BelaSigna200 Telecom Bundle

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AMI Semiconductor

Remarkable Voice Enhancements for Bluetooth

Telecom Headsets
The BelaSigna 200 Telecom Bundle enables clear
communication in Bluetooth™ telecommunication
headsets. Implemented on AMI Semiconductor’s
BelaSigna 200 audio processing system, the bundle
includes a combination of noise reduction, speech
audibility enhancement and equalization algorithms to
deliver exceptional audio performance with ultra-low
power consumption.

With the rapid growth of wireless communication

headsets enabled by Bluetooth technology, and consumer
BelaSigna™ 200 Telecom Bundle

demand for better audio quality, the BelaSigna 200

Telecom Bundle enables headset manufacturers to meet
the demand with a complete, ready-to-go solution that
integrates seamlessly with Bluetooth technology.

Target Application
Bluetooth telecom headsets and other audio devices
capable of sending and receiving voice communications
with Bluetooth mobile phones.

Features and Benefits

Noise Reduction Tone Generator
• Filters out noise normally transmitted during • Monophonic tone synthesizer provided for ring tone
conversation generation and user signalling
• Performs noise reduction in both transmit and receive • Generates tones at up to four frequencies with
channels adjustable duration
• Low group delay • Easily controlled from Bluetooth application layer
Adaptive Audibility Enhancement
• Automatically adjusts for varying listening environments
• Psychoacoustically-based speech intelligibility
• Protects against dangerously loud, undesirable sounds

System Details
• Targeted exclusively for AMI Semiconductor’s • System clock: 16MHz, external
BelaSigna 200 DSP-based audio system • Power consumption: < 4mA @ 1.8V
• PCM interface: DSP operates in slave mode (interface • Signal input: analog input with programmable gain
must be mastered by external device); 256kHz PCM pre-amplifier for interface to electret microphone
clock, 8kHz frame, data sent and received MSB first
Block Diagram

BelaSigna™ 200 Telecom Bundle

How It Works
The Telecom Bundle is optimized for AMI Semiconductor’s loudness discomfort level (LDL), and by a psychoacoustic
ultra-low power BelaSigna 200 DSP-based audio analysis of the environmental noise.
processing system. Input and output signals pass through
In this way, the speech signal is psychoacoustically
A/D and D/A converters integrated within BelaSigna 200,
adjusted to maintain optimum audibility and intelligibility
as well as through a PCM interface. The PCM interface is
relative to the environmental noise. The processing results
configured for connection to an external Bluetooth
in a comfortable speech signal level that exceeds the
subsystem that transmits and receives wireless signals.
environmental noise floor.
Receive Signal Processing Finally, ring tones may also be added to the output signal.
The receive (RX) signal is first processed with a spectral These can also form an extension to the man-machine-
noise attenuator (SNA) noise reduction algorithm, interface (MMI).
providing between 4 and 6dB of noise reduction in typical
listening situations. Advanced low group delay techniques Transmit Signal Processing
are used to detect and attenuate unwanted noise while The transmit (TX) signal is processed with a spectral noise
preserving the desired speech quality within the incoming eliminator (SNE) noise reduction algorithm. Between 10
signal. and 14dB of noise reduction is achieved in typical listening
Next, the adaptive audibility enhancer (AAE) algorithm
automatically adjusts the level of the incoming signal in a A low group delay, multi-band technique is used to
frequency-specific manner based on a medium-term estimate the noise spectrum and identify the speech
average of the local environmental noise. within the signal. The non-speech portion of the signal is
significantly reduced, greatly improving the quality of the
As the environmental noise floor changes, the incoming
transmitted speech. Specialized techniques avoid
speech signal is adaptively compressed into a dynamic
introducing artifacts, even in high noise situations.
range defined by the difference between a user’s static

Get To Market Fast

• Complete, ready-to-go hardware and software solution • Complete design package with MMI and form-factor
• Available as part of an advanced headset reference flexibility
• Also available integrated with BelaSigna 200 Streaming
Audio algorithm

Contact your local sales office at for more information.

AMI Semiconductor
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