NEJMoa 2404881
NEJMoa 2404881
NEJMoa 2404881
Original Article
Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by disordered breathing during sleep and From the University of California, San Di-
is associated with major cardiovascular complications; excess adiposity is an etiologic ego, La Jolla (A.M.); Woolcock Institute
of Medical Research, Macquarie Univer-
risk factor. Tirzepatide may be a potential treatment. sity, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and the
University of Sydney — all in Sydney
METHODS (R.R.G.); the Center of Sleep Medicine,
We conducted two phase 3, double-blind, randomized, controlled trials involving Charité University Hospital Berlin, Berlin
adults with moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea and obesity. Participants who (I.F.); the College of Nursing, University
of Illinois Chicago, Chicago (T.E.W.); the
were not receiving treatment with positive airway pressure (PAP) at baseline were School of Nursing (T.E.W.) and Perelman
enrolled in trial 1, and those who were receiving PAP therapy at baseline were enrolled School of Medicine (R.J.S.), University of
in trial 2. The participants were assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the maximum Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; the Division
of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Brigham
tolerated dose of tirzepatide (10 mg or 15 mg) or placebo for 52 weeks. The primary and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard Medi-
end point was the change in the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI, the number of apneas cal School — both in Boston (S.R., A.A.,
and hypopneas during an hour of sleep) from baseline. Key multiplicity-controlled S.A.S.); and Eli Lilly, Indianapolis (J.P.D.,
S.C., M.C.B., J.B.). Dr. Malhotra can be
secondary end points included the percent change in AHI and body weight and contacted at
changes in hypoxic burden, patient-reported sleep impairment and disturbance, high- or at the University of California, San Diego,
sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentration, and systolic blood pressure. 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037.
−25.8 to −14.2) (P<0.001). In trial 2, the mean change in AHI at week 52 was −29.3
events per hour (95% CI, −33.2 to −25.4) with tirzepatide and −5.5 events per hour
(95% CI, −9.9 to −1.2) with placebo, for an estimated treatment difference of −23.8
events per hour (95% CI, −29.6 to −17.9) (P<0.001). Significant improvements in the
measurements for all prespecified key secondary end points were observed with tirzep
atide as compared with placebo. The most frequently reported adverse events with
tirzepatide were gastrointestinal in nature and mostly mild to moderate in severity.
Among persons with moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea and obesity, tir
zepatide reduced the AHI, body weight, hypoxic burden, hsCRP concentration, and
systolic blood pressure and improved sleep-related patient-reported outcomes. (Funded
by Eli Lilly; SURMOUNT-OSA number, NCT05412004.)
bstructive sleep apnea is charac- life.13 Treatment with tirzepatide has led to
terized by repetitive pharyngeal collapse significant reductions in excess body weight,
during sleep resulting in apneas and hy- improvements in blood pressure, and reductions
popneas, with consequent hypoxemia, hypercap- in markers of inflammation and vascular endo-
nia, and recurrent arousals.1 Obstructive sleep thelial dysfunction, and may have the potential
apnea is accompanied by clinically relevant symp- to be efficacious in persons with obstructive
toms, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, and sleep apnea.14,15 Here we report the results of the
is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular SURMOUNT-OSA phase 3 trials evaluating the
disease.1,2 The disease is common and has major safety and efficacy of tirzepatide for the treat-
medical and economic effects; more than 900 mil- ment of adults with obstructive sleep apnea and
lion persons are affected worldwide, approximately obesity.
40% of whom have moderate-to-severe disease.3
The treatment of patients with obstructive sleep Me thods
apnea has historically focused on mechanical sup-
port during sleep. Positive airway pressure (PAP) Trial Design
therapy improves the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI, The SURMOUNT-OSA trials were two 52-week,
the number of apneas and hypopneas during an phase 3, multicenter, parallel-group, double-blind,
hour of sleep) and reduces symptoms related to randomized, controlled trials that were conducted
obstructive sleep apnea, but its overall effective- at 60 sites across nine countries to evaluate the
ness can be affected by varying adherence to efficacy and safety of the maximum tolerated
therapy. Randomized, controlled trials have failed dose of weekly tirzepatide (10 mg or 15 mg) in
to show that PAP reduces occurrences of adverse adults with moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep
cardiovascular outcomes and death.4-6 Mandibular apnea and obesity (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary
advancement therapy is predominantly used in Appendix, available with the full text of this ar-
patients who are unable or unwilling to adhere ticle at Two participant populations
to treatment with PAP, but it is not universally were included in the SURMOUNT-OSA master
efficacious.7 Upper-airway surgery, including stim- protocol (available at trial 1 included
ulation of the hypoglossal nerve, may be effective participants who were unable or unwilling to use
but is an invasive option that may be appropriate PAP therapy, and trial 2 included participants who
for selected patients. At present, there is no phar- had been using PAP therapy for at least 3 con-
maceutical intervention that has been approved secutive months at the time of screening and who
for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. planned to continue PAP therapy during the trial.
