Case Study On Job Satisfaction
Case Study On Job Satisfaction
Case Study On Job Satisfaction
Team: 4
Name: Saroja
Job: Iinancial expert
QualiIication: ICWA with experience oI working in three organizations
Son: studying in 3
Facts of the case:
She was appointed as a Finance manager and put into a probationary period oI six
months also conIirmed as an employee as per her letter oI appointment.
Next she was posted into the bills section! She worked with Iull oI energy and
enthusiasm and proved that she was a committed employee.
ut all went well doesn`t mean that she was happy, as any other employee gets
bored oI doing the same work she was not an exception to this case.
She soon Iound that this was not her area oI work and she deserved some better
post.(it is true also iI u give a ICWA candidate the work oI checking spelling and
grammar oI her subordinates actually this going to Irustrate her a lot that was
what actually happened)
ere management Iinally came in the picture and took a note oI her displeasure
and then she was put into the 'Mailings section
ere also she had not been given the job that she had a caliber oI. The work was
more oI administrative in nature
Again she didn`t Iind any new challenge in dealing with the postal authorities and
couriers. ( again it was quite natural that a Iinance worker would Ieel Irustrated iI
given this kind oI job)
Finally she wrote her Irustration in her words to the management that she wanted
some challenging jobs.
Again she was transIerred to the Central Accounts Departments
This was actually where she wanted to work! She did exceptionally well in this
department and had also completed 3 years in the organization
II she had been this work when she entered into the organization she had been
now promoted somewhere in the top management but that didn`t happened.
She had introduced new innovative techniques in the procedure oI work which not
only cut the time but also brought improvements in the quality oI work.
er contribution Iinally recognized and with the encouragement oI her immediate
boss. e made an important remark that she should be promoted as Sr. Manager.
Now came another twist in the tale
er son met with an accident and was admitted to the hospital with multiple
Doctors inIormed that he is out oI danger but the bad Iracture oI his leg will take
long time to heal.
As naturally a mother does she Saroja preIerred to stay at home till her only son
Iully recovered and it took Iive months beIore the boy was ready to go to school.
AIter such a long leave she resumed her duty, the work she was doing was Iilled
up by a junior who has been working since long time.
She was transIerred to Provident Fund Section. Again this department didn`t give
her any challenging job
She again appealed to the top management and to transIer her Irom this dept.
She was transIerred to Wages and Administration Department in her old
designation, this department needed many improvements again she introduced
many innovative techniques all the employees were happy with new system a pay
envelope. Again with her good immediate boss she was able to do these all things.
The boss i.e. Mr. Dwiwedi (ills Section) resigned as he was going abroad
The attention oI management turned to Ms. Saroja and they soon posted her to the
post oI ills Section this was her Iirst post when she joined the organization
She was not at all interested and next day she leIt a note Ior a long leave. Without
speciIying any reason or period
. The deterioration in the perIormance oI Ms. Saroja began when she completed
twelve months in the bills section. What was the reason Ior change in her attitude?
veryone Ieels excited about their work at the initial stage and Ms. Saroja was no
exception to this case she completed her probationary period oI six months and
worked with keen interest in the Iirst year oI her, She soon Iound that this was
not her area oI work and she deserved some better post.(it is true also, iI u give a
ICWA candidate the work oI checking spelling and grammar oI her subordinates
actually this going to Irustrate her a lot that was what actually happened)
2. Do you agree the action taken by the management oI transIerring her to the
mailing section?
We will not agree to the action oI transIerring Ms. Saroja to the Mailing Section
because ere also she had not been given the job that she had a caliber oI. The
work was more oI administrative in nature
Again she didn`t Iind any new challenge in dealing with the postal authorities and
couriers. ( again it was quite natural that a Iinance worker would Ieel Irustrated iI
given this kind oI job)
Finally she wrote her Irustration in her words to the management that she wanted
some challenging jobs.
3. What was the motivational Iactor Ior her better perIormance in the central
accounts department?
As regarding her letter oI disinterest in the mailing section. she was transIerred to
the Central Accounts Departments
This was actually where she wanted to work! She did exceptionally well in this
department and had also completed 3 years in the organization
She introduced new innovative techniques in the procedure oI work which not
only cut the time but also brought improvements in the quality oI work.
And one thing should be noted that his immediate boss who motivated her so that
her talent could be used to the Iullest extent in the organization.
4. Was it right on the part oI the personnel department to have agreed Ior her
transIer Irom the bills section to the mailing section?
ere management Iinally came in the picture and took a note oI her displeasure
and then she was put into the 'Mailings section
ere also she had not been given the job that she had a caliber oI. The work was
more oI administrative in nature
So we Ieel this was not a right decision on part oI the management.
5. Do you agree with Ms. Saroja on her irritation with regard to her attitude in the
mailings section?
Yes because here in this department also she had not been given the job that she
had a caliber oI. The work was more oI administrative in nature
Again she didn`t Iind any new challenge in dealing with the postal authorities and
couriers. (Again it was quite natural that a Iinance worker would Ieel Irustrated iI
given this kind oI job)
6. Do you agree with the management to transIer Ms. Saroja Irom the Central
Accounts Department to the provident Iund section aIter her son`s accident and
subsequent long leave?
7. Ms. Saroja was proved as an ineIIicient employee in the bills, mailings and
provident Iund section
ere the management also has to look Ior his qualiIication an the area in which is
really interested to work these were not those areas where she should be placed
8. Ms Saroja did again a excellent job when placed in the Wages and Administration
She was transIerred to Wages and Administration Department in her old
The reasons could be
This department needed many improvements again she introduced many
innovative techniques all the employees were happy with new system a pay
envelope. Again with her good immediate boss she was able to do these all things.
Again she proved it that iI given a chance in the area that she is interested she can
do miracles!
9. During her service career with the company,
she had a highest satisIaction in the Central Accounts Department and Wages and
salaries Administration dept. This was actually where she wanted to work! She
did exceptionally well in this departments.
.Its proved true in this case that iI given work where you are interested you can
excel and that also can show a change in the organization as well.