving Database Performance ............................................................ 12–24
Improving Sybase Database Performance .............. ................ ................. .. 12–24
Improving Oracle Database Performance .............. ................ ................. .. 12–25

Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers 12–26

............... ................ ................ .....

Sybase Architecture ..................................................................... 12–26

Sybase Environment ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 12–27
Default Sybase Users .................................................................... 12–27
Database Users ................ ................ ................ ................ ..... 12–28
Changing the System Administrator Password ................ ................ ........ 12–28
Starting Sybase ......................................................................... 12–29
Stopping Sybase ........................................................................ 12–30
Accessing Sybase ....................................................................... 12–31

Identifying Processes Connected to the Database 12–32

............... ................ ...........

Displaying the Database Date and Time ............... ................ ................. .. 12–33
Bundled Sybase Backup and Recovery .................................................... 12–33
Defining a Dump Device ............... ................ ................ ............. 12–34
Sybase Backup Server ............... ................ ................ ................ 12–35
Dumping the Database .............................................................. 12–37
Loading the Database ............... ................ ................ ................ 12–38
Recovering a Bundled Sybase Database ............... ................ ................ 12–39

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Chapter 13: Configuring

Configuration File ............... ................ ................ ................ ............ 13–1
Sample Configuration File ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 13–2
Configuration File Parameters ............... ................ ................ ................ . 13–4
Database Time-Out Period ................................................................ 13–5
DBLibWaitTime (Sybase Only) ............... ................ ................ ......... 13–5
Cross-Instance Database Connections ............... ................ ................. ...... 13–6
XInstanceDBDropTime ................ ................ ................ ............... 13–6
SNMP Cpnnections ............... ................ ................ ................. ...... 13–6
SnmpManagerHosts .................................................................. 13–7
SnmpCommunity ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 13–7
Database Connections ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 13–7
DBEventReconnect ............... ................ ................ ................ .... 13–8
Event Processor Cascading Errors ................ ................ ................ ......... 13–8
EDNumErrors, EDErrTimeInt ................ ................ ................ ......... 13–9
Machines to Check for Running Event Processors ............... ................ ............ 13–9
EDMachines ................ ................ ................ ................ ......... 13–9
Third Machine for Event Processor Contention ............................................. 13–10
ThirdMachine ....................................................................... 13–10
Event Processor Log Disk Space ............... ................ ................ ........... 13–11
Internal Database Maintenance ........................................................... 13–12
DBMaintTime, DBMaintCmd ......................................................... 13–12
Event Transfer .......................................................................... 13–12
EvtTransferWaitTime ................................................................ 13–13
Sendevent Retries ....................................................................... 13–13
SendeventMaxRetries ................................................................ 13–13
SendeventRetryInterval .............................................................. 13–13
Heartbeats ............... ................ ................ ................ .............. 13–13
Check_Heartbeat .................................................................... 13–14
Shadow Event Processor Pings ................ ................ ................ ........... 13–14
ShadowPingDelay ...................................................................
Remote Agent Log Files Directory ................ ................ ................ ........ 13–15
AutoRemoteDir ............... ................ ................ ................. ..... 13–15
File Maintenance ........................................................................ 13–15
CleanTmpFiles ...................................................................... 13–15

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RemoteProFiles ..................................................................... 13–16

Number of Restart Attempts ............................................................. 13–17
MaxRestartTrys ..................................................................... 13–17
Calculating the Wait Time Between Restarts .............. ................ ................

RestartConstant, RestartFactor, MaxRestartWait ............... ................ ........ 13–18
Method of Load Balancing ............................................................... 13–18
MachineMethod ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 13–18
KILLJOB Signals ........................................................................ 13–19
KillSignals .............. ................ ................ ................ ........... 13–19
Port Number for Remote Agent .......................................................... 13–20
AutoRemPort ................. ................ ................ ................ ..... 13–20
Cross-Platform Scheduling ................. ................ ................ ............. 13–21

AutoSysAgentSupport 13–21
................. ................ ................ .............

Instance Wide Append Parameter ........................................................ 13–22

AutoInstWideAppendx ................ ................ ................ ............. 13–22
Job Starting Interval ............... ................ ................ ................ ..... 13–23
InetdSleepTime ..................................................................... 13–23
Unicenter Event Management Integration ................................................. 13–24
UnicenterEvents .................................................................... 13–24
The auto.profile File ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ 13–25
Sample Default auto.profile ................ ................ ................ ............. 13–25

Remote Agent Database Connection Settings 13–26


Sybase ............................................................................. 13–26

Oracle ............... ................. ................ ................ ............. 13–26
Modifying Remote Agent Settings ................ ................ ................ ........... 13–27
Remote Agent Socket Connection ................ ................ ................ ........ 13–27
Running Two Versions of Remote Agents ................................................. 13–28
Configuring Remote Authentication .............. ................ ................ ........... 13–29
Configuring Event Processor Authentication .............. ................ ................ 13–29
The /etc/.autostuff File ................ ................ ................ ............. 13–30
................ ................ ................ ................ ........

Client-Side Security 13–31

User-Defined Alarm Callbacks ................. ................ ................ ............. 13–32
Notification Example ................ ................ ................ ................. .. 13–33

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Create the config.EXTERNAL File ...................................................... A–6

Example of config.EXTERNAL ......................................................... A–7
Ensure Consistent Integration Settings .................................................. A–8
Configure the Communication Components .............................................

Restart the Event Processor ................................................................ A–8
About asbIII ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ .. A–9
Environment Variable for asbIII ........................................................... A–10
PRIMARYCCISYSID ................ ................ ................ ................ . A–10
Bi-Directional Scheduling ............... ................ ................ ................ . A–11
Running Jobs on AutoSys on Behalf of a Workload Manager ............................. A–11
Unicenter AutoSys JM and Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect Cross-Platform Dependencies .......... A–12
Job Scheduler Interdependencies .......................................................... A–13

Notation for Cross-Platform Job Dependencies A–14

............... ................ ..............

Cross-Platform Dependency Example .................................................. A–14

Naming Conventions for Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect Cross-Platform Jobs ................. A–15
Running Unicenter AutoSys JM Jobs on Unicenter AutoSys Agents ................ .............. A–16
Agent Job Names and User IDs ............... ................ ................ ............ A–16
Running Jobs on Agent Managed Machines ................................................ A–17
Defining Agent Machines ............... ................ ................ ................ . A–18
Job Definition Examples .............................................................. A–19
Unicenter AutoSys Agent Machine in an Job Definition ............... ................ ...... A–20

Log and Trace Information A–20


Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect and Unicenter AutoSys Agent Job Statuses .............. ......... A–21
Unsupported Attributes for Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect or Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent Jobs ... A–22
Cross-Platform Limitations ................................................................... A–23

Appendix B: Troubleshooting CCI

Troubleshooting Tools for Remote CCI Connections ................ ................ ............. B–1
netstat ................................................................................... B–1

ping B–2
nslookup ................ ................. ................ ................ ............... B–2
traceroute ................................................................................ B–2
ccinet .................................................................................... B–3
CCI Command Line Controls .................................................................. B–4

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cci show .................................................................................. B–4

cci semashow and cci semaclear X ................ ................ ................ .......... B–5
cci shutdown ................ ................ ................ ................ ............. B–5
cci debugon and cci debugoff .............. ................ ................ ................

Reinstalling CCI .............. ................ ................ ................ ................ B–8

Appendix C: General Debugging

Appendix D: Unicenter Integration

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1 Introduction

This guide is for users responsible for defining jobs to Unicenter® AutoSys® Job
Management (Unicenter AutoSys JM) and monitoring and managing these jobs.
It assumes familiarity with the operating system on which jobs will be run, and it
assumes that you have already installed and are running Unicenter AutoSys JM
using the procedures described in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for

UNIX Installation Guide.

Unicenter AutoSys JM is an automated job control system for scheduling,
monitoring, and reporting. These jobs can reside on any Unicenter AutoSys JM -
configured machine that is attached to a network.

A job is any single command, executable, script, or Windows batch file. Each job
definition contains a variety of qualifying attributes, including the conditions
specifying when and where a job should be run.

As with most control systems, there are many ways to correctly define and

implement jobs. It is likely that the way you utilize Unicenter AutoSys JM to
address your distributed computing needs will evolve over time. As you become
more familiar with both the features of Unicenter AutoSys JM and the
characteristics of your own jobs, you will also refine your use of Unicenter
AutoSys JM.

However, before you install and use Unicenter AutoSys JM, it is important to
understand the basic system, its components, and how these components work

This chapter provides a brief overview of Unicenter AutoSys JM, its system
architecture, and features.

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In the Unicenter AutoSys JM environment, a job is a single action that can be
performed on a valid client machine. On UNIX, this action can be any single
command or shell script, and on Windows, this action can be any single
command, executable, or batch file. In addition, job definitions include a set of
qualifying attributes.

For information on defining, running, managing, monitoring, and reporting on

jobs, see the corresponding chapters in this guide.

Defining Jobs

Using utilities, you can define a job by assigning it a name and specifying the
attributes that describe its associated behavior. These specifications make up the
job definition. Two methods you can use to create job definitions are as follows:
■ Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
■ Using the Job Information Language (JIL) through a command-line interface.

Graphical User Interface

The GUI lets you interactively set the attributes that describe when, where, and
how a job should run. You create job definitions using the GUI Control Panel
and the dialogs you can launch from it. The fields in the GUIs correspond to the
AutoSys JIL sub-commands and attributes. In addition, from the GUI Control
Panel, you can open applications that lets you define calendars, monitors, and
reports, and let you monitor and manage jobs.

Job Information Language

JIL is a specification language, with its own syntax, that is used to describe
when, where, and how a job should run. When you enter the jil command, you
get the jil command prompt, at which you can enter the job definitions one line

at a time using this special language. When you exit the jil command-line
interface, the job definition is loaded into the database. Alternatively, you can
enter the definition as a text file and redirect the file to the jil command. In this
case, the jil command activates the language processor, interprets the
information in the text file, and loads this information in the database.

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System Components

System Components
The main system components are as follows:

Event server (AutoSys database)

■ Event processor
■ Remote agent

In addition, Unicenter AutoSys JM provides utilities to help you define, run, and
maintain instances and jobs. The included utilities are platform-specific;
however, all platforms include the GUI components and JIL. Both the GUI and
JIL let you define, manage, monitor, and report on jobs.

The following figure illustrates the Unicenter AutoSys JM system components in

a basic configuration. In addition, this figure illustrates the communication paths

between the components.

Event Server

The event server or database (the RDBMS) is the data repository for all system
information and events as well as all jobs, monitor, and report definitions. Event
server refers to the database where all the information, events, and job
definitions are stored.
Occasionally, the database is called a data server, which actually describes a
server instance. That is, it is either a UNIX or Windows process, and it is
associated data space (or raw disk storage), that can include multiple databases
or tablespaces.

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System Components

Note: The database refers to the specific server instance and the “autosys”
database for that instance. Some utilities, such as isql (Sybase), let you specify a
particular server and database.

High-Availability Option: Dual-Event Servers

Unicenter AutoSys JM can be configured to run using two databases, or dual-

event servers. This feature provides complete redundancy. Therefore, if you lose
one event server due to hardware, software, or network problems, operations
can continue on the second event server without loss of information or

For various reasons, database users often run multiple instances of servers that
are unaware of the other servers on the network. When implementing Unicenter
AutoSys JM, the database can run stand-alone for Unicenter AutoSys JM only, or
it can be shared with other applications.

For more information on using dual-event servers, see Dual-Event Servers in the
chapter “Introduction” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX
Installation Guide.

Event Processor

The event processor is the heart of Unicenter AutoSys JM; it interprets and
processes all the events it reads from the database. Sometimes called the
event_demon, the event processor is the program, running either as a UNIX
process or as a Windows service that actually runs Unicenter AutoSys JM. It
schedules and starts jobs.

After you start it, the event processor continually scans the database for events to
be processed. When it finds one, it checks whether the event satisfies the starting
conditions for any job in the database.

Based on this information, the event processor first determines what actions are
to be taken, then instructs the appropriate remote agent process to perform the
actions. These actions may be the starting or stopping of jobs, checking for
resources, monitoring existing jobs, or initiating corrective procedures.

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System Components

Example Scenario on UNIX

The example scenario in the following figure and the numbered explanations
that follow it illustrate the interactions between the event server, the event
processor, and remote agents.

In the example, the following UNIX command line is to be run on

“WorkStation_2,” at the start date and time specified in the job definition:
rm /tmp/mystuff/*

Note: Understanding this example will help you answer many questions that
may arise during your experiences with Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Note: In this example, the three primary components are shown running on
different machines. Typically, the event processor and the event server run on
the same machine.

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System Components


The following numbered steps explain the interactions in the example scenario:

1. From the event

STARTJOB server,
event with athe event
start timeprocessor
that ahas
new event,
been met.which
Then is
event processor reads the appropriate job definition from the database and,
based on that definition, determines what action to take. In the example, it
runs the rm /tmp/mystuff/* command on “WorkStation_2.”
2. The event processor communicates with the remote agent on
“WorkStation_2.” As soon as the remote agent receives the instructions from
the event processor, the connection between the two processes is dropped.
After the connection is dropped, the job will run to completion, even if the
event processor stops running.

3. The remote agent performs resource checks, such as ensuring that the
minimum specified numbers of processes are available, then “forks” a child
process that will actually run the specified command.
4. The command completes and exits, and the remote agent captures the
command’s exit code.
5. The remote agent communicates the event (exit code, status, and so forth)
directly to the event server. If the database is unavailable for any reason, the
remote agent will go into a wait and resend cycle until it can deliver the

Only two processes need to be running: the event processor and the event server.
When these two components are running, Unicenter AutoSys JM is fully
operational. The remote agent is started on a client machine once per job. As
soon as the job ends and the remote agent sends a completion event to the
database, the remote agent exits.

Note: The remote agent is started on the client machine by the event processor
talking to the internet demon (inetd) on the client machine. For this to happen,
inetd must also be running. However, since UNIX is responsible for starting this
demon, it is not considered a process.

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Interface Components

To define, monitor, and report on jobs, you can use either the GUI or JIL. In
addition, the Operator Console and its dialogs provide a sophisticated method of
monitoring jobs in real time. This feature lets you view all jobs that are defined,
whether or not they are currently active.

From a hardware perspective, the Unicenter AutoSys JM architecture is
composed of the following two types of machines attached to a network:
■ Server Machine

The server is the machine on which the event processor, the event server
(database), or both, reside. In a basic configuration, both the event processor
and the event server reside on the same machine.
■ lient Machine

The client is the machine on which the remote agent software resides, and
where jobs are to be run. A remote agent must be installed on the server
machine, and it can also be installed on separate physical client machines.

An instance is one licensed version of Unicenter AutoSys JM software running as
a server with one or more clients, on a single machine or on multiple machines.
An instance is defined by the instance ID, which is a capitalized three-letter
identifier defined by the $AUTOSERV environment variable. An instance uses
its own event server and event processor and operates independently of other

You may want to install multiple Unicenter AutoSys JM instances. For example,

you may instances

Multiple want to have
can one instance
run on for production
the same machine, andand another
can for development.
schedule jobs on the
same machines without interfering or affecting the other instances.

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Unicenter AutoSys JM is completely event-driven; that is, for a job to be
activated by the event processor, an event must occur on which the job depends.
For example, a prerequisite job has completed running successfully or a required
file has been received.

Events can come from a number of sources, including the following:

■ Jobs changing states, such as starting, finishing successfully, and so forth.
■ Internal verification agents, such as detected errors.
■ Events sent with the sendevent command, sent from the Send Event dialog,
the command line, or user applications.

As each event is processed, the event processor scans the database for jobs that
are dependent on that event in some way. If the event satisfies another job’s
starting condition, that job is either started immediately, or if necessary, queued
for the next qualified and available machine. The completion of one job can
cause another job to be started, and in this way, jobs progress in a controlled

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Alarms are special events that notify operations personnel of situations requiring
their attention. Alarms are integral to the automated use of Unicenter AutoSys
JM. That is, jobs can be scheduled to run based on a number of conditions, but
some facility is necessary for addressing incidents that require manual
intervention. For example, a set of jobs could be dependent on the arrival of a
file, and the file is long overdue. It is important that someone investigates the
situation, make a decision, and resolve the problem.

These are some important aspects of alarms which are listed following:
■ Alarms are informational only. Any action to be taken due to a problem is
initiated by a separate action event.

Alarms are system messages about a detected problem.

■ Alarms are sent through the system as an event.

Alarms have special monitoring features to ensure they will be noticed. For more
information about these features, see the chapters “The Operator Console” and
“Monitoring and Reporting Jobs,” in this guide.

To help you define, control, and report on jobs, Unicenter AutoSys JM has its
own specification language called Job Information Language, or JIL, for defining
jobs, machines, monitors, and reports. This language is processed by the jil
command, which reads and interprets the JIL statements that you enter and then
performs the appropriate actions, such as adding a new job definition to the

Unicenter AutoSys JM also provides a set of commands that run essential utility
programs for defining, controlling, and reporting on jobs. For example, the
autorep command lets you generate a variety of reports about job execution, and
the sendevent command lets you manually control job processing.

Additional utility programs are provided to assist you in troubleshooting,

running monitors and browsers, and starting and stopping Unicenter AutoSys
JM and its components. Unicenter AutoSys JM also provides a database
maintenance utility that runs daily by default.

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Basic Functionality

Basic Functionality
The diagram in the following figure and the numbered explanations that follow
it illustrate how Unicenter AutoSys JM performs its most basic function—
starting a job (that is, executing a command) on a client machine.

Working through this example will be very helpful for understanding how
Unicenter AutoSys JM processes jobs.

Note: In the following figure, the major components are shown as separate
entities. Typically, the event processor and the event server are installed on the
same server machine (along with a required remote agent), and other remote
agents are installed on separate client machines.

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Basic Functionality

1. The event processor scans the event server for the next event to process. If no
event is ready, the event processor scans again in five seconds.

2. The event processor reads from the event server that an event is ready. If the
event is a STARTJOB event, the job definition and attributes are retrieved
from the Event Server, including the command and the pointer (full path
name on the client machine) to the profile file to be used for the job. In
addition, for jobs running on Windows machines, the event processor
retrieves from the database the user IDs and passwords required to run the
job on the client machine.
3. The event processor processes the event. If the event is a STARTJOB, the
event processor attempts to establish a connection with the remote agent on
the client machine, and passes the job attributes to the client machine.
The event processor sends a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the event
server that the job is in STARTING state.
4. On a UNIX machine, the inetd invokes the remote agent. On a Windows
machine, the remote agent logs onto the machine as the user, defined as the
job’s owner, using the user IDs and passwords passed to it from the event
5. The remote agent sends an acknowledgment back to the event processor
indicating that it has received the job parameters. The socket connection is
terminated. At this point, the event processor resumes scanning the event
server database, looking for events to process.
6. The remote agent starts a process and executes the command in the job
7. The remote agent issues a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the event
server that the job is in RUNNING state.
8. The client job process runs to completion, then returns an exit code to the
remote agent and quits.

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Extending Functionality

9. The remote agent sends the event server a CHANGE_STATUS event

corresponding to the completion status of the job and passes back an exit
code, using the communications facilities of the database.

If the return status is SUCCESS, the remote agent deletes the log file in its
temporary file directory (usually tmp) on the client machine (if so specified
in the AutoSys configuration file on UNIX or with the AutoSys
Administrator on Windows).
The remote agent quits.

The event processor, which is scanning the event server, sees the process
completion status, determines if there are dependent jobs, and evaluates the rest
of the dependent jobs’ starting conditions. For each job found whose remaining
conditions are satisfied, the event processor sends a STARTJOB command to the
event server, which it will then process in the next cycle.

Extending Functionality
You can extend Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs with the Unicenter AutoSys JM
Connect and Unicenter AutoSys Agent integration components. Using cross-
platform job dependency notation, you can define Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs to
conditionally start based on the status of a Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect job
running on a mainframe, and you can define Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect jobs
to conditionally start based on the status of a Unicenter AutoSys JM job. You can
also define Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs that will run on a Unicenter AutoSys
Agent machine, if the Unicenter AutoSys Agent machine is defined to Unicenter
AutoSys JM.

In addition, you can install various Unicenter AutoSys JM/Adapters. The

application-specific Adapters lets you initiate, control, and report on the status of
jobs related to an application using the sophisticated job scheduling capabilities
of Unicenter AutoSys JM. Contact your Computer Associates International, Inc.
(CA) sales representative for information on supported Unicenter AutoSys

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Contacting Technical Support

The following figure illustrates an extended configuration that includes the

Unicenter AutoSys JM connect and Unicenter AutoSys Agent integration
components and a Unicenter AutoSys JM/Adapter installation on a UNIX client.

Contacting Technical Support

You can contact us with any questions or problems you have. You will be
directed to an experienced software engineer familiar with Unicenter AutoSys
JM. You can contact CA Technical Support at

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2 Security

To set up Unicenter AutoSys JM correctly, you should understand the security

features that control where and by who certain secured activities can take place.
If you are installing on both UNIX and Windows, you must understand how
security is implemented on both systems.

For information about security on Windows, see the chapter Security in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows User Guide.

Unicenter AutoSys JM is able to run in either eTrust™ secured mode or native
security mode. External security (eTrust) can be enabled during the installation
of the product, or later on by an authorized EXEC superuser. Once external
security is enabled, the eTrust security package will be called to authorize the

user, and to determine if they can turn off security in the product.
Note: While external security is enabled, native security is not enforced.

For more information on enabling eTrust security, see Security Control, in this

For more information on controlling the security setting with the Unicenter
AutoSys Secure utility, see autosys_secure in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX and Windows Reference Guide.

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Native Security

Native Security
Unicenter AutoSys JM native security includes the following:

System-level security
■ Job-level security
■ Superuser privileges
■ UNIX and Windows file permissions (See Restricting Access to Jobs in this

Security is initiated when either a user sends events that affect the running of a
job or the event processor sends events that affect a job.

Security on Events Sent by Users

By using the sendevent command or the Send Event dialog, you can send
execute events that affect the running of a job. The execute events that you can
send, if you have the appropriate permissions are as follows:

Security Events






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Native Security

If you start a job by sending an event, the job permissions are checked as shown
in the following figure.

The previous figure shows how Unicenter AutoSys JM checks for the following
when a user starts a job by sending an event:
1. Checks the database to determine if the job definition was tampered with. If
so, the job definition is invalid, and the job is not run.
2. Does the user match the owner as indicated in the job definition?
3. Is the user the EXEC superuser as defined with autosys_secure?

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Native Security

4. Does the user have job execute permissions as indicated in the job definition?
5. Is there a machine name in the owner value of the job definition? The EDIT
superuser can remove this portion of the owner.
6. Does the machine portion of the user logon match the job owner machine
7. Does the job have machine permission as indicated by the job definition?

Security on Events Sent by the Event Processor

In addition to sending execute events on jobs; you can schedule jobs to start at
certain times or under certain conditions. When a job is scheduled to start
automatically, permissions are checked on the remote agent machine on which
the job is to run.
The event processor scans the event server for any jobs with starting conditions
that have been met. When the starting conditions for a job are met, the event
processor sends a STARTJOB event to the designated remote agent machine.

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Native Security

The following figure shows the permissions and security checks that occur on a
UNIX machine before a job is allowed to start on the machine.

Note: In the figure, an asterisk (*) indicates checks that are made only if the
specific method of remote authentication is enabled (see Remote Agent
Authentication in this chapter).

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Native Security

The previous figure shows how Unicenter AutoSys JM checks for the following
when the event processor sends a STARTJOB event to a remote agent machine:
1. Checks the database to determine if the job definition was tampered with. If
so, the job definition is invalid, and the job is not run.
2. Checks the DES encrypted job definition to determine if the event processor
can connect to the remote agent machine.
3. Does the user who is defined as the job owner (user@machine) have a logon
account on the remote agent machine?
4. If user authentication is enabled, is the user a trusted user (as defined in the
/etc/hosts.equiv and $HOME/.rhosts files)?
5. If event processor authentication is enabled, does the requesting event
processor have permission to run jobs on this remote agent machine?

Note: The EDIT superuser can enable remote authentication by using the
autosys_secure utility.

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System-Level Security

System-Level Security
The security scheme prevents unauthorized access to facilities, which in turn
prevents unauthorized access to jobs. The following features handle system
■ Database field verification
■ Job definition encryption
■ Remote agent authentication
■ User and database administrator passwords

Note: On UNIX, the database field and control string encryption features
provide a level of security comparable to the security provided in the native
UNIX environment.

Database Field Verification

To secure the database, Unicenter AutoSys JM not only encrypts some fields
specified in a job definition, but also generates a checksum from fields in the job
definition, and stores the checksum in the database. Whenever a job is accessed,
its checksum is regenerated and compared to the one in the database. If the
checksums are different, this indicates that someone tampered with the job
definition in the database, probably by using an SQL command. In this case, the
job is disabled and cannot be executed.

To re-enable a disabled job, the owner or the edit superuser must access the
definition and re-save it, by using either the JIL update_job sub-command or the
Job Definition dialog.

Job Definition Encryption

To secure the remote agent from unauthorized access, the event processor
encrypts the information in a job definition sent over the socket to the remote
agent. The remote agent then decrypts the job information and continues to
process the job. If the remote agent receives any job information from the event
processor that it does not recognize, it issues an error message and will not
process the job.

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System-Level Security

Remote Agent Authentication

The two remote agent authentication methods Unicenter AutoSys JM provides

■ User authentication
■ Event processor authentication

By default, both user authentication and event processor authentication are

disabled. The edit superuser must enable them by using the autosys_secure

User Authentication

This remote authentication method uses UNIX ruserok() authentication to verify

that a user has permission to start a job on a client machine. It accomplishes this
by telling the client’s remote agent to make the ruserok() UNIX system call to
check the client machine’s /etc/hosts.equiv and the user’s .rhosts file to validate
that the requesting user is registered in that environment. This function call
performs a local verification, and it is not related in any way to rshd or rlogind.
To activate this type of remote authentication, use the autosys_secure command.

The hosts.equiv or .rhosts file entries must match the job owner and machine
name field exactly. For example, if the owner is tarzan@jungle, the hosts.equiv or
.rhosts file must contain jungle. Similarly, if the owner is
[email protected], the hosts.equiv or .rhosts file must contain If they do not match, jobs will fail to run on that machine when
ruserok() remote authentication is in use.

For information on enabling this type of remote authentication, see

autosys_secure in the chapter Commands in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Reference Guide.

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Job-Level Security

Job-Level Security
The security scheme provides individuals and groups of users with edit and
execute permissions on a job-by-job basis. For jobs running on UNIX, Unicenter
AutoSys JM supports owner, group, and world edit and execute permissions.
For jobs running on Windows, Unicenter AutoSys JM supports owner and world
edit and execute permissions.

By default, only the user logged on as the owner of a job can edit or execute a
job. The owner can extend permissions to other users and other machines, as
described in the following sections.

Job Ownership

By default, the owner of a job is the user who defines that job on a particular
machine. When a user defines a job on UNIX, the user ID is retrieved from the
UNIX environment and attached to the job in the form of user@machine. The
owner is defined by the owner job attribute. By default, only the owner can edit
and execute the job.

The user@machine combination must have execute permission for any command
specified in a job on the machine where the job command is to run. The job
owner must also have permission to access any device, resource, and so forth
that the command needs to access. For this process to work, the job owner must

have the appropriate system permissions.

The owner’s umask write permission is used as the default edit permission of the
job, and the umask execute permission is used as the default execute permission
of the job.

If a job is run on a Windows client machine, the edit superuser must have
entered the valid Windows user ID and password for the owner into the
database. For more information about the edit superuser, see Edit Superuser in
this chapter.

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Job-Level Security

User Types

Like UNIX, Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the notion of three types of users for any
jobs are as follows:
The user who created the job.
Any user who is in the same primary group as the owner.
Every user.

Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the UNIX user ID (uid) and group ID (gid) of a job’s
owner to control the following:
■ Who can edit, override, or delete a job definition.
■ Who can execute the UNIX command specified in a job.

The owner of a job can let other users edit and execute the job by setting the
permissions in the job definition (discussed in the following section).

Permission Types

By default, only the owner has edit and execute permissions on a job, and all edit

and execute
defined. permissions
However, are valid
the owner only on
can grant the machine
different onpermissions
types of which the job was
defining a job.

Similar to UNIX, Unicenter AutoSys JM associates different types of permissions

with each job. Every job has the following permission types:
Users can edit, override, or delete a job definition.
Users can send an execute event that affects the running of a job by using the
sendevent command or the Send Event dialog. For a list of the execute
events that users can send, see Security on Events Sent by Users in this

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Job-Level Security

Users logged onto a machine other than the one on which a job was created
can edit or execute the job.

Note: In order for a job to run on a machine other than the one on which the job
was defined, the owner of that job must have an account on that machine.

Granting Permissions

The owner of a job cannot override his or her ownership designation; only the
edit superuser has the authority to change the owner job attribute. However, the
owner can grant other users edit and execute permissions for a job by using the
GUI or JIL to set the permission job attribute in the job definition.

The following table shows the permissions that you can set by using JIL or the
Permission toggle buttons on the Job Definitions Advanced Features dialog.

GUI JIL Meaning

Group gx Users assigned to the job owner’s primary group

Execute can execute the job if logged onto the machine
where the job was created (the machine specified in
the owner attribute, that is, user@machine).

Group Edit ge Users assigned to the job owner’s primary group

can edit the job if logged onto the machine where
the job was created (the machine specified in the
owner attribute, that is, user@machine).

All Hosts mx Users, regardless of the machine logged onto, can

Execute execute the job (otherwise, the user must be logged
onto the machine specified in the owner attribute,
that is, user@machine).

All Hosts Edit me Users, regardless of the machine logged onto, can
edit the job (otherwise, the user must be logged

onto the machine specified in the owner attribute,

that is, user@machine).

World wx Users can execute the job if logged onto the machine
Execute where the job was created (the machine specified in
the owner attribute, that is, user@machine).

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Superuser Privileges

Superuser Privileges
Unicenter AutoSys JM provides you the ability to create more than one EDIT or
EXEC Superuser. You can define these superusers by using the autosys_secure
command. For information about defining the edit and exec superusers, see the
chapters Server Installation for Sybase or Server Installation for Oracle in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

Edit Superuser

Only the edit superuser has permission to do the following:

■ Edit or delete any job regardless of its owner or its permissions.
■ Change the owner attribute of a job.
■ Change the database password, change the remote authentication method,
and add and change Windows user IDs and passwords by using the
autosys_secure command.

The edit superuser can override user authentication (if enabled) on a job-by-job
basis by changing the owner of the job from the form user@machine to the form
user. User authentication of the job at execution time is not performed on the
client machine. For more information about changing the job owner, see owner
attribute in the chapter JIL/GUI Job Definitions in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Reference Guide.

Note: The purpose of the user@machine form is to prevent users from running
jobs on machines where they do not have the appropriate permission. For
example, root@machine prevents root on any machine from running root jobs on
all machines.

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Superuser Privileges

The edit superuser must enter valid Windows user IDs and passwords into the
database. These user IDs and passwords are required to log onto and run jobs on
Windows client machines. When a remote agent runs a job on a machine, it logs

on as the user
processor defined
retrieves in the owner
encrypted attribute
versions of the for
andjob. To do this,
passwords forthe
user@host_or_domain and the user@machine from the event server and passes
them to the remote agent. For information about entering and changing
Windows user IDs and passwords, see autosys_secure in the chapter Commands
in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

Note: Any user who knows an existing user ID and password can change that
password or delete that user and password.

Exec Superuser
Only the exec superuser has permission to do the following:
■ Issue commands that affect the running or the state of any job, either using
the sendevent command or the Send Event dialog.
■ Enable eTrust Access Control
■ Set the Subscriber Authentication Security Word
■ Stop the event processor by issuing the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

Note: Exec superuser privileges are usually granted to the night operator.

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Restricting Access to Jobs

Restricting Access to Jobs

Using the UNIX chmod command, you can change permissions on many files to
control which users can view jobs, execute jobs, edit jobs, and change calendars.

First, you must ensure that only authorized users can change permissions on the
files and directories in the directory structure.

Then, you should determine what level of security you want, for example:
■ Only authorized users can use Unicenter AutoSys JM.
■ Any user can view jobs and reports about jobs, such as using autorep to see
the status of a job, but only authorized users can create jobs and calendars or
make changes to them.

If you want only authorized users to access Unicenter AutoSys JM, ensure that
only those users have execute permissions on the files in the bin directory.

If you want all users to view reports about jobs, but only authorized users to
create and edit jobs and calendars, ensure that the following files in the
%AUTOSYS%/bin directory are executable only by the authorized users. This
will also prevent unauthorized users from making changes to the configuration.

Secure the following files:

File Names

archive_events DBMaint sendevent

autocal dbspace timescape*

autocal_asc dbstatistics xql

autocons* hostscape* zappls

autotimezone jil zql

clean_files jobscape*

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates files that can be executable by all users as long as
sendevent and jil are not executable. This lets users use the GUI to view job
states, but does not let them add new jobs or calendars or start jobs (even if the
job has world execute permissions).

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eTrust Access Control

You should also protect the files in the $AUTOUSER directory from modification
by ensuring that only users authorized to change the configuration have write
permission on the files. Read permission is necessary to source the environment


Remote Agent Security

In the auto.profile file for the remote agent machine, you can specify a list of
users whose jobs are prohibited from running on that machine. For information
on this, see Client-side Security in the chapter Configuring, in this guide.

e Trust Access Control

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides you with Asset Level Security, if selected during
installation. This security is accomplished through integration with eTrust™
Access Control (eTrust AC). All GUI applications and all Command Line
Interfaces will have call outs to security. User-defined classes within eTrust AC
will be used to govern what types of resources can be controlled by which users.

Since the event processor and remote agent will not enforce security, policy
changes will not affect resources which were entered into the database. For
example; if the security administrator withdraws a user’s permission to create

jobs, Unicenter AutoSys JM will continue to run jobs created by the user before
the change.

Note: Policy changes can only be made by users who have been assigned eTrust
administrative rights and only from host machines that have the proper eTrust
access rights. The primary eTrust administrator and administrator host is
determined during the eTrust Server installation portion of the Unicenter
AutoSys JM installation. Additional eTrust administrators and administrative
hosts can be defined by the primary administrator using the autosys_secure
binary menu item [7] followed by items [3] and [4] respectively. The same tasks
can alternatively be accomplished through eTrust AC using the eTrust Policy
Manager on Windows or the selang command line utility. For more information
on selang, see the eTrust Access Control for UNIX Reference Guide.

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eTrust Access Control

If you turn on eTrust AC security, the job-level security and superuser security
supported in native mode will no longer be adhered to.

Note: Wherever Unicenter AutoSys JM binaries are installed, a local eTrust

database will be created called seosdb. This database will subscribe to the
machine where the eTrust Local Policy Model Database (pmdb) was created to
ensure that security policies are pushed out to each machine. Any security calls
made by these binaries will go against the local seosdb, rather than a remote
security database, to avoid unnecessary network traffic. The seosdb can be
subscribed to the parent pmdb either during the eTrust client installation portion
of the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation or by an eTrust administrator from an
administrative host through the autosys_secure binary menu item [7] sub-item
[5]. The same task can alternatively be accomplished through eTrust AC using
the eTrust Policy Manager on Windows or the selang command line utility. For
more information on selang, see the eTrust Access Control for UNIX Reference

If eTrust security is enabled, you must establish a subscriber authentication

security word before any secured executables will work properly. Before
establishing your security word is a good opportunity to define your enterprise
security policy since Unicenter AutoSys JM is effectively locked down until you
establish the security word.

When you are ready to establish your security word, run autosys_secure as a
user and from a host that are authorized to administer the eTrust pmdb. Choose
menu item 7 followed by item 2. You will be prompted for your security word.
The only time you will ever be prompted for this word again is if you decide to
change your security word.

Note: To provide cross-platform compatibility, the security word is stored in the

eTrust database and the Unicenter AutoSys JM database in upper case. This
renders the security word case-insensitive. For example, if you create the
security word 'my_word' and then decide to change it, when you are prompted
for the existing security word, you could successfully enter 'My_Word' or
'my_WORD'; and Unicenter AutoSys JM will see them as the same.

If you have reason to believe that your security word has been compromised,
you should change it using autosys_secure. With that information it would be
possible for a malicious user to setup a local eTrust policy and circumvent
Unicenter AutoSys JM security.

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eTrust Access Control

The security word you provide is stored in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database
and the eTrust database. Before checking security, all secured Unicenter AutoSys
JM executables will read the security word from the Unicenter AutoSys JM

be presentand
in ecompare it tolocal
Trust if the the security word
installation the esubscriber
is ainvalid Trust database.
to theItenterprise
will only
security policy. If there are problems verifying the security word, access to
secured assets will be denied.

Note: The eTrust AC audit log may have failed to check the security word
resource each time you run a secured binary. This is expected behavior. If you
would rather not see these failures, you can do one of two things.
■ You can create a filter that will not include these entries. For more
information see the section Audit Filters in the eTrust Access Control
Administrator Guide.
■ You can change your user resources so that these failures will not be logged.
By default, all users are configured to cause log entries to be generated on
access failures (regardless of which resource the failure occurred with).
However, the security word resource has been created to not cause log
entries to be generated on failure (since that is expected behavior in this
case). You can change (or create) your users to not create an audit log entry
when a failure occurs. This leaves it up to the individual resources to create
failure entries in the audit log (the default behavior for resources). You can
change the audit rules using either selang or the Policy Manager GUI. For

more information
Administrator on configuring audit rules see the eTrust Access Control

You can globally enable or disable eTrust using autosys_secure. In order to

disable eTrust, you must be granted execute access to the SECADM resource.

Policy Manager

All modifications to security access of any Unicenter AutoSys resource can easily
be done through the eTrust Policy Manager on Windows. You can also modify
security access using the selang command line utility. For more information on
selang, see the eTrust Access Control for UNIX Reference Guide. The eTrust
Policy Manager lets you modify and set security levels for all user-defined
classes provided by Unicenter AutoSys JM.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

eTrust Access Control

Security Access

The Policy Manager is used to modify security.

To modify security do the following:

1. Click Start, Programs, Computer Associates, eTrust, Access Control, Policy
The eTrust Policy Manager appears.
2. Select File, Connect.
3. Click Add (Insert) in the Host Selection dialog.
4. Enter the hostname where the autosys PMDB was installed.
5. Check the Connect to PMDB check box and enter autosys as the PMDB
A new entry appears in the Host Selection dialog
6. Select the new entry, and click OK.
7. Once connected, click Resources in the left program bar Access Control.
8. To view Unicenter AutoSys JM security classes, expand the User-Defined
classes’ folder.
Selecting a class will list the available policies governing access to a specific

Disable Security
To access the Disable Security option in the autosys_secure command.

For more information about autosys_secure, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide.

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eTrust Access Control

Controlling the Event Processor

If eTrust security has been enabled through autosys_secure, you, by default, are
prevented from shutting down the event processor.

Asset-Level Security

If selected during installation, Unicenter AutoSys JM provides you asset-level

security through integration with eTrust AC version 5.2. All Unicenter AutoSys
JM GUI applications and Command Line Interfaces will call out to the security
engine bundled with the installation program if eTrust AC is currently enabled.
User-defined classes within eTrust will be used to govern what types of
resources can be controlled by which users.

For more information on eTrust AC see the eTrust Access Control for UNIX User

Since the event processor and remote agent will not enforce security, policy
changes will not affect resources which were entered into the database under the
previous policy. For example, if the security administrator withdraws a user’s
permission to create jobs, Unicenter AutoSys JM will continue to run jobs the
user created before the change.

During the installation of eTrust AC, a (PMDB) was created called autosys, on
what will be considered the master security server. On the master security
server, eTrust AC will subscribe a client database to the autosys PMDB. The
install will ask for the users that will be defined as administrators to the eTrust
database, but will not import existing OS users into the eTrust AC database.

Unicenter AutoSys JM will be able to run in either eTrust secured mode or

regular mode. External security can be enabled during the installation of the
product, or later on by an authorized EXEC super user. Once security is enabled,
the external security package will be called to authorize the user to determine if
they can turn off security in the product.

Important When working in a mixed environment (UNIX, Windows) and using

eTrust AC security only, you must be vigilant as to how resources are added to
an eTrust AC database. Since UNIX is case-sensitive and Windows is case-
preserving, it is easy to enter a name with the wrong case which will then not be
correctly recognized.

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eTrust Access Control

For example, you may want to create a user 'Administrator' that you will allow
to administer the 'autosys' PMDB from a Windows machine. If you create the
user as 'administrator' (lowercase 'a') and then try to run the policy manager

from a Windows
denied boxcan
access. This where you are logged
be confusing inWindows
because as 'Administrator' youlog
will let you will
to the
'Administrator' account as 'administrator.’ The key is that the user in the PMDB
must follow the case as it is preserved on the Windows machine.

For more information on enabling security see Security control, in this chapter.
For more information on case-sensitivity, see the eTrust Access Control for UNIX
Reference Guide.

eTrust Resource Classes

To secure the product, a set of classes will be defined that pertain to Unicenter
AutoSys JM. These classes are used to control access to jobs, calendars, cycles,
machines, global variables, and the owner field of a job. There are also classes to
prevent unauthorized users from starting or shutting down Unicenter AutoSys
JM, disabling security, and to prevent unauthorized users from accessing
Unicenter AutoSys JM Interface for Java GUI.

Unicenter AutoSys JM will use the following eTrust User-Defined Classes. These
classes will be created in the eTrust database and the PMDB autosys. The classes
are eTrust enabled and will make security callouts prior to performing an action

on a specified object.
as-job as-calendar as-machine

as-gvar as-owner as-control

as-view as-list

The name of each eTrust resource will be the name of the corresponding
Unicenter AutoSys JM object, a period, and the name of the instance.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

eTrust Access Control

as-job Class

The as-job class will control access to job objects. All of the eTrust access modes
will be applied to this object.
Prevents users from being able to view jobs or their contents.
Binary Security Checkpoints
autocons (Job Job list, contents of dependent jobs, contents of
Activity Console) starting conditions if as-list\AUTOCONS denied.
Regardless of as-list, as-job is checked before
displaying job details.
autocal If as-list\AUTOCAL denied

autocons (Alarm If as-list\JOBDEF denied

autorep If as-list\AUTOREP denied,
otherwise: -J job, -q
autosc (Job When searching for jobs, if as-list\JOBDEF denied
Definition) before allowing a job to be opened
autostatad -J job if as-list\AUTOSTAT denied
autostatus -J job
hostscape If as-list\XPERT denied
job_depends -J job, if as-list\JOBDEP denied
jobscape If as-list\XPERT denied
monbro If as-list\MONBRO denied
timescape If as-list\XPERT denied

Prevents users from creating a job object.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autosc (Job On save (if new job)

jil update_job

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eTrust Access Control

Prevents users from deleting jobs, including deleting the job using the
sendevent command.

Binary Security Checkpoints

autosc (Job On delete

jil delete_job

sendevent -e DELETEJOB

Controls whether a user is allowed to issue a sendevent against the job

Binary Security Checkpoints

sendevent -e STARTJOB
-e COMMENT (not global)

Prevents unauthorized users from updating an existing job object.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autosc (Job On save (if existing job)


jil insert_job

sendevent -e CHANGE_PRIORITY

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

eTrust Access Control

as-calendar Class

The as-calendar class will control access to calendar objects.

RE Prevents
D users from being able to view calendars or their contents.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocal Ifile – open, if as-list\AUTOCAL denied

autosc (Job If as-list\JOBDEF denied


autocal_asc PRINT


Prevents users from creating a calendar object.

Binary Security Checkpoints

autocal File – save, File – new, File -- rename

autocal_asc ADD (new)

Prevents users from deleting a calendar.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocal File – delete, File -- rename

autocal_asc DELETE

Controls whether a user is allowed to specify the given calendar to run or to
exclude within a job object.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autosc (Job On save (for run calendar and exclude calendar)


jil run_calendar, exclude_calendar

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eTrust Access Control

Prevents unauthorized users from updating existing calendar objects.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocal File – save as

autocal_asc ADD (existing)

as-machine Class

The as-machine class will control access to machine objects. This will control
who can do what to the machine object including whether or not it can be used
by a user in a job definition. All of the eTrust access modes will be applied to this
Prevents users from being able to view machines or their contents.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocons (Job Machine list in ‘Job Selection,’ if as-list\AUTOCONS

Activity Console) denied

autorep -m machine, if as-list\AUTOREP denied

hostscape If as-list\XPERT denied

jobscape If as-list\XPERT denied

Prevents users from creating machine objects.
Binary Security Checkpoints

jil insert_machine

Prevents users from deleting machine objects.
Binary Security Checkpoints

jil delete_machine

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eTrust Access Control

Unless authorized, EXEC controls whether a user is allowed to specify that
machine inside a job object.

Binary Security Checkpoints

autosc (Job On save (machine field)

jil machine

sendevent -e STARTJOB
-e COMMENT (not global)

as-gvar Class

The as-gvar class will control access to global variable objects. Since this object is
only controlled through the sendevent binary, the access modes will be checked
during sendevent execution. All of the eTrust access modes will be applied to
this object.
Prevents users from being able to view specific global variable objects.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autorep -g variable

autostatus -g variable

Prevents users from creating specific global variable objects.
Binary Security Checkpoints

sendevent -g (new variable)

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eTrust Access Control

as-control Class

The as-control class will control access to critical services within Unicenter
AutoSys JM.
Control critical resources through the following:
Binary Security Checkpoints

sendevent -e STOP_DEMON

Controls who can stop the event processor. Applies to both the
sendevent command, and the service control manager on Windows.
Note: If eTrust security has been enabled then by default, the user

will be prevented from stopping the event processor from the Service
Control Manager and can only use sendevent.
For Internal Use only.
For Internal Use only.
For Internal Use only.

as-view Class

The as-view class will control access to the various views defined in the
Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface GUIs, including preventing graphical
representations of certain jobs.

Note: For performance reasons, it is not feasible to call security for each
individual object that is to be displayed on the web browser.
Prevents users from being able to bring up a particular view, preventing
access to jobs they are not authorized to see.
Prevents users from creating views defined and maintained by Unicenter
AutoSys JM Web Interface.

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eTrust Access Control

Prevents users from deleting views defined and maintained by Unicenter
AutoSys JM Web Interface.

Prevents unauthorized users from updating views defined and maintained
by Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface.

as-list Class

The as-list class will control telling programs to bypass security for read-only
operation, as in autocons or autorep, where the information displayed does not
constitute a security violation.

By using the default of this class Unicenter AutoSys JM will not incur the
tremendous overhead of issuing a security call for each individual line item

This class is provided for those users that do not believe that status or report
type functions that do not display the detail of the asset warrant a security call
on each object.

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eTrust Access Control

In an environment where there are thousands of jobs, issuing a security call

against each individual job, just to see status type or summary, may cause
unnecessary security overhead.

Control security bypass through the following:
Controls read access for the autorep program. This value will be
ignored for any autorep report that specifies the –q option.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autorep -m ALL
-J box

-g ALL
Controls read access to the console type programs including the
Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface GUI.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocons (Job At startup

Activity Console)

Controls read access within the Calendar Definition GUI.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autocal File – open

Job Definition Reference List
Calendar Selection list in Term Calendar Viewer

Controls read access within the autostatad binary.
Binary Security Checkpoints

autostatad -J %

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

eTrust Access Control

Controls read access to the monitor/browser GUI.
Binary Security Checkpoints

monbro Event related to secured jobs

Controls read access to the job_depends GUI.
Binary Security Checkpoints

jobdep -c –J ALL
-c –J %
[-t, -d] %
[-t, -d] ALL
[-t, -d] box

Controls read access to the XPERT GUI.
Binary Security Checkpoints

hostscape Lookup Matches dialog,

Machine list in Job Selection dialog,
Machines in main view,
Jobs listed in each machine in the main view

jobscape Lookup Matches dialog,

Machine list in Job Selection Dialog,
Jobs listed in main view

timescape Lookup Matches dialog,

Machine list in Job Selection Dialog,
Jobs listed in main view

Security Enabled Applications

Example 1

If read access to the autocons resource belonging to the as-list class has been
granted to the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance, then the individual read access
checks for each job is ignored and the entire list of jobs is displayed.

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eTrust Access Control

To disable list access for autocons, open the eTrust Policy Manager to the as-list
class, and select AUTOCONS*.

Note: The owner of the AUTOCONS* resource has been set to nobody. This is
necessary as all security checks will automatically pass if called by the owner.

Before re-launching autocons, read access to the job ‘goodtest’ will be disabled.
From the Policy Manager a resource has now been created for any job beginning
with good. All access has been disabled for these jobs.

Now when autocons starts up, a warning message will be displayed indicating
that as-list access failed, and a read access check will be performed for each job
before displaying it.
Note: The resource that Unicenter AutoSys JM used to check for read access

Example 2

A similar behavior is exhibited when running autorep from the command


First list access will be checked for the AUTOREP resource in the as-list class. If
access is granted the requested jobs will be reported without performing read
access checks.

However, if list access has been denied, then read access checks will be
performed for each job before displaying job information.


