Effective Thru-Tubing Gravel Packing Methods in Attaka Field

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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - 28th Annual Convention Proceedings, 2002


Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention & Exhibition, October 2001


C.C. Lee*
Michael Chad Darby*
Timothy R. Popp**


Effective sand control methods has long been a The Attaka field is located in the Makassar Straits,
concern within unconsolidated sandstone formations about 12 miles (19 km) offshore from Tanjung
in the Attaka Oil field in East Kalimantan. Many of Santan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Figure 1),
the producing wells have stopped production due to northeast of the Mahakam delta. The areal closure of
the influx of formation sand. These wells have low the structure is 8,000 acres (3,300 hectares).
rate marginal reserves, which cannot economically
justify re-completion with conventional gravel In March 2001, this super-giant oil field surpassed
packing techniques. 600 million barrels of cumulative oil production. It
has produced since November 1972 with a peak
Two Thru-Tubing Gravel Packing (TTGP) production rate of 110,000 BOPD in 1977. Most of
completion methods utilizing 1.5” Coiled Tubing the Attaka reservoirs have weak to strong water drive,
(CT) were introduced in Attaka Field due to the although some produce strictly under solution gas
difference in existing completions. These techniques drive or gas cap expansion. Oil gravity ranges
utilize methods transferred from Unocal’s Gulf of between 35 and 430 API (Zagalai et al, 1992).
Mexico operations. The first method is a Pack-off
Method with gravel pack screen and packoff Most of the well candidates were selected due to sand
assembly in the monobore completion. The second problems causing the wells to be shut-in. With the
method is a vent screen utilizing a mechanical plug support of reservoir data, the use of TTGP has proven
back tool (MPBT) through 3-1/2” production tubing successful in returning the wells to production.
across 7” casing (Restarick et al, 1991). The sand
retention performance after the TTGP completion has The TTGP method chosen for Attaka field is a
been exemplary. Production tests shows an increase mechanical method, due to the following three main
in net production rate that is in line with inflow advantages:
calculations. This paper reviews the job design,
operational procedure and results observation of these a. Rigless completion – capable of providing a low
two successful TTGP methods in Attaka field. Six cost option for returning a well to production.
case histories and conclusions from the overall results
are also presented. b. Simple and effective.

A newly developed visco-elastic surfactant-based c. New gravel pack fluid system results in minimal
(VES) polymer-free fluid was used as gravel carrier formation damage and favourable leakoff.
fluid. Rheology, fluid loss and gravel settling data are
presented. TTGP completions accomplished control of the
formation sand flow by placing a downhole sand filter
across the perforated intervals. This filter is formed
when the gravel-pack sand filters out the formation
* P.T. Dowell Anadrill Schlumberger
sand and the screen filters out the gravel-pack sand.
** Unocal Indonesia Co. Ideally, the result allows the production fluids to pass

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through with minimal restriction (Freiman and b. Clay Analysis – to determine the type of clay (x-
Johnson, 1994). ray diffraction or scanning electron microscope)
and the amount of clay (dispersion, hydrometer
The TTGP completion was deployed using coiled analysis). The results are used to determine type
tubing. Perforation pre-packing was done with the and concentration of clay stabilising agent used in
screens in place. Thus, the squeeze method was the post flush for the stimulation fluid or gravel
chosen as the preferred gravel placement technique packing fluid.
for packing the perforation tunnels. This procedure
involves pumping alternate stages of acid, a spacer c. Acid solubility - to determine the type of
fluid and gravel slurry to alternately treat and prepack stimulation fluid required.
the entire interval with screen in place.
Gravel Carrier Fluid Design
A new and easy-to-prepare polymer free fluid that
Two TTGP methods were introduced in Attaka field, consists of a quaternary ammonium salt derived from
a long-chain fatty acid, now is used as the gravel
a. The Packoff Method – which uses thru-tubing carrier fluid (Samuel et al, 1997). This VES fluid has
gravel tubing screen with a blank spacer pipe and been widely used as a fracturing fluid in operations
pack-off seal assembly. It can be placed inside through coiled tubing.
casing or an existing gravel pack screen and
spaced out and packed off inside the production Gravel Suspension Properties. For a viscosifying
tubing. agent to work adequately in the gravel pack treatment,
the fluid must suspend gravel in the mixing
b. The Vent Screen Method – which uses two screen equipment, transport the gravel through pumping
sections separated by blank pipe placed and equipment to the well, and transport the gravel down
packed in the casing, with production entering the the well to pack the perforation and screen-casing
lower section screen and exiting the upper annulus (Samuel et al, 1997). VES fluid provides
section. benefits listed below:

