IS1208 Part1 2023
IS1208 Part1 2023
IS1208 Part1 2023
Indian Standard
ICS 75.140
BIS 2023
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Bitumen, Tar
and Related Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Product
Division Council.
This standard was originally published in 1958 as ‘Methods for testing tar and bituminous materials —
Determination of ductility. The first revision was carried out in 1978. ‘Methods for testing tar and bituminous
materials’ was published as series of 22 standards in the form of a booklet, as listed below:
IS No. Title
1201 : 1978 Sampling
1202 : 1978 Determination of specific gravity
1203 : 1978 Determination of penetration
1204 : 1978 Determination of residue of specified penetration
1205 : 1978 Determination of softening point
1206 Determination of viscosity:
(Part 1) : 1978 Industrial viscosity
(Part 2) : 1978 Absolute viscosity
(Part 3) : 1978 Kinematic viscosity
1207 : 1978 Determination of equiviscous temperature (EVT)
1208 : 1978 Determination of ductility
1209 : 1978 Determination of flash point and fire point
1210 : 1978 Float test
1211 : 1978 Determination of water content dean and stark method
1212 : 1978 Determination of loss on heating
1213 : 1978 Distillation test
1214 : 1978 Determination of matter insoluble in benzene
(Withdrawn due to toxic nature of benzene)
1215 : 1978 Determination of matter insoluble in toluene
1216 : 1978 Determination of solubility in carbon disulphide trichloroethylene
1217 : 1978 Determination of mineral matter ash
1218 : 1978 Determination of phenols
1219 : 1978 Determination of naphthalene
1220 : 1978 Determination of volatile matter content
However, the committee responsible for the formulation of standards in the field of bitumen, tarand related products
decided to publish these Indian standards separately for each test so as tomake it user friendly.
The second revision has been taken up to keep pace with the latest technological development and international
practices. In this revision following major changes have been made:
a) Method for determination of elastic recovery has been incorporated in the standard.
b) This standard has been divided into two parts as given below:
1) Method for testing tar and bituminous materials: Part 1 Determination of ductility.
2) Method for testing tar and bituminous materials: Part 2 Determination of elastic recovery.
The composition of the committee, responsible for formulation of this standard is listed in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (second revision)’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 1208 (Part 1) : 2023
Indian Standard
3.1 For the purpose of this standard the following Width at minimum cross- (10.0 ± 0.1) mm
definition and those given in IS 334 shall apply. section (halfway between clips)
Thickness throughout (10.0 ± 0.1) mm
3.2 Ductility — The property by which a material
IS 1208 (Part 1) : 2023
4.2 Water Bath — A bath preferably with a to the pouring plate when casting disks, the surface
thermostat maintained within ± 0.1 °C of the of the brass pouring plate may be thinly coated just
specified test temperature, containing not less before use with silicone oil or grease, a mixture of
than 10 litres of water, the specimen being glycerin and dextrin, talc, or china clay. In filling,
immersed to a depth of not less than 100 mm and pour the material in a thin stream back and forth
supported on a perforated shelf not less than from end to end of the mould until it is more
50 mm from the bottom of the bath. than level full. Leave it to cool at the room
temperature for 30 min to 40 min, and then place in a
4.3 Testing Machine — For pulling the briquette water bath maintained at the specified temperaturefor
of bituminous material apart, any apparatus may 30 min after which cut off the excess bitumen by
be used which is so constructed that the specimen means of a hot, straight-edged putty knife orspatula
will be continuously immersed in water as so that the mould shall be just level full.
specified under 4.2 while the two clips are pulled
apart horizontally with minimum vibrations at a 5.3 Testing
uniform speed, as specified and with suitable
arrangement for stirring the water for attaining Place the brass plate and mould with briquette
uniformity in temperature. specimen, in the water bath and keepat the specified
temperature for about 85 minutes to 95 minutes.
4.4 Thermometer — Conforming to the following Then remove the briquette from the plate,detach the
requirements: side pieces, and test the briquette immediately.
Characteristic Requirement 5.3.1 Attach the rings at each end of the clips to the
Range 0 °C to 44 °C pins or hooks in the testing machine and pullthe two
Graduations 0.2 °C clips apart horizontally at a uniform speed as
Immersion 65 mm specified until the briquette ruptures. Measure the
distance in centimeters through which the clips have
Overall length (340 ± 10) mm
been pulled to produce rupture. While thetest is being
Stem diameter 5.5 mm to 8.0 mm made, make sure that the water in the tank of the
Bulb length 10 mm to 16 mm testing machine covers the specimenboth above and
Bulb diameter Not larger than below it by at least 25 mm and is maintained
stem diameter continuously within ± 0.5 °C of the specified
Length of graduated 150 mm to 190 mm temperature.
Longer lines at each l °C and 5 °C 6 REPORT
Figured at each 5°C 5 °C
6.1 A normal test is one in which the material
Scale ± 0.2 °C
between the two clips pulls out to a point or to a
thread and rupture occurs where the cross-sectional
NOTE — Any temperature measuring device meeting the
resolution and temperature range requirement specified in area is a minimum. Report the average of threenormal
the test method to be used. tests, as the ductility of the sample, provided the three
determinations be within ± 5 percent oftheir mean
5 PROCEDURE value.
5.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be 6.1.1 If the value of three determinations do not lie
conducted at a temperature of (25.0 ± 0.5) °C and at within ± 5 percent of their mean but the two higher
a rate of pull of (50.0 ± 2.5) mm/min. values are within ± 5 percent of their mean then
record the mean of the two higher values as test
5.1.1 When a low temperature ductility test is result.
desired, the test shall be made at a temperature of
(4.0 ± 0.5) °C and at a rate of pull of 6.2 If the bituminous material comes in contact with
(10.0 ± 0.5) mm/min. the surface of the water or the bottom of thebath, the
test shall not be considered normal. Adjust the
5.2 Completely melt the bituminous material to be specific gravity of the water in the bath by the
tested to a temperature of 75 °C to 100 °C abovethe addition of either methyl alcohol or sodium chloride
approximately softening point until it becomes so that the bituminous material does not either come
thoroughly fluid. Assemble the mould on a brass to the surface of the water, or touch the bottom of
plate and in order to prevent the material under test the bath at any time during thetest.
from sticking, thoroughly coat the surfaceof the plate
and interior surfaces of the sides of the mould 6.3 If a normal test is not obtainable on three
(a and a' in Fig. 1) to prevent adhesion of bitumen successive tests, report the ductility as being
IS 1208 (Part 1) : 2023
7 PRECISION 8.1 The plate upon which the mould is placed shall
be perfectly flat and level so that the bottomsurface
7.1 Test results shall not differ by more than the of the mould touches it throughout.
8.2 In filling the mould, care shall be taken not to
Repeatability 10 percent of the mean disarrange the parts and thus distort the briquetteand
to see that no air pocket shall be within the moulded
Reproducibility 20 percent of the mean
IS 1208 (Part 1) : 2023
Bitumen, Tar and Related Products Sectional Committee, PCD 06
Organization Representative(s)
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi DR AMBIKA BEHL (Chairperson)
CSIR - Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi DR SIKSHA SWAROOP KAR
Directorate General Border Roads, New Delhi LT COL NITIN CHANDRA JOSHI
GP Global Asphalt Private Limited, New Delhi SHRI RAJESH KUMAR JAIN
IS 1208 (Part 1) : 2023
Organization Representative(s)
Member Secretary
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Head (Publication & Sales), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the website- or www.standardsbis.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: PCD 06 (17366).