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‫وما توفيقي إال باهلل‬

Strategic Planning & Change Management for Engineers
‫التخطيط االستراتيجي وإدارة التغيير للمهندسين‬

Vision Success

A journey of a
thousand miles
occurs one step
at a time.

Dr. Attia Gomaa

Industrial Engineering Professor & Consultant
Engineering and Science Services - American University in Cairo
Strategic Planning & Change Management for Engineers
1. Business Process Overview
2. Process Management
3. Strategic Planning
4. Strategic Objectives & KPIs
5. Feasibility Study
6. Cost Analysis
7. Value Analysis
8. Financial Analysis
9. Risk Management
10. Risk Analysis Tools
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 2
Process Overview

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 3

• Process: Converting Inputs to Outputs



Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 4

Process Description

Supplier Resources Final Product

Manpower Scope of work

Materials Quality

Methods Process
Delivery Time
 Money

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 5

Process Types

Productive Supportive
Process Process
• Production Lines • Material Handling
• Productive Machines • Maintenance
• Assembly • Safety
• • Water System
• Power System

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 6


Scope Others

Capacity Cost

Quality Resources

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 7
Process Inspection
OK Final
Inputs Operation Inspect

Rework NOT


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 8

Inspection/Testing Points

• Receiving inspection
• In-process inspection
• Final inspection

Inspection Levels:
• Spot check procedures
• 100 percent inspection
• Acceptance sampling

Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 9
Brain Storming Group Size 2 to 3

Process Inspection System

Inputs Process Outputs



Parameters - - -

Frequency - - -

QA/QC Forms: - - -

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 10

Process Map
SIPOC & Measurement Instruments

Requirements Requirements Requirements

Input Boundary Output Boundary


Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

Measures Measures


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 11


Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

• Production • Work Order • Products • Storage

Planning • Process Sheet • Right Quantity • Market
Department • Right Quality
• Drawings • Customer
• Raw Materials • Right Time
Process map
• Tools
(flow Chart)
Preparation of

Quality Control
Receive Shop drawings
Submittal to
W/O & Drawings
the Engineer
Drawings Checking
for Approval
Quantity Completion of
Survey the W/o

Detailed Procurement of
Planning Resources Execution
of Works

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 12

Process Management

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 13

Right Scope of Work



Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 14

Customer Satisfaction

Service Customer Customer Market

Performance Satisfaction Retention Share

 Which criteria matter most to the customers?

 What determines customers’ overall satisfaction
 What is critical to consumer (Six sigma Approach)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 15




Optimize the Business Assets

 Value of things used in the business
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 16
Process Management?

PM is a systematic approach to Optimize:

Customer Resource
Satisfaction Productivity

• Right Scope of Work Right Resources:

• Right Quality • Right Material
• Right Time • Right Machines
• Right Cost • Right Manpower
• Right Method
• Right Money
Long Term Continuous Improvement

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 17

The Critical Balance in PM

Customer Resource
Satisfaction Productivity

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 18

Basic Framework for Process Management

• Objectives (6 Rights)
– Right Products, at the
– Right Time, in the
– Right Quantities, at the
– Right Quality, at the
– Right (Minimum) Cost
– Right Customer

• Achieved in an Integrated, Rationalized System

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 19

Process Management:

Suppliers Customers

Inputs ( I ) Outputs ( O )
Resources Products
Productivity Analysis
Performance Management

Various types of processes Departments in the organization

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 20

Product Management

Scope of




(Value added)


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 21

Product Management

Scope of




(Value added)

Defect Root Marketing

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 22
Right Product Management
Scope of
(Value added)
TQM Right
(6 Rights)
Long Term Continuous Improvements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 23
Organization Structure
Key persons Managers




Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 24
Organization Enterprise Chairman

Top / Senior



Site  Implement
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 25
Top Organization Structure

Functional Organization



Technicians Process Approach

1. Scope of Work
2. Organization Structure (Key persons)
3. Job Description
4. Reporting System Forms / Reports
5. Information Flow Matrix
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 26
Reporting System
# ID Form/report Reference Responsibility

1 Scope of work Contract Project Manager

2 Design Standard X Design Manager

3 Master Plan Contract Planning Manager

4 Work Order Master Plan Site Manager


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 27

Information Flow Matrix
To (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
From Project Design Resource Cost Planning Site Quality
Manager Mang. Mang. Mang. Manager Manager Control
(5) Schedule
(6) Site

(7) Quality

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 28

The Key to Business Management Success

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 29

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 30
Process Management
It is a philosophy for long term continuous Improvement

It is a systemic approach for total productivity improvement

How to achieve the targets and overcome the constraints?

Current Situation

Gap Analysis
(6) Benchmarking (2)
Control Goals & Targets
(5) (3)
Leading Planning

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 31

‫‪Current Situation‬‬
‫دراسة وتحليل الوضع الحالي‬
‫‪Gap Analysis‬‬
‫مثال يحتذي به (قدوة)‬
‫)‪(6‬‬ ‫(مقارنة مرجعية)‬ ‫)‪(2‬‬
‫‪Control‬‬ ‫(أداء جيد سبق حدوثه‬ ‫‪Goals  Targets‬‬
‫)‪(Actual / Planned‬‬ ‫داخلي – خارجي)‬ ‫األهداف‬
‫التحكم‬ ‫(المستهدف تحقيقه‬
‫(المراقبة والتقويم)‬ ‫في المدي البعيد والمتوسط)‬

‫العملية االدارية‬
‫)‪(5‬‬ ‫)‪(3‬‬
‫‪Leading‬‬ ‫‪Planning‬‬
‫التوجيه‬ ‫التخطيط‬
‫(المتابعة المستمرة‬ ‫(المخططات الزمنية لألنشطة‬
‫)‪(4‬‬ ‫والموارد والتكاليف)‬
‫وتوجيه األداء)‬ ‫‪Organization‬‬
‫(الهيكل التنظيمي والمسئوليات)‬
‫‪Process‬‬ ‫‪Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers‬‬ ‫‪32‬‬
Process Management Cycle
Status Analysis



Control Planning


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 33

Best of the best



Target Best
Processes &
―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next step‖
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 34
Benchmarking Enterprise Chairman

Top 

Middle 
Internal Benchmarking

Operational 
Downstream Internal Benchmarking

Site  Implement
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 35
Labor Productivity

Benchmarking = 8 Next Year

Benchmarking = 6 Next Quarter

Target  5 , Next month

Current = 4 Unit/man-day

―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next
Process step‖ Management for Engineers
Strategic Planning and Change 36
Production Rate

Benchmarking = 16 Next Year

Benchmarking = 14 Next Quarter

Target  12, Next month

Current = 10 Unit/hour

―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next
Process step‖ Management for Engineers
Strategic Planning and Change 37
Defect Ratio

Benchmarking = 3% Next Year

Benchmarking = 6% Next Quarter

Target  8%, Next month

Current = 10%

―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next
Process step‖ Management for Engineers
Strategic Planning and Change 38
# Customer

Benchmarking = 180 Next Year

Benchmarking = 130 Next Quarter

Target  120, Next month

Current = 100

―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next
Process step‖ Management for Engineers
Strategic Planning and Change 39
Profit ratio

Benchmarking = 25% Next Year

Benchmarking = 18% Next Quarter

Target  15%, Next month

Current = 12%

―Until you take the first step, it will not be possible to see the next
Process step‖ Management for Engineers
Strategic Planning and Change 40

Leadership & Team Work


Design Quality

Team size
"Never cut what you can untie",
Joseph Joubert
© 1995 Corel Corp.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 41
Brainstorming is useful for generating
innovative ideas topic . this tool helps
encourage every team member to
participate and contribute ideas during
team meetings . successful brainstorming
sessions follow these guidelines.

Quality Circles
• Group of 6-12 employees from same work area
• Meet regularly to solve work-related problems
– 4 hours/month
• Facilitator trains & helps with meetings

© 1995 Corel Corp.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 42
SMART Objectives  Goals & Targets
Plan Your Road Map

Writing down your goals creates the

roadmap to your success.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 43

Goals should be SMART

Specific Measurable Applicable

Reliable Timely

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 44

SMART Objectives
Targets = Medium Term (<= year) SMART Objectives
Goals = Long Term (> year) SMART Objectives

SMART  Main 5 Parameters

S = Specific
(Scope of Work, Bill of Quantity, Quality, Performance, Cost, Tech. Standard, etc.)

M = Measurable
(Certain value, range, parameters, indicators, Specs., etc.)

A = Applicable
(Achievable, Flexible, Most likely, Working condition etc.)
(should be customized)
R = Reliable
(Reference, Accuracy, Assurance, Trust, Risk assessment, Positive, Convince, etc.)

T = Time frame
(Certain duration: Week, Month, Annual, 2 years)
(Certain date: Start date, Finish date)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 45
Planning Levels Environmental
Long term – Medium term – Short term
Long range
Medium range Strategic Planning
Now 2 months 1 Year 5 Year
Forecast Accuracy
Risk Tolerance (Most Likely, Most Common) Risk

 0 to 3%  3 to 5%  5 to 10%  10 to 25%

Day to week Week to 3 M 6 M to 1 Y 2 Y to 5 Y

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 46

Planning Levels
Management Environmental
Action Targets Goals Forecasting

Short Term Long Term

>= 3 Month <= 2 Year Years

Medium Term
(6 to 12) Month

Operational Tactical Strategic

Planning Planning Planning
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 47
Levels of Planning & Control:

Strategic Control Top Strategic Planning

Tactical Control Tactical Planning

Operational Control Operational Operational Planning

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 48

Action Plan

Should be
Activities When?
Specific Schedule How?
Measurable Duration
Start Resources: Where?
Finish - Manpower
- Machines Location Responsibility?
- Materials Indoor
Outdoor Leader
- Method
Contractor Department
- Money

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 49

Inputs: Scope of work & BOQ

Planned Performance Plan

Constraints  a) Limited Res. b) Limited Time c) Limited Budget

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 50
Scope of work = 30,000 m3 Execution

Eq. Perf. 30 m3/hr

10 day 10 hr/day
10 + 20% = 12 Eq.

Eq. rate 1000 LE/day Planned Performance
10*12*1000 = 120,000 LE
Constraints  a) 8 Eq. b) 8 day c) 100,000 LE Plan
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 51
Project Planning:
Scope of work:
Activity: Execution BOQ = 30,000 m3

Time Schedule:
Duration: 10 day
Resource Schedule:
Equipment Perf. 30 m3/hr Working condition: 10 hr/day
Number of Equipment = 10 + 20% = 12 Eq

Cost Schedule:
Equipment cost rate 1000 LE/day
Total Cost = 10*12*1000 = 120,000 LE
a) 8 Eq. b) 8 day c) 100,000 LE

Target Plan
Activity: Excavation BOQ= 30,000
Duration: 10 day Overtime: 3 hours
No. of Eq.: 8 Excavator
Total Cost: 100,000 LE
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 52
Project Planning:
Scope of work:
Activity: Execution BOQ = 30,000 m3

Time Schedule:
Duration: 10 day
Resource Schedule:
Equipment Perf. 30 m3/hr Working condition: 10 hr/day
Number of Equipment = 10 + 20% = 12 Eq

Cost Schedule:
Equipment cost rate 1000 LE/day
Total Cost = 10*12*1000 = 120,000 LE
a) 8 Eq. b) 8 day c) 100,000 LE

Target Plan
Activity: Excavation BOQ= 30,000
Duration: 8 day Overtime: 5 hours
No. of Eq.: 8 Excavator
Total Cost: 100,000 LE
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 53
Multi-Project Planning:
Scope of work: Design for 3 Projects (A, B & C)
A  500 man-hour B 600 man-hour C 800 man-hour
Time Schedule:
A  3 month Start: 1/5/2010 Finish: 30/7/2010
A  2 month Start: 1/6/2010 Finish: 30/7/2010
A  3 month Start: 1/6/2010 Finish: 30/8/2010

Resource Schedule:
Design Engineer  180 man-hour/month
Resource profile ???

Cost Schedule:
Labor cost rate = $10/man-hour for in-source & 15 for out-source
Labor Cost profile ???
Available No. of Engineers = 10 Outsourcing = ??

Target Plan

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 54


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 55


Actual Target
Performance Performance

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 56


Information Collection



Take Corrective

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 57

Control Cycle

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 58

Responsibilities of Operations Managers

Planning: Organizing:
 Capacity  Organization Structure
 Location  Leaders & Responsibility
 Products and services  Degree of Centralization
 Make or buy  Subcontracting
 Layout
 Projects Staffing:
 Scheduling  Teamwork building
 Standard rates
Controlling:  Hiring/laying off
 Inventory control  Use of overtime
 Quality control
 Cost control Directing:
 Incentive plans
 Issuance of work orders
 Job assignments

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 59

Pricing for Profit
Average Production Quantity

Value Added (Revenue)


Fixed Total cost


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 60

Pricing for Profit
Average Production Quantity

Value Added (Revenue)


Internal Total cost


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 61

Pricing for Profit
Average Production Quantity = 1750 ton/day

Value Added Revenue

1,600,000 2,100,000
Break-even External
1250 ton/day 500,000

Internal Total cost = 1,500,000


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 62

Strategic Planning

Dr. Attia Gomaa

Industrial Engineering Professor & Consultant
Engineering and Science Services - American University in Cairo

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 63

Strategic Management

(2) Strategic
(1) Benchmarking Planning



(3) Implementation

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 64

Strategic Planning
A Systematic Methodology to design the business future.

Situation Strategic Vision
Where the
A B organisation wants
to go in the future?

B Vision

Based on
A Present Situation Thinking
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 65
Strategic Management
Top Middle Management Operational Management

Change Management

Vision, Values
and Mission
Strategic Control
Strategy Implementation
Strategic Strategic
Planning Control
Main Pillars For Change Management:
1. Strong Leadership
2. Unified Teamwork
3. Consistent Benchmark
4. Right Information
5. Effective Brainstorming
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 66
Strategic Planning Process
Future Reason for
intent Attitudes existence
and policies
Vision Values Mission

Company Integration Management

SWOT Analysis
Analysis (Environmental assessment)
GAP Analysis

Strategic Objectives


Action Plans

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 67

Organization Upstream
Enterprise Chairman
Structure Vision, Values
& Mission
Top 
KPIs Report Analysis

Strategic Objectives

Middle 
Control Strategic Planning

Action Plans
Operational 
Feedback Day-to-Day Work Orders Data

Site  Implement
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 68
Vision, Values and Mission
is a clear statement for future image (long term direction) across the business
What we are looking for future? Where the organization is headed?
Vision Should be:
Future oriented, Ambitious, SMART, Very short & To the point

Values: Attitudes and policies

What we believe in? A Guide for good behavior.
How we treat each other? How we treat the customer?
Values Should be:
Change Management, Behavior Skills, Terms, (5 to 8)

How to reach the vision? Why we exist? What is the core purpose?
Mission Should be:
Market focused, Inspiring, Short
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 69
Example, ABC Steel Company
Our Vision is to be
one of the best steel companies in Egypt & Middle East.

We believe that strong leadership, unified teamwork, highly skilled manpower,
customer satisfaction and customer relationship are the key to achieve our

ABC’s core mission is to produce and supply the highest quality products to our
customers up to international standards in steel industry.


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 70

Example, XYZ Consultant Company
Our Vision is to be
the number one consultant company in the construction projects
in Egypt & Middle East.

Strong leadership, Effective communications, Quality, Integrity, Customer
Service, Customer satisfaction, and Problem solving.

XYZ Mission
to provide high quality consultant services to our clients up to international
standards in construction projects.


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 71

Discuss the following:

We are a Center of Excellence providing the best
integrated business services and solutions to the
Federal Government.
We deliver products and services that enable
our customers to excel in managing the business
of government.

Oracle E-Business
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 72
For Example;
Organization Structure


Company #

Design Procurement Construction Quality

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 73

Enterprise Upstream Enterprise
Strategic Vision, Values
Planning and Mission

Company Strategic
Planning Company
Vision, Values
and Mission

Design Procurement Construction Quality

Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic
Planning Planning Planning Planning

Vision, Values
Vision, Values
and Mission
and Mission
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 74
Company Integration Management


Process Skills


Total View

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 75

SWOT Analysis
Future Reason for
intent Attitudes existence
and policies
Vision Values Mission

SWOT Analysis
Analysis (Environmental assessment)

Positive (Beneficial) Negative (Harmful)

Internal External

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 76

SWOT Analysis Making sure you see the big picture

Positive (Beneficial) Negative (Harmful)

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Internal  We can control

External  We can not control & We can impact
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 77
Main Strategic Directions


Process Skills


Positive (Beneficial) Negative (Harmful)

Strengths Weaknesses
Internal External

Opportunities Threats

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 78

SWOT Analysis – Integration is key

SWOTs need Integrating

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 79

Company SWOT Analysis – Integration is key

SWOTs need Integrating

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 80

Project SWOT Analysis – Integration is key

SWOTs need Integrating

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 81

Effort is required to create ‗one version of the truth‘

Multiple SWOT‘s Integrated SWOT

(across all areas) Filter (One version of the truth)

Integration P

• Item Classification
• Important / Not Important & Urgent / Not Urgent
• Top Priorities / Critical / Important / Urgent items
• Apply common-sense ‗filter‘
• Ensure the integrated position is people centric
• It‘s the people that make service happen!

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 82

SWOT Analysis
Company: XXX Scope of work: Car assembly

Positive (Beneficial) Negative (Harmful)

Strengths Weaknesses

• Strong leadership • Incomplete documentation

• Technical Resources • Customer service
• Experience & Skills

Opportunities Threats
• New markets • More competition
• Online market • New Technology

Positive Negative Total
Internal 3 2 5 (56%)
External 2 2 4 (44%)
Total 5 (56%) 4 (44%) 9 (100%)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 83

Company Integration Management


Process Skills


Strategic Objectives
Business Objectives drive the Strategic Action Plan

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 84

Company Integration Management


Process Skills


KPIs for each Discipline

KPI Report for Top Management

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 85

Enterprise Upstream Enterprise
Strategic KPIs

Company Strategic
Objectives Company

Design Procurement Construction Quality

Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 86

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Finance Financial KPIs

Customer Market KPIs

Internal Processes Process KPIs

Manpower Skills
Manpower KPIs

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 87

Cause / Effect Relationship in scorecard

Profitability Revenue

Market Share

Customer # Customer

Internal Processes Quality Performance

Rate Rate

Manpower Skills
Labor Attendance
Productivity %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 88

Calculations of Strategic Objectives

Perspective Key Indicators Equation Comment

Finance Revenue = Total Incomes

Profit Ratio = (Revenue – Total Cost) / Total

Customer Market Share = Sales Quantity/Market Q.

# Customer = Total Customers

Process Quality Rate = Accepted Q. / Total Q.

