Life Sciences Olympiad 2023 ENG
Life Sciences Olympiad 2023 ENG
Life Sciences Olympiad 2023 ENG
GRADES 10 -12
This is a multiple choice paper. Please answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided. Each question is followed by answers marked
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1. The basic unit of life is a A As the tide rises water moves away from the shore. This
A nucleus is called a flood current.
B cell B As the tide recedes water moves away from the shore.
C zygote This is called an ebb current
D nucleolus C As the tide rises water moves toward the shore. This is
called an ebb current.
QUESTIONS 2 AND 3 are based on the diagram below D As the tide recedes water moves toward the shore. This
which represents a food chain in a garden. is called an ebb current
8. Which ONE of the following shows the results when 11. Load shedding (which is caused by an imbalance
a cell with 20 chromosomes undergoes MITOSIS? between electricity available and the demand for it)
is so much part of our daily lives, that it is difficult
NUMBER OF NUMBER OF to imagine how life was before it was introduced to
A 2 20 Why is load shedding done in South Africa?
B 2 10
A To increase reliance on coal fired power plants
C 4 20 B To improve the electricity supplied to all people and
D 4 10
C To ensure efficient operation of all electricity equipment
D To reduce the peak demand for electricity on the
9. Timothy wants to determine the age of a fossil snail. electricity systems
One way to determine the age of a fossil is to use
the rate of decay of carbon-14. The graph below 12. Which of the following is NOT a national symbol of
shows how carbon-14 decays over time. South Africa?
A Blue Crane
B Galjoen
C Springbok
D Rose
Soil types
A sand clay loam
B clay sand loam
A fossil snail was found to have 30% of its carbon-14 C sand loam clay
remaining. According to the above graph, Timothy can
D clay loam sand
conclude that the age of the fossil is approximately
A 5 000 years
B 15 000 years
C 10 000 years
D 20 000 years
14. Scientists carried out an investigation to test the 17. In which part/s of the living organisms below are
effectiveness of four antifungal treatments on fuel molecules broken down to gradually release
preventing the growth of yeast. The results are energy?
shown in the diagram below.
A Z only
Which ONE of the following conclusions can be made B W and X only
from the results? C Z and Y only
D W, X, Y and Z
A All the antifungal treatments are equally effective.
B All the antifungal treatments are ineffective. 18. Jenny is 25 years old, with no children and wants to
C Mycocide is the most effective and Fungisan is the least start using a contraceptive. Which of the following
effective. is NOT the characteristic of an ideal contraceptive
D Fungisan is the most effective and Mycocide is the least for Jenny?
A Irreversible
15. When green plants photosynthesise, they produce B Easily available
complex organic compounds. This process C User-friendly
involves D Effective with the least side-effects
A radiant energy being converted into kinetic energy. QUESTIONS 19 AND 20 refer to the table below which
B heat energy being converted into and stored as shows the distribution of blood (in ml/min) to different
chemical energy. organs at rest and during strenuous exercise.
C radiant energy being converted into and stored as
D chemical energy being converted into and stored as BLOOD AT REST DURING
radiant energy. (ml/min) EXERCISE
16. Cheryl’s toddler suffers from rickets, which is a Brain 750 750
bone deformity in young children. Which foods Heart 250 850
below could she have included in the diet of her
Skeletal muscle 1 200 12 500
toddler to prevent this disorder?
Skin 500 2 000
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5
19. The brain receives 750ml of blood per minute A suitable conclusion that he made is that …
during rest and after exercise. How many cups of
blood is this? ( 1cup = 250 ml ) A growth hormone is not secreted after the age of 50
A 1 B the amount of growth hormone secreted decreases with
B 2 age.
C 3 C the amount of growth hormone secreted increases with
D 4 age.
D the amount of growth hormone secreted is not affected
20. The skeletal muscle receives most blood during by age.
exercise because …
23. A scientist did an investigation on some healthy
A less blood flows to the abdomen during exercise. individuals to determine the effect of drinking water
B the respiration rate of the muscle cells decrease. on urine production.
C the muscle cells need more oxygen to produce more
energy. Which ONE of the following CORRECTLY indicates the
D less blood flows to the kidney during exercise. independent and dependent variables?
A Carbohydrate
B Fatty acid and glycerol
C Nucleic acid
D Protein
QUESTIONS 26, 27 AND 28 REFER TO THE 26. We can conclude that the hypothesis is …
INVESTIGATION BELOW: A not affected by the results
B supported by the results
Grade 11 learners conducted an investigation to determine C rejected by the results
the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. D not correctly stated
They formulated a hypothesis as: A decrease in the light
intensity will increase the rate of photosynthesis. 27. How was the dependent variable measured in this
They proceeded as follows: investigation?
Elodea plants were placed under a glass funnel in a
beaker containing water A By the meter scale.
