Staff Handbook 2022-23

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Staff Handbook

Dear Colleagues:

A warm welcome to Chubby Cheeks Nursery. We hope your time at CCN will be a happy,
rewarding time of learning for both you and for your pupils. This Handbook has been
compiled to provide you with the necessary information about nursery procedures.

The Staff Handbook is available to all staff and reading it is important. If any of the
information is unclear, or if we have missed out anything that you feel you need to know,
please do not hesitate to ask your manager or the HR Manage, we are all here to help each
other. Please do not feel any question is too trivial. What you tell or ask us will enable us to
improve this Staff Handbook for future colleagues. Your perspective as a staff member is vital
in this process.

Outline for our Staff Handbook

The information in this Handbook and other nursery policies are an important part of your
contract with us. Please read them carefully and make sure you are familiar with what is
required. All members of staff must follow these rules and regulations for the benefit of
students, staff and parents. They apply whenever you are in nursery and whenever you are
engaged in any nursery sponsored activity offsite.

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Every day, we love to work and play, set new goals before
we start.
Yet, caring for each other, a most important part.
Such a caring sharing nursery depends on family and

Courage, truth, integrity. We join hands to lay

Every learning step achievable, unbelievable.

Making friends, until the nursery day ends, help our team
to be the best.
Together, be the finest nursery. So little time to rest.
Fit and active, healthy, growing strong, busy moving all
day long.

Courage, truth, integrity. We join hands to lay

Every learning step achievable, unbelievable.

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Nursery Motto
Preparing for life

Mission Statement
It is imperative that at Chubby Cheeks Nursery we provide a multicultural environment that is conducive to the
development of each maximum potential and equip them to become responsible, socially well-
adjusted, future citizens who can make balanced informed decisions.

Vision Statement
It is our vision to be an outstanding international nursery committed to the culture of excellence, imparting the
tenets of the British National Curriculum to our Nursery students to prepare them for life. It is our vision to

development, and create a social and environmental awareness so that they become positive, contributing
members of society and the new world order and will be able to confidently meet the challenges they will face.

Statement of Purpose/Objectives
We prepare our students for life
To promote academic, personal, social and physical development in our students.
To encourage creativity in our students and ensure that each one gets an opportunity to develop their
To give enough opportunity for each child to develop their personality and gain self-confidence.
To ensure that each child makes steady progress and is motivated to do their best.
To foster a healthy sense of respect and tolerance toward people of different nationalities and cultures
and become compassionate individuals.
To create an innate awareness of the importance of sustaining their environment and surroundings and
to spread that awareness.
To learn the importance of solidarity and contributing towards causes that parents, the nursery
and society believe.
To appreciate that they are privileged to be able to learn and that learning enriches life.

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Our Four Purposes
At Chubby Cheeks Nursery, we strive for our students to be:

Successful Learners
Confident Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Innovative Contributors

Our Attitudes and Attributes

At CCN we aim to achieve these purposes through focused development of the following attitudes and
Articulate Adventurous Compassionate Collaborative
Curious Ambitious Honest Creative
determined Independent Respectful Supportive
knowledgeable Positive Tolerant Reliable
Versatile Resilient Ethical risk-taker

Achieving our Purpose/Objectives

By ensuring that our students enjoy coming to nursery and learn in a dynamic, caring and interactive
By ensuring that staff members are well qualified and highly motivated, and that they constantly upgrade
their knowledge and skills so that they can be passionate, effective educators and encourage children to
do their best.
By promoting campaigns and undertaking causes to highlight issues and ideals; to encourage activities
like recycling, saving the environment campaigns, energy saving awareness drives and planting trees.
By encouraging a spirit of partnership between students, parents, board members and the community
so that each individual feels valued and welcome.
By recognizing, valuing and celebrating success in a variety of ways to encourage students and staff and
raise their sense of self-esteem.
By encouraging children who are slow learners or have specific disabilities to work at their own pace and
feel a sense of achievement when they have mastered what they were struggling with.
By promoting community service.
By celebrating International Day and cultural events that will help bring children and adults of different
nationalities together and understand and embrace their diversity.
By organizing cultural and educational visits to various places in the Emirates.
By providing ample opportunity for extracurricular activities like music, drama, dance and role play so
that every child will find an area of interest and something to excel.