TREATMENT DESIGN EVOLUTION a. Improves gravel transport into perforations

b. Decreases erosion and screen plugging by fines
Many new technological advances in gravel pack c. Inhibits gravity segregation of particles sizes
fluid systems, perforation techniques, downhole d. Reduces invasion of formation by treatment fluids
equipment and service have been developed to e. Reduces mixing of gravel with formation sand
respond to the stringent economic needs governing
today’s oilfield. These enabled realization of greater The laboratory results of static gravel suspension tests
rates of success and lower costs in TTGPs. is shown in Figure 2. It is evident that 1.5% VES is
good for 0.5 PPA to 1.0 PPA.
Sand samples were obtained from the sand bailing
process after a well sanded up and eventually shut in. Leakoff. Gravel pack treatment requires fluid leakoff.
These produced or bailed samples were analyzed Fluid leakoff to the formation will result in a higher
using the following analysis, packing efficiency in the perforation tunnels. VES
exhibits leakoff behaviour unlike that observed with
a. Sieve Analysis – to plot the sand size distribution. cross-linked guar or HEC (hydroxyethylcellulose).
Saucier Sizing Method using the median Cross-linked guar fluid contains solids and builds
formation grain size as the design point makes both internal and external filter cakes when pumped
this method applicable to fine and uniform sands. into a high permeability formation. VES is solids-free
This is the most forgiving method because the and does not form a filter cake. This VES fluid
bailed samples are questionable. Loss of fines or depends less on differential pressure than HEC fluid.
coarse particles does not affect results when Below is the leakoff result compared between VES
compared to other methods. The result was used and HEC when passed through a filter media by
to determine the appropriate screen size. applying the same pressure. The time for fluid to flow

Vol. 2 - 158
through the filter media is measured to determine the life, is greatly affected by shot diameter, density and
leakoff properties. HEC fluid requires double the time perforation damage. Perforation tunnels must be open
relative to the VES fluid. so they can be filled with pack gravel to prevent
filling with formation sand. If perforations are
plugged, gravel cannot be deposited in the tunnels as
Fluid Concentration Rheology Relative carrier fluids flow into the formation, nor could
(170 sec-1 ) Leakoff formation consolidation chemicals be injected.
HEC 50 lb/mgal 75 2 The greater the perforation density, the less draw-
VES 1.5% 75 1 down through each perforation tunnel and the less
velocity through each effective perforation. Intervals
perforated four shots per foot show cumulative
Proppant-pack permeability. To maximize well production prior to sanding to be seven times greater
productivity, it is essential to maximize cleanup in the than intervals perforated with only one shot per foot.
perforation area. Polymer residues that stay in the Two perforations per foot showed only two-thirds the
perforation area contribute significantly to a lowered life of four shots per foot.
proppant-pack permeability, leading to a loss in
treatment effectiveness. VES fluid is solid-free; In an effectively gravel packed well, the lower
consequently, the retained permeability of proppant velocity resulting from high perforation density and
packs placed with VES fluid is typically greater than large diameter perforations reduces screen erosion
90 % (Samuel et al, 1997). and increases the life of the sand control treatment.
Pressure drop through higher density, large diameter
Formation Damage. Core testing has shown that perforations is also reduced, resulting in higher
VES fluids cause less formation damage than other wellhead pressure and greater oil or gas production.
fluids. The average recovery of formation tests run
with VES was 98.4% and with HEC was 62% For the perforation technique in Attaka field, 12 to 18
(Scheuerman, 1984). SPF 2-1/8” Enerjet Big Hole charges were
recommended for re-perforation as well as for new
Friction Pressure. Low friction pressure was zones treated with TTGP. All key parameters are
encountered when pumping through coiled tubing/ summarized in Table 1.
smaller size tubing compared to common Newtonian
fluids. The pumping pressure for brine in 1.5” CT was Screen Selection
3000 psi at 1.2 bpm while for VES with 0.50 PPA it
was only 1760 psi at 1.2 bpm (Figure 3). With this Screens are used to keep the gravel in place after a
special rheological model, higher injection rates can gravel pack treatment. The gravel serves as a filter for
be achieved for gravel packing, leading to increased the formation sand. Based on the sieve analysis, the
the packing efficiency and avoidance of gravel following gravel size and slot sizes were determined:

Well Gravel Slot size

Operational Simplicity. No polymer hydration, Size
cross-linking or breakers are required. All that is D-18/B-12RD/B-2RD/L-4 12/20 20 Gauge
required is the injection of the surfactant into the D-15/L-12 20/40 12 Gauge
brine. The breaker is the produced hydrocarbon or
other formation fluid. Intermixing of the VES fluid
with formation fluid will lower the viscosity of the The screen type that is used in Attaka field is wire
system to achieve rapid cleanup. wrapped-on-pipe.