Performance Rate = Total Q. / Working hours

Skills Labor Productivity = Total Q. / man-hours

Attendance % = Actual Direct Workers /

Planned Direct Workers

Standard Data Sheet  Data Forms

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 89
Strategic Objectives
Perspective Key Actual Current Internal External
Indicators 2010 2011 Benchmark Benchmark
Finance Revenue 9 10 12 18
Profitability 14% 15% 20% 30%
Customer Market Share 23% 22% 28% 35%
# Customer 95 100 120 150
Process Quality Rate 93% 92% 94% 98%
Performance 155 160 180 220
Rate Effective
Skills Labor 1.29 1.45 1.6 2.0
Attendance 86.5 82.0 95 99.0
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 90
Goals & Targets

Key Indicators Current Target Goal Goal Goal

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Revenue 10 12 14 16 18
Profitability 15% 20% 24 28 30%
Market Share 22% 26% 28 30 35%
# Customer 100 115 130 140 150
Quality Rate 92% 94% 95 96 98%
Performance Rate 160 180 200 210 220
Labor Productivity 1.45 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0
Attendance % 82.0 88.0 90.0 95.0 99.0

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 91

Strategic Objectives:
Perspective Strategy Measurement Targets Initiatives
Main What the How performance The level of Key action programs
Dimension strategy is trying is measured against performance or required to achieve
to achieve objectives rate of targets
Financial - Increase the Revenue 20% +/yr - Market Motivation
revenue program
- Increase the Profitability 15% +/yr - Cost Reduction
profit program
Customer - More - # Customers 15% +/yr - Customer Relationship
Customers - Market Share 10% +/yr - Quality management
Process - Improve Performance Rate 15 % improve - Lean Six sigma
Production Rate Quality Rate 10% improve program
Skills - Improve % Labor 5 % improve - Training program
Manpower skills productivity
Attendance % 2 % improve - Motivation Policy

Action Plans
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 92
Action Plan

Should be
Activities When?
Specific Schedule How?
Measurable Duration
Start Resources: Where?
Finish - Manpower
- Machines Location Responsibility?
- Materials Indoor
Outdoor Leader
- Method
Contractor Department
- Money

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 93

Action Plan:
Main Main Main Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
Objective Items Activities

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 94

Market Strategic Plan:
Main Main Main Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
Objective Items Activities

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 95

Process Strategic Plan:
Main Main Main Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
Objective Items Activities

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 96

Quality Strategic Plan:
Main Main Main Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
Objective Items Activities

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 97

HR Strategic Plan:
Main Main Main Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
Objective Items Activities

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 98

Development Cycle for Hoshin Planning

Vision/ Competencies

Budget /
Strategic Plan
Business Plan

One Year
Customer Kaizen Plan
Survey Objectives

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 99

Strategic Objectives & KPIs

Dr. Attia Gomaa

Industrial Engineering Professor & Consultant
Engineering and Science Services - American University in Cairo

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 100

Strategic Objectives & KPIs
Company Integration Management


Process Skills


KPIs for each Discipline (4 to 8 indicators)

KPI Report for Top Management (6 to 12 indicators)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 101

Brain Storming Group Size 2 to 3
Company: Service:
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 102
Brain Storming Group Size 2 to 3
KPI Report for Top Management (Top 2 KPIs for each discipline)
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. 1.
2. 2.
Data: Data:
• •
• •
• •

Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:

1. 1.
2. 2.
Data: Data:
• •
• •
• •
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 103
Company: Steel Company Service: Steel Products

Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:

1. Revenue 1. Market Share
2. Profitability 2. # Customer
3. Value Added 3. Claim Ratio
4. Inventory Turnover 4. On Time Delivery
5. Cost of Poor Quality 5. Market Value Added (MVA)
6. Economic Value Added (EVA) 6. Customer Satisfaction Level

Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:

1. Performance Rate 1. Attendance %
2. Quality Rate 2. Labor Productivity
3. Material Yield 3. Employee Turnover
4. Process Utilization 4. Injury Rate
5. Availability 5. Illness rate
6. Sigma Level 6. Quality of Training
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 104
Company: Steel Company Service: Steel Products
KPI Report for Top Management (Top 2 KPIs for each discipline)
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. Revenue 1. Market Share
2. Profitability 2. # Customer
Data: Data:
• Total Incomes • Total Number of Customer
• Total Cost • Sales Quantity
• • Market Quantity

Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:

1. Performance Rate 1. Attendance %
2. Quality Rate 2. Labor Productivity
Data: Data:
• Total Working Hours • Planned Direct Workers
• Total Production Quantity • Actual Direct Workers
• Accepted Quantity •
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 105
Cause / Effect Relationship in scorecard

Profitability Revenue

Market Share

Customer # Customer

Internal Processes Quality Performance

Rate Rate

Manpower Skills
Labor Attendance
Productivity %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 106

Calculations of Strategic Objectives

Perspective Key Indicators Equation Comment

Finance Revenue = Total Incomes

Profit Ratio = (Revenue – Total Cost) / Total

Customer Market Share = Sales Quantity/Market Q.

# Customer = Total Customers

Process Quality Rate = Accepted Q. / Total Q.

Performance Rate = Total Q. / Working hours

Skills Labor Productivity = Total Q. / man-hours

Attendance % = Actual Direct Workers /

Planned Direct Workers

Standard Data Sheet  Data Forms

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 107
Current Situation Analysis

Item Unit Actual Current Respon- Comment

2010 2011 sibility

Revenue LE-M Financial

Total Cost LE-M Financial

Sales Quality Ton Market

Market Quantity Ton Market

# Customer # Market

Working Days Day Process

Total Quantity Ton Process

Rejected Quantity Ton Process

Planned Direct Labor Man-day HR

Actual Direct Labor Man-day HR

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 108

KPIs Report – One Page Management

Key Performance Indicators for decision making process

KPIs Reflect The Targets & Must be SMART:
Global / Applicable / Flexible / Measurable / Continuous process

• Introduction (Scope of work & Short description)

• Body (Evidence)  Change Management
• Global & SMART Indicators (total view)
• Strength points (Top 5 or 3 points)
• Weakness points (Bottom 5 or 3 points)
• Area of concern (Why-Why  Hot area & root cause)
• Conclusion & Recommendations (Action:- Reactive or Proactive):

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 109

Case Study: The Annual Information for X Company is as follows:

Item Unit Actual Current Respon- Comment

2010 2011 sibility
Revenue LE-M 9M 10 M Financial
Total Cost LE-M 7.74 8.5 Financial
Sales Quality Ton 35000 37000 Market
Market Quantity Ton 150000 170000 Market
# Customer # 95 100 Market
Working Days Day 300 310 Process
Total Quantity Ton 46500 49600 Process
Rejected Quantity Ton 3255 3968 Process
Planned Direct Labor Man-day 41600 41600 HR
Actual Direct Labor Man-day 36000 34100 HR

Based on this information, discuss briefly the KPIs & Strategic Objectives.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 110

Road map for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. Revenue 1. Sales Quantity
2. Total Cost 2. Market Quantity
3. Profit Ratio % 3. # Customer
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:

1. Working Days 1. Planned Direct Labor
2. Total Quantity 2. Actual Direct Labor
3. Rejected Quantity 3. Labor Productivity
4. Quality Rate % 4. Attendance Ratio
5. Performance Rate 5.
6. 6.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 111
Current Situation Analysis
Item Unit Actual Current Respon- Comment
2010 2011 sibility
Revenue LE-M 9M 10 M Financial
Total Cost LE-M 7.74 8.5 Financial
Profit Ratio % 14% 15% Financial
Sales Quality Ton 35000 37000 Market
Market Quantity Ton 150000 170000 Market
Market Share % 23.3% 21.8% Market
# Customer # 95 100 Market
Working Days Day 300 310 Process
Total Quantity Ton 46500 49600 Process
Rejected Quantity Ton 3255 3968 Process
Quality Rate % 93% 92% Process
Performance Rate Ton/day 155 160 Process
Planned Direct Labor Man-day 41600 41600 HR
Actual Direct Labor Man-day 36000 34100 HR
Labor Productivity Ton/man-day 1.29 1.45 HR
Attendance % % 86.5 82.0 HR

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 112

Current Situation Analysis

Item Unit Actual Current Respon- Variance

2010 2011 sibility %

Revenue LE-M 9M 10 M Financial + 11.1

Profit Ratio % 14% 15% Financial + 7.1

Market Share % 23.3% 21.8% Market - 6.5

# Customer # 95 100 Market + 5.2

Quality Rate % 93% 92% Process - 1.1

Performance Rate Unit/day 155 160 Process + 3.2

Labor Productivity Unit/man-day 1.29 1.45 HR + 12.4

Attendance % % 86.5 82.0 HR - 5.3

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 113

Strategic Objectives
Perspective Key Actual Current Internal External
Indicators 2010 2011 Benchmark Benchmark
Finance Revenue 9 10 12 18
Profitability 14% 15% 20% 30%
Customer Market Share 23% 22% 28% 35%
# Customer 95 100 120 150
Process Quality Rate 93% 92% 94% 98%
Performance 155 160 180 220
Rate Effective
Skills Labor 1.29 1.45 1.6 2.0
Attendance 86.5 82.0 95 99.0
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 114
Goals & Targets

Key Indicators Current Target Goal Goal Goal

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Revenue 10 12 14 16 18
Profitability 15% 20% 24 28 30%
Market Share 22% 26% 28 30 35%
# Customer 100 115 130 140 150
Quality Rate 92% 94% 95 96 98%
Performance Rate 160 180 200 210 220
Labor Productivity 1.45 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0
Attendance % 82.0 88.0 90.0 95.0 99.0

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 115

KPI Report 2011/2010
KPIs For Current Situation 2011:
Revenue: 10 MLE Profit Ratio: 14% Market Share: 21.8%
Performance Rate: 160 unit/day Labor Productivity : 1.45 Unit/man-day

Losses Weakness Points:

27.3 %
Total 1 – Market Share (- 6.5%)
2 – Quality Rate (- 1.1%)
72.7 %
3 – Direct Worker Attendance (-5.3%)

Strength Points: 1 – Market Motivation
1 – Revenue (+ 11.1 %) 2 – QA/QC Improvement
2 – Profit (+ 7.1%) 3 – Training Plan Improvement
3 – Labor Productivity (+12.4%) 4- Manpower Motivation
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 116
Improvement Plan (Strategic Plan or Action Plan)
Main Objective Main Activities Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
1 – Advanced -
Training Plan -

2 – Motivation

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 117

Case Study: The Annual Information for X Company is as follows:
Item Unit Actual Current Source Comment
2010 2011
Revenue LE-M 9M 10 M Financial
Total Cost LE-M 7.74 8.5 Financial
Total Labor Cost LE-M 1.50 1.80 Financial
Average inventory value LE-M 1M 0.8 M Financial
External Resource Cost LE-M 3.00 3.5 Financial
Sales Quantity Ton 35000 37000 Market
Market Quantity Ton 150000 170000 Market
# Orders # 95 100 Market
# Claims # 15 10 Market
Planned Working Days Day 320 320 Process
Actual Working Days Day 300 310 Process
Effective Capacity Rate Ton/day 220 220 Process
Total Quantity Ton 46500 49600 Process
Rejected Quantity Ton 3255 3968 Process
Planned Direct Labor Man-day 41600 41600 HR
Actual Direct Labor Man-day 36000 34100 HR

Based on this information, discuss briefly the KPIs & Strategic Objectives.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 118
Road map for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. Revenue 1. Sales Quantity
2. Total Cost 2. Market Quantity
3. Total Labor Cost 3. # Orders
4. Average inventory value 4. # Claims
5. External Resource Cost 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:
1. Planned Working Days 1. Planned Direct Labor
2. Actual Working Days 2. Actual Direct Labor
3. Effective Capacity Rate 3.
4. Total Quantity 4.
5. Rejected Quantity 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 119

Road map for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:

1. Revenue 1. Sales Quantity
2. Total Cost 2. Market Quantity
3. Average inventory value 3. # Orders
4. External Resource Cost 4. Market Share %
5. Total Labor Cost 5. Claims Ratio
6. Profit Ratio % 6. Sales Ratio
7. Value Added Ratio % 7.
8. Labor Productivity (LE Revenue / LE Labor) 8.
9. Inventory Turnover (turns/year) 9.
10. CAPEX Ratio % 10.
Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:
1. Planned Working Days 1. Planned Direct Labor
2. Actual Working Days 2. Actual Direct Labor
3. Effective Capacity Rate 3. Labor Productivity (Unit/man-day)
4. Total Quantity 4. Attendance Ratio (Actual m-d/Planned)
5. Rejected Quantity 5.
6. Quality Rate % 6.
7. Availability Ratio % (Actual Time / Planned) 7.
8. Performance Ratio % (Actual / Planned) 8.
9. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) % 9.
10. 10.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 120

KPIs & Strategic Objectives
# Key Indicators Actual Current Variance Target Goal
2010 2011 % 2012 2013
1 Profit Ratio %
2 Inventory Turnover
3 CAPEX Ratio %
4 Market Share %
5 Claims Ratio
6 Sales Ratio
7 Performance Ratio %
8 OEE %
9 Labor Productivity %
10 Attendance Ratio %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 121

KPI Report 2011/2010
KPIs For Current Situation 2011:
Revenue: Profit Ratio: Market Share:
Labor Productivity : Inventory Turnover:

Losses Weakness Points:

Total 1–

Strength Points: 1 – Advanced Training Plan
1– 2 – Motivation Program
2– 3–
3– 4-
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 122
Improvement Plan (Strategic Plan or Action Plan)
Main Objective Main Activities Budget Duration Start Finish Responsible
1 – Advanced -
Training Plan -

2 – Motivation

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 123

Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. Revenue 1. Sales Quantity
2. Total Cost 2. Market Quantity
3. Average inventory value 3. # Orders
4. External Resource Cost
4. Market Share %
5. Total Labor Cost
5. Claims Ratio
6. Profit Ratio
7. Value Added Ratio
8. Labor Productivity (LE Revenue / LE Labor)
9. Inventory Turnover (turns/year)
Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:
1. Planned Working Days 1. Planned Direct Labor
2. Actual Working Days 2. Actual Direct Labor
3. Effective Capacity Rate 3. Labor Productivity (Unit/man-day)
4. Total Quantity 4. Attendance Ratio
5. Rejected Quantity 5.
6. Quality Rate 6.
7. Actual Capacity Rate 7.
8. Availability Ratio 8.
9. Performance Ratio 9.
10. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) 10.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 124
Financial KPIs: Market KPIs:
1. Revenue 1. Sales Quantity
2. Total Cost 2. Market Quantity
3. Average inventory value 3. # Orders
4. External Resource Cost
4. Market Share %
5. Total Labor Cost
5. Claims Ratio
6. Unit Cost & Unit Price
7. Profit Ratio
8. Value Added Ratio
9. Labor Productivity (LE Revenue / LE Labor)
10. Inventory Turnover (turns/year)
Process KPIs: Skills KPIs:
1. Planned Working Days 1. Planned Direct Labor
2. Actual Working Days 2. Actual Direct Labor
3. Effective Capacity Rate 3. Labor Productivity (Unit/man-day)
4. Total Quantity 4. Average Manpower
5. Rejected Quantity 5. Attendance Ratio
6. Quality Rate 6.
7. Actual Capacity Rate 7.
8. Availability Ratio 8.
9. Performance Ratio 9.
10. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 125
Strategic Profit Model

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 126

Reliability Overall satisfaction
Product and Customer
service quality On-time delivery satisfaction Customer retention
Error/defects Complaints

Leadership for Market share

continuous Competitiveness
improvement Profits

Quality systems and
Cycle time
employee involvement Organization Turnover
benefits Satisfaction
Safety & health

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 127

Feasibility Study

Dr. Attia Gomaa

Industrial Engineering Professor & Consultant
Engineering and Science Services - American University in Cairo

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 128

Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is a study made before committing to a
A feasibility study leads to a decision:
• Go ahead
• Do not go ahead
• Think again
In production projects, the feasibility study often leads to
a budget request.
In research, a feasibility study is often in the form of a
Feasibility analysis is the process by which feasibility is

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 129

System Engineering

Feasibility Study


System Analysis Design

System Design Development





Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 130

Information System Engineering

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 131

Project / Product Design Steps.

Competitors Research Process
Clients/Users Planning

New Product
Development. Feasibility Preliminar Detailed Process Process
General Specs Analysis Design Design Design Analysis

R+D Prototyping
Technical Market Test
Sales Evaluation

(source: Monks, 1982)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 132

Estimation accuracy

High Risk Low Risk

Incomplete information Detailed information

Pre-Feasibility Total Contract Project

Study Feasibility Management Management
Error ± 20% ± 15% ± 10% ± 5%
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 133
Conducting a Feasibility Study

• Planning the study

• Collecting the data

• Analyzing the data

• Writing the report

• Presenting the report

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 134

Feasibility study outline
for a water station project

1- Market study: 3- Environmental study:

• Customers types • Environmental needs
• Customers needs
• Water quality 4- Economical and financial study:
• Quantity rates • Cost Elements
• Water supply • Economic analysis
• Price rates • Sensitivity Analysis
• Risk analysis
2- Technical study:
• Engineering design 5- Product Management:
• Equipment types • Project target plans
• International standards • Basic design, .. etc
• Cost estimation • Improvements recommendations

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 135

Cost-Benefit Analysis Techniques

• Brake-Even Analysis

• Payback Period Analysis

• Cash-Flow Analysis

• Net Present Value (NPV)

• Return-on-Investment (ROI) Analysis

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 136

• The economic resources owned by a business that can be used
for future operations

Fixed Assets
• Land
• Building
• Equipment

Current Assets
• Cash
• Accounts Receivable
• Inventories
• Raw Materials
• Supplies

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 137

Total Feasibility Study Leader & Team work
Accuracy: ± (5 to 10%)
(1 At least 100)
Project (2)
Overview Location
Study (3)
(9) Marketing
How to
Management? Feasibility Study
(8) Study Report Technical
Risk Study
Study (5)
Financial (6) Environmental
Study Economical Study
Data source for every Item
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 138
Case Study
(1) Project (or product) Overview
# Main items Data source
1-1- Project (product) description
Product Pre-feasibility study
overview Vision, Mission, Targets

1-2- Main parameters

1-3- Quality levels

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 139

(2) Location Study
# Main items Data source
2-1- • Select location in industrial area
Location • Location accessibility

2-2- • Infrastructure availability

Location • Customer availability
selection • Manpower availability
parameter • Transportation availability
• Price
2-3- 6th October city
Proposed Why?:

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 140

(3) Marketing Study
# Main items Data source
3-1- Customers types
Target Oxygen  Hospitals, Steel companies, Glass companies
Customers Nitrogen  Food companies, Petroleum service, Air
Analysis conditioning companies
Argon  Welding processes
3-2- Market size
Current Customers needs
3-3- Competition levels
Competition Competition policy

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 141

(3) Marketing Study
# Main items Data source
3-4- Demand History
3-5- Long term demand forecasting
3-6- Long term Gab forecasting
3-7- Long term capacity plan
3-8- Quality rates
Estimated Price rates

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 142

(4) Technical Study
# Main items Data source
4-1- Engineering design & product structure
Process design Process sheet & Material flow diagram
Process Layout
International standards
4-2- Process & Production Equipment
Productive Equipment types & Equipment supply
systems Cost estimation
4-3- Utilities Equipment (Power system, Water system,
Supportive Air condition, Material handing system, … etc.)
systems Equipment types & Equipment supply
Cost  (15 to 30)% Productive Systems Cost
4-4- Total Space
Area & Buildings Project Layout
specs Productive area %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 143

(4) Technical Study
# Main items Data source
4-5- Material List
Materials Supplier List
Requirements Critical Materials
Analysis Material Plans
4-6- Labor List
Manpower Labor supply
Requirements Critical Labor
Analysis Manpower Plans
4-7- Working & Nonworking days
Calendar Number of Shifts
Standard working hours/day
4-8- Quality Assurance Plan
Quality Plan International standards
4-9- Safety Plan
Safety Plan International standards

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 144

(5) Environmental (or HSE) Study
# Main items Data source
5-1- Environmental needs
Environmental Hazard parameters
conditions Noise level
5-2- Effect:
Health effect & Analysis:
Remedy Remedy:
5-3- Effect:
Safety effect & Analysis:
Remedy Remedy:

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 145

(6) Economical Study  Cost indicators
# Main items Data source
6-1- Cost classification Matrix
Cost elements (Direct Indirect Fixed Variable)

6-2- Total direct cost analysis

Direct cost

6-3- Total indirect cost analysis

Indirect cost
6-4- Total fixed cost analysis
Fixed cost
6-5- Total variable cost analysis
Variable cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 146

(6) Economical Study  Cost indicators
# Main items Data source
6-6- Total technical overhead analysis
Technical overhead

6-7- Total office overhead analysis

Office overhead

6-8- Total cost analysis

Total cost analysis
6-9- Price estimation analysis
Estimated price
6-10- Profit +
Estimated profit (Value added, Margin factor, or Markup ration.)
6-11- Capital expenses ratio  CAPEX ratio
CAPEX/OPEX Operating expenses ratio  OPEX ratio

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 147

(7) Financial Study  Long term analysis
# Main items Data source
7-1- Design capacity analysis
Long term Effective capacity analysis
capacity analysis Planned capacity analysis
7-2- CAPEX & OPEX Analysis
Cash out
7-3- Revenue Analysis
Cash in
7-4- Cash flow diagram, S-Curve
Cash flow IRR, NPV, … etc.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 148

(8) Risk Study (Safety & Financial)
# Main items Data source
8-1- Sensitivity Analysis
Risk estimation SWOT Analysis
Internal factors  Strength – Weakness
External factors  Opportunities – Threats
8-2- Safety effect:
Risk Process effect:
consequence Financial effect:
8-3- Proactive policy
Risk assessment Remedy Plans
Strategic Plans

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 149

(9) Management Study
# Main items Data source
9-1- Key persons  Labor
9-2- Key persons  Labor
Job description
9-3- Information Cycle
Information flow
9-4- Planning tools
Target Plans Project target plans
Improvements recommendations

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 150

Master Plan

Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 151

(10) Conclusion  One Page Management



Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 152

Conclusion: ―One Page Management‖
1) Subject Description:

2) Analysis:



3) Recommendation:

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 153

Case Study: Feasibility Study for CNC Spare Parts Workshop
Suppose you intend to construct a new spare parts workshop, the
feasibility study information is as follows:
Bank interest rate= i % MARR = I % Project duration= n years

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3 …. Year #n

Market Information:

Investment Information:

Technical Information:

Cost Elements Information:

Others Information:
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 154
Case Study: Feasibility Study for CNC Spare Parts Workshop
Based on the given information discuss the following:
• Technical study
(daily working hours, daily production, machine utilization,
quality policy, material handling, storages, space layout, etc)

• Economical study
(unit cost, unit price, profit %, CAPEX %, OPEX %,
Value added %, Margin factor %, etc)

• Financial study
(salvage value, cash flow, payback period, NPV, profitability index, IRR, etc)

• Risk study
(break even point, annual demand change ±10%, unit price change ±10%,
material cost change ±10%, profit range, etc).

