CS8581 5

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Fifth Semester


(Regulations 2017)

Time : 3 Hours Answer any one Question Max. Marks 100

Aim Topology Design and Output Record Viva Total
Procedure Program Result
(20) (30) (30) (10) (10) (100)

1. (a). Write a UDP Minichat Client/Server Application to support multiple simultaneous 60

Chat sessions Using multithreading.

(b). Design and study the performance of STAR and Ring topology using simulator.

2. (a). A simple UDP server program that waits for client’s requests and then accepts the 50
message (datagram) and the server program can manipulate client’s messages/request
and send a new message as a response.

(b). Examine the throughput performance of sliding window with varying packet sizes,
error rates and Round Trip Times.


3. (a.) Use simulator to analyses the performance of Routing Information Protocol 50

(RIP), a routing protocol and observe how RIP is affected by link failures.

(b). Write a UDP program to multicast messages to more than one other machine at the
same time.

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4. (a). Develop application using TCP Socket Programming and Client – Server 50
model for chat.

(b). Design and study the performance of BUS and Ring topology using simulator.

5. Write a program for the simulation of Domain Name System. 100

6. (a). Implement Echo Server using connectionless Socket System Calls. 50

(b). Write a program to get the MAC or Physical address of the system using Address
Resolution Protocol.

7. Write a program to get the IP or Doted decimal address of the system using RARP. 100

8. Write a program to simulate the calculation of traditional checksum. 100

9. Write and test a program that simulates the bit stuffing and bit unstuffing 100

10. A program to simulate the action of forwarding in a router given the routing 100
table and the destination address of a packet. The program should find the
outgoing user interface.

11. Write a program to simulate the distance-vector algorithm 100

12. Write a program to simulate the link-state algorithm 100

13. Write a program to simulate the path-vector algorithm 100

14. Develop application using TCP Socket Programming and echo Client – echo 100
Server model.

15. Write a HTTP web client program to download a web page using TCP sockets. 100

16. Develop applications using UDP Sockets for DNS. 100

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17. Develop applications using UDP Sockets for SNMP. 100

18. Develop applications using UDP Sockets for File Transfer. 100

19. Write and test a program to simulate the flow diagram of CSMA/CA. 100

20. Write and test a program to simulate the flow diagram of CSMA/CD. 100

21. Write and test a program to simulate CDMA. 100

22. Design the FTP to transfer some files. Use Wireshark to capture some packets. 100
Show that FTP uses two separate connections: a control connection and a data-
transfer connection. The data connection is opened and then closed for each file
transfer activity. Also show that FTP is an insecure file transfer protocol because
the transaction is done in plaintext.

23. Simulate error correction code (like CRC). 100

24. Use simulator to analyses the performance of Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 100
a routing protocol and observe how RIP is affected by link failures.

25. Use simulator to examine the performance of OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST 100
(OSPF) routing protocol based on cost.

26. Write a program for the simulation of Domain Name System. 100

27. Analyze the behavior of the DNS protocol. In addition to Wireshark, several 100
network utilities are available for finding some information stored in the DNS
servers. Use the dig utilities (which has replaced nslookup). Also use ipconfig to
manage the cached DNS records in the host computer.

28. Implement and Design a topology in different state Chennai, Bangalore, Andhra 100
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routers interconnect a link state or distance vector routing technology.

29. Implement and Configure the link state routing topology in VPN. 100

30. Examine the contents of a frame sent by the data-link layer. Find the value of 100
different fields such as estimation and source MAC addresses, the value of CRC,
the value of the protocol field which shows which payload is being carried by the
frame, and so on.

31. A program to simulate the action of forwarding in a router given the routing 100
table and the destination address of a packet. The program should find the
outgoing user interface.

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