If a job in a box fails read access, but the box passes read access, the failed job
will not be displayed.

If a box job fails read access none of the jobs within the box, and the box will not
be displayed.

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eTrust Access Control

Security Call Logic

This section walks through the logical flow of creating, updating, and deleting
an object.

Creating an Object

The following represents a logical flow for the creation of any object:
1. Call security to validate user has authority to assign the object in the
specified security group by calling security with execute permission on the
security group.
2. Call security to validate user can create the object by passing in the security
group name and specifying create authority.

3. For Job objects only — call security again and validate the owner field using
an asset of as-owner and a permission of execute.
4. For Job only — call security passing in the security group of the machine
with an execute permission if that machine can be used.

Updating an Object

The following represents a logical flow for updating any object:

1. Call security to validate user has authority to update objects in the security
group using the original security group of the object.
2. If the security group is being modified, call security to ensure that the user
has update authority to objects in the security group.
3. For Jobs only — Call security on the owner field and machine field as if on a
create object.

Deleting an Object

The following represents a logical flow for deleting any object.

Call security to validate user authority to delete objects from the specified
security group.

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Job Types and Structure

Job Types and Structure

The following figure illustrates the structure of a job. There are three types of
jobs: command, file watcher, and box. These job types have a majority of job
attributes in common, and Unicenter AutoSys JM treats them all similarly. The
primary differences between them are the actions that are taken when the job is

As their names imply, command jobs execute commands, box jobs are containers
that hold other jobs (including other boxes), and file watcher jobs watch for the
arrival of a specified file.

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Job Types and Structure

Basic Job Information

In the previous figure, the attributes listed inside the job region comprise what is
called the basic job information, and are common to all jobs regardless of type.
These attributes include the identifier name, the starting conditions, any
specified alarms, the restart conditions, and a variety of other settings not shown
(such as the box, if any, the job is in).

Notice, in the figure, that a job’s starting conditions can be contingent on the
date, time, and the status of any other job.

Command Jobs

The command job is commonly thought of (and referred to) as a job. The
command can be a shell script, an executable program, a file transfer, and so
forth. When this type of job is run, the result is the execution of a specified
command on a client machine. When all the starting conditions are met,
Unicenter AutoSys JM runs this command and captures its exit code upon
completion. The exit event (either SUCCESS or FAILURE) and the exit code
value are stored in the database.

In addition to the primary functionality described previously, a command job

has the following supporting features:

Command Job Options Action

Resource criteria Unicenter AutoSys JM will check that a certain
amount of free file space is available before
starting a process. If it is not available, an alarm is
sent and the job is rescheduled to start after a
suitable delay.

Profile script For each job, you can specify a script to be sourced
before the execution of the command that defines
the environment in which the command is to be

run. All commands

(/bin/sh). are
Therefore, allrun under the
statements inBourne shell
the profile
must use /bin/sh syntax.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Job Types and Structure

Command Job Options Action

I/O standard files For each job, you can specify the standard input,
standard output, and standard error files. To do
this, use the JIL std_* commands, or use the Job
Definition Advanced Features dialog.

Box Jobs

In the environment, the box job (or box) is a container of other jobs. A box job can
be used to organize and control process flow. The box itself performs no actions,
although it can trigger other jobs to run. An important feature of this type of job
is that boxes can be put inside of other boxes. When this is done, jobs related by
like starting conditions (not by similar application types) can be grouped and
operated on in a logical way.

Note: Box jobs are very powerful tools for organizing, managing, and
administering large numbers of jobs that have similar starting conditions or have
complex logic flows. Knowing how and when to use boxes is often the result of
some experimentation.

For more information on box jobs, see the chapter Box Job Logic, in this guide.

Starting Conditions for Box Jobs

If no other starting conditions are specified at the job level, a job within a box
will run as soon as the starting conditions for the box are satisfied. If several jobs
in a box do not have job-level starting conditions, they will all run in parallel.
Each time any job in a box changes state; the other jobs are checked to see if they
are eligible to start running.

If jobs in a box have a priority attribute setting, they will be processed in order of
priority, highest to lowest.

Jobs inside of boxes will be run only once per box execution. If you do specify
multiple start times for a job during one box processing cycle, only the first start
time will be used. This prevents jobs in boxes from inadvertently running
multiple times.

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Job Types and Structure

Unicenter AutoSys JM starts a job if the current time matches, or is later than, the
start time. In addition to explicit starting conditions, jobs inside of boxes have the
following implicit condition: the box job itself is running. This means that jobs

inside aofbox
a box willand
starts startthe
theisbox job itself
stopped, theisstarted
jobHowever, if a job
runs to completion.

Note: Some caution must be exercised when placing a job with more than one
time-related starting condition in a box. For example, a job that runs at 15 and 45
minutes past the hour is placed in a box that runs every hour. The first time the
box starts; the job runs at 15 minutes past the hour. A future start is then issued
for 45 minutes past the hour, by which time the box has completed. As a result,
the job will not run until the box is running again at the top of the next hour. At
that time, the job runs as soon as the box starts because it is past the start time.
The job runs, another future start job is issued for 15 minutes past the hour, the
box completes, and the cycle repeats itself.

File Watcher Jobs

A file watcher job is similar to a command job. However, instead of starting a

user-specified command on a client machine, it starts a process that monitors for
the existence and size of a specific operating system file. When that file reaches a
certain minimum size, and is no longer growing in size, the file watcher job
completes successfully, indicating that the file has arrived.

Using file watcher jobs provides a means of integrating events that are external
to Unicenter AutoSys JM into the processing conditions of jobs. For example, a
file needs to be downloaded from a mainframe, and it is expected to arrive after
2:00 a.m. After it arrives, a batch job is to be run to process it, possibly even
starting a whole sequence of jobs.

You could set up a file watcher job to start at 2:00 a.m., wait for the arrival of the
specified file, and then exit. You could also set up the batch job so that the
completion of the file watcher job is its only starting condition.

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Basic Job Attributes

Basic Job Attributes

For each of the three job types, some job attributes are required. There are
additional optional attributes that you can use for more advanced job definitions.

Note: The owner attribute is required for all job types, but is automatically
assigned by Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Command Job Attributes

The basic command job definition has the following required attributes:
Job Name
The unique job identifier by which a job is referenced.

The UNIX shell script, command, or application program to be executed.
Machine Name
The name of the machine on which the command is to be run.
Starting Conditions
The date/time or job dependency conditions necessary for the job to be run.
(This is not required, such as in cases where a job will always be started

File Watcher Job Attributes

The basic file watcher job definition has the following required attributes:
Job Name
The unique job identifier by which a job is referenced.
File Name to Watch For
The name of the file for which to watch.
Machine Name
The name of the machine on which the command is to be run.

Starting Conditions
The date/time or job status conditions necessary for the job to be run. (This
is not required, such as in cases where a job will always be started

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Basic Job Attributes

Box Job Attributes

The basic box job definition has the following required attributes:

Box The
Nameunique job identifier by which the box is referenced. This name is used
by other jobs as the name of their parent box.
Starting Conditions
The date/time or job status conditions necessary for the job to be run. (This
is not required, such as in cases where a job will always be started

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Job States and Status

Job States and Status

Unicenter AutoSys JM keeps track of the current state, or status, of every job. The
value of a job’s status is used to determine when to start other jobs that are
dependent on the job. The job status is displayed in the job report generated by
the autorep command, and in the job report you can view in the Job Activity

A job can have one of the following statuses:

Job State Status

INACTIVE The job has not yet been processed. Either the job has never
been run, or its status was intentionally altered to turn off its

previous completion status.

ACTIVATED The top-level box that this job is in is now in the RUNNING
state, but the job itself has not started yet.

STARTING The event processor has initiated the start job procedure with
the remote agent.

RUNNING The job is running. If the job is a box job, this value simply
means that the jobs within the box can be started (other
conditions permitting). If it is a command or file watcher job,
the value means that the process is actually running on the

remote machine.
SUCCESS The job exited with an exit code equal to or less than the
maximum exit code for success. By default, only the exit code
0 is interpreted as success. However, a range of values up to
the maximum exit code for success can be reserved for each
job to be interpreted as success. If the job is a box job, this
value means that all the jobs within the box have finished with
the status SUCCESS (the default), or the Exit Condition for Box
Success evaluated to true. (These exit conditions are discussed
further in later sections.)

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Job States and Status

Job State Status

FAILURE The job exited with an exit code greater than the maximum
exit code for success. By default, any number greater than zero
is interpreted as failure. If the job is a box job, a FAILURE
status means either that at least one job within the box exited
with the status FAILURE (the default), or that the Exit
Condition for Box Failure evaluated to true. Unicenter
AutoSys JM issues an alarm if a job fails.

TERMINATED The job terminated while in the RUNNING state. A job can be
terminated if a user sends a KILLJOB event or if it was defined
to terminate if the box it is in failed. If the job itself fails, it has
a FAILURE status, not a TERMINATED status. A job may also
be terminated if it has exceeded the maximum runtime
(term_run_time attribute, if one was specified for the job), or if
it was killed from the command line through a UNIX kill
command. Unicenter AutoSys JM issues an alarm if a job is

RESTART The job was unable to start due to hardware or application

problems, and has been scheduled to restart.

QUE_WAIT The job can logically run (that is, all the starting conditions
have been met), but there are not enough machine resources

ON_HOLD This job is on hold and will not be run until it receives the

ON_ICE This job is removed from all conditions and logic, but is still
defined. Operationally, this condition is like deactivating the
job. It will remain on ice until it receives the JOB_OFF_ICE

The difference between on hold and on ice is that when an on hold job is
taken off hold, if its starting conditions are already satisfied, it will be
scheduled to run, and it will run. On the other hand, if an on ice job is taken
off ice, it will not start, even if its starting conditions are already satisfied.
This job will not run until its starting conditions reoccur.

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Job States and Status

The other major distinction is that jobs downstream from the job that is on
ice will run as though the job succeeded. Whereas, all dependent jobs do not
run when a job is in on hold—nothing downstream from this job will run.

For details on how on ice affects boxes, see the chapter Box Job Logic, in this

Example State Diagram: Simple Jobs

When a change in job status occurs, it is reported as a CHANGE_STATUS event,

and the event processor records it in its log when this status is processed. For
example, when the job test_job changes from the STARTING state to the
RUNNING state, the event processor log will contain the following entry:

Note: In the following diagrams, a state is depicted using the following box


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Job States and Status

The following diagram depicts the simplest state transition for a job, in which an
event satisfies the starting conditions for the job. The job starts, processes, and
completes with either a failure or success exit code.

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Job States and Status

Example State Diagram: Box Jobs

For a job in a box, the job first goes into the ACTIVATED state when the top-
level box it is in goes into the RUNNING state, as shown in the following figure.
After the job starts, the remainder of the scenario is the same as for simple jobs.

In the case of a box, the box always goes into the RUNNING state as soon as all
its starting conditions are met. This RUNNING event usually triggers jobs within
the box to also start.

If the job has a priority associated with it, all its starting conditions have been
met, and there are not enough machine resources available, it goes into the
QUE_WAIT state. Once the resources become available, it goes into the

STARTING state, then runs.

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Job States and Status

The value of status reflects the event processing. Therefore, a job may have
actually completed on a machine and if the event processor has not processed
that event yet, Unicenter AutoSys JM will still show the job’s status as

RUNNING. By displaying
or in the output the detail
of the autorep of the you
command), job (either
can seeinallthe
theJob Activity
events for aConsole,
including those that have not processed yet.

In addition, the status always reflects the most recent event that was processed.
Therefore, after a job has completed, the status will remain as it is on completion.
If it ended successfully, the status will remain as SUCCESS until the job is run

Note: When a box job starts, all jobs within the box change state to ACTIVATED
before they run. Jobs will then run immediately, unless other conditions apply. If
a box completes before a job is run, the job is set to INACTIVE at the time of box
completion. As a result, jobs do not retain their statuses from previous box
processing cycles once a new box cycle has begun.

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Starting Parameters

Starting Parameters
Unicenter AutoSys JM determines whether to start or not to start a job based on
the evaluation of the starting conditions (or starting parameters) defined for the
job. These conditions can be one or more of the following:
■ Date and time scheduling parameters are met (it is or has passed the
specified date and time).
■ Starting Conditions specified in the job definition evaluate to true.
■ For jobs in a box, the box must be in the RUNNING state.
■ The current status of the job is not ON_HOLD or ON_ICE.

Every time an event changes any of the above conditions, Unicenter AutoSys JM
finds all the jobs that may be affected by this change, and determines whether or
not to start them.

Note: It is very important to keep in mind the above four conditions. In order for
a job to start, all defined starting conditions must be true.

Starting Parameters and Boxes

Be aware that for a job in a box to start, the box job must be running. Placing a
job in a box means that the job inherits all the starting conditions of the box job. It
also means that if there are no additional conditions on the job, it will be started
as soon as the box is started. Also, a job runs only once per box execution.

By default, there is no concept of sequential job processing in a box. For example,

if there are three jobs inside a box, and none of them has any additional
conditions, then when the box is started, all three jobs will be started.

To implement a sequence within a box, you must specify additional starting

conditions for each job. For example, Job1 may have no starting conditions, while
Job2 is dependent on the completion of Job1, and Job3 is dependent on the
completion of Job2.

Be aware that if this scenario was implemented and Job2 were placed ON_ICE,
then Job1 and Job3 would start simultaneously as soon as the box they are in
started running. (Jobs that are dependent on a job that is ON_ICE run as if that
starting condition has been satisfied.)

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Starting Parameters

Date/Time Dependencies

Jobs can be automatically scheduled to start at a certain date and time, based on
the information you supply using JIL statements or the GUI. You define these
dependencies by specifying the days or dates and times for time-based job starts.
Unicenter AutoSys JM then calculates a matrix of these values and starts jobs at
those times. A time range cannot span more than 24 hours. You can also specify
a time zone to apply to your starting times.

For example, if you define a job to be started on Monday, Wednesday, and

Friday at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., it will be started 6 times a week: Monday at
8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and Friday at 8:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

You can specify days of the week or actual dates. However, you cannot specify
both. You can specify days of the week using JIL or the GUI, but you can only
specify actual dates through the use of custom calendars, which you can define
using the Graphical Calendar Facility.

You can specify times as certain times of the day, or hourly, denoted in minutes
past the hour. Again, the two formats are mutually exclusive. You can specify
either form using JIL or the GUI (you do not have to create custom calendars).

TZ Environment Variable

By default, jobs with time-based starting conditions that do not specify a time
zone are scheduled to start based on the time zone of the TZ environment
variable (the same time zone under which the event processor runs).

Before you start the event processor, ensure that the TZ environment variable is
set. The 3.4.4 event processor must be started once after you upgrade your
database to insert the value of the TZ environment variable into the database. Do
this before executing jil, autosc, autocons, or autorep.

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Starting Parameters

Custom Calendars

Using the Graphical Calendar Facility or the autocal_asc utility, you can define
any number of custom calendars, each with a unique name and containing any
number of dates or date/time combinations. You can use these calendars in one
of two ways: as days on which to run the jobs with which they are associated, or
as days on which to not run the jobs with which they are associated. Calendars
exist independently of any jobs that may be associated with them; they are
referenced by jobs through job definitions.

Job Dependencies Related to Job Status

You can start jobs based on the current status of one or more jobs. These jobs
must exist in the database. These starting conditions enable you to program
simple or complex prerequisites that must be met in order to initiate a job.

Starting conditions can be as simple as specifying JobB to start when JobA

achieves a SUCCESS status, and JobC to start when JobB achieves a SUCCESS
status. In this way, you can implement a single-threaded, batch queue-like logic.

You can configure more complex conditions by combining a series of conditions

with the AND or the OR logical operators. You may use the pipe symbol (|)
instead of the word OR, and the ampersand symbol (&) instead of the word
AND. Spaces between conditions and delimiters are optional. You can specify

even more complex

parentheses conditionsand
force precedence, by grouping the is
the equation expressions
evaluated in parentheses.
from The
left to right.

Given the sample script of:

(success(JobA) and success(JobB)) or (done(JobD) AND done(Job E))

would be evaluated, and the results would be A and B or D and E, reading from
left to right.

Note: If a condition is specified for an undefined job, the condition will be

evaluated as FALSE, and any jobs dependent on this condition will not run. To

check for this type of invalid condition statement, you can use chk_cond, the
stored procedure.

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Starting Parameters

The syntax for defining job dependencies is the same whether the job is being
defined using JIL or the GUI. The only difference is the JIL statement will begin
with the JIL condition keyword, while the GUI field will only contain the

language for the

the following dependency
three forms: itself. The dependency specification can take one of

■ Based on the current status of other jobs

■ Based on the UNIX exit codes of other jobs
■ Based on global variables

The syntax for conditions based on job status is as follows:



status Indicates the status of one of the following:

success Indicates that the status condition for job_name is SUCCESS.

failure Indicates that the status condition for job_name is FAILURE.

done Indicates that the status condition for job_name is SUCCESS, FAILURE or

terminated Indicates that the status condition for job_name is TERMINATED.

notrunning Indicates that the status condition for job_name is anything except RUNNING.

job_name Indicates the job on which the new job is dependent.

You can abbreviate the status condition identifiers with the first letter, using s, f,
d, t, and n. You can also abbreviate the dependency specification exit code with
the letter e and VALUE (of a global variable) with the letter v. These
abbreviations can be uppercase or lowercase.

You can control the value of the SUCCESS status by using the Maximum Exit

Code for Success attribute, which can be set for a job. If you specify this attribute,
any job that exits with an exit code less than or equal to the specified value will
be treated as a success. A FAILURE status means the job exited with an exit code
higher than this value. The convention (and the default) for normal job
completion is 0. A TERMINATED status means the job was killed.

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Starting Parameters

Note: Either uppercase or lowercase can be used to specify a status. However,

the case cannot be mixed in either of the forms described.

Cross-Instance Job Dependencies

Cross-instance job dependencies can be implemented among different instances.

An instance is one licensed version of Unicenter AutoSys JM software running as

a server, and as a server/client, on a single machine or on multiple machines. It
uses its own event server and event processor and operates independently of
other instances.

Multiple instances are not inherently connected, but they can communicate with
each other. You can define jobs to have cross-instance dependencies, and
multiple instances can send events to each other.

For example, multiple instances can send events to each other by way of a
sendevent command line like the following:
sendevent -E STARTJOB -J job_name -S autoserv

The job_name argument is a job defined for the instance indicated by the
autoserv argument, which is the instance’s unique, capitalized three-character

In addition, jobs can be associated with more than one instance of AutoSys. For
example, a job defined to run on one instance could have as a starting condition
the successful completion of a job running on a different instance.

The specification for such a job dependency may look like the following:
condition: success(jobA) AND success(jobB^PRD)

The success (jobB^PRD) condition specifies the successful completion of a job

named jobB running on a different instance specified with the three-letter ID of
PRD. If the dependency specification does not include a caret ( ^) and a different
instance ID, the current instance will be used, by default.

Each time a cross-instance dependency is encountered, an

EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCY event is sent from the requesting instance. If the
target instance cannot be reached, an INSTANCE_UNAVAILABLE alarm is

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Starting Parameters

The following figure shows two instances, each with a single-event server,
exchanging cross-instance job dependencies.

Different instances can run from the same executables and can have the same
values for $AUTOSYS and $AUTOUSER, both on the event processor machine
and on machines running remote agents. However, they must have a different
value for $AUTOSERV.

For information on configuring for cross-instance job dependencies, see Running

Cross-Instance Job Dependencies in the chapter Introduction in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

Event Processors

When cross-instance dependencies are implemented, different event processors

can do the following:
■ Run on different server machines or on the same server machine.
■ Access the same client machines to start jobs.
■ Send events to other instances.

Note: If the event server of a target instance is down, the event processor will try
to resend an event (or events) every five minutes until the other instance’s event

server can be reached.

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Starting Parameters

Event Servers

Event servers keep track of the cross-instance job dependencies. Each time a job
definition with a cross-instance job dependency is submitted to the database, the
following entries are made:
■ An entry to the ext_job table of the issuing instance. The entries in this table
specify the status of jobs in other instances in which this instance has an
■ An entry to the req_job table of the receiving instance. The entries in this
table specify the jobs that have been specified as a job dependency in a job
definition on the source AutoSys instance.

Jobs are entered using the job name, a caret symbol (^), and the instance name,
as shown following.

The use of multiple databases is completely independent of instances using

cross-instance dependencies. You can have multiple instances, each using dual-
event servers.

Note: When communicating with event servers, event processors can only
connect to those instances with like event servers. That is, instances with Sybase
data servers can only connect with other instances having Sybase data servers.
The same holds true for instances with Oracle databases.

Example Job Dependencies

For a job that runs only if the job named DB_BACKUP succeeds, the job
dependency specification would be written as follows:


You can configure more complex conditions by combining a series of conditions

with the AND or the OR logical operators. You can enter these operators in
uppercase or lowercase, but not in mixed case. In addition, you can use the pipe
symbol (|) instead of the word OR, and the ampersand (&) instead of the word
AND. Spaces between conditions and delimiters are optional.

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Starting Parameters

You can specify conditions that are more complex by grouping the expressions
in parentheses. The parentheses do not imply any sort of precedence; they are
simply used for grouping. For example, if JobC should only be started when

both JobA regardless

complete, and JobB complete successfully
of whether they failed,orsucceeded,
when bothor
JobD and JobEyou
would specify the following dependency in the job definition for JobC:
(success(JobA) AND success(JobB)) OR (done(JobD) AND done(JobE))


As indicated in this example, you can use any job status as part of the
specification for a specific job’s starting conditions. With this latitude, you can
program branching paths that must be taken and that will provide alternate
actions for error conditions.

For example, if JobB fails after processing only partially, you may want to call a
routine titled Backout that backs out of the changes that were made. You would
specify the following job dependency in the job definition for Backout:


You use the notrunning operator to keep multiple jobs from running
simultaneously (that is, running one job is exclusive of any others). For example,
it may be best not to run a database dump (DB_DUMP) and a file backup
(BACKUP) at the same time. This would cause the hard disk to be accessed very
frequently. However, you may have a smaller job that can run as long as both of
these resource-intensive jobs are not running. You would specify the smaller
job’s dependency like the following:
notrunning(DB_DUMP) AND notrunning(BACKUP)

Note: If you have jobs that you want to run exclusively, use the virtual machine
and job queuing feature that is described in the chapter Load Balancing and
Queuing Jobs, in this guide.

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Starting Parameters

Managing Job Status

Starting conditions that are based on job status use the current (or most recent)
completion status of the job. The current completion status is defined by the last
execution of the job, regardless of when it last ran.

However, if you wish to enforce the concept of time-based processing cycles,

where the completion status of a job for some previous time period should not
affect the processing of this time cycle, there are several options you can use to
control statuses.

When a box job is started, all the jobs within the box have their status changed to
ACTIVATED. Therefore, downstream jobs in the box that depend on the
completion of jobs upstream in the same box will use only the completion
statuses from this run of the box. Placing the jobs in one processing cycle inside a
top-level box and setting the box to start at the beginning of the processing cycle
will prevent time-critical jobs from being affected by invalid information.

When a job is first entered into the database and prior to its being run for the first
time, its status is set to INACTIVE. By changing to INACTIVE the status of jobs
that have completed, but whose completion status should no longer be used in
dependent job conditions, the completion status from the last run will no longer
be the current status, and it will not be used.

To change a job status to INACTIVE, use the GUI (Send Event dialog), or use the

sendevent command. Of course, you can create an AutoSys job to accomplish

this as well. If you change the status of a top-level box to INACTIVE, all the jobs
in the box are recursively set to INACTIVE.

Deleting and reinserting the job using JIL will accomplish the same thing.
However, the past reporting history on the job will no longer be available.
(Updating a job using JIL does not change the status of the job.)

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Starting Parameters

Job Dependencies Based on Exit Codes

In addition to job status, you can base job dependencies on exit codes that
indicate completed tasks. In this way, you can implement specific branching
logic for recovering from job failures. For example, if a broken communication
line results in JobA failing with an exit code of 4 and when this code is
encountered, you want the system to execute a shell script (JobB) that redials the
line, the syntax you would use to specify this type of job dependency is the
exitcode (job_name) operator value


job_name Indicates the name of the job upon which the new job is dependent.

operator Indicates one of the following exitcode comparison operators: =, != (not equal),
<, >, <=, or >=

value Indicates any numeric value.

You can abbreviate the dependency specification exitcode with the letter e
(uppercase or lowercase).

For this example, you would enter the following for the job dependency
specification for the JobB redial job:
e (JobA) 4

You can use any job status or exit codes as part of the specification for starting
conditions. With this latitude, you can program branching paths that will
provide alternative actions for all types of error conditions.

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Starting Parameters

Using Exit Codes and Batch Files with Jobs Running on Windows

When you are defining jobs that will run batch files on Windows, you should be
aware of, and account for, the Windows specific behavior.

Windows programs return an exit value that is programmed within the

executable code. This exit value is the last thing returned to Windows when the
program terminates.

Generally, a zero exit code indicates success; while a nonzero exit code indicates
an error. The expected error values should be documented with each individual
program, but some programs can return unexpected exit codes. You should
modify these programs so that they return expected values. Use these values
when specifying exit code dependencies.

Jobs are created using standard Windows process creation techniques. After the
job has been created, the Remote Agent waits for the job to complete. When the
job completes, Unicenter AutoSys JM gets the program exit code from Windows
and stores it in the database for later use.

When launching programs directly from Unicenter AutoSys JM, the exit codes
are returned and put in the database. However, there are some exit code
behaviors that you must take into consideration when using Unicenter AutoSys
JM to start *.BAT batch files.

The exit code

executed fromreturned from
within that a batch file
particular is the
batch file.return codethe
Consider from the last example:
following operation

REM test batch file

if errorlevel 1 goto bad
goto good
del test.tmp

This example batch file will return a zero exit code as long as test.tmp exists. If
test.tmp does not exist, the return code is from the del line and not from the line
that executes test. Therefore, this batch file will return a zero (successful) exit
code, even if the test failed to execute as intended.

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Job Run Numbers and Names

You can abbreviate the dependency specification VALUE with the letter v
(uppercase or lowercase).

In the example cited previously, you would enter the following syntax for the
job’s condition statement:
VALUE(manager-ok) = OK

v (manager-ok) = OK

Job Run Numbers and Names

Unicenter AutoSys JM employs the notion of run numbers for jobs. The run
number is a unique integer associated with every run of a job. Consecutive run
numbers are assigned every time a top-level job starts.

A top-level job is a job that is not contained in a box, and these run numbers are
inherited by every job that is in a box. This means that all jobs within a top-level
box have the same run number as the number used for the run of the box. This
design permits runs of nested jobs to be associated together within the same run.

If there are restarts of a job, the run number remains the same, and the ntrys field
is incremented. In the standard reports (see the autorep command in the chapter
Commands in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows and UNIX
Reference Guide), these two values are displayed in the Run column as

The value of run_num/ntry is defined in the runtime environment for the job,
and it is accessible to those shell scripts or executables executed as the job’s
command. This value is contained in the variable $AUTORUN.

Unicenter AutoSys JM also maintains a value for each job’s name, which is
defined in the runtime environment for the job. As with $AUTORUN, this value
is accessible to those shell scripts or executables executed as the job’s UNIX

command. The value is contained in the variable $AUTO_JOB_NAME.

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Defining Jobs

Defining Jobs
You can define jobs using one of two methods: JIL statements or the GUI (in the
Job Definition dialog). When you use JIL statements, you can input them
interactively to the jil command, or you can store them in text files, which you
can redirect into the jil command.

Alternatively, you can open the GUI by using the autosc command, and you can
enter the job definition by filling in the appropriate fields of the Job Definition
dialog and its associated dialogs.

You should back up your job definitions periodically, so you can have a file to
restore from in case of system failure. This process is explained in Backing Up
Definitions in the chapter Maintaining, in this guide.

Graphical User Interface Components

You can use the GUI to interactively define, run, manage, monitor, and report on
jobs. Unicenter AutoSys JM provides the following top-level windows and
dialogs, which you can launch from the GUI Control Panel:
■ Job Definition Dialog
Used to define jobs. The Job Definition dialog and its related dialogs lets you
create, view, edit, and delete job definitions for command jobs, box jobs, and
file watcher jobs.
■ Graphical Calendar Facility
Used to define calendar definitions. The Graphical Calendar Facility and its
related dialogs let you create calendars in order to simplify job scheduling. It
lets you create custom rules, block certain dates, set up conflict resolution,
build calendars based on combinations of other calendars, and preview
calendar definitions before assigning them to jobs. Then, you can assign
them to a certain job, using the Job Definition dialog.

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Defining Jobs

■ Operator Console
Used to monitor and manage jobs. The Operator Console consists of the
following components: Job Activity console, Job Selection dialog, Alarm
Manager Dialog, and Alarm Selection dialog. The Job Activity console lets
you monitor AutoSys jobs, and filter the jobs that it displays, you can use the
Job Selection dialog. The Alarm Manager lets you browse and handle
alarms. To filter the alarms that the Alarm Manager displays, you can use
the Alarm Selection dialog.
■ Monitor Browser
Used to define monitors and reports. The Monitor/Browser lets you define
filters by which you can screen system information. Monitors provide real-
time views of the system. Browsers (reports) provide historical views of
system information.

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4 Job Attributes

This chapter describes the essential and optional job attributes used to define
jobs in Unicenter AutoSys JM. These attributes determine what a job does, as
well as when and where it will run.

Job Attributes and Job Definitions

You define a new job by assigning it a name and specifying any number of
attributes that describe its intended behavior. This specification of a job’s
behavior is called a job definition. There are two methods of creating a job
definition: using JIL and using the GUI. Regardless of method, the specified set
of attributes is the same, and the job definition is always stored in the database.

Before modifying or deleting an existing job, make sure the job is not running.

You should back up your job definitions periodically so you can have a file to
restore from in case of system failure. This process is explained in Backing Up
Definitions in the chapter “Maintaining,” in this guide.

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Job Attributes and Job Definitions

Using JIL to Create a Job Definition

When using JIL to create a job definition, you enter the jil command to display
the JIL prompt. At this prompt, you define a job using the insert_job
subcommand followed by any desired attribute:value statements, which specify
an action to be performed. You can also use JIL subcommands to modify or
delete an existing job definition.

Your JIL commands will look like:

insert_job: job_name


Specifies a unique job name.
attribute_keyword Identifies one of the legal JIL attributes.

value Indicates the setting to be applied to the attribute.

Using the GUI to Create a Job Definition

When using the GUI to create a job definition, issue the autosc command, select
the Job Definition button, and set the various attributes and their values using
the text fields and push-buttons in the Job Definition dialog.

Chapter Organization

In this chapter, job attributes are organized into two categories: essential and
optional. Essential attributes are those that must be specified in order for the job
definition to be accepted. As the name implies, optional attributes are not
necessarily required for a job definition to be accepted.

For each attribute described in this chapter, we indicate its name, its JIL attribute
keyword, its corresponding GUI object, or GUI field name, and a description of
its use.

In the previous example, the “Job Type” attribute, which specifies whether a job
is a command, file watcher, or box, is specified with the JIL keyword job_type
and is identified in the GUI as the field with the name “Job Type.”

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Job Attributes and Job Definitions

Because the chapter “JIL/GUI Job Definitions” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide is organized
alphabetically by JIL keywords, the keywords in this chapter can act as

“pointers” to more detailed descriptions about a particular attribute in the

reference chapter.

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Essential Job Attributes

Essential Job Attributes

Attributes Common to All Job Types

The following attributes are common to all job types: command, file watcher,
and box. Although defaults may be available, the attributes in this section are
still essential due to the fact that every job definition must include them, whether
by default or by explicit specification.

Job Name

JIL Keyword insert_job

GUI Field Name

Job Name
Description The job name is used to identify the job, and must be unique. It can be from 1 to
30 alphanumeric characters, and is terminated with white space. Embedded
blanks and tabs are illegal. Command, file watcher, and box jobs cannot use the
same name.

Job Type

JIL Keyword job_type

GUI Field Name Job Type

Description The job type specifies the type of job: command (c), file watcher (f), or box (b).

Job Owner

JIL Keyword owner

GUI Field Name Owner

Description The job owner specifies whose user ID the command will be run under on the
client machine. This attribute is automatically set to the user who invoked jil or
the GUI to define the job, and cannot be changed except by the edit superuser.

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Essential Job Attributes

Command Jobs Attributes

For command jobs, the following attributes must be specified in addition to those
listed in Attributes Common to All Job Types (previous section).


JIL Keyword command

GUI Field Name Command to Execute

Description The command attribute can be the name of any command, executable, UNIX
shell script or batch file, and its arguments. When issuing commands that are to
be run on a different operating system, you must use the syntax appropriate to

the operating system of the client machine. The job’s owner must have execute
permission for this command on the client machine. Input and output
redirection cannot be part of the command. Redirection is specified by other job
attributes. Global variables can be used as part of the command name itself, or as
part of the command’s runtime arguments. To set a global variable, use the
sendevent command, or use the Send Event dialog in the GUI.

This command will be executed in the environment defined in the profile

script—either the default /etc/auto.profile, or the one specified in the job
definition (which you can define, and which preempts the default file).
Therefore, if $PATH is assigned in that script, that path will be searched to find
the executable. For more information on specifying a profile, see Profile in the
topic Command Job Attributes in this chapter.

The full path name can be specified, in which case, variables exported from the
profile script can be used in the path name specification. If variable substitution
is used, enclose the variable in curly braces, as in ${DIR}.

These are additional points to keep in mind with regard to the command
■ Since Unicenter AutoSys JM performs an exec to run the command, multiple
commands separated by a semicolon are not allowed.
■ Piping or redirection of standard input, output, and error files is not allowed
in the command attribute. Shell scripts can be invoked to execute piped
commands and attributes, such as std_in_file used for standard input, to
provide the necessary functionality.

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Essential Job Attributes

■ You cannot use the ampersand character (&) in the command attribute. A
shell script can be called to provide that functionality.
■ All commands are run under the Bourne shell (/bin/sh). Therefore, all
statements in the profile must use /bin/sh syntax. For example:
Variable=value; export Variable

Do not use the following:

export Variable=value or setenv Variable Value

■ If you are running a C-Shell (csh) script, the system will attempt to source a
.cshrc file when it begins interpreting the file. Although this may be desired,
the system will also overwrite any variables defined in the profile script (the
default profile is /etc/auto.profile.) If you do not wish to have the .cshrc file
sourced, you must invoke the csh script with the -f option. For example, the
first line of the script should look like the following:
#!/bin/csh -f

■ Only one file is sourced—either the default /etc/auto.profile or the profile

file specified in the job definition. Therefore, the entire environment needed
for the command must be defined in the profile file that will be sourced.
■ Command line arguments can be passed using global variables.

Note: If a command is working properly when issued at a shell prompt, but it

fails to run or run properly when specified as a command attribute, the shell and
environments are probably different. If this is the case, ensure that all required
command variables are specified in the profile script, either the default one or
the one you have specified.

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Essential Job Attributes

Machine to Run On

JIL Keyword machine

GUI Field Name Execute on Machine

Description This attribute specifies the client machine on which the command should be run.
The job’s owner must have permission to access this machine and to execute the
specified command at this machine. The machine can be a specific real machine
(as listed in the /etc/hosts file of the server machine), a set of real machines, or a
virtual machine.

Note: If you have implemented the shadow event processor feature, you should
never set the machine attribute to localhost. The localhost value implies: “run on
the machine on which the event processor is currently running.” The job may
run normally on the primary event processor machine, and yet fail on the
shadow event processor machine.

You can also specify the svload program or your own, custom load-balancing
program in place of a machine name. In this case, the event processor will run
the program at runtime to select the best-suited machine to run the job.

For more information about virtual machines, and choosing a machine to run on
when you specify multiple machines or a load-balancing program, see the
chapter “Load Balancing and Queuing Jobs,” in this guide.

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Essential Job Attributes

File Watcher Job Attributes

For file watcher jobs, the following attributes must be specified in addition to
those listed in Attributes Common to All Job Types in this chapter.

Machine to Run On

JIL Keyword machine

GUI Field Name Execute on Machine

Description This attribute specifies the client machine on which the File Watcher should run.
For a File Watcher, this attribute must specify a single real machine, defined in
the /etc/hosts file on the server machine.

File to Watch For

JIL Keyword watch_file

GUI Field Name File To Watch For

Description The name of the file to watch for must be a legal file name and must include the
full path to the file. All directories in the path must exist, but the file itself does
not have to exist at the time the job is defined. Environment variables defined
and exported in the profile file (the specified or default), as well as global
variables, can be used in the path. Wildcards cannot be used in the file name. For
more information on how to use wildcards, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX and Windows Reference Guide in the watch_file section.

When using the GUI, this field only appears when the File Watcher type has
been selected. This attribute is used in combination with the Watch File
Minimum File Size and Watch Interval attributes, to determine when a file is
considered to have arrived.

Box Job Attributes

There are no essential attributes for box jobs other than those listed in Attributes
Common to All Job Types in this chapter.

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Optional Job Attributes

Optional Job Attributes

Common Job Starting Attributes

The following optional attributes are common to all job types: command, file
watcher, and box. These attributes are used to specify when a job should start,
and typically default to “inactive” or NULL if not specified.

For information on how date and time attributes are affected by the spring and
fall time adjustments, see Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes in this

Start Date /Time Dependence

JIL Keyword date_conditions

GUI Field Name Is the Start Date/Time Dependent?

Description The start date/time dependencies attribute is a toggle, which specifies whether
or not there is date, time, or both, conditions required for starting the job. If the
attribute is set to “no,” the remainder of the related date/time attributes,
described following, will be ignored.

Days of the Week

JIL Keyword days_of_week

GUI Field Name Days of the Week

Description The days of the week attribute specifies the days on which the job should be run.
You can specify one or more days, or “all” for every day.

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Optional Job Attributes

Days to Run Through a Custom Calendar

JIL Keyword run_calendar

GUI Field Name Run on Days in Calendar

Description The days on which a job should be run can be specified by way of a custom
calendar, rather than through a list of days of the week. Custom calendars,
specified through the Graphical Calendar Facility, or the autocal_asc command,
can include any number of dates on which the job should be run. Each calendar
is stored in the database as a separate object with a unique name, and a calendar
can be associated with one or more jobs, using this attribute or the
exclude_calendar attribute.

Days to NOT Run Through a Custom Calendar

JIL Keyword exclude_calendar

GUI Field Name Do NOT Run on Days in Calendar

Description The days on which a job should not be run can be specified by way of a custom
calendar. Custom calendars, specified through the Graphical Calendar Facility,
or the autocal_asc command, can include any number of dates on which the job
should not be run. Each calendar is stored in the database as a separate object
with a unique name, and a calendar can be associated with one or more jobs,
using this attribute or the run_calendar attribute.

Specific Times of Day to Run

JIL Keyword start_times

GUI Field Name Times of Day

Description This attribute specifies one or more specific times of day when the job should be
started. The job will be started at each specified time of day, on every day

Every Hourin the associated
to Run” date attributes.
(start_mins) attribute This attribute exclusive.
are mutually and the “Specific Times

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Optional Job Attributes

Time of Day Not to Run

JIL Keyword run_window

GUI Field Name Run Window

Description This attribute specifies a time range (or time window) during which a job can be
started. When the starting conditions for a job have been met, Unicenter AutoSys
JM checks if the current time is within the specified run window. The job will not
start outside of the specified window.

This attribute controls only when the job will start, not when it will stop running.
This attribute is particularly useful when, for example, it is not known when a
watched-for file will arrive, and there are certain times when jobs dependent on
that file should not run. This setting can prevent a late-arriving file from causing
a job to run at an inopportune time. The run window range cannot span more
than 24 hours. Jobs that are not in a box must have starting conditions in
addition to the run_window attribute in order for the job to be automatically

Note: You can also block out times of day when you do not want a job to start by
putting the job on hold, then taking it off hold later. The sendevent command
can be used to accomplish this, executed either from the command line, through
the Send Event dialog, or from within a shell script or batch file in another job.

Specific Times Every Hour to Run

JIL Keyword start_mins

GUI Field Name Every Hour at

Description One or more specific times per hour when the job should be started can be
specified. Each time is specified in minutes past the hour. The job will be started
at each specified time every hour of the day, on every day specified in the
associated date attributes. This attribute and the “Specific Times of Day to Run”
(start_times) attribute are mutually exclusive.

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Optional Job Attributes

Box Name

JIL Keyword box_name

GUI Field Name Name of the Box this Job is IN

Description Boxes allow a set of jobs to be manipulated as a group. This feature is

particularly useful for setting starting conditions at the box level, to “gate” the
jobs inside the box, then specifying their starting conditions relative to each other
individually, if necessary. This attribute specifies the name of the box in which
the job is to be placed. The specified box must already exist before you can place
jobs in it.

Minimum Runtime Alarm

JIL Keyword min_run_alarm

GUI Field Name Minimum Runtime

Description A minimum runtime (in minutes) can be specified for a job; the job should not
end in less than the specified time. This may prevent an inadvertent truncation
of the file being processed before it is complete. If the job does end prior to this
time, an alarm is generated to alert someone to investigate the situation and take
corrective action. Alarms are informational, and they do nothing on their own. A
monitor or the Operator Console must be running and tracking alarms in order
for them to be seen and acted upon in realtime.

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Optional Job Attributes

Maximum Runtime Alarm

JIL Keyword max_run_alarm

GUI Field Name Maximum Runtime

Description A maximum runtime can be specified for a job. If a maximum runtime is

specified, the job should not take longer than the specified time to finish. This
“reasonability” test may catch an error, such as the application being stuck in a
loop, or the application waiting for additional data that may never arrive. If the
job runs longer than this time, an alarm is generated to alert someone to
investigate the situation and take corrective action. Alarms are informational,
and they do nothing on their own. A monitor, or the Operator Console, must be
running and tracking alarms in order for them to be seen and acted upon in real

The attribute “Terminate this job Mins after starting” (term_run_time) can be
used to automatically terminate a job that has been running for too long. If
term_run_time is not set, the job will continue running until manually
interrupted, or it completes by itself.

Terminate Due to Runtime

JIL Keyword term_run_time

GUI Field Name Terminate this job Mins after starting

Description A maximum runtime (in minutes) can be specified for a job; the job should not
take longer than the specified time to finish. This feature allows the job to be
automatically terminated if it runs longer than the allotted time.

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Optional Job Attributes

Send Alarm if the Job Fails

JIL Keyword alarm_if_fail

GUI Field Name Send ALARM if this Job Fails?

Description This attribute specifies whether or not an alarm should be generated when the
job fails. Failure is defined as the job completing with a FAILURE or
TERMINATED status. (The “Maximum Exit Code for SUCCESS” attribute
determines what codes are interpreted as FAILURE for a job, and the “Box
Failure Condition” attribute determines what constitutes a box failure.) Alarms
are informational, and they do nothing on their own. A monitor or the Operator
Console must be running and tracking alarms in order for them to be seen and
acted upon in realtime.

Terminate the Box if the Job Fails

JIL Keyword box_terminator

GUI Field Name If this Job fails should the Box it is IN be Terminated?

Description This attribute specifies whether or not the box containing this job should be
terminated if the job fails or terminates. By using this attribute in combination
with the “Terminate the Job if the Box Fails” attribute, you can control how
nested jobs react when a job fails. This attribute only applies if the job is being
placed in a box.

Terminate the Job if the Box Fails

JIL Keyword job_terminator

GUI Field Name If the Box fails should this Job be Terminated?

Description This attribute specifies whether or not the job should be terminated if the box it
is in fails or terminates. By using this attribute in combination with the

react when athe
jobBox if the
fails. ThisJob Fails” attribute,
attribute youifcan
only applies thecontrol how placed
job is being nested in

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Optional Job Attributes

Number of Times to Restart a Job

JIL Keyword n_retrys

GUI Field Name Number of Times to Restart this Job after a FAILURE

Description This attribute specifies how many times, if any, the job should be restarted after
exiting with a FAILURE status. The default is 0, which means the job will not be
automatically restarted after an application failure. This attribute applies to
application failures (for example, Unicenter AutoSys JM is unable to find a file or
a command, or permissions are not properly set); it does not apply to system or
network failures (for example, machine unavailability, the socket connect timed
out, the fork in the Remote Agent failed, or the file system space resource check

The number of restarts after system or network failures is specified using the
MaxRestartTrys parameter in the configuration file.

Time Zone for Job

JIL Keyword timezone

GUI Field Name Time Zone

Description This attribute lets you schedule a job based on a chosen time zone. When this
attribute is used, the time settings in the job are based on the specified time zone.
For example, if you define a start time of 01:00 for a job running on a machine in
Denver, and enter San Francisco in the Time Zone field, the job will start at 1:00
a.m. Pacific time, which is 2:00 a.m. in Denver.

If you specify a time zone that includes a colon, you must quote the time zone
name if you are using JIL. For example:
timezone: "IST-5:30"

If you do not quote a time zone specification that contains a colon, JIL will
interpret the colon as a delimiter, producing unexpected results.

Jobs with time-based starting conditions that do not specify a time zone will
have their start event scheduled based on the TZ environment variable, which
specifies the time zone under which the event processor is running.

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Optional Job Attributes

Delete Job After Completion

JIL Keyword auto_delete

GUI Field Name Delete Job after completion?

Description This attribute indicates whether or not the job definition should be automatically
deleted after successful completion. A number of hours can be specified
(including “0” for immediately), or the attribute can be turned “off” by
specifying a negative value (for example “-1”), which is the default. If
auto_delete is set to 0, Unicenter AutoSys JM will immediately delete job
definitions only if the job completed successfully.

If the job did not complete successfully, Unicenter AutoSys JM will keep the job
definition for seven days before automatically deleting it. This attribute is useful
for scheduling and running a one-time batch job.


JIL Keyword auto_hold

GUI Field Name Autohold On?

Description This feature is only for jobs in a box. When a job is in a box, it inherits the
starting conditions of the box. This means that when a box goes into the
RUNNING state, the box job will start all the jobs within it (unless other
conditions are not satisfied). This is typically the desired behavior; however,
there are occasions when it is not.

For example, you may want to place a job in a box, but not start the job until a
non-job (that is, operating system level) event arrives. By specifying “yes” to
Autohold On, Unicenter AutoSys JM automatically changes the job state to
ON_HOLD when the box it is in begins RUNNING. At this point, the job is in
exactly the same state as if it were manually placed on hold. To start the job, take
the job off hold by sending the JOB_OFF_HOLD event through the Send Event
dialog or the sendevent command.

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Optional Job Attributes


JIL Keyword permission

GUI Field Name Permissions

Description In UNIX, there are three levels of permission by user ID (uid), and within
Unicenter AutoSys JM, two levels of job permission.

Permissions are based on the UNIX user ID scheme. This scheme contains three
types: owner, group, and world (or public). The owner is the user who originally
created the job. The group is the primary group of which the owner is a member,
and the world is every user with a valid logon for the system.

Unicenter AutoSys JM also allows designation of an exec superuser and an edit

superuser, by way of the autosys_secure command. The edit superuser can edit
any job definition, change the owner of a job, and change the permissions
assigned to a job; no other user has this authority. The exec superuser can shut
down the event processor, and can issue sendevent commands to any job,
regardless of its owner.

The permission scheme used is as follows:

■ xecute

If execute permissions are enabled for the user’s group, allows the user to
issue events that affect the running (starting, stopping, and so on) of the job.
Users in primary and secondary groups have this permission.
■ dit

If edit permissions are enabled for the user’s group, allows the user to edit or
delete the job definition. Only users in the primary group have this

The permission scheme is based on the same permissions used in native UNIX
environment. The user ID (uid) and group ID (gid) specified in the UNIX
environment do the following:
■ Control access to the job definitions themselves.
■ Determine the execution permissions to be used when executing the actual
UNIX command specified in the job.

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Optional Job Attributes

Command Job Attributes

For command jobs, the following optional attributes can be specified, in addition
to those listed in Attributes Common to All Job Types in this chapter. These
attributes typically default to “inactive” if not specified.


JIL Keyword profile

GUI Field Name Job Environment Profile

Description The profile attribute specifies the file to be sourced by the Bourne shell before the
specified command is executed. The remote agent always spawns a process and

starts the Bourne shell in that process, passing it the name of the profile to be
sourced. This profile typically includes definitions and exports of environment
variables, which can be referenced in the job’s command. The primary
environment variable in the profile is the $PATH. If a profile is not specified, the
default profile, /etc/auto.profile, is used. If the profile attribute is specified, that
profile is searched for on the machine on which the command is to run.

If a command that normally executes when entered at the command line fails
when run as a job, it is usually due to the incomplete specification of the
required environment for the command in the profile file.

Note: It is essential that no Korn shell and C-shell statements appear in the
profile file, because the Bourne shell that runs will not be able to process them. If
you include these types of statements, unexpected results will occur, often
interfering with the proper redirection of the stdin, stdout, and stderr files.

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Optional Job Attributes

Redirection of the Standard Input File

JIL Keyword std_in_file

GUI Field Name File to Redirect to Standard Input

Description The standard input file can be redirected to any file to which the job owner has
read permission on the client machine. The full path name must be specified,
although variables exported from the default /etc/auto.profile or job’s profile
file, as well as global variables, can be used in the path name specification.