Perforation Technique Proppant Concentration

The success of sand control treatments in cased holes, Low proppant concentration in the gravel pack fluid
measured in terms of well productivity and treatment is preferred to prevent bridges from forming. Bridges

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tend to form in the natural eddy points of fluid flow tubing sand control bottomhole assembly (BHA).
such as the blank spaces between screens and around
centralizers. Dune build-ups in a deviated wellbore Foam Cleanout
will also cause bridging. In addition, low
concentration reduces the friction pressure of Since the wellbore and perforations must be clean to
pumping through coiled tubing so that higher rates perform the thru-tubing gravel pack, all produced
can be achieved for better packing efficiency. Typical sand, scale, etc. is removed from the wellbore
concentrations ranging from 0.5 ppa and 1.0 ppa were effectively using the coiled tubing unit that later
recommended for TTGP to avoid settling, especially deploys the TTGP completion. Foam washing is
in the deviated wells. required as Attaka field has low bottomhole pressure.

Screen/Blank Pipe Length Design Screen Deployment

It is recommended to use 80 ft to 100 ft of blank pipe Well control is an issue during deploying
for both packoff and vent screen methods. This will approximately 100 ft of TTGP assembly. The
ensure that the screen will be covered with gravel wellbore must be kept full of kill weight fluid. To
(after settling) if a premature screenout occurs. With accomplish this, a kill line is rigged up to the BOP
these producing wells, reserve gravel also prevents and water is pumped at rates slightly greater than the
gravel fluidization during production and it re-fills fluid loss rate. In addition, ensure that the stabber
any void caused by fines migration or settling. valve, with 1.5” O.D. (right size for BOP pipe ram)
and check valve is on the deployment work deck
Screen length is planned to allow at least 5 feet (1.5 during the BHA deployment.
meters) to extend both above and below the
perforated interval. To achieve accurate depth Filtration
correlation, wireline Casing Collar Locator (CCL) is a
must to run with the bridge plug or MPBT. A permeable formation acts as a very effective filter.
Solid particles that are suspended in completion or
Centralization workover fluids will be filtered out by the formation
as fluid leakoff occurs. These particles can cause
Centralizers are recommended for both types of plugging and permeability reduction. The minimum
TTGP completions to centralize the gravel pack size particle that must be removed from the
assembly in the monobore or casing and to allow for a completion or workover fluid to avoid formation
tight gravel pack (without voids) to be performed. For damage depends on the pore throat sized in the
the packoff method, a rigid type centralizer or welded formation. For a size 1/6th of pore throat, the particles
fin type is recommended. A bow spring centralizer is can invade without being trapped. For 1/6th to ½of
recommended for the vent screen method. The bow the pore throat size, particles will be trapped by the
type needs to be installed on a collar or limit ring that pore network very near the wellbore and will cause
allows both ends to move, thus enabling the blades to significant permeability damage. For greater than ½
be moved in either direction. This creates less drag. of pore-throat size, particles will plug and form filter
For the bow spring centraliser, it is run through 2.75” cake which will eventually block the perforation.
I.D. (3-1/2” tubing) and set in 7” casing. For all TTGP jobs completed in Attaka field, the
completion brine (4% KCl, potassium chloride) and
Coiled Tubing Unit gravel pack fluid are filtered to 2 micron absolute.

In performing the TTGP completion, a coiled tubing Injectivity Test

unit can provide the entire normal rig functions
performed during a full-scale sand control operation. An injectivity test must be performed prior to gravel
(Fig.4). The unit can also assist the operator in packing. It serves two purposes. Firstly, it serves to
preparation of the candidate well with wellbore obtain the actual fracture gradient. Secondly, it serves
cleanout, stimulation, completion equipment to determine the allowable pump rate for packing the
installation, prepacking and gravel pumping phases. perforation without exceeding the fracturing pressure.
The well can then be completed with the desired thru- As a rule of thumb, screen out pressure is 500 psi

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above the injection pressure with the same rate. choke. Three days later the well was shut-in due to
produced sand with last test as follows: 66 bopd, 2105
Acidizing GOR, 0% cut, sand to surface.