A test tube containing water with no air bubbles was B By comparing the effects of the different light intensities.
fitted over the glass funnel as shown in the diagram. C By counting the number of bubbles released per
After switching off all lights, a lighted table lamp was
D By measuring the distance between Elodea and the
placed one metre away from the beaker.
light source.
A meter scale was placed between the table lamp and
the beaker. 28. What was the percentage increase in the number of
The number of air bubbles released by the plant in a bubbles when the light source was shifted from 1 to
one minute period was counted and recorded in the 2 arbitrary units?
table below.
The above steps were repeated at different light A 250 . 0%
intensities B 71,4%
C 28,6%
Apparatus used to determine the effect of light intensity on D 350 .0%
the rate of photosynthesis
29. The following bones are found in the human body.
Which bones are in the arm?
QUESTIONS 31 AND 32 ARE BASED ON THE AGES OF 35. The diagram below shows a pyramid of numbers.
31. Which ONE of the following is the correct Which ONE of the food chains below is CORRECTLY
relationship between the ages of women and the represented in the diagram?
chances of miscarriage?
A Grass rabbits foxes tiger
A The age of the women has no effect on the chances of B Thorn tree beetles lizards owl
miscarriage C Dead leaves worms sparrow fleas
B The older the women gets the greater the chance of D Grass cow ticks tick-bird
C The older the women gets the lower the chance of QUESTIONS 36 AND 37 REFER TO THE INVESTIGATION
miscarriage AND GRAPH BELOW.
D Younger women have a greater chance of miscarriage
An investigation was done to measure the ozone
32. In a particular month during this investigation concentration and the chlorine levels in Antarctica since
25 500 women fell pregnant. How many in this 1950. The results are shown in the graph below.
particular month, would be aged 28 according to the
data in the table above?
A 4590
B 6120
C 2805
D 6375
37. In which 10-year period was the ozone depletion the 42. A testable prediction about what you expect to
greatest? happen in a study is …
38. Which of the following activities will lead to an 43. Which row in the table CORRECTLY pairs a human
INCREASE of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? activity with its impact on the environment?
A Reuse and recycling of shopping bags
B Using public transport or bicycles
C Reforestation A Increase in the human Reduction in water usage
D Deforestation population
B Decrease in the use of Erosion of rock in soil
39. What is the visible glowing surface of the sun pesticides
C Decrease in recycling Reduction in amount of available
A photosphere resources
B atmosphere
D Increase in housing Improvement in air quality
C chromosphere developments
D stratosphere
40. Hoodia gordonii is an indigenous, succulent plant 44. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of nuclear
that has been widely used for generations by the energy?
San people of the Kalahari
A There is plenty uranium in the Earth’s crust.
A as an appetite suppressant and thirst quencher B Nuclear power does not cause acid rain or global
B as a laxative warming.
C to increase the body’s natural resistance to disease C Very little uranium is needed to produce a huge amount
D as a treatment for joint pain caused by arthritis and gout of energy.
D It produces highly toxic radioactive waste, which is
41. The list below is strategies that may affect our stored in thick steel drums.
indigenous plants.
I Education campaigns on the impact and consequences PHYLOGENETIC TREE/CLADOGRAM BELOW.
of over-exploitation
II Any number of plants can be harvested
III Limit the size of the plants harvested
IV Legislation to control harvesting
V Do not replace harvested plants
VI No permit required to harvest plants
45. How long ago did the FIRST seed-bearing plants 49. Study the list of evolutionary events below that took
arise on earth? place on the Earth:
46. Which letter on the phylogenetic tree represents The correct sequence of events from the earliest to the
evolution of fruit bearing organism? latest that took place is …
47. Kyra had a COVID-19 vaccine. The diagram below QUESTIONS 50 AND 51 REFER TO THE GRAPH AND
illustrates activities taking place in her body after TABLE BELOW:
her vaccination.
51. Due to the release of water from a factory, the 54. The table below shows differences between plant
temperature of water in a stream is 300C. Two and animal cells. Which comparison is
organisms that are likely to be found living in the INCORRECT?
stream are
A striped bass and blue crab
A Large vacuole Small or no vacuole
B worms and clams
C worms and spot fish B Cell membrane present No cell membrane
D yellow perch and spot fish
C Cellulose cell wall No cellulose cell wall
52. The diagram below shows how an enzyme present
functions. D Chloroplasts present No chloroplasts
A transcription
Labels P, Q, R and T are respectively the … B forensics
C replication
A Enzyme, product, enzyme-substrate complex and D genetic engineering
B Product, enzyme, substrate and enzyme-substrate 56. Why does a teenage boy need more protein in his
complex diet than an adult male?
