Assembly Language Programming Overview
Assembly Language Programming Overview
Assembly Language Programming Overview
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Introduction to assembly language programming.
ALP Tools: Assembler, Linker, Loader, Debugger, Emulator.
Assembler directives, Far and near procedure, Macros, DOS Interrupts.
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming:
Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is closely related to the architecture of a
specific microprocessor. It allows programmers to write instructions that directly interact with the
hardware of a computer system. Assembly language is mnemonic and symbolic representation of
machine code.
ALP Tools:
1. Assembler: Converts assembly language code into machine code (binary) that the processor can
execute. For example, `MASM` (Microsoft Macro Assembler) is commonly used for Intel 8086
assembly programming.
2. Linker: Combines multiple object files and resolves external references to generate an executable
file. It links together the various modules of a program. Example: `LINK` in DOS.
3. Loader: Loads the executable file into memory for execution. The loader allocates memory space,
resolves addresses, and initializes the program. Example: DOS `LOAD` command.
4. Debugger: Allows step-by-step execution of a program, examining memory and registers to debug
and test assembly language programs. Examples include `DEBUG` in DOS or modern debuggers like
Assembler Directives:
Assembler directives provide instructions to the assembler, guiding the assembly process. These
directives do not generate machine code but rather control how the assembler works. Examples:
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`DATA SEGMENT`, `DATA ENDS`: Define the data segment of the program.
`CODE SEGMENT`, `CODE ENDS`: Define the code segment of the program.
`DB` (Define Byte), `DW` (Define Word), `DD` (Define Doubleword): Allocate memory and define data
Near Procedure: Used for procedures within the same segment as the calling code. Faster but
limited to a 64KB segment size.
; Procedure code here
Far Procedure: Used for procedures in different segments, allowing access to larger memory
space but slower due to segment register manipulation.
; Procedure code here
Macros are reusable code blocks defined by the programmer to simplify repetitive tasks. They are
expanded inline during assembly.
; Usage:
MY_MACRO 10, 20
DOS Interrupts:
DOS interrupts provide a way to access various services provided by the DOS operating system.
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Here, `INT 21h` with `AH=9` is used to display the string pointed to by `DX`. `$` indicates the end of the
Understanding these concepts and tools is essential for developing programs in assembly language for
the Intel 8086 microprocessor. They provide the foundational knowledge required to interact directly
with the hardware and operating system services.
list all dos inturrepts
DOS (Disk Operating System) interrupts provide a way for programs running in DOS to interact with the
underlying operating system services and hardware. Here is a list of some commonly used DOS
interrupts along with their functions:
Function: Provides a range of services including file operations, console I/O, and program
AH (high byte of AX): Specifies the function.
AL (low byte of AX): Additional information or parameters for the function.
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4. INT 16h - Keyboard Services:
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These are just a few examples of commonly used DOS interrupts. Each interrupt corresponds to a
specific service or function provided by the DOS operating system, allowing assembly language
programs to interact with hardware and system resources effectively. Different functions within each
interrupt are accessed by setting appropriate values in specific registers before invoking the interrupt.
dos inturrepts for file
DOS interrupts related to file operations allow assembly language programs to perform various tasks
involving file handling, such as opening, closing, reading, and writing files. Here are some commonly
used DOS interrupts for file operations:
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INT 21h ; Call DOS interrupt to close file
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AH = 3Ch (Function number for create/truncate file).
AL = Access mode (00h = read-only, 01h = write-only, 02h = read/write).
DS:DX = Pointer to ASCIIZ filename.
Output Registers:
AX = File handle (if successful), else error code in CF.
These DOS interrupts provide essential functionality for file manipulation in assembly language
programs running under DOS. By leveraging these interrupts, programs can interact with files on disk,
perform read/write operations, and manage file resources efficiently. Each interrupt requires
appropriate setup of input registers and handles based on the desired file operation.
Introduction to 8086 Processor: Features, Architecture, Pin
configuration, Instruction set, Addressing modes.
80386 Processor: 80386 Family, Features, Architecture, Pin
Description, Register Set, Addressing modes, Instruction set.
Introduction to 8086 Processor:
16-bit microprocessor.
Supports both real mode and protected mode.
16-bit data bus and 20-bit address bus.
Operates at various clock speeds (e.g., 5 MHz, 8 MHz).
Supports a wide range of addressing modes and instruction set.
Consists of the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), CU (Control Unit), and various registers (AX, BX,
CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, SP, IP, CS, DS, ES, SS).
Segmented memory model with four segment registers (CS, DS, ES, SS).
Executes instructions fetched from memory using the instruction pointer (IP).
Pin Configuration:
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40-pin DIP (Dual Inline Package) or PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) package.
Pins for power supply, clock input, address/data bus, control signals, and status/control lines.
Instruction Set:
Rich instruction set including data movement, arithmetic/logic operations, control transfer,
and string manipulation.
Various addressing modes to access operands (register, immediate, direct, indirect, indexed,
based, relative).
Instructions categorized into categories like data transfer, arithmetic, logical, control transfer,
and string manipulation.
