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Research Proposal General Banking & Investment Mechanism Submitted to:

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Research Proposal · March 2022

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4 authors, including:

Mohammed Khorshed
University of Creative Technology Chittagong


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Research Proposal
General Banking & Investment Mechanism
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Submitted to:
Dr. Md Akther Uddin
Assistant Professor
School of Business
University of Creatve Technology Chittagong

Submitted by:
ID - 190411022
Batch 4th
Date of Submission: 10-03-2022
Dr. Md Akther Uddin
Assistant Professor
School of Business
University of Creative Technology Chittagong
Shah Amanat Bridge Connecting Road, Road
Chattogram 4212, Bangladesh
Date: 10/03/2022
Subject: Submission of Research report on General Banking & Investment
Mechanisms of IBBL.
Dear Sir
I would like to thank you for giving me chance to prepare the Research report on
this topic,“General Banking & Investment Mechanisms of Islami Bank Bangladesh
Limited”. I have prepared the report highlighting the different schemes under
General Banking & Investment & analyze it from business, financial & prospective
point of view. I have tried my best to make the report excellent and gather relevant
information for preparing a complete report. Without the proper guidance of you, it
was not possible for me to prepare the report.

I hope you will asses my report considering the limitations and mistakes of the
study, and
Sincerely believe you will find the study very interesting and informative. Thank

Sincerely yours,
ID: 190411022
Batch 4th

Banking plays an important role in the economy of any country. In Bangladesh Muslim holds The
majority of the populaton. Though, no Islamic banking but only traditonal banking system Was
developed here tll 1983. However, interest is absolutely prohibited in Islam. The main aim Of traditonal
banking is to earn proft by borrowing and lending money in exchange of interest. As a result there is an
unfair competton among the bankers and among the customers. The People of this country are
profoundly commited to Islamic way of life as enshrined in the holy Qur‟an and the Sunnah. Naturally,
it remains deep in their hearts to fashion and design their Economic lives in accordance with the
precepts of Islam. The establishment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited on March 13, 1983, is the true
reflecton Of this inner urge of its people, which started functoning with erect from March 30, 1983.
Now, A queston may arise- „what is Islami Banking?‟ According to OIC- “Islamic bank is a fnancial
Insttuton whose status, rules and procedures expressly state its commitment to the principle of Islamic
Shariah and to the banning of the receipt and payment of interest on any of its Operatons..This bank is
the frst of its kind in South-East Asia. It is commited to conduct all banking and Investment actvites on
the basis of interest fee proft-loss sharing system. In doing so, it has Unveiled a new horizon and
ushered in a new silver lining of hope towards materializing a long Cherished dream of the people of
Bangladesh for doing their banking transactons in line with What is prescribed by Islam. With the actve
co-operaton and partcipaton of Islamic Development bank (IDB) and some other Islamic banks,
fnancial insttutons, government bodies And eminent personalites of the Middle East and the gulf
countries, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has by now earned the unique positon of a leading private
commercial bank in Bangladesh.

Objective of the Research

• To know the consumer investment process of IBBL.

• To know the comparison of Islami bank and conventonal bank
• To know the current situaton of IBBL through trend analysis
• To identfy the positon of consumer investment among other investments in IBBL.
• To identfy the future prospect of IBBL in consumer investment
Methodology of the Research

This paper will be both descriptive and quantitative in nature. The study is mainly based on
secondary data. Secondary data will be used to conduct the study. Different statistical and
financial tools will be employed to analyzed the collected data.

Primary sources of data:

• Personal inspection

• Questionnaire/interview to Officers and clients

• Work experience at different desk of the Bank

Secondary Sources of Data

• Financial report of IBBL

• Internet

• Brochure/ Books

• Bank Documents

Research design
This research paper is descriptive in nature. This paper investigates the impact of GBIM and
other bank Specific factors on Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.Primary and Secondary data
have been used to Conduct the research. Profitability is Measured by return on equity (ROE)
taken as dependent variable. Independent variables are NPL ratio, NPL growth rate, deposit
growth rate, capital adequacy ratio, provision growth rate and liquidity ratio.
Data gathering
This paper has used secondary data to investigate the relationship among variables.The sources
of data are Bangladesh Bank Library, annual reports of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, articles
and research papers from reputed journals.

Date Processing and Analysis

Microsoft Excel/SPSS will be used to tabulate the data. Various descriptive statistical tools such
as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, regression will be used to get the average concept as
well as regression and correlation analysis will be used to find relationship among the various
variables used to measure the effect of GBIM on probability.

Report Preparation
A written report will be prepared and an oral presentation of the findings will be held with the
convenience of respective authority.

The Budget
As My research will be conduct on secondary data so that's why my research expenditure will be
So ,The only noticeable expenditure to conduct the research would be Particulars Tk.
Particulars Tk.
Stationeries (Approximate) 150
Photocopying (Approximate) 200
Miscellaneous 100
Total 450
Time Schedule
It is expected that final report can be submitted by 10th of March, 2022; following are
The work schedule given for research work

Types of work Weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
01.Startup .......
02.Initial research work ....
03.Informal discussion for ....
preparation proposal

04.Secondary data .....

05.Data processing .....
06.Report processing ......
07.Report writing .......
08.Preparation for ....
09.Compiling Research ....
10.Report submission .....
11.Report Management .....

Work Schedule

The total working hours to be required under the above work schedule is about 240.
The calculation on working hours is given below:
Working hours=10 weeks×4 days=40days×6hours a day=240 hours

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