The default is /dev/null.

Redirection of the Standard Output File

JIL Keyword std_out_file

GUI Field Name File to Redirect to Standard Output

Description The standard output file can be redirected to any file on the client machine to
which the job owner has write permission. The full path name must be specified,
although variables exported from the default /etc/auto.profile or job’s profile
file, as well as global variables, can be used in the path name specification. The
default is /dev/null.

By default, new information is appended to the file. By placing the following

notation as the first characters in the std_out_file specification, you can specify if
the error file should be appended to or overwritten:
> Overwrite file
>> Append file

This setting overrides the instance-wide setting for the AutoInstWideAppend

parameter in the configuration file. It also overrides the machine-specific setting
for the AutoMachWideAppend parameter in the /etc/auto.profile file.

Note: If you are running jobs across platforms, realize that the event processor of

the issuingthe
Windows, instance controls
default the default
is to overwrite thisbehavior.
file. If the issuing instance is

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Optional Job Attributes

Redirection of the Standard Error File

JIL Keyword std_err_file

GUI Field Name File to Redirect to Standard Error

Description The standard error file can be redirected to any file on the client machine to
which the job owner has write permission. The full path name must be specified,
although variables exported from the default /etc/auto.profile or job’s profile
file, as well as global variables, can be used in the path name specification. The
default is /dev/null.

By default, new information is appended to the file. By placing the following

notation as the first characters in the std_err_file specification, you can specify if
the error file should be appended to or overwritten:
> Overwrite file
>> Append file

This setting overrides the instance-wide setting for the AutoInstWideAppend

parameter in the configuration file. It also overrides the machine-specific setting
for the AutoMachWideAppend parameter in the /etc/auto.profile file.

Note: If you are running jobs across platforms, realize that the Event processor
of the issuing instance controls the default behavior. If the issuing instance is
Windows, the default is to overwrite this file.

Job Load

JIL Keyword job_load

GUI Field Name Job Load

Description Machines can be assigned “maximum job loads,” which is a measure of the CPU
load that is desirable for a machine at any given time. Similarly, jobs can be
assigned loads, indicating the relative amount of processing power they
consume. This scheme allows for machine loading to be controlled, and prevents

a machine from being overloaded. If a job is ready to run on a designated

machine, but the current load on that machine is too large to accept the new job’s
load, the job will be “queued” for that machine, to be run when sufficient
resources are available. For load balancing to function properly, all jobs to be run
on a controlled machine must have job loads specified; otherwise, their impact
on a machine cannot be measured.

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Optional Job Attributes

Note: If you force a job to start, it will run even if its load exceeds the machine’s
max_load. Also, if job_load is specified for a job and no priority attribute
(described following) is set, Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the default priority of

zero, which means ignore the job_load and run the job immediately.
For information about load balancing on machines, see the chapter “Load
Balancing and Queuing Jobs,” in this guide.

Queue Priority

JIL Keyword priority

GUI Field Name Que Priority

Description The queue priority establishes the relative priority of all jobs queued for a given
machine, with the lower number indicating higher priority. If a job is ready to
run on a designated machine, but the current load on that machine is too large to
accept the new job’s load, the job will be “queued” for that machine.

The priority attribute only influences the starting of jobs that are queued, unless
the jobs are in a box. If jobs in a box have a priority attribute setting, they will be
processed in order of priority, highest to lowest.

Job Overrides

JIL Keyword override_job

GUI Field Name Edit One Time Over-Rides?

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Optional Job Attributes

Description You can specify a one-time job override for the next run of a particular job. An
override lets you change the behavior of a job the next time the job runs.

The following attributes can be modified in a job override:

auto_hold profile watch_file_min_size

min_run_alarm term_run_time exclude_calendar

std_in_file date_conditions start_mins

command run_calendar watch_interval

n_retrys watch_file machine

std_out_file days_of_week start_times

condition run_window max_run_alarm std_err_file

For a description of how to use the GUI to specify job overrides, see Specifying
One-Time Job Overrides in the chapter “Defining Jobs Using the GUI,” in this

Maximum Exit Code for Success

JIL Keyword max_exit_success

GUI Field Name Maximum Exit Code for SUCCESS

Description The maximum exit code for success attribute indicates what exit codes will be
considered as a success. It is used when a command can exit with more than just
a single exit code, indicating either “degrees of success,” or other conditions that
may not indicate a failure. This attribute lets you define complex branching logic
based on specific exit code values. Unicenter AutoSys JM reserves exit codes
greater than 120 for internal use, so do not use exit codes of 120 or greater.

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Optional Job Attributes

Average Runtimes

JIL Keyword avg_runtime

GUI Field Name (JIL only)

Description The avg_runtime attribute is used to provide an average runtime (in minutes) for
a job that is newly submitted to the database; it establishes this value in the
absence of the job having been run multiple times. This attribute is used solely to
establish an average runtime for the new job in the avg_job_runs table.


JIL Keyword heartbeat_interval

GUI Field Name Heartbeat Interval (mins)

Description Heartbeats are a means of monitoring a job’s progress. It automates the common
practice of outputting characters, similar to displaying “progress” asterisks
across the screen as a process runs. If a job does not send a heartbeat within this
specified interval, a HEARTBEAT alarm is generated. The heartbeat interval is
specified in minutes.

To send a heartbeat from a C program, call the routine found in the following
source file:

To send a heartbeat from a Bourne shell script, execute the code found in the
following file:

The event processor must be configured to check for heartbeats. To do this,

modify the configuration file, which has the following name:

For more information about the configuration file, see Sample Configuration File
in the chapter “Configuring,” in this guide. For information on sending
heartbeats, see Sending Heartbeats in the chapter “AutoSys API” in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide .

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Optional Job Attributes

Resource Check: File Space

JIL Keyword chk_files

GUI Field Name Resource Check - File System Space

Description This attribute specifies a minimum amount of file space that must be available
on the designated file systems for the job to be started. One or more file systems,
specified with full path names or directory names, and their corresponding sizes,
can be specified. If multiple file systems are specified, separate them with a
single space. When the remote agent is preparing to start the job on the client
machine, it checks whether or not the required space is available before starting
the job. If the requirements are not met, an alarm is generated and Unicenter
AutoSys JM automatically reschedules the job to start again after a delay. It will
perform the same resource check the next time it attempts to start. This feature is
intended to prevent a job that is known to require large amounts of file space
from failing due to a shortage of space during processing time.

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Optional Job Attributes

File Watcher Job Attributes

For file watcher jobs, the following attributes can be specified in addition to
those listed in Essential Job Attributes (File Watcher Job Attributes) in this
chapter. These attributes typically default to inactive if not specified.

Watch File Minimum Size

JIL Keyword watch_file_min_size

GUI Field Name Minimum File Size (in Bytes)

Description The watch file minimum size determines when enough data has been written to
the file to consider it “complete.” This attribute is specified in bytes. You should

specify a reasonable file size to ensure that a nearly empty file is not assumed to
be complete. Use caution with this attribute. If you specify a large file size
Unicenter AutoSys JM will wait for the file to reach that size, even if the file has
reached a steady state and is no longer growing.

Watch Interval

JIL Keyword watch_interval

GUI Field Name Time Interval (secs) to Determine Steady State

Description The watch interval specifies (in seconds) how often the File Watcher should
check the current file size to ascertain whether data is still being written to the
file. The default is every 60 seconds.

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Optional Job Attributes

Resource Check: File Space

JIL Keyword chk_files

GUI Field Name Resource Check - File System Space

Description This attribute specifies a minimum amount of file space that must be available
on designated file systems for a command job to be started. One or more file
systems, specified with full path names or directory names, and their
corresponding sizes can be specified. When the remote agent is preparing to start
the job on the client machine, it checks whether the required space is available
before starting the job. If the requirements are not met, an alarm is generated.
File watcher jobs will still be started.

Box Job Attributes

For box jobs, the following optional attributes can be specified, in addition to
those listed in Attributes Common to All Job Types in this chapter. These
attributes typically default to “inactive” or NULL if not specified.

Box Successful Completion

JIL Keyword box_success

GUI Field Name SUCCESS Conditions

Description The default condition required for a box to be considered successful is that every
job in the box must have completed with a success condition. A box can contain
complex branching logic, which can take a number of different paths, all of
which constitute a success. In this case, some jobs in the box may never need to
run; but if the default box behavior is applied, the jobs that did not run would
prevent the box from ever completing.

This attribute can be used to specify what is considered a success, which could
be as simple as the success of a single job, or as complex as necessary. This
attribute is only displayed in the GUI when you select a box job type.

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Optional Job Attributes

Box Failure

JIL Keyword box_failure

GUI Field Name FAILURE Condition

Description The default condition required for a box to complete with a FAILURE status is
that all jobs in the box have completed and one or more jobs in the box
completed with a failure condition. A box can contain complex branching logic,
which may take a number of different paths, one of which may include recovery
from a failed job. In this case, you may want the box to be considered successful,
even though a job within it failed. This attribute can be used to specify what will
be considered as a failure, which could be as simple as the failure of a single job,
or as complex as necessary. This attribute is only displayed in the GUI when you
select a box job type.

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Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

Date and Time attributes can be affected by the spring and fall time adjustments.
The following sections describe the job run behavior you should expect and what
plans you can make for this behavior.

The Time Change

During the changes to and from daylight saving time, your operating system
automatically changes the system clock to reflect the switch to either Standard
Time (ST) or Daylight Time (DT).

In the spring, at 2 a.m., the clocks spring forward to 3 a.m. In most of the United
States, this happens on the first Sunday in April. The following figure illustrates
the Standard to Daylight Savings time change.

When this change occurs, time runs 1:58 ST, 1:59 ST, 3:00 DT, 3:01 DT, and the
2:00 to 2:59 hour is lost.

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Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

In the fall, at 2 a.m., the clocks fall back to 1 a.m. In most of the United States, this
happens on the fourth Sunday in October. The following figure illustrates the
Daylight Savings to Standard time change.

When this change occurs, time runs 1:58 DT, 1:59 DT, 1:00 ST, 1:01 ST,..., 2:00 ST,
2:01 ST, and the 1:00 to 1:59 hour is repeated.

Behavior During Time Change

Jobs that are time dependent may have their scheduling shifted to adjust for the
time change. Jobs that are not time dependent, but have other starting
conditions, will run as normal.

There are two types of time dependencies: absolute, and relative. Absolute times

are defined to occur at a particular time of day, for example 9:30 on Thursday, or
12:00 on December 25. Absolute time dependent job attributes include:
■ days_of_week
■ exclude_calendar
■ run_calendar
■ run_window
■ start_times

Relative times are specified with respect to either the current time, or relative to
the start of the hour. For example, start a job at 10 and 20 minutes after the hour,
or terminate a job after it has run for 90 minutes. Relative time dependent job
attributes include:
■ auto_delete
■ max_run_alarm

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Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

■ min_run_alarm
■ start_mins
■ term_run_time
■ watch_interval

During the time change, absolute time attributes will behave differently than
relative time attributes, as described following.

Spring Time Change

During the change to daylight saving time in the spring, the “2:00-2:59” hour is
“lost,” therefore Unicenter AutoSys JM cannot schedule any jobs during that
nonexistent hour.

The solution is to schedule jobs with absolute time dependencies for the missing
hour to start within the first minute of the 3:00 DT hour. For example, a job
scheduled to run on Sundays at 2:05, will run at 3:00:05 that day; a job scheduled
to run everyday at 2:45 will run at 3:00:45. Although it may not be possible to
start a large number of jobs within the first minute of the hour, this feature does
somewhat preserve the scheduling order.

If you scheduled a job to run more than once during the missing hour, for
example, 2:05 and 2:25, only the first scheduled job would run. Any additional
start times for the same job in the missing hour will be ignored.
Relative time dependencies, such as start_mins, will run as you would expect.
For example, a job specified to run at 0, 20, and 40 minutes after the hour will be
scheduled for 1:00 ST, 1:20 ST, 1:40 ST, 3:00 DT, 3:20 DT, and 3:40 DT. Relative
interval calculations, such as max_run_alarm, min_run_alarm, term_run_time,
and watch_interval are still calculated in minutes out from when the job started.
For example, if our Sunday at 2:05 job has a term_run_time of 90 minutes, the job
will start shortly after 3:00, the term_run_time will be at 4:30.

Therefore, the behavior between two jobs that appear to have the same times
specified, but use start_times versus start_mins, will not be the same. For
example, job “Jrel” has start minutes of 10 and 20 minutes after the hour, and job
“Jobs” has start times of 1:10, 1:20, 2:10, 2:20, 3:10, and 3:20. “Jrel” will run at
1:10, 1:20, 3:10, and 3:20. “Jobs” will run at 1:10, 1:20, 3:00, 3:10, and 3:20.

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Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

Run Windows Run windows are treated a bit differently. If the specified closing of the run
window falls within the missing hour, its recalculated closing time will be
bumped up an hour, so that the effective duration of the run window remains

movesame. For so
to 3:30, example,
that thearun
of 1:00 - 2:30open
remains will have
for anthe closing
hour and atime

If the specified opening of the run window falls within the missing hour, its
opening time is moved to 3:00. The closing time does not get altered, therefore
the run window is foreshortened. For example, a run window of 2:45 - 3:45 will
become 3:00 - 3:45, and the actual run window elapsed time will be 15 minutes

If both the specified opening and closing of the run window is within the
missing hour, its opening time is moved to the first minute after 3:00, and its
closing time is pushed forward one hour. Therefore, the resultant run window
may be lengthened. For example, a run window of 2:15 - 2:45 will become 3:00 -
3:45, or 15 minutes longer.

Fall Time Change

During the change from daylight saving to standard time in the fall, there are
two “1:00-1:59” hours. Jobs with start_times set between 1:00 and 1:59 will run
only in the second, or Standard Time hour. Jobs with start_mins settings will run
in both hours.

For example, a job scheduled to run on Sundays at 1:05, will run only at the
second 1:05. A job scheduled to run every 30 minutes will run at 1:00 DT and
1:30 DT, then again at 1:00 ST and 1:30 ST, and so on (as shown in the following

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Date and Time Attributes and Time Changes

Jobs that are not time-based, but have other dependencies, will still run during
the first hour.

Relative interval calculations, such as max_run_alarm, min_run_alarm,

term_run_time, and watch_interval are still calculated in minutes out from when
the job started. For example, if a job is scheduled to run on Sunday at 0:30, and
has a term_run_time of 120 minutes, the job would normally be terminated at
2:30. On the day of the fall time change, it will terminate at 1:30 Standard Time,
which is 120 minutes after the job started.

Testing the Fall Time Change

During the fall time change from Daylight Savings time to Standard Time, your
operating system automatically falls back one hour from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m., causing
the hour from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m to be repeated.

When testing this time change, you must set the clock to a time before 1 a.m. and
allow the entire hour to pass before you can observe the time change. If you
manually set the time to a period within the 1 a.m to 2 a.m. window, the system
will assume that the time change has already occurred and will not reset at 2

Run Windows Run windows are treated a bit differently. If the specified opening of a run
window is before the time change, and its specified closing falls within the

example, hour,
a run itwindow
will close during
of 11:30 the daylight
- 1:30 will havesaving, or first
the closing hour.
time For DT, not
of 1:30
1:30 ST, which means that the run window remains open for its specified two
hours. This may be a problem if there are also associated start times on the job
that occurs during the repeated hour. In the example above, if the job also had a
start time of 1:15, the start time would be calculated for 1:15 ST, and the job
would not run on the day of the time change.

If the specified opening of the run window falls within the repeated hour, its
opening time is moved to the second, Standard Time hour. The closing time does
not get altered, therefore the length of the run window will remain the same. For
example, a run window of 1:45 - 2:45 will become 1:45 ST to 2:45, or the same
hour in length.

If both the specified opening and closing of the run window is within the
repeated hour, the run window will be open during the second, Standard Time

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5 Box Job Logic

This chapter explains how box jobs work, including default box behavior and
how to override the default behavior. It also explains what types of jobs should
and should not be placed in a box. To illustrate box logic, several examples of
box job definitions and job streams are provided in Examples.

Basic Box Concepts

A box is a container of jobs with like starting conditions (either date/time
conditions or job dependency conditions). Use boxes to group jobs with like
scheduling parameters, not as a means of grouping jobs organizationally. For
example, if you have a number of jobs that run daily at 1:00 a.m., you could put
all these jobs in a box and assign a daily start condition to the box. However, a
variety of account processing jobs with diverse starting conditions should not be
grouped in the same box.

Default Box Job Behavior

Some important rules to remember about boxes are as follows:

■ Jobs run only once per box execution.
■ Jobs in a box will start only if the box itself is running.
■ Boxes should be used primarily for jobs with the same starting conditions. A
box used to group sequential jobs is limited to 1,000 jobs.
■ As long as any job in a box is running, the box remains in RUNNING state;
the box cannot complete until all jobs have run.
■ By default, a box will return a status of SUCCESS only when all the jobs in
the box have run and the status of all the jobs is success.
Default SUCCESS is described in Default Box Success and Box Failure.

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Basic Box Concepts

■ By default, a box will return a status of FAILURE only when all jobs in the
box have run and the status of one or more of the jobs is failure.
Default FAILURE is described in Default Box Success and Box Failure.
■ Unless otherwise specified, a box will run indefinitely until it reaches a
status of SUCCESS or FAILURE. For a description of how to override this
behavior, see Box Job Attributes and Terminators.
■ Changing the state of a box to INACTIVE (through the sendevent command)
changes the state of all the jobs in the box to INACTIVE.

When You Should Not Use a Box

The fact that all jobs in a box change status when a box starts running has led
some to use boxes to implement job cycle behavior. Be aware that placing jobs in
a box to achieve this end may bring undesired behavior due to the nature of

Avoid the temptation to put jobs in a box as a shortcut for performing events
(such as ON_ICE or ON_HOLD) on a large number of jobs at once. You will
most likely find that the default behavior of boxes inhibits the expected
execution of the jobs you placed in the box.

Likewise, you should not place jobs in a box solely because you want to run
reports on all of them. When you run autorep on a box, you will get a report on
the box and all the jobs in the box (unless you use the -L0 option). In addition, if
you use wildcarding when specifying a job name, you could get duplicate entries
in your report. For example, suppose you have a box named acnt_box containing
three jobs named acnt_job1, acnt_job2, and daily_rep. If you specify acnt% as the
job name for the autorep report, the report will have an entry for the box
acnt_box and an entry for each job in the box. Then autorep will continue
searching for all job names matching the wildcard characters and will list
acnt_job1 and acnt_job2 a second time.

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Basic Box Concepts

What Happens When a Box Runs

As soon as a box starts running, all the jobs in the box (including sub-boxes)
change to status ACTIVATED, meaning they are eligible to run. (Because of this,
jobs in boxes do not retain their statuses from previous box cycles.) Then each job
is analyzed for additional starting conditions. All jobs with no additional starting
conditions are started, without any implied ordering or prioritizing. Jobs with
additional starting conditions remain in the ACTIVATED state until those
additional dependencies have been met. The box remains in the RUNNING state
as long as there are activated or running jobs in the box.

If a box is terminated before a job in it was able to start, the status of that job will
change directly from ACTIVATED to INACTIVE.

Note: Jobs in a box cannot start unless the box is running. However, once the job
starts running, it will continue to run even if the box is later stopped for some

Once all the jobs in a box have completed successfully, the box completes with a
status of SUCCESS. The status of the box and the jobs in the box remain
unchanged until the next time the box runs. (Some exceptions to this are
explained in How Job Status Changes Affect Box Status, discussed later in this

If a box changes to TERMINATED state, for example, if a user sends a KILLJOB

event, it will stay in TERMINATED state until the next time it is started,
regardless of any later state changes of jobs within the box.

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Basic Box Concepts

Simple Box Job

In this example, a box named simple_box contains three jobs: job_a, job_b, and
job_c. job_a and job_b have no starting conditions; the starting condition for
job_c is the success of job_b.

When simple_box starts running, all jobs change to state ACTIVATED. Because
job_a and job_b have no additional starting conditions, they will start running.
After job_b completes successfully, job_c will start. When job_c completes
successfully, the box completes with status of SUCCESS.

If job_b fails, job_c will not start; it will remain in ACTIVATED state. Because no
contingency conditions have been defined, simple_box will continue running
indefinitely, waiting for the default completion criteria to be met, namely that all
jobs in the box ran.

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Box Job Attributes and Terminators

Box Job Attributes and Terminators

The following sections describe how to use various job attributes to control the
behavior of box jobs and their contained jobs.

Attributes in a Box Job Definition

Two box job attributes override the default success or failure of a box. They are
box_success and box_failure. If included in a box job definition, they determine
what conditions must be met to put the box in a state of SUCCESS or FAILURE.
If you specify conditions for success of a box you should also specify failure
conditions; otherwise the default failure conditions are applied.

Example of a Non-Default Success Condition

Using the previous simple box example, assume you defined the following
success condition for simple_box:
box_success: success(job_a)

If job_a runs successfully, and job_b is still running, job_c would pass from
ACTIVATED state directly to INACTIVE state without ever running because the
box it is in would no longer be running.

When overriding default box terminators, be careful that you do not define
conflicting success and failure conditions.

Attributes in a Job Definition

Two attributes you can add to the definition of a job within a box to force either
the job or the box to stop running, are box_terminator and job_terminator.

The box_terminator: y attribute specifies that if the job fails, the box the job is in
should terminate. If you use this attribute, be sure you have defined conditions
for the other jobs in the box in the event that the box is terminated. For more

information, see the figure in Using the Box Terminator Attribute in this chapter.
The job_terminator: y attribute specifies that if the box the job is in fails, this job
will terminate. If you want every job in a box to terminate upon box failure, you
must add this attribute to every job definition. For more information, see the
figure in Using the Job Terminator Attribute in this chapter.

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Box Job Attributes and Terminators

Time Conditions in a Box

Each job in a box will run only once per box execution. Therefore, you should not
define more than one time attribute for any job in a box because the job will only
run the first time. If you want to put a job in a box, but you also want it to run
more than once, you must assign multiple start time conditions to the box itself,
and define no time conditions for the job.

Remember also that the box must be running before the job can start. Do not
assign a start time for a job in a box if the box will not be running at that time. If
you do, the next time the box starts the job will start immediately.

The following example illustrates a scenario that would not work properly if
placed in a box.

job_a is defined to run repeatedly until it succeeds. job_report has one starting
condition—the success of job_a.

At 3:00 a.m., bx_stat starts running, which causes job_a to start running. If job_a
is successful, job_report runs and all goes as expected. However, if job_a fails, it
will not be able to run again until the next time the box starts, because jobs run
only once per box execution. job_report will still be ACTIVATED waiting for the
success of job_a, and the status of the box will be RUNNING. The box will
remain in this state indefinitely.

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Box Job Attributes and Terminators

Force Starting Jobs in a Box

The FORCE_STARTJOB command forces a job to start even if its starting

conditions have not been met. The command has the form as follows:
sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_name

You can also execute this by selecting the Force Start Job button in the Job
Activity Console.

If you force start a job in a box, the state of the box influences whether or not
other jobs in the box will run as expected, as shown in the following example.

In the previous figure, if the job run_stats fails, the bx_report box job will
terminate because run_stats has a box_terminator attribute. If you force start
run_stats, and it completes successfully, report_stats would still not start because
the box it is in is not running.

The next section discusses how job status changes influence the status of the
container box.

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Box Job Attributes and Terminators

How Job Status Changes Affect Box Status

If a box that is not running contains a job that changes status, as a result of a
FORCE_STARTJOB or CHANGE_STATUS event, the new job status could
change the status of its container box. A change of status of the box could trigger
the start of downstream jobs that are dependent on the box.

If a box contained only one job, and the job changed status, the box status would
change as shown in the following table:

Current Box Status New Job Status New Box Status


SUCCESS SUCCESS Box status does not change


FAILURE FAILURE Box status does not change



TERMINATED Any change Box status does not change

If another job is dependent on the status of the box, the status change could
trigger the job to start. If the box status does not change, dependent jobs are not

If the box contains other jobs in addition to the job that changed status, the status
of the box will be evaluated again according to the success or failure conditions
assigned to the box (either the default or user-assigned). Any jobs in the box with
a status of INACTIVE are ignored when the status of the box is being
reevaluated. For example, consider an INACTIVE box that contains four jobs, all
with a status of INACTIVE (typical of a newly created box). If one of the jobs is
force started and completes successfully, the status of the box will change to
SUCCESS even though none of the other jobs ran.

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Spend some time studying the examples in this section. They will help explain
the logic of job flow in a box and reduce your chances of creating unexpected
box behavior.

Advanced Conditions in Box Jobs

In the following example, conditions are defined to address different situations

where the box may complete with a FAILURE status. The logic of this job flow is
as follows:
■ The box job named bx_daily_update has date and time conditions specified
for its starting conditions; it runs every day of the week at 3:00 a.m. This box

contains three command jobs whose overall purpose is to update files and
generate a report.
■ The command job named job_update updates a set of files. It is defined as
being inside bx_daily_update. It will run as soon as bx_daily_update starts
because it has no other starting conditions. This job has a box_terminator
attribute; therefore, if this job fails, the box containing this job will be
■ The command job named job_run_stats runs statistics on the updated files. It
is defined as being inside bx_daily_update. It will run only on the successful
completion of the job named job_update. This job has a box_terminator
attribute; therefore, if this job fails, the box containing this job will be
■ The command job named job_report_stats reports on the statistics generated
by job_run_stats. It is defined as being inside bx_daily_update. It has a job
dependency condition specified for its starting parameter. It will run only on
the successful completion of the job named job_run_stats.

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■ The command job named job_trigger_msg has a job dependency condition

specified for its starting parameter. It will run only on the FAILURE of the
box job named bx_daily_update. This job will page an operator in order that

the problem is investigated.

The following figure illustrates this job stream:

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Default Box Success and Box Failure

The box job do_statistics runs every day at 3:00 a.m. It contains three jobs.
update_accounts updates files; it has no other starting conditions so it starts as
soon as the box starts running. run_stats runs statistics; its only starting
condition is the success of update_accounts. report_stats reports statistics; its
only starting condition is the success of run_stats. No conditions for success or
failure of the box have been defined; therefore the default conditions are applied.
That is, box success is when all jobs in the box have run and successfully
completed; box failure is when all jobs in the box have run and at least one has
failed. The box will remain in the RUNNING state until all jobs in the box have

The following figure illustrates this job stream logic:

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Explicit Box Success and Box Failure

The following figure illustrates box success and failure:

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Using the Box Terminator Attribute

The following figure illustrates using box_terminator:

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Using the Job Terminator Attribute

The following figure illustrates using job_terminator:

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Advanced Job Streams

Scenario on the First of the Month

The first time the cycle is run (for example, January 1), statuses behave as

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Scenario on the Second of Month

On days of the month other than the 1st, job_Fwatch and job_monthly do not
run. They still have a status of SUCCESS in the database from the previous run
on the first of the month. As a result, job_daily will still run.

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Scenario I on First of the Month

On the first of the next month (for example, February 1), the file from the
mainframe fails to arrive; therefore, job_monthly does not run for the month.
However, its event status in the database is still SUCCESS from the previous
month, and as a result, job_daily runs in error.

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Scenario II on First of the Month

To fix statuses that are time-related, you can use a sendevent command to
change them to INACTIVE at the end of their valid time period. You can create
another job to do this automatically.

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Scenario III on First of the Month

Instead of issuing a sendevent command to change the status of the jobs, you
could put the monthly process in a box, and set box_failure or box_terminator

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6 Defining Jobs Using the GUI

This chapter describes how to define jobs using the graphical user interface or
GUI. It also provides information about creating various types of jobs. It
discusses changing and deleting a job and how to set time dependencies.

Starting the GUI

To start the GUI:

Enter the following command at the UNIX prompt:

autosc &

The GUI control panel appears:

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Starting the GUI

GUI Control Panel

The control panel buttons and the actions they perform:

Console the Job Activity Console, used to monitor jobs and alarms.

Job Definition
Displays the Job Definition dialog, used to define jobs.
Displays the Calendar Definition window, used to define run and exclude
Displays the Monitor/Browser dialog, used to define and run monitors and
reports (or browsers).
Exits the GUI.

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Job Definition Dialogs

Job Definition Dialogs

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides several dialogs that you can use for defining
jobs. You may use up to three, or as few as one dialog, depending on the
complexity of the job. At the top of each dialog box is its title, such as Job
Definition. This chapter is organized around these dialogs.

The Job Definition Dialog

The Job Definition dialog contains fields representing all the basic information
you need to define a job.

When you click the Job Definition in the control panel, the Job Definition dialog

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Job Definition Dialogs

Date/Time Options Dialog

In the Starting Parameters region (middle section) of the Job Definition dialog,
there is a Date/Time Options button. When you click this button it displays the
Date/Time Options dialog, as the following shows:

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog perform the following actions:

Accesses the Graphical Calendar facility.
Closes the Date/Time Options dialog.

In addition to setting specific date and time starting conditions, at this dialog
you can specify (and search for) any run or exclude calendars that have been
defined for the job. To do this, you use one of the provided Search buttons.

All entries made in the dialog are maintained in memory after you close the
dialog. They are saved only when you select Save at the Job Definition dialog.

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Job Definition Dialogs

Job Definition Advanced Features Dialog

When you click the Adv Features control button in the Job Definition dialog, it
displays the Job Definition Advanced Features dialog, as the following shows:

The Job Definition Advanced Features dialog has fields for all the additional
features that can be specified for a job. Many of these fields are organized by job
type, and they only pertain to the type of job on which you are working.

Note: The External Application field is disabled. It is a placeholder for future


The control buttons in this dialog are as follows:

Closes the dialog; any entries made in the dialog are maintained in memory,
so that a subsequent Save will save this information.
Save Dismiss
Closes the dialog and saves the job, including the advanced features
information to the database.

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Creating a Simple Command Job

Creating a Simple Command Job

The most basic command job requires only a few fields to be entered in the Job
Definition dialog. To demonstrate this, we will walk you through the process of
defining a simple job named test_run which has no starting parameters. When
manually started, this job will only echo a message to standard output.

Create an example job as follows:

In the GUI Control Panel, single-click on the Job Definition button. This action
opens the Job Definition dialog.

To define the example job:

1. In the Job Name field, enter the job’s name:

2. In the Job Type field, click the Command radio button.

3. In the Execute On Machine field, enter the name of the machine on which the
command will be executed. You should enter your own valid, licensed client
machine name.
4. In the Command to Execute field, enter the following command to be
/bin/echo AUTOSYS install test run

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Creating a Simple Command Job

Your entries in the Job Definition dialog should look like the following:

Note: The Owner field for the job defaults to the currently logged on user—not
the user shown in these examples.

Save the example job by clicking Save.

Leave the Job Definition dialog on your screen to use for the next example.

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Creating a File Watcher Job

Creating a File Watcher Job

Next, you will create a File Watcher Job. This job will watch for an end-of-day
transaction file called EOD_trans_file. File Watcher jobs, themselves, do not
actually execute commands; they are used to signal the arrival of files, and
typically set off the execution of a command job.

Using the Job Definition dialog, follow these steps to create a File Watcher Job:
1. In the Job Name field, enter the job name:

2. In the Job Type field, click the File Watcher radio button.
3. In the Execute on Machine field, enter the name of the machine on which the
command will be executed. You should enter your own valid, licensed client
machine name.
4. In the File To Watch For field, enter the file name:

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Creating a File Watcher Job

Your entries in the Job Definition dialog should look like the following:

Set the file watching criteria as follows:

Click Adv Features at the top of the Job Definition dialog, and the Job Definition
Advanced Features dialog appears.

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Creating a File Watcher Job

The completed dialog should look like the following:

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Creating a Dependent Command Job

Creating a Dependent Command Job

Now, you will create a command job that is dependent on the successful
completion of the file watcher job you just created. The only difference between
this command job and the simple command job you created earlier, is that this
one will be dependent on another job.

Using the Job Definition dialog, follow these steps:

1. In the Job Name field, enter the job’s name:

2. In the Job Type field, click Command.

3. In the Starting Condition field, enter the only starting condition, in this case
the successful completion of the file watcher job:

4. In the Execute On Machine field, enter the name of the machine on which the
file watcher will run. You should enter your own valid, licensed client
machine name.
5. To Execute field, enter the command that is to run when the file watcher
completes as follows:

The environment variable $HOME means that the post executable is located
in the job owner’s home directory.

Note: The job’s execution environment is determined exclusively by the profile,

which is sourced immediately before the job is started. By default, the file
/etc/auto.profile is sourced. This can be overridden by specifying another
profile in the File to Define Job Environment field in the Job Definition Advanced
Features dialog. For information on the profile job attribute, see the chapter
JIL/GUI Job Definitions in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference

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Creating a Dependent Command Job

The completed Job Definition dialog should look like the following:

Save the job by clicking Save.

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Creating a Box Job

Creating a Box Job

Assume that you want to schedule a group of jobs to all start running once the
file watcher completes successfully. Rather than make each job dependent on the
file watcher, you can create a box that is dependent on the file watcher, and place
all of the jobs in the box. (For detailed information on box jobs, see the chapter
Box Job Logic, in this guide.)

Now you will create a box, then change the job you just created to put it in the
box, and then make it no longer individually dependent on the file watcher.

In the Job Definition dialog, enter the following information:

1. In the Job Name field, enter the job name:

2. In the Job Type field, click Box.

When you select the box job type, the lowest section of the Job Definition
dialog changes from Command & File Watch Information to Box Completion
3. In the Starting Condition field, enter the only starting condition, in this case
the successful completion of the file watcher job:

To save the job:

Click the Save button at the top of the Job Definition dialog.

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Creating a Box Job

The completed dialog should look like the following:

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Changing a Job

Changing a Job
This exercise will change an existing job. You should make sure a job is not
running before you modify or delete it.

In this exercise, you will place the EOD_post job, created previously, in the
newly created box. To load an existing job into the Job Definition dialog, you can
either enter its name explicitly in the Job Name field and click the Search button,
or you can use the Search Facility. For this exercise, you will use the search
facility. You can enter some portion of the job name, followed by the percent (%)
wildcard character. The percent (%) character will match any string of one or
more characters in the job name. For instance, %box% will match any job name
with the string box anywhere in the name.

Use the search facility by:

1. In the Job Name field, enter:

2. Click Search below the Job Name field.

A Selection List Box similar to the one shown in the following graphic
appears containing all the jobs currently defined in the database that start
with the string EOD. (The list box shown below may not match yours
exactly, since you can have other jobs defined.)
3. Typing just the percent (%) wildcard character will display all the jobs
defined in the database.

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Changing a Job

4. Double-click the desired job’s name, in this case, EOD_post.

This will automatically dismiss the Selection List Box and display the
requested job in the Job Definition dialog. If the job you wanted was not in
the list, you could click the Cancel button to dismiss the Selection List Box
without making a selection.

Place the EOD_post job in the box:

1. In the Name of Box this Job is IN field, enter the box name:

This field also has a search facility, which works the same as the Job Name
search facility, complete with wildcarding using the percent (%) character.
2. In the Starting Condition field, delete the string:
success (EOD_watch)
This starting condition has been assigned to EOD_Box. Now that this job is
in a box, it will inherit the starting condition of the box.
3. Click Save at the top of the dialog to save the changes.

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Setting Time Dependencies

Setting Time Dependencies

The test_run job you created at the beginning of the chapter will only be
executed if it is started manually.

Set the job to run on certain days at certain times, such as 10:00 a.m. and 2:00
p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays:
1. In the Job Name field, enter the job name to be modified:

2. Click the Search button to display the specified job.

3. In the Starting Parameters region of the Job Definition dialog, locate the Is
the Start Date/Time Dependent? field and click Yes.
4. Click the Date/Time Options button.
5. The Date/Time Options dialog appears:

6. In the Date region of the dialog, select the days on which the job is to run. In
this case, click the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday buttons.
These buttons can be toggled on and off and are not mutually exclusive.

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Setting Time Dependencies

7. In the Time region of the dialog, select the times when the job is to be run, in
this case, click the Times of day field, then enter:
10:00, 14:00

Unlike in JIL, the times do not have to be enclosed in quotes when they are
entered in the GUI.
8. To close the Date/Time Options dialog, click Dismiss.
The information is retained in memory until the job is either saved to the
database or cleared.

To save the new start date/time information for this job in the database click
Save in the Job Definition dialog.

Note: If a job runs daily at the same time (example: 12:00) and you EDIT this job
definition and save this job at (11:59), the job will not run today but will run
tomorrow at (12:00).

When a start time job definition is written to the database within one minute of
the current runtime, the start time will be placed in the future, meaning
tomorrow. However, if the start time is two minutes or greater from the current
save time the job will run today.

Additional Time Setting Features

You can base the time settings for a job on a specific time zone. To do this, you
enter a valid time zone in the Time Zone field in the Job Definition Advanced
Features dialog. For details on specifying a time zone in a job definition, see
timezone in the chapter JIL/GUI Job Definitions in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide.

To have a job run at specific minutes past every hour, as opposed to specific
times of day, specify the minutes past every hour in the Every Hour at field.

If you want to run a job every day, rather than only on specific days, you click
the Every Day button instead of the individual buttons for each day.

If you want to schedule a job for specific dates, rather than specific days of the
week, you can specify a custom calendar name in the Run on Days in Calendar
field. If the custom calendar does not already exist, create it by clicking the
Calendars button, which displays the Graphical Calendar Facility.

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Deleting a Job

You can specify a custom calendar defining days on which the job must not run.
You specify this calendar in the Do NOT Run on Days in Calendar (Exclude)

To view the calendars defined, use the Search buttons beneath each of these
fields. These buttons display a list box from which you can select a pre-defined
calendar. To define a calendar on the fly, click Calendars, which displays the
Graphical Calendar Facility.

Deleting a Job
Now you will delete the test_run job, which you just modified. You delete all
jobs, regardless of type, in exactly the same way. To delete a job, you can either
enter its name explicitly in the Job Name field, or use the search facility. In this
final exercise, you will use the search facility. You can enter some portion of the
job name, followed by the percent (%) character, or just enter the (%) character
alone, for a global search.

Delete a job by doing the following:

1. In the Job Name field, enter:

2. Click Search to initiate the search.

A Selection List Box appears, allowing you to select the desired job.
3. Double-click the desired job’s name, in this case, test_run. This will
automatically dismiss the Selection List Box and display the requested job in
the Job Definition dialog.
4. Verify that the test_job job is displayed in the Job Definition dialog.
Note: No confirmation dialog appears when you delete a job using the GUI,
so ensure that you are deleting the right job.
5. To delete the job from the database, at the top of the Job Definition dialog,

click Delete.

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Specifying One-Time Job Overrides

Deleting a Box Job

When using the GUI to delete a box job, Unicenter AutoSys JM will delete the
box, and will recursively delete all jobs within that box.

Using the GUI, there is no way to delete just the box itself and not its contents.

However, with JIL, you can use the delete_job sub-command to delete the box
while leaving its contents intact (see Deleting a Job in the chapter Defining Jobs
Using JIL).

The GUI includes more fields than are discussed in this chapter. All fields are
discussed in detail in the chapter JIL/GUI Job Definitions in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

Specifying One-Time Job Overrides

Using the GUI, you can specify a job override for the next run of a particular job;
that is, the next time a job runs, you can change its behavior. When using the
GUI to specify job overrides, you enter new values into the GUI fields, or enter
NULL in a GUI field to turn off a value.

Job overrides are applied for the next run of the job only. If a RESTART event is
generated because of system problems, Unicenter AutoSys JM will reissue a job
override until the job actually runs once, or until the maximum number of retries
limit is met. After this, the override is discarded.

Note: The maximum number of job restarts after system or network failure is
specified in the MaxRestartTrys parameter in the configuration file. One-time job
overrides will be applied to jobs restarted due to system problems, but will not
be applied to jobs restarted because of application failures. System problems
include such things as machine unavailability, media failures, or insufficient disk
space. Application failures include such things as inability to read or write a file,
command not found, exit status greater than the defined maximum exit status

for success, or various syntax errors.

You cannot submit an override if it results in an invalid job definition. For
example, if a job definition has only one starting condition, start_times, you
cannot set the start_times attribute to NULL because removing the start
condition makes the job definition invalid (no start time could be calculated).

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Specifying One-Time Job Overrides

The GUI dialogs, regions, and fields that you can use in a job override
specification (definition) are listed in the following table:

Dialog Region Field

Job Definition Job Definition Edit Onetime Over-Rides?

Starting Parameters Starting Condition

Is Start Date/Time Dependent?

Command & File Execute On Machine

Watch Information
Command To Execute
File To Watch for

Advanced Alarms Minimum RunTime

Maximum RunTime

File Watching Time Interval (secs) to Determine

Criteria Steady State
Minimum File Size (In BYTES)

Terminators Terminate this job Mins after


Command Information Job Environment Profile

File To Redirect to Standard Input

File To Redirect to Standard
File To Redirect Standard Error
External Application

Misc. Features Number of Times to Restart this

Job after a FAILURE
Delete Job hours after Completion

AutoHold On?

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Specifying One-Time Job Overrides

Dialog Region Field

Date/Time DATE (all date settings)
Run on Days in Calendar
Do NOT Run on Days in
Calendar (Exclude)

TIME (all time settings)

Run Window

Setting Job Overrides

Set job overrides with the following:

1. At the Job Definition dialog, enter the name of the desired job and click
2. In the Edit OneTime Over-Rides? field, click Yes. Now, the dialog is in job
override mode, and only the available fields for specifying job overrides are
3. At the appropriate dialogs and fields, specify the overrides you want.

Save the job overrides with the following:

Click Save at the top of the Job Definition dialog. This action returns you to
job definition mode.

Delete the job overrides:

1. At the Job Definition dialog, enter the name of the job for which you want to
delete the overrides and click the Search button.
2. In the Edit OneTime Over-Rides? field, click Yes.
3. Click Delete. This action deletes the job overrides.

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Customizing the Job Definition GUI

Customizing the Job Definition GUI

A set of X resources you can use to customize the appearance and behavior of
the Job Definition GUI. In particular, these resources allow you to control:
■ The time interval after which the Monitor/Browser GUI will drop the
connection to the database.
■ The Monitor/Browse GUI icon text and the Monitor/Browse title bar text.

Descriptions of the resources which can be customized are given following. All
of these can be set by modifying the X resource file autosc. The X resources files
reside in the local app-defaults directory, which varies across platforms. It is
usually in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults or /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults. If
you are not sure which directory these files are in, ask your system

Individual users can have their own copy of the X resources files in their
$HOME directory, which will take precedence over the app-defaults files.

For most operating systems, if you are exporting the display to another machine
you must edit the appropriate files in the app-defaults directory on the local

For Sun Solaris, you must edit the files in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults and
/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults directories. The files in

/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults control the resources when you export the display.

Database Connection Time-Out Interval

The following resource controls the time interval after which the Job Definition
GUI will drop the connection to the database.
! TimeOut to drop DB connections (in minutes)
*DBDropTime: 400

If DBDropTime is set to zero, the connection is dropped immediately after the

database query has completed. A value greater than or equal to 5 means that the
GUI will automatically drop all database connections if the database has not
been accessed in the last DBDropTime minutes. (Values of 1 to 4 are invalid). A
new database connection will subsequently be established when required. If
DBDropTime is greater than 360, the connection to the database is maintained
until the GUI screens are exited.

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Customizing the Job Definition GUI

Job Definition Title Bar Text and Icon Text

The following resources specify the title bar text and the icon text. By default the
title bar text is Job Definition and the icon text is JobDef.

Note: When changing icon text, be sure the length of the new text string does not
exceed the recommended maximum length for icon title text for your windowing
system. Some window managers can display long icon text strings, while others
will truncate them. Ensure the text string you specify for your icons displays
appropriately. Also, some window managers allow you to change the size of
icons and icon text font.

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7 Defining Jobs Using JIL

This chapter describes how to define jobs using the Job Information Language or
JIL. It also provides information about creating various types of jobs. It discusses
changing and deleting a job, and how to set time dependencies. An example JIL
script is provided.

Job Information Language (JIL)

Job Information Language (JIL) is a scripting language, which provides a way to
specify how jobs should behave. JIL scripts contain one or more JIL sub-
commands and one or more attribute statements; these elements constitute a job

JIL Syntax Rules

When writing a JIL script, you must follow the syntax rules listed following.

Rule 1

Each sub-command uses the following form:

sub_command: job_name


sub_command Indicates one of the sub-commands listed in the table in JIL Sub-commands in

this chapter.
job_name Specifies the user-specified name of the job to receive action.

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Job Information Language (JIL)

Rule 2

Each sub-command can be followed by one or more attribute statements. These

statements can occur in any order, and are applied to the job specified in the
preceding sub-command. A subsequent sub-command begins a new set of
attributes for a different job. The attribute statements have the following form:
attribute_keyword: value


attribute_keyword Indicates one of the legal JIL attributes.

value Specifies the setting to be applied to the attribute.

Rule 3

Multiple attribute statements can be entered on the same line, but the lines must
be separated by at least one space.

Rule 4

A box must be defined before the jobs can be placed in it.

Rule 5

Legal value settings can include any of the following characters: uppercase and
lowercase letters, hyphens, underscores, numbers, colons (if the colon is escaped
with quotes or a preceding backslash), and the at character (@).

Rule 6

Any colons used in an attribute statement’s value setting must be escaped,

because JIL parses on the combination of keyword followed by a colon. For
example, to specify the time to start a job, specify 10:00. The colon can also be

escaped with a preceding backslash (\) as in 10\:00.

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Job Information Language (JIL)

Rule 7

Comments are indicated using one of the following two methods:

An entire line can be commented by placing a pound sign (#) in the first
■ The C programming syntax used for beginning a comment with a slash star
(/*) and ending it with a star slash (*/) can be used; this allows comments to
span multiple lines. The following command is an example:
/* this is a comment */

JIL Subcommands

JIL subcommands are used to create, modify, override, or delete a job definition.
These subcommands are listed in the following table.

Subcommand Action

insert_job Add a new job.

insert_machine Add a new machine.

update_job Edit fields on an existing job.

delete_job Delete an existing job from the database.

delete_box Delete an existing box job, and recursively delete all

the jobs, which are contained in the box.

override_job Apply overrides on indicated job attributes for the

next run of this job.

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Job Information Language (JIL)

Submitting Job Definitions

As stated earlier, a completed JIL script is called a job definition. This job
definition must be submitted to the database before the job it defines can be run.
You can submit a job to the database using one of the following methods:
■ Submit it by redirecting a JIL script file to the jil command, for example:
jil < my_jil_script

■ Interactively submit it by issuing the jil command and pressing Enter; then
entering JIL statements at the provided command prompts:

To exit interactive mode, enter exit at the prompt, or press Ctrl+D.

Both of these methods are analogous to saving a job definition in the GUI, using
the Job Definition dialog.

To specify the instance to which definitions are to be sent and applied, you can
use the -S autoserv_instance argument to the jil command. For single instance
environments, the command will default to the only available instance.

For the jil command to work properly, the correct environment variables must be
assigned. For more information about these variables, see the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide. For more information about the jil
command, see its definition in the chapter Commands in the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide.

Running JIL

After a job definition has been submitted to the database, it will be started
according to the starting parameters specified in its JIL script. That is, the event
processor will continually poll the database and when it determines that the
starting parameters have been met, it will run the job.

If a JIL script does not specify any starting parameters for a job, the job will not
be started automatically by the event processor; it will start only if you issue the
sendevent command. For example, assume a job named test_install has no
starting parameters specified in its JIL script. The only way to start it would be to
issue the following command:
sendevent -E STARTJOB -J test_install

This command tells the event processor to start the job named test_install.

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Creating a Simple Command Job

For more information about the sendevent command, see its definition in the
chapter Commands in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

Creating a Simple Command Job

To create the most basic command job, you only need to specify a few attributes.
For example, the JIL script required to define a simple command job named
test_run as follows:
insert_job: test_run
job_type: c /*(optional, it is the default) */
machine: tibet
command: /bin/touch /tmp/test_run.out

This JIL script instructs:

■ To add a new job named test_run.
■ That the new job is a command job.
■ To run the job on the client machine named tibet.
■ To execute the UNIX /bin/touch command on the file named

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Creating a File Watcher Job

Creating a File Watcher Job

File watcher jobs do not execute commands themselves; they are used to signal
the arrival of files, and typically set off the execution of a command job. For
example, the JIL script required to define a file watcher job named EOD_watch
as follows:
insert_job: EOD_watch
job_type: f
machine: tibet
watch_file: /tmp/EOD_trans_file
watch_interval: 60
watch_file_min_size: 50000

This JIL script instructs:

■ To add a new job named EOD_watch.

That the new job will be a file watcher job.

■ To run the job on the client machine named tibet.
■ To watch for an end of day transaction file named EOD_trans_file in the
/tmp directory.
■ Check the file every 60 seconds.
■ Determine if the file has reached the minimum file size of 50,000 bytes.

Until the minimum file size of 50,000 bytes has been reached, the file will not be
considered as complete. When the file reaches this minimum size and does not

change between check intervals (60 seconds in this example) it is considered

complete (also known as steady state). When this occurs, the file watcher job will
end with a SUCCESS condition.