Excess adiposity is a major reversible etiologic The master protocol rationale and design have
risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea and its com- been previously published.16 The protocols were
plications.8,9 The benefit of substantial weight designed by the sponsor (Eli Lilly) and members
reduction in the treatment of patients with ob- of the trial steering committee. The protocol was
structive sleep apnea is well recognized, and clini- approved by the relevant institutional review
cal guidelines recommend treatment of obesity in boards, and all the participants provided written
patients with obstructive sleep apnea.9 Thus, a informed consent.
pharmacologic intervention that targets obesity The trials were conducted in accordance with
and its downstream effects on obstructive sleep the Good Clinical Practice guidelines of the In-
apnea, symptoms, blood pressure, and low-grade ternational Council for Harmonisation and the
systemic inflammation may facilitate a holistic principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Statis-
approach that is not fully attained with the afore- tical analyses were performed by employees of the
mentioned mechanical treatments.10-12 sponsor. The first and last authors prepared the
Tirzepatide is a long-acting glucose-dependent first draft of the manuscript, which was reviewed,
insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor and edited, and approved by all the authors. A medical
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist writer employed by the sponsor provided medical-
that selectively binds to and activates both the GIP writing assistance. The investigators and steering
and GLP-1 receptors. It is an amino acid sequence committee worked under confidentiality agree-
that includes a C20 fatty diacid moiety that en- ments with the sponsor. The sponsor was involved
ables albumin binding, which prolongs the half- in the collection, management, analyses, and in-
terpretation of the data; the preparation, review, ticipants in whom doses of 10 mg or more pro-
and approval of an earlier version of the manu- duced unacceptable side effects discontinued
script; and the decision to submit the manuscript tirzepatide or placebo but were encouraged to
for publication. Final decisions on preparation of remain in the trial.
the manuscript for submission were made by the The AHI was measured by laboratory poly-
authors, some of whom were employees of the somnography at screening, week 20, and week 52.
sponsor. The authors vouch for the completeness Data from polysomnographic studies were scored
and accuracy of the data and for the fidelity of the centrally with the use of the American Academy
trials to the protocols. of Sleep Medicine rule 1B for identification of
hypopneas (which specifies a ≥30% reduction in
Participants airflow for ≥10 seconds and oxygen desaturation
Adults who had received a diagnosis of moder- of ≥4%).17
ate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (AHI ≥15
events per hour) and obesity (body-mass index End Points and Assessments
[BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the The primary end point was the change in the
square of the height in meters] of ≥30 [≥27 in AHI from baseline. Key secondary end points that
Japan]) were eligible. Key exclusion criteria were were controlled for type 1 errors included the
the presence of type 1 or type 2 diabetes, a par- percent change in AHI; the percentage of partici-
ticipant-reported change in body weight of more pants with an AHI reduction of at least 50%; the
than 5 kg in the 3 months before screening, percentage of participants with an AHI of less
planned surgery for sleep apnea or obesity, a diag- than 5 events per hour or with an AHI of 5 to 14
nosis of central or mixed sleep apnea, and major events per hour and a score of 10 or less on the
craniofacial abnormalities. A full list of eligibility Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS; range, 0 to 24,
criteria is available in the Supplementary Appendix. with higher scores indicating greater daytime
sleepiness); the percent change in body weight;
Trial Procedures the change in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
After a 4-week screening period, participants (hsCRP) concentration; the change in sleep apnea–
were assigned to trial 1 or trial 2 and randomly specific hypoxic burden (a measure calculated
assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive tirzepatide or from a polysomnographic study that comprises
placebo subcutaneously once weekly with the use frequency, duration, and depth of oxygen satura-
of a single-dose pen autoinjector. All the partici- tion related to the respiratory event)18; the change
pants received regular lifestyle counseling ses- in scores on the Patient-Reported Outcomes Mea-
sions regarding the maintenance of healthy nutri- surement Information System (PROMIS) Short
tion while adhering to a 500 kilocalorie per day Form Sleep-related Impairment 8a (PROMIS-SRI)
deficit and at least 150 minutes per week of physi- and PROMIS Short Form Sleep Disturbance 8b
cal activity. (PROMIS-SD) scales (higher scores indicate more
Randomization was conducted by means of a sleep impairment or sleep disturbance, respec-
Web-based interactive response system and strati- tively); and the change in systolic blood pressure.