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Given the importance of teaching to children and young people, parents, employers and to the
wider society, it is vital that the profession continues to develop excellent teaching practices and
teachers adhere to high standards of professional conduct.

The staff is accountable to the children and community it serves and have a responsibility to carry-out their
professional duties mindful of the high regard and important position they hold in our community and society.
The expectation of the staff of Chubby Cheeks Nursery is to foster a culture of the highest professional standards.

and we are proud of what we do. There is an emphasis on mutual support through which we develop our shared
professionalism. We are reflective and adaptive in our practice. This is a safe place to make mistakes making
mistakes is a good way to learn! We are happy to try out new ideas, because we want to ensure that every child

Outcome of the Nursery Culture Game by

Andy Hargreaves
Principles of Professional Practice
All staff, governors and volunteers as appropriate to the role and/or job description of the individual, must:
place the well-being and learning of pupils at the centre of their professional practice
have high expectations for all pupils
be committed to addressing underachievement, and work to help pupils progress regardless of their
background and personal circumstances.
treat pupils fairly and with respect, take their knowledge, views, opinions and feelings seriously, and
value diversity and individuality.
model the characteristics they are trying to inspire in pupils, including enthusiasm for learning, a spirit
of enquiry, honesty, tolerance, social responsibility, patience, and a genuine concern for other people.
respond sensitively to the differences in the home backgrounds and circumstances of pupils, recognizing
the key role that parents and caregivers play in education.
seek to work in partnership with parents and caregivers, respecting their views and promoting
understanding and co- -being in and out of
reflect on their own practice, develop their skills, knowledge and expertise, and adapt appropriately to
learn with and from colleagues.

As a member of staff at Chubby Cheeks Nursery it is expected staff will:

Respect Islamic principles and values and the customs and traditions of the UAE
Promote an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for cultural and religious differences
Protect the safety and welfare of students and colleagues
Contribute to establishing a learning ethos that recognises and maximizes the potential of all students
Contribute to establishing a culture that promotes high expectations, equality, and personal success for all
Help to engage parents and other stakeholders and ensure effective communication with them and with the
wider community

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Be professional at all times and participate in a shared vision for the nursery
Follow all policies and practices of the nursery and share responsibility for their
Promote environmental awareness and responsibility
Promote a healthy lifestyle
Fulfill your professional duties to the best of your abilities
Contribute to the wider life of the nursery

Child Safeguarding Competencies for staff and volunteers who work with Children and Young People
The following competences are necessary:
Emotional Awareness
Aware of the range of emotions in self and others
Demonstrates empathy for the concerns of others
Listens to and understands directly and indirectly expressed feelings
Encourages others to express themselves openly
Manages strong emotions and responds constructively to the source of problems
Listens to personal comments without becoming defensive
In highly stressful situations, keeps own feelings in check, takes constructive action and calms others down
Has a range of mechanisms for dealing with stress, can recognize when to use them and does so
Shows respect for feelings, views and circumstances.

Working within Professional Boundaries

Demonstrates professional courtesy and respect towards colleagues, students and parents
Accepts responsibility and accountability for own work and can define the responsibilities
of others
Recognizes the limits of own authority within the role
Seeks and uses professional support appropriately
Understands the principle of confidentiality

Has a balanced understanding of self and others
Has a realistic knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses
Can demonstrate flexibility of approach
Shows a realistic appreciation of the challenges of working with wide diversity of student needs

Ability to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people
Appreciates the significance of safeguarding and interprets this accurately for all individual children and
young people whatever their life circumstances
Has a good understanding of the safeguarding agenda
Can demonstrate an ability to contribute towards a safe environment
Is up-to-date with legislation and current events
Can demonstrate how to promote and proved
Shows a personal commitment to safeguarding children

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Pupil Care and Well-Being
It is expected that staff will maintain a professional relationship with children at all times and conduct
themselves in a proper and acceptable way in their dealings with children. Staff must exercise sound judgement
in deciding upon the difference between open, honest, friendly, and caring involvement with children based
upon trust and good humor as against over-familiarity, which might lead to a breakdown of what is universally
accepted as appropriate staff/child relationships. At times, an adult may need to make physical contact with a
child dealing with first aid matters or when comforting a child who is in distress. The nursery accepts this as
normal practice. However, staff must not place themselves in a position where accusations of improper conduct
could be made. Teachers need to exercise extreme caution in placing themselves in any situation with children
where accusations of improper conduct could be made.

