Act 5 Scene Summaries
Act 5 Scene Summaries
Act 5 Scene Summaries
Scene 2 Macbeth: This man is poisonous, he isn’t Blood: Angus refers to Macbeth saying
that Macbeth will feel the wrath of
their revenge, for he feels “his secret
murders sticking on his hands”.
Scottish Lords discuss the It’s pitifully easy for the English army to
It is said he is unfit for the title of king
military situation infiltrate the castle, as they don’t really
and he achieved that name through
want to fight for the tyrant Macbeth.
unjust methods. Angus questions “does
he feel his title hand loose bout him,
like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish
fish.” Saying he shouldn’t be wearing
the King’s crown.
Scene 3 Macbeth: He has reached such indigence Nature representing how the
that he fears nothing. He lives with the moral order turned upside down:
belief that he cannot be hurt. He will run Macbeth says he’s safe until
into the war convinced he is untouchable Birnam wood gets up and moves
Macbeth boasts that he has
by all of the men on the field. He is in a to Dunsinane. He is sure this will
nothing to fear until the
delusional, mad, absolutely insane state of not happen, so he gets cocky. He
wood moves. He finds out
mind. When he finds out about his wife, he keeps using this as an excuse to
that the army is approaching
wants her to get better, he wants to have keep his confidence up.
and puts on his armor. The
her cured. Sadly there’s no simple cure for
doctor tells him of Lady
a broken mind. He asks “Can’t you treat a
Macbeth’s illness and he tells
diseased mind? Use some drug to ease the
the doctor to cure her.
troubling thought from her brain and ease
her heart?” p 195
Macbeth is determined to die honorable
and states “I’ll fight until they hack off my
bones. Give me my armor.
Scene 5 Macbeth: It is tragic. He is cold and unable Light & Dark: The dark takes over his
to show his emotions. He has already mind. Nothing else is keeping a spark
accepted the fact that it’s over now, and of hope in Macbeth. Nothing but the
here is where he dies. He responds to the delirious thought that ‘no one born to a
Macbeth finds out that Lady
tragic news by saying, “She should have woman can harm him.”
Macbeth is dead. He then
died hereafter.” Saying how it was
finds out that the wood is
inevitable anyway. Then he breaks down,
starting to move and
saying life has no meaning anymore in the
becomes terrified.
tragic famous speech, “She should have
died hereafter. There would have been a
time for such a word. Tomorrow, and
tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this
petty pace from day to day To the last
syllable of recorded time, And all our
yesterdays have lighted fools The way to
dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s
but a walking shadow, a poor player That
struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told
by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
Scene 6
Scene 7
Scene 8 Macbeth: Even in these last moments of Tyranny: The evil Macbeth is
life, Macbeth wishes to hold on to honor. dead, and the era of Tyranny that
The scene starts with him saying, “why follows his retched name is now
should play the Roman fool and die on over. Let’s not speak of this man
Macbeth and Macduff meet:
mine own sword?” p-212. He still sickly except for in horror novels, of
Macbeth finds out that
believes he’s invincible, screaming to what ambition can do to a man.
Macduff was born by
Macduff, “thou loest labor. As easy mayst
cesarean but vows not to
thou the in trenchant air, with thy keen
give in. Macduff emerges
sword impress as make me bleed.” But his
end came when Macduff announced he
was a cesarean. Alas, he was not formally
‘born’. Despite it all, even as he dies he
wishes to retain honor, stating, “I will not