fied according to trial, country or geographic re- Participants in trial 2 were instructed to suspend
gion, baseline AHI severity category, and sex. En- PAP therapy for 7 days before polysomnographic
rollment of men was limited to 70% to ensure and patient-reported outcome (PRO) assessments
adequate representation of women. Participants, at baseline, week 20, and week 52 to minimize
investigators, and the sponsor were unaware of the confounding effect of PAP therapy on sleep-
trial-group assignment. Participants were required disordered breathing and other breathing-related
to receive tirzepatide or placebo during a planned and PRO assessments. All end points were as-
52-week period that included a dose-escalation sessed from baseline to week 52 except for blood
period of up to 20 weeks and a 4-week safety pressure, which was assessed at week 48 to pre-
follow-up. The initial dose of tirzepatide was vent suspension of PAP therapy in trial 2 from
2.5 mg once weekly and was increased by 2.5 mg confounding the assessment.
every 4 weeks during the dose-escalation period In response to a recommendation by a regula-
until the participant reached the maximum tol- tory body, key secondary PRO end points were
erated dose of 10 mg or 15 mg in week 20. Par- changed from the hierarchical combination of
change in scores on the Functional Outcomes of als, the change in key secondary PRO end points
Sleep Questionnaire to change in PROMIS-SRI was captured in the final statistical analysis plan,
and PROMIS-SD. Owing to the timing of regula- available with the protocol, before the time of
tory advice and because the change did not affect the data unblinding, the database lock, and data
how clinical trial investigators conducted the tri- analyses (details are provided in the Supplemen-
Table 1. (Continued.)
* Plus–minus values are mean ±SD. Categories include all participants who underwent randomization unless otherwise noted.
† Trial 2 had one missing participant value for body-mass index for each of the two trial groups.
‡ Participants with an apnea–hypopnea index (AHI, the number of apneas and hypopneas during an hour of sleep) of less than 15 events
per hour were determined to have been enrolled in error and were withdrawn from the trial.
§ The PROMIS Short Form Sleep-related Impairment 8a consists of eight factors that the participant can recall in the past 7 days, with
each factor rated on a 5-point scale from “not at all” to “very much.” Scores for individual factors were totaled to obtain a raw score that
was then converted to a T score (with the use of response-pattern scoring), with a mean score of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, with
higher scores indicating more sleep-related impairment.23
¶ The PROMIS Short Form Sleep Disturbance 8b consists of eight factors that the participant can recall in the past 7 days, with each factor
rated on a 5-point scale from “not at all” to “very much,” “never” to “always,” or “very poor” to “very good.” Scores for individual factors
were totaled to obtain a raw score that was then converted to a T score (with the use of response-pattern scoring), with a mean score of
50 and a standard deviation of 10, with higher scores indicating more sleep disturbance.23
‖ The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is an eight-factor participant-reporting measure that asks the participant to rate, on a scale of 0
(would never doze) to 3 (high chance of dozing), their recent typical likelihood of dozing in eight different daytime situations. The ESS
total score is the sum of the eight factor scores and ranges from 0 to 24, with higher scores indicating greater daytime sleepiness.
** Hypoxic burden is defined as the total respiratory-event–related area under the oxygen-desaturation curve from a pre-event baseline and
is expressed as % min/hr — the time (in minutes) spent in oxygen desaturation (%) per hour of sleep. This measure is calculated from a
polysomnographic study that encapsulated frequency, duration, and depth of respiratory event–related oxygen desaturation, and data are
geometric means (coefficient of variation, %).
