07 Chapter - 2
07 Chapter - 2
07 Chapter - 2
a full picture of what has been done and said with regard to the
brings about a deep insight and a clear perspective of the overall field.
done with regard to this study. The literature in any field forms the
players. Interval training can be help elite improve both anaerobic and
above race pace, before resting for a moderately long period, then
repeating the exercise a number of times, for example 10x 30 sec, with
and maximal oxygen capacity (VO2 max) and the pace that is
fitness that can be achieved thorough steady paced training and for
training is useful because you can get quick results and effective
or two workouts each week. Also, that is more compatible with their
week, because it’s to intense and the body would break down may be
two or three high quality workouts per week, integrated with a normal
training programme.
sessions were conducted three times per week for 12 weeks. Only the
(CT) and Interval Training of both low power (LPO-IT) and high power
VO2 max. Cycle ramp function tests at zero and ten weeks were used
MRT decreased significantly from 38.8 to 33.1 seconds and there was
neither low power output nor high power output Interval training
subject’s aerobic and anaerobic capacities within one week before and
one week after the study. Continuous running involved jogging 4.8 Km
for 240 second sets interspersed with four minutes of relief interval
three times a week for eight weeks. This amounted to a work to relief
ratio of 1:1. The interval jogging was performed at about 90% of the
Mac Dougall and Sale [1981] viewed that both Interval and
training exerts its greatest effect upon the oxygen transport system of
the body while high intensity endurance Interval training exerts its
and the recommendations are made for year round training and
in two groups, before training and after four eight and twelve weeks of
training, four times per week. A control group was assessed before
and after six and twelve weeks. Both exercise groups demonstrated
given Interval training, the second fartlek and third group was given
slow Continues running for a period of ten weeks, five days in a week.
He found that (i) all the three groups had equal training effects on
holding time, negative breath holding time, (ii) slow continuous and
and post training, VO (2peak), lactate threshold (LT), and RSA (5x6-s
matched on RSA, randomly placed into the HIP (N=10) or MIT (N=10)
performing either HIT (6-10, 2-min at 80-95% LT). Both groups had
HIT than MIT (13 vs. 8.5%, respectively; P< 0.05). They concluded that
continuous training.
improved and that the time of the 40-m sprint was decreased, whereas
either parameter was observed during the control period. This study
assigned to a sprint training (S) group (n=10) ort a control (C) group
lactate, peak performance, mean power and total week were measured
did not change. Pre training exercising plasma lactate values were
higher in control group compared to sprint training group, but did not
training in sprint training group, but were not different from control
group post training. Total work output increased from pre to post in
sprint group. Peak power, mean power, and VO2 max increased pre to
control group was not a true control. They concluded that four weeks
exercising plasma lactate levels and total work output with relatively
when tested 2 weeks apart without SIT. They conclude that short-term
training. The third group was control group. Three groups tests were
repetition maximum (1RM) tests were used for running speed and
Furthermore, the combined training and the control groups in the 30-
overload strength work twice a week for six weeks. The endurance
running) for twice a week for six weeks. And third group underwent
strength training plus endurance training for twice a week for six
training group did not change any anaerobic factors over the duration
(vertical jump, peak watts, watts per kg of body weight, watts per kg of
sprinters (15 male and 10 female). Each one was required to run a
with adequate rest periods between the runs. Stride length was
which two lines meet was used to indicate the time and the number of
120 girls students of age 9-12 years were engaged. The students
group). First group ran slow and continuously, second group trained
control group.
The results of the study were as follows, (1) all the three
aerobic endurance (i.e.,) 8 minutes run/walk test in both the high and
the high fat group and (5) all the three groups are better than the
control group.
training programs.
respiratory rate.
hostel. Their age was 18-21 years; weight 50-69 kg and height 161-
179 cm. The experimental subjects were tested on visual and auditory
inspi.) and hand grip strength (HGS). The researchers found out there
126.46 ± 10.75 mmhg) while MIP increased from 72.23 ± 6.45 ± 90.92
analyzed on the basis of their pre and post test results on cooper’s 12
pulse rate and positive breath holding time. The subjects were
assigned to one of the three groups. Group I jogging for 25-40 minutes
and group II rope skipping for 10 to 25 minutes and group III acted as
the jogging group is better than rope skipping group in all manner.
boys were divided into three equal groups such as continuous interval
groups the subjects were trained for six weeks five days in a week the
data per training to the variable from pre test and post-test were
effect and ANOVA was adopted for the competition of the training
due to six weeks of endurance work out and (ii) through there was no
minutes. The tempo training group ran short (262 yards), fast
repetition (up to eight) with two or three minutes rest between each.