Prepack acidizing is performed primarily to obtain The proposed TTGP sands of 44-5B and 44-5C
adequate effective permeability to allow dehydration marker had never been produced in the D-18 well
of the carrier fluid during packing; however, the area. It was confirmed by OFA that the 44-5B marker
objective is to reduce the skin to zero. Acidizing also is oil with an equivalent reservoir pressure of 7.87
removes formation damage due to clay fines, ppg. Since no MDT pressure was taken at the 44-5C
providing simultaneous clay stabilization. For Attaka marker, it is assumed that the reservoir pressure was
field, all the case histories had either acidizing or clay about 8.0 ppg (strong water drive).
stabilizing performed prior to gravel packing based on
the economics and reservoir characteristics. Attaka Well B-2RD. Well B-2RD was drilled and
completed as a single string producer from the
VENT SCREEN METHOD Intermediate Sequence in September 1994. B2-RD
penetrated the 50-8 sand. The 50-8 sand is a Lower
It is estimated that production through a gravel pack Deltaic sand and is considered to be a water drive
media is limited to approximately 60 feet (18 m3). reservoir. The pressure measured in B2RD by MDT
From this theory, a unique flow path for production in September 1994 was 8.18 ppg. The peak
can be established. A screen assembly, consisting of a production from the 50-8 sand was 1587 bopd, 755
primary screen adequate to cover the perforations, a mscfd, 2% BS&W in March 1999. The well was shut
length of blank spacer pipe, and a short upper section in due to sand problem in August 1999. The last well
of screen bull plugged on top, is used. This double test before shut in was 479 bopd, 22 mscfd, 66%
screen assembly is then run into the wellbore using BS&W (July 20,1999).
coiled tubing and set across the perforations in the
lower section of the open casing (Freiman and Attaka Well L-4LS. The L-4LS well was completed
Johnson, 1994). in the 54-0 marker in October 1998, producing for
less than 3 months before ceasing to produce due to
As shown in (Figure 5 (a), (b) & (c)), the dual screen sand production. The well test recorded on Jan 1999
thru-tubing assembly does not require the top of the was 96 BOPD, 20 BWPD, and 20 MCFD on gas lift.
blank liner to be extended into the production tubing.
Once the BHA has been properly located across the TTGP Procedures (Well D-18, B-2RD & L-4LS)
perforations, the desired slurry is pumped through the
coiled tubing and then completely over and around 1. Rigged up slickline to confirm the top of fill and
the dual screen, covering the entire screen assembly. rigged down.
The slurry is re-stressed by pumping from the annulus
to pack around the lower section of the BHA. Once 2. Rigged up coiled tubing to foam wash the sand
screenout pressure is observed, the sand is washed till no sand was tagged across the perforation.
from around the upper screen section, again using the Marked the coiled tubing. Came out of hole with
coiled tubing. Production is directed through the coiled tubing and rigged down.
lower section of the screen, up the blank pipe and out
the top section of the screen. The well is returned to 3. Rigged up wireline perforation unit and made 2-
production, using the coiled tubing, with nitrogen to 1/8” Enerjet 12 or 18 SPF using GR/CCL
displace the completion fluid from the wellbore. correlation tool.

Case Histories 4. Set 7” MPBT at 10 ft below the interval using

Attaka Well D-18. Well D-18 was drilled and
completed as a single string completion in April, 5. Filtered all the completion fluids and gravel
1999. The 44-5C marker was perforated through carrier fluid to 2 microns absolute.
tubing in May 1999 with initial production of 192
bopd, 31 GOR, 0% water cut, 210 psi THP on 18/64” 6. Prepared the welded screen by strapping every

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joint and crossover. Measured length, ODs and • Preflush – Clay Stabilising Agent
IDs. • VES carrier fluid with gravel
• Flush – 4 % KCl
7. Made up the bull plug to the bottom of the blank
spacer. 19. Once all the slurry exited the coil, stopped
pumping down coil, and started pumping down 3-
8. Using the lift subs, lowered the joint of blank 1/2”/coil annulus to squeeze slurry into place.
spacer into the well, hanging it off using two sets
of screen clamps. 20. Monitored the injection pressures during the
placement of the sand in an attempt to detect a
9. Proper well control was maintained during screenout pressure of the perforation, relative to
deployment of the BHA as discussed in the the injectivity test performed earlier in this
previous section. operation.