†† High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) data are geometric means (coefficient of variation, %).
tary Appendix). Safety assessments included ad- and efficacy estimand — were used to assess the
verse events and serious adverse events that oc- primary and key secondary end points from dif-
curred during the reporting period. ferent perspectives, and the two estimands ac-
counted for intercurrent events differently. The
Statistical Analysis treatment-regimen estimand represented the av-
The statistical analysis plan, including all the erage treatment effect of tirzepatide relative to
end points and assessments, was finalized and placebo for all participants who had received at
submitted before the time of the database lock least one dose of tirzepatide or placebo regardless
and data unblinding. We calculated that a sam- of whether they discontinued trial treatment or
ple size of 206 participants per trial would pro- placebo for any reason. The efficacy estimand rep-
vide the trial with at least 90% power to show the resented the average treatment effect of tirzepatide
superiority of tirzepatide to placebo relative to the relative to placebo for all the participants if the
primary end point at a two-sided significance treatment or placebo was administered as in-
level of 0.05. In calculating the sample size for tended for the entire planned 52-week trial dura-
the primary end point, we assumed a mean 50% tion. All results are reported with the use of the
reduction in AHI, with a common standard de- treatment-regimen estimand unless otherwise
viation of 50% and a dropout rate of up to 25%. specified. For the primary and key secondary
The updated primary end point was also deemed end points, the type 1 error rate was controlled
to have sufficient power; therefore, no adjustments at a two-sided alpha level of 0.05 within each
to the sample-size calculation were made. estimand and within each trial by means of a
Data from all the participants who received at graphical testing procedure.19 PROMIS-SRI and
least one dose of tirzepatide or placebo (the in- PROMIS-SD end points from both trials that
tention-to-treat population) were used to analyze were controlled for type 1 errors were pooled
the efficacy and safety end points. For each trial, and tested with the use of a distinct graphical
two estimands — the treatment-regimen estimand testing scheme to provide relevant power for
analysis under the submission-wise type 1 error- years; most were male (72.3%) and White (73.1%),
rate–control strategy (Fig. S2).20,21 The popula- with a mean BMI of 38.7 and a mean AHI of 49.5
tions of the two trials were suitable for pooling events per hour. Details regarding the geographic
because of similar baseline PRO characteristics. distribution and representativeness of the trial
The potential issue of PAP confounding of the participants are shown in Tables S1 and S2.
PROMIS outcomes in trial 2 was minimized by a
7-day PAP washout period.22 Sleep-Disordered Breathing-Related
Statistical analyses were conducted with the End Points
use of an analysis of covariance model, with the For the trial 1 treatment-regimen estimand, the
end point as a response variable, trial-group as- change in AHI at week 52 was −25.3 events per
signment and randomization strata as fixed ef- hour (95% confidence interval [CI], −29.3 to −21.2)
fects (except for the severity of obstructive sleep with tirzepatide and −5.3 events per hour (95%
apnea for AHI-related end points), and the base- CI, −9.4 to −1.1) with placebo, for an estimated
line value as a covariate. Categorical variables of treatment difference of −20.0 events per hour
the proportion of participants who had at least (95% CI, −25.8 to −14.2), (P<0.001) (Fig. 1A and
50% reduction in AHI and an AHI of less than 5 Table 2). For the efficacy estimand, the change
events per hour or an AHI of 5 to 14 events per in AHI at week 52 was −27.4 events per hour
hour with an ESS of 10 or less were evaluated (95% CI, −31.6 to −23.2) with tirzepatide and −4.8
with the use of logistic regression analysis with events per hour (95% CI, −9.3 to −0.3) with pla-
trial-group assignment, geographic region, base- cebo, for an estimated treatment difference of
line AHI, and sex as covariates. Baseline or post- −22.5 events per hour (95% CI, −28.7 to −16.4).
baseline data were assumed to be missing at ran- For the trial 2 treatment-regimen estimand,
dom or not at random depending on the reason the change in AHI at week 52 was −29.3 events
for missingness. Data that were missing at ran- per hour (95% CI, −33.2 to −25.4) with tirzepa-
dom were handled through a multiple-imputation tide and −5.5 events per hour (95% CI, −9.9 to
approach with the use of data from the same trial −1.2) with placebo, for an estimated treatment
group. Data that were missing but not at random difference of −23.8 events per hour (95% CI,
were imputed with the use of a placebo-based −29.6 to −17.9), (P<0.001) (Fig. 1B and Table 2).
multiple-imputation approach. Full details on the For the efficacy estimand, the change in AHI at
estimands, handling of missing values, and sta- week 52 with tirzepatide was −30.4 events per
tistical analysis methods are provided in the Sup- hour (95% CI, −34.3 to −26.5) with tirzepatide
plementary Appendix. and −6.0 events per hour (95% CI, −10.3 to −1.6)
with placebo, for an estimated treatment differ-
ence of −24.4 events per hour (95% CI, −30.3 to
R e sult s
−18.6). The change over time in AHI in the ef-
Participants ficacy estimand is shown in Figures 1A and 1B.
