The esxtop utility provides a detailed look at how ESXi uses resources in real time. It is
probably the most useful utility to troubleshoot performance issues on an ESXi host. The
tool is available either on the ESXi host itself (#esxtop), or from remote systems like the
vMA (#resxtop).
In vSphere 6.5, esxtop has 9 panes that can be enabled with the following shortcuts:
o c: CPU
o m: Memory
o v: Disk Virtual Machine
o u: Disk Device
o d: Disk Adapter
o n: Network
o i: Interrupt
o p: Power Management
o x: vSAN
CPU Panel
Key Metric Name Description
A ID ID The ID of a running world. The world ID is
typically cloaked and the group ID is displayed,
unless the group is expanded with the "e" command.
This also applies to groups with a single world. The
ID is never identical to the GID.
B GID Group ID The Group ID of a running world. A group is
sometimes also referred as Resource Pool which has
nothing in common with the Resource Pools you
can configure in a DRS Cluster.
Memory Panel
Key Metric Name Description
A ID ID The actual world ID is cloaked and the group ID is
displayed. As you can't expand the group in the memory
screen you can't see the real world ID.
B GID Group ID The Group ID of a running world. A group is sometimes
also referred as Resource Pool which has nothing in
common with the Resource Pools you can configure in a
DRS Cluster.
Network Panel
Key Metric Name Description
A PORT-ID Port ID The port ID used on the virtual switch. This ID is used
for example for network traces with pktcap-uw.