Use of Language
Children are expected to speak English whenever in the nursery building, except in Arabic and Arabic Studies
classes. In the playground and dining room children are given freedom of choice so that their social development
is not impeded. Children in these cases switch from one language to another depending on the company they
are keeping.

Student Records
ctivities and
progress. The nursery has a policy for assessment, tracking, recording and reporting of National Curriculum
subjects and UAE Ministry of Education subjects that must be adhered to. Other records are left to the
professional discretion.

Staff Performance Appraisal

Chubby Cheeks Nursery aims to support its staff in ongoing professional development for the benefit of
learning and to ensure that individual members of staff are recognized for their professional
continued improvement in teaching. This is achieved through a combination of support and challenge for our
staff. Honest and open appraisal, which identifies strengths and areas for improvement, is at the heart of this
system. Performance appraisal should be a supportive process in which the achievements of members of staff
are recognized and celebrated by their line managers.

Performance appraisal aims:

improves experience by ensuring that all members of staff focus on providing a high-quality
learning experience
improves teaching and learning by ensuring that we have a highly qualified, well trained
and continually developing team of expert teaching staff
is an ongoing process in which information is gathered from a range of sources
is based on the expectations of the Chubby Cheeks Professional Code of Practice
provides formal opportunities for staff to discuss their development with their line manager
raises awareness of their achievements through identifying areas of good practice to be shared
with colleagues
helps staff improve their practice through identifying and targeting specific areas for development
identifies training needs specific to individual staff and groups of staff
supports improvement and professional development by implementing training, coaching, and/or
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mentoring as appropriate to the needs of the individual
encourages staff to be aware of and to pursue their potential as members of a high performing team
motivates staff through regular and formal recognition of their achievements
allows the nursery to ensure that its staff is deployed effectively
Note: for the purposes of Performance Appraisal, and support
staff refers to members of staff whose primary responsibility is the teaching and learning of students.

Key responsibilities
ensure that they fully understand Chubby Cheeks Professional Code of Practice
ensure that they fully understand the requirements of their job specification
complete, forward as requested, and keep a copy of any required documentation in relation to their
performance and to performance appraisal
attend performance appraisal meetings with their line manager

Line Managers
ensure that they fully understand Chubby Cheeks Professional Code of Practice and ensure
that they are understood by those they manage
ensure that those they manage fully understand the requirements of their own job specification
complete, forward as requested, and keep a copy of any required documentation in relation to their
appraisee's performance
arrange first hand observation of practice
request, where necessary, information from other sources where this will make appraisal more
effective and accurate
arrange and attend performance appraisal meetings with their appraises
share information with the Manager about the performance of their appraises and make
recommendations for additional requirements for support or monitoring, or nonrenewal/termination
of an contract

Sources of information for Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal should be based on as broad a range of information as possible. The following
are some examples of appropriate sources of data/evidence for evaluators when making judgments,
but are not limited
Formal classroom observations and post observation conference discussions
Formal and informal conversations with the teacher
Unscheduled observations of the teacher, including walking through their class, viewing the teacher
while they are supervising students, etc.
Professional portfolio which includes Professional Development Plan
Material produced to support learning and/or to improve achievement
Teacher self reflection of their work diary, journal entries
Objectively collected survey data or feedback from students, staff, parents
Contributions to whole nursery activities
Document analysis (lesson plans, unit plans, tests, assignments, evaluation of written feedback to
students, student report and certificate comments, written home-nursery communication, teacher
attendance records, or other written personnel reports, etc.). The documented absence of any of
these may also be used as evidence by the evaluator

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Outcome of performance appraisal
The performance of members of academic staff will be rated according to their performance against Chubby
Cheeks Professional Practices Standards.

Staff whose performance is judged to be unacceptable in any area throughout the year will be supported to
improve. Our aim is to

period and fail to respond to the support offered, contracts will be terminated or not renewed.

Where staff have completed a probationary period, but are still judged to be performing at an unsatisfactory
standard by the end of the performance appraisal cycle, their contracts will not be renewed for the following

It is the responsibility of line managers to monitor performance and to identify at the earliest possible
opportunity any aspects of performance which do not meet the standard for acceptable performance. Where
this occurs, the following process will be implemented.

