Forest Bio Me
Forest Bio Me
Forest Bio Me
Included all uncultivated and uninhabited land covered with trees, shrubs, climbers,
etc., managed for the diverse purposes of forestry.
The forest biome includes a complex assemblage of different kinds of biotic
communities. Optimum conditions of temperature and ground moisture responsible for the
growth of trees contribute greatly to the establishment of forest communities. In addition,
50mm rainfall is a pre-requisite for the growth of trees. The nature of soil wind and air
currents determines the distribution (abundance or sparseness) of forest vegetation. Normally
we find evergreen, deciduous or in deciduous broad leaved or needle like, based on these
features the forest biome, of the world have been classified into following biomes –
Coniferous forests – cold regions with high rainfall strongly seasonal climates with long
winter and fairly short summers are characterized by boreal conifer forest, which is
Northern coniferous or Boreal or taiga is the god example stretches across both North
American and Eurasia (Canada, Sweden, Finland, Siberia & Missouri)
Soil – podozols, slow degradable litter acidic and mineral deficient; Ca, N, K are leached out
tuned to acidic. Productivity & community stability of aboreal forest are lower those of any
other biomes.
Plants –Spurce, Fir, Pine, Orchids, blue berry Thalloid mosses, Lichens etc.
Animals - snow shoe hare, lynx, wolf, red fox, porcupines, squirrels, hyla, elk, bears, birds,
defoliate insects, etc.
Temperate deciduous forests (arranged north to south or from high altitude to lower
Characterized by a moderate climate and broad leaved deciduous trees, which shed
their leaves and bare over winter and grow new foliage in the spring – North America,
Europe, Eastern Asia, Chile, part of Australia and Japan with a cold winter and annual rain
fall of 75-150cm and a temperature of 10-20C precipitation may be fairly uniform throughout
the year. In India at elevations of 9000-12000ft in Himalayas occur temperate vegetation
including pines fir, gew, and juniper trees with an undergrowth of scrubby rhododendrons.
Soil - podozolic and fairly deep
Trees – seasonal ones, short day – spring flowers, lowlight forms -maple, beech, oak,
hickory, basswood, chestnut, cotton wood, sycamore, elm, willow, white pine, hemlock, red
cedar, epiphytes, lichens, vitas grape etc.
Animals – deers, bears, squirrels, gray foxes, bobcats, wild turkey, wood peckers, hawk,
earthworms, snails, millipedes, coleopteran, orthopteran insects, newts, salamanders, toads,
frogs, turtles, lizards, snakes, opossum, pigs, lions, etc.