Technical Terminologies
Technical Terminologies
Technical Terminologies
Agile business analysis ensures that information is available to the agile team at the
right level of detail at the right time. Business analysts help agile teams answer these
For example:
● The system sends an approval request after the user enters personal
● A search feature allows a user to hunt among various invoices if they want to
credit an issued invoice.
● The system sends a confirmation email when a new user account is created.
A gateway is the point in one system where it connects to another system.
A homepage is the first page of a website, and typically the page that you access
through search engines.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
HyperText Markup Language or HTML is used to define the structure of webpages.
Markup languages describe annotations that are added to any document that are
distinguishable from the original text of the document. In the case of HTML, these
annotations are HTML tags which are used to define the structure of a webpage such
as headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, data, quotes, and more.
Hybrid apps are applications that will work on different platforms (computers, mobile
devices, tablets) and are a combination of a native app (one that is stored locally on
your device) and a web app (one that is accessed through a web browser on the
Internet). Amazon and Apple App Stores, Twitter, Yelp, and Gmail are all examples of
hybrid apps.
IDE is a software application that includes tools like source code editors (text editors
specifically designed for writing code), debuggers (tools for testing code), and build
automation tools (tools for compiling code into machine-readable format and
running automated tests). Examples of IDE’s include Eclipse, Visual Studio, and VIM.
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing
structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for
transmitting data in web applications (e.g., sending some data from the server to
the client, so it can be displayed on a web page, or vice versa)
Load Testing
Load Testing is very similar to performance testing, but with even more of a focus on
finding the exact point at which an app or site would crash or go down. For example,
say that you’re about to launch your new mobile app. You have no idea how many
people will be using it. How do you know if your servers will stand up to the demand?
To be safe, you can do load testing to identify the maximum number of users it
could support.
Malware is a term for malicious software, meaning software that is used for illegal
purposes or to harm a system.
Manual Testing
Manual Testing means testing the app or site by hand. For example, opening a
browser and manually navigating to different sections of a website, looking for user
experience issues or bugs.
MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. For a version of an app or website to be
“MVP,” it needs to meet criteria that the team has decided is the bare minimum
required for launch.
For example, a business owner might decide that a GPS section of an app is an “MVP
feature,” meaning it has to be included even for a soft launch. They also might decide
that a video feature is “Post-MVP,” meaning it can be added after the initial launch.
Non-Functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements are characteristics of a system or solution which
describe non-behavioral characteristics or qualities of a system. Non Functional
Requirements have also been called the 'ilities': usability, reliability, interoperability,
scalability, extensibility, etc. Non-functional requirements are also commonly
referred to as quality of service (QoS) requirements or service-level requirements.
The required level of flexibility for this architecture will be derived with an API-FIRST
APPROACH. The frontend of the platform will be DECOUPLED from the eCommerce
platform and other systems. By separating the PRESENTATION LAYER (the front-end)
from the commerce layer (the back-end), more flexibility can be gained in serving
rich-content, brand experiences and overall user experience.
System Architecture
SAAS stands for software as a service, meaning when a company distributes their
software on a subscription basis.
Search engine optimization(SEO) refers to techniques marketers use to make their
webpages rank highly on search engines.
Anyone who can be affected by an organization's actions, anyone who can be
indirectly affected by those actions, and those with significant influence on the
organization. Stakeholders will participate in the verification of deliverables.
Scrum is one of several light-weight agile methods that use an iterative and
incremental approach for the development of information systems. The Scrum
method brings a small team together to work on a specified set of features over a
short period called a sprint (often 30-days).
SDK is a set of tools for creating specific types of software. SDK’s are released by
companies that control the platform the software is being developed for. For instance,
apps developed for iOS require the iOS SDK, Windows apps require the .NET
Framework SDK, and Java apps require the Java Development Kit.
Smoke testing
Smoke testing is one of the quickest/most basic forms of testing. It involves doing a
simple test of major features, often right before a release. The purpose is to see if
anything “catches on fire,” so to speak. (If you really want to get your metaphor on,
you could also use “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Or, if you’re a Billy Joel fan
and/or developer, “We didn’t start the fire.”)
Ideally the app will have also gone through more rigorous testing. But smoke testing
is used as a back-up to be extra cautious when there’s not enough time for the ideal
level of testing.
Sprint is a set amount of time in an Agile QA process. A sprint includes a given
number of tasks that the team expects to finish in the timeframe (usually one to two
Before a Sprint starts, the team gets together for Sprint Planning. During this session,
product manager(s), developers, and QA testers will decide which bug fixes or
features can be realistically included in the Sprint. To learn more about the
prioritization process.
Showstopper is a bug that is absolutely critical. If QA finds any showstoppers in a new
version of a test build, it shouldn’t be released to the public. Showstoppers are
considered a top priority for developers to fix — especially if they’re found in a live
For example, if a mobile app consistently crashes whenever users sign up, that would
be considered a showstopper bug.
Server Architecture
Server architecture is the foundational layout or model of a server, based on which a
server is created and/or deployed. It defines how a server is designed, the different
components the server is created from, and the services that it provides.
Server Architecture
Test Cases
Test Cases are requirements with steps for testing whether a given part of the app or
site is working properly.
RAM is an acronym for random access memory. This is where your computer stores
data for the programs it runs.
When the creator of a file uses settings that prohibit other people from editing or
deleting the contents of the file, they have created a read-only file.
Relational database management systems are used to organize data into
tables—the data can then be accessed or reassembled without having to
reorganize the database tables. Examples of RDMS include SAP and MySQL.
