Rodent Lecture 1

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Non-Insect Pests and their Management

Dr. Kusal Roy, Assistant Professor (Stage II)

Department of Ag. Entomology
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Mohanpur, Nadia

email: [email protected], Contact: 9433307588,


Identification of important rodent pests

Survey for assessment of rodent population in field and godown
Investigation on damage caused by rodents
Rodent control operations in field and godown
Identification of species of slugs and snails
Evaluation of control measures against slugs and snails
What are rodents?
Rodents or “Rodentia” are mammals that are characterized by having two
incisors which must be kept short by gnawing as they grow continuously.
Among the most well known and common rodents are:
• Mice
• Rats
• Gerbils (Antelope rat)
• Chipmunks
• Squirrels
Of those, the most common rodents to find in a property are mice and rats
and both species are considered to be commensal rodents.
Commensal means they are found living in close proximity to humans and
partly depend upon us for their survival.
Difference between rat and mice
Rat Mice
Rats are generally larger than mice and Mice are around 7 ½ inches long,
can grow up to 18 inches long, including including the tail
the tail

The rat is very cautious and will not Mice, on the other hand, are very
readily approach new items in its path curious and will investigate new things.
until it has had time to get used to its Thus, if mice are not caught within the
presence. Thus, prior to setting rat first days of trap placement (using set
traps, unset traps should be placed in traps), the trap is likely in the wrong
the rat's path. place and should be moved.
Rat Mice
Living and Breeding Living and Breeding
Rats will eat nearly anything, but they prefer Mice prefer cereal grains and plants, but will
fresh grain and meat. feed on almost anything.
Rats require at least 1/2 to 1 ounce of fluid Although they rarely burrow, they will nest in
each day. If this is not attained through hidden areas near a food source.
moisture in foods that it eats, the rat must Mice have an average lifespan of 9 to 12
have water to drink. months.
Rats will burrow under buildings, along
fences and railroad tracks, and under
vegetation and debris.
Spring is the most active season for rat
Rats can live up to a year and a half.
Movement Movement
Rats can enter a building through a gap as When eating, fighting, or orienting itself, the
small as 1/2 inch in diameter. mouse will stand up on its hind legs,
Strong swimmers, rats will live in sewers and supported by its tail.
can enter buildings through broken drains or As excellent jumpers, swimmers, and
toilets. climbers, mice can ascend even rough,
vertical surfaces.
Rat Mice
Movement Movement
It will climb in order to access food, water, or They are fast runners, moving on all fours
shelter. and holding the tail straight upright for
Rats will set and follow standard routines balance -- unless frightened.
and pathways. If new objects are set in a A nocturnal creature, the mouse is most
path, they will painstakingly avoid it. active from dusk up 'til morning light. Mice
Rats tend to stay within 300 feet of their nest are generally averse to bright lights, but one
or burrow. may sometimes be seen during the day,
particularly if its nest has been disturbed or
it is seeking food.
A mouse can slip through 1/4-inch holes and
gaps - much smaller than appears possible.
It can jump 13 inches high from a floor or
other surface, and can run along wires,
cables, and ropes.
Rat Mice
Facts Facts
Signs of rat presence include droppings, The House Mouse has been designated as
gnawing, tracks, runways and burrows. one of the top 100 "World's Worst" Invaders.
Being nocturnal, rats have very poor Mice are afraid of rats, which often kill and
eyesight, rats have a very strong sense of eat mice. For this reason rat odor is stressful
small, taste and hearing. to mice and will affect their behavior and
Rats can be distinguished from mice by reproduction.
physical characteristics, primarily their Mice, themselves, have an inherent musky
larger size and, coarse fur, and odor.
proportionately larger head and feet. Though color blind, mice have very keen
sense of hearing, smell, taste, and touch
They can be found indoors and outdoors, in
urban and rural areas.
Droppings, gnawing and tracks are signs of a
mouse infestation.
Common rat species
1. House rat/Black rat- Rattus rattus
2. Brown rat/Norway rat- Rattus norvegicus
3. Field rat/Grass rat- Millardia meltada
4. Mole rat/ Lesser bandicoot- Bandicota bengalensis
5. Large bandicoot rat- Bandicota indica
6. Short tailed field rat- Nesokia indica
7. Bush rat- Golunda ellioti
Common mouse species
1. House mouse- Mus musculus
2. Field mouse- Mus booduga
Common gerbil species
1. Indian gerbil- Tatera indica
2. Indian desert gerbil- Meriones hurrianae
Common squirrel species
1. Five striped palm squirrel/ Northern palm suirrel- Funambulus pennantii
2. Three striped palm squirrel- Funambulus palmarum