The trials were conducted from June 21, 2022, Participants in both trials who received tirz-
through March 29, 2024. A total of 469 partici- epatide had significant reductions in AHI and in
pants were randomly assigned to receive tirzepa- the sleep apnea–specific hypoxic burden (Table 2).
tide or placebo in trial 1 (234 participants) or trial The percentages of participants who had a re-
2 (235 participants) (Table 1). Overall, 82.9% of duction in the AHI of 50% or more at week 52
the participants completed the trial (91.5% in the and the percentages who had an AHI of less than
tirzepatide groups and 74.4% in the placebo 5 events per hour or an AHI of 5 to 14 events per
groups) and 79.7% adhered to the assigned regi- hour and an ESS of 10 or less at week 52 are re-
men (87.6% in the tirzepatide groups and 71.9% ported in Table 2.
in the placebo groups) (Fig. S3).
Demographic and baseline characteristics of Change in PROs and Cardiovascular Risk
the participants are shown in Table 1. In trial 1, Factors
the mean age of the participants was 47.9 years; In a pooled trial 1 and trial 2 analysis, participants
most were male (67.1%) and White (65.8%), with who received tirzepatide had significant reductions
a mean BMI of 39.1 and a mean AHI of 51.5 in PROMIS-SRI and PROMIS-SD T scores (Table 3).
events per hour. In trial 2, the mean age was 51.7 PROMIS data that were analyzed separately for
A Change in Apnea–Hypopnea Index in Trial 1 (efficacy estimand) B Change in Apnea–Hypopnea Index in Trial 2 (efficacy estimand)
Overall mean apnea–hypopnea index at baseline, 51.5 events/hr Overall mean apnea–hypopnea index at baseline, 51.5 events/hr
Change from Baseline (events/hr) 0 0
−15 −15
−20 −20
−35 −35
−40 −40
0 20 52 Treatment- 0 20 52 Treatment-
Regimen Regimen
Weeks Weeks
Estimand Estimand
C Change in Body Weight in Trial 1 (efficacy estimand) D Change in Body Weight in Trial 2 (efficacy estimand)
Overall mean body weight at baseline, 114.7 kg Overall mean body weight at baseline, 115.5 kg
0 0
−1.3 −1.6 −2.3 −2.3
Percent Change from Baseline
−10 −10
−15 −15
−25 −25
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 36 48 52 Treatment- 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 36 48 52 Treatment-
Regimen Regimen
Weeks Weeks
Estimand Estimand
each trial showed reductions similar to those and by 83.2% of the participants who received
shown in analysis of the pooled data (Table S4). tirzepatide and 72.8% of those who received
Participants in both trials who received tirzepa- placebo in trial 2 (Table 4). The most frequently
tide had significant reductions in body weight reported adverse events were generally gastroin-
(Figs. 1C and 1D), systolic blood pressure, and testinal and occurred more frequently in the par-
hsCRP concentrations (Table 2). ticipants who received tirzepatide. These events
were generally mild-to-moderate in severity and
Safety occurred most frequently during the dose-escala-
Adverse events that occurred during the receipt tion phase.