C Substrate, enzyme, product and enzyme-substrate
complex. A The boy must prevent a deficiency disease called
D Enzyme, substrate, enzyme-substrate complex and ketosis .
products. B The boy is still growing and needs the amino acids for
muscle development.
53. Thorn decides to test the effect of the salt C Adult males have more lean muscles than teenage
concentration on the activity of his tropical sea fish. boys
He has two tanks. One he fills with normal sea water D The boy must prevent bone damage.
and the other with a mixture of 80% sea water and
20% fresh water. 57. What is the smallest planet in the solar system by
His procedure was as follows:
A Mercury
I Conducted the investigation and recorded the results. B Jupiter
C Mars
II Decided on date, time and place to do the investigation. D Earth
III Repeated the investigation five times.
IV Decided on the factors that need to be kept constant.
A II and IV only
B III and IV only
C I, II and III only
D I and II only
This lung disease is known as … 1. The gene for insulin is removed from a cell of a human
A asthma 2. The bacteria make clones of them and produce insulin.
B emphysema 3. The insulin gene is put into the bacterial plasmid and
C bronchitis into a new bacterial cell.
D cystic fibrosis 4. The bacterial plasmid is cut using enzymes.
60. Desert biomes have low, sparse vegetation. Plants 62. Name the disorder that is treated using the insulin
there are structurally suited for water conservation. produced by bacteria.
BIO-CLASSIC WASHING POWDER The graph shows the body temperatures of a lizard, a
rabbit and the environment.
Wash in cold water
(Max. 200C)
A It can maintain a constant body temperature.
Do not use in acidic water B It cannot maintain a constant body temperature
C Its body temperature fluctuates with the external
environmental temperature.
D At low temperatures it is less active.
This washing powder …
67. What was the increase in temperature of the lizard
A will remove blood and meat stains between 7:00 and 9:00?
B will function effectively in boiling water
C function best at a low pH A 2.50C
D will increase the activation energy of the process B 350C
C 360C
65. Players from Ajax Cape Town soccer team usually D 32.50C
get very tired in the last twenty minutes of their
matches when they play Kaizer Chiefs in Gauteng. 68. What behaviour pattern does the lizard exhibit early
The correct reason why they become tired is … morning when the environmental temperature is
low? It will make its skin …
(Hint: Cape Town is at the coast and Gauteng is at a
higher altitude) A darker in colour and bask in the sun.
B lighter in colour and crawl beneath a rock.
A there is less haemoglobin at higher altitudes. C darker in colour and crawl beneath a rock.
B the partial pressure of oxygen lowers at higher altitudes D lighter in colour and bask in the sun.
C the atmospheric pressure increases at higher altitudes.
D haemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen at higher 69. The sequence of the phases of MITOSIS is …
A metaphase, prophase, anaphase, telophase
B prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
C telophase, prophase, anaphase, metaphase
D prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
70. The diagram below is a transverse section of a 73. A total blood pressure reading is determined by
yellow wood tree. measuring the systolic and diastolic blood
A person with high blood pressure or hypertension
may have a …
77. The blood that leaves the kidneys differs from the QUESTIONS 81 AND 82 REFER TO THE INFORMATION
blood that enters the kidneys in that … ABOUT WILD SUNFLOWER.
A it has more nitrogenous waste, more oxygen and less Sunflower has been cultivated (grown) by humans over
carbon dioxide. several generations. During that time, certain
B it has less nitrogenous waste, less oxygen and more characteristics were artificially selected. A comparison
carbon dioxide. of some of the characteristics of wild sunflowers and
C it has more nitrogenous waste, less oxygen and more cultivated sunflowers is given in the table below.
carbon dioxide.
D it has less nitrogen waste, more oxygen and less
carbon dioxide.
83. The graphs below show the effect of two antibiotics, 86. To which blood group are members described as
P and Q on two different species of bacteria, R and universal donors?
A Group AB
B Group A
C Group B
D Group O
A evolution
B biogeography
C continental drift
D modification by descent
89. Fossil fuels are similar to each other in that they all Which one of the following combinations is most
… favourable?
A were originally formed in marine environments.
B contain the element carbon. A I, II and III
C have undergone the same set of geological processes B II, III and IV
during their formation. C I, III and IV
D represent the remains of one living organism. D II and IV
90. The graph below shows the hearing frequencies of 93. The diagram below represents part of the digestive
different animals and humans. system in humans.
QUESTIONS 95 AND 96 REFER TO THE 97. Where does pollination and fertilisation take place
Pollination Fertilisation
PEP drugs can be taken after exposure to HIV to prevent
the virus from developing in a person.
The following table shows how effective Post Exposure
Prophylactic (PEP) drugs are, if taken after different C C E
periods of exposure to the HI virus. D E C
Period of exposure 0 24 72 76 96
(hours) 98. Why are these flowers NOT pollinated by the wind?
~ End~