1. Indian crested porcupine-Hystrix indica
Identification of important rodent pests
Identification of rat species
1. Black rat or house rat-Rattus rattus
The black rat is a common long-tailed rodent of the genus Rattus in the
subfamily Murinae.
Description: A typical adult black rat is 12.75 to 18.25 cm (5.02–7.19 in) long,
including a 6.5 to 10 cm (2.6–3.9 in) tail, and weighs 110 to 340 g. Despite its
name, the black rat exhibits several colour forms. It is usually black to light
brown in colour with a lighter underside and lifespan- 12 months (in the wild).
2. Brown rat/Norway rat- Rattus norvegicus
The fur is coarse and usually brown or dark grey, while the under-parts are lighter
grey or brown. They can weigh twice as much as a black rat and many times more
than a house mouse. The length is commonly in the range of 20 to 25 cm (8 to
10 in), with the tail a further 18 to 25 cm (7 to 10 in), thus being roughly the same
length as the body. Adult body weight averages 350g in males and about 250g in
females. Exceptionally large individuals can reportedly reach 900 to 1,000g.
Brown rats perceive colors rather like a human with red-green colorblindness.
3. Field rat/Grass rat/Soft-furred Rat- Millardia meltada
It is found in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Head and body length is 13-16cm. Tail ss 12-14cm. Yellowish to brownish gray
dorsally and whitish in the undeparts. Tail naked, blackish above, paler beneath.
Fine dense fur shorter ventrally. Many shortish whiskers. Males are larger. Its
grey in color with a white belly, the tail is sparsely haired with visible annular
rings and the tail constitutes over 80% of head and body.
4. Mole rat/ Lesser bandicoot- Bandicota bengalensis
The lesser bandicoot and two other species are nocturnal or most active at
twilight. They construct burrows to nest and bear their litters. The number of
bandicoot babies can range from two to 18. Their staple diet is grains, fruit, and
invertebrates. They are prone to destroying cultivated crops in fields. Of all the
three species, the lesser bandicoot is an especially aggressive burrower and has
been reported to make tunnels in concrete cellars.
Identification of mouse species
1. House mouse- Mus musculus
Body length (nose to tail base): 7.5–
10 cm (3.0–3.9 inch)
Tail length: 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in).
Body weight: 10–25g.
Color: Light to dark brown.
They have short hair. The ears and tail
have little hair. House mice are found in
and around homes and commercial
structures, as well as in open fields and
agricultural lands.
House mice primarily feed on plant
matter, but are omnivorous. They eat
their own faeces to acquire nutrients
produced by bacteria in their
intestines. House mice, like most other
rodents, do not vomit.
2. Field mouse- Mus booduga
Head and body length is 7cm. Tail
is 6cm. Upper parts a glossy light
brown fading to grayish white or
white on the ventral surface. There
is often a light brown band or
splotch across the chest. Large
rounded ears set on the head.
Muzzle rather pointed. Tail is dark
above, and paler below. Upper
incisors curve backwards.
Identification of gerbil species
1. Indian gerbil- Tatera indica
It is also known as "Antelope rat", is a species of gerbil in the family Muridae. It is
found in Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and
Syria. It is the only species in the genus Tatera.
Head and body length is 17-20cm. Tail is 20-21cm. Dorsal surface including entire
head is light brown or light brown with rusty wash. Underparts are white. Tail fully
furred, dark blackish brown with grayish sides and prominent black tuft on tip. Fur
on body soft, sparse underneath; tail fur is longer. Eyes are large and prominent.
Bounding gait is distinguished when running.
2. Indian desert gerbil- Meriones hurrianae

The Indian desert jird has a grey-brown coat with yellowish-grey belly. It is approximately
12–14 centimetres (4.7–5.5 in) long and has a tail 10–15 cm (3.9–5.9 in) long. The
distinguishing characteristics include short ears, long black claws and orange incisors.