Addressing Modes:
80386 Processor:
80386 Family:
Pin Description:
Register Set:
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Segment registers (CS, DS, ES, SS).
Index registers (EIP, ESI, EDI).
Control registers (CR0, CR2, CR3).
Status registers (EFLAGS).
Addressing Modes:
Instruction Set:
The 80386 processor represented a significant advancement over the 8086, offering increased
performance, expanded memory capabilities, and support for modern operating systems and
applications. Its 32-bit architecture laid the foundation for future generations of x86 processors.
Segmentation: Introduction, Real mode segmentation.
80386 Protected Mode Segmentation: Segment Selector &
Descriptors, Descriptor Types, System Tables (IDT, LDT, GDT),
Logical to linear/physical address translation.
Segmentation: Introduction
Segmentation is a memory management technique used in x86 architecture to organize and control
memory access. It divides memory into segments, each with its own base address and size.
Segmentation allows the memory to be logically divided into multiple segments, which can have
different permissions and attributes.
In real mode (used by 8086 and 8088 processors), segmentation is relatively simple.
Memory is divided into segments of up to 64 KB each.
Segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES) hold the base address of the segment multiplied by 16.
Physical addresses are calculated using the formula: `physical_address = base_address + offset`.
The effective address is calculated as `effective_address = segment_base + offset`.
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80386 Protected Mode Segmentation:
In the 80386 processor, segmentation is enhanced to support protected mode, offering memory
protection and multitasking capabilities.
Segment Selector:
Descriptor Types:
System Tables:
Optional table used to provide separate segment descriptors for individual tasks or
Loaded into the LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register).
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Logical Address:
Result of translating the logical address using the segment selector to locate the segment
descriptor in the GDT or LDT.
Linear address is calculated by adding the offset to the base address specified in the segment
Physical Address:
The final address obtained after translating the linear address using paging (if enabled) to
access physical memory.
Paging translates the linear address to a physical address using page tables.
The segmentation mechanism in the 80386 protected mode provides memory protection, multitasking
support, and efficient memory management by allowing flexible segmentation of memory into different
segments with controlled access permissions. Segment descriptors and tables play a crucial role in
mapping logical addresses to physical memory locations, ensuring secure and efficient memory access
in protected mode.
Protection in segmentation: Protection Levels, Privileged instructions,
Inter-privilege level transfer using Call gates and conforming code
Paging: support registers, Data structures, Descriptors, Linear to
physical address translation, Page level protection.
Multitasking: TSS, Task Switching.
Protection in Segmentation:
Segmentation in the 80386 protected mode supports various levels of protection and privilege
separation through the use of privilege levels, privileged instructions, and mechanisms for inter-
privilege level transfers.
Protection Levels:
Each segment descriptor in the GDT or LDT specifies a privilege level (0 to 3).
Privilege levels determine the level of access allowed to the segment:
Level 0 (Most privileged) has full access.
Levels 1 to 3 (Less privileged) have restricted access based on the segment descriptor
Privileged Instructions:
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Certain instructions are designated as privileged and can only be executed at higher privilege
levels (0 and 1).
Attempting to execute a privileged instruction at a lower privilege level results in a general
protection fault (GP fault).
Call Gates:
Call gates are special segment descriptors used for controlled transfers between
different privilege levels.
Call gates define an entry point and the target privilege level for the transfer.
Used for inter-privilege level function calls.
Conforming Code Segment:
A conforming code segment allows execution at a lower privilege level than the
segment's privilege level.
Enables code sharing between different privilege levels while maintaining security.
Paging is a memory management technique that complements segmentation and provides additional
features like virtual memory and memory protection.
Support Registers:
CR0 (Control Register 0): Contains control flags including the paging enable flag (PG) and
protection enable flag (PE).
CR3 (Control Register 3): Contains the physical address of the page directory base.
Data Structures:
Page Directory Entry (PDE): Describes a page table's location and attributes.
Page Table Entry (PTE): Describes a page frame's location and attributes.
The CPU translates linear addresses using the page directory and page tables to access
physical memory.
Linear Address Format: `31-22 bits = Directory Index, 21-12 bits = Table Index, 11-0 bits
= Offset`.
Page Table Entry (PTE) contains the physical address of the page frame.
Page-Level Protection:
Each PTE includes protection bits (e.g., read/write, user/supervisor) to control access to
individual pages.
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Page-level protection is enforced by the memory management unit (MMU) based on the PTE
Multitasking allows multiple tasks or processes to run concurrently on the CPU, managed by the
operating system.
Describes the state of a task or process, including register values, stack pointers, and
segment selectors.
Loaded into the TSS segment selector register (TR).
Task Switching:
Task Switching Mechanism: Involves switching between different tasks by loading and
storing the TSS.
Task Switching Instructions: `CALL`, `IRET`, and hardware-generated interrupts (e.g., timer
interrupts) trigger task switches.
Context switching involves saving the current task state (registers, segment selectors) and
loading the state of the next task.
