Astro Cycles - The Trader S Viewpoint

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Astro Cycles: The Trader’s Viewpoint by Larry Pesavento $B Al sandvo TRADERS PRESS, INC? INCORPORATED PO BOX 6206 GREENVILLE, SC 29606 Books and Gifts for Investors and Traders Author's Note “If you learn something and keep it to yourself—it is worthless." Chinese proverb You have purchased a book which presents an unusual approach to market timing. I would like to propose this most unusua! offer to you. You may call or write me with any questions you may have regarding financial astrology. In return, J request that you not reproduce this book or any portion of it without my permission. THE GREATEST WEAKNESS I can give you the best rules in the world and the best methods for determining the position of a commodity, and then you can lose money on account of the human element, which is your greatest weakness. You will fail to follow rules. You will act on hope or fear instead of facts. You will delay. You will become impatient. You will act too quickly or you will delay too long in acting, thus beating yourself on account of your human weakness, then blaming it on the market. Remember that it is your mistakes that cause losses and not the action of the market or the manipulators. Therefore, strive to follow rules, or keep out of speculation, for you are doomed to failure. If you will only study the weakness of human nature and see what fools these mortals be, you will find it easy to make profits by understanding the weakness of human nature and going against the public and doing opposite of what other people do. In other words, you buy near the bottom on knowledge and sell near the top on knowledge, while other people who just guess do the opposite. Time spent in the study of price, time and past market movements, will give you a rich reward. W.D. Gann in How to Make Profits in Commodities

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