Step 1 - Meeting between the line manager and the appraisee. The line manager will outline her concerns, referring to
specific criteria in the professional standards, and the appraisee will have the opportunity to state her case and, where
possible, provide evidence to show that these criteria have been met. The appraisee will also be asked to suggest ways
in which the nursery can support her to improve

Step 2 - Meeting between the line manager and the HR Manager to discuss areas requiring support, the means of
providing such support as may be necessary, and suggested targets for improvement.

Step 3 - Meeting between the line manager and the appraisee. The line manager and the appraisee will agree targets
for improvement, the support offered, and a timeline. They will set a review date.

Step 4 - Review meeting. The line manager and the appraisee will meet to review the effectiveness of the support
implemented and the extent to which targets have been met. At this stage, if performance is deemed to be acceptable,
the normal performance appraisal cycle is resumed. If performance is deemed to be unacceptable, the support
programme continues as follows.

Step 5 - Meeting between the line manager and the HR Manager to draft an action plan, with target dates to support
the appraisee's improvement.

Step 6 - Meeting between the line manager and the appraisee. The line manager and the appraisee will agree an action
plan comprising SMART targets and detailing the support to be offered and dates to be achieved.

Step 7 - Ongoing review. The action plan will be reviewed fortnightly by the appraisee and the line manager. The line
manager will discuss the outcome of each review with the HR Manager. Targets and support will be extended or
amended as appropriate until such time as performance is deemed to be acceptable, at which time the normal
performance review cycle is resumed.

Step 8 - If performance is still deemed to be unacceptable at the end of the performance management cycle, the nursery
will not offer a contract for the following year.

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Please note that at all stages of performance appraisal, the appraisee is responsible for ensuring that she does
everything possible to meet standards and targets. The nursery is responsible for ensuring that appropriate and
adequate support is provided to enable the appraise to improve her performance.

Staff timings
In the morning check in at the biometric station located in the reception area.
The workday starts no later than 08:00 am and is finished as follows:

Monday to Friday Saturday

Time in Time out Time in Time out

7:50 am 5:00 pm 11:00 am 03:00 pm

7:50 am 2:30 pm 11:00 am 03:00 pm

Manager 7:50 am 5:00 pm 11:00 am 03:00 pm

Deputy Manager 7:50 am 5:00 pm 11:00 am 03:00 pm

as aas ad

Teaching Assistant as dd

as per rota as per rota 11:00 am 03:00 pm

***Individual staff working hours are specified in their employment contract/offer letter agreed separately.
Teachers are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:50 am, unless doing assigned supervision, to assist children
in getting a good start to the day.

Two Saturdays will be required every month for all staff as per Rota given by the line manager

Dress Code
All staff (teaching and non-teaching) are required to professionally be dressed at all times to set a high standard
of personal appearance whilst at nursery or any outside nursery-related events. Staff attire should be respectful
and according to the culture and values of the UAE
This policy establishes the dress code required for all employees working at CCN

Loose fitting, modest, and professional clothing (blouses, skirts, pants), with closed shoes.
Smart business suit
Clean formal shoes (no sandals, no chappals or flip flops). Smart open shoes are acceptable.
Skirts should be at least knee-length.
Teaching Assistants are required to wear their Staff aprons with logo, black pants, and closed shoes.

Personal hygiene is equally important. Make sure there is no body odour, bad breath or smell of hair oil when
reporting to work. Some individuals may need to refresh themselves during the day so if required, carry your
deodorants, mouth fresheners, etc.

With the exception of earrings, any other body piercings and tattoos should not be visible.

A dress code for staff is a matter of some sensitivity and relies on personal judgement. Please remember:

That we need to appear professional and business like at all times

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That we meet parents from a diverse range of backgrounds who should not be offended or
uncomfortable in our presence
That we are role models for the students

Parent Meetings
Regular meetings are arranged in the middle and end of each term for parents to consult with

Information Confidentiality
If a concern is shared by a parent to the nursery administration/teacher and the administration passes it
on to the teacher, please treat this information as confidential and do not discuss it with the parents or
As part of the Professional Code of Practice, teachers must not speak to another staff member regarding
a concern they have in front of students.
Gossiping and discussion of political issues with students and among staff are not condoned at the
Reporting to parents: written reports and consultation events:
All areas of concern must be discussed with the Manager before written reports are produced and consultation
times with parents are set.