10. Made up each joint of Screen/Blank in this 21. If screenout was not achieved, repeat step 18
fashion, torqueing them up with pipe wrenches. without preflush. For D18 & L-4LS, 2 batches of
gravel were pumped. For B-2RD, three batches of
11. Made up the 1.9” blanking plug and the release gravel were pumped.
tool (Hook up nipple) to the top of the gravel
pack assembly. 22. Picked up coiled tubing 100 ft higher and ran
back to tagged top of sand. If higher than top of
12. Ran in hole at 60ft/min to top of MPBT. Circulate vent screen, washed down till bottom of vent
with 4% KCl filtered seawater. Pay close screen.
attention to the weight indictor on the coiled
tubing unit, especially around areas that are tight. 23. Came out of hole with coiled tubing and rigged

13. Tagged bottom carefully, and correlated depth 24. Rigged up slickline and installed gas lift. Came
with pipe tally, well diagram and paint mark. out of hole with slickline and rigged down.

14. Load setting ball into ball launcher. Pressured up 25. Put well on production. Monitored for any
against the closed 2” x 2” plug valve to 2,500 psi. possible production of solids.
Opened the plug valve quickly and began
pumping at 1.2 bpm. Once the ball was PACKOFF METHOD
circulated over gooseneck, reduced the rate to
0.25 bpm until ball seated. A screen with a length of blank pipe attached to a
releasing tool and coiled tubing is run across the
15. Once the ball was seated, pressured up to 2,200 perforations. Once the screen in placed, a ball is
psi to shear the pins and open the circulating dropped and circulated through coiled tubing. The
ports. ball will sit on the releasing tool. When pressure is
applied to the ball seat, the releasing tool attached to
16. Closed choke and performed injection rate test by the coiled tubing will be free from the blank pipe and
establishing injection rates down the coil at 0.5, 1, screen. It also opened the circulating port that
and 1.5 bpm at 2 min intervals using 4% KCl allowed fluids pumped through coiled tubing, exiting
to the annulus of blank pipe and casing (see Figure 6
17. Lined up to pump down 3-1/2” coiled tubing (a), (b) & (c)).
annulus. Established injection rates down the 3-
1/2”/coil annulus at 1.0 bpm, 2.0 bpm and 3.0 A certain set-down weight is necessarily applied on
bpm at 2 min intervals using 4% KCl. the hydraulic release tool to prevent it from being
18. With choke remaining closed, squeezed the pushed upward during the squeezing operation.
gravel pack down the coil with the following Gravel exits the releasing tool and packs in the
sequence: perforation tunnel. When screenout occurs, the excess

Vol. 2 - 162
sand is circulated out. Coiled tubing is then pulled out Marked the coiled tubing. Came out of hole with
to surface. Slickline runs packoff and anchor coiled tubing and rigged down.
assembly to prevent sand that passed through the
annulus and the screen from moving upward. 3. Rigged up wireline perforation unit and
perforated with 2-1/8” Enerjet, 12 or 18 SPF
Case Histories using GR/CCL correlation tool.

Attaka Well D-15. Attaka D-15 well was drilled and 4. Set 3-1/2” bridge plug 10 ft below the interval
completed as monobore in April 1996. The using wireline.
Intermediate and Deep Sequences sands of 65-0 to
86-2 were perforated through tubing with an initial 5. Filtered all the completion fluids and gravel
test as follows: 818 bopd, 834 mscfd, 0% cut, 330 psi carrier fluid to 2 microns absolute.
THP. The last through tubing workover performed in
D-15 well was in October 1998. The 3-1/2” bridge 6. Prepared all welded screen by strapping every
plug was set at 7935’ to abandon the 65-0 to 87-9 joint and crossover to determine measured length,
markers and was followed by perforation of 63-0B ODs and IDs.
marker. The 61-9 marker was perforated later due to
no significant production recorded from the 63-0B 7. Using the lift subs, lowered the joint of blank
sand. spacer into the well, hanging it off using two sets
of screen clamps.
The well was idled due to sand production. Top of
sand, which was tagged by slickline unit on June 16, 8. Proper well control was maintained during
1999, was at 7359’, about 200’ above the top deployment the BHA as discussed in the previous
perforation. It was proposed to clean out the well and section.
abandon the 63-0B marker. The 62-4 marker was
perforated and gravel packed together with the 61-9 9. Made up each joint of Screen/Blank in this
marker. fashion, torquing them up with pipe wrenches.

