Outlet Updated Price List 00

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PRI CE LI S T: 0 1 -0 1 -2 0 24


BSP : Rs.12500/- BSP : Rs.10000/- BSP : Rs.8500/-


1 Booking Amount 2,00, 000

2 Within 45 days 50% of BSP less booking amount
+ 50% Other Charges + GST as applicable
3 On commencement of Ground floor slab 10% of BSP + GST as applicable
4 On commencement of 2nd floor slab 10% of BSP + GST as applicable
5 On completion of super structure 10% of BSP + GST as applicable
6 On commencement of Facade work 10% of BSP + GST as applicable
7 On commencement of Finishing work 5% of BSP + 25% Other Charges
+ GST as applicable
8 On offer of possession* 5% of BSP + OOP + PLC+ + 25%
Other Charges + GST as applicable

Charges for EDC, IDC, EEC, FFC. Rs.465/- per Sq.Ft.
Charges for OOP, PBC Rs.150/- per Sq.Ft.

BSP subject to change without any notice. Please check applicable BSP at the time of booking.
Terms and conditions apply. For details terms and conditions, please refer to the application form and agreement issued by the developer.

Developer- WTC Noida Development Company Private Limited; CIN : U70109DL2007PT C1622 88, Project: WTC NOIDA, RERA Registration No.- UPRERA P RJ350 4. For further details, please refer www.up-rera.in .
Di scla im er: World Trad e Cen ter, WT C an d it s map , de sig n, lo go pre sen ted here in are the regi stered trade mar ks of the ‘ World Tr ade Cen ter s A sso cia tio n, In c, Ne w Y ork ( WT CA). Sp ire Te chpar k P vt . L td. - a group
co mpan y, h aving i t s of fi ce a t G F – 09, Pla za M-06 , Di stri ct Cen tre, Ja sol a, Ne w De lhi-110 025 ha s en tered in to a L icen se Agre em ent wi th WT CA to u se the na me ‘ World Tra de Cen ter Noida ’, ‘ WT C Noi da’ al ong wi th
the map, design and logo of WTCA.

General Di sclai mer o f L iabi lit y - The cont ent publ ished / pri nte d herei n are not an y sor t o f in vita tion , l egal of fer or prom ise from th e co mpan y. Al l repre sen ta tion s / presenta tio ns m ade h erein ar e f or il lu stra ti ve /
indi cat ive purpo se and n ot clai med to be e xhau sti ve or co mp lete . All im age s are arti sti c i mpre ssion s. La you t o f the Proj ect , Ma p / De sign and sha pe o f the bu ildin g, n ome nclat ures of th e Proje ct , Blo cks, To wer s
are te nta ti vel y m ent ioned herein and are subje ct to cha nge a s per guide line s i ssued by co mpet ent au thori tie s. Co mpan y shall n o t b e re spon sible for an y liabi lit y ari sin g from in for mat ion provided on an y o ther
web si te / com mu ni cat ion or thro ugh a ny t hird par t y i ntere st s. The o f fi cial web si te o f the Pro je ct i s www. wtcnoida .org . Plea se refer to th e boo king a ppli ca tion and agree men t o f the pro je ct i ssued by t he de ve loper
for deta iled term s & condi tion s be fore ma king a de ci si on of pur cha se . *T erm s and cond it ion s appl y. Yo u sho uld ma ke your o wn a ssessmen t s in pla ci ng relian ce on d ata . The co mpan y re ser ve s th e ri ght s to wit hdra w
the offer without any prior notice. Rate mentioned in ` per sq.m. is just for market comparison. 1 sq. ft. = 0.093 sq. mtr.

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