• Environmental & Safety study

(safety policy, safety tools & equipment, etc)

• Management Study
(vision, values, mission, organization structure, KPI report, etc).
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 155
Case Study: Feasibility Study for CNC Spare Parts Workshop
Suppose you intend to construct a new spare parts workshop, the
feasibility study information is as follows:

Bank interest rate= 10 % MARR = 25 % Project duration= 3 years

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Market Information:
Annual market demand 1000 Unit 100 140 120
Market unit price $/unit 30 32 34
Annual site rent 1000$/year 80 90 100

Investment Information:
Number of machines CNC M/c 4 2 -
Machine investment $1000/Mc 50 55 -
Annual machine depreciation % book v. 35% 30% 25%
Utilities & infrastructure inv. $1000 100 40 10

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 156

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3
Technical Information:
Average machine capacity unit/hr/Mc 8.0 7.0 6.0
Machine space m2 3 m * 2 m Per M/c
Total space m2 20 m * 20 m
Annual working days day/year 300 300 300
Max. daily working hours hour/day 14 14 14

Cost Elements Information:

Material cost rate per unit $/unit 8 9 10
Labor cost rate per unit $/unit 5 6 7
Running cost rate per unit $/unit 4 5 6
Planned maintenance cost % inv. 6% 6% 6%
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50
Technical overhead cost $1000/year 60 70 80
Office overhead cost $1000/year 40 50 60
Max. profit ratio % Cost 20% 25% 25%
Min. profit ratio % Cost 15% 20% 20%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 157

Technical Study: Working Conditions Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Market Demand 1000 unit 100 140 120
Annual Working Days day/year 300 300 300
Daily Production Unit/day

Number of machines CNC M/c 4 2 -

Average machine capacity unit/hr/Mc 8.0 7.0 6.0
Total capacity rate unit/hr

Average daily working hours hr/day

Max. daily working hours hr/day 14 14 14

Machine Utilization %
(75 to 85) %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 158

Technical Study: Working Conditions Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Market Demand 1000 unit 100 140 120

Annual Working Days day/year 300 300 300

Daily Production Unit/day 334 467 400

Number of machines CNC M/c 4 2 -

Average machine capacity unit/hr/Mc 8.0 7.0 6.0

Total capacity rate unit/hr 32 42 36

Average daily working hours hr/day 10.4=11 11.11=12 11.11=12

Max. daily working hours hr/day 14 14 14

Machine Utilization % 10.4/14= 11.11/14= 11.11/14=

(75 to 85) % 74.3 % 79.4 % 79.4%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 159

Quality Policy
Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and minimize rejects.

The company achieves this goal by establishing, documenting,

implementing and maintaining an effective and efficient Quality
Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

Quality improvement is a continuous process and it is primary

responsibility of management. All Staff must consistently strive for a six
sigma target.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 160

Material Handling System

Fork lift - Model 7FGCU35

8000 lb Cap - Low maintenance cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 161

Storages System

Required Area & Space Layout :

- Productive machining area > 3 total machine area
- Non-Productive area:
• Locker area = 3*3 = 9 m2
• Storage of raw material = 4*4 = 16 m2
• Storage of final product = 4*3 = 12 m2
• Storage of spare parts = 3*3 = 9 m2
• Managerial office = 4*4 = 16 m2
• W.C. area = 2 *4 = 8 m2
Total Non-Productive area = 70 m2
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 162
Workshop Layout

20 m * 12 m

Utilities Layout

20 m * 8 m

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 163

Workshop Layout



Raw Material Locker Pats Tools WC WC Managerial
Storage Room Storage Room 3*2 3*2 Office
4*3 3*3 3*3 3*2 4*3

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 164
Economical study Investment Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Number of machines CNC M/c 4 2 -

Machine investment $1000/Mc 50 55 -

Total Machine investment $1000

Annual machine depreciation % book v. 35% 30% 25%

Annual machine depreciation $1000/year

Utilities & infrastructure inv. $1000 100 40 10

Annual Utilities Cost $1000/year

Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 165

Economical study Investment Analysis

Item Unit Year Year #2 Year #3


Number of machines CNC M/c 4 2 -

Machine investment $1000/Mc 50 55 -

Total Machine investment $1000 200 110 -

Annual machine depreciation % book v. 35% 30% 25%

Book Value $ 1000 130 130+110=240 168

Annual machine depreciation $1000/year 70 72 42

Utilities & infrastructure inv. $1000 100 40 10

Annual Utilities Cost $1000/year 33.334 53.334 63.334

Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 166

Economical study Annual Cost Analysis
Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3
Direct Cost:
Annual Machine Cost $1000
Annual Material Cost $1000
Annual Labor Cost $1000
Annual Running Cost $1000
Total Direct Cost $1000
Indirect Cost:
Annual Site Rent $1000
Annual Utilities Cost $1000
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000
Other Technical Overhead Cost $1000
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000
Total Indirect Cost $1000
Total Annual Cost $1000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 167

Economical study Annual Cost Analysis
Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3
Direct Cost:
Annual Machine Cost $1000 70 72 42
Annual Material Cost $1000 800 1260 1200
Annual Labor Cost $1000 500 840 840
Annual Running Cost $1000 400 700 720
Total Direct Cost $1000
Indirect Cost:
Annual Site Rent $1000 80 90 100
Annual Utilities Cost $1000 33.334 53.334 63.334
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000 12 18.6 18.6
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50
Other Technical Overhead Cost $1000 50 60 70
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000 50 60 70
Total Indirect Cost $1000
Total Annual Cost $1000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 168

Economical study Annual Cost Analysis
Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3
Direct Cost:
Annual Machine Cost $1000 70 72 42
Annual Material Cost $1000 800 1260 1200
Annual Labor Cost $1000 500 840 840
Annual Running Cost $1000 400 700 720
Total Direct Cost $1000 1770 2872 2802
Indirect Cost:
Annual Site Rent $1000 80 90 100
Annual Utilities Cost $1000 33.334 53.334 63.334
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000 12 18.6 18.6
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50
Other Technical Overhead Cost $1000 50 60 70
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000 50 60 70
Total Indirect Cost $1000 225.334 281.934 371.934
Total Annual Cost $1000 1995.334 3153.934 3173.934

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 169

Economical study Unit Cost Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Total Annual Cost $1000 1995.334 3153.934 3173.934

Annual market demand 1000 Unit 100 140 120

Unit Cost $/unit

Max. Profit Ratio % 20 25 25

Planned Unit Price $/unit

Market unit price $/unit

Annual Revenue $1000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 170

Economical study Unit Cost Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Total Annual Cost $1000 1995.334 3153.934 3173.934

Annual market demand 1000 Unit 100 140 120

Unit Cost $/unit 19.95 22.52 26.44

Max. Profit Ratio % 20 25 25

Planned Unit Price $/unit 23.94 28.15 33.05

Market unit price $/unit 30 32 34

Annual Revenue $1000 2394 3941 3966

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 171

Economical study Economical Ratios Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Profit Ratio %

CAPEX Ratio %

OPEX Ratio %

Margin Factor Ratio %

Value Added Ratio %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 172

Economical study Annual Cost Analysis
Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3
Capital Cost (CAPEX Elements)
Annual Machine Cost $1000 70 72 42
Annual Utilities Cost $1000 33.334 53.334 63.334
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000 - - 50
Annual CAPEX $1000 103.334 125.334 135.334
Operating Cost (OPEX Element)
Annual Material Cost $1000 800 1260 1200
Annual Labor Cost $1000 500 840 840
Annual Running Cost $1000 400 700 720
Annual Site Rent $1000 80 90 100
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000 12 18.6 18.6
Other Technical Overhead $1000 50 60 70
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000 50 60 70
Annual OPEX $1000
Total Annual Cost $1000 1995.334 3153.934 3173.934

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 173

Economical study CAPEX & OPEX Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Total Cost $1000

Annual Capital Cost: $1000

Annual Machine Cost

Annual Utilities Cost

Major Maintenance

CAPEX Ratio %

OPEX Ratio %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 174

Economical study CAPEX & OPEX Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Total Cost $1000 1995.334 3153.934 3173.934

Annual Capital Cost $1000

Annual Machine Cost 70 + 72 + 72 +

Annual Utilities Cost 33.334 53.334 63.334 +

Major Maintenance 50

= 103.334 = 125.334 = 135.334

CAPEX Ratio % 5.1 3.9 4.3

OPEX Ratio % 94.9 96.1 95.7

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 175

Economical study Margin Factor Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Revenue $1000 2394 3941 3966

1770 2872 2802
Total Direct Cost (overhead) $1000

Margin Factor Value $1000

Margin Factor Ratio %

Direct Cost : Revenue

100 : ?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 176

Economical study Value Added Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Revenue $1000 2394 3941 3966

External Resources (Material) $1000 800 1260 1200

Value Added $1000

Value Added Ratio %

External Resources : Revenue

100 : ?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 177

Economical study Value Added Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Annual Revenue $1000 2394 3941 3966

External Resources (Material) $1000 800 1260 1200

Value Added $1000 1594 2681 2766

Value Added Ratio % 199 213 231

External Resources : Revenue

100 : 199

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 178

Economical study Economical Ratios Analysis

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Profit Ratio % 20 25 25

CAPEX Ratio % 5.1 3.9 4.3

OPEX Ratio % 94.9 96.1 95.7

Margin Factor Ratio % 962 1298 966

Value Added Ratio % 199 213 231

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 179

Financial study Cash Flow Analysis
Item Unit Period 0 Year Year Year
#1 #2 #3
Annual Revenue (R) $1000/y - 2394 3941 3966
Salvage Value $ 1000 126
Investment & Cost Elements:
 Total machine investment $1000 200 110 - -
 Utilities & infrastructure inv. $1000 100 40 10 -
 Annual Site Rent $1000/y - 80 90 100
 Annual Material cost $1000/y - 800 1260 1200
 Annual Labor cost $1000/y - 500 840 840
 Annual Running cost $1000/y - 400 700 720
 Planned maintenance cost $1000/y - 12 18.6 18.6
 Capital Maintenance cost $1000/y - - - 50
 Other tech. overhead cost $1000/y - 50 60 70
 Other office overhead cost $1000/y - 50 60 70
Total cost (TC) $1000
Net Cash = R - TC $1000
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 180
Financial study Cash Flow Analysis
Item Unit Period 0 Year Year Year
#1 #2 #3
Annual Revenue (R) $1000/y - 2394 3941 3966
Salvage Value $ 1000 126
Investment & Cost Elements:
 Total machine investment $1000 200 110 - -
 Utilities & infrastructure inv. $1000 100 40 10 -
 Annual Site Rent $1000/y - 80 90 100
 Annual Material cost $1000/y - 800 1260 1200
 Annual Labor cost $1000/y - 500 840 840
 Annual Running cost $1000/y - 400 700 720
 Planned maintenance cost $1000/y - 12 18.6 18.6
 Capital Maintenance cost $1000/y - - - 50
 Other tech. overhead cost $1000/y - 50 60 70
 Other office overhead cost $1000/y - 50 60 70
Total cost (TC) $1000 300 2042 2408.6 3068.6
Net Cash = R - TC $1000 - 300 352 1532.4 1023.4
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 181
352 1023.4
1 2 3

2- Payback Period:
(300/352) * 12 = 11 Month
3- NPV:
- 300 + 352 / (1+0.1) + 1532.4 / (1+0.1)^2 + 1023.4 / (1+0.1)^3
= 2055.341

4- Profitability Index = NPV / Initial

2055.341 / 300 = 6.85 = 685 %

5- IRR:  NPV = f(i) = 0  I  IRR >= MARR

0 = - 300 + 352 / (1+i) + 1532.4 / (1+i)^2 + 1023.4 / (1+i)^3
i% 10 30 40
IRR= %
0 NPV + + + -

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 182

Risk study 1- Break Even Point (BEP)

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Variable Cost Elements:
• Annual Material Cost $/unit 8 9 10
• Annual Labor Cost $/unit 5 6 7
• Annual Running Cost $/unit 4 5 6
Unit Variable Cost = v $/unit
Fixed Cost Element:
Annual Machine Cost $1000/y 70 72 42
Annual Site Rent $1000/y 80 90 100
Annual Utilities Cost $1000/y 33.334 53.334 63.334
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000/y 12 18.6 18.6
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000/y - - 50
Other Technical Overhead Cost $1000/y 50 60 70
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000/y 50 60 70
Total Fixed Cost = TFC $1000/y

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 183

Risk study 1- Break Even Point (BEP)

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Variable Cost Elements:
• Annual Material Cost $/unit 8 9 10
• Annual Labor Cost $/unit 5 6 7
• Annual Running Cost $/unit 4 5 6
Unit Variable Cost = v $/unit 17 20 23
Fixed Cost Element:
Annual Machine Cost $1000/y 70 72 42
Annual Site Rent $1000/y 80 90 100
Annual Utilities Cost $1000/y 33.334 53.334 63.334
Planned Maintenance Cost $1000/y 12 18.6 18.6
Major Maintenance (overhaul) $1000/y - - 50
Other Technical Overhead Cost $1000/y 50 60 70
Other Office Overhead Cost $1000/y 50 60 70
Total Fixed Cost = TFC $1000/y 295.334 353.934 413.934

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 184

Risk study 1- Break Even Point (BEP)

Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Variable Cost Elements:

Unit Variable Cost = v $/unit 17 20 23

Fixed Cost Element:

Total Fixed Cost = TFC $1000/y 295.334 353.934 413.934
Unit price = p $/unit 23.94 28.15 33.05

p-v $/unit

BEP = Q unit/y

Revenue = p . Q Total Cost = TFC + v . Q

BEP  Q at Profit = 0  P Q = TFC + v Q
Q = TFC / (p-v)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 185
Risk study 1- Break Even Point (BEP)
Item Unit Year #1 Year #2 Year #3

Variable Cost Elements:

Unit Variable Cost = v $/unit 17 20 23

Fixed Cost Element:

Total Fixed Cost = TFC $1000/y 295.334 353.934 413.934
Unit price = p $/unit 23.94 28.15 33.05

p-v $/unit 6.94 8.15 10.03

BEP = Q unit/y 42555 43427 41270

Revenue = p . Q Total Cost = TFC + v . Q

BEP  Q at Profit = 0  P Q = TFC + v Q
Q = TFC / (p-v)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 186
Risk study
Annual Demand change ±10%: Profit ratio = f (Annual demand)

Annual Demand Annual Demand Profit

Change (Unit/year) %
+ 10% 110000 21.6%
0 100000 20%
- 10% 90000 18%

Profit %
21.6 %

-10 % 0%
20 %
+10 % Annual
change %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 187

Annual Demand change ±10%:
0 % Change - 10% + 10%

Annual Demand = 100000 90000 110000

Unit Var. Cost = 17 $/unit

Total Variable Cost= 1700000 1530000 1870000

Total Fixed Cost = TFC = 295334 295334 295334

Total Cost = 1995334 1825334 2165334

Unit Price= 23.94

Total Revenue= 2394000 2154600 2633400

Profit Ratio = 20% 18% 21.6 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 188
Risk study
Unit Price change ±10%: Profit ratio = f (Unit Price)

Unit Price Unit Price Profit

Change $/unit %
+ 10% 26.334 32 %
0 23.94 20%
- 10% 21.546 8%

Profit %
32 %

-10 % 0%
20 %
+10 % Unit Price
change %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 189

Unit Price change ±10%:
0 % Change - 10% + 10%

Unit Price= 23.94 21.546 26.334

Annual Demand = 100000 100000 100000

Total Revenue= 2394000 2154600 2633400

Total Cost = 1995334 1995334 1995334

Profit Ratio = 20% 8% 32%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 190

Risk study
Material cost change ±10%: Profit ratio = f (Material cost)

Material Cost Material Cost Profit

Change $/unit %
+ 10% 8.8 15.3 %
0 8 20 %
- 10% 7.2 31.9%

Profit %

-10 % 0%
20 %
+10 % Material cost
change %
15.3 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 191

Material Cost change ±10%:
0 % Change - 10% + 10%

Unit Material Cost 8 $/unit 7.2 8.8

Other variable cost = 9 $/unit

Unit Variable cost 17 15.2 17.8

Annual Demand = 100000 100000 100000

Total Variable Cost= 1700000 1520000 1780000

Total Fixed Cost = TFC = 295334 295334 295334

Total Cost = 1995334 1815334 2075334

Total Revenue= 2394000 2394000 2394000

Profit Ratio = 20% 31.9% 15.3 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 192
Risk study

Profit Range

Main Parameter Profit Ratio

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
Annual Demand change ±10% 21.6% 20 % 18%
Unit Price change ±10% 32 % 20 % 8%
Material cost change ±10% 31.9% 20 % 15.3 %
Profit Range 32 % 20 % 8%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 193

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 194
Cost Analysis

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 195

Cost Types

• Direct Costs
Related ―Directly‖ to the project
ex. Labor hours, material, equipment,
food, travel. . .

