Module 2 Seven Self Mastery Skills
Module 2 Seven Self Mastery Skills
Module 2 Seven Self Mastery Skills
That's not to say that you can't be an entrepreneur if you're not a risk
taker or innovator. But the long-term success of your business will
depend on your ability to adapt your thinking. Here are some tips to
rewire your mindset to think more like an entrepreneur (and transform
your forecast for success while you're at it).
I've always been a bit of a troublemaker. I cut class in high school (and
flunked grade 8) and ran a bootleg candy shop out of my dorm room.
Obeying authority has never been my strong suit -- but it's made me a
better entrepreneur.
Teach yourself to take risks by doing one thing a day that scares you. And
(here's the key part): don't worry if you fail. In fact, be willing to fail -- the
greatest lessons come from our mistakes. As you get used to stepping
out of your comfort zone, you'll be able to make the tough calls for your
2. Think Fast!
There will be a lot of tough calls ahead if you own your own business.
You need to know how to assess and address in the blink of an eye -- and
trust that it will all work out.
"I'm an eternal optimist and I've always had faith in myself and my
decisions. I trust my gut -- and (so far) it hasn't steered me wrong". Try
this: the next time you have to make a decision, do the first thing that
comes to mind. More often than not, your first instinct turns out to be
the right one.
4. Own Up
When something goes wrong, there are two ways to look at it: the world
is out to get you or you could have done something differently. Only one
of those mentalities works in business.
So when is the safest time to start a business? Never. But the best time?
Approaches to entrepreneurship:
1) The Innovative Idea :
Most successful companies have been the ones that have innovation as
their core philosophy. It doesn't matter if you're a serial entrepreneur or just
starting out, entrepreneurs should always look for new ideas to keep their
business growing.
2) Differentiated Product:
3) Developing a Community
4) Invest in Other People's Ideas and Help them Turn it into a Business
Kathryn Minshew, the co-founder of The Muse, shared her advice on what
is important in entrepreneurship. She said that creativity is important and
you should follow your gut. "It's rare to find an entrepreneur who has found
success without being creative."
While this approach to entrepreneurship might be similar to the innovative
approach, it does not only involve creativity in products but also involves a
level of innovation within the operational framework of the business.
Creative ways to improve your processes and increase efficiency.
Learning To Intuit
• Two Facets : First one deals with the self and the self’s ability to
probe the self. Second one deals with the self contemplating or
looking upon its world. Both are crucial for self ma
Learning To Communicate
Learning To Feel
Learning To Do
Learning To Lead
• They have the qualities and traits of leaders that have to do with their
personality and character
• Some of the traits seem to be innate, like a person’s charismatic
• These traits cannot be learned in
Learning To Be