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Creating a Dependent Command Job

Creating a Dependent Command Job

Command jobs can be dependent on the successful completion of other jobs,
such as the file watcher job created in the previous section. The only difference
between a dependent command job and a simple command job is its dependency
on another job.

For example, the JIL script required to define a dependent command job named
EOD_post is given following. EOD_post will be specified to run on the same
machine as the file watcher job created in the previous section, since it
presumably will need the watched-for file to process. And, it will be dependent
on the success of the file watcher job.
insert_job: EOD_post
job_type: c
machine: tibet
condition: success(EOD_watch)
command: $HOME/post

This JIL script instructs:

■ To add a new job named EOD_post.
■ That the new job will be a command job.
■ To run the job on the client machine named tibet.
■ To run the job only if the file watcher job named EOD_watch completes with
a SUCCESS status.

To source the /etc/auto.profile file (sources this file by default), and then, to
run the job named post located in the job owner’s home directory.

Note: The job’s execution environment is determined exclusively by the profile,

which is sourced immediately before the job is started. By default, the file
/etc/auto.profile, on the client machine, will be sourced. This can be overridden
by specifying another profile by using the profile attribute.

For information on the profile job attribute, see its entry in the chapter JIL/GUI
Job Definitions in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows and
UNIX Reference Guide.

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Creating a Box

Creating a Box
Box jobs are a convenient way to start multiple jobs. When you put jobs in a box,
you only have to start a single job (the box) in order for all the jobs in the box to
start running.

Assume you want to schedule a group of jobs to all start running once the file
watcher completes successfully. Rather than make each job dependent on the file
watcher, you can create a box that is dependent on the file watcher, and place all
of the jobs in the box.

Now you will create a box, then change the job you just created to put it in the
box, and then make it no longer individually dependent on the file watcher. The
JIL script required to define a box job named EOD_box as follows:

insert_job: EOD_box
job_type: b
condition: success(EOD_watch)

This JIL script instructs:

■ To add a new job named EOD_box.
■ That the new job will be a box job.
■ To run the job only if the file watcher job named EOD_watch completes with
a SUCCESS status.

For information on box jobs, see the chapter Box Job Logic, in this guide.

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Adding Machines

Adding Machines
The insert_machine sub-command adds a new machine definition to the
database for one of the following:
■ Real machine
■ Virtual machine
■ Universal Job Management Agent
■ Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect

The machine type can be specified as either r for real, v for virtual, n for
Windows, t for NSM or a Universal Job Management Agent, and c for Unicenter

AutoSys JM Connect. The component real machines in a virtual machine

definition must be all of the same type, for example, all UNIX machines or all
Windows machines (not a mix).

If the machine being defined is a virtual machine, the insert_machine sub-

command is followed by one or more machine attributes that specify real
insert_machine: (machine_name bocovic)
Type: t
Database change was successful.

machine_name Specifies the unique name of the machine to be defined. It can be from 1-30
alphanumeric characters, and is terminated with white space; embedded blanks
and tabs are illegal.

The default type is UNIX (n or v), if no type is specified.

Any machine accessible through the TCP/IP protocol can be specified in the
machine attribute of a job; it need not be explicitly defined using the
insert_machine command. However, any undefined machine will have a
default factor of 1.0 and no max_load, meaning that there will be no limit on
the job load assigned to it.

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Changing a Job

Any machine defined in the /etc/hosts file on the machine running the Event
Processor can be specified in the machine attribute of a job; it need not be
explicitly defined using the insert_machine command. However, any
undefined machine will have a default factor of 1.0 and no max_load, meaning
that there will be no limit on the job load assigned to it.

Changing a Job
To place an existing job in a box, you need to change the EOD_post command
job that was created previously. You will place the EOD_post job in the newly
created box.

You should make sure a job is not running before you modify or delete it.

To change a job, you can either use the update_job subcommand, or you can
delete the job definition, using the delete_job subcommand, then redefine the job
using the insert_job subcommand. The latter scenario is particularly useful when
many non-default attributes have been specified, and you want to unset them
rather than reset them; in other words, you want to deactivate them. However,
you will have to respecify any of the attributes that need to remain the same.

So, in the example following, you will use the update method. The JIL script

required to change the EOD-post job and to put it in the EOD_box as follows:
update_job: EOD_post
condition: NULL
box_name: EOD_box

This JIL script instructs:

■ To update the job named EOD_post.
■ Remove the starting condition from the job definition, because the job will
inherit the starting condition of the box in which it is placed.
■ Put the job named EOD_post in the box named EOD_box.

The EOD_post command job is now in the EOD_box box job, and has inherited
starting parameters of the box.

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Setting Time Dependencies

Setting Time Dependencies

The test_run job you specified at the beginning of the chapter has no starting
conditions. Therefore, it will only run if it is started using the sendevent
command. To set the job to run automatically on certain days at a certain time,
such as 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, you
would modify the job using the JIL script as follows:
update_job: test_run
date_conditions: y
days_of_week: mo, we, fr
start_times: 10:00, 14:00

This JIL script instructs:

■ To update the job named test_run.
■ Activate the conditions based on date.
■ Set the job to run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
■ On each of these three days, start the job at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

The times shown in the script previously are quoted, since they contain a colon.
They could also have been escaped by using backslashes, as follows:
start_times: 10\:00, 14\:00

Additional Time Setting Features

If you wanted the time settings for the job based on a specific time zone, you
would use the timezone attribute. If you specify a time zone that includes a
colon, you must quote the time zone name like:
timezone: IST-5:30

If you do not quote a time zone that contains a colon, the colon will be
interpreted as a delimiter, producing unexpected results.

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Setting Time Dependencies

If you had wanted to run the job every day, rather than only on specific days,
you could have specified the all value, instead of listing the individual day
values. Or, if you had wanted to schedule the job for specific dates, rather than

specific dayshad
would have of the week, you
to define could have
the calendar, specified
using a customCalendar
the Graphical calendar.Facility,
First, you
the autocal_asc command. Then, you would specify the calendar name,
weekday_cal, using the following JIL statement:
run_calendar: weekday_cal

You could have specified a custom calendar specifying the days on which the job
was not to be run, holiday_cal, using the following JIL statement:
exclude_calendar: holiday_cal

If you wanted the job to run at specific times every hour, as opposed to specific
times of day, the minutes past every hour could have been specified. For
example, to run a job at a quarter after and a quarter before each hour, use the
following JIL statement:
start_mins: 15, 45

Note: If a job runs daily at the same time (example: 12:00) and you edit this job
definition and save this job at (11:59), the job will not run today but will run
tomorrow at (12:00).

When a start time job definition is written to the database within one minute of
the current runtime, the start time will be placed in the future, meaning
tomorrow. However, if the start time is two minutes or greater from the current
save time the job will run today.

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Deleting a Job

Deleting a Job
Now you will delete the test_run job, which you specified at the beginning of
this chapter. To delete the test_run job, enter the following JIL sub-command:
delete_job: test_run

The delete_job sub-command checks the job_cond table and notifies you if
dependent conditions for the deleted job exist. This functionality only works
when JIL is in job verification mode (which is the default mode).

Deleting a Box Job

To delete a box, and recursively delete every job in that box:

Use the delete_box subcommand as follows:

delete_box: EOD_box

To delete a box, but leave its contents intact:

Use the delete_job subcommand on the box as follows:
delete_job: EOD_box

You can configure a number of other attributes using JIL. These attributes are
described in detail in the chapter JIL/GUI Job Definitions in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide. This
reference chapter provides complete information on all job attributes specified
using JIL.

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Specifying One-Time Job Overrides

Setting Job Overrides

To set job overrides, you use the override_job subcommand; you only need to
specify those attributes that you want to override. Using this command, you can
also temporarily delete a job attribute.

For example, if you wanted to run a job named RunData with no conditions
(where some had been previously specified) and you wanted to output the
results to a different output file, you would enter a JIL script as follows:
override_job: RunData
condition: NULL
std_out_file: /usr/out/run.special

To cancel the job overrides specified in the script previous, you would enter the
following JIL script:
override_job: RunData delete

Note: Once you have submitted a JIL script to the database, you cannot view the
JIL script and edit a job override. If you want to change the override values, you
must submit another JIL script with new values, or use the GUI. However, the
original override (that is, the first over_num) remains stored in the overjob table
in the database.

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Example JIL Script

Example JIL Script

The following is a full example of an JIL script. It incorporates the creation and
use of a command job, a file watcher job, and a box job. The processing scenario
is described following:
■ A file named /download/mainframe/sales.raw is expected to arrive from
the mainframe sometime after 2:00 a.m.
■ When the file arrives, it is processed by the command file named
filter_mainframe_info, and the results are placed in the file named
■ When the previous functions are completed, the file named
/download/mainframe/sales.sql (containing SQL statements) is executed.
# Example of Jobs
insert_job: Nightly_Download
job_type: b
date_conditions: yes
days_of_week: all
start_times: 02:00
insert_job: Watch_4_file
job_type: f
box_name: Nightly_Download
watch_file: /download/mainframe/sales.raw
machine: gateway
insert_job: filter_data
job_type: c
box_name: Nightly_Download
condition: success(Watch_4_file)
command: filter_mainframe_info
machine: gateway
std_in_file: /download/mainframe/sales.raw
std_out_file: /download/mainframe/sales.sql
std_err_file: /log/filter_mainframe_info.err
insert_job: update_DBMS
job_type: c
box_name: Nightly_Download
condition: success(filter_data)
machine: gateway
command: isql -U mutt -P jeff
std_in_file: /download/mainframe/sales.sql

An example of the output generated by the autorep command for the previous
job definition is provided in Examples for the autorep command in the chapter

Commands of the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows and UNIX
Reference Guide.

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8 The Graphical Calendar Facility

This chapter describes the Graphical Calendar Facility and how to use it to
create, view, and maintain calendars. It also describes how to preview a calendar
before applying its dates and how to apply custom rules to a calendar.

A calendar is simply a collection of dates grouped as a single entity. The

Calendar Facility lets you define and maintain calendars using a point and click
approach on graphical displays of a conventional calendar. Once these dates are
defined in a calendar, you can use the calendar to schedule jobs. In the job
definition, you can specify that a job start (or not start) on the dates defined in a
calendar. Calendars do not in themselves convey any rules about when a job
should or should not start; this meaning is assigned exclusively through the job

The Calendar Facility lets you:

■ Define calendars.

Apply custom rules to a calendar, such as the “first weekday of every
month,” rather than selecting the individual dates by hand.
■ Block out certain dates, such as holidays, when editing calendars.
■ Select options that will automatically reschedule conflicting dates when
applying a rule. A “conflicted” date is a date that is blocked out but also
meets the qualifications of the rule being applied. A number of alternatives
for rescheduling are provided.
■ Build a new calendar by overlaying multiple, pre-existing calendars, and
allowing you to further customize the new calendar manually.

Preview a calendar before applying it to another calendar.
■ Import and export text definitions for calendars.

Note: There is a command-line based calendar editor utility. It is called


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Scheduling Jobs with Calendars

Scheduling Jobs with Calendars

In the job definition, use one of the following methods to apply a calendar:

With JIL, enter a calendar name in the run_calendar or exclude_calendar

■ In the Job Definition Date/Time Options dialog, enter a calendar name in the
Run on Days in Calendar field or the Do NOT Run on Days in Calendar
(Exclude) field.

For example, you could create a calendar called “holidays” containing the dates
of all corporate holidays. For jobs that you want to start on holidays, you would
define this using the attribute:
run_calendar: holidays

For jobs that you do not want to start on holidays, you would define this using
the attribute:
exclude_calendar: holidays

Jobs scheduled with the run_calendar attribute are scheduled to start on every
day specified in the calendar, at the times specified in the calendar or in the
start_times or start_mins attribute. If present in the job definition, the start_times
or start_mins attribute overrides the times specified in a run calendar. If no start
time is specified, calendar-scheduled jobs start at midnight, by default.

Note: Times can be assigned to calendars only when using the command-line
calendar definition tool, autocal_asc.

Jobs scheduled with the run_calendar attribute are scheduled on the next
available date from that calendar. Dates previous to the current date are ignored.

Jobs scheduled with the exclude_calendar attribute can make use of other start
conditions in the job definition. In this case, Unicenter AutoSys JM evaluates the
start conditions and, if they are true, checks if the date is set in the
exclude_calendar. If it is in the exclude_calendar, the job will not be started, and
its status will be changed to INACTIVE.

For more details on these job attributes, see their reference pages in the chapter
“JIL/GUI Job Definitions” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
Windows and UNIX Reference Guide.

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Starting the Calendar Facility

Starting the Calendar Facility

To start the Calendar Facility:

Do one of the following:

■ Single-click on the Calendars button in the GUI Control Panel.
■ Enter the following command at the UNIX prompt:
autocal &

The Calendar Definition window appears, as shown in Calendar Definition

Window in this chapter.

Calendar Facility Screens

The Calendar Facility consists of the following primary screens:

Screen Name Function

Calendar Definition This window is used to define a calendar and specify

the dates the calendar should include. It also
provides access to all other calendar functions and

Calendar Selection This dialog is used to select a predefined calendar to

view, modify, or delete.

Term Calendar Rule This dialog is used to specify a rule to apply to the
calendar currently being created or modified.

Term Calendar Viewer This window is used to preview a preexisting

calendar before applying its dates to the calendar
currently being created or modified. It can also be
used to browse calendars that have already been

Import/Export File Name This dialog is used to specify a calendar text file
(ASCII format) to import from or export to.

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Calendar Definition Window

Calendar Definition Window

The first screen that displays when the Calendar Facility starts up is the Calendar
Definition window:

The Calendar Definition Window is divided into the following regions:

Menu Bar
At the top of the window.

Calendar Display
At the center of the window.

Navigation and Legend Controls

At the right of the window.

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Calendar Definition Window

Menu Bar

At the top of the Calendar Definition window is the menu bar, containing four
pull-down menus: File, Edit, Tools, and Options.

File Menu

The File menu contains the following options:

File Menu Option Action

New Displays the New Calendar Name dialog for specifying a

name for a new calendar to be created.

Open Displays the Calendar Selection dialog for choosing an

existing calendar to be edited.

Save Saves the calendar currently being edited, using its current

Save As Displays the Save As dialog, asking you for the new name
under which the calendar currently being edited will be

Delete Displays a verification dialog, asking you to confirm that

you want to delete the calendar currently being edited.

Rename Displays the New Calendar Name dialog, asking you to

specify a new name for the calendar currently being

Import Displays the Import File Name dialog so you can select the
directory and filename of the text file containing calendar
definitions that you want to import.

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Calendar Definition Window

File Menu Option Action

Export Displays the Export File Name dialog so you can select the
directory and name of the file to which you want to save
all the calendars in the database, in text form.
Print Prints the calendar currently being edited, using the print
command specified in the application defaults or the print
command specified using the Set Print Command option
from the Options menu.

Exit Displays a verification dialog, asking you to confirm that

you want to exit the application. If you have made
changes that have not been saved, you will be notified and
given an opportunity to save your changes. If you indicate

that you want to exit, the application is exited.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains the following options:

Edit Menu Options Action

Apply Rule Displays

you to setthe Term Calendar
multiple Ruleusing
dates at once dialog, which allows
a variety of rule

Revert Resets the state of all the dates in the current calendar to
those last saved to the database.

Clear Resets the state of all the dates in the current calendar to
the Unset state, regardless of their current states.

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Calendar Definition Window

Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains the following options:

Tool Menu Options Action

Term Calendar Viewer Displays the Term Calendar Viewer window, which
allows you to preview various calendars prior to
applying their dates to the calendar currently being

Job Definition Reference Displays a list of all the jobs that reference the
List calendar currently being edited, either as their “run
calendar” or “exclude calendar.” This list indicates
which jobs will be affected by any changes you make
to the current calendar.

The following is the Job Definition Reference List:

Note: Whenever a calendar is updated, Unicenter AutoSys JM re-computes the

starting times for all jobs that use that calendar.

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Calendar Definition Window

Options Menu

The Options menu contains the following options:

Option Menu Options Actions

Date Range Displays the Date Range pull-down menu, through

which you may specify the date range of the
calendar currently being edited. The default date
range is the prior year through the current year
(Current Year). You may extend that to include
additional years, and these are the options:
■ Through Next Year
■ Three Calendar Years
■ Four Calendar Years
■ Five Calendar Years
■ Ten Calendar Years
The Date Range option limits how far into the
future you can set dates in the current calendar.
You can increase the date range of a calendar, and
you can decrease it through the previous year.
When you open an existing calendar, either the date
range of the calendar or the current date range,
whichever is greater, becomes the new date range
for the current Calendar Facility session.

Set Print Command Displays a dialog box prompting you to specify the
full path to the print command to be executed when
printing the calendar currently being edited. For
example, the print command might be “/bin/qprt
-Plp3.” The print command could also be set using
the application default settings, as described in
Print Command in this chapter.

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Calendar Definition Window

Calendar Display

The Calendar Display region of the window displays six months of the calendar
currently being edited. By default at startup, two quarters of the current year
display, one of which contains the current day (indicated by a box). Using the
navigation controls at the right side of the window, you can advance or move
backward through the calendar, one quarter at a time.

The Calendar Name field at the top left of the Calendar Display region displays
the name of the calendar currently being edited. You can change this name using
the Rename option from the File menu. You cannot edit the Calendar Name

Date States

Each date in the calendar is a selectable button. By using the mouse and by
clicking, you can set each date to one of the following states:

The date is not set.

The date is set.

The date is ineligible for setting when applying a rule.

You can cycle through these three states by clicking the mouse button additional
times. The current state of each date is indicated by its color, as listed in the
Color Key area of the Navigation Controls region.

Note: Calendars are stored in the database. Only the Set dates are stored. Dates
designated as Blocked are only in effect while editing a calendar. The Blocked
state is only useful while applying rules. Blocked dates are not saved in the
database, nor are the rules.

In addition to the three user-selectable states above, there is a fourth, system-

generated state called the “Conflict” state. This state occurs when both of the
following are true:
■ A rule is applied to a calendar.

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Calendar Definition Window

■ A date that qualifies for setting by the rule has been previously set to the
Blocked state and rescheduling has not occurred. (Rescheduling may not
have occurred if either a reschedule rule has not been applied, or an applied

reschedule rule cannot find a non-conflicting date to move to.)

For example, you may have marked all holidays as Blocked, one of which was
January 1. Now you want to apply a rule to the first day of each month, which
would conflict with the January 1 Blocked date. If there is no reschedule rule in
effect, such as “move to the next weekday,” or if the reschedule rule specifies to
move backwards, which would end up on a date in the previous year, a Conflict
state would result. In this case, you must manually correct the situation before
attempting to save the calendar to the database.

For more information about Rescheduling Rules, see Rescheduling Rule in this

Navigation Controls

The Navigation Controls region of the window contains controls that do the
■ Let you specify which six months (or two quarters) are to be displayed in the
■ Display additional information relevant to the calendar currently being


Shift Months Area

The Shift Months area has two push buttons (with up and down arrows) to
advance or move backward through the calendar, one quarter at a time. You can
change the calendar display to any two quarters within the calendar's date
range. (For information about the date range, see Menu Bar in this chapter.)
When shifting backward, you can move from the current year into the prior year.
Only one prior year is viewable through the Graphical Calendar Facility (that is,

if the current year is 2002, you could shift back to 2001, but not to 2000).
Note: Rules cannot be applied to dates prior to the current date.

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Calendar Definition Window

Skip Button Area

To the right of the Shift Months area is a row of push buttons to “skip” to a
particular date whose state has been set. The following buttons are available:

First Entry
Changes focus to the first date in the calendar that has been set.

Next Entry
Changes focus to the next date in the calendar that has been set relative to the
date that currently has the focus.

Next Conflict
Changes focus to the next date in the calendar that has been set to the Conflict
state by the system.

Last Entry
Changes focus to the last date in the calendar that has been set.

Note: The date with the focus is designated with a darkened box around the

When you use the skip buttons, if the focus is changed to a date that is not
currently displayed, the calendar display will shift to bring that date into view.

Number of Conflicts Area

Below the Shift Months area is the Number of Conflicts area displaying how
many dates with the Conflict state currently exist in the calendar. This field is
updated each time you apply a rule, or manually change a Conflict date to
another state.

Note: You cannot save a calendar containing unresolved conflicts.

Color Key Area

Immediately below the Number of Conflicts area is the Color Key area, which
displays the colors that indicate the states of each date. These colors are user-
configurable, as described in Object Color in this chapter. The following colors
are used by default:

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Calendar Definition Window

Unset dates
Background color of the Graphical Calendar Facility

Set dates

Conflict dates

Blocked dates

Creating a Simple Calendar

To create a simple calendar containing all 1998 holidays:

1. Choose File, New.
2. In the New Calendar Name dialog, enter:

3. Press Enter.
4. In the Calendar Definition window, set the holiday dates by clicking the left
mouse button on each date. If the desired dates are not displayed, use the
Shift Months arrows to bring them into view.

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Calendar Selection Dialog

5. Choose File, Save. Your calendar will resemble the following:

Dates Prior to Today’s Date

Calendars exist to simplify the scheduling of job runs; therefore, only current
and future dates are applicable. While the Graphical Calendar facility allows you
to set dates in the past, they will be ignored. Moreover, when you merge
calendars to create a new calendar, any dates prior to today will be dropped
from the new calendar.

Calendar Selection Dialog

The Calendar Selection dialog lets you specify which calendar you want to open
for editing, or which one to use for a rule specification (see Term Calendar Rule
Dialog in this chapter).

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

The Term Calendar Rule dialog appears.

The Term Calendar Rule dialog is divided into the following three regions:

Rule Specification
The top portion of the dialog.

Rescheduling Rule
Center of the dialog.

The bottom portion of the dialog.

Rule Specification
The Rule Specification region provides a variety of options for specifying which
dates in the currently selected calendar you want to affect, and what state to set
for those dates. This region consists of the following three areas:
■ Action Area

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

■ Date Range
■ Date Selection Rule

Action Area

The Action Area lets you apply one of the following states on the selected dates:

Set Dates
Change the state to Set.

Unset Dates
Change the state to Unset.

Block Dates
Change the state to Blocked. Blocked dates will not be set during any subsequent
rule applications.

Note: These actions are mutually exclusive; only one of these actions can be

Date Range Area

In the Date Range area, you specify the date range over which the rule should
apply. By default, the date range of the currently selected calendar is in effect.
However, you can change the date range by selecting an option from either the
All in Year pull-down menu, or by specifying a date range in the All in Range
edit fields. When entering a date range, the dates must fall within the range set
in the Options Date Range pull-down menu.

Note: Rules are not applied to any date prior to today’s date.

Date Selection Rule Area

The Date Selection Rule area contains the following three options:

Date Selection Options Action

Occurrences Lets you specify the “occurrence of a day” for which

the rule should be applied. Select one or more
options by pressing the corresponding toggle button.

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

Date Selection Options Action

Day Lets you specify the days of the week to which the
rule should be applied. Select one of the following:
Day (Any), Weekday, or Specific Days. If Specific
Days is selected, one or more of the specific days of
the week must be chosen as well.

Period Lets you specify the period during which the rule
should be applied. Only one of the following options
can be chosen: No Period, Monthly, Quarterly, Every
“n” weeks, or the days in a specified Calendar. The
No Period option is used for non-repeating periods,
such as Every/Monday—this option is generally
used with the Every or Every “th” option in the
Occurrences sub-area.
If the Calendar option is selected, only the dates specified in the indicated
calendar will be used when applying the rule. You can either enter the calendar
name directly, or press the Calendar button to display the Calendar Selection
dialog, from which you can choose a calendar for the period.

Note: The rules used to set a calendar are not saved after the calendar has been
created and saved.

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

Examples of Date Selection Rules

The following examples illustrate the use of the Date Selection Rule options. We
recommend you experiment with these rules. You can always revert to the last
saved version of a calendar by using the Revert option from the Edit menu, or
you can clear everything using the Clear option from the Edit menu.

Setting Dates

To set the 3rd Tuesday of every month throughout the entire currently selected
1. In the Action area, select Set Dates.
2. Keep the default date range, which is the currently selected calendar's entire
3. In the Occurrences sub-area, select either the Third option or enter 3 in the
“th” option.
4. In the Day sub-area, select Tuesday (which automatically selects the Specific
Days option).
5. In the Period sub-area, select Monthly.
6. Click OK or Apply to apply the rule to the calendar you are currently

Blocking Dates

To block every holiday date and prevent those days from being scheduled:

Follow these steps (assuming the holiday dates already exist in a calendar
named “us_hol_98”):
1. In the Action area, select Block Dates.
2. Keep the default date range, which is the currently selected calendar's entire

3. In the Occurrences sub-area, select Every.

4. In the Day sub-area, select Day (Any).

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

5. In the Period sub-area, press the Calendar button. When the Calendar
Selection dialog appears, select the calendar named “us_hol_98,” and click
OK. The calendar name will appear in the Calendar field in the Period sub-

6. Click Apply to apply the rule to the calendar you are currently editing.

Following on with this example, assume that you want to change the state of the
first day of every month to Set.

To change the state of the first day of every month to Set:

1. In the Action area, select Set Dates.
2. Keep the default date range, which is the currently selected calendar's entire
3. In the Occurrences sub-area, select First.
4. In the Day sub-area, select Day (Any).
5. In the Period sub-area, select Monthly.
6. Click Apply to apply the rule to whatever calendar you are currently editing.

When you apply this rule, a Conflict state will be assigned to January 1, since
this date is defined in “us_hol_98,” and was marked as Blocked in the previous
example. To address this you must either “unset” it manually and, if desired, set
another date in its place, or you could specify a Rescheduling Rule to
accommodate this type of conflict. Rescheduling Rules are described in the next

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog

Rescheduling Rule

The Rescheduling Rule region lets you control how date conflicts should be
resolved when applying a rule. To specify a rescheduling rule, you must indicate
a “move direction” and the day to which the newly scheduled Set state should
be moved when a conflict occurs. You do this in the Move Direction and To Day

Note: Conflicts can also occur if a date is Set, then Blocked. Whenever a conflict
occurs, the Set state is moved when rescheduling.

Move Direction

You can select one of the following Move Direction options:

To Previous
Moves the Set state backward in the calendar.

To Following
Moves the Set state forward in the calendar.

To Day

In addition to specifying the Move Direction, you must specify one of the
following To Day options:

Any Day
Next available date.

Next available weekday date.

Calendar based
Next available date in the specified calendar. You must choose either In
Calendar or Not In Calendar, and specify a calendar name, either by entering it

directly, or by pressing the Calendar button, then selecting a calendar from the
Calendar Selection dialog that appears.

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Term Calendar Rule Dialog


To remedy the conflict situation in the last example from the previous section,
assume that you want to apply a Rescheduling Rule that specifies “any day
following the date in conflict that is not also a holiday.”

To apply a Rescheduling Rule that specifies “any day following the date in
conflict that is not also a holiday”:
1. In the Action area, select Set Dates.
2. Keep the default date range, which is the currently selected calendar's entire
3. In the Occurrences sub-area, select First.
4. In the Day sub-area, select Day (Any).
5. In the Period sub-area, select Calendar. When the Calendar Selection dialog
appears, select the calendar named “us_hol_98,” and click OK. The calendar
name will appear in the Calendar field.
6. In the Move Direction area, select To Following.
7. In the To Day area, select the Not in Calendar option and enter the calendar
named “us_hol_98.”
8. Click OK or Apply to apply the rule to the calendar you are currently

■ Multiple conflict dates can be rescheduled to the same new date. For
example, if you block all weekend dates, then apply a rule to set every day,
with rescheduling to the previous weekday, both the Saturday and Sunday
conflicts will be resolved to the preceding Friday. If you want separate runs
for Saturday and Sunday, turn off the Rescheduling Rule and resolve the
conflicts manually.
■ If you intend to use a Rescheduling Rule, you should set it up at the same
time you set up the Date Selection Rule, rather than wait for conflicts to



At the bottom of the Term Calendar Rule dialog, there are three buttons:

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Combining Calendars

Calendar Display
At the left and center of the window. The dates in this calendar are read only—
they cannot be edited. You can only edit dates using the Calendar Definition

Navigation Controls
At the right of the window.

Note: Unlike the Calendar Definition window, there is no Next Conflict button
in the Navigation Controls region of this window. This is because calendars
cannot be stored in the database if they contain conflicts. Also note that Blocked
days are not stored in the database—all dates saved in a calendar are “Set” dates.
However, calendars may be used to block out dates by way of the Term
Calendar Rule dialog.

When the Term Calendar Viewer first appears, it displays six months of the
current year. You must then select a calendar by clicking its name in the
Calendar Selection list in the lower-right corner of the window. Navigation is
exactly the same as in the Calendar Definition window.

As each calendar is selected, it completely replaces the previously viewed

calendar, and its name is displayed in the Calendar Name field at the top of the

When you are finished viewing calendars, click the Dismiss button to close the

Combining Calendars
Calendars can be combined in a number of ways. For example, you can create a
calendar that includes all the dates that are in either one calendar or another. Or
you can create a calendar that includes all the dates that are in one calendar but
not in another. In fact, you can combine any number of calendars in these ways.

For example, suppose you have a calendar named “us_hol_98” containing all
United States holidays, and you have a calendar named “corp_hol_98”
containing all your corporation holidays. In this scenario, you want create a new
calendar for all combined holidays called “all_hol_98.” This new calendar will
include all the dates that are in either of the previously defined calendars. The
best way to accomplish this is described in the following steps.

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Printing Calendars

To combine calendars:
1. Choose File, New.
2. In the New Calendar Name dialog, enter:

3. Click OK.
4. Choose Edit, Apply Rule.
5. In the Term Calendar Rule dialog, select the Set Dates Action, the Every
Occurrence, and the Day (Any) Day settings.
6. In the Period sub-area, click the Calendar button, then select “us_hol_98”
from the Calendar Selection dialog, and click OK.
7. In the Term Calendar Rule dialog, click Apply.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6, selecting the calendar “corp_hol_98.”
9. Choose File, Save.

This process of combining calendars can be repeated for any number of


Note: When combining calendars, any dates prior to the current date will be
dropped from the new calendar.

Printing Calendars
You can print calendars to obtain a hard copy for your files. Before you attempt
to print a calendar, be sure the print command is correctly specified, either
through your X resources file, or by way of the Set Print Command option from
the Options menu. The print command must include the full path to the print
facility to be used, plus all appropriate arguments. Once this is set, you can open
an existing calendar, or create a new calendar, then select the Print option from
the File menu.

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Import/Export File Name Dialog

Import/Export File Name Dialog

You can import calendar text files and you can export calendars to text files. This
is particularly useful for copying calendars from one instance to another. You
perform calendar imports and exports using the Import (and Export) File Name

Importing Calendar Text Files

Calendars contained in ASCII text files can be imported into the database. These
text files may contain multiple calendars, each of which must be delimited with
the calendar: calendar_name attribute. A sample calendar text file is shown
calendar: Q1paydays
calendar: Q1holidays

Comments may be included following a space after the calendar name or after
each date.

If you export a calendar, the output will be in this same format.

To access the Import File Name dialog:

Choose File, Import.

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Import/Export File Name Dialog

The Import File Name dialog appears:

At this dialog, you can either enter the full path to the calendar in the Selection
field, or use the Filter field, Directories list, and Files list to select the file.

When using a filter, the Filter field must contain a directory path name, which is
everything up to the last slash (/) followed by the file pattern containing an
asterisk (*). For example, to search the directory /home/my_dir for all file names
with the string cal, you would specify: /home/my_dir/*cal*. Then, click Filter,
and the Files list will display all the files containing that string. Then, click on the
file you wish to import, and the full path name will appear in the Selection field.
Finally, click OK to import the file.

Note: If the text file being imported contains calendars with the same names as
calendars already existing in the database, these calendars will not be imported.

A warning dialog will notify you that a calendar name is duplicated, and that the
import of this calendar will not occur. Also, after the import has completed, an
information dialog will tell you how many calendars were imported.

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Import/Export File Name Dialog

Exporting Calendars

You can export all the calendars from the database to an ASCII text file. To
export, select File, Export. The Export File Name dialog will display, allowing
you to specify a file name for the calendar text file.

Note: When you use the export facility, all the calendars in the database are
exported to a single ASCII text file. After the export has completed, an
information dialog will tell you how many calendars were exported. You cannot
export just a single calendar; however, you can edit the ASCII file after you
export all the calendars.

The Export File Name dialog uses the same filtering as described in Importing
Calendar Text Files in this chapter.

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Customizing the Calendar Facility

Customizing the Calendar Facility

There is a set of X resources that you can use to customize the appearance and
behavior of the Calendar Facility. In particular, these resources allow you to
■ The fonts that are used in the Calendar Definition window as well as the
Calendar Facility dialogs. The choice of fonts will affect the size of the
various windows and dialogs.
■ The colors used to indicate whether dates are Set, Unset, or Blocked.
■ The print command to be executed when you want to print a calendar.
■ The Calendar GUI icon text and the Calendar title bar text.

Descriptions of each of the resources, which can be customized, are given below.
All of these can be set by modifying the X resource file Autocal. The X resources
files reside in the local app-defaults directory, which varies across platforms. It is
usually in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults or /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults. If
you are not sure which directory these files are in, ask your system

Individual users may have their own copy of the X resources files in their
$HOME directory, which will take precedence over the app-defaults files.

For most operating systems, if you are exporting the display to another machine

you must edit the appropriate files in the app-defaults directory on the local

For Solaris, you must edit the files in both the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults and
/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults directories. The files in /usr/lib/X11/app-
defaults control the resources when you export the display.

We have listed the various resource names here as a reference only. For the
default values, see the Autocal file. The provided resource file values work well
for a majority of platforms.

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Customizing the Calendar Facility

Font Selection Resources

The following resource specifications control font selection. They are completely
independent of any other font settings.
! main font for all fields not otherwise specified
! font for dates within each month in Calendar
! Definition window
! main font for everything in Calendar Viewer
! except dates
! font for dates in Calendar Viewer
! font for term rule dialog

Object Color

The following resources affect the colors of the various objects within the
Calendar Facility.

Note: Several of the following colors come in pairs, such as setColor and
setLabelColor. The LabelColor is the color of the numbers that appear on the
date buttons and should be chosen so that they are easily readable with the color
of the button on which they display. For example, do not specify setColor as blue
and setLabelColor also as blue—the numbers will not be visible on the dates.
Select another color, such as black or white for the label.

! general application background color

! color to represent "set" dates
! color for label (foreground numbers) to represent
! "set" dates
! color to represent "blocked" dates
! color for label (foreground) to represent
! "blocked" dates
! color to represent "conflict" dates
! color for label (foreground) to represent
! "conflict" dates

The following resource sets the color for a grid that appears between the dates in
the Calendar Viewer window, to help differentiate it from the Calendar
Definition window. If you do not want the grid to appear, select the same color
as the background.

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Customizing the Calendar Facility

Date Range

The following resource sets the number of years in the date range of the
calendar, as a default at start up. This can be overridden manually by way of the
Date Range option from the Options menu, or by loading a calendar that has a
larger date range than the default. These are the legal settings:
! 1 = prior year plus current year,
! 2 = thru next year, 3 = thru third year,
! 4 = thru fourth year, 5 = thru fifth year,
! 10 = thru tenth year

Window Size

The following resources help keep the size of the window small, and it is

recommend that you do not change their settings.

Autocal*calViewForm*month_form*marginHeight: 0
Autocal*calViewForm*month_form*marginWidth: 0
Autocal*calViewForm*month_form.marginWidth: 2

Print Command

The following resource specifies the print command, and its arguments, which
will be executed when you request that a calendar be printed. Be sure to specify
the full path name of the executable, or it may not be located and the print will

Calendar Title Bar Text and Icon Text

The following resources specify the title bar text and the icon text. By default the
title bar text is “Calendar Definition” and the icon text is “CalDef.”

Note: When changing icon text, be sure the length of the new text string does not
exceed the recommended maximum length for icon title text for your windowing
system. Some window managers can display long icon text strings, while others
will truncate them. Ensure the text string you specify for your icons displays
appropriately. Also, some window managers allow you to change the size of
icons and icon text font.

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9 Load Balancing and Queuing Jobs

This chapter describes the use of real and virtual machines in the Unicenter
AutoSys JM environment to provide load balancing and queuing functionality. It
provides information about load balancing jobs across multiple machines, as
well as queuing jobs to real and virtual machines.

Real Machines
In the environment, a real machine is any physical CPU that has:
■ Been identified in the appropriate network database (for example,
/etc/hosts) so that AutoSys can access it.
■ Undergone a client software installation (and is licensed) so that Unicenter
AutoSys JM can run jobs on it.

The above two conditions are required for a real machine to run jobs. However,
for perform intelligent load balancing and queuing while executing jobs, it needs
to know the relative processing power of the various real machines. Unicenter
AutoSys JM provides both load balancing and queuing by way of the logical
construct called virtual machines.

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Defining Machines

Real machines only need to be defined if they meet one of the following criteria:
■ Require a max_load or factor attribute to be set for them. (These attributes
are discussed in the next section.)
■ Are to be included in a virtual machine.

Virtual machines must be defined before you can use them.

Load balancing and queuing can be done only if real and virtual machines have
been defined using these machine attribute statements. The following two
attributes, used when defining real machines, are key for load balancing and
queuing: max_load and factor.

Note: Real and virtual machines can only be defined using JIL. There is no GUI
interface for defining machines.

For more information about the JIL subcommands and attributes pertaining to
machines, see the chapter “JIL Machine Definitions” in the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management Reference Guide .

Specifying Machine Load (max_load)

The max_load attribute can be defined only for real machines. It describes how
much of a load can be placed on a real machine, and it is specified with an
arbitrary unit called a “load unit.” Any weighting scheme desired by the user
can be used. For example, a load unit with a range of 10-100 would specify that
machines with limited processing power are expected to carry a load of only 10,
while machines with ample processing power can carry a load of 100. There is no
direct relationship between the load unit value and any of the machine’s
physical resources. Therefore, you should develop conventions that are
meaningful to you. Zero and negative numbers cannot be used.

Job Attributes and Load Balancing and Queuing

For load balancing to work, every defined job that will impact the load on a
machine must be assigned a job_load job attribute, which defines the relative
load the job will place on a machine. Thus, a machine’s current load can be
tracked, and overloading of a machine can be prevented. For example, if the
max_load on a machine is “100” and the job_load for one job is “10,” then that
job will use 10 percent of the machine’s resources.

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Defining Machines

In addition, for job queuing to take place, the priority job attribute must also be
assigned in the job definition. The priority attribute specifies the relative priority
of all jobs queued for a given machine. Without this attribute set, a job will run

immediately on a machine, and it will not be placed in the queue.

Specifying Relative Processing Power (factor)

The factor machine attribute can be defined only for real machines. It is another
arbitrary value that describes the relative processing power of a machine. This
attribute’s value is a real number that can contain a decimal. It is used to weigh
available cycles on one machine against that of another machine. When AutoSys
checks the available cycles on each machine, it multiplies the percent of free CPU
cycles by the factor in order to determine which machine has more relative

processing power available. Therefore, the factor value is typically a number

between 0.0 and 1.0.

Using max_load and factor

The max_load attribute is primarily used to limit the loading of a machine. As

long as a job’s load will not cause a machine’s max_load to be exceeded, the
max_load attribute does not influence the decision of on which machine a job
should be run. Conversely, the factor attribute is primarily intended to be used
when deciding between machines for running a job, if more than one machine is

If these attributes are not specified in a real machine definition, they default to
the values shown below:
max_load: none /* no limit */
factor: 1.0

Note: A virtual machine is comprised of real machines. Therefore you do not

specify max_load and factor attributes explicitly in a virtual machine definition.
They are specified in the definitions of the real machines that make up the
virtual machine.

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Defining Machines

Machine Definitions

Unicenter AutoSys JM can infer whether a machine being defined is a real or a

virtual machine based solely on the attributes in the definition. Any machine
definition containing a max_load or factor attribute must be a real machine
definition, because only real machines can have these attributes. Any machine
definition containing a list of machine attributes is a virtual machine definition.

Because of this, you can omit the type attribute when defining a UNIX machine.
For Windows NT, however, the type attribute is required. Compare the
following definitions:

Real UNIX Real Windows

insert_machine: toad insert_machine: tiger

max_load: 100 type: n

factor: .8 max_load: 100

factor: .8

Virtual UNIX Virtual Windows

insert_machine: pond insert_machine: jungle

machine: toad type: n

machine: frog machine: tiger

machine: monkey

To help you understand virtual machines and their capabilities, the following
sections provide a series of examples that demonstrate the different
combinations of real machines that can constitute a virtual machine. These
examples include the JIL statements used to define these machines.

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Defining a Real Machine

Defining a Real Machine

To define a real machine:

1. Assign a machine name, this must be its host name.

2. Assign a machine type: r for real UNIX or n for NT.
3. Optionally, assign a max_load and a factor attribute value.

The following demonstrates the definition of a real UNIX machine named

“jaguar” with a max_load of 100 and a factor of 1.0.
insert_machine: jaguar
type: r
max_load: 100
factor: 1.0

To define a real Windows NT machine named “tiger,” enter the following JIL
insert_machine: tiger
type: n
max_load: 100
factor: 1.0

Deleting Real Machines

The following JIL statement deletes the real machine definition for the machine
named “jaguar”:
delete_machine: jaguar

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Defining a Virtual Machine

Defining a Virtual Machine

To define a virtual machine:
1. Assign a machine name.
2. Assign a machine type: v for virtual.
3. Specify the real machines that will make up the virtual machine.

The following demonstrates the definition of a virtual machine named

“modena,” which is composed of two real machines named “ferrari” and
“lambo.” Because the real machines do not specify a max_load and factor, they
will have the default values for these attributes: a factor of 1.0 and unlimited
load units.
insert_machine: modena
type: v
machine: ferrari
machine: lambo

The following JIL statements define two real machines named “fiat” and “lotus,”
and a virtual machine named “capri,” which is composed of the two real
machines. The virtual machine is a superset of the two previously defined real
machines. (Because the real machines are defined first, the virtual machine will
use the max_load and factor attributes specified for them.)
insert_machine: fiat
type: r
max_load: 100
factor: 1
insert_machine: lotus
type: r
max_load: 80
factor: .9
insert_machine: capri
type: v
machine: fiat
machine: lotus

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Defining a Virtual Machine

The following JIL statements define a virtual machine named “mustang” which
is composed of slices, or subsets, of the real machines named “fiat” and “lotus.”
Even though the real machines have been previously defined, only the reduced

load portion (or slices) will be used in the virtual machine “mustang.”
insert_machine: mustang
type: v
machine: fiat
max_load: 10
machine: lotus
max_load: 9

Deleting Virtual Machines

To delete a real machine component of a virtual machine, you specify the virtual
machine and the desired component. The following JIL statements delete only

the real machine named “lambo” found within the virtual machine named
delete_machine: modena
machine: lambo

If the machine “lambo” had been individually defined outside of the virtual
machine, its individual definition still remains in effect.

To delete the entire virtual machine, you don’t have to specify any of the
component real machines. The real machines are still defined—only the virtual
machine they were in is deleted. The following JIL statement deletes the virtual

machine named “mustang”:

delete_machine: mustang

Because the real machines “fiat” and “lotus” had been individually defined
outside of the virtual machine, their individual definitions remain in effect.

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Load Balancing

Load Balancing
By specifying a virtual machine or a list of real machines in a job’s machine
attribute, rather than a single real machine, you can implement simple load
balancing. That is, you can cause the workload to be spread across multiple
machines, based on each machine’s capabilities. In addition to load balancing,
this feature is a useful way to ensure reliable job processing. For example, if one
of the machines is down, load balancing will run the job on another machine.

When a job is ready to start, Unicenter AutoSys JM will determine which of the
specified machines is best suited to run the job. The following JIL example shows
the job definition statements for such a job:
insert_job: test_load
machine: modena
command: echo "Test Load Balancing"
job_load: 50
priority: 1


modena Is a virtual machine.

Alternatively, you can specify a list of real machines in the job’s machine
attribute, as shown below:
machine: ferrari, lambo

If the max_load attribute was not defined for either real machine (as in our
example), or both machines had ample load units available, Unicenter AutoSys
JM would choose the machine to run on based solely on available processing
power. To accomplish this, Unicenter AutoSys JM does the following:
1. Determines the percentage of CPU cycles available on each real machine in
the specified virtual machine. This is accomplished by one of the following
■ Issuing a remote procedure call (RPC) to the real machine and
requesting rstatd data.
■ Running vmstat on the real machine.
2. These methods are specified in the AutoSys configuration file using the
MachineMethod parameter.
Note: rstatd is not currently supported on NCR or Pyramid client machines.

3. Multiplies it by the machine’s factor value.

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Load Balancing

4. Chooses the machine with the largest result (that is, the machine with the
most relative processing cycles available).

In the example machine list previously shown, the factor attribute is not
specified for either machine, and thus the default factor value for each machine
is 1.0.

If the machines have equal max_load and factor values, it is equivalent to

defining a job and specifying the following in the machine field:
machine: ferrari, lambo

The advantages of building a virtual machine are that it can be changed, and the
new construct is immediately applied globally. Also, the values can vary
between machines. Even when a set of real machines that have not been

explicitly defined are specified in a job’s machine attribute, the available CPU
cycles are used to determine which machine will run the job.

In all likelihood, your system configuration will include machines of varying

processing power, so you will need to specify the factor attribute value for each
real machine.

The following illustrates three machines having different capabilities, which are
grouped into a virtual machine.

The following JIL statements can be used to define this machine:

insert_machine: italia
machine: ferrari
factor: 1
machine: alfa_romeo
factor: .8
machine: lambo

factor: .3

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Load Balancing

To start a job on this virtual machine, simply specify “italia” as the machine
attribute for the job. The event processor will perform the necessary calculations
to determine on which machine to run the job, and reflect these calculations in its

output log. The output is similar to this:

Checking Machine usages using RSTATD :<ferrari=78*[1.00]=78>
[ferrari connected]

Note that even though the “ferrari” usage was less than “alfa_romeo,” “ferrari”
was picked because of the factors (78 * 1.0 > 80 * 0.8). Thus, the factors weigh
each machine to account for variations in processing power.

Force Starting Jobs

If you force start a job, Unicenter AutoSys JM will start the job right away on the
machine specified in the job definition, regardless of the current load on the
machine or the job_load specified for the job. If the job was defined to run on a
virtual machine, or a list of real machines, Unicenter AutoSys JM will determine
which machine has the most processing power available and will run the job on
that machine, even if the job_load of the job exceeds the max_load defined for
the machine.

Note: If you FORCE_START a job that has a status of ON_ICE or ON_HOLD,

upon completion (either success or failure), the status/condition does not change
back to the previous condition.

For example: You scheduled Job-1 to run every Monday at 3:00 A.M, however,
on Sunday you placed this job ON_HOLD. If you FORCE_START Job-1 on
Wednesday at 2:00 P.M., Job-1 will run to completion (either success or failure),
and then run again as scheduled on Monday at 3:00 A.M.

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Load Balancing Using ServerVision

Load Balancing Using ServerVision

Unicenter AutoSys JM can use the machine performance metrics monitored by
ServerVision to select, at runtime, the best machine on which to execute a job.
You supply a command that executes a specified algorithm to the machine job
attribute, and this command returns the name of the best machine (based on the
given algorithm).

Before using this feature, ensure the configuration has been completed as
described in Configuring ServerVision Monitoring and Reporting in the chapter
“Configuring.” For information on ServerVision, see the SeverVision
documentation on the documentation CD.

To apply ServerVision load balancing to a job, specify the following string in the

screen: job attribute, or to the Machine to Execute field in the Job Definition
'svload -a alg [-v virt | -l list] -p profile 2> filename'

Note: This string cannot exceed 80 characters.


svload Is the svload executable

alg Is the method to be used by ServerVision to select the best machine. This
algorithm must be defined in the profile file that you reference with the -p
argument. For example, the algorithm you define could provide one method
that would be used for I/O-bound jobs and a different method that would be
used for cpu-bound jobs.

virt Is a virtual machine that has been defined.

list Is a comma-separated list of real machines.

profile Is a file containing basic information and the performance metrics that apply to
each possible algorithm that can be chosen. You can supply a path and filename

for this option. To know what the ServerVision profile file may look like, see
Examining the ServerVision Profile File.

2> filename Specifies to redirect any standard error messages to a file.

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Load Balancing Using ServerVision

Examining the ServerVision Profile File

The profile file for ServerVision load balancing may look like this example
svload.prf file:





[ServervisionConfigur Is a literal that must appear exactly as shown in this example.


Timeout Is the number of seconds ServerVision should attempt to connect to a machine.

The recommended setting is 12 seconds.

InstanceType=unix Indicates the instance type. For this implementation, the value should be unix.
For more information.

honda=honda Are examples of names of the real machines defined with the name of the
corresponding ServerVision instance. It is in the form of
machine_name=ServerVision_instance . Typically, the ServerVision instance
will have the machine name also.