of tirzepatide or placebo were reported by 79.8% Serious adverse events were reported by 35 par-
of the participants who received tirzepatide and ticipants (7.5%) overall. Similar percentages of
76.7% of those who received placebo in trial 1 participants in the tirzepatide and placebo groups
Reduction of ≥50% in AHI 70 (61.2) 23 (19.0) 3.3 (2.1 to 5.1) 86 (72.4) 27 (23.3) 3.1 (2.1 to 4.5)
events at wk 52 — no. (%)
AHI of <5 or AHI of 5 to 14 with 48 (42.2) 19 (15.9) 2.9 (1.8 to 4.8) 60 (50.2) 16 (14.3) 3.3 (2.0 to 5.4)
ESS ≤10 at wk 52 — no. (%)
Percent change in body weight −17.7 (−19.0 to −16.3) −1.6 (−2.9 to −0.2) −16.1 (−18.0 to −14.2) −19.6 (−21.0 to −18.2) −2.3 (−3.8 to −0.9) −17.3 (−19.3 to −15.3)
(95% CI)
Change in hsCRP concentration −1.4 (−1.7 to −1.1) −0.7 (−1.1 to −0.3) −0.7 (−1.2 to −0.2) −1.4 (−1.6 to −1.1) −0.3 (−0.8 to 0.1) −1.0 (−1.6 to −0.5)
at wk 52 (95% CI) — mg/dl
Change in sleep apnea–specific −95.2 (−103.2 to −87.2) −25.1 (−44.3 to −5.9) −70.1 (−90.9 to −49.3) −103.0 (−110.3 to −95.6) −41.7 (−63.9 to −19.5) −61.3 (−84.7 to −37.9)
hypoxic burden at wk 52
(95% CI) — % min/hr
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
Downloaded from on June 22, 2024. For personal use only.
m e dic i n e
Change in diastolic blood pres- −4.9 (−6.4 to −3.5) −2.1 (−3.6 to −0.6) −2.8 (−5.0 to −0.7) −3.3 (−4.7 to −1.9) −2.2 (−3.8 to −0.6) −1.1 (−3.2 to 1.0)
sure at wk 48 (95% CI) —
mm Hg
* Data are least-squares means with 95% confidence intervals or numbers and percents of patients, unless otherwise stated. Relative risks are calculated using g-computation methods24
from logistic regression. P values for categorical end points are based on a logistic regression model. All changes are from baseline to week 52 with the exception of blood pressure,
No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2024 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
which was change from baseline to week 48 to prevent suspension of PAP therapy in trial 2 from confounding the assessment.
† Differences between the groups are presented as the estimated treatment difference with the exception of the week-52 categories of reduction of ≥50% in AHI events and AHI of <5 or
5 to 14 with ESS ≤10, which are shown as relative risk. Estimated treatment differences for the secondary end points are the differences in the least-squares mean changes. P <0.001 for
the primary and key secondary end points with the exceptions of the change in hsCRP concentration at week 52 in trial 1 (P = 0.004) and the change in systolic blood pressure at week 48
in trial 2 (P = 0.02).
‡ The confidence intervals for this end point have not been adjusted for multiplicity and should not be used to make inferences.
Tirzepatide for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Estimated Treatment
Tirzepatide Placebo Difference
Variable (N = 234) (N = 233) (95% CI) P Value
Change in PROMIS Sleep- −7.5 (−8.8 to −6.3) −3.6 (−4.9 to −2.3) −3.9 (−5.7 to −2.2) <0.001
related Impairment T score
Change in PROMIS Sleep −5.7 (−6.8 to −4.7) −2.7 (−3.8 to −1.6) −3.1 (−4.5 to −1.5) <0.001
Disturbance T score
* Data are least-squares means (95% confidence interval) unless otherwise stated. All changes shown are from baseline
to week 52 in the modified intention-to-treat population.
reported serious adverse events. There were two treatment decisions about patients with or with-
adjudicated confirmed cases of acute pancreati- out PAP therapy. Patients with obstructive sleep
tis in the trial 2 tirzepatide group. No cases of apnea are sometimes unable or unwilling to ad-
medullary thyroid cancer were reported. There here to PAP treatment, and PAP has not been
were five cases of severe or serious depressive shown to affect cardiovascular complications and
disorder or suicidal ideation or behavior events death in obstructive sleep apnea; therefore, there
across both trials (two with tirzepatide and three is a need for additional treatment options.4-6,10
with placebo). There were no deaths reported in Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea repre-
either trial. sent a substantial disease burden and increased
risk of injury, including increased risk of motor
vehicle accidents and work-related injuries.31 The
symptom severity in obstructive sleep apnea may
In the present trials involving adults with moder- also be a predictor of increased risk of cardiovas-
ate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea and obesity, cular complications.32 Therefore, it is clinically
the AHI decreased significantly by up to 29.3 relevant that in the current trials, positive effects
events per hour (a 58.7% change from baseline) of tirzepatide on the participants’ sleep-related
among the participants who received tirzepatide, functioning and sleep disturbance were detected
as compared with a decrease of up to 5.3 events on the basis of PROMIS-SRI and PROMIS-SD
per hour (a 3.0% change from baseline) among scores.