Attaka Well B-12RD2. Well B-12RD2 was redrilled 10. Made up the release tool/hook-up nipple to the
and completed as a monobore producer in the 56-4 top of the gravel pack assembly.
sand in September 1994. Later the well was plugged
back to the 55-9 sand. The peak production for 55-9 11. Ran in hole at 60ft/min to top of bridge plug.
sand was 1367 BOPD + 270 MCF/D + 321 BWPD in Circulated with 4% KCl filtered seawater, paying
April. The well was producing 419 BOPD + 12 close attention to the weight indictor on the coiled
MMCF/D + 329 BWPD before being shut-in due to tubing unit, especially around areas that are tight.
sand (tagged @ 5,470 ft November 15, 1999).
12. Tagged bottom carefully, and correlated depth
Attaka Well L-12. The well was drilled and with pipe tally, well diagram and paint mark.
completed as a monobore in October 1994. Several
zones were abandoned due to sand production. Based 13. Load setting ball into ball launcher. Pressured up
on the adjacent L-7 well, the 52-8 sand in the L-12 against the closed 2” x 2” plug valve to 2,500 psi.
was still capable of producing oil by proper sand Opened the plug valve quickly and began
control application. pumping at 1.2 bpm. Once the ball was
circulated over gooseneck, reduced the rate to
0.25 bpm until ball seated.
TTGP Procedures (Well D-15, B-12RD2 & L-12)
14. Once the ball was seated, pressured up to 2,200
1. Rigged up slickline to confirm the top of fill and psi to shear the pins and open the circulating
rigged down. ports.

2. Rigged up coiled tubing to foam wash the sand 15. Closed choke and performed injection rate test by
till no sand was tagged across the perforation. establishing injection rates down the coil at 0.5, 1,

Vol. 2 - 163
and 1.5 bpm at 2 min intervals using 4% KCl. RESULTS AND OBSERVATION

16. Lined up to pump down 3-1/2” coiled tubing Six wells have implemented the TTGP technique in
annulus. Established injection rates down the 3- the Attaka field with three wells (D-18, B2RD and L-
1/2”/coil annulus at 0.5 bpm, 1.0 bpm and 1.5 4LS) utilizing the vent screen method and three wells
bpm at 2 min intervals using 4% KCl. (D15, B-12RD2 and L-12) using the packoff method.
These two methods have effectively controlled sand
production since the TTGPs has been completed. The
17. With choke remaining closed, squeezed gravel production histories (Figure 7-12) for these six wells
pack down the coil with following sequence: depict the production rates after TTGP completion.

18. Once all the slurry exited the coil, stopped

pumping down coil, and started pumping down 3- These were the first TTGP jobs performed in Attaka
1/2”/coil annulus to squeeze slurry into place. Field in East Kalimantan. D15 and D18 have
produced for more than one year and the other wells
• Preflush – Clay Stabilising Agent (D15)/ Half produced more than 6 months after the TTGP
Strength Mud Acid (B-12) completion. These rates are shown in Figures 7
• VES carrier fluid with gravel through 12.
• Flush – 4 % KCl

19. Monitored the injection pressures during the
placement of the sand in an attempt to detect a These two methods have effectively provided a
screenout pressure of the perforation relative to reliable option for remedial sand control operations.
the injectivity test performed earlier in this Implementing all the design considerations and
operation. executing as per procedure can attain the following
20. If screenout was not achieved, repeated step 18.
For D15, 2 batches of gravel were pumped. For • Effective – Sand Production can be controlled,
B-12RD & L-12, only one batch was pumped. allowing production from unconsolidated zones.

21. Circulated out all excess sand using minimum • Cost Efficient – The operation does not require
two tubing volumes into slurry return tank. workover rig since coiled tubing unit is capable
of performing full scale TTGP operation
22. Came out of hole with coiled tubing and rigged including foam washing and deploying the TTGP
down. assembly.

23. Rigged up slickline and installed packoff • Simple and reliable – No tubing manipulation is
assembly with stinger sub. Jarred into place over required, and sand placement across the screen is
the hook-up nipple. easily accomplished.