[CPU], [Memory], and These specify examples of names and definitions of the algorithms. You can
[CPUMemory] create your own definitions, using any name, and you can have as many
definitions in this file as you want. Each algorithm definition must use the Scan
Groups as defined by ServerVision. The syntax must be a colon-separated
string with the following elements, in the following order:

Scan Type
Indicates the Scan Type as defined by ServerVision.
Scan bject
Indicates the Scan Object that is associated with the Scan Type as defined by

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Load Balancing Using ServerVision

maximum or minimum
Indicates the value that is desired, either the maximum number or the
minimum number.

Indicates the item’s importance in relationship to other items that make up
the algorithm. For example, in the CPUMemory definition above, the CPU
item is indicated as having twice the weight of the memory item.

Testing the Algorithms

You can run the following command to test the algorithms you enter in the
svload.prf file:
svload -a alg [-v virt | -l list] -p profile -y

This command prints to the screen the result metrics. You can use this
information when you are creating the profile file and want to test your
algorithm definitions.

W A RNI NG The -y argument is for testing only. Do not use it when using this
command as the value for the machine job attribute. When testing the algorithm,
do not include the 2> filename argument.

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ServerVision Monitoring and Reporting

ServerVision Monitoring and Reporting

You can also use ServerVision to monitor AutoSys job resource usage in real
time. Jobs will appear in the ServerVision GUI by job name. Unicenter AutoSys
JM can also archive a job’s resource usage, use ServerVision to generate reports
for capacity planning and UNIX process auditing (charge back). This
functionality requires that ServerVision integration be enabled as described in
Configuring ServerVision Monitoring and Reporting in the chapter
“Configuring.” For details on monitoring job resource usage using ServerVision,
see Monitoring Job Resource Usage in the same chapter.

Queuing Jobs
Queuing jobs in AutoSys is a mechanism for ordering jobs that are unable to be
run immediately. You can also issue a “change priority” event to change the
priority of a job in the queue. There is no actual “queue” entity. Instead, jobs are
chosen based on queuing policies.

Queuing policies are established through the use, and subsequent interaction, of
the two job attributes job_load and priority, and the two machine attributes
max_load and factor.

The following sections discuss queuing jobs and give examples of how load

balancing and queuing are used to optimize job processing in your environment.

Queuing and Simple Load Limiting

If a job has been assigned a job_load value (the load limiting feature), and a
max_load attribute is assigned to every real machine comprising a virtual
machine, Unicenter AutoSys JM will first determine whether each machine has
sufficient available load units before running the job. If each real machine has
sufficient load units, Unicenter AutoSys JM employs the load balancing and
“factor” algorithms to determine on which machine it should start. However, if

only one of the machines has sufficient load units, the job will be run on that
machine. If no machines have sufficient load units, the job will be placed “on
queue” for both (or all) machines. When one machine becomes available, the job
is run on that machine, and removed from all other queues.

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Queuing Jobs

The words “in the queue” refer to an actual QUE_WAIT job status, and the job
will stay in this state until the necessary load units become available.

When the necessary load units become available, Unicenter AutoSys JM again
checks all the job’s starting conditions to ensure it is still okay to run the job. If
any of the starting conditions are no longer true, the following message is
Job: job_name Starting Conditions are no longer TRUE.
De-Queuing this Job and setting to ACTIVATED.

Note: In order for any queuing to take place, all jobs must have their priority
attribute set. By default, the priority attribute is set to 0 indicating that the job
should not be queued, but be run immediately. When this is the case, even jobs
whose job load would push the machine over its load limit will be run. However,
it is important to note that even when jobs have a priority of 0, job loads will still
be tracked on each machine. This is done so that jobs that do have nonzero
priorities will still be queued.

Using a previously defined machine named “fiat” with a max_load of “100,” a

simple queuing example would be as follows:
insert_job: jobA
machine: fiat
job_load: 80
priority: 1
insert_job: jobB
machine: fiat
job_load: 90
priority: 1

If “jobA” was running when “jobB” started, “jobB” would be in a QUE_WAIT

state until “jobA” completed and “jobB” could run.

Note: If a job is in the QUE_WAIT state and you want to run it immediately, do
not force start the job. To change the job queue priority, use the sendevent
command with the -E CHANGE_PRIORITY option.

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Queuing Jobs

Queuing with Priority

When more than one job is queued, the priority value is considered first when
deciding which job to run next. If there are insufficient load units (job_load
value) available to run the highest priority job, it will remain in the queue, and
lower priority jobs will be considered subsequently.

When there is no priority value assigned to a job (default is 0), there is no

queuing and Unicenter AutoSys JM starts the job immediately. Therefore, the job
will never go into the QUE_WAIT state. If the job’s priority was set to run
immediately, the job would run regardless of the current load on the machine.
Obviously, this interferes with the load-limiting feature, so when load limiting is
in use, the priority attribute should always be set.

In the case where a job has its job_load attribute set, the load value will be
reflected in the total load running on a machine. It is important to note that if
there is no job_load value set for a job, it will not be figured into the total load
units running on a machine.

Note: The constructs of job loads and machine loads are merely conventions that
you set up, and that are enforced by Unicenter AutoSys JM. If you do not
indicate what the load of a job is, it will not figure it into its queuing calculations.
This is different from the load-balancing feature, which does inspect the CPU to
determine its usage.

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Queuing Jobs

The following illustrates a situation where a machine has 80 load units, and
multiple jobs are waiting to start. In this example, “JobB” and “JobC” are
executing while “JobA” and “JobD” are “queued” (in the QUE_WAIT state),

to available loadthe
each job, and units. The numbers
max_load in the figure
of the machine. Theindicate the job_load
JIL statements
provided below define the machine and the jobs.

insert_machine: ferrari
max_load: 80
insert_job: JobA
machine: ferrari
job_load: 50
priority: 60
insert_job: JobB
machine: ferrari
job_load: 50
priority: 50
insert_job: JobC
machine: ferrari
job_load: 30
priority: 80
insert_job: JobD
machine: ferrari
job_load: 30
priority: 70

In the above scenario, “JobB” and “JobC” are already running because their
starting conditions were satisfied first. After “JobB” or “JobC” are completed,
“JobA” or “JobD” will start. Which job will start, “JobA” or “JobD,” is
determined by a combination of the priority and job_load attributes of each job,
and the max_load machine attribute. The resulting scenario will differ, based on
which job finishes first.

If “JobB” finishes first, 50 load units become available, so either “JobA” or

“JobD” could be run. Since “JobA” has a higher priority (lower value = higher
priority), it will run first. However, if “JobC” finishes first, only 30 load units
become available, so only “JobD” could be run.

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Queuing Jobs

Subsets—Individual Queues

One variety of virtual machine can be considered a subset of a real machine.

Typically, this type of virtual machine is used to construct an individual queue
on a given machine. One use for this construct might be to limit the number of
jobs, of a certain type, that will run on a machine at any given time. For example,
you have created three different print jobs, but you want only one job to run on a
machine at a time. You can accomplish this by using a combination of the
max_load attribute for the virtual machine and the job_load attribute for the jobs

The following illustration depicts a virtual machine functioning as a queue. The

JIL statements to define the queue, called “ferrari_printQ” follow the graphic.
Note that “ferrari” is a real machine.

To implement the schema in the previous illustration, you first create the virtual
machine named “ferrari_printQ,” like:
insert_machine: ferrari_printQ
machine: ferrari max_load: 15

Next, you define the three print jobs, like:

insert_job: Print1
machine: ferrari_printQ
job_load: 15
priority: 1
insert_job: Print2
machine: ferrari_printQ
job_load: 15
priority: 1

insert_job: Print3
machine: ferrari_printQ
job_load: 15
priority: 2

Using this definition, only one of the jobs would run on “ferrari” at one time,
since each job requires all of the load units available on the specified machine.

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Queuing Jobs

Load Units and Virtual Machines

It is important to note that the load units associated with a virtual machine have
no interaction with the load units for the real machine. In the previous example,
this means that the virtual load of 15 does not subtract from the load units of 80
for the real machine. Load units are simply a convention that allows the user to
constrict concurrent jobs running on any one machine.

Multiple Machine Queues

Virtual machines can also be constructed to allow subsets (or slices) of real
machines to be combined into one virtual machine. A possible need for this
would be if there were two machines that were print servers, on each of which
only one print job was to run at a time. The following illustration demonstrates
this situation.

To implement the previous schema, you would first create the virtual machine
named “printQ,” then you would specify two real machines, “ferrari” and
“lambo” as shown in the following example:
insert_machine: printQ
type: v
machine: ferrari
max_load: 15
machine: lambo
max_load: 15

As a job is logically ready to start on printQ, Unicenter AutoSys JM will

determine if there are enough load units available on either machine. If there are
not, it will place the job in the QUE_WAIT state, and start it when there are
enough load units. If there are enough units on only one machine, it will start it
on that machine. In the case that there are enough available load units on both
machines, Unicenter AutoSys JM will determine the usage on each, and start the

job on the machine with the most available CPU resources.

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User-Defined Load Balancing

User-Defined Load Balancing

As an alternative to using the provided load balancing methods described in this
chapter, you can write your own programs or scripts to determine which
machine to use at runtime. If you specify the name of a program or script as the
machine name in the job’s machine specification, the event processor will execute
the script at job runtime, and it will substitute its output for the machine name.
For example, you might supply the following:
insert_job: run_free
machine: '/usr/local/bin/pick_free_mach'
command: $HOME/rm_stuff

At runtime, the script /usr/local/bin/pick_free_mach is run on the event

processor machine. The standard output will be substituted for the name of the
machine, and the job will be run on that machine.

Note: If you specify a user-defined load balancing script in the machine

attribute, you cannot use the priority or job_load job attributes.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


10 The Operator Console

This chapter describes how to use the Operator Console to monitor and control
job activity in real-time. It also describes the job selection and reporting features
of the console, as well as the Alarm Manager. Customizing the Operator Console
is also covered.

The Operator Console provides a sophisticated method of monitoring jobs in

real-time. The Operator Console lets you view any jobs that are defined, whether
they are currently active or not.

Job selection criteria, which you can dynamically change, allows you to control
which jobs you want to view based on various parameters, such as the current
job state, the job name (with wildcarding), and the machine on which the job
runs. You can select any job and view more detailed information about it,
including its starting conditions, dependent jobs, and autorep reports. You can
even invoke the Job Definition dialog directly from this window and change the
job, if the correct permissions are set.

Alarm Manager

In addition to its job monitoring capabilities, the Operator Console provides an

Alarm Manager, which lets you monitor alarms as they are generated. You can
manage alarms by doing the following:
■ Entering responses directly at the Alarm Manager dialog.
■ Setting the alarm’s state to either acknowledged or closed. (If an alarm’s state
is “open” and you simply acknowledge it without closing it, it will be set to
Alarms and their responses are stored in the database, from which they can be
retrieved for viewing, or for adding additional responses. You can dynamically
select which alarms you want to view based on such criteria as alarm type, alarm
state, and the date and time range in which the alarm was generated.

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Operator Console Screens

Operator Console Screens

The Operator Console consists of the following elements:

Operator Console Screens Actions

Job Activity Console The primary interface to the Operator Console.

This console lets you monitor any jobs.

Job Selection Dialog used to specify which jobs you want to


Alarm Manager Dialog allows you to browse any alarms, which

have occurred, and to acknowledge (and log a
response to) those alarms.

Alarm Selection Dialog used to specify which alarms you want

to view.

Starting the Operator Console

If you are reading this chapter for the first time, you should start the Operator
Console before continuing. This way you can follow along with the descriptions
in the following sections using your own system.

To start the Operator Console, use one of the following two methods:
1. At the UNIX prompt, enter the following command:
autocons &

2. At the GUI Control Panel, click Ops Console.

The Job Activity Console appears.

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Job Activity Console

Job Activity Console

The first screen that displays when the Operator Console starts up is the Job
Activity Console:

The Job Activity Console has a menu bar and the following three regions:
■ Job List
Displays a list of all jobs stored in the database, subject to the job selection
criteria currently in effect.
■ Currently Selected Job
Displays more detailed information about the currently selected job.
■ Control Area
The bottom portion of the Job Activity console is the Control area. The left
side of this area contains buttons that act on the currently selected job; the
middle contains buttons that act on the console screen; the right side
contains the Alarm button, which displays the Alarm Dialog, and Exit to exit
the Job Activity Console.

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Job Activity Console

By default the Job Activity Console starts up in Freeze Frame mode, which
prevents the display from regularly updating and refreshing. To observe
changes as they occur, click Freeze Frame.

Menu Bar

At the top of the Job Activity Console is the menu bar, containing three menus:
File, View, and Options.
File Menu
Contains the Exit option, which functions exactly like the Exit button in the
Control area—it displays a verification dialog asking you to confirm the exit.
If you confirm, the Job Activity Console is closed. If the Alarm Manager was
open, it will be closed as well.
View Menu
Contains the Select Jobs option, which displays the Job Selection dialog,
discussed in Job Selection Dialog in this chapter.
Options Menu
Contains the Console Clock Perspective option. You have three choices:
Server Time, Current Job Time, or Local Machine Time. This option controls
the time perspective of the display, as discussed in the 10.

Job List

The Job List region displays a list of all the jobs that are defined, subject to the job
selection criteria currently in effect.

Each entry in the Job List contains the following information about a single job:
■ Job name.
■ Description.
■ Current status.
■ Command that is defined for this job, if it is a command job. If it is a file
watcher job, the file to watch for appears in the Command column. If it is a
box job, the Command column is empty.
■ Machine on which the job ran or is currently running.

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Job Activity Console

The entries in the Job List provide a snapshot of the entire system, across
multiple machines.

When you select a job from the list, the highlighted job becomes the currently
selected job, and more detailed information about the job appears in the
Currently Selected Job region.

To select a job:
Click the job in the Job List display.
When you select multiple jobs, you can perform actions on all those jobs at
the same time.

To select contiguous multiple jobs:

Press and hold the mouse button and drag to select a group of jobs.
To select noncontiguous multiple jobs:
Hold the Control key and click each job you want to select. Hold the Control
key and clicking a selected job will deselect that job.

To deselect all the currently-selected jobs:

Click anywhere in the job list.

Note: The Job List region has a scroll bar along the right side for scrolling

through the job list. Using the X resource file, you can configure the relative sizes
of the columns in the Job List, as well as the length of each field and the spacing
between fields.

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Job Activity Console

Currently Selected Job

The Currently Selected Job region displays information about the most recent
run (or the current run) of the currently selected job. If you have selected
multiple jobs, the first job you selected will be the currently selected job. (Freeze
Frame must be deselected in order for the information in this region to update in
real time.) In this region, you will find the following fields:
Currently Selected Job
This field displays the name of the currently selected job.
Console Clock
The console clock initially displays the current time for the machine on
which the Operator Console is running. You can change this display by
using the Options menu (see Changing the Console Clock Perspective in this

chapter) or by changing the setting in the resource file (see Console Clock
Perspective in this chapter).
If the job definition includes the description attribute, the text appears in this
If the currently selected job is a command job, the command appears here. If
it is a file watcher, the file it is watching for appears here. If it is a box job,
this field is blank.

Start Time
The start time of the current or most recent run of the job.
End Time
The end time of the most recent run of the job. If the job is currently running,
this field will be blank.
Run Time
How much time elapsed between the start and end of the most recent run of
the job. If the job is currently running, this field will be blank.
The current status of the job.
Exit Code
The exit code from the most recent run of the job.

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Job Activity Console

Next Start
If the job has date and time starting conditions, this field shows when the
next run of the job is scheduled to start.

The name of the machine on which the job ran or is currently running. If a
job is defined to run on a virtual machine, the name of the real machine
component on which it actually ran will appear here.
Queue Name
If the job is queued to start on a machine, the name of that machine appears
If the job is queued to start on a machine, its priority in the queue appears
Num of Tries
If the job had to be restarted, the number of times it was started appears

Starting Conditions

The Starting Conditions area displays the job’s entire starting condition, as
specified in its job definition, as well as the “atomic” conditions—the most basic
components of an overall condition. This information is very useful when
troubleshooting a job.

For example, in the sample Job Activity Console, shown in Job Activity Console
in this chapter, the job named “DripCoffee” has a starting condition called:
■ SUCCESS(Grinder) and SUCCESS(BoilWater)

This starting condition is specified in the job’s definition. However, this starting
condition is actually composed of the following two atomic conditions:
■ SUCCESS(Grinder)
■ SUCCESS(BoilWater)

In the Starting Conditions area, each atomic condition is displayed with the
Current State of the job upon which it is based; in our example, “Grinder” and
“BoilWater,” respectively. Also, a “True/False” flag is provided that indicates
whether or not that atomic starting condition has been satisfied.

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Job Activity Console

If a job has not run within the time frame it was expected to, you would select
the job from the Job List and check its starting conditions to quickly determine
what “upstream” job might be preventing it from running.

The atomic condition list is selectable. By clicking any one of the atomic
conditions, the job associated with that condition will become the currently
selected job, and its details will be displayed in the middle region of the screen.
This feature allows you to quickly step through upstream dependencies,
checking out each job along that path.


The Reports area displays a realtime report, and it is also included in the
Currently Selected Job region. This report presents job run information in the
same format as that produced by the autorep command. You can choose from
the following report types:
A one-line synopsis of the last or current execution of the job showing the job
name, timestamp of the last start and last end of the job, status, job run
number and number of tries (separated by a slash), and priority (if the job is
in QUE_WAIT status) or exit code (if the job completed).
A detailed report listing all the events and statuses from the last or current
execution of the job. The screen shown in Job Activity Console in this chapter
shows an Event Report.
Does not display a report.

Summary and Event reports will be run automatically each time the dialog is
refreshed. The default refresh interval is every five seconds, but the interval is
user-configurable. If the Event report is chosen, you can watch the realtime
progression of a job, observing, as they occur, the arrival of the various events,
such as the job starting, running, completing, and restarting.

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Job Activity Console

Control Area

The bottom region of the Job Activity Console is the Control area.

Action Buttons

On the left side of this region is a group of push buttons that can be pressed to
initiate certain actions on the currently selected job or jobs. By pressing the
appropriate button, you can issue an event that will:
■ Start a job.
■ Kill a job.
■ Force a job to start.

Place a job on hold.
■ Take a job off hold.

In each of these cases, a dialog box asks you to confirm, after which the action is
taken immediately, without requiring you to perform any further actions. If you
have initiated an action on multiple jobs, the dialog will display the following:
“Ready to send event event for # jobs”


event Is the action you chose.

# Is the number of jobs that are selected.

When you click Send Event, the Send Event dialog displays, and it allows you to
send any type of event.

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Job Activity Console

In the last column are buttons that are user configurable. You can associate any
command with these buttons, and specify your own button labels. This process
is explained in User-Configurable Action Buttons in this chapter.

Send Event Dialog

The Send Event dialog box provides you the means to do the following:
■ Send any event that can be sent manually in AutoSys.
■ Select the various event parameters you want to specify when sending the
■ Cancel an event that has been scheduled to occur in the future.

Note: The fields of the Send Event dialog correspond to sendevent command
options. For a complete description of these options, see the description of the
sendevent command in the chapter “Commands” of the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Reference Guide.

The following is the Send Event dialog:

You specify an event using one of the radio buttons at the top of the dialog. Just
below these buttons is the Job Name field, which by default contains the name of
the currently selected job. You can change this field if desired.

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Job Activity Console

You can specify when the event is to take effect, either Now (the default), or at
some future time and date. (The current time and date are provided as examples
of the required format.) Use the A.M. and P.M. radio buttons if you want to

specify the time

setting that using
is less thana13,
12-hour format. If a.m.,
it is considered the time field
while anycontains an hours
larger value is
considered p.m.

The Comment field is a free-form field in which you can enter any text you want
to associate with this event in the database; this field is for documentation
purposes only. For example, if you force a job to start, you might provide an
explanation about why this was necessary.

The AUTOSERV instance field displays the current server identifier; only when
events need to be sent to a different instance should this field be changed.

The Global Name and Global Value fields are used when you have specified a
SET_GLOBAL event. Global Name and Global Value can each be a maximum of
30 characters.

The Signal field is used to specify the signal number if you specified a

The Queue Priority field is used only when you have specified a
CHANGE_PRIORITY event. This affects the run priority of a job that is in
QUE_WAIT state.

You can only make a selection from the Status pull-down menu if the Change
Status event type (radio button) has been selected. This menu lets you select a
new status for the currently selected job.

Use the Send Priority radio buttons to specify whether the event is to be sent
with normal priority (the default), placing the event in the queue with all
system-generated events, or with high priority, placing it at the top of the event
queue. The latter is normally reserved for emergencies, such as killing a job.

The Execute button of the dialog executes, or sends, the event. The Cancel button
cancels the event that was about to be sent. When either button is pressed, the
Send Event dialog is dismissed.

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Job Activity Console

Canceling a Sent Event

At the Send Event dialog, you can cancel one or more events scheduled to occur
sometime in the future. You can do this in one of two ways: by canceling a
specific event or by canceling a specific event type for a specific scheduled time.

Note: You should use this feature to cancel events that you have sent from the
Send Event dialog. If you want to override a scheduled starting condition for a
job, you should use the one-time override job attribute, either from the Job
Definition dialog or from JIL.

To cancel a specific event:

1. In the Event Type region, specify an event type by selecting one of the radio
Note: You can select multiple jobs in the Job Activity Console before you
open the Send Event dialog. If you do so, the Send Event dialog will send
this cancel event for all of the selected jobs that meet the Event Type criteria.
2. Select the Cancel Previously Sent Event radio button.
3. In the Job Name field, enter the job name.
4. Click the Execute button. This process cancels all pending events of the
specified Event Type for the selected jobs.

To cancel a specific event by its scheduled time:

1. Make sure you have the appropriate job in the Job Name field.
Note: You can select multiple jobs in the Job Activity Console before you
open the Send Event dialog. If you do so, the Send Event dialog will send
this cancel event for all of the selected jobs that meet the Event Type and
Time criteria.
2. In the Event Type region, specify an event type by selecting one of the radio
3. Select the Cancel Previously Sent Event radio button.

4. Select the Match on Time radio button.

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Job Activity Console

5. In the Time field (of the Future region), specify the time the event is
scheduled to occur.
6. Click the Execute button. This cancels all pending events of the specified
Event Type at the specified Time for the selected jobs.

Notes on Canceling a The Cancel Previously Sent Event feature is designed to be used primarily on
Send Event
events that you have sent from the Send Event dialog. If you want to override a
scheduled starting condition for a job, you should use the one time override job
attribute, either from the Job Definition dialog or from JIL.

If you cancel a future Start Job event for a time-dependent job with no other
starting conditions, the job may never run again without manually starting it
with a Send Event command. For example, “jobA” is scheduled to run daily at
11:00. “jobA” starts at 11:00 on Monday and completes at 11:30, at which time the
next future Start Job event is sent for 11:00 Tuesday. At 9:00 on Tuesday, you
cancel the 11:00 Start Job event. The job not only does not run at 11:00 on
Tuesday, but it will not be scheduled to run again. To restart the job, you can
either update its job definition, or manually issue a Start Job Send Event.

Control Buttons

In the middle of the Control area, there are several push buttons that provide
you with control functions for the Console screen. The Job Definition button
displays the Job Definition dialog with the currently selected job already
displayed. This allows you to quickly review the job’s definition, and change it if
necessary (and if permissions allow).

The Dependent Jobs button displays the Dependent Jobs dialog that contains a
list of all the jobs directly dependent on the currently selected job. This allows
you to quickly see which jobs will be affected by the current job; in particular,
which jobs will not run until the current job completes. This is useful if the
currently selected job is running late and you need to determine which other jobs
will be affected.

The following Dependent Jobs dialog is for the job “BoilWater.” As with the
atomic conditions list, any job in this Dependent Jobs List can be selected,
making it the currently selected job (and dismissing the dialog).

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Job Activity Console

The Dependent Jobs dialog can be dismissed by pressing the Close button, or by
selecting another job in the Job Activity Console.

The following is the Dependent Jobs dialog for the job ‘BoilWater”:

This feature allows you to arbitrarily follow the chain of job dependencies far
downstream, and to determine which jobs are in some way dependent on
another job.

The Freeze Frame button freezes the Console display, which otherwise is
regularly updated. By default it is updated every five seconds; this refresh
interval is user-configurable. In Freeze Frame mode, all processing continues
normally, but the screen is not refreshed. This feature is useful, for instance,
when you are viewing the Event Report’s output and the display has scrolled

through some
to the first lineof
ofthe output.
output, A refresh
forcing you tooperation would
scroll back to thereset
areathe report
that display
you were
viewing. When the Freeze Frame button is toggled back off, the Console once
again reflects the current state of the system.

There is a user-configurable X resource that causes the Operator Console to start

in Freeze Frame mode—this is the installation default. For more information
about customizing the Operator Console, see Customizing the Operator Console
in this chapter.

The three Report buttons let you choose the type of report you want to view, as
described earlier in this section. You can specify a default report type using the X
resources, see Default Report in this chapter.

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Job Activity Console

Job Path (History) Dialog

When you single-click on a job in the atomic conditions list or in the dependent
jobs list (thereby changing which job is the currently selected one), the Job Path
(History) dialog appears. This dialog contains a list of all the jobs selected since
the last time a job was selected directly from the Job List, in the order in which
they were selected.

Assuming that you had clicked the atomic condition for “BoilWater” while
displaying the “DripCoffee” job, the new currently selected job would be
“BoilWater,” and the Job Path (History) dialog would display with the
appropriate entries for both of the jobs you have traversed since your last
selection from the Job List.

The following shows a Job Path (History) dialog box with these entries.

Using this dialog, you can quickly return to any previously selected job by
clicking on the job’s name.

Alarm Button

The large Alarm button serves both as an indicator that a new alarm has been
detected and as way to display the Alarm Manager dialog. When a new alarm
occurs, the Alarm button changes to the color red. When this happens, and you
press the button, its color returns to green, and the Alarm Manager dialog is
displayed. If the Alarm Manager dialog is already on the screen, but is obscured
by the Job Activity Console, pressing the Alarm button will bring the Alarm
Manager dialog to the top of the display. The Alarm button can also be used to
update the Alarm Manager dialog, even if Freeze Frame is in effect.

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Job Activity Console

Exit Button

The Exit button is used to close the Job Activity Console, including the Alarm
Manager. When this button is pressed, a verification dialog displays asking you
to confirm the exit.

Resizing Regions of the Job Activity Console

The resizing handles of the Job Activity Console let you move the boundary lines
between the three regions of the window. You change these boundaries using
the small square handle at the right edge of each region’s horizontal separators;
these separators are blue by default.

To adjust a boundary, you simply click and hold on a resizing handle and drag it
up or down. By doing so, your screen display can be adjusted to reveal more
jobs. For example, you can borrow display space from the Currently Selected Job
region, and even the Control area, to view more jobs in the Job List. In fact, if the
upper handle is pulled all the way down to the bottom of the Console screen, the
entire Job Activity Console can be used to display the Job List. You can expose
the buttons in the Control area later by pulling the lower handle back up. (You
can alter the Job Activity Console display size using the resizing handles
surrounding the dialog as well.)

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Job Selection Dialog

Job Selection Dialog

The Job Selection dialog provides a way to specify which jobs you want to view,
filtering out all other jobs. You specify the jobs you want to view by name, job
status, and machine on which the job ran (or is currently running).

To display the Job Selection dialog:

From the Job Activity Console, choose View, Select Jobs.

The Job Selection dialog appears:

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Job Selection Dialog

Specifying a Job by Name

If you select the All Jobs option, all jobs are selected, ignoring any entries in the
Job Name or Box Name field. However, you can select jobs by name.

When specifying a job name in the Job Name field, you can enter either the entire
name or a partial name with the asterisk ( * ) wildcard character representing one
or more characters. You can use this wildcard in more than one character
position. For example, specifying the job name “*a*” would match the jobs
“Dad,” “Bead,” “Bat,” and so forth.

In a similar fashion, you can specify a box name in the “Box Name” field to select
all jobs in the specified box.

Note: If you use the wildcard character to specify all box names, and a box has
other boxes inside of it, the name of the nested box job will be listed multiple
times in the Job List.

The Box Levels field lets you indicate how many levels of nesting you want to
view for a box job. You can enter any valid positive number.

Nesting Level Description

0 Indicates that only the top-level box specified in the Box

Name field is to be displayed.

1 Indicates that the box specified in the Box Name field and
only the first level nesting of its direct descendants are to be

All Indicates that the box specified in the Box Name field and all
of its direct descendants (including nested boxes and the jobs
in those boxes) are to be displayed. This is the default.

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Job Selection Dialog

When selecting jobs based on box name, each level of box/job will be indented
two spaces to indicate the nesting. The following shows this convention in the
Job List:

Specifying Jobs by Status

From the Job Selection dialog, you can select jobs based on their current status,
such as STARTING, RUNNING, INACTIVE, and so forth. The default is to
display all job statuses. You can select any combination of the statuses. All
Statuses overrides any specific status selections.

Specifying Jobs by Machine

From the Job Selection dialog, you can select jobs based on the name of the
machine on which it ran (or is currently running). On the right side of this dialog
is a list of all the machines that are referenced in any job or machine definition,
or which have run an AutoSys job. From this list, you can choose one, several, or
All Machines (the default).

Note: Virtual machines will appear in this list, but cannot be used to select jobs
because jobs can run only on real machines.

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Job Selection Dialog

Selecting Machines

To choose a single machine:

Click on that machine.

To choose a range of machines:
Click and hold on the first machine name, drag the cursor to the last name,
then release the mouse button.

To choose additional machines after the initial selection:

Hold down the Control key and perform the actions previously shown.

To choose all machines:

Select the All Machines option.

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Job Selection Dialog

Sorting the Specified Jobs

The Job Selection dialog lets you specify the sort order in which the jobs should
be listed. You can choose one of the following sort criteria:

Sort Order Description

Start Time The starting time for the most recent execution of the job.

End Time The ending time for the most recent execution of the job.

Job Name Jobs will be sorted by name in ascending alphanumeric


Job Status Jobs will be sorted by their current status, in ascending

alphabetical order.

Machine Name Jobs will be sorted by the machine on which they run or
have been run, in ascending alphabetical order.

Unsorted Displays the jobs in the order in which they were created;
that is, the order in which they exist in the database. You
should choose this option when selecting jobs by box
name, because their creation order usually has some
significance; especially as this pertains to the running
order of jobs inside of boxes. If any sorting is done, the
indenting of the various nesting levels has no meaning,

nor is there any indication of which jobs are in which


Setting the Job Selection Criteria

To make the job selection criteria take effect:

Do one of the following:
■ Click OK, which also dismisses the dialog.
■ Click Apply, which does not dismiss the dialog.

Clicking the Cancel button dismisses the Job Selection dialog without changing
the selection criteria.

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Changing the Console Clock Perspective

Changing the Console Clock Perspective

The Options menu of the menu bar contains a single option, Console Clock
Perspective. You have three choices: Server Time, Current Job Time, or Local
Machine Time. This option controls the time perspective of the display.

Note: The Console Clock Perspective does not change the Start Time and End
Time displays in the Currently Selected Job region.

Server Time displays the time based on the time zone of the AutoSys server
machine. Current Job Time displays the time using the time zone specified in the
job definition (the timezone attribute); if no time zone is set for the job, then the
server machine time is used. Local Machine Time displays the time in the time
zone of the machine on which the Operator Console is running.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Alarm Manager Dialog

The Alarm Manager lets you view alarms as they arrive, acknowledge them, and
change their status from Open to Acknowledged or Closed. This feature
provides a useful tracking mechanism for all the alarms issued on your system.

To display the Alarm Manager dialog:

Press Alarm in the lower-right corner of the Job Activity Console.

The Alarm Manager dialog appears:

The Alarm Manager dialog has a menu bar and the following three regions:
Alarm List
At the top of the dialog.
Currently Selected Alarm
In the middle of the dialog.
At the bottom of the dialog.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Alarm Manager Menu Bar

The Alarm Manager menu bar, at the top of the dialog, contains two menus:
View and Options.

Alarm Manager Menu Action

View Menu Provides two options: Select Alarms

and Reset to Defaults. The Select
Alarms option displays the Alarm
Selection dialog. The Reset to Defaults
option resets the alarm selection criteria
to their default settings and updates the
Alarm Manager dialog to reflect the

new selection criteria.

Options Menu Contains the single selection, Sound
On. The “Sound” feature plays sound
clips associated with alarms whenever
a new alarm is generated. This option is
a toggle switch which can be turned on
and off by clicking the option.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Alarm List

The Alarm List region of the dialog displays a list of all the alarms that are
currently in the system, and that meet the viewing criteria specified by the user,
which may include closed alarms. The default is to display all Open and
Acknowledged alarms, of any type, regardless of the time they were generated.

Each entry in the Alarm List contains the following information about a single
■ Alarm type.
■ The job for which the alarm was generated.
■ Date and time at which the alarm was generated.
■ The alarm’s current state.
■ Any comment associated with the alarm at the time it was generated.

Alarms are displayed in reverse order of occurrence; the newest alarms appear at
the top of the list and older ones appear farther down. An alarm is made the
currently selected alarm by clicking anywhere on the line on which it is

Selecting multiple alarms allows you to perform actions on multiple alarms at


To select multiple alarms:

Do one of the following:
■ Press and hold the mouse button and drag to select a group of alarms.
■ Hold the Control key and click each alarm that you want to select. Holding
the Control key and clicking a selected alarm will deselect the alarm.

Clicking anywhere in the alarm list will deselect all currently selected alarms.

Note: You can configure the widths of the columns in the Alarm List using the X
resource file, described in Alarm List Column Width in this chapter.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Currently Selected Alarm

The Currently Selected Alarm region of the dialog displays the currently selected
alarm, and lets you enter a response in the Response edit box.

The Response edit box accepts multiple lines of text. The entered text is
automatically word wrapped, with lines breaking at appropriate spaces. You can
use the mouse to edit text. In addition, you can use the arrow and backspace
keys as well as the Tab and Enter keys.

The User field, beneath the Response edit box, shows the user who invoked the
Alarm Manager. This read-only field shows which user responded to the alarm

The Alarm State region lets you change the alarm state to Acknowledged or
Closed. Once an alarm is changed from the Open state, you cannot put it back in
the Open state.


The third region of the Alarm Manager dialog is the Control region, at the
bottom of the dialog. In this region, there are several buttons used to control the
Alarm Manager. They are:
■ Freeze Frame
■ Select Job
■ New Alarm

Freeze Frame Button

As in the Job Activity Console, the Alarm Manager is automatically updated at

regular intervals. The Freeze Frame button suspends this automatic refreshing of
the screen, keeping the Alarm List static while you are working on it. The
currently selected alarm will remain displayed until another alarm is selected,
even when the dialog is being updated; as a result, responses can be entered
uninterrupted. The Freeze Frame feature is particularly useful when scrolling
through the Alarm List, since newly arriving alarms are added at the top of the
list, and the list scrolls back to the top each time the display is refreshed.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Select Job Button

The Select Job button causes the job associated with the currently selected alarm
(if there is one) to become the currently selected job on the Job Activity Console.
This is useful when you want to review the details of the job for which the alarm
was generated. In the example in Alarm Manager Dialog, the currently selected
alarm is associated with the job “AlarmClock.” Therefore, pressing the Select Job
button in the Alarm Manager will cause “AlarmClock” to become the currently
selected job in the Job Activity Console. This operation will also update the Job
Path (History) dialog (discussed in Job Path (History) Dialog in this chapter) in
the process.

New Alarm Button

The New Alarm button serves the same purpose as the Alarm button on the Job
Activity Console. This button turns red when a new alarm arrives, which is
particularly useful when the Alarm Manager is not refreshing (when the Freeze
Frame feature is in effect).

When you press either the New Alarm button on this dialog, or the Alarm
button on the Job Activity Console, the Alarm List is updated and both of these
buttons are reset to green, even if the Freeze Frame feature is on.

Even when this dialog is refreshing regularly, the New Alarm button can serve
as an indicator that a new alarm has arrived.

When the alarm selection criteria is restrictive enough to filter out the new alarm,
a warning dialog displays when the New Alarm button is pressed. This dialog
offers to reset the selection criteria to the defaults; this will ensure that any new
alarms that are generated will be displayed. Regardless of whether or not you
accept this option, the New Alarm button’s color will be reset to green.

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Alarm Manager Dialog

Registering Responses and Changing Alarm States

To register a response or change the state of an alarm in the database, you must
explicitly save the alarm.

To save an alarm to the database:

Do one of the following:
■ Click OK. This action dismisses the Alarm Manager.
■ Click Apply. This action does not dismiss the Alarm Manager.

To dismiss the Alarm Manager without saving any changes

■ Click Cancel.

Typically, you would use Apply to register changes, since the Alarm Manager
would probably be running on a continual basis.

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Alarm Selection Dialog

Alarm Selection Dialog

The Alarm Selection dialog lets you dynamically control which alarms are
displayed. Alarms can be selected by type of alarm, state of alarm (Open,
Acknowledged, or Closed), and by the date and time of the alarm’s occurrence.

Note: Alarms that have been archived cannot be displayed.

To display the Alarm Selection dialog:

Select View, Select Alarm at the top of the Alarm Manager dialog. The Alarm
Selection dialog appears:

The Alarm Selection dialog is divided into three regions, described in the next

Select by Type
■ Select by State
■ Select by Time

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Alarm Selection Dialog

Select by Type

In the Select by Type region of the dialog, a list of all possible alarm types is
displayed. From this list, you can select one, several, or all types of alarms. The
default is All alarm types.

To choose a single alarm from the list:

Click the alarm’s name.

To choose a range of alarms:

Click and hold the mouse button on the first alarm name, drag the cursor to
the last alarm in the range, and release the mouse button.

To choose noncontiguous alarms:

Hold down the Control key and click the desired alarms. Hold down the
Control key and click a selected alarm to deselect the alarm.

To choose all alarm types:

Select the All Types option, which overrides any more-specific settings.

Select by State

You can also select alarms by the state of the alarm. You can select any or all of
the states by toggling on the appropriate buttons, or the All States toggle. The
default is to display all Open and Acknowledged alarms.

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Alarm Selection Dialog

Select by Time

By default, alarms are shown regardless of the time they were generated. You
can choose to display only alarms that were generated during a specific date and
time window. Fields are provided to specify a From Date, From Time, To Date,
and To Time. You can specify dates without times. However, you cannot specify
times without dates.

The current system date and time are automatically filled in for your
convenience. You use a 24-hour format when specifying times.

To make the alarm selection take effect:

Do one of the following:
■ Click OK. This sets your selections and dismisses the Alarm Selection dialog.
■ Click Apply. This sets your selections without dismissing the dialog.

To dismiss the dialog without applying the selections:

■ Click Cancel.

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Customizing the Operator Console

Refresh Time Interval

The following resource controls the time interval after which the Operator
Console will be refreshed (specified in milliseconds).

Alarm Poll Time Interval

The following resource controls the time interval after which the database will be
searched for the arrival of new alarms, and the Alarm Manager will be refreshed
(specified in milliseconds).

Changing Fonts
The fonts used in the Operator Console fall into the following three categories:
■ Those you can choose, independent of other fonts.
■ Bold fonts, which must correlate with normal fonts.
■ Normal fonts, which must correlate with, bold fonts.

Several of the lists in the Operator Console present information in columns, such
as the Job List, which displays the job name, command, and so forth. In order to
maintain the appropriate spacing for these columns, all characters in each field
must be the same width. Therefore, fixed-format fonts must be specified for all
column-oriented lists.

In order for the labels at the top of the columns to align with the columns
themselves, those labels must also use fixed-format fonts, in the same size and
style. We recommend that a bold-faced font be used for the labels, so that they
are consistent with the other, non-list field labels (unless, of course, you have
chosen a non-bold font for everything).

The font chosen for the column data should be a non-bold version of the same

font used in the labels.

Note: The model X resources file provided specifies values that work well for
each of the SunOS and AIX platforms.

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Customizing the Operator Console

Freeze Frame at Start Up

The following resource controls whether or not the Operator Console starts up in
Freeze Frame mode, where “1” is true (the default) and “0” is false:
*FreezeAtStartup: 1

Font Selection Resources

The following resource specifications control font selection. They are completely
independent of any other font settings:

Label Font Resources

The following label resources should be the same, for consistency across the
application. They should also be fixed and be of the same type as the list fonts
given following, except that those probably shouldn’t be bold.

List Font Resources

The following list resources should be the same, for consistency across the
application. They should also be fixed and be of the same type as the label fonts
shown previously, except that these probably shouldn’t be bold (typically called

The following resources do not necessarily relate to other fonts, but should
match the non-bold font of the list fonts shown previously, for consistency across
the application.

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Customizing the Operator Console

Object Color

The following resources affect the colors of the various objects within the
Operator Console. We recommend that the default colors be used, since they
match those used in the main AutoSys graphical user interface.

Currently Selected Job Name Field

The following resource controls the “currently selected” job name field, and
should be a different color from the rest of the interface, for emphasis.

Background Color of Variable Fields

The following resources control the background color of the variable fields
found in the interface, such as lists and text values, which change based on user

Border Colors

The following resources set the decorative dark blue borders of the interface:

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Customizing the Operator Console

Primary Interface Color

The following resources set the primary interface color, medium gray:

Toggle Button Color

The following resource sets the toggle button color used to indicate that the
toggle button is “on”:


Job List Column Widths

The following resources set the lengths of the various fields (columns) in the Job
List of the Job Activity Console. Specify a number of characters. (The lines
beginning with # are comments.)
#job name:
#job description:
#job status:
#command to be executed, according to job
#machine job is (or was) associated with, when it
#runs (or ran):
#spacing between columns in all lists:

Atomic Condition Fields

The following resources apply to the atomic conditions in the Job Activity
Console—the fields that describe a starting condition at its most basic level:
#length of condition (such as “SUCCESS(JOBA)”):
#length of current state (eg, “SUCCESS”):
#length of true/false flag - whether the current
#state satisfies the condition:

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Customizing the Operator Console

Operator Console Size

The following two resources force the Console size to be a specified width and
height. Keep in mind that this will override the resizing that occurs as a function
of the chosen font.

Default Report Type

The following resource specifies the default report type to be run for the
currently selected job, at each Console refresh. Options are: None, Summary, and

Alarm List Column Width

The following resources determine the widths of the columns in the Alarm List.
Specify a number of characters.
#Length of type of alarm (eg. JOBFAILURE):
#Length of name of the job which generated the #alarm:
#Length of mm/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm time stamp of alarm
#Length of alarm state - open, acknowledged, or
#Length of system-generated comment:

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Customizing the Operator Console

Operator Console Title Bar Text and Icon Text

The following resources specify the title bar text and the icon text. By default the
title bar text is “Job Activity Console” and the icon text is “JAC.”

Note: When changing icon text, be sure the length of the new text string does not
exceed the recommended maximum length for icon title text for your windowing
system. Some window managers can display long icon text strings, while others
will truncate them. Ensure the text string you specify for your icons displays
appropriately. Also, some window managers allow you to change the size of
icons and icon text font.

User-Configurable Action Buttons

The last column of buttons in the Control area of the Job Activity Console are
user configurable. You may associate any command with these buttons, and
specify your own button labels. The following resource specifications specify
labels and commands for the three configurable buttons.

By default, these resources are commented out. Be sure to remove the preceding
exclamation point (!) when you edit these specifications.

Button labels can be up to 20 characters, including spaces.

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11 Monitoring and Reporting Jobs

This chapter describes how to define monitors and reports using essential and
optional monitor/report attributes. It also explains how to define monitors and
reports using both the GUI and JIL.

About Monitors and Browsers

Monitors provide you with a real time view of the system. Reports (or
“Browsers”) provide you the ability to examine historical information about job
executions using a variety of reporting views.

Monitors and reports are simply applications that run against the database. Since
all information is in the database, monitors and reports that retrieve information
from the database provide a complete picture of the state of the entire system.
Monitors and reports can run with any database, and Dual Event servers can be

in use. Also, monitors and reports can be run on any AutoSys client machine.

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About Monitors and Browsers

Monitors and reports enable you to filter and screen only the information you
are interested in from of a vast collection of data. That is, they are tools that can
give you information meaningful to you.

Both monitors and reports filter events by the following:

■ Type of event
■ Job or groups of jobs

In addition, reports also filter by time. Monitors do not filter by time because
they provide real time information.

Note: Monitors can provide a picture of the system’s state in real-time. If the
Event processor is down, monitors will not provide any information. On the
other hand, reports provide a picture of the system’s state from a “historical”
view, not in real time.


Monitors provide a real time view of the system. These are the two steps
necessary to use a monitor:
■ Defining which events to monitor.
■ Actually running the monitor.

A running monitor is an application that polls the database for new events that
meet the selection criteria. Monitors are strictly informational. They provide an
up-to-the-minute window to AutoSys events as they occur. For box jobs, all job
levels can be observed, if desired.

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Defining Monitors and Reports


A report (or browser) is a query run against the database, based on the selection
criteria defined for that report. Its primary function is to enable you to quickly
get very specific information, such as the finish time of the database backup for
the last two weeks or all jobs that have an alarm associated with them. In
addition, all job levels in box jobs can be reported if desired.

Like monitors, a report definition is stored in the database, enabling reports to be

run at any time, without redefining the criteria. Reports can only display events
that are still in the database. Archived events are inaccessible and cannot be

Defining Monitors and Reports

There are a number of attributes that are used to define and describe monitors
and reports. Using these attributes, you can specify everything from the name to
be assigned to the new monitor or report; to the events you are interested in

You can specify monitors and reports using either of the following:
■ Through the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
■ By passing Job Information Language (JIL) statements to the jil command.

In either case, the monitor or report specification is stored in the database, and
the attributes you specify are virtually the same. You define a new monitor or
report by assigning it a name and specifying any number of attributes that
further define its behavior.

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Defining Monitors and Reports

Using the GUI

To define a monitor or report using the GUI:

1. Issue the autosc command, which displays the GUI Control Panel.
2. In the GUI Control Panel, click Monitor/Browser button, which displays the
Monitor/Browser dialog (as shown in Defining Monitors and Reports using
the GUI.)
3. Set the various attributes and their values using the fields and buttons in the
Monitor/Browser dialog.

Using JIL

To define a monitor or report using JIL:

Issue the jil command, and pass it the insert_monbro subcommand followed
by a set of attribute: value pairs.

Chapter Organization

In this chapter, monitor and report attributes fit into two categories (sections):
essential and optional. Essential attributes must be specified in order for a
definition to be valid, and optional attributes are not required.

For each attribute described in this chapter, the following is indicated:

■ Its name
■ Its JIL attribute keyword
■ Its corresponding GUI object or “GUI Field Name”
■ A description of its use

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Essential Monitor/Report Attributes

Essential Monitor/Report Attributes

Common Essential Attributes—General

The following attributes are required for both monitors and reports. Although
defaults might be available, the attributes are still essential in that every monitor
or report must include them, whether by default or by explicit specification.

Monitor/Report Name

JIL Keyword insert_monbro: monbro_name

GUI Field Name Name

Description The monitor or report name is used to identify the monitor or report, and must
be unique. A monitor and report cannot have the same name, but a monitor or
report can have the same name as a job. A monitor or report name can be from 1-
30 alphanumeric characters; embedded blanks and tabs are illegal.


JIL Keyword mode

GUI Field Name Mode

Description The mode attribute indicates whether a monitor or report is being specified.

Common Essential Attributes—Events

The events specification determines which events are to be monitored or

reported. Events are any changes in the state of jobs. They can also be generated
occurrences, such as alarms. Or, they can be manually generated events, such as
starting a job, placing a job on hold, or killing a job.

As described in the next section, monitors and reports can track events by
filtering at several levels. Monitors and reports can also track events based on
selected jobs. The events to be tracked are determined by the combination of the
various event filters and the job filter, which are specified by using any of the
essential attributes.

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Essential Monitor/Report Attributes

All Events

Keyword JIL all_events


Description The all_events attribute specifies whether any event filtering is in effect. If it is
set to “yes,” the other event filtering attributes are ignored, and all events,
regardless of source, will be reported for the selected jobs. These events include
job status events and alarms.

Note: If you wish to monitor all the events for all jobs, you should not run a
monitor. Instead, you should display the event processor log time in real time,
using the following command:
autosyslog –e

Running a monitor adds another connection to the database, and establishes

another process that is continually polling the database. This process will have a
significant impact on system performance. Moreover, the information logged by
the event processor contains much more diagnostic information than that
monitor does.


JIL Keyword alarm

GUI Field Name Alarms

Description This attribute specifies whether generated alarms should be tracked. Alarms can
be tracked in addition to job status events (described following).

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Essential Monitor/Report Attributes

All Job Status Events

JIL Keyword all_status

GUI Field Name ALL Job Status Events

Description This attribute specifies whether all job status events should be tracked. Job status
events occur whenever a job’s status changes. If this attribute is set to “yes,” the
individual job status events shown below and a few internal job status events,
will be tracked.

Alarms can also be tracked in addition to job status events.

Individual Job Status Events

The following table contains individual job status events:

JIL Keyword Field Name

running Running

success Success

failure Failure

terminated Terminated

starting Starting
restart ReStarting

Job Filter

JIL Keyword job_filter

GUI Field Name Job Filter

Description The job filter attribute determines which jobs are to be monitored or reported.
Monitors and reports can track events based on selected jobs. The events to be
tracked are determined by the combination of the various event filters and the
job filter. The job filter can be set to one of three settings: track all jobs (no job
filtering), track a single box with the jobs it contains, or track a single job. If
either of the latter two is selected, the name of the job is required.

