CV Muhammad Islaqudin ATS Fix

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[email protected]
Islaqudin S.s.
Kedungadem, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur,


Graduated with a bachelor's degree in Indonesian Literature at the State University of Surabaya. Easy to socialize, has a foc used, organized,
and responsible attitude towards work. Open-minded and respectful of others, fast learner, friendly, and likes to try something new. Share
new experiences, discuss life and kindness everywhere. Can work for individuals or in a team.


Live Chat Agent 04/2021 – 11/2021

PT. Shopee International Indonesia

• Analyzing problems from customers

• Provide solutions to customer complaints
• Help continue customer problems for further checking
• Serving customer complaints

Crew Wedding Organizer 02/2021 - 04/2021

Assyifa Enterprise

• Ensure event equipment

• Assist in the preparation of the groom
• Ensure food before the event takes place
• Manage the flow of guests during the event

Exhibition Crew 12/2020 - 01/2021

PT. Lifestyle Indonesia New Entertaiment (LINE Friends Indonesia)

• Manage the course of the customer at the exhibition site

• Helping customer photos in the exhibition
• Maintain and check the property before and after the exhibition
• Promote exhibition products

Part-Time Crew Fast Food Restaurant 07/2019 - 10/2019

PT. Eka Boga Inti (Hoka-Hoka Bento)

• Help prepare the necessary places and meals before opening the restaurant
• Serving customers when ordering food
• Clean the table when the customer finishes eating
• Serving customers when going to pay
• Serving online driver orders

Waiters Event 05/2016 - 01/2018

Several Hotels and Ball-room in Surabaya

• Serving food and drinks at the event

• Serving guests during the event
• Help clean up cutlery after use
• Helping guests when problems occur at the event


Indonesian Literature 2020

University of Surabaya - Bachelor's Degree (GPA : 3.44)

• Member of Department Home Affairs BEM Faculty

• Leader of Department Home Affairs BEM Faculty

Social Science
SMA Negeri 1 Kedungadem - High School
• Active in choir extracurricular


Member of Department Home Affairs Faculty 2017

• Establishing relationships with the head of the student association department

• Help organize the schedule of events in the faculty
• Establishing a relationship with the faculty regarding the PKKMB and Pemira laws before
discussing it with the head of the department's student association

• Establishing relationships with the Department of Home Affairs within the scope of
the University

Leader of Department Home Affairs Faculty


• Manage members in harmony and cohesiveness of the division

• Prepare division meeting materials
• Ensuring division members carry out their duties and responsibilities correctly within the organization
• Establishing relationships with the head of the student association department
• Help organize the schedule of events in the faculty
• Establishing a relationship with the faculty regarding the PKKMB and Pemira laws
before discussing it with the head of the department's student association

• Establishing relationships with the Department of Home Affairs within the scope of the University


Microsoft Office Advanced Leadership Advanced

Analytical Skill Advanced Teamwork Advanced
Multitasking Advanced Communication Advanced
Problem Solving Advanced Customer Service Advanced
Time Management Advanced Mobile Advanced
Event Planning Intermediate Energetic Advanced


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