The tempo group made a significant increase (7.9%) in Vo2 max while
the continuous has a lesser increase (4.9%). It was noted that the
reverse effect for blood volume with the continuous group making the
greater gain. Both groups showed significantly their run times to fairly
equivalent degree.
power and speed. Subjects were divided into four groups; the
days per week, the strength (S) group trained 3 days per week. The S
The control (C) group did not train. After eight weeks the E and S + E
performance and speed (20 m sprint time) gains were noted only for
the S group. These findings show the training for strength alone
thrice and five days per week employed. Endurance training workout
years, 184 cm, 81.5 kg) were randomly assigned to a training (interval
rest) per session, 3 sessions per week, for 6 weeks. The control group
maintained their normal routine for the 6-week period. Group × time
work output (12.5 J·kg−1), glycolytic work (11.5 J·kg−1), mean power
(0.3 W·kg−1), peak power (0.4 W·kg−1), and max power (0.4 W·kg−1); p <
0.05. Post testing LA was lower on average for IT at the 5-minute mark
heart failure (CHF) patients. Twenty-one men with CHF were randomly
control group (CG, 10 girls and 9 boys). Over 7 weeks, ITG and CTG
peak oxygen uptake (peak V̇o2) and maximal aerobic velocity (MAV).
statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. After training, peak V̇o2
was significantly improved in CTG (+7%, p < 0.001) and ITG (+4.8%, p
MAV increased significantly (p < 0.001) in both CTG (+8.7%) and ITG
more attractive and thus create conditions for progress and enhanced
test, and peak power in 5 s and mean power over 30 s estimated from
effect on CP. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 4
(SEM 1.0) years, competing in 800, 1,000 and 1,500 m-events. The
(30 s) and during the first 20 s of recovery. Blood samples for venous
the test and during the 20-min recovery period. During the Wingate
efficiency, one individual and two arbitrary, 16% and 25%, were used
athletes. These results would indicate that the sprinters and middle-
6 weeks. The players were matched into 3 groups, HIIT (n = 11), RST
28.9% vs. RST 14.5%; p < 0.05) and RST led to a significant
< 0.05). Neither training strategy induced any effects on jumping and
and T have not been used with cyclists. Instead, HIT programme
The program began with four intervals with 4 min of recovery per
recovery per session by week 7. Peak power output and total work
(V˙o 2 max) were measured before and after the training program. Needle
biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis of nine subjects before and
after the program and assayed for the maximal activity of hexokinase,
15IFT and to MRS reached with 2 popular continuous field tests: the
University of Montreal track test and the 20-m shuttle run test. The
strength (p > 0.01) and aerobic capacity (p > 0.01) were found during
will not continue to improve if people with type 2 diabetes are not
power output were measured before and after the training period. The
average of the total mean power output (1-10 sets) increased in both
training groups (p ≤ 0.05); however, the mean power output in the last
the mean power output, but there was little effect on high-power
body wt, 2.36 ± 0.24 l/min V̇o2 peak) performed a V̇o2 peak test and a
60-min cycling trial at 60% V̇o2 peak before and after training. Each
session consisted of ten 4-min bouts at 90% V̇o2 peak with 2 min of
HIIT, plasma epinephrine and heart rate were lower during the final
Exercise whole body fat oxidation increased by 36% (from 15.0 ± 2.4
contents were unaffected by HIIT, but net glycogen use was reduced
(15.44 ± 1.57 and 20.35 ± 1.40 mmol·min−1·kg wet mass−1 before and
body and skeletal muscle capacity for fatty acid oxidation during
conducted in this area had been reviewed. The investigator had given