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Essential Monitor/Report Attributes

Essential Report Attributes

One of the attributes described following is required when defining reports, in

addition to those essential attributes listed previously. Reports allow you to
peruse all the events in the database. The time criteria listed here allow you to
select events that occurred within a particular span of time. They are mutually

Current Run Only

JIL Keyword currun

GUI Field Name Current Run Only

Description This attribute specifies that only events in the current or most recent execution of
the specified jobs will be reported. This feature is useful for getting a sense of
what is happening right now. For example, you could select the job status event
“restarting,” turn off job filtering, and set this attribute to “yes” to see all the jobs
that have been automatically restarted in their current or latest run.

Events After a Certain Date/Time

JIL Keyword after_time

GUI Field Name Events After Date/Time

Description This attribute specifies that only events occurring after a certain date and time
for the specified jobs will be reported. This attribute cannot be used in a monitor
definition because monitors only show events as they occur.

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Optional Monitor/Report Attributes

Verification Required for Alarms

JIL Keyword alarm_verif

GUI Field Name Verification Required for Alarms

Description This attribute specifies whether alarms need to be responded to by personnel

before they will be turned off. This verification feature prompts the user, for their
initials and a comment, in the running window. This information is timestamped
and recorded in the database, along with the alarm event. This approach
provides an account of the alarms that were responded to, and when they were
responded to.

An important feature of this attribute is that if the response is not given within
20 seconds, the message is repeated. Therefore, if one momentarily steps out of
the room and there is an alarm, it keeps writing to the window, and playing the
sound clip (if specified) until someone responds.

Optional Report Attributes

There are no optional report attributes.

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

This section describes the general use of the GUI Monitor/Browser dialog, which
is used for defining monitors and reports.

The Monitor/Browser Dialog

The Monitor/Browser dialog contains fields representing all the information you
need to define a monitor or report. When you click the Monitor/Browser button
in the GUI Control Panel, the Monitor/Browser dialog appears:

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

The buttons at the top of the dialog are the dialog’s control buttons. They
perform the following actions:

Dialog Control Buttons Actions

Clear Clears the dialog without affecting the database. Use
this button to clear all fields (in the dialog and
memory), before you begin defining a new monitor or

Delete Deletes the currently displayed monitor or report from

the database.

Save Stores the currently displayed monitor or report in the

database, either modifying a pre-existing object, or
creating a new one. It also clears the dialog in
preparation for another monitor or report definition.

Run MonBro Runs the monitor or report and displays output in an

xterm window.
Exit Closes the Monitor/Browser dialog and displays the
GUI Control Panel. If Exit is pressed without pressing
Save first, the recent changes are not saved. Exit only
exits the dialog.

As indicated
dialog. above,
A monitor monitors
must andinreports
be saved can be run
the database from
before the be
it can Monitor/Browser
run, but reports
do not need to be saved before they can be run. When a monitor or report is run
from the dialog, a new terminal window appears to display the output. To close
this window, press Control+C.

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

Defining an Example Monitor and Report

In this section, you’ll define one monitor and one report. In the next section,
describing the use of JIL, the examples from this section will be used to
demonstrate the JIL statements you need to create the same definitions.

Defining a Monitor

First, you will define a monitor with the name “Regular.” This monitor will
monitor all alarms, plus job status events when a job changes state to running,
success, failure, or terminated for the current job run.

To open the Monitor/Browser dialog:

In the GUI Control Panel, click the Monitor/Browser button, the
Monitor/Browser dialog appears.

To define the example monitor:

1. In the Name field, enter the monitor’s name:

2. In the Mode field, click the Monitor button.

3. In the Monitor/Browse these Types of Events region of the dialog, click
4. In the Job CHANGE_STATUS Events region, click the Running, Success,
Failure, and Terminated buttons.
5. In the Job Selection Criteria region of the dialog, click ALL Jobs.

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

Your entries in the Monitor/Browser dialog should appear as follows:

To save the monitor definition in the database:

At the top of the Monitor/Browser dialog, click Save.

To dismiss the Monitor/Browser dialog:

You can either dismiss the dialog using Exit, or you can leave it open to do
the next exercise.

Note: If you want to run the monitor immediately, you must save it first, then

click the Run MonBro button. When running a monitor or a report from the GUI,
an xterm window is created to display the monitor or report output.

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

Defining a Report

Next, you will define a report with the name “Alarm_Rep.” This report will
report all alarms on any job, from December 22, 1997, at 12:00 to the present.

To define the example report:

1. Click Clear to clear the dialog and begin a new report.
2. In the Name field, enter the report’s name:

3. In the Mode field, click Browser.

4. In the Monitor/Browse these Types of Events region of the dialog, click the
Alarms button only.

5. In the Job Selection Criteria region of the dialog, single-click ALL Jobs.
6. In the Browser Time Criteria region of the dialog, click the No button next to
the words “Current Run Only,” and enter the date and time in the Events
After Date/Time text field as follows (or you can enter a different,
appropriate time):
12/22/1997 12:00

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Defining Monitors and Reports Using the GUI

Your entries in the Monitor/Browser dialog should appear as follows:

To save the report definition in the database:

At the top of the Monitor/Browser dialog, click Save.

To dismiss the Monitor/Browser dialog:

You can either dismiss the dialog using the Exit button, or you can leave it
open to create other definitions.

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Defining Monitors and Reports using JIL

Defining Monitors and Reports using JIL

To define a monitor or report using JIL, use the same syntax as that used to
specify a job. This is the syntax:


monbro_name Is the monitor or report’s name. It can be from 1-30 alphanumeric characters
and is terminated with white space; embedded blanks and tabs are illegal.

The only difference between defining monitor/reports and jobs is that different
subcommands are used. For defining monitor or reports, these are the JIL
■ insert_monbro
■ update_monbro
■ delete_monbro

The following JIL script creates a monitor that will sound an alarm whenever a
job finishes successfully:
insert_monbro: Job_Success
mode: monitor /* "m" may be specified instead */
sound: yes
success: yes
job_filter: all

Note: The JIL examples in the following sections include the monitor and report
definitions presented in the GUI section previously shown.

For a list of machines for which Unicenter AutoSys JM supports sound, see the
record_sounds command in the chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management Reference Guide.

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Defining Monitors and Reports using JIL

Defining Monitors

First, you will define a monitor with the name “Regular.” This monitor will
monitor all alarms, plus job status events when a job changes state to running,
success, failure, and terminated. It sounds an audible alarm whenever any of the
events occur (for a list of machines which supports sound, see the record_sounds
command in the chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Reference Guide.)

These are the JIL statements for this monitor definition:

/* Monitor for all ALARMS, and
* Sound is ON!
insert_monbro: Regular
mode: m
sound: y
alarm: y
running: y
success: y
failure: y
terminated: y

The $AUTOSYS/install/data/monbro.jil file contains the example JIL statements

shown previously. It also contains the following JIL statements, which define a
sample monitor:
/* Monitor for JUST ALARMS!
* Verification Required is ON so someone must type in a response.
insert_monbro: Alarm
mode: m
sound: y
alarm: y
alarm_verif: y

This set of statements defines a monitor that catches alarms, generates an audible
alarm, and continually repeats the alarm until someone responds.

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Defining Monitors and Reports using JIL

Defining a Report

Next, you will define a report with the name “Alarm_Rep.” This report will
report all alarms on any job, from June 1, 1997, at 2:00 a.m., to the present.
insert_monbro: Alarm_Rep
mode: b
alarm: y
after_time: "06/01/1997 2:00"

Notice that quotes are required in the previous example, because the time
contains a special character, the colon.

Note: Reports can only display events that are still in the database. Archived
events are inaccessible and cannot be displayed.

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Running a Monitor

Running a Monitor
To run a monitor:

Do one of the following:

■ Enter the name in the Name field of the Monitor/Browser dialog, and click
the Run MonBro button.
■ Run the monitor by executing the following command at the UNIX
command line:
monbro -N monitor_name

Customizing the Monitor/Browser

There is a set of X resources you can use to customize the appearance and
behavior of the Monitor/Browser GUI. In particular, these resources allow you
to control:
■ The time interval after which the Monitor/Browser GUI will drop the
connection to the database.
■ The Monitor/Browse GUI icon text and the Monitor/Browse title bar text.

Descriptions of the resources which can be customized are given following. All
of these can be set by modifying the X resource file Autosc. The X resources files
reside in the local app-defaults directory, which varies across platforms. It is
usually in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults or /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults. If
you are not sure which directory these files are in, ask your system

Individual users may have their own copy of the X resources files in their
$HOME directory, which will take precedence over the app-defaults files.

For most operating systems, if you are exporting the display to another machine

you must edit the appropriate files in the app-defaults directory on the local

For Solaris, you must edit the files in both the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults and
/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults directories. The files in /usr/lib/X11/app-
defaults control the resources when you export the display.

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Customizing the Monitor/Browser

Database Connection Time-Out Interval

The following resource controls the time interval after which the
Monitor/Browser GUI will drop the connection to the database:
! TimeOut to drop DB connections (in minutes)
*DBDropTime: 400

If DBDropTime is set to zero, the connection is dropped immediately after the

database query has completed. A value greater than or equal to five means that
the GUI will automatically drop all database connections if the database has not
been accessed in the last DBDropTime minutes. (Values of one to four are
invalid). A new database connection will subsequently be established when
required. If DBDropTime is greater than 360, the connection to the database is
maintained until you exit the GUI screens.

Monitor/Browser Title Bar Text and Icon Text

The following resources specify the title bar text and the icon text. By default the
title bar text is “Monitor/Browser” and the icon text is “MonBro.”

Note: When changing icon text, be sure the length of the new text string does not
exceed the recommended maximum length for icon title text for your windowing
system. Some window managers can display long icon text strings, while others
will truncate them. Ensure the text string you specify for your icons displays
appropriately. Also, some window managers allow you to change the size of
icons and icon text font.

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12 Maintaining

This chapter describes the procedures for maintaining Unicenter AutoSys JM

and the database.

Maintaining the Event Processor

The event processor is the engine of Unicenter AutoSys JM. When the event
processor is not running, you cannot initiate new actions. You can stop the event
processor, however, and the actions that have already started will run to

Starting the Event Processor

To start the event processor:

1. On the server machine, enter the following command:


This command performs a number of consistency checks, and then starts the
event_demon program.

You can start the shadow event processor at the same time as the primary event
processor by specifying the -M option followed by the name of the machine on
which you want the shadow event processor to run, like this:
eventor -M machine_name

The eventor script runs in the background automatically.

W A RNI NG Do not try to start the event processor by invoking the
event_demon binary at the command line. The eventor script is required to
properly check and configure the environment for the event processor.

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Maintaining the Event Processor

eventor Command

The eventor command performs these tasks:

Verifies that no other event processor is running on that machine.

■ Invokes a restart procedure that looks for any events that are hung in the
“processing” state. Because events are processed one at a time, there can
only be one event hung in the processing state at a time. If there is an event
in this state, it is queued again for processing. Normally, events will only be
in this state if the event processor was stopped while it was processing an
Note: If the event being processed was a STARTJOB event, and the job it
started is still alive, it will not be started again. Also, if an event is in the
“processing” state for a long time, this does not imply that the job associated
with that event is in some unusual state. It could be that the command is
lengthy, or is waiting for machine resources.
■ Invokes the chase command. Chase inspects the database to see what should
be running, then checks each machine to verify that the appropriate jobs are
running. If chase sees any anomalies, it sends an alarm, and, if the job
definitions permit, it restarts any missing jobs.
The purpose of the chase feature is to verify the state and detect any
problems upon startup.
■ Starts the event_demon. Its output is redirected to the following file:

When eventor starts, it automatically invokes the following command:

tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV

This command displays the output of event_demon to the screen. To break

out of the display, press Control+C. This terminates the tail command only,
making the window available—the event_demon continues to run in the
Note: If you do not want eventor to run the tail command, you can use the -
q option when you start the event processor. Several command line options
allow you to start the event processor without some of the checks being
performed; however, an experienced administrator should use these options
only for special circumstances.

For more information about the eventor command, see its entry in the chapter
“Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

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Maintaining the Event Processor

Starting in Global Auto Hold Mode

If you are restarting the event processor after a period of downtime, you can
specify the -G option to start the event processor in Global Auto Hold mode.
This prevents the system from being overloaded with job starts for the numerous
jobs that were scheduled to run during the downtime.

When the event processor is in Global Auto Hold mode, it evaluates all jobs
whose starting conditions have passed and are eligible to run. Instead of starting
the jobs, however, the event processor puts the jobs ON_HOLD. It does this for
all types of jobs (box, command, and file watcher). This allows you to decide
which jobs should run and to start them selectively with the Force Start Job
button in the Operator Console, or with the following command:

This FORCE_STARTJOB event is the only way to start a job put ON_HOLD with
Global Auto Hold; it overrides the Global Auto Hold.

To turn off Global Auto Hold, you must shut down the event processor, and
then start it again without the -G option.

You can start both the primary and shadow event processors with the -G option.

Monitoring the Event Processor

The output of the event processor (event_demon executable) is written to the

following log file:

This log file contains a record of all the actions taken by the event processor,
including startup and shutdown information.

If the $AUTOUSER directory is NFS mounted, you can view this output from
any machine on the network.

To view the log file:

Do one of the following:
1. Type the following UNIX command:
tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV


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Maintaining the Event Processor

2. Execute the autosyslog utility like:

autosyslog -e

When you execute this command, the last ten lines of the log file are
displayed, and then all additions to the log are automatically displayed as
they occur.

To terminate the autosyslog process:

Press Ctrl+C.

Note: We recommend that you use the autosyslog -e command to follow the
behavior of the event processor. It displays the log file, which generates
information on all event processor activity.

Event Processor Log File Size

At startup, the event processor checks the size of its log file, and if the file is 250
KB or more, the event processor deletes the file.

The event processor log has a file system threshold setting. The event processor
shuts down if there is less than 8 KB of disk space available. However, if the
amount of available disk space falls below that specified by the
FileSystemThreshold parameter in the configuration file, the event processor
issues warnings in the event processor log file.

For information on the FileSystemThreshold parameter, see Event Processor Log

Disk Space in the chapter “Configuring.”

Stopping the Event Processor

It is safe to stop the event processor at any time, if it is stopped properly. Only
the exec superuser can stop the event processor.

Note: Stopping the event processor does not affect jobs that are already running.
They continue to run to completion, at which time the exit events are sent
directly to the database. The effect of stopping the event processor is that actions
triggered by incoming events sent, are not initiated until you start the event
processor again.

To stop the event processor properly:

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Maintaining the Event Processor

1. Log onto any configured machine as the exec superuser.

2. Issue the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

This method allows the event processor to complete gracefully any processing it
is performing. You can assign a high priority to the sendevent -E STOP_DEMON
command by including the -P 1 argument.

When you issue the sendevent command, the STOP_DEMON event is sent to the
database. The event processor then reads the STOP_DEMON event, goes into an
orderly shutdown cycle, and exits. There might be a delay between when you
send the STOP_DEMON event and when the event processor reads it and shuts
down. If the event processor does not shut down immediately, do not send
another STOP_DEMON event, because the event processor will process that
event the next time it starts, and it will promptly shut down.

For more information about the sendevent command, see sendevent in the
chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference

W A RNI NG Do not attempt to stop the event processor (the event_demon

process) by using the UNIX kill command. This method stops the event
processor no matter what it is doing; it might be in the middle of processing an
event. Also, if you are using dual-event servers and use these methods, the

databases can lose synchronization.

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Maintaining the Event Processor

Shadow Event Processor Rollover

You can configure a shadow event processor to act as a backup event processor.
The shadow event processor is normally idle; it listens for the periodic signals
(every 90 seconds) from the primary event processor that indicates the primary
processor is still functioning.

If the shadow event processor does not receive the signal, it does the following:
1. Checks the third machine for the .dibs file.
2. Does one of the following:
■ If it cannot connect to the third machine, the shadow event processor
shuts down.
■ If it can connect but cannot locate the .dibs file, the shadow event
processor creates the file, attempts to signal the primary event processor
to stop, and takes over processing the events.
■ If it can connect and the .dibs file already exists, the shadow event
processor shuts down.

Similarly, if the primary event processor cannot locate and signal the shadow
event processor, the primary processor checks the third machine for the .dibs file,
and follows the same procedure as the shadow event processor (as described

If the primary event processor and an event server are on the same machine, the
event processor failure could also mean an event server failure. In this situation,
if dual event servers are configured, Unicenter AutoSys JM will roll over to the
shadow event processor and to single-server mode.

Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the third machine and the existence of the .dibs file
to resolve contentions and to eliminate the case where one processor takes over
because its own network is down. However, the shadow event processor is not
guaranteed to take over in 100% of the cases. For example, in the case of network
problems, Unicenter AutoSys JM might not be able to determine which event

processor is the “healthy” one, and it will shut down both processors.
Note: You can specify the shadow event processor and the third machine by
modifying the tunable parameters in the configuration file. For information, see
the chapter “Configuring,” in this guide.

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Maintaining the Event Processor

Restoring the Primary Event Processor

To restore the Primary and the Shadow event processor

1. Stop thethe
issuing shadow eventcommand:
following processor by logging on as the exec superuser, and

sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

2. Issue the following command on the primary event processor machine:

eventor -M shadow_machine

This command starts the primary and shadow event processors at the same time.

Note: If you attempt to start the primary and shadow event processors without
having a third machine specified in the configuration file, the shadow event
processor will not start.

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Running in Test Mode

Running in Test Mode

If you want to check your configuration, you can run in test mode. This process
is helpful for troubleshooting problems. Running the event processor in test
mode allows you to test the set up as well as the execution of logic by the jil
command, without having to run the defined jobs. A simple job is run in place of
the defined job.

When running in test mode, you can determine the following:

■ If the event processor and the remote agents are installed and configured
properly. Running in test mode uses the same mechanisms of starting jobs
and sending events in its normal mode.
■ If the conditional logic for jobs, including nested boxes, is functioning

You can run the event processor at two levels of test mode. You do this by
setting the $AUTOTESTMODE environment variable before starting the event
processor. The levels of test mode are determined by the value of the
$AUTOTESTMODE variable. These are the values, which are discussed in the
following sections:

The event processor cannot run partially in test mode; Unicenter
AutoSys JM does not provide a test mode for the database. Therefore, you
should exercise extreme caution when you run in test mode on a live production

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Running in Test Mode


At the first level of test mode, each job that you specify runs with the following
test mode variations:
■ The command /bin/date is executed on the remote machine instead of the
command specified in the job definition.
■ Standard output and standard errors for the command are redirected to the
/tmp/autotest.$AUTO_JOB_NAME file, where $AUTO_JOB_NAME is the
job name as defined to AutoSys.
■ If the job being run in test mode is a file watcher job, it is not disabled; it runs
as it would in real mode.

The following functions are disabled:

■ Minimum and Maximum Run Alarms
■ Sourcing a user-specified .profile file
■ All resource checks


The second level of test mode runs with the same behaviors as the first level with
the addition of the following procedures:

Resource checks are performed.

■ A user defined .profile file is sourced.
■ Output from the /bin/date command goes to the user defined standard
output and standard error files, if they are defined; otherwise, output goes to
the file named /tmp/autotest.$AUTO_JOB_NAME.

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Backing Up Definitions

3. To append your machine definitions to the same file that contains your job
definitions, from the UNIX command prompt, execute the following

autorep -M ALL -q >> /directory/autosys.jil


directory Is the same directory where you saved your job definitions, a directory outside
of the directory structure.
Note: To append definitions to an existing file, you enter >> instead of >. We
recommend that you append your job, machine, and monitor and browser
definitions to the same file. Then you have only one file to restore following
a system failure.
4. To append your monitor and browser definitions to the same file that
contains your job and machine definitions, from the UNIX command
prompt, execute the following command:
monbro -N ALL -q >> /directory/autosys.jil


directory Is the same directory where you saved your job definitions, a directory outside
of the AutoSys directory structure.
5. To save your global variables to their own file, from the UNIX command
prompt, execute the following command:

autorep -G ALL > /directory/globals.jil


directory Is a directory outside of the directory structure. We recommend that you save
to the same directory where you saved your other definitions.
This command saves your global variables to a file named globals.jil. This
file is simply a record of what you must redefine following a system failure.

Note: You can create a job that runs periodically to back up your definitions

6. To save your license keys, run the gatekeeper command to print your
current license keys to a file.

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Restoring Definitions

Restoring Definitions
The procedure in this section assumes that you backed up your definitions by
following the procedure in Backing Up Definitions in this chapter.

To restore definitions:
1. To restore your calendar definitions:
a. Open a Calendar Definition window.
b. Choose File, Import.
The Import File Name dialog is displayed.
c. In the Import File Name dialog, select the directory and file name of the
text file that contains your calendar definitions.

d. Click OK.
2. To restore your job, machine, and monitor and browser definitions, from a
UNIX command prompt, execute the following command:
jil < /directory/autosys.jil


directory Is the directory where you saved your definitions.

3. Restore your global variables, reference your backup file and redefine any
global variables.

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Database Overview

Database Overview
All information is stored in a relational database known as the event server or
database. For this database, you can use either a Sybase or an Oracle database.

An event server contains all of the information about a particular instance. The
event processor reads from the event server to determine what actions to take.
The remote agents send starting, running, and completion information about
jobs to the event server.

Due to the critical nature of the information stored in the database, you can
configure to run with dual-event servers (two databases). Dual databases
provide redundancy in the event of an event server crash.

Note: While Unicenter JM uses the database solely as an SQL engine, it does use
Sybase Open Client C Library communications protocol and Oracle SQL*Net V2
to send events around the system.

Event Server Overview

An event server can be associated with only one instance and one running event

An event server contains the following objects:

Job definitions
■ Events
■ Monitor and report (browser) definitions
■ Calendar information
■ Machine definitions

For a list of the database tables and views as well as the event and alarm codes
used in the database, see the chapter “Database Tables and Codes” in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

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Database Overview

Using Dual Event Server Mode

When you configure with dual-event servers, all of the data is duplicated on two
event servers. In dual-server mode both servers are peers, and the event
processor is responsible for keeping the databases synchronized. The event
processor continually reads from both databases as it processes events.

For information about installing a second event server, see Installing Dual-Event
Servers in the chapter “Advanced Configurations” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

Database Storage Requirements

The standard sizes for databases are 64 MB (Sybase) and 100 MB (Oracle). The
standard sizes for databases are the recommended sizes. If your job load is large,
you should create a larger database. The size requirements for your database
depend on the following:
■ The number of jobs you define.
■ How many of the jobs have dependencies.
■ How often the jobs are run.
■ How often the database is cleaned. (Every time a job runs, it generates at
least three events and an entry in the job_runs table.)

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Database Overview

Database Architecture

The following figure shows the layout of databases in an environment, and it

will help you understand configuration options. It depicts how Unicenter
AutoSys JM determines which database to use, and how the three primary
components (the event processor, the database, and the remote agent) interact.

The previous figure shows one instance that is configured with dual-event
servers, which are used only by this one instance. Both the event processor and
the remote agent ensure that events are written to the appropriate databases.

The controlling variable in the architecture is the environment variable named

AUTOSERV. This variable is the instance name that indicates, among other
things, the name of the configuration file to be used. The configuration file name
is determined by expanding the environment variable in the following way:

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General Database Maintenance

This configuration file contains information about which database to use, and in
what capacity. All commands access this file, unless they are overridden at the
command line with an argument that states an instance name.

For information on configuring instances, see the chapter “Configuring ,” in this


Note: Different instances can start jobs on the same machine. The remote agent
receives instructions from the event processor at runtime, and the remote agent
can send events to the necessary databases.

General Database Maintenance

You can configure Unicenter AutoSys JM to maintain itself as it runs. In fact,
there are defaults in place that provide frequent, automatic maintenance. You
can customize the configuration file. In addition to this regularly scheduled
maintenance, you can issue general and database maintenance commands from
the command line.

Periodic maintenance is essential to keeping Unicenter AutoSys JM working

correctly. Several events are generated for each run of each job. If these events
are not “pruned” from the database periodically, the database will eventually fill
up, bringing Unicenter AutoSys JM and its jobs to a halt. Therefore, we
recommend that you use the suggested periodic maintenance practices described
in this section.

Daily Database Maintenance

Once a day, the event processor performs internal database maintenance. During
this time, it does not process any events; it waits for the maintenance activities to
complete before resuming normal operations. By default, this maintenance cycle
starts at 3:30 a.m. If it is necessary to change the start time, reset it to a time of
minimal activity.

The DBMaintTime parameter in the configuration file allows you to specify the
time for daily database maintenance. Use a 24-hour format for the entry. For
information on the database maintenance parameter, see the Configuration File
Parameters section in the chapter “Configuring,” in this guide.

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General Database Maintenance

DBMaint Script

By default, Unicenter AutoSys JM executes the $AUTOSYS/bin/DBMaint script

during its daily maintenance cycle. This script runs the dbstatistics and
archive_events commands.

DBMaint runs the dbstatistics command to perform the following tasks:

■ Update statistics in the database for optimal performance. For Sybase
database, it updates statistics for the event, job, job_status, and job_cond
tables. For Oracle, it computes statistics for all of the tables.
■ Run the dbspace command to check the available space in the database. If
the amount of free space is insufficient, it issues warning messages and
generates a DB_PROBLEM alarm.

Note: If you use an Oracle database, running DBMaint may report that your
database is close to full when this is not the case. This can occur because
DBMaint calculates how much space is not allocated for extents. The extents
may be nearly empty, but DBMaint reports the whole extent as used space.
■ Calculate and update the average job run statistics in the avg_job_run table.
When dbstatistics is run, old data is overwritten with the new data.

DBMaint runs the archive_events command to remove old information from the
various database tables. Specifically, archive_events removes the following:
■ Events and any alarms associated with them from the event table
■ Job run information from the job_runs table.
■ autotrack log information from the audit_info and audit_msg tables
■ ServerVision audit information from the svarchive_tbl table

The output from DBMaint, $AUTOUSER/out/DBMaint.out, tells you how much

space is left in your database, so that you can check (and monitor) if the event
tables are filling up. This is a good way to calculate how many events in a single
day can be maintained safely in the database before they should be archived.

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General Database Maintenance

For more information on the dbstatistics and archive_events commands, see their
entries in the chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for Windows and UNIX Reference Guide. For a list of the database tables and

views, as well
“Database as the
Tables andevent andinalarm
Codes” codes used
the Unicenter in the tables,
AutoSys see the chapter
Job Management for
Windows and UNIX Reference Guide.

W A RNI NG If you are archiving large event tables, your SQL connection might
time out, causing the DBMaint script to core dump. If this occurs, change the -t
argument of the archive_events command to a higher value.

Modifying the DBMaint Script

You can modify the $AUTOSYS/bin/DBMaint script. For example, you might
want to modify the script to perform database backups also. For information on
backing up bundled Sybase, see Bundled Sybase Backup and Recovery in this

When you modify the script, copy it first, and then add your enhancements to
the copied version. If you modify the script, you should keep a backup copy of it;
then, when you upgrade, you will not lose your changes. You can use your
enhanced script to modify the newly installed script.

The script name is specified by the DBMaintCmd parameter in the configuration


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General Database Maintenance

Data Locking

Depending on your environment, you may see many Sybase deadlock messages
in the event_processor log. While this has no adverse effect on the integrity of
your system, it can affect performance. To reduce the number of deadlocks, you
can turn on row-level locking.

To turn on row-level locking for the entire database, type the following at an xql
sp_configure "lock scheme", 0, datarows;

Or, you can lock tables individually, with the following command from an xql
alter table <table> lock datarows;

Where <table> indicates the name of the table on which to configure row-level
locking. Based on usage, we recommend the following tables:

event proc_event job

job2 job_cond job_status

job_runs last_Eoid_counter next_oid

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Event Server Rollover Recovery

Synchronizing the Event Servers

If you have gone into single-server mode due to problems, and now want to go
back to running dual-event servers, you must synchronize the databases.

Note: Before doing this, you must have already installed and configured your
system for dual-event servers, as described in Installing Dual Event servers
section in the chapter “Advanced Configurations” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

To synchronize the databases:

1. Log on to a database machine as the exec superuser.
2. Make sure that no one is executing jil or using the GUI dialogs to change job
3. Stop the event processor by entering the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

After the event processor is stopped, no additional jobs will be started.

4. Synchronize the databases using the autobcp script. This is described in
detail in Run the autobcp Script in the chapter “Advanced Configurations”
of the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide.
5. Edit the $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV configuration file on the server
machine. In the configuration file, remove the rollover comment from the

EventServer line that defines the sever that went offline. The event processor
commented out this line during the rollover to single-server mode.
6. Start the event processor, using the eventor command on the event processor
machine, like:

Or, if you are running a shadow event processor, start the event processors
eventor -M shadow_machine

The event processor should print a message indicating that it is in dual-

server mode.
Note: If Unicenter AutoSys JM is configured to run in dual-server mode, the
event processor will not start unless both databases are available.

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Improving Database Performance

Improving Database Performance

This section contains information about improving your database performance.

Improving Sybase Database Performance

These are ways to improve your Sybase database performance:

■ Increase the amount of memory that Sybase can use.

W A RNI NG Only the database administrator should increase Sybase

■ Upgrade your processor, memory, or hard disks.
■ Install the Sybase server and the event processor on a dedicated machine or
machines. Do not share machine resources with other processes.
■ Use the Sybase server for Unicenter AutoSys JM only.
■ Tune the kernel for optimal Sybase performance. For information on how to
do this, see your Sybase and operating system documentation.
■ For unbundled Sybase only, put your data on a raw partition. This improves
access time.

W A RNI NG Only the database administrator should put your data on a raw

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Improving Database Performance

Improving Oracle Database Performance

Tuning Oracle to improve its performance is complicated. The following are

some suggestions for the database administrator:
■ Tune the shared pool size. Make changes to the shared pool size by altering
the init.ora value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE.
To determine if you need to increase the shared pool size, enter the following
query in SQL*Plus:
select sum(pins) “Executions,”
sum(reloads) “Cache Misses while Executing,”
((sum(reloads)/sum(pins))*100) “Ratio of Misses”
from v$librarycache;

The ratio of misses should be less than 1%. (The ratio of misses number is
displayed as a percentage.) If it is higher than 1%, you should increase the
value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE incrementally until the value of executions
approaches zero.
■ Tune the buffer cache. Make changes to the buffer cache by altering the
init.ora value of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.
To determine if you need to allocate more memory, enter the following
query as the “sys” user in SQL*Plus:
select name, value
from v$sysstat
where name in
(‘db block gets’, ‘consistent gets’, ‘physical reads’);

Monitor the statistics from the query while running. Calculate the hit ratio
for the buffer cache by using this formula:
hit ratio = 1 - (physical reads/(db block gets + consistent gets))
The closer the hit ratio approaches 1.00, the better your system performs. If
you have free memory and the hit ratio is below .95, increase the value of
DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS. Make sure you have at least 5% free memory.
■ Maximize disk I/O by separating the data files. If you have disk contention,
place the autodata and autoindexes data files on separate disk drives, and if
possible, different drive controllers.

Tune the sort area. A sort area in memory sorts records before they are
written to disk. Increasing the size of the sort area by increasing the init.ora
value of SORT_AREA_SIZE improves sort efficiency.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

To determine if sorting is affecting the performance of your system, monitor

the sorting disk activity in your system by entering the following query in

select name, value from v$sysstat

where name in (‘sorts (memory)’, ‘sorts (disk)’);

If disk sorts are greater than 1% of memory sorts, then increase the value of

Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Because you can purchase Unicenter AutoSys JM with a bundled Sybase
database, this section is specific to Sybase event server maintenance. It contains

information to help you query the database as well as to perform basic

maintenance procedures on Sybase SQL Server databases.

Note: The following sections are specifically for bundled Sybase users. If you are
using an existing Sybase or Oracle database, consult your database administrator
for details on starting, stopping, and configuring your database.

Sybase Architecture

The Sybase database is based on a client/server architecture, with the

portion is called thebetween
Sybaseclients and server
SQL Server. Thisbuilt into
server is the product. The server
a multi-threaded, single
process that runs on one machine. It listens on a specific port for a request from a
client, fulfills that request, and then returns the information to the client.

The client communicates with the server using a C library known as Open
Client, or the DB Library. This library handles the communications between the
client application and the Sybase SQL Server as well as sending requests and
parsing results for the use of the application.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

This means that all commands and processes, including the event processor, the
remote agent, and monitors, are DB Library applications that connect to the

Because all commands are merely Sybase clients, you can execute those
commands from any machine that has access to the event server and is a licensed

Note: The DB Library allows a client to maintain multiple connections to the

same server or multiple servers. It is through this mechanism that the dual-event
servers are maintained.

Sybase Environment

If you are using a Sybase, the following environment variables are used:
DSQUERY—Defines the name of the Sybase data server.
SYBASE—Specifies the complete path to the Sybase software directory.

The Sybase software directory contains the Sybase configuration file, which on
UNIX is the interfaces file and on Windows is the SQL.INI file. AutoSys uses the
Sybase configuration file to look up database information. It is the means by
which the network is navigated to find the Sybase data server.

Default Sybase Users

To perform many administrative tasks on your bundled Sybase database, you
use the xql utility, which is an supplied utility that can access the Sybase data
server from any properly configured client machine. In most cases, you must log
onto Sybase as “sa” using the “sysadmin” password, or the appropriate
password. You can log onto Sybase within a command line, or you can log onto
Sybase as “sa,” then operate interactively at the xql prompt.

You do most of the Sybase administration through system-stored procedures. All

system-stored procedures start with the sp_ prefix.

For more information on using xql, see its entry in the chapter “Commands” in
the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Database Users

When using the bundled Sybase version, there are two users defined by default
in the database: the system administrator and the user. Each of these users has a
default user name and password.
User User Name Default Password
System Administrator sa sysadmin

User autosys autosys

For information on changing the “sa” password, see the next section, Changing
the System Administrator Password. For information on changing the “autosys”
password, see autosys_secure in the chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management Reference Guide.

Changing the System Administrator Password

You can change the system administrator password from its initial value of
“sysadmin” to a new value.

To change the system administrator password

1. Execute the following xql command:
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

The following prompt appears:

xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1>

Note: If you are not using the default settings, the name of your data server
is substituted for AUTOSYSDB.
2. Enter the following command sequence (replacing newPassword with the
new password):
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> sp_password
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 2> sysadmin, newPassword;

Notice the semi-colon at the end of the command line. It is an end-of-

statement delimiter, replacing the Sybase “go.”

W A RNI NG After you change the “sa” password, the old password is
unrecoverable. Make sure that the new password is recorded; otherwise, the
entire database will have to be re-installed.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Stopping Sybase

You must shut down Sybase before shutting down or rebooting the machine.
Before you shut down Sybase, however, you should shut down the event

To stop Sybase:
1. If the event processor is running, stop it. To do this, log on as the exec
superuser and enter the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

Note: If you are not sure whether the event processor is running, do not sent
the STOP_DEMON event. If the event processor is not running and you send
the event, it will be queued and sent when the event processor is started
again. Before you attempt to stop the event processor, ensure that it is
running by using the chk_auto_up command.
2. Stop the Sybase service by entering the following command (the
sa_password is initially installed as “sysadmin”):
xql -Usa -Psa_password -c "shutdown"

This command allows any database processes to complete, and then shuts
the database down. If you must shut down the database immediately, use
this command:
xql -Usa -Psa_password -c "shutdown with no_wait"

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

For information on changing the “sa” password, see Changing the System
Administrator Password in this chapter.

Accessing Sybase
Unicenter AutoSys JM comes with a utility named xql, which resides in the
$AUTOSYS/bin directory. Use this utility for interactive database queries and
for shell-level database access. For a detailed description of how to use xql, see
its entry in the chapter “Commands” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
Reference Guide.

Some examples of using xql in a shell script can be found in the following

■ $AUTOSYS/bin/chk_auto_up

Note: The xql utility functions only with the Sybase database. If you use an
Oracle database, use sqlplus instead.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Displaying the Database Date and Time

Jobs are scheduled and run based on the date and time for the machine on which
the database is running. If your jobs do not run when you expect them to, you
can check the database clock.

To display the database date and time, at the xql prompt, enter the following:
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> select getdate();

Bundled Sybase Backup and Recovery

You must back up the database periodically, so that you can recover it in the
event of catastrophic system or media failure. You should decide on a routine for
backing up the database so that you will have no trouble recovering a lost
database, using the backup database dump.

This section describes how to create a backup server and dump the database to a
file, which you can then back up to tape.

If you have not yet defined a dump device to Sybase, you must define a disk or
tape dump device, as described in Defining a Disk Dump Device in this chapter.
Then follow the steps in Dumping the Database in this chapter.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Defining a Dump Device

A dump device can be either a disk or a tape.

Defining a Disk Dump To define a disk as a dump device

1. Display the xql prompt, by entering the following command (assuming
that the “sa” password is “sysadmin”):
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

2. At the xql prompt, enter the following:

xql>sp_addumpdevice "disk,” dump_device, "path name,” 2;


dump_device Is an arbitrary name; this name will be used for subsequent database dumps

and loads.
"path name" Is the full path name of the file where the database dump will be written.
Ensure that this file can be created to the appropriate size for your database,
and that it can be mounted on the machine that hosts the second event server.

For example, the following command will define a disk dump device named
“autodump,” and the database will be dumped to a file named
/backup/autodumpdata (for this example to work, the backup directory must
already exist).
xql>sp_addumpdevice "disk,” autodump, "/backup/autodumpdata,” 2;

Defining a Tape To define a tape device as a dump device:

Dump Device
1. Display the xql prompt, by entering the following command (assuming
that the “sa” password is “sysadmin”):
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

The previous example creates a backup server on a host named “fiji,” using port
number 5335. The backup server port can be the same as the port used by the
data server.

Note: The format of the interfaces file requires that a single tab (do not use
spaces) precede the first word of every line that follows the SYB_BACKUP line
(which should not have any spaces before it). A single space is used to delimit
each element in an entry line. Incorrect formatting will prevent communication
with the database.

Creating a Backup For this format, instead of editing the interfaces file directly, you run the autotli
Server Using autotli command to define the backup server and append the output to the interfaces

To create a backup server using autotli:

Enter the following command:
$AUTOSYS/install/autotli -s SYB_BACKUP -h host -p port >> $SYBASE/interfaces


SYB_BACKUP Specifies the name of the backup server.

host Specifies the host name.

port Specifies the backup server port. The backup server port can be the same as the
port used by the data server, as long as the backup server and data server are
on different machines.

>> Appends the information to the $SYBASE/interfaces file. (Be sure to use two
redirect symbols ( >> ); a single redirect ( > ) symbol will overwrite the existing

For example, the following command creates the backup server “SYB_BACKUP”
on host “fiji,” using port 5335:
$AUTOSYS/install/autotli -s SYB_BACKUP -h fiji -p 5335 >> $SYBASE/interfaces

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

The previous command will create the following entry in the

$SYBASE/interfaces file:
# SYB_BACKUP on fiji ( using tcp
# services: query (5335) master (5335) console (5336)
query tli /dev/tcp x:00>214d7c0a8f4150000000000000000
master tli /dev/tcp x:00>214d7c0a8f4150000000000000000
console tli /dev/tcp x:00>214d8c0a8f4150000000000000000

Starting the Backup To start the backup server:

Enter the following command:

If you already defined a dump device to Sybase, continue with the next section.
Otherwise, you must define a disk or tape dump device to Sybase, as described
in Defining a Dump Device in this chapter.

Dumping the Database

Verify that SYB_BACKUP (the backup server) is running before you dump the
database. If it is not running, start the backup server by entering the following

To dump a Sybase database:

Enter the following xql commands:

xql -Usa -Psysadmin
xql>dump database database_name to dump_device;


database_name Is the name of the database that contains your data. By convention, this is

dump_device Is the name of the Sybase dump device that you already defined to Sybase.

For example, the following writes to a dump device named “autodump”:

xql>dump database autosys to autodump;

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Loading the Database

To load the database:

1. Sign on to the server that will contain the second event server.
2. Enter the following xql command:
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

3. To place the database in single user mode and guarantee that no transactions
can occur while the load is in progress, add the following database options:
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "no chkpt on recovery,” TRUE;
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "dbo use only,” TRUE;
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "read only,” TRUE;

4. To issue a checkpoint, enter the following:


5. To load the database backup, enter the following:

xql>load database database_name2 from dump_device;


database_name2 Is the name of the database that contains your data. By convention, this is

dump_device Is the name for the Sybase dump device that you already defined to Sybase.
For example, the following will load a disk dump named “autodump” of the
database named “autosys”:
xql>load database autosys from autodump;

6. After the load has succeeded, enter the following to unset the single user
options that you set before executing the load:
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "no chkpt on recovery,” FALSE;
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "dbo use only,” FALSE;
xql>sp_dboption autosys, "read only,” FALSE;

7. To bring the database online, enter the following:

xql>online database autosys;

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

Recovering a Bundled Sybase Database

To recover a damaged database using the backup file:

1. Stop the event processor.

2. Drop the damaged database.
3. Re-create the database.
4. Reload the database.
5. Restart the event processor.

W A RNI NG You should drop the database and re-create it only in extreme
situations. Before using this process to recover a damaged database, investigate
all other options.

Stopping the Event To stop the event processor:

Log on as the exec superuser and issue the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

Dropping the You can drop the damaged database by using the drop database command.
Damaged Database Before you drop the damaged database, however, you should ensure that you
have a database dump file to use to restore the database.

To drop the damaged database:

1. Enter the following xql command (assuming that the “sa” password is
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

2. At the xql prompt, enter the following:

xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> drop database autosys;

If the database is so damaged that drop database does not work, contact
Computer Associates Technical Support.

Note: The semicolon at the end of the command line is an end-of-statement

delimiter in xql, replacing the Sybase “go.”

Re-Creating the After dropping the damaged database, you must recreate a new database. This
AutoSys Database new database is used to load the database dump file (for example, the
autodump file) that you are recovering. Use the create database command to
create the new database.

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Maintaining Bundled Sybase SQL Servers

To re-create the database:

1. To create the new database, at the xql prompt, enter the following:
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> create database
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 2> autosys on default
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 3> = 50;

Note: The above size of 50 MB is only an example.

The output generated by this command will look similar to this:

Msg 1805, Level 0, State 1, Line 1 CREATE DATABASE:
allocating 15360 pages on disk ‘default’

2. To change the owner of the new database to “autosys,” enter the following at
the xql prompt:
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> use autosys;
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][autosys] 1> sp_changedbowner
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][autosys] 2> autosys;

When the procedure has completed successfully, a message similar to this

should be returned:
Database owner changed.

Reloading the You are now ready to execute the load database command to restore the
Database database you originally dumped to autodump.

To reload the database and put it online:

Enter the following at the xql prompt:

xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1>
2> load
from database
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> online database autosys;

The database is now restored and online.

Note: For Sybase System 11, you must put the database online. Previous
versions of Sybase did not require this.

To exit xql:
Enter the following at the xql prompt:
xql>>[AUTOSYSDB][master] 1> exit

Restarting the event When you complete this process, Unicenter AutoSys JM will be in the state it
was when the database was dumped to the backup file.

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13 Configuring

The runtime behavior is controlled by the parameters in the configuration file

and the environment variables set in the /etc/auto.profile file. This chapter
describes these files.

Note: If you are running on Windows, the configuration parameters are set
through the Unicenter AutoSys Administrator. For more information on the
Unicenter AutoSys Administrator, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for UNIX User Guide.

Configuration File
Upon startup, Unicenter AutoSys JM reads the configuration file to determine its
behavior, including which databases to connect to and how to react to certain
error conditions. In particular, the event processor bases much of its runtime

behavior on the
configuration parameters
file, you must found in this
stop and file.the
restart If you change
event the settings
processor so it caninread
the new settings.

The configuration file has the following name:


The file is instance-specific, and the $AUTOSERV value is the name of the
instance of which the configuration file is associated. The $AUTOSERV variable
must be three uppercase alphabetic characters and must be unique to each

Note: Events have a unique ID called eoid, which is prefixed by the first three
letters of $AUTOSERV. This ensures an event’s uniqueness and traceability
across multiple instances.

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Sample Configuration File

# Command to Run to perform Maintenance
# For Dual Server Mode - transfer events timeout
# Check Heartbeat every 2 minutes
# Output Directory for the Remote Agent
# Note: Some OS’s have problems with file locks in /tmp
# If so use some directory other than /tmp.
# Clean Remote Agent files: 1=Remove files if No
# Problems!
# Create Remote Agent Output File for Sourcing the
# Environment
# In UNIX: capture std_out & std_err from sourcing
# /etc/auto.profile
# In NT: output the Environment to the file
# Host machines to send SNMP traps to. (Specifying
# a machine ENABLES traps)
# Snmp community. This is almost always "public"
# Enable sending HP Operations Center messages (opcmsg)
# for AutoSys alarms.
# This defines the message group under which
# messages will be sent.
# This parameter sets the amount of time that the
# event_demon will wait for the OpCenter message
# to be sent.
# RESTART configuration stuff
# Max number of times to RESTART a job due to system
# errors
# Formula for computing the Wait time between
# restart attempts:
# WaitTime = RestartConstant+(Num_of_Trys *
# RestartFactor)
# if (WaitTime > MaxRestartWait) then
# WaitTime = MaxRestartWait
# Preferred method of Load Balancing
# Can be: vmstat | rstatd (default is vmstat)

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Configuration File Parameters

# List of Signals to Send to a Job for the KILLJOB
# event
# Port number of auto_remote
# Specify if standard error and standard output
# files should be appended to or overwritten.
# 0 overwrites the file.
# 1 appends the file.

The following sections describe these configuration parameters.

Configuration File Parameters

You can modify the parameters in the configuration file to control the behavior
and optimize your system.

The event processor reads the settings in the configuration file on startup only.
Therefore, if you make changes to the file, you must stop and restart the event
processor so it can read the new settings.

To stop and restart the event processor:

1. Stop the event processor, using the following command:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

2. Restart the event processor, enter the following:


Or, if you are running with a shadow event processor, you can start both the
primary and the shadow event processors at the same time, like:
eventor -M shadow_machine

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Configuration File Parameters

Database Time-Out Period

DBLibWaitTime (Sybase Only)

The DBLibWaitTime configuration parameter specifies the amount of time the

event processor will wait before breaking the connection with an event server
that is in an unknown state. The event processor continually maintains and
checks its connections with the databases, and when an event server goes into an
unknown state, the event processor will break the connection after the wait time
specified by the DBLibWaitTime parameter.

The following line in the configuration file sets the timer for 90 seconds:

Typically, the database should never time out. However, if a database does time
out, AutoSys will attempt to reconnect to the database the number of times
specified by the DBEventReconnect parameter. If you see the database
connections timing out often, it probably indicates some kind of machine or data
server contention problem.

Note: If you set this value to DBLibWaitTime=0, it means that no time-out value
is to be applied—the connection is continuous. Because it can cause the event
processor to hang, this setting is not recommended.

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Configuration File Parameters

Cross-Instance Database Connections


The XInstanceDBDropTime parameter specifies how an instance will connect

with another instance if it has a job defined with a cross-instance job

If the value of this parameter is equal to zero, the event processor will connect to
the other instance before every new event is sent. After the event has been sent,
the connection will be dropped. Use this option for instances that are using
cross-instance job dependencies infrequently.

If the value of this parameter is equal to one, the event processor will connect to
the other instance before the first event is sent, and it will maintain the
connection indefinitely. Use this option for instances that are using cross-
instance job dependencies often.

The following line in the configuration file sets the cross-instance connection to
1, and thus, the event processor will maintain the connection after making the
initial connection:

SNMP Cpnnections

Unicenter AutoSys JM can be integrated with Hewlett-Packard’s Node Manager

software, versions 4.10 or higher. This enables OpenView users to do the

Monitor all alarms generated Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Monitor all UNIX signals received by the Event Processor.

Specify that certain commands be issued when an alarm or signal is received by


Unicenter AutoSys JM sends alarms and signals to OpenView using the Simple
Network Management Protocol (or SNMP), and posts alarms and signals using
the SNMP trap mechanism.

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Configuration File Parameters

Note: Whenever the Event Processor receives a UNIX signal, it posts an SNMP
event to OpenView. This can be particularly useful if a signal has been sent that
will shutdown the Event Processor. The signal will be posted to OpenView

before the Event Processor shuts down.

To integrate with OpenView, both of the following parameters must be
configured for alarms to be detected by OpenView.


The SnmpManagerHosts parameter specifies the machines that will send SNMP
traps. It contains a list of machines on the network that are running SNMP
managers, such as HP's OpenView or IBM's NetView, and to which you want to
send SNMP traps (for example post SNMP events). By entering the name of a
machine with this parameter, you enable this functionality.

The entry in the configuration file would look like:



The SnmpCommunity parameter specifies the SNMP community associated

with all SNMP traps sent. This parameter is effectively a password that can be
used to filter SNMP traps by SNMP managers, such as HP's OpenView. This
value is almost always public, and thus, the entry in the AutoSys configuration
file usually looks like:

Database Connections

Unicenter AutoSys JM can be configured to attempt connect, and reconnect, to

databases a specified number of times. This behavior occurs when the first
attempt to connect to the database is made, and when a database connection has
been lost and there is a reconnect attempt made. This database connection
behavior also sets the rollover criteria for dual-server mode.