• Indirect Costs Facilities & Administration (F&A)

Overhead used for more than one project
ex. Building rent, taxes, janitorial

Total Cost = Direct cost + Indirect Cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 196

Road Map  Cost Elements

Cost Material Cost Technical Labor Cost
(Measurable) Equipment Cost Subcontractor Cost

Indirect or = Overhead
(Expected) Operation Cost Inventory Cost
= (10-50%)
Material Handling Cost HSE Cost Technical
Training Cost Maintenance Cost

Office Cost overhead
Hidden Cost:
Unused Unsafe
capacity Conditions Know-how

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 197

Cost Estimation

Direct cost:
Material cost
Labor cost
Total direct Technical
Machine cost cost + overhead
Subcontractor cost
+ overhead

= Total cost + Profit

Or Price

Price – Total Cost = Profit

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 198

Direct cost:
Material cost
Labor cost Total direct cost Technical overhead
22,600 295,600 + = 20% direct cost
Machine cost
192,000 Manufacturing cost Office overhead
295,600*1.2 = 354720 + = 10% manuf. cost

Total cost = 390,192 LE

Production Quantity = 30 unit
Unit Cost = 390,192 /30 = 13006.4 $/unit
Unit Price = 15,000 $/unit Revenue = 15,000 * 30 = 450,000

Profit = TR – TC = = 450000 – 390192 = = + 59808 = = + 15.3 %TC

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 199

Cost Estimation: Future Cost  f (Historical Cost)
Cost Elements:
Cost  f (technical , performance, schedule)
Total direct cost (TDC)
 BOQ * Unit Cost Project level - Certain Value
Direct Materials cost
Direct Labor cost
Direct Equipment/Machine cost
Direct Sub-contract cost
Total indirect cost (overhead): Uncertain Value
oTechnical Overhead: (Testing, Safety, Maintenance, etc)
 Site (factory, process, project) overhead = (10-20%) TDCMulti-Projects
level (Ratio)
o Office (Managerial or General) overhead = (5-10 %) TDC (15-30%)

Risk estimation (for critical / uncertain/abnormal activities / items / resources)

Client\Owner  Change orders  (0 - 25%)TDC Uncertain Value
0  Routine items
Total cost = Direct cost + Indirect cost + Risk estimation
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 200
Pipe line: Non-Routine orders Building 1000 m:
• 10 m/d • 6 Month
• 100 m/d Relative Weights • 9 Month
• 500 • 12 Month
• 1000

Cost  f (technical , performance, schedule)

Tank: Welding: Product: 800 LE/m2: Pump: Pipeline: Scaffolding:

•Water • Horizontal Ton: • 100 m2 Water •Water •10 m
• Oil • Vertical • 0ne • 500 m2 Steam • Oil • 50 m
• Steam • Overhead • 10 • 1000 m2 Oil • Steam • 100 m
• Gas • Mixed • 1000 • 5000 m2 Fire • Gas • 200 m

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 201

Case Study
Scope of work: Steel Structure for Power Towers
Material type: St 37 Total weight 1000 ton
Information Collection & Analysis:

Resources Information:
• Labor productivity = 10 man-hour /ton

Direct cost elements:

• Material Cost rate = 4000 LE/ton
• Labor rate = 10 LE/hour
• Machining cost rate = 200 LE/ton
• Tools & Supplies cost rate = 50 LE/ton
• Painting cost rate = 20 LE/m2

Overhead cost elements:

• Tech. Overhead= 30%Total Direct Cost
• Office Overhead = 5% Manufacturing cost

Based on this information, discuss & analysis the project cost.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 202

Scope of work: Steel Structure for Power Towers 1000 ton
• Material Cost rate = 4000 LE/ton
• Material Cost = 4000*1000 = 4,000,000 LE
• Labor productivity = 10 m-h/ton
• Labor rate = 10 L.E/hour
• Labor cost = 10*10*1000 = 100,000 LE
• Machining cost rate = 200 LE/ton
• Machining cost = 200*1000 = 200,000 LE
• Tools & Supplies cost rate = 50 LE/ton
• Tooling cost = 50 *1000 = 50,000 LE
• Painting cost rate = 20 LE/m2
• Painting surface area = 20 m2/ton
• Painting Cost = 20 * 20 *1000 = 400,000 LE
• Total direct Cost = 4,750,000 LE
• Tech. Overhead= 30%Total Direct Cost = 1,425,000
• Manufacturing cost = 6,175,000
• Office Overhead = 5% Manufacturing cost = 308,750
• Total overhead = 1,425,000+308,750 = 1,733,750

Total Cost = 6,483,750 LE Unit Cost = 6,483.75 = 6,484 LE/ton

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 203

Rough Cut Estimation (Error < ± 10)
Type Electrical Mechanical Construction
& Asphalt
Labor 40% 30% 15%
Material 35% 40% 55%
Equipment 10% 15% 20%
Tech. Overhead 10% 10% 5%
Office Overhead 5% 5% 5%
Total Cost 100% 100% 100%

Type Power stations & Gas PL off Gas PL on

Labor 15% 15% 10%
Material 55% 40% 60%
Equipment 15% 20% 15%
Tech. Overhead 10% 20% 10%
Office Overhead 5% 5% 5%
Total Cost 100% 100% 100%
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 204
Gas Power Station = 10 MW
Vendor / Supplier Survey  5 to 15 MW 0.90 $M/MW
15 to 30 MW 0.85 $M/MW
30 to 60 MW 0.80 $M/MW
Material Cost  10 * 0.9 = 9.0 $M
Type Power stations Cost estimation

Labor 15% 0.15 * 9.0 /0.55 = 2.45

Material 55% $ 9.0 M
Equipment 15% 0.15 * 9.0 /0.55 = 2.45
Tech. Overhead 10% 0.10 * 9.0 /0.55 = 1.64
Office Overhead 5% 0.05 * 9.0 /0.55 = 0.82
Total Cost 100% $ 16.35 M (Error < ± 10)
Base Cost ~ $ 16.5 M
Base Price Profit ~ 10% $ 18.0 M

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 205

Office Building = 1500 M2
Material Survey  < 500 m2 200 $/M2
500 to 1000 M2 180 $/M2
1000 to 2000 M2 170 $/M2
Material Cost  1500 * 170 = 255,000 $

Type Building Cost estimation

Labor 15% 69,454

Material 55% 255,000
Equipment 15% 69,454
Tech. Overhead 10% 69,454
Office Overhead 5%
Total Cost 100% 463,636 (Error < ± 10)
Base Price 500,000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 206

Steel Tanks (Material St. 37)
Total Weights = 1000 ton
Material cost rate = 5000 LE/ton
Total material cost  5000 * 1000 = 5,000,000 LE

Type Building Cost estimation

Labor 15%
Material 55% 5,000,000
Equipment 15%
Tech. Overhead 10%
Office Overhead 5%
Total Cost 100% 9,090,909
Base Price 11,000,000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 207

Operational Cost Analysis: (Value & Ratio): (Annual Term)
Profit = Revenue – Total cost (5 to 20%)
Profitability % = 100 * Revenue / Total cost Main +
Internal Resource (Fixed cost) Utilization:

- Value Added reflects the internal resource utilization

= Internal resources + Profit or
= Revenue – External resources
% = 100 * Revenue / External resources

- Margin factor reflects the total overhead utilization

= Total Overhead + Profit
= Revenue - Total direct cost
% = 100 * Revenue / Total direct cost or
(135 to 175%)

- Markup factor reflects the office overhead utilization

= Office overhead + Profit
= Revenue – (Total direct cost + Technical OH)
% = 100 * Revenue / (Total direct cost + Technical OH)
(120 to 160%)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 208

Value Added reflects the internal resource utilization

= Internal resources + Profit

= Revenue – External resources

% = 100 * Revenue / External resources

External Facility Revenue

Internal Resources
• Material = 100 • Production profile= 100
• Subcontract = 200 • Price = 10 / unit

Total External Resource Revenue = 100 * 10 =1000

= 100+200 = 300

VA= 1000 – 300 = 700 or VA ratio = 1000/300 = 333 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 209
Value Added

External Facility Revenue

Internal Resources

• NG = 1M$/day • LNG = 5$M/day

VA= 5 – 1 = 4 $M/day  Good negotiation

Shutdown  Reduce from 10 day to 7 days

Process saving = (3 day) * (4 $M/day) = 12 $M 

Bonus = (100,000 $/day) * (3 day) = 300,000 $

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 210

Cost for a barrel of crude oil $ 82
 Value-added activates
42 gallons in a barrel 42 (eg: refinery, shipping,
service station)
Estimated cost of gasoline $1.95 / gallon
 Speculative purchases
Actual cost of gasoline $3.00 / gallon by investors
 Exorbitant collusion
Differential $1.05 / gallon
profits among producers


Added Tasks

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 211



Added Tasks

1. Share among your table the processes that you are responsible for.

2. Identify your value-added tasks.

3. Discuss how your processes impact others at your table.

4. Share with the class.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 212

Direct cost: Cost Estimation & Analysis
Material cost
Labor cost Total direct cost Technical overhead
Machine cost
+ = -- % direct cost

Manufacturing cost Office overhead

+ = -- % manuf. cost

Total cost = C
Unit Cost = Total Cost / Quantity

Unit Price = -- LE/unit Revenue = Unit Price * Quantity = R

Profit = R – C Value Added = R – ER Margin Factor =R – DC

Ratio = Profit/R Ratio = VA/R Ratio = MF/R

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 213

Direct cost: Cost Estimation & Analysis
Material cost
Labor cost Total direct cost Technical overhead
22,600 295,600 + = 20% direct cost
Machine cost
192,000 Manufacturing cost Office overhead
295,600*1.2 = 354720 + = 10% manuf. cost

Total cost = 390,192 LE

Production Quantity = 30 unit
Unit Cost = 390,192 /30 = 13006.4 $/unit
Unit Price = 15,000 $/unit Revenue = 15,000 * 30 = 450,000

Profit = TR – TC Value Added = R – ER Margin Factor = R – DC

= 450000 – 390192 = 450000 – 81000 = 450000 – 295,600
= + 59808 = + 369000 = + 154400
= + 15.3 %TC = + 450 %ER = + 52.2 %DC

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 214

Brain Storming:
Discuss the following figure.

Percent % Cost Analysis


Value Added
Margin factor




1990 1995 2000 2005
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 215
Value Analysis

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 216

Value Engineering



Safety Price

… etc.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 217
VE is a systematic problem-solving method VE


Value Engineering

Improving Customer Service

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 218
Value Engineering Employs Six Steps

• Information

• Creative

• Analysis

• Development

• Presentation

• Implementation

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 219

Product Development:

1. Work Breakdown structure

2. Functional Analysis
• B = Basic Function
• S = Support Function
3. Cost Analysis

4. Brainstorming
5. Development Alternatives
6. Value Analysis
7. Best Alternative
A Pencil
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 220
Function of a Pencil
Component Function(s) B S
Pencil Make Marks x
Eraser Remove Marks x
Band Secure Eraser x
Improve Appearance x
Wood Support Lead x
Transmit Force x
Display Info x

Paint Protect Wood x

Improve Appearance x
Logo Advertise Company x
Lead Make Marks x
Alternatives--Mechanical Pencil, Marker, Chalk, etc.
B = Basic Function
S = Support Function

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 221

Function of a Pencil
Component Function(s) B S Cost ($)
Pencil Make Marks x 0.40
Eraser Remove Marks x 0.05
Band Secure Eraser x 0.03
Improve Appearance x
Wood Support Lead x 0.09
Transmit Force x
Display Info x

Paint Protect Wood x 0.03

Improve Appearance x
Logo Advertise Company x 0.02
Lead Make Marks x 0.18

Alternatives--Mechanical Pencil, Marker, Chalk, etc.

B = Basic Function
S = Support Function

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 222

Value Analysis
―Tender / Proposal Evaluation‖
Supplier / Vendor / Contractor / Consultant
What is the Best for You?
Value analysis is a process that considers cost in the context
of other factors:
• Life-cycle cost
• Quality
• Durability
• Maintainability

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 223
Value Analysis Methods
What is Value?
“The value of an item must not be based on its price but
rather on the utility which it yields”
Bernoulli D. (1738)

Value for money = Function or Desired Performance




Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 224

Point Evaluation System:

Total Technical Points

Value Index =

Quality + Performance + HSE Q+P+H

Value Index = =
Cost C

Max. Value Index

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 225

Point Evaluation System:

Point Cost Index =
Total Technical Points

Cost C
Point Cost = =
Quality + Performance + HSE Q+P+H

Min. Point Cost Index

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 226

For example:
Price Value

X Point/$ Value=
+ Revenue + Quality


X $/Point Cost

+ Revenue + Quality

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 227

Value Analysis

Procurement Project

Supplier & Vendor Main Contractor / Contractor / Subcontractor

1. Price 1. Price 1. Price

2. Technical Specs 2. Technical Specs 2. Technical Specs
3. Lead Time 3. Duration 3. Duration
4. Management Approach 4. Grade (1 to 7)
5. Past Experience 5. Past Experience

Relative Weight
Criticality Level (A, B, C, D)  Safety, Process Effect, or Daily Rate
A Super Critical B  Critical C Medium D  Normal

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 228

What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?

Price Delivery Quality

Performance to Product reliability

Total product cost
schedule and consistency

KPIs are measurements of a supplier or service provider‘s

performance in key activity areas

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 229

Supplier Performance System

3x3 Performance Metrics

Excellent Average Unacceptable

Parameter Offers
A •B C
Quality E A A
Delivery A E E
Price A A E

Evaluation A A E

Not Measurable  Not Accurate

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 230
Value Analysis
Main Steps:
1. Scope of work
2. Objectives
3. Main Parameters
4. Rating system
5. Data )offers, types, … etc.(
6. Information collection
7. Solution approach
8. Best solution
9. Presentation
10. Excel file
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 231
Rating System
Evaluation  (Scale 010 )
Main Relative
Parameter weight 0 6 8 10
Bad Accepted Good Very Good

P1 w1
x x x x

P2 w2
x x x x

P3 w3
x x x x

P4 w4
x x x x
6  Minimum Requirements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 232
Information Collection
Main Parameter
Offer / Type Price
P1 P2 P3 P4

I $
x x x x

II $
x x x x

x x x x

IV $
x x x x

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 233

Case Study:
A manager is trying to decide between four air condition systems
(A,B,C,D) for a computer lab; area 10 m * 14 m * 4 m; maximum
budget 28000 LE. Air Condition rate 1 HP / (8 to 10) m2
Rating System:
Main Relative Scale
Parameter weight 0 6 8 10
Maintainability 4 - C,D B A
Quality & Safety 3 - D B,C A
Electrical Consumption 2 - D B,C A
Design & View 1 - C,D B A
Brand 1 - C,D B A
Cost Information (LE):
HP Type
3 6000 5800 5700 5600
4 7000 6700 6550 6500
5 7600 7200 7000 6800
6 8000 7500 7200 7000
Based on this information, discuss & select the best type.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 234
Case Study:
Total Area = 10 m * 14 m = 140 m2 Height = 4 m;
Power = 140/10 = 14 HP

Cost Information (LE): Maximum budget = 28000 LE.

HP Number Total Total Cost
3 5 15 30000 29000 28600 28000
4 4 16 28000 26800 2620 26000
5 3 15 22800 21600 21000 20400
6 3 18 24000 22500 21600 21000

Technical Rating System:

Main Relative Type
Parameter weight A B C D
Maintainability 4 10 8 6 6
Quality & Safety 3 10 8 8 6
Electrical Cons. 2 10 8 8 6
Design & View 1 10 8 6 6
Brand 1 10 8 6 6
Total Points 110 88 76 66

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 235

Value Matrix = Function / Price
HP Number Total Value Index
3 5 15 X X X 2.3
4 4 16 3.9 3.3 2.9 2.5
5 3 15 4.8 4.0 3.6 3.2
6 3 18 2.5 3.9 3.5 3.1
Value Ratio
HP Number Total Ratio, %
3 5 15 X X X 47.90
4 4 16 81.25 68.75 60.40 52.00
5 3 15 100.0 83.30 75.00 66.66
6 3 18 54.10 81.25 72.90 64.58

Best Solution:
The best type based on value analysis results is A (5 HP * 3 unit) with
price of 22800 LE.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 236

Brain Storming: Selecting Flooring Materials
You would like to cover your apartment‘s floor with suitable materials .

Main Parameter P1 P2 P3
Description Health and Safety Appearance Easy to clean
Relative Weight 4 3 2

Material Type Price Main Parameters

LE/m2 P1 P2 P3
A- Ceramic 50 6 6 8
B- Wood 100 10 10 10
C- Granite 80 8 8 10

Based on this information, discuss & select the best type.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 237

Criticality Analysis

Safety Process Financial

Effect Effect Effect

Major Effect or Minor Effect

(A) Super Critical,

(B) Critical,

(C) Medium,
(D) Normal.

Local effect, System effect, Plant effect

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 238
Spare Parts Criticality Analysis
Centrifugal Pump Criticality
HSE Effect (System level)
Drain system C
Major Water system B
Minor Crud oil system A

Steam system A
Fire-fighting system A

(B) Critical Equipment (Planned)


Standby Non-Critical
Without With
(C) (D)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 239
Project Criticality Analysis - Safety effect
Safety Effect - Process effect
- Daily Rate ($/day)


Process Critical Project




Daily Rate
High Low
(C) (D)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 240
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 241
Case Study: Tender Evaluation

Class (A) Class (B) Class (C)

Parameter Weight (point)
1. Price 6 12 20
2. Technical Specs 12 8 4
3. Past Experience 8 8 4
4. Reputation 4 2 2

5. Duration (Fixed) ---- ---- ----

6. Grade (1 to 7) 1 or 2 1 to 4 1 to 6

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 242

Supplier or Vendor Evaluation
Relative Weight Point Evaluation System:
Total Index = Price Points * F1 + Technical Points * F2

Max. Total Index

Most Common:
Criticality Level
Level A B C D
F1= Price or Cost 10 20 35 50
F2= Technical 90 80 65 50
or Min. Cost Rule
A= Catastrophic B = Critical C= Medium D= Normal

Technical Relative Weight

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 243
Case Study: Assume you have to buy 10 new similar car, and the offers are as follows:
Item (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
BMW Merc Honda Matrix Opel Toyota Lancer Chery
Price (1000 LE) 260 400 140 100 130 140 110 50
Technical par.
Safety/Stability 8 10 8 6 8 8 6 0
Options 10 10 8 6 8 8 6 6
Fuel consumption 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8
Maintainability 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 0
Engine Capacity 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8
Brand & Style 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 0
Model / Year 2008
Relative Weight matrix (relative priority from 1 to 3):
Parameter Safety Options Fuel Maintain- Engine Brand &
con. ability capacity Style
Weight 3 2 3 3 1 1
Technical weight 80% Price weight 20%
Evaluation rules:
Maximum budget = 2,000,000 LE Accepted Technical points > 6
Based on this information, discuss & select the best Car.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 244
Item (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
BMW Merc Honda Matrix Opel Toyota Lancer Chery
Price (1000 LE) 260 400 140 100 130 140 110 50
Technical par.
Safety/Stability 8 10 8 6 8 8 6 0
Options 10 10 8 6 8 8 6 6
Fuel consumption 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8
Maintainability 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 0
Engine Capacity 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8
Brand & Style 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 0
Model / Year 2008

Weight matrix (relative priority from 1 to 3):

Parameter Safety Options Fuel Maintain- Engine Brand &
con. ability capacity Style
Weight 3 2 3 3 1 1
Technical weight 80% Price weight 20%
Evaluation rules:
Maximum budget = 2,000,000 LE Accepted Technical points > 6
Based on this information, discuss & select the best Car.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 245
Item Points Honda Opel Toyota
Price (1000 LE) 140 130 140
Price points 100 130/140 130/130 130/140
= 93 =100 =93
Technical points: R. weight
Safety/Stability 3 8 8 8
Options 2 8 8 8
Fuel consumption 3 10 10 10
Maintainability 3 8 8 10
Engine Capacity 1 10 8 8
Brand & Style 1 8 8 8
Tech. points 112 110 116
100 112/116= 110/116= 116/116=
96.5 94.8 100
Proposal Evaluation:
Price points 100 93 100 93
Tech. points 100 96.5 94.8 100
0.8 *Tech. +0.2 * Price 100 95.80 95.84 98.6

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 246

Conclusion: ―One Page Management‖
1) Subject Description:
Buy 10 new similar car – Model/year 2008
2) Analysis:
Item Accepted offers Rejected offers
Honda Opel Toyota Over budget Technical
Price (1000LE) 140 130 140 BMW Matrix
Technical index % 96.5 94.8 100 Merc. Lancer
Value Index %


3) Recommendation: The best options are:

1) 2) 3)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 247
Case Study: Assume you have to buy a new crane 300 ton, and the offers are as follows:
Item A B C D E
Initial cost (M $) 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.0 1.2
Life, year 12 12 10 8 10
Salvage (% initial cost) 15% 15% 12% 10% 12%
Technical parameters
• Safety/Stability 10 10 8 6 8
• Options 8 10 8 6 8
• Fuel consumption 10 10 10 8 8
• Maintainability 10 10 8 8 8
• Engine Type 10 10 8 6 8
• Brand & Style 8 10 8 0 0
Weight matrix (relative priority from 1 to 4):
Parameter Safety Options Fuel Maintain- Engine Brand &
con. ability type Style
Weight 4 2 2 3 2 1
Evaluation rules: Maximum budget = 1.5 M$ Accepted Technical points > = 6
Technical weight 80% Price weight 20%
Based on this information, discuss & select the best crane.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 248
B is over budget D,E are technical rejected (Brand & style <6)

Item Points A B C D E
Annual Depreciation (SL) 0.1063 0.1232
Price points 100 100 86.24