Indian crested porcupine
The Indian crested porcupine, or Indian porcupine, is a large species of
rodent belonging to the Old World porcupine family, Hystricidae. It is
native to southern Asia and the Middle East.

Hystrix indica (Indian Crested

Chipmunks Ground Squirrel Tree squirrel

Least Chipmunk Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel Eastern Gray Squirrel

(Tamias minimus) (Spermophilus lateralis) (Sciurus carolinensis)
Chipmunks are small Ground squirrels are Tree squirrels are larger
striped squirrels native small striped mammals that chipmunks and
to North America and native to wooded and ground squirrels. They do
Asia. Note the stripes on open rocky areas. They not have stripes on the
the head, back and tail. look similar to head or body. Note the
They are usually classed chipmunks, but do not prominant tail.
either as a single have stripes on the head.
genus Tamias. Note the white eye-ring.
Three striped palm squirrel-
Funambulus palmarum

Five striped palm squirrel/ Northern

palm squirrel- Funambulus pennantii
Damage caused by rodents
Rats and mice cause losses in a number of ways:
1. Feeding on stored produce
Rats consume about 25 g of food per day and mice eat approximately 3–4 g per day. Besides
eating stored produce, rodents contaminate a lot of the stored produce with urine, feces,
hair and pathogenic agents. As it is extremely difficult to remove contamination, infested
batches often have to be declared unfit for human consumption.
2. Damage to material and equipment
(e.g. tarpaulins, bags, pallets, sprayers) and to the store itself (cables, doors).
These often lead to subsequent damage:
Produce leaking out of damaged bags or storage containers
Bag stacks collapsing due to damage to the lower layers
Short circuits leading to sparks or fire from cables being chewed
Silos and warehouses may subside or even collapse as a result of being undermined
Drainage canals around a store may be damaged.
Signs of rodent infestation
When there are signs of rodent infestation, it is necessary to conduct a thorough
investigation of the store, its immediate surrounding area and neighboring land. There are
a large number of clear signs of rodent infestation:
1. Live animals:
Rodents are mainly active at night. If animals are nonetheless seen during the daytime,
this is a sign of an already advanced stage of infestation.
2. Droppings:
The shape, size and appearance of droppings can provide information as to the species of
rodent and the degree of infestation. The droppings of Norway rats are around 20mm in
length and are found along their runs. The droppings of Black rats are around 15mm long
and are shaped like a banana. Mouse droppings are between 3 and 8mm in length and
irregular in shape. Droppings are soft and shiny when fresh, becoming crumbly and matt
black or gray in color after 2–3 days.
3.Runs and tracks:
Runs, such as those of Norway rats, are to be found along the foot of walls, fences or
across rubble. They virtually never cross open areas of land, but always pass through
overgrown territory, often being concealed by long grass. Runs inside buildings can be
recognized by the fact that they are free of dust. The animal’s fur coming into contact with
the wall leaves dark, greasy stains. Even Black rats, which do not have any fixed runs, can
leave similar greasy stains at points which they pass regularly, e.g. when climbing over roof
4. Footprints and tail marks:
Rats and mice leave footprints and tail marks in the dust. If you suspect there might be
rodent infestation, scatter some sort of powder (talcum powder or flour) on the door at
several places in the store and later check for traces. The size of the back feet serves as an
indication of the species of rodent:
Back feet larger than 30mm: Black rat, Norway rat, Bandicoot rat.
Back feet smaller than 30mm: House mouse, Multi-mammate rat, and Pacific rat.
5. Tell-tale damage:
Rats leave relatively large fragments of grain they have nibbled at (gnaw marks). They
generally only eat the embryo of maize. Sharp and small leftovers are typical for mice.
Damaged sacks where grain is spilled and scattered can be a further sign of rodent attack.
Small heaps of grain beneath bag stacks is a clear sign. These should be checked for using a
torch on regular controls.
6. Burrows and nests:
Depending on their habits, rodents either build nests inside the store in corners as well as
in the roof area or in burrows outside the store. Rat holes have a diameter of between 6
and 8cm, whereas mice holes are around 2cm in diameter. These holes can be found
particularly in overgrown areas or close to the foundations of a store.
7. Urine:
Urine traces are fluorescent in ultraviolet light. Where available, ultraviolet lamps can be
used to look for traces of urine.
Rodent Management
Two methods are commonly adopted for rodent control.
I. Non-chemical:
• Physical methods
• Mechanical
• Cultural
• Biological
II. Chemical:
• Acute/ Single dose poison
• Chronic/ Multiple dose poison
• Fumigation of rat burrows
1. Chemical Control of Rodents
a. Acute/ Single dose poison: Zinc phosphide, Barium chloride, Red squill, Thallium
sulphate are used as acute rat poisons. The defect of acute poisons is that these
create poison shyness and bait aversion in rodents. e.g. Zinc phosphide 2 parts,
food grains 96 parts and any edible oil 2 parts.
b. Chronic/ Multiple dose poison: The modern way to kill rodents by using
anticoagulants. If consumed regularly causes blood hemorrhage in mammals.
These are easy to handle, involve no health hazard to man and do not create bait
i. Ready to feed: Rodents can be fed directly when the bait is of ready to use type.
ii. Dry baits: Anticoagulant 25 g, flour 450 g, sugar or jaggery (in powder form) 15
g, any edible oil 10 g.
It should place in rat runs, dark places, where rats can consume bait
without disturbance even during day-time. Consumed baits should be replaced
daily. Rats start drying after a period 6-7 days. Baiting should continue for 21 days
to get an effective kill.