Responsive web design is the practice of designing websites so that they adapt
gracefully to different-sized devices like phones, tablets, wearable devices, etc. If
you’re able to visit a website on your phone and it looks just as proportional and
seamless as it does on your computer, it’s an example of responsive web design.
Regression testing
Regression testing is much more thorough than smoke testing. A regression is a
bug with an existing feature, caused by code updates from a new feature or
different bug fix. Regression testing involves checking every possible aspect of the
pre-existing app features after a new feature or bug fix is deployed. This is to make
sure that the code updates didn’t break any other area of the software.
For example, say that a developer adds a new profile field for “Birthday.” Regression
testing the profile section would mean verifying that all of the other fields were still
editable, saving changes still worked, numbers were still not allowed in the first
name field, etc. Sometimes even a small code change can cause a ton of
regressions. As a result, this type of testing is extremely important whenever there’s
an update — big or small.
Transition requirements
An additional group of requirements defines what is needed from an organization to
successfully move from its current state to its desired state with the new product.
They are only necessary for a short period of time while the transition takes place.
Examples can be “users must be trained to operate the system” or “previous data
must be migrated to the cloud storage.”
Technology Stack
A technology stack is a set of technologies that are stacked together to build any
application. Popularly known as a technology infrastructure or solutions stack,
technology stack has become essential for building easy-to-maintain, scalable web
applications. For example,
Technology Stack
UI includes all the parts of a website, app, computer, smartphone, etc. that the user
can manipulate and interact with. Display and touch screens, website menus,
keyboards, your cursor—these are all part of a user interface.
UX describes the emotions, attitudes, and ease-of-use a person has when using a
product or service. UX Design is the practice of using design to improve
communication between a product and its user in order to enhance the user’s
overall experience.
UX describes the emotions, attitudes, and ease-of-use a person has when using a
product or service. UX Design is the practice of using design to improve
communication between a product and its user in order to enhance the user’s
overall experience.
User flow is the path typical users take when starting on a website and moving
toward an action on the site. Creating a smooth path that is intuitive for users to
follow is part of user experience (UX) design.
URL is an acronym for unique resource locator and is used to identify unique
Description of the position title, who holds that role, and the interaction that role has
with the systems in place.
User Story
A user story (typically used by Agile methodolgies) is a high-level requirement
containing just enough information to help the team produce a reasonable sizing for
the requirement. The user story is generally one to two sentences in the everyday
language of the user.
Use Case Diagram
A use case diagram is a UML diagram that provides a high-level graphical view of the
functionality (use cases) supported by the system and shows which roles (actors)
can invoke each use case. This high-level view of the system provides a context for
the readers of the more detailed use case specifications.
Uptime and downtime describes how long a website, computer, or other system has
been working (uptime) or not working (downtime).
User (stakeholder) requirements
The needs of discrete stakeholder groups (top-level managers, nonmanagement
staff, customers, etc.) are specified to define what they expect from a particular
solution. This group serves as a bridge between the generalized business
requirements and specific solution requirements. They are outlined in a User
Requirements Specification and can include, for example, ability to create various
reports, view order history and status, manage customer databases, etc.
User Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria (AC) are the conditions that a software product must meet to be
accepted by a user, a customer, or other systems. They are unique for each user story
and define the feature behavior from the end-user's perspective.
Acceptance criteria are a set of conditions that must be met in order for a feature to
be considered ready to release. With an Agile process, the exact conditions can
change on the fly. After all, Agile teams pivot based on new information or ideas.
However, in order to consider the feature done, the final set of acceptance criteria
must be met.
For example, here’s acceptance criteria for a messaging feature:
● Premium users must be able to message any user on their friends list
● All users must be able to block any user
● Admin users must be able to delete a message
● All users must have “inbox” and “sent” sections
User Acceptance Testing
User Acceptance Testing means having real users beta test your app or site and
provide feedback. Also known as “UAT,” it can also refer to regular manual testing.
Learn more about the different types of user acceptance testing.
Unit Testing
Unit Testing means creating automated scripts to test individual parts of the app or
website code. Although it’s a form of testing, unit testing is usually done by
developers. The goal of unit tests is to ensure that each area of the code is working
Selecting the best solution that fits the stakeholder's needs and determining if the
solution meets the requirements and objectives.
Version control is a tool used to keep track of changes to code and files on a
website or app and allows the user to go back and restore earlier versions in case of
bugs. Version control tools like Git are often built in to source code editors (programs
used to write and edit code) like Visual Code Studio, or offered as part of a web
hosting service.
VPNs are networks that allow public internet connections to be used as private
networks as a means of improving security. When you use a public WiFi network, for
instance, your device and data are theoretically accessible by everyone else on the
network. When using a VPN, you’re still able to access the internet through the public
network, but are shielded by the VPN. VPN’s can be set up through some web
browsers (like Opera), or can be accessed through paid monthly services.
Wireframes are sketches of the key information that goes on each page of a website,
essentially showing the site or page’s “skeleton.” Designers can then use this sketch
as a starting point for laying out a website. These can be made in programs or written
on a napkin—we’ve seen it all.
Web servers are computers used to store websites, online apps, documents, pictures,
or other data, and can be accessed through the internet by way of applications like
web browsers or file transfer protocol (FTP) clients. When you visit a website with the
browser on your computer or smartphone, you are requesting it from a web server.
Web apps are websites that look and feel like an app (as opposed to a series of
linked pages). Facebook, Pandora, and Google Docs are all examples of web apps.
XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language. XML was designed to transport and store
data. It is a self descriptive markup language. This means that the tags used to
describe the content of the XML file are not predefined, but instead the author defines
his own tags and document structure.
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