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Configuration File Parameters


The DBEventReconnect parameter controls the number of times an event

processor should attempt to connect (or reconnect) to an event server before
shutting down, or before rolling over to single-server mode. This parameter is
used on startup and when there is a connection problem during runtime.

In single-server mode, this parameter is set to a simple number, like:


This setting specifies that the event processor should attempt a connection with
the event server 50 times. If it cannot connect after 50 attempts, it shuts down.

In dual-server mode, this parameter contains two values describing the

connection and rollover behaviors, like:

This setting specifies that the event processor should attempt five connections
with the event servers. If after five times it cannot connect, it should rollover to
single-server mode, marking the other event server as “down.” Once in single-
server mode, the event processor should attempt a connection 50 times, and if it
is unsuccessful, the event processor shuts down.

Upon startup, the event processor attempts to connect to the event servers five
times. If the event processor is unable to connect to both databases, it assumes

there is a connection or configuration problem, and will gracefully shut down.

Event Processor Cascading Errors

To guard against cascading errors, you can set bounds that will force Unicenter
AutoSys JM to automatically shut down the event processor if too many errors
occur within a certain period of time. The EDNumErrors and EDErrTimeInt
parameters work together to guard against these cascading event processor
errors, which are caused by the event processor automatically reissuing failed

The primary reason for setting these two parameters to shut the event processor
down in this situation is to avoid starting any new processes while there are
serious problems in the system.

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Configuration File Parameters

Third Machine for Event Processor Contention


When running with a shadow event processor, Unicenter AutoSys JM uses a

“third machine” to resolve possible contentions between the two event
processors, and to ensure that only one of the processors is running at any given

If the shadow event processor does not receive a “ping” from the primary event
processor, or if the primary event processor cannot signal the shadow event
processor, the processors connect to this third machine and create a .dibs file that
locks the other processor out. The .dibs file indicates that the one event processor
has taken over and the other should shut down.

The third machine must have a remote agent installation on it. In addition, the
third machine’s hostname must be in the configuration file on both the primary
and shadow event processor machines. For example, to specify the machine
named “ferrari” as the third machine, enter the following line in the
configuration files for both event processor machines:

Note: The third machine must have a remote agent installed on it, and it must
have a valid client license. In addition, the third machine must be installed on the
same type of machine as the primary and shadow event processors, either
Windows or UNIX.

For more information on running with a shadow event processor, see the
shadow event processor section in Chapter 1, Introduction, of the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

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Configuration File Parameters

Event Processor Log Disk Space

The event processor will shut down if there is less than 8 KB of disk space
available to write to the event processor log file (event_demon.$AUTOSERV). If
the amount of available disk space falls below that specified by the
FileSystemThreshold parameter, the event processor will issue warnings in the
event processor log file similar to the following:
WARNING: The disk partition containing the EP log file is too full!
WARNING: EP will shutdown if partition has less than 8192 bytes available!

The default FileSystemThreshold setting is 32 KB. Valid settings must be less

than 10 MB and greater than 8192 bytes.

If the amount of disk space falls below 8 KB, the event processor will issue an
EP_SHUTDOWN alarm and shut down, issuing messages similar to the
ERROR: No disk space left to write Event Processor log
The Event STOP_DEMON has just been received. We are going down!

The entry in the configuration file looks like:


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Configuration File Parameters

Internal Database Maintenance

Once a day, the event processor goes into a database maintenance cycle. During
this time, it does not process any events, and it waits for the maintenance
activities to complete before resuming normal operations.

In the configuration file, you can specify the time of day for this maintenance
cycle, and you can specify a maintenance command. The time you specify
should be during a time of minimal activity.

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides a database maintenance script called DBMaint to

run during this maintenance cycle. This script does the following:
■ Updates statistics for the optimizer, checks the available space in the
database, and sends a DB_PROBLEM alarm if the amount of free space is
■ Cleans out old information from the database tables using the
archive_events command.

The DBMaint file is installed in the $AUTOSYS/bin directory. We recommend

that you configure your system to backup the database during this maintenance

For more information on using the DBMaint script and backing up a bundled
Sybase database, see DBMaint Script and Bundled Sybase Backup and Recovery

in this chapter.

DBMaintTime, DBMaintCmd

The following entries in the configuration file instruct the event processor to
begin its maintenance cycle at 3:30 a.m. every day, and to execute the
$AUTOSYS/bin/DBMaint script at that time:

Event Transfer
When in dual-server mode, the event processor will copy a missing event from
one event server to the other event server, after a time-out delay. This time-out
delay is specified by the EvtTransferWaitTime parameter in the configuration
file. The default setting of five does not usually need to be modified.

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Configuration File Parameters


To set the default behavior of five seconds for the time-out, the configuration file
contains the following line:

Sendevent Retries

The following two configuration-file parameters control how many times and
how frequently the sendevent command will attempt to send an event to the
event server database.


Specifies the maximum number of times that the sendevent command will
attempt to send an event to the event server database.

To set the number of retry attempts to 10, enter the following line in the
configuration file:


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between attempts to send an event to the event
server database. There is no default value.

To set the interval to 15 seconds, enter the following line in the configuration file:


Heartbeats offer a method by which the continued progress of an application can

be automatically monitored. That is, you can program your user applications to
send “heartbeats” that can be monitored. A heartbeat is a signal (SIGUSR2) sent
from the application to the remote agent that started the application. That remote
agent then sends a HEARTBEAT event to the event servers.

The event processor will check that the HEARTBEAT event has occurred within
the heartbeat interval specified for the job.

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Configuration File Parameters

Note: The event processor, and not the remote agent, checks if there is a
HEARTBEAT between the remote agent and the event servers, and if the
HEARTBEAT is absent, there is a problem, and an alarm is sent. Therefore, the

network. option also provides a good indication of the stability of the


The Check_Heartbeat parameter specifies the interval value (in minutes) that
you want the event processor to use when checking for heartbeats. If there are no
applications sending heartbeats, you do not have to set this parameter. By
default, this parameter is commented out in the configuration file.

For example, to instruct the event processor to check for missing heartbeats
every two minutes, you would uncomment the following line in the
configuration file:

Shadow Event Processor Pings

In high-availability mode, the shadow event processor pings the primary event
processor periodically to ensure that it is still running. The following parameter
determines the ping interval.


Specifies the interval, in seconds, after a successful ping of the shadow event
processor before another ping is attempted. The default is 60 seconds.

To set the interval to 30 seconds, enter the following line in the configuration file:

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Configuration File Parameters

Remote Agent Log Files Directory

During its operation, the remote agent writes output messages to files in the
directory specified by the AutoRemoteDir parameter. For some operating
systems, the locking of files located on the /tmp file system is not supported (for
example, on SunOS platforms when /tmp is mounted on tmpfs). Since Unicenter
AutoSys JM uses the locks to determine if the remote agent is running, another
directory must be specified.

The AutoRemoteDir parameter is passed to the remote agent by the event

processor when it starts. As a result, the remote agent log files directory must
already exist, and be “writable” on every machine running.

In a cross-platform environment where a UNIX event processor starts a

Windows remote agent (or vice versa), the path to the log files directory is
translated into the format expected by the recipient platform. A UNIX remote
agent will remove the drive letter and colon, if present, and replace \ characters
with / characters. For example, C:\tmp becomes /tmp. A Windows remote
agent will prepend the system drive letter and colon if they are not present, and
replace all / characters with \ characters. For example, /tmp becomes C:\tmp.


The following entry in the configuration file specifies that the remote agents
should use the /tmp directory for enterprise-wide logging:

File Maintenance


For every job that Unicenter AutoSys JM runs, it creates a file in the remote agent
Log directory on the machine where the job runs. If CleanTmpFiles is turned off,
these files remain on each machine until they are removed with the clean_files

As an alternative to using the clean_files command, you can set the value for the
CleanTmpFiles variable in the configuration file to be equal to 1, like:

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Configuration File Parameters

Then, upon the successful completion of its tasks, the remote agent will remove
the /tmp/auto_rem* file (assuming the default /tmp directory is specified by
the AutoRemoteDir parameter). This is the format of the remote agent log

filename, the auto_rem* file that is removed:


If the remote agent cannot run the job successfully, the files will not be removed
because they are useful to have when diagnosing the run problem.

Notes: To view the remote agent output file, use the autosys_log command on
the client machine, like:
autosys_log -J job_name

Regardless of how you set the CleanTmpFiles parameter, you should run the

clean_files command on a periodic basis to remove files from unsuccessful

remote agent processes.


When the RemoteProFiles parameter is turned on, it redirects to a file any stderr
and stdout output generated when the /etc/auto.profile file is sourced. This
parameter is “on” by default, and the entry in the configuration file looks like:

The name of the file to which the profile output is written is based on the log file
name. This is the form of the auto_rem_pro* filename:

This output file will contain entries if anything specified in the profile file failed
(for example, environment variables or definitions were not set). For example, if
the profile file attempts to set an environment variable using setenv, the Bourne
shell that runs would not be able to process this C Shell syntax, and the output
file would contain the following line:
setenv: not found

Non-fatal errors when a profile file is sourced are not recorded and will not
appear in the output file.

To view the profile output file, use the autosys_log command on the client
machine, like:
autosys_log -J job_name -p

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Configuration File Parameters

This command will display the log file first, appending the profile output, if
there is any. If no profile output file exists, the log file will display:
File: profile_output_file Does Not Exist.

Note: If CleanTmpFiles is turned on (set to 1), the output file will be removed
when the job completes successfully, and the profile log information will not be
available. If CleanTmpFiles is turned off, the file will remain until it is removed
with the clean_files command.

Number of Restart Attempts


Unicenter AutoSys JM attempts to restart a job if it has problems starting the job
due to system problems, such as machine unavailability, the socket connect
timed out, the remote agent was unable to start another process, or the file
system space resource check failed. Unicenter AutoSys JM attempts to restart a
job the number of times specified by the MaxRestartTrys parameter.

For example, to set the number of job restarts to five, include the following line
in the configuration file:

Note: This parameter governs retries that result because of system or network
problems. It is different from the n_retrys job definition attribute, which controls
restarts when a job fails due to application failure (for example, Unicenter
AutoSys JM is unable to find a file or a command, or permissions are not
properly set).

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Configuration File Parameters

Calculating the Wait Time Between Restarts

RestartConstant, RestartFactor, MaxRestartWait

The following formula is used to calculate the amount of time (in seconds)
between each restart of a job:
if WaitTime > MaxRestartWait,
then WaitTime = MaxRestartWait


WaitTime Is the calculated interval in seconds to wait before attempting the next restart of
a job.

RestartConstant Is a constant value you specify.

Num_of_Trys Is the counter tracking the number of times the job has already tried to start.

RestartFactor Is a factor you specify.

MaxRestartWait Is the maximum amount of time (in seconds) before attempting to restart a job.

If the calculated WaitTime is greater than the specified value for

MaxRestartWait, then the resulting WaitTime is set to MaxRestartWait.

For example, the entry in the configuration file might look like:

Method of Load Balancing


This parameter specifies the method used to determine the percentage of CPU
cycles available on a real machine belonging to a virtual machine. This method is
used to achieve load balancing. The possible choices are rstatd and vmstat. If
MachineMethod is not specified, vmstat is the default setting.

For example, to set the method to rstatd, enter this in the configuration file:

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Configuration File Parameters

If rstatd is chosen, you must ensure that this demon is running on all client

To ensure that the demon is running, do the following:

■ Edit the internet demon configuration file (/etc/inetd.conf) on all client
machines, and un-comment the rstatd entry.
■ Send a SIGHUP signal (kill -1) to reset the running inetd process.

Sometimes, a kill -1 command is not sufficient to reset the inetd. If rstatd fails,
you might have to issue a kill -9 command, then restart inetd. If necessary, check
with your systems administrator.

Note: rstatd is not currently supported on NCR or Pyramid client machines.



The KillSignals parameter specifies a comma-separated list of signals to send to a

job whenever the KILLJOB event is sent. If the job is running on a UNIX
machine, the parameter specifies a single or comma-delimited list of UNIX
signals to be sent to the job. If a list of signals is specified, the signals are sent in
the order listed, with five-second sleeps between each call.

If the job to be killed is running on a Windows machine, this list is ignored and
the job is simply terminated.

To preserve backward compatibility, the entry in the configuration file is:


We recommend that you set this parameter to 15,9. In most cases, this will lead
Unicenter AutoSys JM to return a TERMINATED state for a job that was killed.
If it does not, as might happen for some shells on some operating systems, set
the KillSignals parameter to 9.

Note: The KillSignals listed in the configuration file are overridden when issuing
the sendevent command with the -k option.

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Configuration File Parameters

Port Number for Remote Agent


The event processor communicates to the remote agent by way of a TCP/IP

socket connection, and the port number for this socket connection is specified by
the AutoRemPort parameter. The internet services demon (inetd) on the client
machine uses the port number to point to the name of the service (found in
/etc/services). The service name is located in the inetd configuration file
(/etc/inetd.conf), where it finds the path name to the remote agent binary.

It is possible to have different versions installed on the same hardware, where

the versions are not cross compatible between the event processor and the
remote agent. By setting up multiple services and using different port numbers,
you can maintain multiple versions of the software.

The AutoRemPort number in the configuration file is set at installation time. If

you alter it, you must change both the AutoRemPort number and the port
numbers in all the /etc/services files on all AutoSys client and all server

This is the entry in the configuration file, with the default setting of 5280:

Note: If you are using NIS or NIS+, and wish to change AutoRemPort, you must
modify /etc/services on your NIS or NIS+ master and push it to all client
machines, and then do a kill -1 process on the inetd.

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Configuration File Parameters

Instance Wide Append Parameter


The AutoInstWideAppend parameter specifies whether an instance will

overwrite or append information to the standard output and standard error files.

If the value of this parameter is equal to zero, then the files will be overwritten. If
the value of this parameter is equal to one, then new information will be
appended to the files.

By default, new information is appended to the files, and the entry in the
configuration file looks like:

Each client machine can override the instance-wide setting by using the
AutoMachWideAppend variable in the /etc/auto.profile file. If specified, this
variable would appear as shown in the following example:

Note: If you are running jobs across platforms, the event processor of the issuing
instance controls the default behavior. For Windows, the default is to overwrite
this file.

An individual job definition can override either the instance-wide or the machine
setting by placing the following notation as the first characters in the standard
output and standard error files specifications:
>> Overwrite file
>> Append file

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Configuration File Parameters

Job Starting Interval


The InetdSleepTime parameter controls how long the inetd waits between job
starts on the same remote agent machine. By default, this is set to two seconds,
and there is no parameter located in the configuration file. To reduce the time the
inetd waits between job starts on a machine, you can add the InetdSleepTime
parameter to the configuration file and lower this number, which is specified in

To lower the default setting, add an entry like this to the configuration file:

Note: Setting InetdSleepTime too low for your hardware could adversely affect
performance. In addition, you must ensure your machine has a processor fast
enough to handle starting jobs at a faster interval. Otherwise, there will be
frequent socket connection failures, which will cause numerous job restarts.

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Configuration File Parameters

Unicenter Event Management Integration


Before enabling Unicenter event integration, you must install the event manager
agent on the event processor machine. The Event Agent can be installed alone, as
part of Unicenter Framework, or as part of the entire Unicenter product.

When the UnicenterEvents parameter is non-zero, event_demon will start an

additional demon, auto_wto, to transfer messages between the event processor
and Unicenter. The auto_wto demon creates a FIFO (File In File Out,)
/tmp/auto_wto_pipe, to communicate with the event processor.

By default, UnicenterEvents is off.

The example entry in the configuration file looks like:



0 Is one of the following:

■ 0–To report no events to Unicenter (default setting)

■ 1–To log all Alarms.

■ 2–To only log Alarms and job completions.

■ 3–To log all events that are generated to the Unicenter Console.

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The auto.profile File

The auto.profile File

The remote agent is a process (called auto_remoteRemote Agent") started by the
event processor to perform a specific task on a remote (client) machine. The
remote agent starts the command specified for a given job, sends running and
completion information about a task to the event server, and then exits.

The remote agent starts on the client machine as “root.” The remote agent
environment is controlled through special descriptors located in the
/etc/auto.profile file, located on the remote (client) machine.

The /etc/auto.profile file serves two purposes:

■ It specifies a number of descriptors that set the environment for the remote
agent on the client machine. These descriptors are environment variables
that are preceded by the characters:

■ It specifies default settings for jobs that do not have a profile specified in the
job definition. A job profile sets environment variables for a job immediately
before the job is started.

You may want to view the /etc/auto.profile file in a text editor to familiarize
yourself with the environment settings in this file.

For information about other settings that can be added to the auto.profile, see the

following sections in this chapter:

■ AutoMachWideAppend—See Instance Wide Append Parameter.
■ DENY_USER—See Client-Side Security.

Sample Default auto.profile

The following example auto.profile file is for a Sybase installation.

# Set some environmental variables
# This must be a Bourne shell script,

# to
# ANDsee
variables exported for your command
# The following lines with $AUTOSYS and $AUTOUSER need to be
#uncommented if either:
# 1) running shadow EP, AND directories are in different locations
# 2) job's command is calling an AutoSys program.
#AUTOSYS=/dev/3.4/SYB ;export AUTOSYS
#AUTOUSER=/dev/3.4/SYB/autouser ;export AUTOUSER
# The following is for the windowing system

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The auto.profile File

export DISPLAY
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/lib/X11; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# set a PATH so executables can be found
export PATH
# auto_remote environment variables

The remote agent looks for the #AUTOENV# descriptors and reads the variables
that follow to set its environment. Do not remove the #AUTOENV# descriptors
from the file. They are required to enable the remote agent to communicate with
the database.

Note: The #AUTOENV# descriptor is not a comment. Do not remove the #

character from the beginning of the line.

Remote Agent Database Connection Settings

Some of the environment variable descriptors in the auto.profile file define the
event servers to which the remote agent should write events.


For Sybase, the descriptor looks like:

# auto_remote environment variables

The #AUTOENV#SYBASE descriptor defines where the remote agent looks for
the Sybase interfaces file, which is specified by the SYBASE environment
variable. If the interfaces file is not present in this location, the remote agent will
not be able to write job statuses to the database.

Note: A common symptom that results from the remote agent being unable to
write to the database is that jobs will remain in starting state.


For Oracle, the descriptors look like:

# auto_remote environment variables

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Modifying Remote Agent Settings


The #AUTOENV#TNS_ADMIN descriptor defines where the remote agent looks

for the tnsnames.ora

variable is if
notthe TNS_ADMIN
set, environment
the remote agent looks in variable is set.
the default If the
which is operating system specific.

The #AUTOENV#ORACLE_HOME descriptor defines the top-level Oracle

directory, defined by the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

Modifying Remote Agent Settings

To function correctly,
connections, and they the remote
must have agents must have
the appropriate the correct TCP/IP
environment set. The socket
connection and environment values are set at installation time, but you can
modify the settings.

Remote Agent Socket Connection

The event processor communicates with the remote agent by way of a TCP/IP
socket connection. The port number for this socket connection is set in the
following two files, and the number must be identical in both locations:

$AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV (AutoSys configuration file)
■ /etc/services

In the configuration file, the socket connection is defined by the AutoRemPort

variable, like:
# Port number of auto_remote

In the /etc/services file, the auto_remote entry defines the socket connection,
auto_remote 5280/tcp # AutoSys Version 4.5

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Configuring Remote Authentication

Configuring Remote Authentication

You can configure to run using the following two methods of remote
■ Unix ruserok() Authentication
When using this method, Unicenter AutoSys JM instructs a client’s remote
agent to make the UNIX system ruserok() call. This function checks the client
machine’s /etc/hosts.equiv and the user’s .rhosts files to validate that the
requesting user is registered in that environment.
■ Unicenter AutoSys JM remote agent event processor Authentication
When using this method, a specific remote agent can be bound to one or
more event processors. In other words, a remote agent will have to verify its

The remote to process
agent doesan event
this processor’s
by reading requests beforefile
the /etc/.autostuff starting
on theeach job.
machine where it is running.

Using the autosys_secure command, the edit superuser can enable (or disable)
remote authentication. By default, remote authentication is initially disabled. If
you enable remote agent, event processor authentication, you must configure
Unicenter AutoSys JM to support it.

Configuring Event Processor Authentication

You can configure remote agents to only accept jobs from “trusted” event
processors. To configure Unicenter AutoSys JM for remote agent event processor
Authentication, you must do the following:
■ Enable remote agent event processor Authentication.
■ Create an ASCII file named.autostuff in the /etc directory of every client
machine that will participate in this authentication method.

If both are present, the remote agent will only run jobs submitted by event
processors listed in the autostuff file.

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Configuring Remote Authentication

The /etc/.autostuff File

The /etc/.autostuff file should have read and write permissions for root only.
Entries in this file must be in the following form:


AUTOSERV Is an instance name.

hostname This is the name of the machine on which the event processor is running. This
must be a real machine (if using DNS, this should be a fully-qualified name).

The file should contain an entry for each event processor you want authorized to
run jobs on the remote agent machine. The entries cannot contain spaces within
the event processor specification. You can use pound signs (#) for comments.

These are example file entries:

PRD:curly #Production Instance
DEV:moe #Development Instance

In this example, PRD is an instance name and the event processor for this
instance is running on the machine curly. DEV is an instance name and the event
processor for this instance is running on the machine moe. These event
processors are authorized to issue jobs to the remote agent.

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Client-Side Security

Client-Side Security
The AUTOENV environment variable DENY_ACCESS restricts access to the
remote agent machine.

In the auto.profile file for the remote agent machine, you can specify a list of
users whose jobs are prohibited from running on that machine. The list is a
comma-delimited list of user names, with no spaces. The maximum number of
characters is 512. For example:
# auto_remote environment variables


In this example, jobs owned by root, demon, and admin will not be launched by
the remote agent.

If a job owned by one of these users is submitted to run on the remote agent, the
job fails as if the job's owner did not have a valid account on the machine. There
will be no job restart attempts, regardless of MaxRestartTrys setting in the
configuration file. When this occurs, the following error appears in the event
processor log, as a STARTJOBFAIL alarm on the job:
Permission ERROR: Could not SET uid=uid on Host: host

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User-Defined Alarm Callbacks

User-Defined Alarm Callbacks

This notification mechanism provides a method for communicating problems to
administrators in a manner that is external to the event system. That is, for
certain types of alarms, you can configure Unicenter AutoSys JM to call user-
defined routines that communicate the problem to specific members of your
company. For example, by using electronic mail or a command line pager utility,
your administrator can be notified as soon as certain events occur.

You can configure Unicenter AutoSys JM to call user-defined routines for the
following types of system alarms:
Unicenter AutoSys JM has rolled over from dual-server to single-server
There is a problem with one of the databases.
The shadow event processor is taking over processing.
The event processor is shutting down. This might be due to a normal
shutdown, or due to an error condition.
The third machine for resolving contentions between two event processors
cannot be reached, one of the event processors is shutting down, or there are
other event processor take-over problems.

To specify what executable should be invoked as a user-defined callback for one

of the above alarms, a file named notify.$AUTOSERV must be created in the
$AUTOUSER directory. An example of this file is provided in the
$AUTOSYS/install/data/notify.ACE file, which contains the following entries:
# Notify for certain CRITICAL ALARMS
# Form is: ALARM executable
# We pass in $1 = numeric code

# Only have 1$2space

# = Text Message
between the ALARM and the executable
# The environment is inherited from the Event Processor
# The following is executed: system( <executable>
# $1 $2 & );

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User-Defined Alarm Callbacks


Notification Example

To have Unicenter AutoSys JM call the program /usr/local/bin/pager when the

event processor shuts down:
1. Copy the sample notification file to:

2. Change the EP_SHUTDOWN line to:

EP_SHUTDOWN /usr/local/bin/pager $@

Then, Unicenter AutoSys JM will pass pager a numeric code and a text message.
The pager itself must be coded to accept these parameters.

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14 Troubleshooting

Problems with Unicenter AutoSys JM usually involve the interactions between

the major components, rather than with the individual components themselves.
This chapter presents a number of common problems, their symptoms, and how
to resolve them. It provides very useful information about troubleshooting the
primary components.

To troubleshoot more effectively, it is essential that you understand the stages in

the life of a job, the order in which they occur, and the roles played by the three
major components (that is, event server, event processor, and remote agent).

When a job is defined, its starting conditions are saved to the event server
(database), and the following occurs:
■ When its starting conditions are met, the event processor initiates a remote
agent on the client machine to execute the job.
■ The remote agent runs the job and sends the exit status of the job back to the

event server.
■ After the job completes, it is not run again until its starting conditions are

This is the basic cycle for all jobs.

For more information about job processing, see Basic Functionality in the chapter
“Introduction,” in this guide. For information about troubleshooting CCI, see the
appendix “Troubleshooting CCI” in this guide.

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Event Server Troubleshooting

Event Server Troubleshooting

Event Server Is Down (Sybase)

1. When trying to start xql, you get a message like:
DB-Library error: dbproc NULL
Error in SybInit: dbopen failed

2. When running programs like autorep or autosc, you get a messages like:
Client ERROR:

Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist.

3. When you run chk_auto_up, you receive a message similar to:

Couldn’t connect with Server: AUTOSYSDB:autosys

4. You are unable to insert keys with gatekeeper.


This indicates that either the data server is down, or the process in question is
unable to access it. To confirm that the data server is down, log on to the server
machine and run the chk_auto_up utility. You can also look at the process table

(using the UNIX ps command) for the process name “data server.”
If the database is indeed down, you must restart it. For directions on how to do
this, see Starting Sybase in the chapter “Maintaining,” in this guide.

If the database is running, the problem could be that you are pointing to the
wrong data server. The DSQUERY environment variable points to the name of
the data server (typically AUTOSYSDB). If it is not set properly and you are not
specifying a data server name to xql (using the -S server option), then xql will

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Event Server Troubleshooting

The environment variables point to the configuration file

$AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV. This file contains the name of the event
server. Check to make sure that the environment variables and the configuration

file point to the proper location and event server.

Enter the following command for the instance ID:

The results should look similar to:


Enter the following command for the event server and database name:
get_server $AUTOSERV

The results should look similar to:



E Means that this is an event server.

AUTOSYSDB Is the name of the event server.

autosys Is the name of the database (for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server).

If the database service is up, and the environment variable is set properly, then
the Sybase interfaces file might not have the proper form, or be in the proper
location. This typically occurs on servers if the environment has been changed,
or, on clients, if the interfaces file has not been correctly installed.

For more information about the Sybase interfaces file and connecting to
databases, see the chapter “Introduction” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

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Event Server Troubleshooting

Sybase Deadlock


A message similar to the following appears in the event processor log when
viewed with the autosyslog -e command or in the Sybase error log ($SYBASE/
Your server command (process id #11) was deadlocked with another process and has
been chosen as deadlock victim. Re-run your command.


A deadlock is a Sybase condition that occurs when two users have a lock on
separate objects, and they each want to acquire an additional lock on the other
user’s object. The first user is waiting for the second user to let go of the lock, but
the second user will not let go until the lock on the first user’s object is freed.

The data server detects the situation and chooses the user whose process has
accumulated the least amount of CPU time as the “victim.” The data server rolls
back the victim’s transaction, notifies the application with the above error
message, and allows the other user’s processes to move forward.

sendevent will try to rerun the command until it is successful or until it reaches
the maximum number of tries specified by the -M option.

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Event Server Troubleshooting

Not Enough User Connections (Bundled Sybase)


Users cannot make connections to the database; they cannot start the GUI or
send events. When you check the Sybase error log
($SYBASE/install/errorlog_EventServer) you see one or both of the following
Not enough User Connections (Sybase error 1601)
No Pss structures available for new process


These messages occur because there are more users who want to run jobs
simultaneously than there are user connections; there are not enough
connections available to the database. By default, the bundled Sybase installation
of Unicenter AutoSys JM has a limit of 25 user connections. You can increase the
number of user connections, but first you must determine the maximum number
of user connections your system can support.

To determine the maximum number of user connections you can set for your
1. Log into the database as the “sa.”
2. At the isql or xql prompt, enter:
1> select @@max_connections;

Results similar to the following are displayed:

return status 0, rows affected 1

3. Enter the following:

1> select count(*) from master..sysdevices where cntrltype = 0;

Results similar to the following are displayed:

return status 0, rows affected 1

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Event Server Troubleshooting

4. Enter:
select count(*) from master..sysdevices where mirrorname is not NULL;

Results similar to the following are displayed:

return status 0, rows affected 1

5. Enter:
1> select count(*) from master..sysservers where srvname != @@servername;

Results similar to the following are displayed:

return status 0, rows affected 1

The maximum number of user connections that you can set is

@@max_connections minus the sum of the results of the last three queries. In the
example results to the above queries, the maximum number of user connections
is 249.

To increase the number of user connections:

1. At the isql or xql prompt, enter the following command to specify the
number of user connections you want:
1> sp_configure “user connections,” number;


number Is the number of user connections you want.

W A RNI NG If you set the number of user connections too high, the database

will be unusable. At this point, you might not be able to rerun sp_configure
to lower the number of user connections. To return the database to working
order, you must run buildmaster or recover the database from backups.
2. Stop and restart the event server. Changes will not take effect until you stop
and restart the event server.

14–6 User Guide 391/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Event Server Troubleshooting

archive_events Fails (Bundled Sybase)


When the transaction log is full, archive_events fails. This usually occurs because
archive_events is not run regularly. We highly recommend that you run
archive_events frequently, ideally as part of the daily database maintenance
cycle by using DBMaint or as a regularly scheduled job.

You can usually avoid a full transaction log by having Sybase truncate the
transaction log during regular checkpoints.

To have Sybase truncate the transaction log:

1. Log in to the database server as the “sa” by entering the following command
(if you changed the “sa” password, use that one instead of sysadmin):
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

2. To check if the truncate option is set, enter the following commands:

1> sp_helpdb;

3. If trunc.log on chkpt is not set, enter one of the following commands

depending on your version of Sybase:
1> sp_dboption autosys, “trunc log on chkpt,” true;

1> sp_dboption autosys, “trunc. log on chkpt.,” true;

4. Enter the following commands:

1> checkpoint;
1> exit

Troubleshooting 14–7 392/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Event Server Troubleshooting


To resolve the full transaction log problem:

1. Log into
(if you the database
changed server
the “sa” as the “sa”
password, by entering
use that the following
one instead command
of sysadmin):
xql -Usa -Psysadmin

2. Use the database by entering the following command:

1> use autosys;

3. Dump the transaction log by entering the following command:

1> dump transaction autosys with no_log;

4. If this fails, enter the following commands:

1> set rowcount 1;

1> dump transaction autosys with no_log;

Repeat step 4 and each time increase the rowcount incrementally. To begin
with, try doubling the number. If this fails at any time, decrease the
rowcount and try again. When the rowcount is large, log out of the data
5. Log out of the data server, and then run archive_events. Begin with a large
number of days and work down until you reach your target number of days.
For example:
archive_events -n 30
archive_events -n 10

14–8 User Guide 393/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Event Server Troubleshooting

Event Server Will Not Start (Bundled Sybase)


When starting a bundled Sybase event server, you get a message similar to the
00: 94/08/18 10:38:37:66 kernel: kcinit:
couldn’t open error log
(os error 13)


You are not the same user who last started Sybase, and do not have permission
to write to the Sybase error log file. Become that user, change the error log file
($SYBASE/install/errorlog_$DSQUERY) permissions, or delete the old error log

Troubleshooting 14–9 394/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Event Processor Troubleshooting

Event Processor Troubleshooting

Output from the event processor is redirected into the following log file:

Everything that the event processor does, in the order it was done, is in this file.
Network problems are usually reflected in this file as well. This file is very useful
for reconstructing what happened when a problem occurs.

Event Processor Is Down

1. Jobs do not start.
2. When chk_auto_up is run, it returns a message similar to:
Could connect with Server: AUTOSYSDB:autosys
No Event Processor is RUNNING on machine: machine

3. The event processor log has not registered a date and timestamp for a period
of time. The event processor log should register date and timestamps every


Confirm that the event processor is down by performing one of the following
■ Run the chk_auto_up utility.
■ Perform a tail on the log file and check for date stamps.
■ Look for the event_demon process using ps.

If the event processor is indeed down, log on as the exec superuser and run the
eventor command to restart it.

14–10 User Guide 395/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Event Processor Troubleshooting

Event Processor Will Not Start


When running the eventor command, you see an error message similar to the
t create

Troubleshooting 14–11 396/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting


You are not the same user who last started the event processor. Ether become
that user, or change permissions on the event processor output file, the
$AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV file.

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Remote Agent Verification

If you suspect problems with the remote agent, you can use autoping to verify
your suspicions.


autoping is used to test the connections between the event processor and the
remote agent. If you use the autoping -M -D client_hostname command, and it
does not return an error, the remote agent should start properly.

The remote agent writes RUNNING and completion statuses directly to the
event server.

Database Verification

Use autoping to verify the remote agent database connection. To check the
database connections on machine, enter:
autoping -m machine -D

Instead of a single machine, you can type -m ALL to check all machines.

This command captures the output from the attempted database connection,
displays it, and includes it in the alarm, if one is generated (use the -A argument
to generate an alarm if problems are found).
autoping -m venice -D
AutoPinging Machine [venice] AND checking the
Remote Agent's DB Access.

14–12 User Guide 397/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Remote Agent Will Not Start

The symptoms in this section are similar and result from network problems.


The Event Processor’s $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV log file

contains a message similar to the following:
Attempting to connect to AutoSys Remote Agent
Service on socket=5280: Connection Refused
Attempting to connect to ‘inetd’ on
socket=5280: Interrupted system call
The connection to machine: spartacus TIMED OUT.
Either that machine, or the network to it, is
having problems.
ERROR trying to start job: test
Error: Connect to socket FAILED.
Command: sleep 1
Machine: spartacus


Either there is a network communication problem, or the client machine is down.

The network or machine problems must be resolved before jobs can be run on
that machine.


The event processor’s $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV log file

contains a message similar to:
Attempting to connect to AutoSys Remote Agent
Service on socket=5280: Connection Refused
Attempting to connect to ‘inetd’ on
socket=5280: Interrupted system call
Could NOT connect to machine: spartacus The
internet demon may not be configured properly.
ERROR trying to start job: test
Error: Connect to socket FAILED.
Command: sleep 1
Machine: spartacus

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting


There is a problem with the /etc/services file. To locate this problem, check the
1. Check the /etc/services file to see if the following entry is there:
auto_remote 5280/tcp

2. Confirm that the remote agent port number, specified with AutoRemPort in
the configuration file ($AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV), is the same
number as used in the /etc/services file.
3. If you are using NIS/NIS+, remake the services and push it out.
This refers to modifying the NIS/NIS+ master machine and propagating the
information to all NIS/NIS+ clients. You should contact your NIS system
administrator for instructions on how to do this.


In the event processor’s $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV log file,

you see a message similar to the following:
[spartacus connected]
*** Remote Agent Process not started. ***
socket read <>, rc=0
ERROR trying to start job: test
Error: Auto Remote process did not start.
Command: sleep 1
Machine: spartacus

14–14 User Guide 399/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting


Check that the internet demon is properly configured on the client (remote
agent) machine. There should be an entry in inetd.conf for auto_remote. If
present, this line points to the remote agent’s executable. Assuming that
auto_remote is in the /usr/local/bin directory, and will be run by the user
“root,” the entry should look like this (on one line):
auto_remote stream tcp nowait root/usr/local/bin/auto_remote auto_remote

Note: The auto_remote command must be run as “root,” because it does a


For more information about configuring the internet demon on the client
machine, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation

If the auto_remote entry exists in the inetd.conf file, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that the auto_remote binary (the remote agent executable) exists
in the specified directory and has “execute” permission.
2. If the inetd.conf file needs to be modified, a SIGHUP (kill -1) needs to be sent
to the inetd process to cause the configuration to be re-read. To do this, sign
on as “root” and execute one of these commands:

Or execute:
kill -1 pid

where :

pid Is the process ID of the internet demon (inetd).

This command forces the internet demon to re-read its configuration file, and
to reset itself.
Note: On most AIX machines, the kill -1 command fails to reset the inetd.
Instead, you must kill the inetd process using kill -9, and then restart the
inetd manually.
3. Make sure the remote agent can write to the AutoRemoteDir directory
(usually /tmp), and that this directory has available space.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Remote Agent Will Start - Command Will Not Run

Each time the remote agent is started on a machine, it creates the following log


AutoRemoteDir Is the remote agent log directory specified in the configuration file (usually
specified as the /tmp directory). Is the process ID of the remote agent.

When the remote agent receives its instructions from the event processor, it
renames this file in order to give it a unique name. This is the form of the new


joid Is the job object ID (the job’s number in the database).

run_num Is the run job run number.

ntry Is the number of tries or restarts.

This file contains all the instructions passed to the remote agent by the event
processor, the results of any resource checks, and a record of all actions it took.
Any problems experienced by the remote agent are reported here, including the
inability to send events to the databases, which is the most common problem.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

To find the most recent instance of the remote agent log for a given job, you issue
the following command on the machine where the job last ran:
autosyslog -J job_name

Note: If the configuration file specifies that the remote agent log files are to be
cleaned up at the completion of a job, and the job completed normally, the file
will have been removed. If the job failed for some reason, the file will not be
deleted, regardless of the configuration file setting. To turn off automatic
deletion of the remote agent log files, set the CleanTmpFiles parameter in the
configuration file to 0.

For more information about the configuration file and the CleanTmpFiles
parameter, see Configuration File Parameters in the chapter “Configuring,” in
this guide.

1. The job is stuck in either the STARTING or RUNNING state as seen in either
the event processor log or the output resulting from issuing the following
autorep -J job_name

2. The job has immediately returned as a FAILURE.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting


If you have gotten to this point, the AutoRemoteDir/auto_rem* file should be

present. By looking in this file, you will see how far Unicenter AutoSys JM was
able to get. You should check and verify the following items:
1. The correct file is being sourced before running the job command. The
default file is /etc/auto.profile. A job-specific file may be sourced instead of
the default profile.
For more information, see the description of the profile attribute in the
chapter “Job Attributes.”
2. The $PATH variable is set up properly, and includes the proper location for
all required executables. Variables, such as $PATH, must be exported for the
job to see them.
3. The file system that the job command is on is accessible from this machine.
4. The permissions are correct on the job command to be executed.
5. The permissions are correct on any standard input/output files specified for
6. The profile is a Bourne shell script. (Korn shell and C shell scripts will not

Note: A valuable debugging technique is to specify a file to be used for standard

output and standard error for the job that will not run. If there are any shell level
command problems, all error messages will be in that file.

14–18 User Guide 403/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Remote Agent Starts, Command Runs—No RUNNING Event Is Sent

1. Job is stuck in STARTING state.
2. This problem is detected either in the event processor window (or log) or in
the results of running the autorep command on the job, when the following
event appears, then nothing else, yet the job does run to completion on the
client machine:
CHANGE_STATUS Status: STARTING Job: test_install


a common problem
to contact the and is server.
event nearly always the result
First, ensure that of the remote
network agentare
not preventing communication between the remote agent and the event server
machines. If this is not the problem, then check the following database-specific

With Sybase, this problem usually occurs because the interfaces file is not set up
properly on the machine running the remote agent. With Oracle, this problem
usually occurs because the SQL*Net V2 connections are not set up properly.

The remote agent must be able to connect to the event server in order to send the
To verify the problem, look in the AutoRemoteDir/auto_rem* file for this job.
You can accomplish this by issuing the following command on the machine
where the job is supposed to have run:
autosyslog -J job_name


job_name Is the name of the job in question.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

If the remote agent cannot send the event back to the database, it will write a
message to that effect, plus some diagnostics, into this file. (The output from the
autosyslog command could provide a helpful DBMS error number from the

connect attempt.)
If you are using Sybase, check the following:
1. Check that the Sybase interfaces file exists and is readable by all users. The
location of the interfaces file is pointed to by an entry in the
/etc/auto.profile, which looks like this:

2. Check that the Sybase interfaces file has an entry for the data server that
contains the AutoSys event server.
The format of the Sybase interfaces file requires that:
■ Each data server name begins at the left margin with no preceding
spaces or tabs.
■ Each entry line has a single preceding tab.

Each element in an entry line is separated by a single space.

Incorrect formatting will cause the remote agent to be unable to
communicate with the database.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

If you are using Oracle, check for the following:

1. Check that the Oracle TNS names file, tnsnames.ora, exists, is readable, and
contains the correct information for the event server. By default, the TNS
names file is in one of the following locations:
■ On most systems, it is in /etc/tnsnames.ora
■ On some System V systems (for example, Solaris), it is in
/var/opt/oracle/tnsnames.ora, or in /var/opt/tnsnames.ora
If the tnsnames.ora file is not in one of these locations, you must define it
using the $TNS_ADMIN environment variable. Set the $TNS_ADMIN
variable for the remote agent with an entry in /etc/auto.profile that looks
like this:
/etc/auto.profile must be readable by all users.

2. Check that the Oracle TNS names file has a SQL*Net V2 formatted entry for
the event server.

Testing the Setup To test that everything is set up properly, try to log onto the event server from
the client machine, using the xql utility (for Sybase), or using sqlplus (for
Oracle). When you log onto the event server, use the “autosys” user and

When testing Sybase using xql, be sure that your user environment is looking at

samesame interfaces
value that is infile as the auto_remote (remote agent). Set SYBASE to the

Note that the auto_remote only attempts to read the interfaces file once. After a
bad interfaces file has been read, correcting it will not allow a running
auto_remote to connect. After you correct the interfaces file, you will have to kill
the auto_remote and restart the job.

For Sybase, try to log onto the event server from the remote machine using xql,
xql -U autosys -P autosys -S AUTOSYSDB

When testing Oracle using sqlplus, be sure that your user environment is looking
at the same tnsnames.ora file as the auto_remote (remote agent). Set
TNS_ADMIN to the same value that is in /etc/auto.profile.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Note that the auto_remote only attempts to read the tnsnames.ora file once. After
a bad tnsnames.ora file has been read, correcting it will not allow a running
auto_remote to connect. After you correct the tnsnames.ora file, you will have to

kill the auto_remote and restart the job.

For Oracle, try to log onto the event server from the remote machine using
sqlplus with a V2 connect descriptor, like:
sqlplus autosys/autosys@AUTOSYSDB

14–22 User Guide 407/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

xql Will Not Start (Sybase Only)


From the remote machine, xql returns the following message:

DB-Library error: dbproc NULL
Error in SybInit: dbopen failed


Check the following:

1. Determine if the data server is started and running, if not start the data

2. Verify that the DSQUERY environment is set to the proper data server.
or do the following:
Run xql with the -S and -D options to specify the correct data server and
3. If a fully-qualified xql statement still fails, then it is a problem with the
interfaces file. For more information about dealing with this file, see the
resolution in Remote Agent Starts, Command Runs—No RUNNING Event
is Sent in this chapter.

Remote Agent Not Found


When trying to start a job or trying to start the event processor with a shadow
event processor, the following message appears in the event processor log when
viewed with the autosyslog -e command:
Unknown Host Machine

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting


You may receive this message in the following situations:

1. There is a network problem and a connection cannot be made to the remote agent
2. The remote agent machine is not in /etc/hosts or DNS.
3. The AutoSys configuration file lists the machine; however, there is a space
after the machine name.
Check /etc/hosts or DNS for the machine name, and add it if necessary.

Check the configuration file, $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV ($AUTOSERV

is the name of the AutoSys instance). A space after the machine name is hard to
see. Use an editor, such as vi (with the :set list option), to edit the configuration
file and remove anything after the name of the machine and before the $ that
marks the end of the line.

14–24 User Guide 409/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Remote Agent Troubleshooting

Jobs Run Twice

If you receive failed to connect to socket errors during a job run, the job runs
more than once. This is the expected behavior when this error occurs as
explained by this scenario:
1. The server opens a connection to the client to run the job.
2. The remote agent on the client starts the job, and then tries to respond to the
3. The server issues a failed to connect to socket error because the remote agent
took longer than 30 seconds (the timeout value) to start the job and respond.
4. The server checks if the job can be restarted, and then restarts the job.
Meanwhile, the job is running and perhaps has completed on the client.

5. The server opens another connection to the client to run the job a second
6. The remote agent starts the job and responds to the server in time.
7. The job runs a second time.

Severe performance problems on the client are the main reason this occurs. For
example, the following might affect performance:
■ Running a full system backup on the client at the same time jobs are starting
might slow down the system so that it cannot respond to the server.

Network problems. If a job’s home directory is on an NFS drive and there
are bandwidth problems, the job might take so long to start that the socket
times out.

Because socket time-out is not a customizable parameter, there is little you can
do to avoid this situation from an Unicenter AutoSys JM perspective. However,
you can analyze the performance of the client by asking these questions:
■ Are there too many processes running on the client when you run jobs?
■ Are you having network problems?

Are you using NFS-mounted directories?
■ Do you need more memory or processors on the client?

Troubleshooting 14–25 410/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Job Failure Troubleshooting

Job Failure Troubleshooting

Jobs Run Only From the Command Line


Jobs run from the command line, but they fail when run.


This problem is nearly always the shell environment where the job runs. The
following are the possible reasons for the problem:

1. The
is theprofile in the
case, the job definition
profile fails. is not a Bourne shell (sh) type profile. If this

2. The default profile does not produce the proper environment for the job to
run. The default profile for all jobs is /etc/auto.profile, not the job owner’s
logon profile $HOME/.profile. If the job owner’s profile is not specified in
the job definition, it is never sourced.
To check the difference between the job definition and the user environment,
do the following:
3. Write the current owner’s environment to a file. Log in as the owner of the
job on the machine where the job will run and enter the following command:
env >user.env

4. Write the remote agent environment to a file by entering the following JIL
insert_job: auto_env
machine: client_hostname
owner: owner
command: env
std_out_file: /tmp/auto.env
std_err_file: /tmp/auto.err


client_hostname Is the hostname of the machine where the problem job runs.
owner Is the owner of the job that will not run.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Job Failure Troubleshooting

5. Run the troubleshooting job by entering the following command:

sendevent -E STARTJOB -J auto_env

6. Check the two files for differences by entering the following command:
diff /tmp/auto.env user.env

This shows you where the environment and the user environment differ.
Make the necessary changes in the job definition and the user profile.
Also, it is useful to define the std_err_file for the job that fails, because you
can check the errors from the shell for a clue about what is missing.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


A Introducing CAICCI

CAICCI (Computer Associates International Common Communication Interface)

is a transport layer that allows the asbIII process, which handles cross-platform
events, to communicate with Agents on AS/400, OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows,
and OS/390. On UNIX, CAICCI consists of several processes and a library. The
processes are responsible for network transmission, creating and maintaining

CAICCI resources. asbIII accesses the CAICCI API through the shared library.
On the UNIX platform, there are three demon processes:
■ caiccid
This process is referred to as the main CAICCI demon because it is started
first, builds the CAICCI resources and starts the other two CAICCI demons.
■ caicciclnd
This process is referred to as the clean demon because its responsibility
includes the maintenance of the CAICCI IPC resources.
■ caiccirmtd
This is the remote demon process, which is responsible for the transmission
of data across the network.

Installing CAICCI
The Unicenter AutoSys JM installer offers the option to install CAICCI with an
AutoSys server. If you select Unicenter CCI, it installs CAICCI automatically.
Later in the dialogs, the installer will ask for a list of remote hosts with which
CAICCI is to communicate. Enter their names separated by spaces. You may
change the list of remote hosts after installation by editing the file ccirmtd.prf as
described below.

Introducing CAICCI A–1 414/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI

Configuring CAICCI
The asbIII process communicates to Agent machines and Connect using CAICCI.
You need to configure CAICCI to communicate with a particular machine.

You must log in as root to edit the CAICCI configuration files:

■ caiccid.prf
■ ccirmtd.prf
■ cciclnd.prf

Note: We do not recommend that you update the caiccid.prf configuration file
unless the file hits the max_recvrs limit.


The caiccid.prf file tells the main CAICCI demons what to do and specifies the
Max_Recvrs value.

Node-Specific Path Name

The caiccid.prf: file is found in the following location:

$CAIGLBL0000/cci/config/ nodename/caiccid.prf

nodename Identifies the machine on which the Enterprise Management CAICCI demons
are running.

The following is an example of the caiccid.prf file:

CLN_Demon = cciclnd startup
RMT_Demon = ccirmtd startup
Max_Recvrs = 48,32

A–2 Installation Guide 415/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI


The following parameters specify what the CAICCI demons do and specifies the
Max_Recvrs parameter:
■ CLN_Demon = cciclnd startup—This setting tells CAICCI to start the
CAICCI clean demon when you start CAICCI.
■ RMT_Demon = ccirmtd startup—This setting tells CAICCI to start the
CAICCI remote demon when you start CAICCI.
■ Max_Recvrs = nn,mm—The value of nn defines the number of CAICCI
receivers which also determines the size of the shared memory segment for
RVT lists. The value of mm is the number of messages that CAICCI will
queue up. These parameter values are explained in Shared Memory for
RVTs, in this chapter.