Technical parameters
• Safety/Stability 4 10 8
• Options 2 8 8
• Fuel consumption 2 10 10
• Maintainability 3 10 8
• Engine Type 2 10 8
• Brand & Style 1 8 8
Tech. points 134 116
100 100 86.57
0.8 *Tech. +0.2 * Price 100 86.5
Offer (A) is the best one

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 249

Or B is over budget D,E are technical rejected (Brand & style <6)

Item Points A B C D E
Annual Present Worth
Price points 100

Technical parameters
• Safety/Stability 4 10 8
• Options 2 8 8
• Fuel consumption 2 10 10
• Maintainability 3 10 8
• Engine Type 2 10 8
• Brand & Style 1 8 8
Tech. points 134 116
100 100 86.57
0.8 *Tech. +0.2 * Price

Offer (A) is the best one

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 250

Conclusion: ―One Page Management‖
1) Subject Description:
Buy a crane 300 ton
2) Analysis:
Item Accepted offers Rejected offers
A C Over budget Technical
Initial cost (M$)
Technical index %
Total Value Index %
Strength Points

Weakness Points

3) Recommendation: The best options are:

1) A 2) C
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 251
Conclusion: ―One Page Management‖
1) Subject Description:
Buy a crane 300 ton
2) Analysis:
Item Accepted offers Rejected offers
A C Over budget Technical
Initial cost (M$) 1.5 1.4 B D,E
Technical index % 100 86.57 1.8 M$ (0) Brand
Total Value Index % 100 86.5 & Style
Strength Points

Weakness Points

3) Recommendation: The best options are:

1) A 2) C
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 252
Contractor Evaluation Policy
Scope of work  Project xxxxx
Technical Parameters:
Scale ( 0  10 )
Parameter Scale Rejected Fair Good Excellent
0 6 8 10
Price $M 10
Technical Approach 10 Specific
Management Approach 10
Past Performance 10 Measurable

6  Minimum Requirements

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 253

Contractor Evaluation  Project  Duration

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

A  10 50 20 20
B  30 40 15 15
C  50 30 10 10
D  70 20 5 5
A= Catastrophic B = Critical C= Medium D= Normal

Total Index = PR*F1 + TA* F2 + MA*F3 + PP*F4

PR, TA, MA & PP Point system (1 to 10)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 254
Main Requirements:

• Technical Proposal

• Price Proposal

• Management Approach Report

• Past Experience Report

Submit a hard copy original with the signatures and one

copy for each

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 255

Case Study:

Power Station Project

A Catastrophic

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

A  10 50 20 20
Total Index = PR*0.1 + TA* 0.5 + MA*0.2+ PP*0.2
PR, TA, MA & PP Point system (1 to 10)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 256

Case Study:

Gas Pipe Line Project

A Catastrophic

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

A  10 50 20 20

Total Index = PR*0.1 + TA* 0.5 + MA*0.2+ PP*0.2

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 257

Case Study:

Oil Pipe Line Project

B Critical

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

B 30 40 15 15

Total Index = PR*0.3 + TA* 0.4 + MA*0.15+ PP*0.15

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 258

Case Study:

Water Pipe Line Project

C  Medium

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

C  50 30 10 10

Total Index = PR*0.5 + TA* 0.3 + MA*0.1+ PP*0.1

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 259

Case Study:

Office Building Project

D  Normal

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

D 50 30 10 10

Total Index = PR*0.5 + TA* 0.3 + MA*0.1+ PP*0.1

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 260

Parameter Description:
Evaluation  (Scale 010 )
0 6 8 10
Bad Accepted Good Very Good
X X x x

X x x x

x x x X
6  Minimum Requirements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 261
Management Approach Evaluation:
Parameter Weight
0 6 8 10
Bad Accepted Good Very Good
Organization 6
Project Manager 4
Project Manager 3
is Certified
Project Team 4
Presentation On 3
6  Minimum Requirements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 262
Past Performance Evaluation
Parameter Weig
ht 0 6 8 10
Bad Accepted Good Very Good
Experience 3 None

Field 2 None

Scale 2 None

6  Minimum Requirements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 263
Technical Approach Evaluation
Parameter Weight
0 6 8 10
Bad Accepted Good Very Good

6  Minimum Requirements
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 264
Project / Contractor
Case Study:
Project overview: 7 MW Power Station for X-Petroleum Site

5 Proposals
Price $M 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0

Technical 8/10 8/10 8/10 10/10 10/10

Management 6/10 6/10 8/10 8/10 10/10
Past 0/10 6/10 8/10 8/10 10/10
6  Minimum Requirements
Evaluation rules:
Maximum budget = $ 9 M Accepted parameters > = 6/10

Based on this information, discuss & select the best proposal.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 265
Management Approach:
0 6 8 10
Bad Fair Good Very Good
1) Organisation Structure 6 8 6 10 10
2) Leader Skills (CVs) 6 6 8 8 10
3) Worker Skills (CVs) 10 6 10 8 10
4) QC/QA Management 8 6 8 8 10
5) Safety Management 6 6 8 8 10
6) Resources Mobilisation 6 6 8 6 10
7) Documentation Quality 6 6 8 10 10
8) Quality Manual 6 10 8 8 10
9) Quality of the Co-ordination 0 0 8 6 10
10) Quality of the Support Action 6 6 8 8 10
Overall score  100 Points 60 60 80 80 100
 10 Points 6 6 8 8 10
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 266
Past Experience:
0 6 8 10
Bad Fair Good Very Good
Non Ok Ok Ok
but not in the & in the same & Petroleum
same field field contractor
Different Scale Different Scale Same Scale

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 267

Project overview: 7 MW Power Station

Price $M 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
(over $)
Technical 8/10 8/10 8/10 10/10 10/10
Management 6/10 6/10 8/10 8/10 10/10
Past 0/10 6/10 8/10 8/10 10/10
Performance (not)

Evaluation rules:
Maximum budget = $ 9 M Accepted parameters > = 6/10

Based on this information, discuss & select the best proposal.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 268

Relative Weight :

Power Station Project

A Catastrophic

Total Index

Price Technical Management Past

Approach Approach Performance

A  10 50 20 20
Total Index = PR*0.1 + TA* 0.5 + MA*0.2+ PP*0.2
All indicators (PR, TA, MA & PP) from (1 to 10) Scale  Relative

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 269

Project overview: 7 MW Power Station

Price $M Best price 10/10 10*7.5/8.0= 10*7.5/9.0=
10*7.5/7.5 = 10 9.375 8.333
Technical 8/10 8/10 10/10
Management 6/10 8/10 8/10
Past 6/10 8/10 8/10

Total Index

Total Index = PR*0.1 + TA* 0.5 + MA*0.2+ PP*0.2

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 270
Project overview: 7 MW Power Station

Price $M 10 9.375 8.333

Technical 8 8 10
Management 6 8 8
Past 6 8 8

Total Index 7.4 8.14 9.03

The best offer

Total Index = PR*0.1 + TA* 0.5 + MA*0.2+ PP*0.2

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 271
Conclusion: ―One Page Management‖
1) Subject Description:

2) Analysis:
Item A B C D E



3) Recommendation:

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 272

Financial Analysis

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 273

Financial Analysis


NPV Net Present value BEP Break even point

IRR Internal rate of return

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 274

Cash Flows for Project

Cash Flow



Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 275

Cash Flow - Timing

End of project:
Salvage Value
Annual Revenues/Savings

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TIME

Time zero:

Initial Investment

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 276

Project Cash Flow Analysis

P (-)

i = Interest rate (%) n = Life time (year)

P = Present value  Value at time = 0
F= Future value  Value at time > 0
A= Annual uniform value  Equal value over time

• Interest rate  Certain bank  i% given

• Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MART)
• Internal Rate return  Cash In/out for Certain project
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 277
Project Financial Analysis

Short & Medium term: (< 2 years)

• Cost/Benefit Analysis ―Profit Index or Benefits/cost ratios (1.3 to 1.8)”
• Pay back period *

Long term: "Time is Money―, )>= 2 years)

• Net present value *  Profitability Index
• Annual present value
• Future present value
• Internal rate of return *
• Break even analysis

* The three most popular investment decision tools

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 278
Profitability Index

• Allows a comparison of the costs and benefits of different

projects to be assessed and thus allow decision making to be
carried out

Net Present Value

Profitability Index = ---------------------------
Initial Capital Cost

PI < 1.0  Losses  Rejected (or Service project)

PI = 1.0  Break even point  short term
PI > 1.0  Profit  Accepted (>1.2)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 279
Engineering Industry Average:

• Recovery factor  (0.8 to 0.9) Total capacity

• Base Price  80 % Most Common Price (Mode)
• Pay back period  3 to 7 years
• Net present value  Profitability Index >= 1.2
• Internal rate of return  IRR > MARR
• Break even point  Economic limit Production rate

Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) =

Best Banking i% + (2 to 8 %) ~ 15%
Catastrophic Case  Health effect (Cement)  MARR > 20%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 280

Oil / Gas Projects:
• Recovery factor  (0.4 to 0.7) Total capacity
• Base Price  50 % Most Common Price (Mode)
• Pay back period  5 to 10 year
• Net present value  Profitability Index >= 1.3
• Internal rate of return  IRR > MARR
• Break even point  Economic limit Production rate

Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) =

Best Banking i% + (5 to 15%) ~ 20%
Catastrophic Case  Iraq  MARR > 30%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 281

Benefit/Cost Ratio & Payback Period

These two approaches have a common problem.

They do not take into consideration the


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 282

The Process of Cost/Benefit Analysis
Calculate the costs
•One time costs
•Ongoing or Repeated Costs
•Opportunity costs
Calculate the Return on
Investment = ROI
= Benefits/Costs × 100%
Calculate the Benefits
•One time benefits
•Ongoing or Benefits
•Improved Services

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 283

Benefit/Cost Ratio
Simply put it is the financial value of the benefit divided by the
financial cost.

($Benefit / $Cost) = (1.3 to 1.8)


Project Benefit = $ 7,000 (Total Cash In)

Project Cost = $ 5,000 (Total Cash Out)
Benefit/Cost Ratio = 1.4 (Profitability )

($Benefit / $Cost) = (1.3 to 1.8)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 284

Payback Period:
Payback period is the length of time, usually expressed in years or
fractions there of, needed for a firm to recover its initial investment
on a project.

Initial Project Expense = $5,000

Year 1 $1,000 ($4,000)
Year 2 $2,000 ($2,000)
Year 3 $2,000 $0
Year 4 $2,000 $2,000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 285


Cash flow: $1000

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Cost 1,000 150 150 150 150

Benefit 0 500 500 500 500

Difference (1000) 350 350 350 350

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 286

Payback Period
The number of years it takes before the cumulative forecasted cash flow equals
the initial investment.

Example: $350 $350 $350 $350

1 2 3 4

Payback Period (Investment) = 3 years

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 287

To find Given Symbol Factor

P (t=0) F (t>0) (P/F, i, n) (1+i)-n

F (t>0) P (t=0) (F/P, i, n) (1+i)n

P (t=0) A (equal (P/A, i, n) {(1+i)n -1}/{i (1+i)n }

over time)
A P (A/P, i, n) {i (1+i)n } / {(1+i)n -1}

F A (F/A, i, n) {(1+i)n -1}/ i

A F (A/F, i, n) i / {(1+i)n -1}

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 288

Basic Time Value of Money Calculations

To convert future value to present value:

P = F [ 1 / (1 + i)n ]

P = F [P/F, i , n)

P = Present value
F = Future value
i = (interest) rate of return
n = number of units of time
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 289
Basic Time Value of Money Calculations: Example

Calculate the present value of $1.00 to be

paid (or collected) 5-years from now
assuming an interest rate of 8%. Set it up
as follows:

P = 1.00
(1 + .08)5

Thus: $0.68

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 290

Net Present Value
Net Present Value (NPV) is a means to calculate
whether the public sector organization will be better or
worse off if it make a capital investment. It does so by
adding the present value of outflows and the present
value of inflows. It shows the value of a stream of future
cash flows discounted back to the present by some
percentage that represents the minimum desired rate of
return, often called the cost of capital.

NPV = PV Inflows – PV Outflows

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 291
The Net Present Value Method: Summary

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 292

Net Present Value Calculation


Some amount of money

Divided by

(1 + interest rate)n
Where “n” equals the number of periods

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 293

Net Present Value
The Value of a Future $1

Discount rate (d): 10% 20% 30% 40%

Years into future (n)
1 .9091 .8333 .7692 .7142
2 .8264 .6944 .5917 .5102 value
3 .7513 .5787 .4552 .3644 factors
4 .6830 .4823 .3501 .2603
5 .6209 .4019 .2693 .1859
10 .3855 .1615 .0725 .0346
20 .1486 .0261 .0053 .0012
30 .0573 .0042 .0004 .0000

Handout: Table with discount rates

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 294
Net Present Value (NPV)

Converting Cash Flows to Present Value

Annual Savings End of project

= ??
= ??
= ??
$38,463 $38,463 $38,463

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TIME

Time zero:
Initial Investment = $105,000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 295

Net Present Value
Interest rate of 12%.
$350 $350 $350 $350

1 2 3 4

NPV Investment 
350 350 350 350
 1,000   2
 3

1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 4
 1,000  350  0.89  350  0.80  350  0.71  350  0.64
 63

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 296

Evaluating Capital Investment Proposals: An Illustration
A Company is considering purchasing
a machine with a 5-year life.

Cost and revenue information

Machine cost $ 75,000
Revenue $ 84,375
Cost of goods sold 50,625
Gross profit $ 33,750
Cash operating costs $ 3,350
Depreciation 14,000 17,350
Pretax income $ 16,400
Income tax 6,400
After-tax income $ 10,000

($75,000 - $5,000) ÷ 5 years

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 297
Net Present Value

$350 $350 $350 $350

1 2 3 4

NPV Investment 
350 350 350 350
 1,000    
1.12 1.12 2 1.123 1.12 4
 1,000  350  0.89  350  0.80  350  0.71  350  0.64
 63

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 298

Internal Rate of Return - Decision Criteria

The decision rule is: Accept the project when the internal rate of return is
equal to or greater than the required rate of return. Reject the project when
the internal rate of return is less than the required rate.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 299
The Internal Rate of Return Method: Summary

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 300

Internal Rate of Return

You can purchase a building for $350,000. The investment
will generate $16,000 in cash flows (i.e. rent) during the first
three years. At the end of three years you will sell the
building for $450,000. What is the IRR on this investment?

16,000 16,000 466,000

0   350,000   
(1  IRR ) 1
(1  IRR ) 2
(1  IRR ) 3

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 301

Internal Rate of Return
The rate of return that yields a Net Present Value of zero.

$350 $350 $350 $350

1 2 3 4

350 350 350 350

    1,000  0  IRR  0.15
1  IRR (1  IRR ) (1  IRR ) (1  IRR )
2 3 4

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 302

Internal Rate of Return

You can purchase a building for $350,000. The investment
will generate $16,000 in cash flows (i.e. rent) during the first
three years. At the end of three years you will sell the
building for $450,000. What is the IRR on this investment?

16,000 16,000 466,000

0   350,000   
(1  IRR ) 1
(1  IRR ) 2
(1  IRR ) 3

IRR = 12.96%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 303

Internal Rate of Return


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 304

Example : New Car
Period Cash 2 Years 2 Years
0 90,000 50,000 40,000
1 - 25,000 35,000
2 - 25,000 35,000

Which offer should you accept and why?

(P/F, i, n) (1+i)-n

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 305

Example :
Period Project A Project B

0 -500 -400 The required

return for both
1 325 325 projects is 10%.
2 325 200

IRR 19.43% 22.17% Which project

should you accept
and why?
NPV 64.05 60.74

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 306

Case Study:
You can purchase a building for $350,000. The
investment will generate $16,000 in cash flows (i.e.
rent) during the first three years. At the end of three
years you will sell the building for $450,000.
What is the IRR on this investment?

Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) = 20%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 307


16 16 16


16,000 16,000 466,000

0  350,000   
(1  IRR ) (1  IRR ) (1  IRR )
1 2 3


IRR = 12.96%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 308

Case Study - Pump Replacement

- Pump 0.5 HP - Average Annual Costs are constant

- Interest rate is 4% - Life 10 years

1- Axial Pump 2- Centrifugal Pump

Model: 607-3 Model: 8000 Series Horizontal Centrifugal
Initial Cost: $4400 Self-Priming Pump
Annual Costs: $100 Initial Cost: $2464
Annual Costs: $400

3- Diaphragm Pump 4- Piston Plunger Pump

Model: 150 Frame Reciprocating Process
Model: LLC-1010 Pump -- 152R060
Initial Cost: $2399 Initial Cost: $61500
Annual Costs: $512 Annual Costs: $1790

Based on this information, discuss & select the best pump.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 309
Economic Analysis

Centrifugal Axial Piston Plunger Diaphragm

Initial Cost 2464 4400 61500 2399
Annual Costs 400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512

Based on this information, discuss & select the best pump.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 310
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 311
Economic Analysis
Centrifugal Axial Piston Plunger Diaphragm
Initial Cost 2464 4400 61500 2399
Annual Cost 400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
400 100 1790 512
Total NPW (4%) $5,584.54 $5,180.86 $75,461.06 $6,393.02
NPW = Net Present Worth

•Axial Flow Pump (Model 607-3) is the most cost effective model for our application.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 312

Case Study – An Engine
Suppose you intend to purchase a new engine, 3 types of engine
are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000

Life, year 12 12 12
Salvage value 0 0 0

Annual O & M Cost $ 3000 $ 2500 $2000

MARR is 15%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 313
Item Option A

First Cost $ 60,000

Life, year 12

Salvage value 0

Annual O & M Cost $ 3000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 314

A (12 year) B (12 year) C (12 year)
0 - Initial Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000
1- Annual Costs 3000 2500 2000

2- 3000 2500 2000

3- 3000 2500 2000
4- 3000 2500 2000
5- 3000 2500 2000
6- 3000 2500 2000
7- 3000 2500 2000
8- 3000 2500 2000
9- 3000 2500 2000
10- 3000 2500 2000
11- 3000 2500 2000
12- 3000 2500 2000
Total NPW (15%)
NPW = Net Present Worth

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 315

Case Study – An Engine
Suppose you intend to purchase a new engine, 3 types of engine
are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000

Life, year 12 12 12

Salvage value 10% First cost 10% First cost 10% First cost

Annual O & M Cost $ 3000 $ 2500 $2000

Overhaul #1 $ 5000 / 2 years $ 6000 / 3 years $ 7000 / 5 years

Overhaul #2 $ 8000 / 6 years $ 10,000 / 9 years $ 12,000 / 10 years

MARR is 15%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 316
Item Option A

First Cost $ 60,000

Life, year 12

Salvage value 10% First cost

Annual O & M Cost $ 3000

Overhaul #1 $ 5000 / 2 years

Overhaul #2 $ 8000 / 6 years


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

3000+ 3000+ 3000+ 3000+

5000 5000 5000 5000

3000+ 3000+
8000 8000


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 317

A (12 year) B (12 year) C (12 year)
0 - Initial Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000
1- Annual Costs 3000 2500 2000

2- 3000+5000=8000 2500+6000=8500 2000

3- 3000 2500 2000
4- 3000+5000=8000 2500 2000
5- 3000 2500+6000=8500 2000+7000 = 9000
6- 3000+8000=11000 2500 2000
7- 3000 2500 2000
8- 3000+5000=8000 2500+10000=12500 2000
9- 3000 2500 2000
10- 3000+5000=8000 2500 2000+12000 = 14000
11- 3000 2500+6000=8500 2000
12- 3000 -6000= - 3000 2500-7000= - 4500 2000-8000 = -6000
Total NPW (15%)

NPW = Net Present Worth

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 318
Case Study – An Engine
Suppose you intend to purchase a new engine, 3 types of engine
are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000

Life, year 12 15 20

Salvage value 10% First cost 10% First cost 10% First cost

Annual O & M Cost $ 3000 $ 2500 $2000

Overhaul #1 $ 5000 / 2 years $ 6000 / 3 years $ 7000 / 5 years

Overhaul #2 $ 8000 / 6 years $ 10,000 / 9 years $ 12,000 / 10 years

MARR is 15%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 319
A (12 year) B (15 year) C (20 year)
0 - Initial Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000
1- Annual Costs 3000 2500 2000

