Grove Rulebooklet v1
Grove Rulebooklet v1
Grove Rulebooklet v1
Print duplex,
flip on short side
If the tree or glade underneath has a die on it, Set up
remove the die and return it to the dice pile.
Shuffle the cards. For each game you will only be
Place the Squirrel token on the overlapping tree using 9 of the 18 cards, so divide them into two, 9
to show that the fruit has been snaffled by the card, decks. Place one deck face down (recipe side
cheeky creature. up) and within easy reach.
Note that a tree with the squirrel on it cannot Put the other deck to one side (once you’ve
then be overlapped by another tree or a glade. finished the game you can immediately play
again using this deck).
Game end
Once you have placed the final card (and any dice Draw the top card and place it face up in the
on it) the game ends. middle of the play area to form the start of the
Scoring Draw two cards. This is your initial hand.
Any dice that are on a glade do not score (that
fruit has fallen to the ground and is spoiled). On each turn:
Add up all the remaining dice in your Grove to 1. Play a card
get your final score. You may rotate the card 180 degrees or 90 degrees
If the Squirrel is in your grove then subtract 1 (either way) before adding it to the Grove.
from your score and also subtract 1 for each die At least one tree or glade on the card must
that is on an adjacent (not diagonally) tree to the overlap a tree or glade already in the Grove.
Squirrel (so you will be subtracting between 1
and 5 points). The fruit of any overlapping tree must match the
fruit of the tree underneath it.
How fruitful was your harvest? If a tree overlaps a glade with a die on it then the
< 40 Pith-iful 50–54 Jaffa-bulous tree’s fruit must match the die colour. Any tree
can overlap an empty glade.
40–44 You need a pip talk 55–59 Sub-lime
A glade can overlap any type of fruit tree or
45–49 Juiced enough 60+ You’re the zest! another glade.
Grow your grove and pick as much fruit as Recipe Challenge
you can by playing cards so that the fruit Shuffle the 18 cards. Randomly set 2 aside, next to
trees overlap other trees bearing the same each other, with their recipe sides face up.
fruit. The more trees you overlap, the Each recipe shows a scoring condition for the
greater your harvest will be. game and the bonus points or score modifier you
receive for meeting the condition.
Components: Each recipe card has a number at the top. Add
18 cards together the numbers on the two cards to give
Each card shows 5 trees (orange, lemon and the Target Score for the game.
lime) and one open space - a ‘glade’. Deal yourself 9 cards and play the game following
Each tree has either 1 or 2 fruits. the standard rules.
The backs of the cards show ‘recipes’ . These are At the end of the game add any bonus points, and
only used for ‘Recipe Challenges’, so are ignored apply any modifiers received, to your dice score to
for the standard game. get your final harvest score. If this equals or
exceeds the Target Score, you win!
15 dice (5 orange, 5 lemon, 5 lime) Note: For meeting recipe conditions, the
These will be custom dice, each having a 2, 3, 4, Wheelbarrow is considered to be a ‘die’ - except for
5, 6 and basket of 10 face. the following recipes: Fruit Cocktail, Tuttti Frutti,
For PnP, standard D6 are used, with the ‘1’ face Lime Cordial, Orange Juice and Lemon Soda.
representing the ‘10’. Multiplayer Grove
Squirrel and Wheelbarrow tokens Both the standard game and recipe challenges
These will be custom, screen can be played multiplayer.
printed, wooden tokens. Each player has a copy of the game and, using the
For PnP, any small tokens can be numbers on the cards, draws the same cards in
used to represent them. the same order (as in Orchard multiplayer, with
one player calling out the numbers).