Shared Memory for RVTs

Information about a receiver is kept in a structure called an RVT. Since all

applications must have access to information about a receiver, the information is
kept in shared memory as an RVT list. On UNIX, it may be viewed by using the
CAICCI show command. This produces blocks of data. The first block contains
global data and each subsequent block contains information specific to a
particular receiver. This information includes the CAICCI address, the process
ID of the application and whether the application is ready to accept data or has a
message pending.

On UNIX, the process that creates shared memory is the main CAICCI demon,
CAICCI. When CAICCI starts up it creates the shared memory segment;
therefore, CAICCI must know beforehand how large a memory segment to

The value of nn determines the size of the shared memory segment because it is
the number of RVTs CAICCID creates. This has the effect of limiting the number
of application receivers. CAICCI is shipped with a default value nn=48. You may
need to change the default value to match your installation.

Introducing CAICCI A–3 416/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI

Each application requires at least one RVT and each unprocessed CCI message
requires another. On a busy server, you may need to increase the value of nn. An
indication that you need to increase the value of nn is if you receive the

log. On a busy server, you maymessage.
need toThis message
increase is displayed
the value of nn toon200

After the value of nn is increased, asbIII may not start up because CAICCI has
not started. This sometimes happens because CAICCI must protect access to this
shared memory with the use of a semaphore group. CAICCI needs to create a
semaphore group with a semaphore identifier for each RVT plus three extras. On
most UNIX platforms, the number of semaphore identifiers in a semaphore
group is governed by the SEMMSL kernel parameter. It is important to be aware
of the following rule when increasing the first number of the Max_Recvrs
parameter, nn:
SEMMSL >= nn + 3

You may need to increase the SEMMSL value.

CAICCI requires, at most, two distinct semaphore identifiers. If CAICCI gets

ID=0, it will hold this group and request another. Unicenter® Network and
Systems Management (Unicenter NSM) has requirements for XXXMNI, which
should be added to requirements for other products using IPC (Inter-Process
Communication) resources.

In addition to storing an application’s CAICCI address, shared memory is also

used to store the data that the application is sending. Sometimes messages arrive
too quickly for the target application to dispose of them. In this case, an
application may request that CAICCI queue up messages. The number of
messages that CAICCI will queue up for each application is determined by the
second value of the Max_Recvr parameter—mm. The mm value may be set as
high as 700; however, CAICCI is designed to shut down when the 700th buffer is
filled to avoid problems with possible limited resources. For this reason, the
recommended maximum value of mm is 699.

If the Max_Recvr parameter is set to a value higher than allowed, it will default

to the maximum. Sometimes an application will hang or will be too busy to pick
up its messages. In a situation such as this, you will see the error message:
CAICCI_E_RECVBUSY Target [ ] queue is full, sender [ ]

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI

The default behavior is for the sending application to sleep while waiting for
room on the buffer. This may work for an application using CAICCI but not for
the remote demon.


The simplest way to enable CAICCI remote communications is to have the

configuration requirements built for you during your initial installation.

If you have already installed CAICCI, you can use the

$CAIGLBL0000/cci/scripts/reinstall script to enable CAICCI remote
1. During this procedure, the following prompt appears:
During the initial installation, several CCI parameter files were created.
Do you want to recreate these files as part of this reinstallation?
(y/n) (default: n)

Respond y to install the CAICCI remote demon.

2. You are then prompted for the names of the nodes with which the CAICCI
remote demon is to establish communications, as follows:
Please enter the name of the remote host or RETURN to end:

Reply with a single node name.

3. The prompt is repeated in order for you to specify another node with which
CAICCI will communicate. Respond with additional node names, one at a
time, until all of the nodes have been specified.
When you are done, press Enter twice to continue.


The ccirmtd.prf file identifies the local CAICCI node name, the UNIX host name,
and the block size for the local and remote machines.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI

Node-Specific Path Name

The ccirmtd.prf file is found in the following location:

$CAIGLBL0000/cci/config/ nodename/ccirmtd.prf


nodename Identifies the machine on which the CAICCI demons are running.

LOCAL = nodename cciname max_msg_size [startup | nostart] [port=1721 retry=n]
REMOTE = nodename cciname max_msg_size [startup | nostart] [port=1721 retry=n]


Indicates the hostname
name resolvable that will
to the correct IPbe passedand
address to gethostbyname.
does not have toThis
havecan be any
connection to cciname.

cciname Indicates the logical name CAICCI will use to identify this host. This name is
determined by the ca_uname function at install time and by ca_nodename
during runtime. These functions are the equivalent of uname –n. This name can
be as long as 64 characters but an alias must be used for names greater than
eight characters.

max_message_size Specifies the maximum buffer that CAICCI will send or receive over the socket.
It is a good idea not to adjust this. Each side of the connection may have this set
to different values, up to 32KB. The lesser of the two values is used.

startup | nostart Tells ccirmtd whether or not to initiate a connection. Sometimes you may only
want one side to initiate the connection. This is handy for a UNIX admin client
when many people power down their PCs at night. You can eliminate many
annoying messages when CAICCI is recycled during the night if the server
does not start connections.

In addition, there are verbs of the form VERB=value:

■ x

RETRY= —Determines how ccirmtd will behave if the connection is

where x is one of the following:
0—ccirmtd will not retry the connection.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Configuring CAICCI

-1—ccirmtd will start with a two second retry interval and double after each
unsuccessful retry attempt.
> 0—ccirmtd will wait n seconds between retry attempts.
■ This is used in conjunction with the nostart option to allow the server to sit
passively and wait for incoming connection requests. If a client host goes
down the server will not attempt to reconnect, and we are again relieved of
messages requesting that we check to see if CAICCI is active on the client.
■ PORT=p—Allows us to specify an alternate port for this specific connection
only. The default port number is 1721.
For example:
LOCAL = abcdef31 abcdef31 32768 startup
REMOTE = abcdef33 abcdef33 32768 startup
REMOTE = abcdef33 abcdef33 32768 startup port=7000


The cciclnd.prf file defines the number of seconds to sleep between system scans
for communications buffer and connections cleaning. The default time value for
cciclnd is one second. The default value should not be changed unless instructed
by Computer Associates Technical Support.

Node-Specific Path Name

The cciclnd.prf file is found in the following location:

$CAIGLBL0000/cci/config/ nodename/cciclnd.prf


nodename Identifies the machine on which the CAICCI demons are running.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CAICCI Environment Variables

CAICCI Environment Variables

The following environment variables are available on the UNIX platform. The
best place to set them is in the $CAIGLBL0000/cci/scripts/rc file prior to the
invocation of the main CAICCI demon process (caiccid), unless otherwise noted.



Enables or disables CAICCI traces.


Set to enable traces, unset to disable traces.

Components Affected

All CAICCI processes and applications using CAICCI.

When to Use

Use for tracing.



The directory to which CCI trace file is written.


CAI_CCI_LOG=path, where path is directory for traces.

Components Affected

All CCI processes and applications using CCI.

When to Use

Use if a larger volume is required for trace output.

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CAICCI Environment Variables



Sets path to CCI configuration directory.


CAI_CCI_CONFIG=path where configuration files reside:


Components Affected

All CCI processes.



Minimum size of shared memory segment CAICCI requests.


CAI_CCI_SHMMIN=SHMMIN, where SHMMIN is a kernel parameter.

Components Affected

All CAICCI processes and applications using CAICCI.

When to Use

When the SHMMIN kernel parameter is greater than 1.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CAICCI Environment Variables



ccirmtd will bind to a specified port prior to connect calls.



n > 1024 K

Components Affected

Remote demon process.

When to Use

For firewalls or certain multi NIC situations.



Determines the time out for select after connect.



n >1

Components Affected

Remote demon process.

When to Use

Sometimes network conditions will cause the TCP/IP handshake to take a long
time to complete.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Starting and Stopping CAICCI

Starting and Stopping CAICCI

Note: You need to be logged in as root to start and stop CAICCI.

To start CAICCI, run the rc script:


There should be three processes running for CAICCI:

$ ps -ef|grep cci
root 17733 17731 0 Jan 18 ? 30:36 /uni/cci_kit/cci/bin/ccirmtd
root 17732 17731 0 Jan 18 ? 1:20 /uni/cci_kit/cci/bin/cciclnd
root 17731 1 0 Jan 18 ? 1:25 /uni/cci_kit/cci/bin/caiccid

To stop CAICCI, run the cshut script:


If CAICCI hangs and you cannot shut it down, do the following:

1. Kill the three CAICCI demon processes, enter:
kill -9 <3 pids of cci>

2. Search the shared memory for the caiccid process, enter:

ipcs -a|grep 0000d

3. Remove the message queue for the caiccid process returned from Step 2,
ipcrm -q <message queue id>

4. Remove the shared memory for the caiccid process returned from Step 2,
ipcrm -m <shared memory id>

5. Remove the semaphore for the caiccid process returned from Step 2, enter:
ipcrm -s <semaphore id>

Introducing CAICCI A–11 424/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


B Troubleshooting CCI

This appendix describes troubleshooting CCI for Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Troubleshooting Tools for Remote CCI Connections

The following are troubleshooting tools:


The netstat command allows you to check TCP/IP statistics:

■ netstat –a | grep caic
Shows all connections to the local host involving a port, which can be
resolved to caic(ci). The important connections are ESTABLISHED and
LISTEN. If the latter is present, you know that the kernel accepts connections
on behalf of the ccirmtd process. This means that a remote host attempting to
connect to this host should get the TCP/IP connected state. Established
connections are important because we know that CCI transactions may not
transpire between the hosts in question if a TCP/IP Established connection
does not exist.
It is important to understand that netstat output is of the form:

where the local host is listed to the left of the remote host. One side will
always have a port that resolves to caicci and the other side will have a
numeric port. The latter side is that which initiated the connection.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Troubleshooting Tools for Remote CCI Connections

Sometimes netstat –a does not return or may take a long time to return with
very little information. This is usually indicative of name resolution
problems. You can issue:

netstat –an | grep 1721

netstat skips the name resolution and displays information about
■ netstat –i
Shows information about the network interfaces on the local hosts. You can
use the netstat –i command to determine if the host has more than one
network card and determine the hostnames or IP addresses of these cards.
The netstat –i command also provides valuable statistics about network
collisions. A collision occurs when two hosts simultaneously attempt to send
on an ethernet. The important thing to look for is a high ratio of outgoing or
incoming packets to collisions.


ping allows you to establish that a remote host can be reached. It is important to
ping by IP address as well as host name. If you cannot ping a host, CCI cannot
establish a connection to that host.


nslookup allows you to be sure that the name of the host to which you wish to
connect, as well as the IP address, is resolvable. If there is a question as to the
integrity of the DNS environment, you can use nslookup to verify the IP address
of the host to which you need to communicate. You then enter the IP address
back into nslookup and verify that the same host name is returned. Verify the IP
address and hostname for both hosts.


The traceroute command on UNIX and the tracert command on Windows allow
you to determine the route taken between two hosts. If a client cannot ping a
host, this command may show where the network path is failing.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Troubleshooting Tools for Remote CCI Connections


ccinet may be used to pass commands to the ccirmtd demon on UNIX. On

Windows, this is the rmtcntrl binary. This may be used as follows:
■ ccinet ping
Can be used to send a special CCI test packet across the CCI connection. This
does not use the native ping command nor does it operate in quite the same
■ ccinet status
Allows you to determine the status of the CCI connections.
■ ccir/ccis/ccic/ccii
Provides you a suite of test binaries to test CCI communication. (ccinet ping
tests remote process to remote process communication)

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CCI Command Line Controls

CCI Command Line Controls

Commands may be passed to CCI processes. Executables, therefore, may gather
diagnostic information from these processes.

On UNIX platforms the command binary for the main CCI demon is:

The following commands are available:

■ cci show
■ cci semashow and cci semaclear X
■ cci shutdown
■ cci debugon and cci debugoff

cci show

This allows you to view the shared memory segment where CCI stores the RVT
list. This is useful to determine general CCI information, such as:
■ The number of free and active RVTs
■ The key used to create the CCI resources
■ The identifiers for the CCI resources

The process ID’s of the CCI demons
■ The time the shared memory was created

You can also use this command to display information about a specific receiver,
such as:
■ The existence of a specific receiver
■ The number of pending messages for a specific receiver
■ The PID of the process that created the receiver
■ The PID of the process that holds the semaphore for this receiver
■ The last send and receive time
■ The number of sends and receives

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CCI Command Line Controls

cci semashow and cci semaclear X

You can use the semashow command to determine if any of the CCI semaphores
are being held. This is useful information for conditions when Unicenter
AutoSys JM is hanging. When a problem exists, the output of the command will
be two or more lines:
CAICCI_I_0003 i[X] sema[YYYY] pid[Z]
CAICCI_S_0046 Command completed successfully

When there is not a problem with the CCI semaphores, only the last line is


X The particular semaphore identifier in the CCI semaphore group.

YYYY The semaphore group.

Z The process ID of the process holding the semaphore.

To use this to troubleshoot a hanging condition, execute the command and note
the process ID’s of those processes holding a CCI semaphore. It is always a good
idea to issue ps –ef in conjunction with this command. If the process holding the
semaphore is defunct, the group responsible for support of this application
should be contacted because CCI does not release resources held by defunct

Next, you issue the following for each held semaphore in the semashow output:
cci semaclear X

The semaclear command releases the semaphore and can allow Unicenter
AutoSys JM to continue normal operations.

cci shutdown

Tells the main demon to shut down. The use of this command is not advised if

Unicenter AutoSys JM is still running.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CCI Command Line Controls

cci debugon and cci debugoff

Will turn main demon tracing on and off.

The binary used to pass commands to the CCI remote demon is:

The following commands available are:

■ ccinet show
This command will output data concerning the hosts to which the remote
demon is or should be connected. It will also output information about the
receivers available on those remote platforms similar to the RVT information
displayed by ‘cci show.’ The output from this command is written to the
ccirmtd trace file. Therefore, to capture this output we prefer that traces have
been enabled prior to its execution. This data is also output to the system
console. The output from this command is usually important for solving all
issues involving remote communication.
■ ccinet debugon nd ccinet debugoff
Used to enable or disable remote traces without recycling the remote demon.
Trace data is written to:
■ ccinet st tus
Will display information concerning the remote hosts to which the remote
demon is connected or to which it should be connected. This data is
displayed in tabular form on stdout. If you are receiving a "no receiver
online" type error, check this output as it may show that you are not
connected to the host in question.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

CCI Command Line Controls

■ ccinet rele se
The release of the ccirmtd is displayed to stdout.
Note: The cci 666 command is no longer supported in NSM.

The command gives the release as follows:



xxx Is the source code version (for example, 1.137)

yy Is the genlevel of Unicenter (for example, 21 for TNG 2.1)

zzzz Is the release of Unicenter (for example, 9708)

ccinet disconnect sysid
Causes the local remote to issue a disconnect command to the specified sysid
and close down the connection. This has the effect of severing the connection
between these hosts. Neither side attempts to reestablish the connection.
■ ccinet reconnect sysid
If hosts are connected, this causes them to disconnect and then reconnect. If
hosts are not connected, the local remote demon will attempt to connect to
the remote host.
■ ccinet ping sysid
A useful diagnostic tool which causes the local remote demon to send a
special CCI packet to which the other host responds. This command allows
you to determine if the CCI connection is useful at the most basic level. Upon
successful completion, the roundtrip time is displayed.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Reinstalling CCI

■ ccinet echo sysid mess ge

If successful, the message is displayed on the target systems console.
Another useful tool for determining how well the CCI connection between
two hosts is functioning.
■ ccinet retry sysid
Will affect the retry time interval as follows:
− Set the retry time interval to N, if N >0
− Set the retry time interval to 2, then double on each successive failure, if
N = -1

− Prevent the local host from attempting to reconnect if N = 0

The commands are passed to the CCI demon processes using the message
queue facility. Therefore, if there is a problem with these facilities the
commands may not function correctly.

Reinstalling CCI
If you need to reinstall CCI, for any reason, reinstall Unicenter AutoSys JM.
When the installation asks you if you want to install CCI, answer yes.

Note: Before you reinstall CCI, unset CAIGLBL0000. Log in as root at a UNIX
prompt and enter:
unset CAIGLBL0000

For more information about CCI installation, see the appendix “Introducing
CCI” in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX Installation Guide.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


C General Debugging

To better monitor the behavior of the Unicenter AutoSys JM product and to

facilitate in identifying problems while troubleshooting, a Unicenter AutoSys JM
environment variable has been introduced called ISDBGACTIV. (For UNIX,
ISDBGACTIV is an OS environment variable. For Windows it is a registry key).
The environment variable must be set prior to initiating the product. Upon

startup, the traceable applications will look for the set value of the ISDBGACTIV
environment variable and will output certain trace messages given the value
assigned. In UNIX, the ISDBGACTIV environment variable can be set as any
other environment variable using either the setenv or export command
depending on the UNIX operating system used. In Windows, the ISDBGACTIV
environment variable must be set using the Administrator Tool through the
System Environment Variable screen.

The following is a description of how the products interpret the ISDBGACTIV

ISDBGACTIV Value ID Description

1 DBG Generic Debug Status Information

2 CDB CCI Memory Output

4 MDB Internal Communications Data Information

(sockets, message queues)

8 OPX Internal Communications Status Information

16 EDB EDB Event Processor Debug Messages

32 DDB DDB Database

64 RDB Event Processor to Remote Agent Communications


128 SDB Sendevent Status Information

256 JDB Job Start Status Information

General Debugging C–1 433/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Error! No text of specified style in document.

The individual values can be combined to control the number of traces

generated. For example, to view Event Processor Debug Messages and Generic
Debug Status, ISDBGACTIV should be set to 32 + 1 = 33. To view all traces,

DDB generate should be set toof63trace
large amounts (32+16+8+4+2+1). In general,
statements whereas DBG,
OPX and EDBMDB, and
light traces.

The products that generate trace messages are the Event Processor, the AutoSys
Broker, the AutoSys Broker CCI Send and Receive Objects, and the Remote
Agent. Each of these products generate their own log files under normal
circumstances located in the $AUTOSERV/autouser/out directory. Any trace
messages will be added to these log files at various places as the products
encounter them.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


D Unicenter Integration

Before enabling Unicenter event integration, you must install the event manager
agent on the event processor machine. The Event Agent can be installed alone, as
part of Unicenter Framework, or as part of the entire Unicenter product.

To integrate Unicenter AutoSys JM for UNIX with Unicenter do the following:

1. Login as the Unicenter AutoSys JM user (requires privileges to update the

configuration file).
2. The configuration file has the following name:

The example entry in the configuration file looks like:


The valid values for the Unicenter Events are:

0—No events are sent.

1—Only the Alarms are sent.

2—Alarms and Job Completion status are sent.
3—All the events are sent.
3. Change the entry value with the integer value (0–3) that corresponds to the
desired message level in the previous list.
4. You must stop and restart the Event Processor before these changes will take

For more information about the configuration file, see the Chapter

Configuration, in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX User Guide.

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX


About asbIII, A-9
$AUTORUN, 3-26 Adding Machines - JIL, 7-9

$AUTOSYS/bin/chk_auto_up, 12-31 advanced configuration, 13-1

$AUTOSYS/code/heartbeat.c, 4-24 after_time report attribute, 11-8

$AUTOSYS/code/, 4-24 alarm callbacks, 13-32

$AUTOSYS/dbobj/create_table, 12-31 Alarm Manager

about, 10-1
acknowledging alarms, 10-23
$AUTOUSER/autosys.env, 12-29 Alarm List, 10-23
Alarm Selection dialog, 10-29
$AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV, 13-1 Select by State region, 10-30
$SYBASE, 12-29 Select by Time region, 10-31
$SYBASE/install/RUN_AUTOSYSDB, 12-29 Select by Type region, 10-30
changing alarm states, 10-28
closing alarms, 10-23
/ Control Region
Freeze Frame button, 10-26
New Alarm button, 10-27
/bin/date command, 12-9 Select Job button, 10-27
/etc/.autostuff file, 13-29, 13-30 Currently Selected Alarm
acknowledging, 10-26
/etc/auto.profile file. See auto.profile file, 13-25
closing, 10-26
/etc/services file Response edit box, 10-26
remote agent port number, 13-27 menu bar, 10-24
registering responses, 10-28
/tmp/autotest.$JobName, 12-9
alarm monitor/report attribute, 11-6

alarm_if_fail job attribute, 4-15

Index–1 437/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

alarm_verif monitor attribute, 11-10 optional

Box Jobs, 4-27
Command Jobs, 4-19
about, 1-10
File Watcher Jobs, 4-26
13-32 non-starting parameters, 4-12
starting parameters, 4-9
override_job, 4-22
permission, 4-18
priority, 4-22, 9-4
all_events monitor/report attribute, 11-6 run_calendar, 4-10
all_status monitor/report attribute, 11-7 std_err_file, 4-21
std_in_file, 4-20
asset level security, 2-21 term_run_time, 4-14
atomic starting conditions, 10-8 timezone, 4-16
watch_file, 4-8
job watch_file_min_size, 4-26
watch_interval, 4-26
alarm_if_fail, 4-15 job dependencies, 3-16
auto_delete, 4-17 machine
auto_hold, 4-17 factor attribute, 9-4
avg_runtime, 4-24 max_load, 9-3
basic, 3-6 monitor
box_failure, 4-28 alarm_verif, 11-10
box_name, 4-13 sound, 11-9
box_success, 4-27 monitor/report
box_terminator, 4-15 alarm, 11-6
chk_files, 4-25, 4-27 all_events, 11-6
command, 4-4, 4-5 all_status, 11-7
date_conditions, 4-9 essential, 11-5
days_of_week, 4-9 job_filter, 11-7
description, 4-12 mode, 11-5
essential name, 11-5
all jobs, 4-4 report
Box Jobs, 4-8 after_time, 11-8
Command Jobs, 4-5 currun, 11-8
File Watcher Jobs, 4-8 starting conditions, 3-16
heartbeat_interval, 4-24
job_load, 4-21 authentication
job_name, 4-4 remote, 13-29
job_terminator, 4-15 auto.profile file
machine, 4-7, 4-8 AutoMachWideAppend variable, 13-22
max_exit_success, 4-23 DENY_ACCESS, 13-31
max_run_alarm, 4-14 remote agent settings, 13-25
min_run_alarm, 4-13 remoteProFiles, 13-16
n_retrys, 4-16

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

auto_delete, 4-17 Configure the AutoSys Machine, A-6

auto_remote. See, 13-25 AutoSysAgentSupportReceiveSubmit Parameter, A-6

autocal, 8-3 autosyslog command, 12-4, 14-17

autocons, 10-2 avg_runtime, 4-24

autohold job attribute, 4-17

AutoInstWideAppend, 13-22 B
AutoMachWideAppend variable, 13-22
autoping, 14-12
bundled Sybase, 12-33
AutoRemoteDir, 13-15 calendar definitions, 12-12
AutoRemPort, 13-20, 13-27 global variables (using autorep), 12-13
job definitions (using autorep), 12-12
autosc, 11-4 machine definitions (using autorep), 12-13
AUTOSERV environment variable, 13-1 monitor and browser definitions (using monbro),
autostuff file, 13-29, 13-30
batch files and exit codes, 3-24
components, 1-3 Bi-Directional Scheduling, A-11
database Box Jobs, 3-4, 5-1
defined, 1-3 basic job definition, 3-7
Graphical User Interface default behavior, 5-1
see GUI, 1-2 diagram, 3-12
instances examples, 5-9
defined, 1-8 force starting jobs in a box, 5-7
machines, 1-8 guidelines, 5-2
security, 2-1 non-default terminators, 5-5
AutoSys Agent placing job in
software requirements, A-4 GUI, 6-15
placing job in
AutoSys Agent support, A-1 JIL, 7-10
AutoSys Connect and AutoSys Agent support, A-1 starting conditions, 3-4, 3-14
status changes, 5-8
AutoSys/Xpert, 4-24
box_failure, 4-28
autosys_secure, 4-18
box_name, 4-13
AutoSysAgentSupport, 13-21
Cross-Platform Scheduling, 13-21 box_success, 4-27
AutoSysAgentSupport box_terminator, 4-15
Configure the AutoSys Machine, A-5 browsers
AutoSysAgentSupport Parameter, A-5 backing up definitions, 12-13
defined, 11-1

Index–3 439/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

restoring definitions from backup file, 12-14 ccinet, B-3

charge back reporting, 9-15

C chase command, 12-10

check file space, 4-25, 4-27

Calendar Selection dialog, 8-13
Check_Heartbeat, 13-14
calendars, 8-1
chk_auto_up, 13-9
backing up definitions, 12-12
blocked dates, 8-9 chk_files, 4-25
blocking dates, 8-16 clean_files, 12-11, 13-15
Calendar Definition window, 8-4
color key, 8-11 CleanTmpFiles, 13-15
combining, 8-23 client machine, 1-8
conflicting dates, 8-9, 8-11
creating command job attribute, 4-4, 4-5
example, 8-12 Command Jobs, 3-3, 3-6
custom, 3-16
command line controls
customizing Calendar Facility, 8-28
CCI, B-4
date range, 8-16
date states, 8-9 components
Edit menu, 8-6 Event Processor, 1-4
exporting, 8-25, 8-27 Event Server, 1-3
exporting definitions to file, 12-12 Remote Agent, 1-5
File menu, 8-5
importing, 8-25
starting, 3-16
importing definitions from file, 12-14
Job Definition Reference List, 8-7 config.EXTERNAL
merging, 8-23 creating the file, A-6
Options menu, 8-8
configuration file, 13-2
printing, 8-24
AutoInstWideAppend, 13-22
rescheduling rules, 8-20
AutoRemoteDir, 13-15
restoring definitions, 12-14
AutoRemPort, 13-20
rule specification, 8-15
Check_Heartbeat, 13-14
selecting, 8-13
CleanTmpFiles, 13-15
setting dates, 8-16
DBEventReconnect, 13-8
Term Calendar Rule, 8-14
DBLibWaitTime, 13-5
Term Calendar Viewer, 8-7, 8-22
DBMaintCmd, 13-12
Tools menu, 8-7
unsetting dates, 8-16 EDErrTimeInt, 13-9
EDMachines, 13-9
CCI EDNumErrors, 13-9
command line controls, B-4 EvtTransferWaitTime, 13-13
reinstalling, B-8 FileSystemThreshold, 13-11
troubleshooting tools, B-1 InetdSleepTime, 13-23

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8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

KillSignals, 13-19 architecture, 12-17

MachineMethod, 13-18 backup
MaxRestartTrys, 13-17 bundled Sybase, 12-33
MaxRestartWait, 13-18 changing the, 12-28
RemoteProFiles, 13-16 checking if up, 12-29
RestartConstant, 13-18 connection to Job Definition GUI time-out
RestartFactor, 13-18 interval, 6-25
sample, 13-2 connection to Monitor/Browser GUI time-out
ThirdMachine, 13-10 interval, 11-21
WaitTime, 13-18 connections, 13-7
XInstanceDBDropTime, 13-6 crash recovery, 12-22
data locking, 12-21
contacting technical support, 1-14
defined, 12-15
Control Panel defining which to use, 12-17
GUI, 6-1 dumping, 12-33

controlling the event processor, 2-21 identifying connected processes, 12-32

maintenance, 13-12
cpu maintenance script, 13-12
using available cycles to select machine to run on, maintenance time, 12-18
9-9 passwords, 2-9
crash recovery recovery, 12-22, 12-39
database, 12-22, 12-39 rollover, 12-22
shutdown, 12-30
cross-instance starting, 12-29
database connection, 13-6 stopping, 12-30
Cross-Platform Scheduling, 13-21 stopping service, 12-30
storage requirements, 12-16
Currently Selected Job region, 10-6 time-out period, 13-5
currun report attribute, 11-8 unrecoverable error, 12-22
verifying connection, 14-12
custom calendars
overview, 3-16 database field verification, 2-7

customizing dataserver
Calendar Facility, 8-28 defined, 1-3
Job Definition, 6-25
date dependency, 3-15
Operator Console, 10-32, 11-20
date range in calendars, 8-16
date/time job dependencies, 3-15

D Date/Time Options dialog

example, 6-5
data locking, 12-21
date_conditions, 4-9
accessing interactively, 12-31 days to run job
administration, 12-27 setting

Index–5 441/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

GUI, 6-19 synchronizing event servers, 12-23

JIL, 7-11
dual Server Mode, 12-22
days_of_week, 4-9

DB Library, 12-26

DB_ROLLOVER, 13-32 eAC, 2-17

DBDropTime EDErrTimeInt, 13-9
Job Definition GUI, 6-25
edit permissions, 2-11
Monitor/Browser GUI, 11-21
Edit Superuser, 2-14
DBEventReconnect, 13-8
EDMachines, 13-9
DBLibWaitTime, 13-5
EDNumErrors, 13-9
DBMaint script, 12-19
environment variables
DBMaintCmd, 13-12
dbstatistics script, 12-19 DSQUERY, 12-27
See also profiles, 4-6
default owner of job, 2-10
SYBASE, 12-27
delete job user-defined, 4-6
GUI, 6-21
Environment Variables for asbIII, A-10
JIL, 7-13
DENY_ACCESS AUTOENV setting, 13-31
job EP_SHUTDOWN, 13-32
date/time, 3-15
exit code, 3-23
event processor handling, 13-9
global variables, 3-25
event processor time interval, 13-9
job status, 3-16
essential job attributes, 4-4
dependent jobs
creating - GUI, 6-13 eTrust
creating -JIL, 7-7 Access Control, 2-17
example, 3-20 access modes, 2-23
as-calendar class, 2-26
description job attribute, 4-12
as-control class, 2-30
disable security, 2-20 as-gvar class, 2-28
as-job class, 2-24
DSQUERY variable, 12-27
as-list class, 2-31
dual event servers as-machine class, 2-27
crash recovery, 12-22 as-owner class, 2-29
defined, 1-4 as-view class, 2-30
mode, 12-15 resource classes, 2-22

Index–6 User Guide 442/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Security Administration, 2-18 eventor

security call logic, 2-35 script, 12-2
security enabled applications, 2-33

processortime between errors, 13-9 about, 1-9 10-12
authentication on remote agent, 13-29 copying between event servers, 13-13
automatic shutdown, 13-8, 13-9
EvtTransferWaitTime, 13-13
checking for running, 13-9
error handling, 13-9 examples
heartbeat interval, 13-14 calendar
log creating, 8-12
minimum disk space, 13-11 calendar rescheduling rule, 8-21
viewing, 12-3 individual queues, 9-19
maintaining, 12-1 JIL, 7-16
monitoring, 12-2, 12-3 job dependencies, 3-20
restoring, 12-7 load balancing, 9-10
running in test mode, 12-8 monitor/report definition, 11-13
shutdown multiple machine queues, 9-20
automatic, 13-8 queuing with priority, 9-18
starting, 12-1, A-8 real machine definition, 9-6
stopping, 12-4, A-5 reports
tail command, 12-2 defining in JIL, 11-19
third machine, 13-10 system architecture, 1-6
troubleshooting, 14-10 virtual machine definition, 9-7
xql scripts, 12-31
Event Processor
defined, 1-4 exclusive condition, 3-21
See also event_demon, 1-4 exec superuser, 2-15
Event Report Exec Superuser, 2-15
from Operator Console, 10-8
execute permissions, 2-11
event server
dual, 12-15, 12-17 exit codes
recovery, 12-22 batch files
synchronizing process, 12-23 with, 3-24
transferring events, 13-12 FALSE.EXE, 3-25
troubleshooting, 14-2 job dependencies, 3-23
maximum for success, 3-17
Event Server
defined, 1-3 exitcode, 3-23
rollover, 12-22 exporting calendars, 8-27, 12-12
See also database, 1-3
See also Dual Event Servers, 1-3

event_demon, 12-1
See also Event Processor, 1-4

Index–7 443/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

F Monitor/Browser dialog, 6-2

one-time job overrides, 6-22
Operator Console, 6-2
factor attribute, 9-4
starting, 6-1
FALSE.EXE, 3-25 time dependencies
setting, 6-19
file locking, 13-15
using to create a job definition, 4-2
file maintenance, 13-15

File Watcher Jobs, 3-5

basic job definition, 3-6 H
creating, 6-9
heartbeat_interval, 4-24
FileSystemThreshold, 13-11
about, 13-13
monitor/report, 11-7
checking, 13-13
force starting jobs code to include, 4-24
from Job Activity console, 10-9 time interval, 13-14
impact on load balancing, 9-11
high availability
dual event servers, 1-4
shadow event processor, 1-5

gid, 2-11, 4-18 I

global variables
backing up definitions, 12-13 Import/Export File Name (calendar) dialog, 8-25
job dependencies, 3-25 importing calendars, 8-25, 12-14
restoring definitions, 12-14
setting inetd
in the Send Event dialog, 10-11 job starting inverval, 13-23
resetting, 13-19
Graphical Calendar Facility, 8-1
Calendar Definition window, 8-4 InetdSleepTime, 13-23
screens, 8-3
See also calendars, 8-3
job’s starting conditions, 3-14
starting, 8-3
insert_machine - JIL, 7-9
group ID, 2-11, 4-18
instances of AutoSys, 1-8
Advanced Features dialog, 6-6
Control Panel, 6-1
Date/Time Options dialog, 6-5
defined, 1-2
defining monitor/reports, 11-11 JIL
Job Definition dialog, 6-3 creating a job definition, 4-2

Index–8 User Guide 444/453
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defined, 1-2 icon text, 6-26

defining jobs, 7-1 title bar text, 6-26
defining monitors/reports, 11-17
job definition encryption, 2-7
defining report, 11-19
example, 7-16 Job Definition Reference List, 8-7
running, 7-4 Job Information Language, 1-10
sub-commands, 7-3 See also JIL, 1-10
syntax rules, 7-1
job level security, 2-10
Job Activity Console, 10-3
Alarm button, 10-15 Job List region, 10-4
Alarm Manager dialog, 10-23 job overrides
cancelling a sent event, 10-12 setting, 7-14, 7-15
Control Area, 10-9
action buttons, 10-9 job resource usage, 9-15
control buttons, 10-13 Job Selection dialog, 10-17
Dependent Jobs button, 10-13 Box Levels field, 10-18
Freeze Frame button, 10-14 Job Name field, 10-18
Job Definition button, 10-13 setting job selection criteria, 10-21
Report buttons, 10-14 sorting specified jobs, 10-21
Currently Selected Job region, 10-6 specifying jobs
Dependent Jobs dialog, 10-14 by machine, 10-19
Job List, 10-4 by name, 10-18
Job Path (History) dialog, 10-15 by status, 10-19
Job Selection dialog, 10-17
job starts
menu bar, 10-4
reducing start interval, 13-23
reports, 10-8

resizing regions, 10-16

See also Operator Console, 10-3 job status
as job dependency, 3-16
Send Event dialog, 10-10
job_filter monitor/report attribute, 11-7
AUTOSERV instance, 10-11
Cancel button, 10-11 job_load, 4-21
Change Status, 10-11
job_name, 4-4
Comment field, 10-11
Execute button, 10-11 job_terminator, 4-15
Global Name/Value, 10-11 jobs
Job Name, 10-10 attributes
Queue Priority, 10-11 basic, 3-6
Send Priority, 10-11 backing up definitions, 12-12
Signal, 10-11 basic job information, 3-3
time of event, 10-11 Box Jobs, 5-1
starting conditions, 10-7 creating - GUI, 6-15
Job Definition dialog, 6-3 creating - JIL, 7-8
customizing, 6-25 defined, 3-4
database connection time-out, 6-25 changing - GUI, 6-17

Index–9 445/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

changing - JIL, 7-10 defined, 3-5

Command Jobs force starting, 9-11, 10-9
creating - GUI, 6-7 heartbeats from, 4-24
creating - JIL, 7-5 number of restart attempts, 13-17
defined, 3-3 overrides
creating GUI, 6-22
Box Jobs - GUI, 6-15 JIL, 7-14
Box Jobs - JIL, 7-8 owner
Command Jobs - GUI, 6-7 default, 2-10
Command Jobs - JIL, 7-5 permissions on NT, 2-13
File Watcher Jobs - GUI, 6-9 queuing, 9-4, 9-15
File Watcher Jobs - JIL, 7-6 restart tries, 13-17
creating a job definition, 4-2 restoring definitions from backup file, 12-14
custom calendars, 3-16 run number, 3-26
cycles of processing, 14-1 saving definitions to backup file, 12-12

date/time dependencies starting conditions, 3-14

setting in GUI, 6-19 states, 3-8
setting in JIL, 7-11 status
days to run managing, 3-22
setting, 6-19 status codes, 3-8
defined, 1-2 time dependencies
defining environment for, 4-6 setting
defining in AutoSys, 3-27 JIL, 7-11
definition time/date dependencies, 3-15
Box, 3-7 types, 3-2
Command, 3-6 variables for, 4-6
File Watcher, 3-6
GUI, 6-21 K
JIL, 7-13
KILLJOB signals, 13-19
creating with GUI, 6-13
creating with JIL, 7-7 KillSignals, 13-19
exit codes, 3-23
global variables, 3-25
job status, 3-16 L
GUI, 6-19 load balancing, 9-9
JIL, 7-11 example, 9-10
edit permissions, 2-11 force starting jobs, 9-11
execute permssions, 2-11 job attributes required for, 9-3
exit code, 3-23 maximum load on machine, 9-3
File Watcher method, 13-18
creating - GUI, 6-9 user-defined, 9-21
creating - JIL, 7-6

Index–10 User Guide 446/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

locking max_exit_success, 4-23

remote agent log file, 13-15
max_load machine attribute, 9-3

max_run_alarm, 4-14
M maximum exit code for success, 3-17

maximum system load, 9-3

attribute, 4-7, 4-8 MaxRestartTrys, 13-17
backing up definitions, 12-13 MaxRestartWait, 13-18
client, 1-8
defining with JIL, 9-2 method of load balancing, 13-18
deleting min_run_alarm, 4-13
real machines, 9-6
virtual machines, 9-8 mode monitor/report attribute, 11-5
factor attribute, 9-4 Monitor/Browser dialog, 6-2, 11-11
job runs on, 4-7 customizing, 11-20
max_load attribute, 9-3 database connection time-out, 11-21
permissions icon text, 11-21
edit and execute, 2-12 title bar text, 11-21
priority job attribute, 9-4
monitors, 11-1
real, 9-1
about, 11-2
restoring definitions from backup file, 12-14
alarm_verif, 11-10
saving definitions to backup file, 12-13
backing up definitions, 12-13
server, 1-8
defined, 11-1
virtual, 9-2
defining, 11-3, 11-13
defining, 9-7
GUI, 11-11
deleting, 9-8 JIL, 11-17
MachineMethod, 13-18 filtering, 11-6
maintenance filtering events, 11-2
backing up AutoSys definitions, 12-12 job_filter, 11-7
calendar definitions, 12-12 name, 11-5
global variables, 12-13 restoring definitions from backup file, 12-14
job definitions, 12-12 sound, 11-9
machine definitions, 12-13 status events, 11-7
monitor and browser definitions, 12-13 multiple machine queues, 9-20
chase command, 12-10
clean_files, 12-11
commands, 12-10 N
database, 13-12
database time, 12-18
n_retrys, 4-16
files, 13-15
restoring AutoSys definitions, 12-14 name monitor/report attribute, 11-5

managing job status, 3-22 netstat, B-1

Index–11 447/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

NIS SQL*Net V2, 12-15

troubleshooting, 14-14
override_job, 4-22
user-defined notification routines, 13-32 job
nslookup, B-2 GUI, 6-22
JIL, 7-14
ntrys, 3-26
default, 2-10

ON_HOLD vs. ON_ICE, 3-9 P

one-time job overrides, 6-22

Open Client C Library, 12-15 autosys user, 2-9
Operator Console, 6-2 database, 2-9
about, 10-1 database system administrator, 12-28
customizing, 10-32 permission attribute, 4-18
Alarm List column width, 10-37
permissions, 4-18
alarm poll time interval, 10-33
edit, 2-11, 4-18
atomic conditions fields, 10-36
execute, 2-11, 4-18
background color of variable fields, 10-35
granting, 2-12
border colors, 10-35
machine, 2-12
changing fonts, 10-33
types, 2-11
currently selected Job Name field, 10-35
user, 2-10
Default Report type, 10-37
font selection, 10-34 using umask, 2-10
Windows NT, 2-13
freeze frame at start up, 10-34
icon text, 10-38 ping, B-2
Job List column widths, 10-36
policy manager, 2-19
label font, 10-34
list font, 10-34 port number for remote agent, 13-20
object color, 10-35 priority job attribute, 4-22, 9-4
Operator Console size, 10-37
primary interface colors, 10-36 profiles, 4-6
refresh time interval, 10-33, 10-36
title bar text, 10-38

Job Activity Console, 10-3 Q

See also Job Activity Console, 10-1
starting, 10-2 queuing
optional job attributes, 4-9 and simple load limiting, 9-15
as subset of virtual machine, 9-19
Oracle jobs, 9-15
improving database performance, 12-25

Index–12 User Guide 448/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

multiple machine, 9-20 user, 2-8

policies, 9-15
RemoteProFiles, 13-16
with priority, 9-17, 9-18
reports, 11-1
about, 11-3
R all_events, 11-6
all_status, 11-7
defined, 11-1
real machines, 9-1
defining, 11-3, 11-13
defining, 9-2
GUI, 11-11
deleting, 9-6
JIL, 11-17
example, 9-6
defining - GUI, 11-15
reconnecting to database, 13-7 defining - JIL, 11-19
filtering, 11-6
filtering events, 11-2
database, 12-39
Sybase database, 12-39 job_filter,
name, 11-511-7
remote agent Operator Console, 10-8
auto_remote service, 13-28 status events, 11-7
database connectivity, 14-19
resource check
heartbeat interval, 13-14
file space, 4-25, 4-27
log, 14-17
modifying settings for, 13-27 resources
port number, 13-20 Calendar Facility
security date range, 8-30
DENY_ACCESS, 13-31 Font Selection, 8-29
settings, 13-27 icon text, 8-30
socket connection, 13-27 Object Color, 8-29
troubleshooting, 14-12 Print Command, 8-30
title bar text, 8-30
Remote Agent
Window Size, 8-30
defined, 1-5
Job Definition, 6-25
Event Processor authentication, 2-9
database connection time-out, 6-25
security, 2-17
icon text, 6-26
user authentication, 2-8
title bar text, 6-26
remote agent event processor authentication, 13-29 Monitor/Browser
remote agent log database connection time-out, 11-21
cleanup, 13-15 icon text, 11-21
title bar text, 11-21
name assigned, 14-16 Operator Console, 10-32, 11-20
specifying directory for file, 13-15
alarm list column width, 10-37
remote agent settings in auto.profile, 13-25 alarm poll time interval, 10-33
remote authentication, 13-29 atomic condition fields, 10-36
configuring, 13-29 border colors, 10-35
Event Processor, 2-9 currently selected job name field color, 10-35

Index–13 449/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

default report type, 10-37 S

font selection, 10-34
freeze frame at start up, 10-34
icon text, 10-38
job list column widths, 10-36 database maintenance, 13-12
DBMaint, 12-19
label font, 10-34
start_autodb, 12-29
list font, 10-34
Operator Console size, 10-37 security, 2-1
primary interface color, 10-36 database field verification, 2-7
refresh time interval, 10-33 DENY_ACCESS remote agent setting, 13-31
title bar text, 10-38 event processor authentication, 2-9
toggle button color, 10-36 events sent by the event processor, 2-4
variable fields background color, 10-35 events sent by users, 2-2
granting permissions, 2-12
restart attempts
job definition encryption, 2-7
maximum number, 13-17

restart wait time job level security, 2-10

job ownership, 2-10
calculating, 13-18 job permissions and windows, 2-13
RestartConstant, 13-18 native, 2-2
overview, 2-1
RestartFactor, 13-18 permission types, 2-11
restoring preventing unauthorized access, 2-7
calendar definitions, 12-14 Remote Agent, 2-17
global variables (using autorep), 12-14 remote agent authentication, 2-8
job definitions (using autorep), 12-14 remote authentication, 13-29
machine definitions (using autorep), 12-14 restricting access to jobs, 2-16
monitor and browser definitions, 12-14 security control, 2-13
primary event processor, 12-7 superusers
AutoSys, 2-14
restricting access to jobs, 2-16 system level, 2-7
rollover umask, 2-10
Event Server, 12-22 user and database administrator passwords, 2-9
shadow event processor, 12-6 user authentication, 2-8
user permissions, 2-10
rstatd, 13-18
user types, 2-11
Rule Specification region, 8-15
security access, 2-20
run number, 3-26
security control, 2-13

RUN_AUTOSYSDB, 12-29 select getdate, 12-29

run_calendar, 4-10
Send Event dialog, 10-10
run_num/ntry AUTOSERV instance, 10-11
defined, 3-26 Cancel button, 10-11
cancelling an event, 10-12
ruserok, 2-8, 13-29
Change Status, 10-11

Index–14 User Guide 450/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

Comment field, 10-11 states

Execute button, 10-11 job, 3-8
Global Name/Value, 10-11 See also status, 3-8
Job Name, 10-10
Queue Priority, 10-11 status
Send Priority, 10-11
as job dependency, 3-17
Signal, 10-11
monitoring and reporting, 11-7
time of event, 10-11
tracking changes, 11-7
sendevent command, 2-15 monitor/report
failure, 11-7
server instance, 1-3
restart, 11-7
server machine, 1-8 running, 11-7
ServerVision starting, 11-7
charge back reporting, 9-15 success, 11-7
job resource usage monitoring, 9-15 terminated, 11-7
load balancing, 9-12 processed vs. unprocessed, 3-13
using in job dependencies, 3-16
services file
Remote Agent port number, 13-27 std_err_file, 4-21

shadow event processor std_in_file, 4-20

defined, 1-5 STOP_DEMON, 12-5, 12-30
rollover, 12-6
starting, 12-7
maximum exit code, 3-17
SIGHUP signal, 13-19
Summary Report
signals from Operator Console, 10-8
UNIX, 13-19 superusers, 2-14
Single Server Mode, 12-22 Edit Superuser
SNMP connections, 13-17 defined, 2-14
exec superuser
socket connection for remote agent, 13-27 defined, 2-15
socket time-out, 13-17 svload command, 9-12
sound monitor attribute, 11-9 Sybase
SQL*Net V2, 12-15 accessing interactively, 12-31
architecture, 12-26
standard output/error append parameter, 13-22 bundled, 12-26

start interval between jobs, 13-23 defining a dump device, 12-34

dumping the database, 12-37
start_autodb script, 12-29
loading the database, 12-38
starting conditions, 3-14, 3-16 communication with, 12-26
in Job Activity Console, 10-7 database
displaying date and time, 12-33
identifying connected processes, 12-32

Index–15 451/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

improving performance, 12-24 time dependencies

DB Library, 12-26 in job definition, 4-9
DSQUERY variable, 12-27 overview, 3-15
environment, 12-27 setting
environment variable, 12-27 GUI, 6-19
interfaces file, 12-27 JIL, 7-11
server, 12-26
timezone, 4-16
shutdown command, 12-30
SQL.INI file, 12-27 tmpfs
starting, 12-29 locking problems, 13-15
stopping, 12-30 traceroute, B-2
System 10 backup server, 12-35
users, 12-27 transferring events between event servers, 13-12

SYBASE variable, 12-27 troubleshooting, 14-1

event processor, 14-10
synchronizing event servers, 12-23 event servers, 14-2
syntax rules remote agent, 14-12
JIL, 7-1 troubleshooting tools
system administrator CCI, B-1
database, 12-28 ccinet, B-3
netstat, B-1
system level security, 2-7
nslookup, B-2
system load ping, B-2
maximum, 9-3 traceroute, B-2


target machine, 4-7 uid, 2-11, 4-18

technical support, 1-14 Unicenter Event Management Integration, 13-24

UnicenterEvents, 13-24
Term Calendar Rule dialog, 8-14
Control region, 8-21 UnicenterEvents, 13-24
Rescheduling Rule region, 8-20
user ID, 2-11, 4-18
Term Calendar Viewer, 8-7, 8-22
user types
Calendar Display, 8-23
group, 2-11
Navigation Controls, 8-23
term_run_time, 4-14 owner, 2-11
world, 2-11

test mode user-defined

output file, 12-9 environment variables, 4-6
running in, 12-8
ThirdMachine, 13-10 load balancing, 9-21

Index–16 User Guide 452/453
8/10/2019 Autosys User Guide for UNIX

user-defined W
alarm callbacks, 13-32

users WaitTime, 13-18

bundled Sybase, 12-27 watch_file, 4-8

watch_file_min_size, 4-26
provided with AutoSys, 1-10
watch_interval, 4-26

Windows NT
job permissions on, 2-13

variables in a Command Job definition, 4-6

virtual machines, 9-2 X

defining, 9-2, 9-7
deleting, 9-8 X resources
example, 9-7 customizing Calendar Facility, 8-28
using delete_machine, 9-2
XInstanceDBDropTime, 13-6
using insert_machine, 9-2
vmstat, 13-18
example scripts, 12-31 453/453

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