Cluster Meeting
Each core will hold regular Cluster Meetings with their group of teachers with a focus on teaching and learning and any
areas that need to be addressed. These meetings form part of directed time and are to be attended by all staff.
Attending meetings is considered part of your daily responsibilities.

Lesson Plans
Each teacher is expected to keep long term and short-term plans. This assists with planning and also for when a
teacher is absent as it will assist the teacher who is covering the class.

To bring greater depth and interest to topics, children are taken on trips in every year group which parents are
asked to pay for in addition to nursery fees. All children are expected to attend, as we consider such trips to be
valuable in devel Trip

Nursery Sponsored Field Trips- Parent Permission

When a student is going on a nursery sponsored field trip a permission form will be sent home from the nursery.
This permission form gives details about the field trip. In order for our children to participate, it is mandatory

student safety, there can be no exceptions as a lot of planning has gone into the trip. If the permission form is
not returned signed then the child will remain at nursery. The homeroom teacher will make arrangements to
ensure the student is assigned to another class in the nursery and work is provided. If there is a case where a
child may miss a field trip due to poor behaviour, etc. as determined by the teacher, the parent must be notified
with ample lead time.

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Student Accidents
If an accident occurs during playtime requiring first aid to a student then the staff should accompany the child

All injuries that happen on nursery premises or whilst on a nursery trip, and the treatment given, should be
documented and the nursery Nurse notified. This also applies to accidents to staff.

Parents should be informed of incidents their child has been involved in. If a child receives a blow to the head
the Nurse must be informed immediately who will follow up with the parent. In notifying the parent it may not
mean that the parent has to come to the nursery, but the option to do so is offered

Administrative Arrangements/Policies/Procedures
Student Attendance
Student attendance is to be taken by the teacher and the Register is a legal document. Place it in the pocket
insside the classroom, it gets collected by an Admin member for audit purpose.

Printing / Photocopying / Laminating

Please reduce paper wastage wherever possible and consider the necessity of each piece of paper you use. If
you have items to be photocopied/laminated, please follow your printing rota made by your manager.

Teaching Timetables
Please keep to the planned and updated timetable. Timetables should be displayed in and outside the

Classroom Equipment use during the day and at the end of the nursery day
The class teacher is expected to leave their class in a reasonable condition which does not hinder the cleaning.

All electrical equipment should be turned off and resources returned to the appropriate
places. Children should be encouraged to clear their desks. Lights must be switched off
whenever the classroom is unattended and

Nursery Policies
Nursery policies are set out on Google Drive. It is the duty of each teacher to be familiar with nursery
policies and to apply them. They are updated once a year.

Smoking Free Campus

The Nursery Campus is a smoke-free area at all time

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Teachers are requested to be professional at all times when dealing with parents and students. Do not accept
expensive gifts or invitations for meals. Staff need to take care that they do not accept any gift that might be
construed by others as a bribe, or lead the giver to expect preferential treatment. There are occasions when
students or parents wish to pass small tokens of appreciation to staff e.g. at Christmas or as a thank-you and
this is acceptable. However, it is unacceptable to receive gifts on a regular basis or of any significant value which
is over AED 100.

Parent Staff Relations

Please be careful and not put yourself in a position of sharing personal information or phone numbers as this
could possibly compromise your professional responsibilities. Kindly use the official platforms (Parent app, and
nursery mobile/landline)

Parents Meet the Staff Day (Orientation Day)

This is usually held just before beginning of each term. Teachers and support staff are expected to attend as
part of their professional responsibility. This time is for a formal gathering in the classroom, where you will have
theopportunity to speak to the parents outlining your class expectations and sharing of the curriculum.

Photography, Videos and other Creative Arts

Many nursery activities involve recording images. These may be undertaken as part of the curriculum provided
that consent is obtained from the parent of a child for any images made such as those used for nursery websites,
productions or other purposes. Images must not be displayed on websites, in publications or in a public place
without such consent.

Staff should remain sensitive and take into account the wishes of the child, remembering that some children do
not wish to have their photograph taken.