those who received placebo. This change is con- Obstructive sleep apnea and obesity are two
sidered clinically relevant; the American Acade- distinct but closely related diseases, and both
my of Sleep Medicine defines the clinical sig- have independent etiologic roles in the develop-
nificance threshold for the AHI as 15 or more ment of cardiovascular complications.10 Current
events per hour,25 and other sources have pro- guidelines recommend weight reduction of 7 to
posed a 50% improvement in AHI as clinically 11% for patients with obstructive sleep apnea8,33;
relevant.26,27 A meaningful percentage of partici- however, a recent meta-analysis reports addi-
pants who received tirzepatide (up to 50.2%) in tional weight reduction can further reduce the
both SURMOUNT-OSA trials met the combined AHI.34 This level of weight reduction has been
key secondary end-point criteria of fewer than 5 difficult to accomplish with lifestyle interven-
AHI events per hour or 5 to 14 AHI events per tion alone.35 Bariatric surgery has shown bene-
hour and an ESS of 10 or less, which is relevant fits in adults with obstructive sleep apnea36;
because these thresholds for disease severity however, owing to the invasive nature of surgery,
represent a level at which PAP therapy may not it is not a feasible approach for many persons
be recommended.2,3,28,29 The reductions in AHI with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity. In
were also accompanied by meaningful improve- SURMOUNT-OSA, tirzepatide reduced blood pres-
ments in hypoxic burden, which better captures sure and inflammation, which are important risk
the obstructive sleep apnea–related risk of car- factors for cardiovascular complications of ob-
diovascular complications and death.18,30 These structive sleep apnea with obesity.
reductions were consistent in both trials regard- The safety profile of tirzepatide was consistent
less of concomitant PAP therapy and may inform with that observed in previous trials.14,37-39 As
number (percent)
≥1 Adverse event while receiving tirzepatide or 91 (79.8) 92 (76.7) 99 (83.2) 83 (72.8)
Death 0 0 0 0
Serious adverse events 9 (7.9) 7 (5.8) 7 (5.9) 12 (10.5)
Adverse events leading to discontinuation of trial 5 (4.4) 2 (1.7) 4 (3.4) 8 (7.0)
drug or placebo
Adverse events occurring in ≥5% of participants
in any trial group
Diarrhea 30 (26.3) 15 (12.5) 26 (21.8) 10 (8.8)
Nausea 29 (25.4) 12 (10.0) 26 (21.8) 6 (5.3)
Vomiting 20 (17.5) 5 (4.2) 11 (9.2) 1 (0.9)
Constipation 18 (15.8) 3 (2.5) 18 (15.1) 5 (4.4)
Eructation 9 (7.9) 0 10 (8.4) 1 (0.9)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 9 (7.9) 1 (0.8) 6 (5.0) 0
Injection-site reaction 8 (7.0) 1 (0.8) 6 (5.0) 0
Abdominal pain 7 (6.1) 4 (3.3) 5 (4.2) 2 (1.8)
Upper respiratory tract infection 7 (6.1) 10 (8.3) 5 (4.2) 8 (7.0)
Coronavirus disease 2019 6 (5.3) 10 (8.3) 8 (6.7) 11 (9.6)
Nasopharyngitis 3 (2.6) 8 (6.7) 15 (12.6) 12 (10.5)
Dyspepsia 5 (4.4) 2 (1.7) 11 (9.2) 1 (0.9)
Gastroenteritis 3 (2.6) 4 (3.3) 8 (6.7) 1 (0.9)
Upper abdominal pain 4 (3.5) 2 (1.7) 7 (5.9) 2 (1.8)
Influenza 4 (3.5) 8 (6.7) 3 (2.5) 3 (2.6)
Arthralgia 3 (2.6) 6 (5.0) 4 (3.4) 5 (4.4)
Bronchitis 0 0 3 (2.5) 7 (6.1)
Hypertension 1 (0.9) 8 (6.7) 2 (1.7) 2 (1.8)
Other adverse events of special interest
Severe hypoglycemia 0 1 (0.8) 0 1 (0.9)
Adjudication-confirmed MACE† 0 0 0 1 (0.9)
Arrhythmias or cardiac conduction disorders 7 (6.1) 9 (7.5) 6 (5.0) 2 (1.8)
Severe or serious gastrointestinal events‡ 4 (3.5) 0 4 (3.4) 0
Severe or serious hepatic events 0 0 0 0
Severe or serious acute renal events 0 0 1 (0.8) 0
Adjudication-confirmed acute pancreatitis 0 0 2 (1.7) 0
C-cell hyperplasia or thyroid cancer 0 0 0 0
Severe or serious major depressive disorder 2 (1.8) 1 (0.8) 0 2 (1.8)
or suicidal behavior and ideation events
Severe or serious allergic or hypersensitivity 0 0 0 0
* Adverse events are classified according to the preferred terms in the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities, version 26.1.