2- 3000+5000=8000 2500+6000=8500 2000

3- 3000 2500 2000
4- 3000+5000=8000 2500 2000
5- 3000 2500+6000=8500 2000+7000 = 9000
6- 3000+8000=11000 2500 2000
7- 3000 2500 2000
8- 3000+5000=8000 2500+10000=12500 2000
9- 3000 2500 2000
10- 3000+5000=8000 2500 2000+12000 = 14000
11- 3000 2500+6000=8500 2000
12- 3000 -6000= - 3000 2500 2000
13- ---- 2500 2000
14- ---- 2500+6000=8500 2000
15- ---- 2500-7000= - 4500 2000+7000 = 9000
16- ---- ---- 2000
17- ---- ---- 2000
18- ---- ---- 2000
19- ---- ---- 2000
20- ---- ---- 2000-8000 = -6000

NAW = Net Annual Worth

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 320
Main Steps: Not Equal life, (12, 15, 20 year)
All (P,F,A)  P  Sum NPW  NAW (Net Annual Worth)

Life, year 12 15 20
NAW NPW (A/P, 15%, 12) NPW (A/P, 15%, 15) NPW (A/P, 15%, 20)

To find Given Symbol Factor

P (t=0) F (t>0) (P/F, i, n) (1+i)-n
A P (A/P, i, n) {i (1+i)n } / {(1+i)n -1}

NAW = Net Annual Worth

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 321
A (12 year) NPW  (T=0  P=P & T>0  (P/F,i%,n)
0 - Initial Cost 60000 60000
1- Annual Costs 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,1) =
2- 8000 8000 (P/F, 15%,2) =
3- 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,3) =
4- 8000 8000 (P/F, 15%,4) =
5- 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,5) =
6- 11000 11000 (P/F, 15%,6) =
7- 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,7) =
8- 8000 8000 (P/F, 15%,8) =
9- 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,9) =
10- 8000 8000 (P/F, 15%,10) =
11- 3000 3000 (P/F, 15%,11) =
12- - 3000 - 3000 (P/F, 15%,12) =
13- ----
NPW Sum =
NAW NPW (A/P, 15%,12)

NPW  NAW = Net Annual Worth

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 322

Relative Weights
Suppose you intend to purchase a new engine, 3 types of engine
are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost 60 70 80

Life, year 12 15 20

Salvage value 10% First cost 10% First cost 10% First cost

Annual O & M Cost 3.0 2.5 2.0

Overhaul #1 5 / 2 years 6 / 3 years 7 / 5 years

Overhaul #2 8 / 6 years 10 / 9 years 12/ 10 years

MARR is 20%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 323
Case Study – An Engine
Suppose you intend to purchase a new engine, 3 types of engine
are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost $ 60,000 $ 70,000 $ 80,000

Life, year 12 15 20

Salvage value 10% First cost 10% First cost 10% First cost

Annual O & M Cost 1200 + 500* T 1100 + 400 * T 1000 + 300 * T

Overhaul #1 $ 5000 / 2 years $ 6000 / 3 years $ 7000 / 5 years

Overhaul #2 $ 8000 / 6 years $ 10,000 / 9 years $ 12,000 / 10 years

MARR is 15%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 324
Ex. #1 – A New Car
Suppose you intend to own a new car:

Item Option A Option B Option C

Paying Cash Debt Financing Debt Financing

Cash due at signing $ 31,000 $ 4,500 $ 4,500

Monthly Payment - $ 1250 $ 800

Length - 24 month 42 month

Total $ 31,000 34,500 38,100

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 325

Ex. #2 – An Oil well
An oil well has a proven reserve of 10,000,000 barrels.

Suppose that the oil well is expected to produce 1,000,000 barrels

of oil during its first year in production. However, its subsequent
production (yield) is expected to decrease by 10% over the
previous year’s production.

Suppose that the price of oil is expected to be $60 per barrel for
the next several years & Annual interest rate is 12%.

What would be the present worth of the anticipated revenue

stream over the Ten years?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 326

Ex. #3– A Tower
Suppose you intend to purchase & install a new tower, 3 types of
towers are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

Equipment Cost $ 110,000 $ 100,000 $ 90,000

Installation Cost $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000

Annual O & M Cost $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 3,000

Life 40 35 30

Salvage value 0 0 0

MARR is 20%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 327

Ex. #4 – A Gas Turbine
Suppose you intend to purchase a new gas turbine, 3 types of
turbine are available on the market:

Item Option A Option B Option C

First Cost $ 1,500,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 2,000,000

Life, year 18 18 20

Salvage value $ 50,000 $ 80,000 $ 100,000

Annual O & M Cost $ 30,000 $ 25,000 $20,000

Overhaul #1 $ 20,000 / 2 years $ 25,000 / 3 years $ 35,000 / 4 years

Overhaul #2 $ 70,000 / 6 years $ 80,000 / 9 years $ 90,000 /12 years

MARR is 20%

Which financing option is a better choice?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 328
Ex. #5 – Payment Conditions
Suppose you are a project manager for a long term project,

(Cash Out) (Cash In)

Year Master Plan ($) Payment Payment

Condition (A) Condition (B)

0 - $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000

1 $ 3,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000

2 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000

3 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000

4 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 3,500,000

Total $ 4,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,500,000

Which financing option is a better choice?  IRR only

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 329
Ex. #6 – A New Product
Suppose a firm is considering manufacturing a new product and
the following data have been provided:
Sales price $ 12.5 / unit

Equipment cost $ 200,000

Overhead cost $ 50,000 / year

Operating & Maintenance Cost $ 25 / operating hour

Production time 0.1 hour / unit

Planning horizon 5 years

Salvage value 0

MARR 15 %

Discuss & Analysis the annual production quantity .

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 330

12.5 X

0 5
0.1 (25) X

X = Annual production quantity = Annual sales

The Annual worth = Annual profit = AW =
-200,000 (A/P, 15%,5) - $ 50,000 - 0.1 (25) X + 12.5 X
-Aw = - 109,660 + 10 X
X 0 1000 5000 10,000 15,000

- Break even point =
10,966 unit/year

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 331
Ex. #7 – A New Machine
A manager is trying to decide between two power stations
Item Turbine Turbine
Cost elements: ($M)
Initial cost 20 22
Annual operating 0.5 0.3
Annual maintenance cost 0.3 0.2
Annual labor cost 0.15 0.1

Capacity (MW) 20 20
Life, years 15 20
Salvage value 2 3

MARR 15% per year,

Based on this information, discuss & select the best machine.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 332
A company needs a part which is currently purchased for LE 110/unit.
When studying the possibility of manufacturing the part, the company found that
two alternative processes (A or B) are available.
Item Process A Process B
– First cost (LE) 370,000 300,000
– Life (year) 10 12
– Salvage value (LE) 70,000 60,000
– First cost (LE) 30,000 --
– Life (year) 3
– Salvage value (LE) zero
Material Cost (LE/unit) 9 13
Technical Workers:
– Numbers 2 2
– Rate (LE/hour) 5 5
– Output (Unit/hour) 10 20
Annual overhead “Fixed” (LE/year) 150,000 120,000

What is the optimum decision to be taken by the company?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 333
Total Fixed Cost
Item Process A Process B
New Machine:
Machine Depreciation (370,000-70,000)/10 (300,000-60,000)/12
(LE/year) =30,000 =20,000
Tools Depreciation (30,000-zero)/2 --
(LE/year) =15,000
Annual overhead (LE/y) 150,000 120,000
Total Fixed Cost 195,000 140,000
Unit Variable Cost
Material Cost (LE/unit) 9 13
Labor (LE/unit) 2 * 5/10 = 1 2 * 5 / 20 = 0.5
Unit Variable Cost 10 5.13

Total Cost (LE/y) TC =195,000+10 Q TC =140,000+13.5 Q

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 334

3 Alternatives

1) Purchase 2) Process A 3) Process B

Fixed cost -- 195,000 140,000

Variable cost 10 Q 13.5 Q

Total Cost TC = 110 Q TC =195,000+10 Q TC =140,000+13.5 Q

Quantity Q < 1451 Q > 15715 1451 < Q > 15715

BEP (P,B) 110 Q = 140,000+13.5 Q Q=1451

BEP (A,B) 195,000+10 Q = 140,000+13.5 Q Q=15715

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 335

Fixed cost - Process A

Fixed cost - Process B


Purchase Process B Process A

Lowest cost process

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 336

Case Study:
A manager is trying to decide between two CNC machines
Item Unit Machine Machine
Initial cost $ 300,000 500,000

Annual operating $/year 50,000 40,000

Annual routine maintenance $/year 20,000 15,000
Annual labor cost $/year 30,000 20,000
Overhaul (capital maintenance) $ 30,000 /2 yr 20,000 /3 yr
Annual production quantity Unit/year 11,000 15,000
Rejected ratio (defect rate) % 3 2
Unit price $/unit 25 25
Life Year 3 4
Salvage value ratio % initial cost 10 15

Based on this information, discuss & select the best machine.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 337
Model Answer:

A manager is trying to decide between two CNC machines

Item Unit Machine Machine
Cost Elements (-):
Initial cost $ 300,000 500,000
Total Annual cost $/year 100,000 75,000
Overhaul (capital maintenance) $ 30,000 /2 yr 20,000 /3 yr

Annual Revenue $/year 266,750 367,500

Life Year 3 4
Salvage value ratio % initial cost 10 15

Based on this information, discuss & select the best machine.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 338

Machine (A)
Year 0 1 2 3 4
Cost (-) 300,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 -
Revenue (+) 266,750 266,750 266,750 -
Salvage (+) 30,000 -
Net - 300,000 +166,750 +136,750 +196,000
Payback Period x

166,750 196,750
1 2 3


IRR = 29%
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 339
Machine (B)
Year 0 1 2 3 4
Cost (-) 500,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Revenue (+) 367,500 367,500 367,500 367,500
Salvage (+) 75,000
Net -500,000 +292,000 +292,000 +272,000 +367,500
Payback Period x

292,000 292,000 367,500

1 2 3 4

IRR = 47%
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 340
Internal Rate of Return:

Machine (A)

Machine (B)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 341

A manager is trying to decide between two CNC machines
Item Unit Machine Machine
Cost Elements (-):
Initial cost $ 300,000 500,000
Total Annual cost $/year 100,000 75,000
Overhaul (capital maintenance) $ 30,000 /2 y 20,000 /3 y
Annual Revenue $/year 266,750 367,500
Life Year 3 4
Salvage value ratio % initial cost 10 15

IRR % 29 47
Payback Period year 2 2
M/c (B) is the most cost effective model for our application.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 342
Case Study:
A manager is trying to decide between three projects to produce
annual demand 20,000 unit/year & unit price 20 LE/unit.
Item Unit Project Project Project

Initial cost LE 300,000 400,000 500,000
Life Year 2 2 2
Salvage value ratio % initial cost 20 25 30
Maximum operating hours Hour/year 1500 1850 2000
Production rate Unit/hour 10 13 15
Process defect ratio % 15 10 5
Operating cost rate LE/hour 100 90 80

Based on this information, discuss & select the best project.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 343
A manager is trying to decide between three projects to produce
annual demand 20,000 unit/year & unit price 20 LE/unit.
Item Unit Project Project Project

Initial cost LE 300,000 400,000 500,000

Life Year 2 2 2

Salvage value ratio % initial 20 25 30

Operating cost rate LE/hour 100 90 80

Max Annual Demand Unit/year (1500*10)*(1-0.15) =12750 21645 28500

Planned Annual demand Unit/year 20000 20000 20000


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 344

Item Unit Project Project

Initial cost LE 400,000 500,000

Life Year 2 2

Salvage value ratio % initial 25 30

Operating cost rate LE/hour 90 80

Max Annual Demand Unit/year 21645 28500

Planned Annual demand Unit/year 20000 20000
Annual Revenue $/year 400,000 400,000
Annual operating hours Hour/year 20000*1.10/13=1692 20000*1.05/15=1400
Annual operating cost LE/year 152280 112000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 345

Project B
Year 0 1 2
Cost (-) 400,000 152280 152280

Revenue (+) 400,000 400,000

Salvage (+) 100,000
Net - 400,000 247720 347720
Payback Period x

1 2


IRR = %
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 346
Project C
Year 0 1 2
Cost (-) 500,000 112000 112000

Revenue (+) 400,000 400,000

Salvage (+) 150,000
Net - 500,000 288000 438000
Payback Period x

1 2


IRR = %
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 347
A manager is trying to decide between three projects to produce
annual demand 20,000 unit/year & unit price 20 LE/unit.
Item Unit A B C
Cost Elements (-):
Initial cost $ 300,000 400,000 500,000
Total Annual cost $/year xxxx 152280 112000
Annual Revenue $/year xxxx 400,000 400,000
Life Year 2 2 2
Salvage value ratio % initial 20 25 30
Max Annual Demand Unit/year 12750 21645 28500

IRR % -
Payback Period year - 2 2
Project ( ) is the most cost effective model for our application.
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 348
Case Study:
Suppose you intend to construct a new project, two types of machines (A & B) are available
on the market:

General Information:
Project: CNC Center Product Description: Spare parts
Material type: Alloy Steel Target Production: 1500 ton/ year
Material Cost: 1000 $ /ton Market Price: 2500 $/ton
Overhead Cost: 30% direct cost Working hours: 1 S & 10 h/d & 5 d/w

Technical Data:
Item Unit M/c (A) M/c (B)
Processing Time min/ton 600 400
Process Yield % 80 85
Process Efficiency % 80 90
Machine Space M 3*2*2 2*2*2
Machine Weight Ton/machine 4 3
Machine Power HP 25 20

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 349

Financial Data:
Item Unit M/c (A) M/c (B)
Machine Investment $/machine 80,000 100,000
Machine Life Year 10 12
Machine Salvage Value % Initial cost 15 20
Utilities Investment $/machine 20,000 10,000
Process Running Cost $/hour 12 10

MARR = 15%

Based on this information, Discuss or analyze the following:

1. Number of Machines & Machine Utilization
2. Required Area & Space Layout
3. Cost Estimation Rates ($/hour, $/ton)
4. Unit Price ($/ton)
5. Cash Flow Analysis
6. Select & discuss the best project (A or B).

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 350

Number of Machines & Machine Utilization:
Max. Working hours = 1 S * 10 h/d * 5 d/w = 50 h/w
Planned working hours = Max. working hours * process efficiency
Planned production rate = Planned working hours / Processing Time
Required No. of M/cs = Target Production / Planned production rate
Design Capacity = Required No. of M/cs * Max. working hours / Processing Time
Planned Capacity = Required No. of M/cs * Planned production rate
M/c Utilization = Planned capacity / Design capacity
Max. Working hours, h/w 50 50
Process efficiency, % 80 90
Planned working hours, h/w 50*0.8 = 40 50*0.9= 45
Processing Time, min/ton 600 400
Planned production rate, ton/w/mc 40 * 60/600= 4 45 * 60/400= 6.75
Target Production, ton/year 1500 1500
Required No. of M/cs 1500/(4*52) =7.2= 8 1500/(6.75*52)=4.2=5
Design Capacity, ton/w 8*50*60/600= 40 5*50*60/400= 37.7
Planned capacity, ton/w 8*4=32 5*6.75= 33.75
M/c Utilization, % 32/40= 80 % 33.75/37.7=90 %
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 351

Required No. of M/cs 8 5

Design Capacity, ton/w 40 37.7
Planned capacity, ton/w 32 33.75
M/c Utilization, % 80 % 90 %

According to the number of machines & utilization, Option B is the

best one.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 352

Required Area & Space Layout :
- Productive machining area > 3 total machine area
- Non-Productive area:
• Locker area = 3*3 = 9 m2
• Storage of raw material = 4*4 = 16 m2
• Storage of final product = 4*3 = 12 m2
• Storage of spare parts = 3*3 = 9 m2
• Managerial office = 4*4 = 16 m2
• W.C. area = 2 *4 = 8 m2
Total Non-Productive area = 70 m2

Required No. of M/cs 8 5
Machine Area, m2 3*2= 6 2*2=4
Total Machine Area, m2 6*8 = 48 4*5 = 20
Productive machining area, m2 (> 48*3) = (> 144) (>20*3) = (> 60)
Total Non-Productive area, m2 70 70
Total Area, m2 144+70= (> 214) 60+70=(> 130)
Proposed Area, m2 12 * 20 = 240 12 *15 = 180
Area utilization, % 144/240 = 60 % 60/180 = 30 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 353




Raw Material Locker Pats Tools WC WC Managerial
Storage Room Storage Room 3*2 3*2 Office
4*3 3*3 3*3 3*2 4*3

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 354
Locker Tools
Room Room Final
3*3 3*2 Product


Raw Material Pats WC WC Managerial
Storage Storage 3*2 3*2 Office
4*3 3*3 4*3


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 355


Required No. of M/cs 8 5

Total Machine Area, m2 48 20

Total Area, m2 20 *12 = 240 15*12= 180

According to the number of machines & total space, Option B is the

best one.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 356

Cost Estimation Rates ($/hour, $/ton):
- M/c Depreciation = (Investment – Salvage) Total Dep. = M/c Dep. + Utilities Dep.
- Annual Depreciation = Total Depreciation / life

Required No. of M/cs 8 5
Machine Investment, $/machine 80,000 100,000
Total Machine Investment, $ 640,000 500,000
Machine Life, year 10 12
Machine Salvage Value, % I. cost 15 20
Machine Salvage Value, $ 96,000 100,000
Total M/c Depreciation, $ 640-96= 544,000 500-100=400,000
Utilities Investment, $/machine 20,000 10,000
Utilities Investment, $ 20,000 * 8= 160,000 10,000*5= 50,000
Total Investment, $ 640+160=800,000 500+50=550,000
Total Depreciation, $ 604,000 450,000
Annual Depreciation, $/year 604,000/10=60,400 450,000/12= 37,500
Annual Working hours 50 h/w * 52 w/y= 2600 50 h/w * 52 w/y= 2600
Depreciation rate, $/hour 60,400/(2600*8)= 2.913 37,000/(2600*5)= 2.846
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 357
Cost Estimation Rates ($/hour, $/ton):
- Power cost rate = (kw) * ($/kw/hr) = $/hr 0.3 LE/6$ = 0.05 $/kw/h
- Machining Cost = Dep. Cost + Processing Cost + Power Cost

Depreciation rate, $/hour 2.913 2.846
Process running cost, $/hour 12 10
Processing Time, min/ton 600 400
Depreciation rate, $/ton (600/60)*2.913=29.13 (400/60)*2.846=18.97
Process running cost, $/ton (600/60)*12=120 (400/60)*10=66.67
Machine Power, HP 25 20
Kw 25/1.36=18.38 20/1.36=14.7
Power cost rate, $/hour 18.38*0.05= 0.9375 14.7*0.05 = 0.75
$/ton (600/60)*0.9375= 9.375 (400/60)*0.75= 5.0
Machining Cost, $/ton 29.13+120+9.375 18.97+66.67+5.0
=158.51 =90.64

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 358

Cost Estimation Rates ($/hour, $/ton):
- Raw Material Cost: 1000 $ /ton
- Material Quantity = Raw Mat. Quantity / Process yield
- Direct Cost = Machining cost + Material Cost
- Overhead Cost: 30% direct cost
- Total Cost = Direct + Overhead

Machining Cost, $/ton 29.13+120+9.375 18.97+66.67+5.0
=158.51 =90.64
$/hour 158.51 (60/600) 90.64 (60/400)
= 15.851 = 13.596
Process Yield, % 80 85
Material Quantity , ton /ton final 1/0.80 = 1.25 1/0.85= 1.18
Material Cost, $/ton 1000*1.25=1250 1000*1.18=1180
Direct Cost, $/ton
Direct Cost, $/ton 158.51+1250 90.64+1180
= 1408.51 = 1270.64
Overhead Cost: 30% direct cost 422.55 381.19
Total Cost, $/ton 1831.06 1651.83

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 359

Total Machine Investment, $ 640,000 500,000
Utilities Investment, $ 160,000 50,000
Total Investment, $ 800,000 550,000

Depreciation rate, $/ton 29.13 18.97

Process running cost, $/ton 120 66.67
Power cost rate, $/ton 9.375 5.0

Machining Cost, $/ton 158.51 90.64

Material Cost, $/ton 1250 1180
Direct Cost, $/ton 1408.51 1270.64
Total Cost, $/ton 1831.06 1651.83

According to the unit cost, Option B is the best one.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 360

Unit Price ($/ton):
- Market Price: 2500 $/ton
- Max. Profit = Market Price – Total Cost
- For competition, the proposed price is less than the market price
- Proposed Price = 90 % Market Price = 2250 $/ton

Total Cost, $/ton 1831.06 = 1831 1651.83= 1652
Market Price, $/ton 2500 2500
Max. Profit, $/ton 669 848
% 669/1831= 36.5 % 848/1652= 51.33 %
Proposed Price, $/ton 2250 2250
Proposed Profit, $/ton (2250-1831) (2250-1652)
= 419 = 598
% 419/1831 = 22.9 % 598/1652 = 36.2 %

According to the unit profit, Option B is the best one.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 361

Cash Flow Analysis Unit Profit = 419 $/ton
Target Production: 1500 ton/ year
A: Annual Profit = 419 * 1500 = 628500 $/year
Year Cash Out Cash In Net Payback Period
0 800,000 (- 800,000)
1 628500 (-171,500)
2 628500 + 457000 2 years (16 Month)
3 628500
4 628500
5 628500
6 628500
7 628500
8 628500
9 628500
10 628500

NPV (i=15%) = + 2,300,000 IRR=

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 362
Cash Flow Analysis Unit Profit = 598 $/ton
Target Production: 1500 ton/ year
B: Annual Profit = 598 * 1500 = 897000 $/year
Year Cash Out Cash In Net Payback Period
0 550,000 (- 550,000)
1 897000 (+347,000) 1 year (8 Month)
2 897000
3 897000
4 897000
5 897000
6 897000
7 897000
8 897000
9 897000
10 897000
11 897000
12 897000
+ 100,000

NPV (i=15%) = + 2,600,000 IRR=

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 363
Select & discuss the best project (A or B).

