Article 3
Article 3
Article 3
Phase :
Physical Trainer
Cas pratique 'FATIMA'
jour / semaine
Stretching mobilisation Reps Séries Durée
SMR: Upper trapezius 1 1 30s
Stretching: Upper trapezius 10 1 hold for 2s
SMR: Levator Scapula 1 1 30s
Stretching: Levator Scapula 10 1 hold for 2s
séance n 1
jour / semaine
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AS*: Bring chin down to the chest, hold for 2s and bring head to neutral position
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
AS*: Hold head in right/left direction, take the contrary arm to force scapula into upward rotation for 2
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
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50-70% Fast walking to jogging
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60s Exhale and lift your upper body
60s Rotate the knees slowly to one side with control, working within your range of motion
60s Engage your core
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60s Breath properly
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60s Engage your core and maintain the balance on TRX
60s Respect tempo
60s Focus on the excentric
60s Engage your core and maintain the balance
FC max % Commentaire
50-70% Slow walk
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Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
SS*: Tuck chin and slowly draw left ear to left shoulder.
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
SS*: Continue by rotating chin downward until a slight stretch is felt on the right side.
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
SS*: Looking straight ahead, Clasp your hands behind your back, and hold the stretch for 30sec
Nom d'élève :
Phase : 2
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AS*: Cobra Stretch, hold for 2sec and then release
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
FC max % Commentaire
50-70% Keep the rythme at low intensity
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60s Engage your glutes and core to support your lower back
60s Don’t allow the hips to rotate as you press the handle
60s Engage your core
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60s Slowly squat like you are sitting in a chair
60s Your body should be in a straight line.
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60s Slowly bring your left heel to your glutes
60s Breath properly
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60s Respect tempo
60s Focus on the excentric
60s Engage your core and maintain the balance
60s Breath properly
FC max % Commentaire
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
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Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
SS*: Lay down in supine position, Flex hips and knees to 90˚, Grab the lower hamstring and pull knees to
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
SS*: Start in a lunge position with the front knee over the ankle and the back leg in line with the hips. R
knee on the ground and focus on opening the chest, leaning slightly back
SS*: Bend your knee and hold onto the ankle, Tilt your pelvis backwards, Pull your leg backwards, Push
séance n 1
o the chest, hold for 2s and bring head to neutral position
er spots for 30 seconds.
/left direction, take the contrary arm to force scapula into upward rotation for 2sec
er spots for 30 seconds.
Exhale and lift your upper body
the knees slowly to one side with control, working within your range of motion
Engage your core
Breath properly
Engage your core and maintain the balance on TRX
Respect tempo
Focus on the excentric
Engage your core and maintain the balance
Slow walk
er spots for 30 seconds.
wly draw left ear to left shoulder.
er spots for 30 seconds.
ng chin downward until a slight stretch is felt on the right side.
er spots for 30 seconds.
head, Clasp your hands behind your back, and hold the stretch for 30sec
séance n 2
old for 2sec and then release
er spots for 30 seconds.
Keep the rythme at low intensity
Engage your glutes and core to support your lower back
Don’t allow the hips to rotate as you press the handle
Engage your core
Slowly squat like you are sitting in a chair
Your body should be in a straight line.
Slowly bring your left heel to your glutes
Breath properly
Respect tempo
Focus on the excentric
Engage your core and maintain the balance
Breath properly
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
e position, Flex hips and knees to 90˚, Grab the lower hamstring and pull knees towards
Hold pressure on tender spots for 30 seconds.
sition with the front knee over the ankle and the back leg in line with the hips. Rest the back
d focus on opening the chest, leaning slightly back
nd hold onto the ankle, Tilt your pelvis backwards, Pull your leg backwards, Push your hips