† Key major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for un-
stable angina, and hospitalization for heart failure.
‡ In trial 1, two participants had diarrhea, one had gastroesophageal reflux disease, and one had nausea. In trial 2, three participants had diar-
rhea, two had nausea, and one had acute pancreatitis. Participants could be counted in more than one category.
§ This category includes injection-site reactions and antidrug antibody formation.
typically observed with tirzepatide and GLP-1 trials. First, the design and shorter duration of the
receptor agonists, mild-to-moderate gastrointes- current trials does not support the assessment of
tinal events were the most frequently reported long-term cardiovascular outcomes. The ongoing
adverse events, occurring primarily during the SURMOUNT-Morbidity and Mortality in Obesity
dose-escalation period. There were no differences trial ( number, NCT05556512)
observed between tirzepatide recipients and pla- may provide additional information. Second, our
cebo recipients with regard to reported gallblad- trials excluded participants who did not have
der-related events or hepatic and renal events. obesity and did not analyze the effect of the in-
The current trials have several strengths. They tervention in people with overweight or normal
were conducted globally, were adequately sized, BMI. Third, trial 2 was not designed to investigate
ensured relevant representation of women (who the potential effect of treatment interventions on
typically represent a minority in obstructive sleep adherence to PAP treatment, and this was not
apnea trials), and assessed multiple obstructive prespecified as an end point for analysis in trial 2.
sleep apnea–related, patient-reported, and car- Fourth, the trials were not designed to assess
diovascular-related end points that covered the whether the results differed according to the pres-
burden of obstructive sleep apnea. Therefore, we ence of participant’s symptoms at baseline. Fifth,
believe that our findings are generalizable. The the thresholds for the minimum clinically impor-
weight reduction among the participants who tant changes for PROMIS-SRI and PROMIS-SD
received placebo was similar to the results with have not been established in clinical practice yet.
placebo in other antiobesity medication studies, Therefore, the clinical importance of the observed
a finding that suggests a similar level of adher- improvements remains to be evaluated. Finally,
ence to the lifestyle intervention. On the basis of although obstructive sleep apnea affects patients’
the current evidence regarding PAP treatment, lives over a period of many years, the trials did
the American Academy of Sleep Medicine guide- not investigate a period of treatment with tirzep
lines prioritize treatment with PAP for patients atide longer than 52 weeks.
with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.25 Fu- In two trials, the participants who received
ture treatments of obstructive sleep apnea should tirzepatide had a clinically meaningful change
also address obstructive sleep apnea–related car- in sleep-disordered breathing and alleviation of
diovascular risk, which is associated with moder- perceived sleep disturbance and sleep-related im-
ate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea regardless pairment, as well as reductions in common ob-
of symptoms.40 Therefore, it is important that structive sleep apnea-related cardiovascular risk
the enrollment in our trials was not limited to factors.
participants with current symptoms, and the Presented in part at the 84th Scientific Sessions of the Ameri-
results may inform broader treatment decisions can Diabetes Association, Orlando, FL, June 21–24, 2024.
Supported by Eli Lilly.
in future clinical practice. Finally, the design of Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
two independent trials involving participants with the full text of this article at
and without current PAP therapy provides insights A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
with the full text of this article at
into the effect of tirzepatide treatment in these We thank the participants and caregivers involved in the trial,
patient populations that are prevalent in clinical as well as Eli Lilly employees Casey J. Mast, Pharm.D., for medi-
practice. cal writing and editorial assistance; Bram Brouwers, Ph.D., and
Meri Kay Scott, Ph.D., for trial design advice; and Angel Rodri-
Interpretation of the current findings should guez, M.D., Ph.D., for a critical review of an earlier version of
take into account the potential limitations of our the manuscript.
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