It is good to take photos as it reminds students of the educational value of their field trip and also serves as
good evidence for the Nursery Development Plan. Ensure that all images are available for scrutiny in order to
screen for acceptability.
be able to justify the images made.
do not take, display or distribute images of pupils unless there is consent to do so.

Mobile and Classroom Telephones

Mobile phones should not be used in the class or when teaching or during student supervision.

Teachers will not receive calls during instruction time.

Please do not use the phone during instruction time unless there is an emergency.
Teachers may request the admin to connect them with parents.
If a situation needs to be addressed with parents that you believe will need more time, it would be
best to invite the parent for a meeting.

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Mobile phones should not be used inside the classroom during instruction hours or during meetings.

Inventory List
The Facilities Manager will supply each member of staff with an equipment inventory list at the beginning of
each academic year and the staff member will be responsible to see that all the items are returned or left in the
classroom for checking at the end of the year.
Teaching resources and art supplies are available from the Stores. All items are required to be signed for when
receiving and returning them.

Nursery Expenditures
All nursery expenditures must be pre-authorized by the Management, in writing, in order to be reimbursed.

Staff Absences/Leaves & Sickness Policy

The objective of the policy is to provide a friendly and productive working environment for not only the children and
parents but also for all staff members. Staff absence, leave and attendance policy falls within the labour law and
Chubby Cheeks Nursery strives to provide a comfortable working environment to its employees.

This policy is aimed to ensure that the nursery employees inform the Nursery Management about their
absence to ensure discipline and smooth running of the daily operations of the nursery.

To uphold the policy, the following guidelines are in place:

Staff members are expected to report daily as per their work timings.
If by any reason, the staff member is unable to come to work, it is compulsory to inform either the Branch Manager, Deputy
Manager a day before or latest by 6:00am. They can inform them via Email, WhatsApp, Message or a Phone Call. Failure to
do so will result in double pay-cut of the employee.
3 days late leaving early will be result in half day salary deduction. 5 days late leaving early willbe result in one
day salary deduction.
To discourage long weekend absence, if any staff is absent on Friday, 2 days salary will be deducted (Friday & Saturday)
and if any staff is absent on Monday, 2 days salary will be deducted (Sunday & Monday).

Working days at the nursery are Monday Friday. Nursery hours are 7:00 am 6:00 pm. Working hours for full day staff
are specified in their employment contract/offer letter agreed separately. Working hours for half day staff are from 8:00
am 2:30 pm.
All Staff must ensure to be present at the nursery before the children start arriving at 8:00 a.m.
Attendance is monitored through the Biometric at the reception and all staff must sign in and sign out every day. Failure to
sign in can result in staff being marked absent as all attendance will be compiled at day end every day.
All staff may be required to attend training/staff workshops, staff meetings, curriculum meetings, nursery events and other
similar activities, which are not held during work hours, these are to be observed as regular working days and hours by the
One Saturday will be required every month for teachers, nurse and bus monitors, management will inform the staff in advance.
Two Saturdays will be required every month for Teaching Assistants, deputy manager and manager; management will
inform the staff in advance

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All Employees are entitled to 30 days of paid leave from September 2022 August 2023 which would bepaid as per
First 6 months of service are considered as Probation period during which if any employee takes an OFF from work it
would be considered as unpaid leave even if they get a sick leave certificate for it.
To avail paid leaves, an employee must complete 6 months of service.
All leave dates should be submitted in Sep 2022 for approval.
Leave policy is only applicable for employees on CCN Labour card.
Maternity leaves cannot be clubbed and annual paid leaves or unpaid leaves.
NO leaves will be carry forwarded in any case.
Any holidays taken in middle of the term would be considered as Unpaid.
Unpaid / unapproved leave: To maintain high standards of care, we must follow staff child ratios. Hence on unapproved
AED / Teachers = 50 AED / Deputy Manager
= 75 AED / Nurse & Manager = 100 AED / Core Team = 150 AED) per day for days not worked will be paid by the employee
to compensate as penalty for Unpaid leaves.
Leaves cannot be clubbed and Paid leaves can only be taken as per the below mentioned scheduled others will be
considered as unapproved Leaves unless approved by Management.