Parameter Weight A B

Investment, $ 3 800,000 550,000

Payback Period 2 16 Month 8 Month

NPV or IRR 2 2,300,000 2,600,000

Unit Cost, $/ton 2 1831 1652

Area, m2 1 12*20= 240 12*15= 180

Total Index, % 80 % 100 %

According to the total index, B is the best choice

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 364

Select & discuss the best project (A or B).

Parameter Weight A B Best Choice

Investment, $ 3 10 B

Payback Period 2 10 B

NPV or IRR 2 10 B

Unit Cost, $/ton 2 10 B

Area, m2 1 10 B

Total Index, % 80 % 100 %

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 365

Risk Management

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 366

Project Risk Plan

Rejected Accepted

―Be careful:
If you don‘t attack risk, Risk will attack you‖

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 367

What is Risk? Risk is any future uncertain
bad news!

 Safety risk or Financial risk

Types of Risk:



• Objective Risk • Quantitative Risk

• Subjective Risk • Qualitative Risk
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 368
Budget Estimation  100  Accuracy?
Range Average Error ± Type Tool

99-101 100 1 Deterministic Model

95-105 100 5 Certain Model

90-110 100 10 Uncertain Distribution

80-120 100 20 Uncertain Distribution

70-130 100 30 Random Simulation

20-180 100 80 Random No Pattern

Variance  Risk Assessment

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 369
Data types

Deterministic Random
(error < ± 2 %) (error > ± 20 %)

Certain Uncertain
(error < ± 5 %) (error 5 to 20 %)

Routine Normal Abnormal work

work work
Standard Information Risk Analysis
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 370
What is Risk Management?
Risk Management is a proactive
systematic approach to minimize
the consequence of any future
uncertain bad news!

―Life is one long risk‖

Main Steps:
1. Define  Scope of work
2. Risk Sources
3. Risk Measure
We cannot change 4. Risk Analysis  Consequence
the direction of the wind, 5. Remedy  Proactive Policy
however we can adjust 6. Action plan
7. Control
our sails!
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 371
• Risk:
Any future uncertain bad news
 Safety Risk,
 Financial Risk (Quality, Quantity, Time, Cost, etc.)
• Risk Analysis:
Risk estimation + Criticality analysis (A,B,C)

• Risk Control:
Proactive policy + Remedy process

• Risk Assessment:
Risk analysis + Risk Control
to help the decision making process.

• Risk Management:  System level

Risk Assessment + Risk Update ―Life is one
(Targets, Planning, Organization, Control) long risk‖
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 372
Risk Assessment

Main Steps:
1- Define  Scope of work:
Excavation process 5000 m3 during 10 days
2- Risk Sources  Late
3- Risk Measure  + 5 days
4- Risk Analysis  Cost increase $1000/day
5- Remedy  Proactive Policy  Bonus
6- Action plan  + $10/day
7- Control Actual  After 5 days 2300 m3
 Forecast  Late 1 day  Step #1

Long term continuous improvement

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 373
Risk Management

Risk Assessment + Risk Control

Risk Identification Risk Planning

Risk Analysis Risk Resolution

Risk Priority Risk Monitoring

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 374

Risk Management Steps:
1) Risk Analysis

Top Mang.:

Safety effect
2) Consequence Assessment
5) Decision effect
3) Proactive remedy Process

4) Economic Assessment

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 375

Risk Assessment Infrastructure

Leader (Culture & Attitude) + Teamwork

Information Experience Training

1) Identify  Risk Sources

2) Analysis  Risk level
3) How to Remedy ? Eliminate or Minimize

4) How to Manage?  Remedy Policy

5) Action Plan  SMART Plan
6) Maintain (Change Management, Training, feedback)
7) Control  Performance Evaluation &
Update KPI Report for each discipline
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 376
Scope of work, Technical
Design & Quality
& Safety Risk

Cost Schedule
Risk 3 2 Risk

Cost estimation & Budget

Time estimation & Scheduling
& Payment conditions
Resources planning & Procurement

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 377

(1986 to 1996)

Actual Performance =
Target Performance Cancelled
Successful 20%

Actual Performance <

Target Performance

Risk Analysis  Risk Sources

Late Problems
Problems 20%


Source: Standish Group Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 378
Brain Storming: Leader & Team work

Risk Analysis
Item Main Sources of Risk Remedy



Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 379

Risk Sorting:
NG & Petroleum Projects
Top 5 Risk Items:
Risk Item % Risk Resolution Progress
1) Budget problems 25 Revising cost estimates & Payment
2) Schedule problems 15 Revising schedule estimates

3) Resource problems 10 Revising resource plans & procurement

4) Technical problems 30 Holding meetings with project customer &

sponsor to clarify scope
5) Organization structure & 20 Just assigned a new project manager to
Documentation, .. etc. lead the project after old one quit

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 380

Top Risk Items:






Budget Schedule Resource Technical

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 381

Risk Identification
Category Internal Parameters External Parameters
(we can control) (we can impact)
1-1-1- 1-2-1-
1- Scope 1-1-2- 1-2-2-
2-1-1- 2-2-1-
2- Design & BOQ 2-1-2- 2-2-2-
3-1-1- 3-2-1-
3- Quality 3-1-2- 3-2-2-
4-1-1- 4-2-1-
4- Time 4-1-2- 4-2-2-
5-1-1- 5-2-1-
5- Resource 5-1-2- 5-2-2-
6-1-1- 6-2-1-
6- Cost & Budget 6-1-2- 6-2-2-
7-1-1- 7-2-1-
7- Procurement 7-1-2- 7-2-2-
8-1-1- 8-2-1-
8- Communication 8-1-2- 8-2-2-

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 382

Criticality Assessment : (Risk Matrix)
Risk = Severity x Probability
Risk = Consequence x Frequency

For example Probability

Severity (1) Low (2) Medium (3) High

(1) Low (1 * 1) = 1 (2 * 1) = 2 (3 * 1) = 3

(2) Medium (1 * 2) = 2 (2 * 2) = 4 (3 * 2) = 6

(3) High (1 * 3) = 3 (2 * 3) = 6 (3 * 3) = 9

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 383

Risk Matrix
5 High Risk
High Risk

4 (B)
Medium-High Risk

2 (D)
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Medium Risk

1 2 3 4 5

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 384

Risk Matrix

Monitor Risks Risk Mitigation Risk Mitigation

(3) High Required Required

(2) Medium Acceptable Risks Monitor Risks Risk Mitigation


Monitor Risks
(1) Low Acceptable Risks Acceptable Risks

Low (1) Medium (2) High (3)


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 385

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 386
General Risk Mitigation Strategies:
Technical Risks Cost Risks Schedule Risks
Emphasize team support Increase the frequency Increase the frequency
and avoid stand alone of project monitoring of project monitoring
project structure
Increase project Use WBS and Use WBS and
manager authority PERT/CPM PERT/CPM
Improve problem Improve communication, Select the most
handling and project goals experienced project
communication understanding and team manager
Increase the frequency Increase project
of project monitoring manager authority
Use WBS and

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 387

Project Risk Management
Scope of work

Risk Identification

Classification & Sorting & Rating

Top Priorities & Rule 80/20  Class A

Root Cause Analysis (Why-Why)

Risk plan

Risk Control What If Analysis?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 388

Risk Plan

Schedule Identification
Risk Plan and analysis

Preventive Risk
Actions Rating

Risk Plan

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 389

Risk Identification

Cost / Time /
Budget Schedule

Critical Quality /
Resources Safety

Cause Risk Effect

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 390
Risk Rating Must be Customized
Rating Main Parameters
Cost / Budget Schedule Quality Resources
Very High




Very Low
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 391
Risk Rating
For example, Construction Projects
Risk item level
Risk item level
1) Budget
3) Critical Resources
0 to 5% overrun E
0 to 5% resource shortfall E
5 – 10% overrun D
5% to 10% resource shortfall D
10 - 20% overrun C 10% to 15% resource shortfall C
20 – 40% overrun B 15% to 25% resource shortfall B
over 40% overrun A over 25% resource shortfall A
2) Schedule Impact 4) Quality Impact
0 to 5% slip E 0 to 5% quality gate failure E
5.1% to 10% quality gate failure D
5 to 10% slip D
10.1% to 15% quality gate C
10 to 20% slip C failure
20% to 40% slip B 15.1% to 25% quality gate B
over 40% slip A failure
over 25% quality gate failure A
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 392
Risk Rating
For example, Construction Projects
Risk item level
Risk item level
1) Duration
3) Equipment
Less than 6 Month E
Less 5 E
6 – 12 D
5-10 D
12 – 18 C 10-20 C
18 – 24 B 20-40 B
More than 24 Month A More than 40 Equipment A
2) Manpower 4) Subcontractors
Less than 50 man E One E
2-3 D
50 – 100 D
3-5 C
100 – 200 C
5-8 B
200 – 400 B
More than 8 subcontractor A
More than 400 man A

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 393

Risk Levels

(E,D) (C,B,A)
Accepted Not Accepted
―I Can Control‖


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 394
Output: Action plan  Risk Plan
What Should Who?
be done? Responsibility
Activities How? - Manager
- Scope - Engineer
- Specific Resources:
- Department
- Measurable - Manpower
- Machines
When? - Materials
Schedule - Method
Duration - Management
Start - Money
Finish Where?
- Indoor
- Outdoor
- Subcontractor
For each high risk(C,B,A), create a plan to ensure that the risk is managed
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 395
Risk Plan
Rating ID Description Preventive Action Time Action Responsibility
Actions Resources Frame Date

Very Within 3

High weeks


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 396

Project XYZ - Risk Identification
Risk Key
P1 Process changes – little time
P2 Process for additional kits
OS1 Ops Spec late release
Operations Spec
OS2 Accuracy of call estimates in OS
T1 Training materials ready
T2 Training material translation
S1 Unexpected turnover
S2 Unexpected high volumes
U1 UAT testing impacts current ops.
Testing U2 Upgrade kits
Testing plan requires more than we

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 397

Project XYZ Risk Matrix

Actions are being taken to mitigate risks,

prioritized based on probability and degree of
impact on the project
High Risk Key
Process changes – little
Process time
Degree of Impact on the Project

P2 Process for additional kits

Operati OS1 Ops Spec late release
ons Accuracy of call estimates
Spec OS2
in OS
Training Training material
OS2 OS1 translation
T2 S1 Unexpected turnover
U1 Staffing
S2 Unexpected high volumes
UAT testing impacts
S1 U1
current ops.
Testing U2 Upgrade kits
Testing plan requires
Low NO PLAN REQUIRED ACTION PLANS IN PLACE more than we anticipate

Low Probability of Occurring High

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 398

Risk Analysis Tools

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 399

Risk Analysis Tools
Quantification techniques  Best Practice Tools:

1. Weighted Average  No Trend

2. Scenario Analysis (PERT estimations)  No Trend
3. Probability Analysis (Coefficient of Variation)
4. Decision Tree Analysis
5. Break Even Analysis
6. Sensitivity Analysis
7. Simulations
8. Expert judgment Tools, not rules!
9. Risk exposure
Case by Case
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 400
Weighted average
No Trend
Average Weighted average
Year Annual Price Weight Price x Weight

5 years ago $72,30 0,10 7,23

4 years ago 69,60 0,15 10,44
3 years ago 71,60 0,20 14,32
2 years ago 65,30 0,25 16,32
Last year 61,10 0,30 18,33
Summation $339,90 1,00 $66,64
Simple average = ($339.90/5) = $67.98 Weighted average = $66.64

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 401

Steel Price Year LE/ton Factor
2008 3500 1
2009 3000 2
2010 3800 3
Average  (3500+ 3000+ 3800) / 3 = 3400
Estimation  (3500*1+ 3000*2+ 3800*3) / (1+2+3) = 3483.3

Weighted average
Year LE/ton Factor Weight Est.
2008 3500 1 1/6 3500*1/6=
2009 3000 2 2/6 3000*2/6=
2010 3800 3 3/6 3800*3/6=
Total=6 3483.3
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 402
Car 
Initial Cost = 100,000 LE Life = 4 year
Salvage = 40,000 LE Average  Straight Line

Total Depreciation = 100,000-40,000 = 60,000 LE / 4 year

Annual Deprecation = 60,000/4 = 15,000 LE/year

Year A. Dep. Book Factor Weight A. Dep. Book

Value Value
Start - 100,000 - - - 100,000
2010 15000 85,000 4 4/10=0.4 24,000 76,000
2011 15000 70,000 3 3/10=0.3 18,000 58,000
2012 15000 55,000 2 2/10=0.2 12,000 46,000
2013 15000 40,000 1 1/10=0.1 6,000 40,000

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 403

Case Study: Crude Oil Price Forecast

Historical projects:

Average Unit price $/b No Trend

Year Weight Price Standard Correlation
$ deviation factor
2004 1 59.3 0.9 0.9925
2005 2 63.5 1.2 0.9912
2006 3 61.8 1.5 0.9860
2007 4 61.6 1.8 0.9873
2008 5 75.5 3.5 0.8971
2009 6 52.4 2.6 0.9899

Based on these data, Estimate the oil price

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 404

Scenario Analysis (PERT estimations)

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Weight 1 4 1

Estimated value= )O + 4 M + P) /6

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Unit Cost 8 10 18

Estimated value= )1*8 + 4* 10 + 1*18) /6 = 66/6 = 11

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 405

Scenario Analysis (PERT estimations)

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Weight 1 4 1

Estimated value= )O + 4 M + P) /6

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Duration 105 120 min 150

Estimated value= )1*105 + 4* 120 + 1*150) /6 = 122.5 min

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 406

Brainstorming Price Frequency
$2.75 10
$3.00 12
$3.25 16
$3.50 20
$3.75 28
$4.00 40
$4.25 24
$4.50 20
$4.75 14
$5.00 12
$5.25 4

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Price 2.75 4.0 5.25
Estimated value= )1*2.75 + 4* 4.0 + 1*5.25) /6 = 4.0
 Normal Distribution

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 407

Performance Rates M3/day Frequency
500 1
400 – 380 2
Excavator Crew 380-360 7
360-340 10
340-320 12
320-300 4
200 1

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

390 330 310

Estimated value= )1* 390 + 4* 330 + 1* 310 ) /6 = 337 m3/day

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 408

Simulation Results: Histogram



Best Worst
Case Case

2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Range = 0.4
Net Present Value (NPV), $Millions

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 409

Results: Cumulative Distribution





2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Net Present Value (NPV), $Millions
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 410
Case Study: Crude Oil Price Forecast
Historical projects:

Average Unit price $/b

Year Price
2004 59.3
2005 63.5
2006 61.8 Based on these data,
2007 61.6
Estimate the oil price
2008 75.5
2009 52.4
Most Likely

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 411

Company Profit Estimation – Budget Forecast

Pessimistic Case Base Case Optimistic Case

AAA 15.0% 20.0% 25.0%
BBB 9.5% 11.0% 15.0%
CCC 9.0% 13.0% 16.0%
--- --- --- ---

Company Profit 10% 12% 15%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 412

Case Study: Civil works
Lump Sum Project Expected Quantity m3
Activity Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
Excavation 15,000 15,000 17,000
Concrete 2,800 3,000 3,500
F-Concrete 9,000 9,500 10,000
Back filling 7,000 10,000 12,000

Historical projects: Average Unit price $/ m3

Project Excavation Concrete F-Concrete Back filling
1 1.7 18 95 0.85
2 1.9 19 100 0.9
3 2.0 20 100 1.0
4 2.3 20 110 1.0
5 2.5 20 120 1.0
6 2.8 21 123 1.1
Based on these data, Estimate the project cost
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 413
Case Study: Civil works
Historical projects:

Average Unit price $/ m3

Project Excavation Concrete F-Concrete Back filling
1 1.7 18 95 0.85
2 1.9 19 100 0.9
3 2.0 20 100 1.0
4 2.3 20 110 1.0
5 2.5 20 120 1.0
6 2.8 21 123 1.1
Optimistic 1.5 19 95 0.9
Most Likely 2.0 20 100 1.0
Pessimistic 2.5 22 120 1.2

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 414

Case Study: Civil works

Lump Sum Project

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Activity Quantity Unit cost Quantity Unit cost Quantity Unit cost
m3 $/ m3 m3 $/ m3 m3 $/ m3
Excavation 15,000 1.5 15,000 2.0 17,000 2.5
Concrete 2,800 19 3,000 20 3,500 22
F-Concrete 9,000 95 9,500 100 10,000 120
Back filling 7,000 0.9 10,000 1.0 12,000 1.2

Based on these data, Estimate the project cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 415

Probability Analysis (Coefficient of Variation)
Expected Value:
Average of all possible outcomes weighted by their
respective probabilities.
E(X)   X p
i i
Standard Deviation: i 1
Square root of the weighted average of the squared
deviations of all possible outcomes from the expected
σ  (X  X) p

Coefficient of Variation = CV  σ
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 416
Impact of Financial Risk Management
on Cash Flow



Cash Flow

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 417

Cash Inflow Probability
3,000 0.10
4,000 0.20
5,000 0.40
6,000 0.20
7,000 0.10

E(Cash Flow) = (3,000 x 0.1) + (4,000 x 0.2) + (5,000 x 0.4) + (6,000 x 0.2)
+ (7,000 x 0.1) = 5,000
(Cash Flow) = [(3,000 - 5,000)2(0.1) + (4,000 - 5,000)2(0.2) + (5,000 -
5,000)2(0.4) + (6,000 - 5,000)2(0.2) + (7,000 - 5,000)2(0.1)]1/2 = 1,095

CV = 1,095 / 5,000 = 0.219

Project A B C
CV 0.219 0.311 0.265
A is preferred
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 418
Case Study:
Unit Sales Price Production Demand

Unit Price Prob. Unit Sales Prob.

P(x) P(y)
1,600 0.10
$ 48 0.3 2,000 0.40
2,400 0.50
1,600 0.10
50 0.5 2,000 0.64
2,400 0.26
1,600 0.50
53 0.2 2,000 0.40
2,400 0.10

Based on these data, Estimate the production demand

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 419
Case Study:
Unit Sales Price Production Demand Joint Prob.