• Reduces Possibility of Formation Damage – New

24. POOH with slickline and picked up anchor/tubing VES fluid used as gravel pack carrier fluid
stop. RIH and stung into the pack-off, testing the minimises potential damage as retained
integrity of the pack-off with 500 psi on backside. permeability was 90%.
If test was good, set the anchor.
• Increase Inflow Area – Re-perforation with 12 –
25. RIH to set gas lift. Came out of hole with 18 SPF, increasing the cross-sectional area,
slickline and rigged down. provides the well with sufficient area to flow.
This allows the well to produce at less drawdown
26. Put well on production. Monitored for any pressure after the perforations are filled with the
possible production of solids. proper size of gravel.

Vol. 2 - 164
These methods can provide an operationally efficient, Lantz, T., Parham, C., and Plummer, J., 1998. Clear
remedial method for sand control, and still be able to Fracturing Fluids for increased Well Productivity,
recover production from wells that are sanded up. Oilfield Review, 20-33 October 1998.
These capabilities are particularly attractive for wells
with marginal reserves in which rig-based remedial
operations would be economically unfeasible. Freiman, O.L. and Johnson K.J., 1994. Use of the
Dual-Screen Thru-Tubing Sand Control Method,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS paper SPE 28698 presented at SPE International
Petroleum Conference & Exhibition of Mexico,
The authors wish to thank UNOCAL INDONESIA Veracruz, Mexico, 10-13 October 1994.
COMPANY and INPEX for their permission to
publish this paper. Additionally the authors wish to Nehman, W.L., 1988. Viscoelastic Gravel-Pack
thank Glenn Thibodeaux and Kevin Berry for their Carrier Fluid, paper SPE 17168 presented at the SPE
support in transferring this technology from Unocal’s Formation Damage Control Symposium, Bakefield,
Gulf of Mexico operations. California, 8-9 February 1988.

NOMENLATURES Restarick, H.L., Fowler, S.H., and Sedotal, W.P.,

1991. Thru-Tubing Sand Control Techniques Reduce
psi Pound per square inch Completion Costs, paper SPE 23130 presented at
BS&W Basic sediment and water Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, 3-6
ft feet September 1991.
in inch
BOPD Barrel oil per day
MBO Million barrel oil Samuel, M., Card, R.J., Brown, J.E., Vinod, P.S.,
GOR Gas oil ratio Temple, H.L., Qu, Q. and Fu D.K., 1997. Polymer-
THP Tubing head pressure Free Fluid for Hydraulic Fracturing, paper SPE 38622
SPF Shot per foot presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference and
BOP Blowout preventer Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 5-8 October 1997.
CCL Casing collar locator
POOH Pulled out of hole Scheuerman, R.F., 1984. New look at Gravel Carrier
RIH Ran in hole Fluid, paper SPE presented at 12476 presented at the
OFA Optical Fluid Analysis SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium,
RD Re-drill Bakefield, California, 13-14 February 1984.
OD Outside diameter
ID Inside Diameter
GR Gamma Ray Zagalai, B.M., Houtzager J.F., Mahadi S., Partono Y.,
KCl Potassium Chloride and Goodwin B., 1992. Reservoir Simulation
Facilities Synergism in Management of the Attaka
REFERENCES Field, paper SPE 22352 presented at the SPE
International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering held
Chase, B., Chmilowski, W., Dang, Y., Krauss, K., in Beijing, China, 24 – 27 March 1992.

