Power and Position in Politics and The Tenth House Aspect
Power and Position in Politics and The Tenth House Aspect
Power and Position in Politics and The Tenth House Aspect
In Politician’s horoscope we can see the lagna lord in tenth house or tenth house lord in lagna or lagna lord aspects
tenth lord or tenth lord aspect the lagna lord. They also join with sun, moon of mars. Whose horoscope has above
any one point, they will shine as a famous politician.
Famous politician, Tenth house and lagna Lord.
Author for Correspondence: From the birth of the world till today someone is
dominating somebody and influencing someone
with authority. The situation is the same in the
Kumaran N. G, world of men and in the world of animals and birds.
They express their anger to satisfy their need or
School of Vedic Astrology, longing for power and position.
In the days baby lone when. Astrology was used to
Vels Institute of Science, predict future events and happenings to the kings
and to the world. Then it was used to predict the
Technology and Advanced Studies (Vistas), future events of the individuals. The history of
astrology records this. If one wants to get position
Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. and power in politics the planet in the horoscope
should be in the exalted position.
Though many millionaires are in the world a few
Email: [email protected] people have fortune in Politics. Ruling yoga or
Rajayoga is possible if certain planets are in a
particular position – thus said the author of the
Illustration No.2
Name: Mr. Sariga Singh Bhagel (Ex M.P of India) 15th Loksabha (M.P) Thula Lagna
Date of Birth: 9.08.1980 Time: 12.01pm Lat: 26o.55’N
Place: Etawah Long: 79o.02’E
Illustration No.3
Name: Mr. K.R. Periyakaruppan (Ex. Minister of Tamilnadu)
Date of Birth: 30.12.1959 Time: 9.27 pm Lat: 10o.12’N
Place: Thriuppathur Long: 78o.56’E
Illustration No.5
Name: Ms. Hema Malini (Actress and Loksabha M.P of India) Thanush Lagna
Date of Birth: 16.10.1948 Time: 1.00pm Lat: 10o.48’N
Place: Trichy Long: 78o.41’E
Illustration No.6
Name: Actor Mr. Sarath Kumar (Ex MLA of Tamilnadu and MP of India)
Date of Birth: 14.07.1954 Time: 3.30pm Lat: 28o.56’N
Place: Delhi Long: 77o.06’E
Illustration No.8
Name: Mr. Shri Lal kishan Advani (Ex. Deputy Prime Minster of India)
Date of Birth: 08.11.1927 Time: 09.27am Lat: 24o.56’N
Place: Karachi Long: 67 .00’E
Illustration No.9
Name: Mr. Shri P. Dhanabal (Ex. Speaker of Tamil Nadu)
Date of Birth: 16.05.1951 Time: 07.10 pm Lat: 11o.56’N
Place: Karuppur / Salem Long: 78o.14’E
Illustration No.11
Name: Mr. Shri Mural Manohar Joshi (Ex. Central Minister of India)
Date of Birth: 05.01.1934 Time: 10.20 am Lat: 29o.39’N
Place: Nainital Long: 79o.45’E
Illustration No.12
Name: Mr. Shri Navin Patnaik (Ex. Chief Minister of Odisha)
Date of Birth: 16.10.1946 Time: 05.30 pm Lat: 20o.46’N
Place: Cuttack / Odisha Long: 85 .58’E
The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude
to School of Vedic Astrology, Vels Institute of
Science, Technology and Advanced Studies
(Vistas), Pallavaram, Chennai – 600 117,
Tamilnadu, India for providing necessary facilities
to carry out this research work.
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
1. Vedhalinga Battar. Jathaga Parijatham,
Saraswathi Mahal, 2007,
2. Parthasarathy K. Sothida Rathnakaram,
Narmadha Pathippagam, 2003.
Please cite this article in press as: Kumaran N G et al. Power and position in politics and the tenth house aspect,
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences, 10(6), 2021, 412-420.
Available online: www.uptodateresearchpublication.com October – December 420