Multitasking in the 80386 processor enables efficient resource utilization and supports preemptive
multitasking, allowing multiple processes to run concurrently while maintaining isolation and protection
between tasks. Task switching is facilitated by the TSS and controlled by the operating system scheduler.
Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller.
8051 microcontroller: 8051 family, Features, Architecture, Pin
Description, Register bank and Special Function Registers (SFRs),
Addressing modes, Instruction set, External data memory and program
memory organization.
I/O ports programming: Structures, Related SFRs and Configuration.
Microprocessor vs Microcontroller:
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A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit (IC) that includes a CPU core, memory, and various
peripherals (such as timers, UART, ADC) on a single chip.
Designed for specific applications requiring control and interfacing capabilities.
Typically used in embedded systems and IoT devices.
Examples: 8051, AVR, PIC, ARM Cortex-M series.
8051 Microcontroller:
8051 Family:
The 8051 microcontroller family includes a range of variants with similar architecture, such as 8031,
8032, 8052, etc.
Introduced by Intel in the 1980s and widely used in embedded systems.
CPU core with an accumulator (A), 8 general-purpose registers (R0 to R7), and a program counter
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) for arithmetic and logical operations.
Interrupt controller for handling interrupts from internal and external sources.
Pin Description:
Register Bank: The 8051 has four register banks (RS0 to RS3) for storing general-purpose
Special Function Registers (SFRs): Control various peripherals and functions of the
microcontroller (e.g., GPIO, timers, UART).
Examples of SFRs: P0 (Port 0), P1 (Port 1), P2 (Port 2), P3 (Port 3), TMOD (Timer Mode), TCON
(Timer Control), SCON (Serial Control), etc.
Addressing Modes:
Instruction Set:
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External Data Memory and Program Memory Organization:
Ports (P0, P1, P2, P3) are used for interfacing with external devices (LEDs, sensors, actuators).
Each port is configured as input or output using SFRs like `P0`, `P1`, `P2`, `P3` and their associated
control bits.
Reading/Writing to Ports:
I/O ports programming allows the 8051 microcontroller to interface with external devices, control
outputs, and read inputs based on program logic. The programmer can configure the ports using SFRs
and manipulate the port data using appropriate instructions, enabling effective control and
communication in embedded systems applications.
Timers/counters programming: Structure, Related SFRs, Operating
modes, Delay calculations and Configuration.
Serial port programming: Related SFRs, Operating modes, Baud rate
calculation and Configuration.
Interfacing of displays: LED, LCD, keys, ADC & DAC, stepper motor,
Sensors (temperature, pressure).
Design of minimum system using 8051 micro-controller for an
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Timers/Counters Programming:
The 8051 microcontroller typically includes two 16-bit timers/counters: Timer 0 (T0) and Timer 1
Each timer can operate in different modes and is used for generating delays, measuring time
intervals, or counting external events.
TMOD (Timer Mode Register): Configures the operating mode (timer/counter) and the mode of
Timer 0 and Timer 1.
TCON (Timer Control Register): Controls the operation and status of Timer 0 and Timer 1 (start,
stop, overflow flags).
TH0, TL0 (Timer 0 High/Low Byte): Timer 0 registers for storing the initial and current values of
Timer 0.
TH1, TL1 (Timer 1 High/Low Byte): Timer 1 registers for storing the initial and current values of
Timer 1.
Operating Modes:
Timer Mode: Generates time delays or periodic interrupts based on the timer's clock source.
Counter Mode: Counts external events (e.g., pulses) applied to the timer/counter input pin.
Related SFRs:
SCON (Serial Control Register): Configures the operating mode (UART mode, baud rate) of the
serial port.
SBUF (Serial Buffer Register): Stores the data to be transmitted or received via the serial port.
PCON (Power Control Register): Contains the SMOD bit used for baud rate doubling.
Operating Modes:
UART Mode: Configures the serial port for asynchronous serial communication (8-bit data,
start/stop bits, baud rate).
Baud Rate Calculation and Configuration:
Baud rate = (Serial Clock Frequency) / (32 x (12 + SMOD))
Set the desired baud rate by configuring the serial control register (SCON) and power control
register (PCON) appropriately.
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Interfacing of Displays, Sensors, and Actuators:
To design a minimum system using the 8051 microcontroller for a specific application, follow these
1. Select Microcontroller Variant: Choose the appropriate 8051 microcontroller variant based on
the application requirements (memory size, I/O requirements, etc.).
2. System Components:
Power Supply: Provide the required voltage and current for the microcontroller and
connected peripherals.
Clock Source: Connect an external crystal oscillator or clock source to the microcontroller for
accurate timing.
Reset Circuit: Include a reset circuit to initialize the microcontroller on power-up.
3. Interfacing Peripherals:
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Integrate the microcontroller system into the target application hardware.
Deploy the system for field use and ensure reliability and performance under real-world
Designing a minimum system with the 8051 microcontroller involves understanding the application
requirements, selecting appropriate components, implementing necessary interfaces, and developing
firmware to achieve the desired functionality. It's essential to consider factors like power consumption,
size constraints, and environmental conditions during the design process.
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