c. Fumigation of rat burrows
i. Cyanogas fumigation: Calcium cyanide was used as a fumigant. Before starting
fumigation work all rat burrows should be closed by loose earth. The following
day, live burrows should be cleared and 10-20 g of fumigant to be applied with
the pump-applicator (6-10 strokes of the pump).
The burrows should be immediately closed tightly after removal of pump hose to
avoid any leakage of poisonous gas. Next day the fumigated burrows are again
examined and any reopened burrows are refumigated.
ii. Phosphine gas fumigation: Aluminium phosphide pellets of 0.6 g are utilized
for carrying out burrow fumigation exactly in the same manner as discussed
above for cyano gas.
A simple rod like hollow applicator is thrust deep into the burrows and two
pellets are put in each burrow. The process is repeated twice in the following
days on noticing any opened burrows.
2. Mechanical methods of Rodent Control
a. Trapping: The Thanjavur Bamboo Bow Traps, pot traps and break back trap type are
very useful in controlling field rats. In warehouses box trap and wonder trap are used.
b. Killing of solitary rats by sticks, brooms and some other ways by individual.

Thanjavur Bamboo Bow Traps

3. Cultural methods of Rodent Control
a. Deep ploughing: Ploughing upto 18” will unearth rat burrows and the pest will be
exposed to enemies, like dogs, cats, kites etc.
b. Flooding the fields: Burrows in the fields can be flooded with water, which kill the rats.
c. Formation of narrow bunds: Rodents prefers broader bunds for making burrows.
4. Biological methods of Rodent Control
a. Predators: Snakes and mongooses are well known predators of rats. Fixing bamboo
poles near the rat burrow. Birds like owls, eagles etc come and sit on them.
b. Parasites: Salmonella sp. of virus can be used for rodent control but not recommended
due to health threat to non target species.
5. Physical methods of Rodent Control
a. Rat proofing: Care for constructing new godowns to make them rat proof.
• Godowns should be away from habituation.
• Should be on high plinth. Must have 3’ (90 cms) deep pucca foundations.
• Water accumulation in the nearby places should be avoided.
• Pucca masonry cement concrete structures are preferable.
• No tree or branches of the tree should hang over the godowns roof.
• All windows ventilators, gutters, drains should be fitted with 24 gauge ¼” (0.6 cm) metal
• Manholes should be properly covered.
• Doors must be closely fitted. Clearance between doors and floors, should not exceed ¼
“ (0.6 cm).
• Any rat hole observed must be closed with cement.
• Regular inspection and sanitation of godowns is a must for effective rat control.
b. Hygiene and sanitation:
Food should be kept in rat proof containers. Waste foods and empty food tins should be
thrown in dustbin with tightly fitting lids. Best time for removing rubbish is just before
taking temporary control measures.
c. Use of ultrasonic devices:
Sound waves emitted by ultrasonic devices are unbearable by rats and mice and are
unheard by humans. These are reported to repel the rats without producing any harm to
human beings. However, so far effective equipment is not available.

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