Please note you cannot club your winter and spring breaks, and no carry forward is allowed.
Managers / Deputy Managers/ Core group can take their holidays as per the following schedule:
Oct / Nov = 7 days
Feb / May = 7 days
July Aug = 16 days

Teachers can take their holidays as per the following schedule:

Winter camp = 7 days
Spring camp = 7 days
Summer camp = 16 days

Teaching Assistants can take their holidays as per the following schedule:
Winter camp = 7 days

Summer camp = 16 23 days

The employee must personally telephone their Line Manager via Email, WhatsApp, Message or a Phone Call a day
before or latest by 6:00am.
A DHA approved medical certificate is necessary and will be required for sickness leave from work on medical
grounds as per the following:
During the probation period, sick leave is not entitled.
After completion of probation period, sick leave is paid as per MOL.

Emergency Leave
It is not acceptable for any member of the teaching or support staff to request leave of absence
during term time unless it is under exceptional circumstances. Emergency leave is something beyond your
control to anticipate, example.
Personal illness/injury
Medical emergency or personal matter relating to dependent or immediate family members
Death in the immediate family.
Immediate family means mother, father, siblings, spouse, children.
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In case of the aforementioned emergencies, the staff member should phone the Manager immediately. In case
of emergencies where prior sanction cannot be obtained in the required format, the employee needs to inform
Manager / HR through phone or any other means of communication and necessary documentation needs to be
completed on the day of reporting back to duty with sufficient reasons for not reporting in advance in order to
arrange cover and delegation for the class/duties.

Compassionate Leave
The Nursery shall grant compassionate leave in case of death of family
members. 5 days - for spouse
3 days - for parent, child, sibling, grandchild or grandparents.

including weekends and public holidays, such leave cannot be en-cashed or accumulated. Sufficient
supporting documents are required to be submitted within 15 days of rejoining duty.

Maternity Leave Maternity Leave will be paid as per the Ministry of Labour laws

Other Leave Requests

Staff are encouraged to visit different types of offices during their own time outside of nursery hours. If a
ency basis, to visit a government office i.e. immigration, labour,
visa, there must be written proof provided, preferably before the leave request, to indicate the office
timings are only during nursery hours.
A staff member is not to leave the nursery during their non- instructional periods unless they have written
approval from the Manager.

Teacher Absence coverage

When a teacher is absent it is expected that the teacher who is away has left a lesson plan. The covering teacher
is expected to deliver the instructional lesson as left by the teacher

As per the needs of the day, teacher timetables may need to accommodate coverage internally
for those absent.
Lesson Cover Procedures
If a teacher is absent then a brief description of the day should
reference to: the structure of the day, personnel supporting in the class, resources being used, aims of the lessons
and reference to the planning displayed, children who need medication, children who may need special attention,
whether or not they are on duty. This note will enable the covering teacher to focus on the teaching.

Staff Declaration- Staff Hand Book

As staff, we work closely with children and it is all of our responsibilities to promote the educational process at
Chubby Cheeks Nursery (CCN). It is our obligation and duty to comply with the standard practices and ethical
conduct as mandated by the CCN policies and procedures.

The Staff Handbook and the Professional Code of Practice and Child Protection Policy along with other policies set
out the standards expected and the duty upon staff to abide by the principles of professional practice including
confidentiality, courtesy, collegiality, respect and integrity.

The Staff Handbook and nursery policies and procedures are aimed at maintaining the dignity of the profession and
the respect of other members of the community (students, colleagues, parents). In becoming an educator, you accept
Chubby Cheeks Nursery Staff Handbook
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a position of public trust; therefore, you shall cooperate with colleagues and parents to improve the nursery
community and ensure that students realize their full potential.

Please sign below to confirm you have received the Chubby Cheeks Nursery Handbook. By signing below, you pledge
to abide by the Staff Handbook, and other nursery policies and to accept full responsibility for any action that does
not comply with them.

There are some things that may not have been included in the Staff Handbook, if in doubt about something or you
have any questions or concerns, please forward them to the Head of your deputy Manager or the Manager .

HR Manager

Staff Pledge- Staff Hand Book

I acknowledge that I have received the CCN Handbook and that I am responsible for reading, understanding,
and following the rules and other information contained in this Handbook as well as other policies forwarded
to staff in official memos.

Staff Name Sameen Faisal


Date 25.01.2023

Chubby Cheeks Nursery Staff Handbook

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