Vol. 2 - 165

Well Name D-18 B-2RD L-4LS B-12RD2 D15 L-12

TTGP completion type Vent Screen Vent Screen Vent Screen Packoff Pack-off Packoff
VES Concetration 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Filtration 2 micron 2 micron 2 micron 2 micron 2 micron 2 micron
Acidizing Prior TTGP Clay Stabilizing Clay Stabilizing None Mud Acid Clay Stabilizing None
Gravel Size 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/20 20/40 20/40
Gravel Concentration 1.0 PPA* 2.0 PPA* 1.0 PPA* 0.5 PPA* 0.5 PPA* 1.0 PPA*
Screen 1.9” StrataCoil- 20 1.9” StrataCoil- 20 1.9” StrataCoil- 12 1.9” StrataCoil- 20 1.5” StrataCoil- 12 1.9” StrataCoil- 20
Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge
Centralizer Type Bow Spring Bow Spring None due to Welded Fin Type Welded Fin Type Welded Fin Type
wellbore restriction
Re-perforation (type /density) 2-1/8” Big Hole 2-1/8” Big Hole 2-1/8” Big Hole 2-1/8” Big Hole 2-1/8” Big Hole 2-1/8” Big Hole
Enerjet / 12 spf Enerjet / 18 spf Enerjet / 18 spf Enerjet / 12 spf Enerjet / 18 spf Enerjet / 12 spf
Sand Interval 44-5B and 44-5C 50-5 54-0 55-9 61-9 and 62-4 52-8
Injection Rate (through coil) 0.5 BPM – 1120 psi 0.5 BPM – 450 psi 0.5 BPM – 430 psi 0.5 BPM – 400 psi 0.5 BPM – 1120 psi 0.5 BPM – 550 psi
with 4% KCL 1.0 BPM – 2900 psi 0.95 BPM – 1850 1.0 BPM – 2055 psi 1.0 BPM – 1800 psi 1.0 BPM – 1500 psi 1.0 BPM – 2500 psi
psi 1.5 BPM – 4400 psi 1.5 BPM – 3950 psi 1.5 BPM – 3750 psi 1.5 BPM – 3500 psi
1.18 BPM – 2800
1.5 BPM – 4350 psi
Injection Rate (through 1.0 BPM – 1150 psi 1.0 BPM – 0 psi 1.0 BPM – 0 psi 1.3 BPM – 0 psi 0.5 BPM – 60 psi 2.0 BPM – 0 psi
Annulus CT/ tubing) 2.0 BPM – 1570 psi 2.1 BPM – 18 psi 2.0 BPM – 18 psi 2.0 BPM – 105 psi 1.0 BPM – 100 psi
2.4 BPM – 1850 psi 3.0 BPM – 155 psi 2.5 BPM – 100 psi 3.0 BPM – 385 psi 1.5 BPM – 140 psi
4.0 BPM – 195 psi 3.0 BPM – 250 psi 4.0 BPM – 540 psi
3.5 BPM – 500 psi
Screenout Pressure (through 1.0 BPM – 3100 psi 0.6 BPM – 1000 psi 0.5 BPM – 3000 psi 1.0 BPM – 2900 psi
Screenout Pressure (through 0.78 BPM – 1380 psi 1.0 BPM – 500 psi 1.1 BPM – 1200 psi 0.5 BPM – 1150 psi 0.5 BPM – 500 psi 2.0 BPM – 100 psi
Annulus CT/ tubing)
Total Gravel Pumped 5300 lb 5000 lb 8000 lb 567 lb 640 lb 336 lb
Perforation Pack Volume 1.5 cuft/ft 3.55 cuft/ft 4.19 cuft/ft 0.33 cuft/ft 0.206 cuft/ft 0.15 cuft/ft
Average pumprate 1.0 BPM 1.2 BPM 1.25 BPM 1.2 BPM 1.5 BPM 1.48 BPM

* Pound per proppant added

Vol. 2 - 166
FIGURE 1 - Attaka Field Location.

Viscosity @ 170 sec-1




0.5% VES
Viscosity (cp)

1.0% VES
1.5% VES
60 2.0% VES
HEC@40Lbs/1000 gal
HEC@ 60Lbs/1000 gal



75 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature (F)

FIGURE 2 - Rheology test comparison for VES and HEC.

Vol. 2 - 167
Unocal Indonesia
Pumping pressure during TTGP B-2

5000 Circ Pres

Pumping Brine

Pumping 0.5 ppa VES

Circ Pres - psi

3000 Gravel Fluid



17:46:30 22:38:10 03:29:50
Time - hh:mm:ss

FIGURE 3 - Friction Pressure history with same pump rate during TTGP.

FIGURE 4 - Coiled Tubing Rig-Up.

Vol. 2 - 168
D-18 B-2RD

FIGURE 5 (a) & (b) Vent Screen Method TTGP Well Completion Schematic.

Vol. 2 - 169

FIGURE 5 (c) Vent Screen Method -L-4LS. FIGURE 6 (a) Packoff Method –L-12.

Vol. 2 - 170
D-18 B-12RD

FIGURE 6 (b) & (c) Packoff Method for TTGP Well Completion Schematic.

Vol. 2 - 171
FIGURE 7 - Production history on well D-18 After TTGP.

FIGURE 8 - Production history on well B-2RD After TTGP.

Vol. 2 - 172
FIGURE 9 - Production history on well L-4LS After TTGP.

FIGURE 10 - Production history on well D-15 After TTGP.

Vol. 2 - 173
FIGURE 11 - Production history on well B-12RD2 After TTGP.

FIGURE 12 - Production history on well L-12 After TTGP.

Vol. 2 - 174

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