Unit Price Prob. Unit Sales Prob. P(x,y)=

P(x) P(y) P(x).P(y)
1,600 0.10 0.03
$ 48 0.3 2,000 0.40 0.12
2,400 0.50 0.15
1,600 0.10 0.05
50 0.5 2,000 0.64 0.32
2,400 0.26 0.13
1,600 0.50 0.10
53 0.2 2,000 0.40 0.08
2,400 0.10 0.02
1,600 P(1600,$48) + P(1600,$50)+P(1600,$53) = 0.18
demand plan 2,000 P(2000,$48) + P(2000,$50)+P(2000,$53) = 0.52
2,400 P(2400,$48) + P(2400,$50)+P(2400,$53) = 0.30
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 420
Case Study:
Total Cost Production
Year $M 1000 Unit

1 125 35
2 145 45
3 141 38
4 88 28
5 105 33
6 129 44
7 118 40
8 75 21
9 132 37
10 127 48
Mean (expected value) 118,5 36,9
Standard deviation 22,7 8,2
Coefficient of variation 0,19 0,22
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 421
Uncertain Activities
Case Study: Civil works
Historical projects:
Unit price $/ m3
Project Excavation Concrete F-Concrete Back filling
1 1.7 18 95 0.85
2 1.9 19 100 0.9
3 2.0 20 100 1.0
4 2.3 20 110 1.0
5 2.5 20 120 1.0
6 2.8 21 123 1.1


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 422

Lump Sum Project - Civil works

Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

Activity Quantit Unit cost Quantity Unit cost Quantity Unit cost
y $/ m3 m3 $/ m3 m3 $/ m3
Excavation 15,000 1.5 15,000 2.0 17,000 2.5
Concrete 2,800 19 3,000 20 3,500 22
F-Concrete 9,000 95 9,500 100 10,000 120
Back filling 7,000 0.9 10,000 1.0 12,000 1.2

Based on these data, Estimate the project cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 423

Uncertain Material cost: Material cost Probability
$ 100,000 %
9 20
10 50
11 20
12 7
13 3

Estimate the spare parts budget based on the following:

1- Average method ($ 1,100,000)

2- Probability method ($ 1,023,000)
3- PERT method ($ 1,033,000)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 424

Case Study:
Project A Project C
Cash Inflow Probability Cash Inflow Probability
3 0.10 3 0.10
4 0.20 4 0.30
5 0.40 5 0.20
6 0.20 6 0.30
7 0.10 7 0.10

Project B
Cash Inflow Probability
3 0.10
4 0.25
5 0.30
Based of this information,
6 0.25 select the best project.
7 0.10

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 425

Case Study: Project A
Cash Inflow Probability
3 0.10
4 0.20
5 0.40
6 0.20
7 0.10
E(Cash Flow) = (3 x 0.1) + (4 x 0.2) + (5x 0.4) + (6 x 0.2) + (7 x 0.1) = 5

(Cash Flow) = [(3 - 5)2(0.1) + (4 - 5)2(0.2) + (5 - 5)2(0.4) + (6 - 5)2(0.2) +

(7 - 5)2(0.1)]1/2 = 1.095

CV = 1,095 / 5,000 = 0.219

Project A B C
CV 0.219 0.311 0.265

A is preferred
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 426
Crude Oil Price
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
Average Price 59.3 58.7 61.8 61.6 62.1 63.8
Minimum 50 52 54 57 58 59
Maximum 65 64 68 68 68 72
Standard Deviation 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.6
Correlation factor 0.993 0.991 0.989 0.988 0.987 0.986

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 427

Inflation rate
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices is rising,
and subsequently, purchasing power is falling.

Item Unit 2005 2006 2007 Inflation rate %

Building $/m2 170 184 215.9 12.69
Steel $/ton 130 140 151 7.77
Cement $/ton

F = P (1+f)^N

P=170 F=215.9 N=2 f?

215.9 = 170 (1+f)^2 f= 12.69%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 428
NG Pipe Line Inflation rate 4 to 10% ~ 7%
Variance Variance Remark
Cost Element 2006 2007 (A-T) (V/T) %

Total Direct cost 1,230,000 1,470,000 + 140,000 Over run

Material cost 1,000,000 1,100,000 + 100,000 Over run
Labor cost 130,000 150,000 + 20,000 Over run
Equipment cost 100,000 120,000 + 20,000 Over run

F = P (1+f)^N f=?
Cost Element f 2008 2009 2010
Total Direct cost
Material cost
Labor cost
Equipment cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 429

Decision Tree Analysis


• Identify and bound problem

• Structure problem (decision tree)

– Decision notes

– Chance notes

– Outcome nodes

• Gathering data

• Analyzing decision tree

• Sensitivity analysis

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 430

Decision Tree

e 1 State 1 Outcome 1
na tiv 1
er Outcome 2
Alt State 2
State 1
ern Outcome 3
a tive
2 State 2
Outcome 4
State of Nature Node

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 431

Expected Monetary Value Equation

No. of states of nature

EMV ( Ai ) =  Vi  P (Vi ) Probability of payoff
i 1

 V1  P (V1 )  V2  P (V2 )VN  P (VN )

Alternative i

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 432

Case Study:
States of Nature
S1 S2 S3
Poor Average Good
Decision A 300 350 400
Alternatives B -100 600 700
C -1000 -200 1200
Probablilties 0.3 0.6 0.1

Expected Value
States of Nature
S1 S2 S3
Poor Average Good EV
Decision A 300 350 400 340 (300 x 0.3) + (350 x 0.6) + (400 x 0.1)
Alternatives B -100 600 700 400 (-100 x 0.3) + (600 x 0.6) + (700 x 0.1)
C -1000 -200 1200 -300 (-1000 x 0.3) + (-200 x 0.6) + (1200 x 0.1)
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 433
Decision Tree
0.3 300
0.6 350
A1 400
0.3 -100
A2 0.6 600
A2 400 0.1 700
A3 0.3 -1000
-300 -200
0.1 1200

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 434

Decision Table

States of Nature
Alternatives State 1 State 2
Alternative 1 Outcome 1 Outcome 2
Alternative 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 435

Decisions Under Risk Solution Table*

States of Nature
Alternatives Favorable Unfavorable
Mkt Mkt
Large Plant A1 $200,000 -$180,000
Small Plant A2 $100,000 -$20,000
Do Nothing A3 $0 $0
Probability .50 .50

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 436

Decision Tree Solution*

Decision State of Nature Node

Node Favorable Market
Build Large
1 Unfavorable Market

Favorable Market
2 Unfavorable Market
Small Plant

Do Nothing

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 437

Decision Tree Solution

EMV = (.5)(200,000) + (.5)(-180,000) = $10,000 Payoffs

Favorable Market (.5)
Build Large
Unfavorable Market (.5) 180,000$-
Favorable Market (.5)
2 Unfavorable Market (.5)
Small Plant 20,000$-
EMV = (.5)(100,000) + (.5)(-20,000) = $40,000
Do Nothing
Decision: Build small plant
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 438
Decision Tree Example

EMV for node 1

= $74,600 = (.67)($200,000) + (.33)(-$180,000)

Favorable market (.67)
Unfavorable market (.33)
Favorable market (.67)
small plant 2
Unfavorable market (.33)
EMV for node 2
= $60,400 = (.67)($100,000) + (.33)(-$20,000)


Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 439

Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 440

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 441
Inflation rate
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices is rising,
and subsequently, purchasing power is falling.

Item Unit 2005 2006 2007 Inflation rate %

Building $/m2 170 184 215.9 12.69
Steel $/ton 130 140 151 7.77
Cement $/ton

F = P (1+f)^N

P=170 F=215.9 N=2 f?

215.9 = 170 (1+f)^2 f= 12.69%

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 442
Cost Classification
Direct Cost Indirect Cost

Fixed Machine Depreciation Office Overhead

Tools Depreciation

Variable Material Cost -

Labor Cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 443

– First cost (LE) 370,000
– Life (year) 10
– Salvage value (LE) 70,000

– First cost (LE) 30,000
– Life (year) 3
– Salvage value (LE) zero

Office overhead cost (LE/year) 150,000

Material Cost (LE/unit) 9
– Numbers 2
– Rate (LE/hour) 5
– Output (Unit/hour) 10

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 444

Total Fixed Cost
Item Process A
New Machine:
Machine Depreciation (370,000-70,000)/10
(LE/year) =30,000
Tools Depreciation (30,000-zero)/2
(LE/year) =15,000
Additional fixed cost (LE/y) 150,000
Total Fixed Cost 195,000

Variable Cost
Material Cost (LE/unit) 9
Labor (LE/unit) 2 * 5/10 = 1
Unit Variable Cost (LE/unit) 10
Total Variable Cost 10 Q

Total Cost (LE/y) TC =195,000+10 Q

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 445

TC =195,000+10 Q

Fixed cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 446

Break-Even Chart

Revenues and costs

($ in thousands)
80 Revenues

60 Point
50 Costs
40 Costs
Fixed Costs
Sales (units
10 in hundreds)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Process Adapted from Exhibit 7.7

Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 447
Break-Even Analysis
• Total cost = fixed costs + variable costs (quantity):
TC  F  VC Q
• Revenue = selling price (quantity)

R  SP Q
• Break-even point is where total costs = revenue:

TC  R or F  VC Q  SP Q
or Q
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 448
Fixed cost = cf = $2,000
Variable cost= cv = $5 per unit
Price =p = $10 per unit

The break-even point is cf 2000

v= p-c = = 400 unit
v 10 - 5

$3,000 — cost line

$2,000 —

$1,000 — revenue line

400 Units
Break-even point
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 449
Profit-Volume Graph


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Process Units
Strategic Planning sold (00s)
and Change Management for Engineers 450
Choosing Between Two Processes or Machines

$20,000 — Total cost of

process A

$15,000 — Total cost of

process B

$10,000 —

$5,000 — Choose Choose

process A process B

| | | |
1000 2000 3000 4000 Units

Point of indifference = 2,667 Units

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 451

$ $ Rev.
Rev. Profit




QBE QBE Volume


Project A Project B
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 452
Break Even Analysis

Total costs A

Total costs B

Fixed costs B

Fixed costs A

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 453
Break-Even Analysis
Revenues and costs
($ in thousands)
80 Revenues

60 Point
50 Costs
40 Costs
Fixed Costs
Sales (units
10 in hundreds)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Process Adapted from Exhibit 7.7

Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 454
Break-Even Analysis
• Total cost = fixed costs + variable costs (quantity):
TC  F  VC Q
• Revenue = selling price (quantity)

R  SP Q
• Break-even point is where total costs = revenue:

TC  R or F  VC Q  SP Q
or Q
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 455
Fixed cost = cf = $2,000
Variable cost= cv = $5 per unit
Price =p = $10 per unit

The break-even point is cf 2000

v= p-c = = 400 unit
v 10 - 5

$3,000 — cost line

$2,000 —

$1,000 — revenue line

400 Units
Break-even point
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 456
Profit-Volume Graph


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Process Units
Strategic Planning sold (00s)
and Change Management for Engineers 457
A company needs a part which is currently purchased for LE 110/unit. When
studying the possibility of manufacturing the part, the company found that two
alternative processes are available, both give the required specification.

Process A requires buying a new machine at a first cost of LE 370,000 with 10

years life time and LE 70,000 salvage value. The process requires also, tools,
jigs and fixtures of LE 30,000 first cost and 2 years life time with no salvage
value. Additional fixed cost/year of LE 150,000 associated with process A
should also spend. The material cost per unit is estimated at LE 9, and 2
workers at a rate of LE 5/hour each that can produce 10 units/hour, are

Process B necessitates purchasing a new machine of LE 300,000 first cost, 12

years life time and LE 60,000 salvage value. In additional fixed cost of LE
120,000/year associated with process B should be also incurred. The material
cost/unit is estimated at LE 13 and 2 workers at a rate of LE 5/hour each at a
production rate of 20 units/hour should be employed.

What is the optimum decision to be taken by the company?

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 458
A company needs a part which is currently purchased for LE 110/unit.
When studying the possibility of manufacturing the part, the company
found that two alternative processes (A or B) are available.
Item Process A Process B
New Machine:
– First cost (LE) 370,000 300,000
– Life (year) 10 12
– Salvage value (LE) 70,000 60,000
– First cost (LE) 30,000 --
– Life (year) 3
– Salvage value (LE) zero
Additional fixed cost (LE/year) 150,000 120,000
Material Cost (LE/unit) 9 13
– Numbers 2 2
– Rate (LE/hour) 5 5
– Output (Unit/hour) 10 20
What is the optimum decision to be taken by the company?
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 459
Total Fixed Cost
Item Process A Process B
New Machine:
Machine Depreciation (370,000-70,000)/10 (300,000-60,000)/12
(LE/year) =30,000 =20,000
Tools Depreciation (30,000-zero)/2 --
(LE/year) =15,000
Additional fixed cost (LE/y) 150,000 120,000
Total Fixed Cost 195,000 140,000

Unit Variable Cost

Material Cost (LE/unit) 9 13
Labor (LE/unit) 2 * 5/10 = 1 2 * 5 / 20 = 0.5
Unit Variable Cost 10 5‫ز‬13

Total Cost (LE/y) TC =195,000+10 Q TC =140,000+13.5 Q

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 460

3 Alternatives
1) Purchase 2) Process A 3) Process B
TC = 110 Q TC =195,000+10 Q TC =140,000+13.5 Q
Q < 1451 Q > 15715 1451 < Q > 15715

BEP (P,B) 110 Q = 140,000+13.5 Q Q=1451

BEP (A,B) 195,000+10 Q = 140,000+13.5 Q Q=15715

Fixed cost - Process A


140 Fixed cost - Process B

Purchase Process B Process A

Lowest cost process

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 461

Simulation for Risk Analysis

Simulation uses a representation or model of a

system to analyze the expected behavior or
performance of the system.

Monte Carlo analysis simulates a model’s

outcome many time to provide a statistical
distribution of the calculated results.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 462

Sample Monte Carlo Simulation for Project Schedule

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 463

Sample Monte Carlo Simulations Results for Project Costs

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 464

Expert Judgment

Many organizations rely on the intuitive feelings

and past experience of experts to help
identify potential project risks.

The Delphi method is a technique for deriving

a consensus among a panel of experts to
make predictions about future developments.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 465

Quantifying risk exposure

• One way of presenting the results of sensitivity analysis

is through a payoff diagram, which shows the gain or
loss for different values of a given risk factor

Crude oil –
Heating oil – Gold –
Gasoline – Silver –
Natural gas – Copper –

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 466

Payoff diagram


$250 $270 $310 $330

Decrease in Increase in
gold price gold price

• For example, consider a payoff diagram for a gold producer
• The horizontal axis shows the gold price and the vertical axis shows
the gain or loss to the corporation

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 467

Payoff diagram


$250 $270 $310 $330

Decrease in Increase in
gold price gold price


• The starting point, at the origin, is the current price of gold (assumed
to be $290 per ounce)
• The diagonal line shows the impact of a change in the gold price –
increasing prices represent a gain, and vice versa

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 468

Payoff diagram


$250 $270 $310 $330

Decrease in Increase in
gold price gold price

• A fall in the gold price to $270 would represent a loss to the
corporation of $5m
• The finance manager’s role is to protect against this possibility using
risk management techniques

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 469

Sensitivity analysis

• Sensitivity analysis indicates the effect of a change in the

magnitude or timing of individual cash flow elements.
– Sales demand
– Prices
– Investment amount and timing.
– Operating costs.
– Crude and gas production.
– Tax rate or other government take.

• A "High" and "Low" case could be included as sensitivity.

• Probabilistic Risk Economics is also a type of sensitivity

analysis that may be conducted.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 470

Ex. #1:
Total Cost Production Weight
$M 1000 Unit

75 21 1
88 28 2
105 33 3
118 35 4
125 37 5
127 38 6
129 40 7
132 44 8
141 45 9
145 48 10

Based on these data, Estimate the production quantity and total cost

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 471

Ex. #2: Crude Oil Price Forecast
Historical projects:

Average Unit price $/b

Year Price
2004 59.3
2005 63.5
2006 61.8 Based on these data,
2007 61.6
Estimate the oil price
2008 75.5
2009 52.4
Most Likely

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 472

Ex. #3: Civil works
Lump Sum Project Expected Quantity m3
Activity Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
Excavation 15,000 15,000 17,000
Concrete 2,800 3,000 3,500
F-Concrete 9,000 9,500 10,000
Back filling 7,000 10,000 12,000

Historical projects: Average Unit price $/ m3

Project Excavation Concrete F-Concrete Back filling
1 1.7 18 95 0.85
2 1.9 19 100 0.9
3 2.0 20 100 1.0
4 2.3 20 110 1.0
5 2.5 20 120 1.0
6 2.8 21 123 1.1
Based on these data, Estimate the project cost
Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 473
Ex. #4: Production Planning

Production Demand Unit Sales Price

Units Probability Unit Price Probability

1,600 0.2 $ 48 0.3

2,000 0.6 50 0.5

2,400 0.2 53 0.2

Based on these data, Estimate the production demand plan

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 474

Unit Sales Production Demand Joint Prob.
Unit Price Prob. Unit Sales Prob. P(x,y)=
P(x) P(y) P(x).P(y)
1,600 0.2
$ 48 0.3 2,000 0.6
2,400 0.2
1,600 0.2
50 0.5 2,000 0.6
2,400 0.2
1,600 0.2
53 0.2 2,000 0.6
2,400 0.2

1,600 P(1600,$48) + P(1600,$50)+P(1600,$53) =

2,000 P(2000,$48) + P(2000,$50)+P(2000,$53) =
demand plan
2,400 P(2400,$48) + P(2400,$50)+P(2400,$53) =

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 475

Ex. #5: Two Projects

Project (A) Project (B)

Revenue ($M) Probability Revenue ($M) Probability

2.0 0.2 1.0 0.3

3.0 0.6 2.5 0.4

3.5 0.2 4.5 0.3

Based on these data, Select the best project.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 476

Reference Books:
The Project
Management Body of

FastForwardMBA in •
Project Management •
•Value at Risk : A New Benchmark for Measuring Derivatives Risk - by Philippe Jorion
Hardcover - 332 pages (August 1996)
Irwin Professional Pub; ISBN: 0786308486 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.20 x 9.33 x 6.34

•Managing Financial Risk : A Guide to Derivative Products, Financial Engineering and

Value Maximization (Irwin Library of Investment & Finance) -
•by Charles W. Smithson, Clifford W. Smith
Hardcover - 620 pages 3rd edition (July 1998)
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 007059354X ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.05 x 9.76 x 7.86

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 477

Other Books
• Feldman RM, Valdez-Flores C. Applied
Probability and Stochastic Processes
• Hallenbeck W. Quantitative Risk Analysis
for Environmental and Occupational
• Bedford T, Cooke R. Probabilistic Risk
Analysis: Foundations and Methods
• Cox LA. Risk Analysis: Foundations,
Models and Methods
• Valacich J., George J., Hoffer J. (2004)
Essential of Systems Analysis and Design, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall.

• Whitten J., Bentley, L. Dittmna, K. (2004).

System Analysis and Design Methods,

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 478

Reference Books:
– Brinckerhoff, P.C. (1994). Mission-based management: Leading your
not-for-profit into the 21st century. Oak Park, IL: Alpine Guild, Inc.

– Bryson, J.M. (1989). Strategic planning for public and non-profit

organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

– Caffarella, R. (1994). Planning programs for adult leaders: A practical

guide for educators, trainers and staff developers. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 479

Relevant Web Sites
• Best Practices in Resolving Customer Complaints:
• Detroit Athletic Club Website:
• HDS Services Website
• RARE Hospitality International, Inc. Website:

• Strategic Quality Plan:
• Strategic Quality Planning Through Quality’s Five Dimensions (by Richard Winder):
• University Club of MSU Website:
• What is Strategic Planning?:

Video ―The Balanced Scorecard ―

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 480

Thank you for your attention!


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Dr. Attia Hussien Gomaa
Industrial Engineering Professor & Consultant We‘re here to help you!

Process Strategic Planning and Change Management for Engineers 481

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